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tment of Business Studies


ID: …………….……… Name: …………..……………………………………………...

Read the case carefully and answer the questions:

You are appointed as the General Manager of Dhofar Trading Company. As a new employee, you
observed the following practices in your new office. You found that many employees are involved in a
lot of unethical practices.

The Human Resource manager, Salim often went to Muscat for official work. When he conducted the
interview at Muscat, he ignored a deserving (good) candidate and selected another candidate based on
tribal connections. Once, it was also noticed that he took money from the candidates to offer job.

The Marketing manager, George would go out to meet the customers and many a time, during office
hours, he visited his friends. He would also sell the products at a price above the normal price as there
were no competitors in Salalah. The advertisements, he designs, were often found to be misleading to
the customers.

Saeed, the sales manager, was educated in the West and he had ambitious plans. He was eager to
increase the sales of the business and he informed his employees to put lot of leaves or papers in the
bottom of the basket of fruits and asked them to arrange the best fruit on the top. The customers were
attracted to purchase the fruit baskets. The baskets were beautifully designed to attract the customers.
These practices increased the sales. Also, he informed his employees to get edible oil and mix it with
perfume. He also offered discounts to the customers. But in reality, they were not discounts. He just
hiked the prices and then reduced it so that the customers think discount is being offered. The customers
were attracted to purchase more and more bottles as they could get the perfumes at 5% discount. This
idea also favoured the business in earning more and more profits.

Your assistant, Babu, always spent time at cafeteria and left the office early. He was involved in stealing
office supplies from the company’s store. When you asked him, he said a few papers will not make any
difference to such a big company.

You are not happy about the situation in the company. You would like to change the ethical culture. You
know that change in ethical culture would not be possible overnight.


1. Mr. Saeed, Sales Manager, was involved in three ethical problems. Explain them in one sentence
each. (3 marks)

2. Mr. Babu, your office assistant, was involved in two types of ethical problems. Explain them in one
sentence each. (2 marks)

3. Identify any three unethical practices from the case. Why are the practices considered unethical,
according to Islamic perspective? (Explain in three sentences for three unethical practices, i.e., one
sentence for one unethical practice). (3 marks)

4. If you were in the place of Mr. George, what ethical practices you will follow to do your duty
properly? Mention any two ethical practices related to your work. (2 marks)


1.   Students should submit the assignment only in handwritten form.
2.    Use plain A4 paper to write your assignment.
3.    Typewritten form assignment will not be accepted.
4.    Only one Image (photo) of the handwritten assignment should be uploaded in e-learning.
5.   Students should clearly mention the Name and ID in the space provided for.
6.   Assignment should be uploaded in e-learning on or before i.e., 17.06.2021, 10.30 p.m.
7.   Academic Dishonesty: If any of the students’ answers are found to be similar, both the students
will be   awarded zero and the students will be booked under cheating case. The students are expected
to do individual work. Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. It is a serious offence and will lead
to failure in the course. Cheating or copying of any form leads to dishonesty. Plagiarism relating to all
forms of examinations, including assignments will be punished as per the College Examination
8.   Students have to answer all questions. Marks of each question have been mentioned at the end of
the question. The total marks of assignment is 10 Marks.
9.  After submission of assignment, students will be asked oral questions, which consists of 5

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