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For the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Dr. Poyam Sharma Ashi gautam


Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
This is to certify that Ms. Ashi gautam, University Roll No. 180992105056 is a regular
student of BBA 6th Semester, full time degree course at out institute. His/her Project
Report work titled, ‘Topic’ submitted as part of the curriculum for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Chaudhary Charan Singh
University, Meerut , is an original work done by him/her. This work has not been
submitted earlier in any form partially or fully to this or any other Institute/University
for any degree or diploma.



I Ashi gautam bearing University Roll No. 80992105056 of CCS University,

Meerut, enrolled as student of BBA at Mangalmay Institute of Management &

Technology, Greater Noida, solemnly declare that the project report titled, ‘ Study on

customer satisfaction towards amazon’ embodies the results of original research work

carried out by me and the same has not been submitted in any form partially or fully for

award of any diploma or degree of this or any other University/Institute.

Name – Ashi gautam

Roll No.: 180992105056

ii | P a g e
The project on “A Study of Customer Satisfaction towards AMAZON” has been
made to facilitate effective understanding about the marketing aspects.
The project research has provided me an opportunity to gain practical
experience, which has helped me to increase my sphere of knowledge to a greater extent.
I have tried to summarize all our experience and knowledge acquired up till now, in this
report. This project is a keen effort to obtain the expected results and fulfill all the
information required.
At the end annexure and bibliography are given for effective

iii | P a g e

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 17
3. Objective, importance and scope of the study 45
4. Research Methodology 47
5. Data Analysis and Interpretation 54
6. Conclusion and recommendations 74
7. Bibliography 77
8. Annexure 80

iv | P a g e

The Internet, as a mean for both firms and individuals to conduct business, is nowadays
one of the most widely used non-store formats.With popular trends and demands the
concept of the Internet as the way forward to increase profit margins, companies new
and old are creating websites here and there. The significance for retailers to having a
web site is that a web site is informational and transactional in nature, as the web site
can be used for advertising and direct marketing; sales; customer support and public
relations.It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first
evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an
improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace.
Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has
rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the
Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their
products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies
also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the
product, to take feedback andalso to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers.
Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare
prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if they purchase
the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of
online business.
A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect
with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea
or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable by
more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are
many other companies offering the same service or product. Advertising professionals
work on branding not only to build brand recognition, but also to build good reputations
and a set of standards to which the company should strive to maintain or surpass.
Branding is an important part of Internet commerce, as branding allows companies to
build their reputations as well as expand beyond the original product and service, and
add to the revenue generated by the original brand. Initially, Branding was adopted to

differentiate one person's cattle from another's by means of a distinctive symbol burned
into the animal's skin with a hot iron stamp, and was subsequently used in business,
marketing and advertising.

Amazon is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company based in

Seattle, Washington, that was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. The tech giant is

the largest Internet retailer in the world as measured by revenue and market

capitalization, and second largest after Alibaba Group in terms of total sales.

The website started as an online bookstore and later diversified to sell

video downloads/streaming, MP3 downloads/streaming,

audiobookdownloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture,

food, toys, and jewelry. The company also produces consumer electronics—Kindle e-

readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, and Echo—and is the world's largest provider of cloud

infrastructureservices (IaaS and PaaS).[4] Amazon also sells certain low-end products

under its in-house brand AmazonBasics.

Amazon has separate retail websites for the United States, the United Kingdom and

Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Australia, Brazil, Japan,

China, India, and Mexico. In 2016, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish language versions of the

German Amazon website were also launched. Amazon also offers international shipping

of some of its products to certain other countries.

In 2015, Amazon surpassed Wal-Mart as the most valuable retailer in the United States

by market capitalization. Amazon is the fourth most valuable public company in the

world (behind only Apple, Alphabet, and Microsoft), the largest Internet company by

revenue in the world, and after Walmart, the second largest employer in the United


In 2017, Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market for $13.4 billion, which vastly

increased Amazon's presence as a brick-and-mortar retailer. The acquisition was

interpreted by some as a direct attempt to challenge Walmart's traditional retail stores.

In 2018, for the first time, Jeff Bezos released in Amazon's shareholder letter the

number of Amazon Prime subscribers, which at 100 million, is approximately 64% of

households in the United States.’s Corporate Vision Statement is “to be Earth’s most customer-centric

company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy

online.” This vision statement underscores the business organization’s main aim of

becoming the best e-commerce company in the world. In this regard, the following

characteristics are identifiable in Amazon’s corporate vision statement: 1. Global reach

2. Customer-centric approach

3. Widest selection of products’s Corporate Mission Statement Amazon’s mission statement is “We

strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and

the utmost convenience.” This corporate mission promises attractive e- commerce

services to satisfy target customers’ needs. The company focuses on the variables of

price, selection, and convenience. In this regard, the following characteristics are

identifiable in Amazon’s corporate mission statement:

1. Lowest prices

2. Best selection

3. Utmost convenience


The company was founded as a result of what Jeff Bezos called his "regret

minimization framework," which described his efforts to fend off any regrets for not

participating sooner in the Internet business boom during that time.

In 1994, Bezos left his employment as vice-president of D. E. Shaw & Co., a Wall

Street firm, and moved to Seattle, Washington, where he began to work on a business

planfor what would become On July 5, 1994, Bezos initially incorporated

the company in Washington State with the name Cadabra,Inc.He later changed the name

to, Inc. a few months later, after a lawyer misheard its original name as

"cadaver". In September 1994, Bezos purchased the URL and briefly

considered naming his online store Relentless, but friends told him the name sounded a

bit sinister. The domain is still owned by Bezos and still redirects to the retailer.

Choosing a name

Bezos selected the name Amazon by looking through the dictionary; he settled on

"Amazon" because it was a place that was "exotic and different", just as he had

envisioned for his Internet enterprise. The Amazon River, he noted, was the biggest river

in the world, and he planned to make his store the biggest bookstore in the world.

Additionally, a name that began with "A" was preferential due to the probability it

would occur at the top of an alphabetized list. Bezos placed a premium on his head start

in building a brand and told a reporter, "There's nothing about our model that can't be

copied over time. But you know, McDonald's got copied. And it's still built a huge,

multibillion-dollar company. A lot of it comes down to the brand name. Brand names

are more important online than they are in the physical world."

Online bookstore and IPO

After reading a report about the future of the Internet that projected annual web

commerce growth at 2,300%, Bezos created a list of 20 products that could be marketed

online. He narrowed the list to what he felt were the five most promising products,

which included: compact discs, computer hardware, computer software, videos, and

books. Bezos finally decided that his new business would sell books online, due to the

large worldwide demand for literature, the low price points for books, along with the

huge number of titles available in print. Amazon was founded in the garage of Bezos'

rented home in Bellevue, Washington. Bezos' parents invested almost $250,000 in the

start-up. In July 1995, the company began service as an online bookstore. The first book

sold on was Douglas Hofstadter's Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies:

Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought.In the first two months

of business, Amazon sold to all 50 states and over 45 countries. Within two months,

Amazon's sales were up to $20,000/week.In October 1995, the company announced

itself to the public. In 1996, it was reincorporated in Delaware. Amazon issued its initial

public offering of stock on May 15, 1997, at $18 per share, trading under the NASDAQ

stock exchange symbol AMAZON. Barnes & Noble sued Amazon on May 12, 1997,

alleging that Amazon's claim to be "the world's largest bookstore" was false because it

"...isn't a bookstore at all. It's a book broker." The suit was later settled


Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly

buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Consumers

find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching

among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine, which displays the same

product's availability and pricing at different e- retailers. As of 2016, customers can shop

online using a range of different computers and devices, including desktop computers,

laptops, tablet computers and smartphones. An online shop evokes the physical analogy

of buying products or services at a regular "bricks-and- mortar" retailer or shopping

center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping. When an

online store is set up to enable businesses to buy from another business, the process is

called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping. A typical online store enables the

customer to browse the firm's range of products and services, view photos or images of

the products, along with information about the product specifications, features and

prices. Online stores typically enable shoppers to use "search" features to find specific

models, brands or items. Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid

method of payment in order to complete a transaction, such as a credit card, an Interac-

enabled debit card, or a service such as PayPal. For physical products (e.g., paperback

books or clothes), the e-tailer ships the products to the customer; for digital products,

such as digital audio files of songs or software, the e-tailer typically sends the file to the

customer over the Internet. The largest of these online retailing corporations are Alibaba,, and eBay.

The growth of the internet as a secure shopping channel has developed since 1994, with

the first sales of Sting album 'Ten Summoner's Tales'. Wine, chocolates and flowers

soon followed and were among the pioneering retail categories which fueled the growth

of online shopping. Researchers found that having products that are appropriate for e-

commercewas a key indicator of Internet success.[ Many of these products did well as

they are generic products which shoppers didn't need to touch and feel in order to buy.

But also importantly in the early days there were few shoppers online and they were

from a narrow segment: affluent, male, 30+. Online shopping has come along way since

these early days and -in the UK- accounts for significant percents (depending on product

category as percentages can vary). Electronic commerce is popularly known as e-

commerce. An e-commerce business model “enables a firm/individual to conduct

business over an electronic network, typically the Internet.” The biggest advantage of an

e-commerce is that the size of the market gets enlarged, hence the business gets bigger

and the consumers have better access to quality products and services. The consumer

and seller or service provider interaction gets better and efficient. With the better access

to the Internet e-commerce is also taking a root in India; however, it is still in its

infancy. The emergence of middle class with good purchasing power is also an

important reason for the growth of e-commerce in India. In addition to this the schemes

of government like Startup India, Make in India and Digital India and policies like

cashless India are also affecting the e-commerce in India. In this assignment, we are

looking into various e-commerce business models.


Online shoppers commonly use a credit card or a PayPal account in order to make

payments. However, some systems enable users to create accounts and pay by

alternative means, such as:

• Billing to mobile phones and landlines

• Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)

• Cheque/ Check

• Debit card

• Direct debit in some countries

• Electronic money of various types

• Gift cards

• Postal money order

• Wire transfer/delivery on payment

• Invoice, especially popular in some markets/countries, such as Switzerland

• Bit coin or other crypto currencies

Some online shops will not accept international credit cards. Some require both the

purchaser's billing and shipping address to be in the same country as the online shop's

base of operation. Other online shops allow customers from any country to send gifts

anywhere. The financial part of a transaction may be processed in real time (e.g. letting

the consumer know their credit card was declined before they log off), or may be done

later as part of the fulfillment process.


Once a payment has been accepted, the goods or services can be delivered in the

following ways. For physical items:

• Shipping: The product is shipped to a customer-designated address. Retail package

delivery is typically done by the public postal system or a retail courier such as FedEx,


• Drop shipping: The order is passed to the manufacturer or third-party distributor, who

then ships the item directly to the consumer, bypassing the retailer's physical location to

save time, money, and space.

• In-store pick-up: The customer selects a local store using a locator software and picks

up the delivered product at the selected location. This is the method often used in the

bricks and clicks business model.

For digital items or tickets:

• Downloading/Digital distribution: The method often used for digital media products

such as software, music, movies, or images.

• Printing out, provision of a code for, or e-mailing of such items as admission tickets

and scrip (e.g., gift certificates and coupons). The tickets, codes, or coupons may be

redeemed at the appropriate physical or online premises and their content reviewed to

verify their eligibility (e.g., assurances that the right of admission or use is redeemed at

the correct time and place, for the correct dollar amount, and for the correct number of


• Will call, COBO (in Care Of Box Office), or "at the door" pickup: The patron picks up

pre- purchased tickets for an event, such as a play, sporting event, or concert, either just

before the event or in advance. With the onset of the Internet and e-commerce sites,

which allow customers to buy tickets online, the popularity of this service has increased.

Types of ecommerce business model

1. Online Subscriptions

2. Exclusive Brand Stores

3. Deals Websites

4. Marketplace

We will look into these models one by one.

10 | P a g e
1.Online Subscriptions

These websites work like an offline subscription. Here the users can choose from

subscriptions available on the website and subscribe according to their needs. The

payment for subscription can be made online and also the recurring payments can be

made in the same manner and the consumer can get the services.

Hence, online payment for the service is the pressure point here. This makes the services

more accessible and easier payment options make it more attractive to the users. In India

magazines like Frontline can be subscribed online and so can the newspapers like The

Hindu. has also started the monthly subscription service where it provides the

consumers the option of monthly subscription with discounts from normal rates and the

consumers can pay the subscription fees on their website.

2.Online Exclusive Brand Stores

Here the brands create their own online brand stores. The brand’s catalog is uploaded

on the website where the consumers see it which is also available in their physical

stores. Here the consumers get the advantage of shopping from their trusted brands

online without having to visit the physical stores. Examples of online exclusive brand

stores are HP, Samsung, Peter England, Monte Carlo etc.

3.Deals Websites

There are various ecommerce websites which provide the best deals to the consumers.

Such websites give the consumers various deals available on other websites or stores.

For example etc. Marketplace Here the consumers and sellers are

provided with a platform to interact with each other. Based on this there are various

websites with different models that they follow. These models are:

11 | P a g e
Business to Consumer (B2C) This is the most common business model that usually

people know about. Here the sellers of products or services, as well as the buyers of such

products or services, are present on an online platform. Virtual stores give the

consumers access to wider variety of products at cheaper rates. The best example for this

is,,, etc where the consumers can

find almost anything be it books, electronic products like washing machines, USB

storage devices, clothes, shoes or personal care etc. In India the B2C model is growing

at a fast pace, however, there are still various challenges. The major challenge is poor

internet connectivity. Also most consumers do not possess credit cards. Most consumers

still depend on cash on delivery mode of payment. In addition to this the ecommerce

websites do not have very good customer services leaving the consumers doubtful about

using these websites and apps.

Business to Business (B2B) here both the parties are involved in business activities.

Here commercial transactions take place between both the parties. The parties involved

can be a manufacturer and wholesaler or a wholesaler and retailer. In India the B2B

model has 100% Foreign Direct Investment allowed through automatic route, unlike the

B2C model. However, this model is still in its nascent stage in India. Online business

transactions in India are limited and the market is less receptive. However, the experts

do believe that this situation shall change in coming times and the B2B ecommerce

space is expected to grow almost 2.5 times by 2020.

Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Here both the parties are individuals undertaking a

business activity on a platform. Here the individual can sell something they no longer

need or can sell products made by them as they engage in a small home based business

activity like bags or some handicraft items. The best example of this model in India is,, etc.

12 | P a g e
OLX and Quikr are almost alike and provide a platform to the consumers to connect and

buy and sell anything be it land, flats, paying guest facilities, mobiles, laptops, bikes,

bicycles etc. The companies have become very successful and work as electronic


Consumer to Business (C2B) In this model the consumer sell their products and

services to businesses. The best examples for this model are the job portals.In India

websites like, etc can be put in this category. Here the

consumer, the job seeker, puts her resume on the website in order to get a job offer from

employers. The ecommerce business models are selected by the companies as per their

objectives, desired results and target consumers. There can be modifications done in

these business models as per the requirement of the companies.


We have seen various types of ecommerce models that are prevalent and the examples

of such models in Indian context. Indian economy is growing at a very fast pace and as

such the new avenues like ecommerce is here to stay and grow in India. However, there

are various challenges that must be overcome in order to make ecommerce efficient in

India. The major problem is poor e-infrastructure. The internet in India is still not very

easily accessible. The penetration of internet is very low at 34.8% of the total

population, as compared to other countries. Also the ecommerce companies face logistic

issues. As a start up this issue is more pressing. In addition to this the long held habit of

Indian consumers to see and inspect what they are buying makes them doubtful of the

ecommerce. Also the major part of ecommerce business is limited to the urban areas and

excludes the rural areas and the major portion of the population is still rural hence, there

is a need to make ecommerce inclusive of rural areas and population. Hence, there is a

need to frame a strategy to make the Indian economy more conducive to the new and

upcoming ecommerce market and accommodate in the economy. out of court and

13 | P a g e
Amazon continued to make the same claim. Walmart sued Amazon on October 16,
1998, alleging that Amazon had stolen Walmart's trade secrets by hiring former Walmart
executives. Although this suit was also settled out of court, it caused Amazon to
implement internal restrictions and the reassignment of the former Walmart executives.
In 1999, Amazon first attempted to enter the publishing business by buying a defunct
imprint, "Weathervane", and publishing some books "selected with no apparent
thought", according to The New Yorker. The imprint quickly vanished again, and as of
2014 Amazon representatives said that they had never heard of it. Also in 1999, Time
magazine named Bezos the Person of the Year when it recognized the company's
success in popularizing online shopping.

Merchant partnership

Until June 30, 2006, typing into a browser would bring up's
"Toys & Games" tab; however, this relationship was terminated due to a lawsuit.
Amazon also hosted and managed the website for Borders bookstores but this ceased in
2008. From 2001 until August 2011, Amazon hosted the retail website for Target. operates retail websites for Sears Canada, Bebe Stores, Marks & Spencer,
Mothercare, and Lacoste. For a growing number of enterprise clients, including the UK
merchants Marks & Spencer, Benefit Cosmetics' UK entity, and Mothercare,
Amazon provides a unified multichannel platform where a customer can interact with
the retail website, standalone in-store terminals or phone-based customer service agents.
Amazon Web Services also powers AOL's Shop@AOL. On October 18, 2011, announced a partnership with DC Comics for the exclusive digital rights
to many popular comics, including Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Sandman,
and Watchmen. The partnership has caused well-known bookstores like Barnes & Noble
to remove these titles from their shelves. In November 2013, announced a
partnership with the United States Postal Service to begin delivering orders on Sundays.
The service, included in Amazon's standard shipping rates, initiated in metropolitan
areas of Los Angeles and New York due to the high-volume and inability to deliver
timely, with plans to expand into Dallas, Houston, New Orleans and Phoenix by 2014.

In July 2016, announced a partnership with the UK Civil Aviation

Authority to test some of the technologies and may use delivery service via prime air
drone in the future.

14 | P a g e
In June 2017, Nike confirmed a partnership with Amazon, stating it to be in an initial
phase where they'll be selling goods on Amazon.

As of October 11, 2017, Amazon Fresh sells a range of Booths branded products for
home delivery in selected areas.

PRODUCT AND SERVICES's product lines available at its website include several media (books,
DVDs, music CDs, videotapes and software), apparel, baby products, consumer
electronics, beauty products, gourmet food, groceries, health and personal-care items,
industrial & scientific supplies, kitchen items, jewelry, watches, lawn and garden items,
musical instruments, sporting goods, tools, automotive items and toys & games.

Amazon is now gearing up in India to play a role in the grocery retail sector aimed at
delivering customer needs. has a number of products and services available, including:

• AmazonFresh

• Amazon Prime

• Amazon Web Services

• Alexa

• Appstore

• Amazon Drive

• Echo

• Kindle

• Fire tablets

• Fire TV

15 | P a g e
• Video

• Kindle Store

• Music

• Music Unlimited

• Amazon Digital Game Store

• Amazon Studios

• Amazon Wireless


The domain attracted at least 615 million visitors annually by 2008. 130
million customers to its US website per month by the start of heavily on a massive
amount of server capacity for its website, especially to handle the excessive traffic
during the December Christmas holiday season.

Results generated by Amazon's search engine are partly determined by promotional fees.

Amazon site global availability

Amazon's localized storefronts, which differ in selection and prices, are differentiated
by domain and country code:

16 | P a g e
indicate the real name of the reviewer (based on confirmation of a credit card account)
or which indicate that the reviewer is one of the top reviewers by popularity. Customers
may comment or vote on the reviews, indicating whether they found a review helpful to
them. If a review is given enough "helpful" hits, it appears on the front page of the
product. In 2010, Amazon was reported as being the largest single source of Internet
consumer reviews. When publishers asked Bezos why Amazon would publish negative

17 | P a g e
reviews, he defended the practice by claiming that was "taking a different
approach ... we want to make every book available—the good, the bad and the ugly ... to
let truth loose". There have been cases of positive reviews being written and posted by
public relations companies on behalf of their clients and instances of writers using
pseudonyms to leave negative reviews of their rivals' works.


The Amazon sales rank (ASR) provides an indication of the popularity of a product sold
on any Amazon locale. It is a relative indicator of popularity that is updated hourly.
Effectively, it is a "best sellers list" for the millions of products stocked by Amazon.
While the ASR has no direct effect on the sales of a product, it is used by Amazon to
determine which products to include in its bestsellers lists. Products that appear in these
lists enjoy additional exposure on the Amazon website and this may lead to an increase
in sales. In particular, products that experience large jumps (up or down) in their sales
ranks may be included within Amazon's lists of "movers and shakers"; such a listing
provides additional exposure that might lead to an increase in sales. For competitive
reasons, Amazon does not release actual sales figures to the public. However, Amazon
has now begun to release point of sale data via the Nielsen BookScan service to verified
authors. While the ASR has been the source of much speculation by publishers,
manufacturers, and marketers, Amazon itself does not release the details of its sales rank
calculation algorithm. Some companies have analyzed Amazon sales data to generate
sales estimates based on the ASR, though Amazon states: Please keep in mind that our
sales rank figures are simply meant to be a guide of general interest for the customer and
not definitive sales information for publishers—we assume you have this information
regularly from your distribution sources.

18 | P a g e


 In this research we are considering some literature review based on some articles which
is related to the title of the study.

1) Taweerat Jiradilok and other (2014) “The impact of customer satisfaction on

online shopping purchasing: A case study analysis in Thailand”. This research was used
conceptual framework and aims to investigate the relationship of the antecedent factor in
Online shopping and they used the statistical tools like multi regression to compared the
occurrences of the hypothesis, and the study reveals that people mostly value assurance
and empathy as the most influential dimension and also shows that variety ,website
system quality and tangibility have no influence on purchasing intention in customers
decision even though the respondents were quite satisfied with the dimensions.

2) Dr. A.B Santhi (2017) “A study on the customer satisfaction towards Online
Shopping in Tirupati Town”. This research was been undertaken to know the factors
influencing customer satisfaction. The objective of this study is to understand the
demographic factor affecting customer satisfaction with respect to online shopping in
India and also descriptive research used in this research, in findings they come out with
result that the respondents are becoming more internets savvy every day and also they
are ready to purchase the high quality product as well.

3) Vikash and Vinod Kumar (2017) “A study on customer Perception towards Online
Shopping”. In this research they found out that customer perceived online shopping with
positive frame of mind and another fact they find out that customers pertain to
convenience, satisfaction and product availability all these factors shows that online
shopping provides convenience to the customer and online shopper prefer because these
revealed from the effort of going to the market and purchase the product and finally
concluded that there is a positive perception toward online shopping.

19 | P a g e
4) Orbit-biz-dictum (2016) “A Study of behavior of consumer towards online
shopping” the author found out that the most motivating factor which influenced the
online shopping was convenience followed by time saving and price, and according to
the study Flipkart is the most favorite shopping site of the respondent and the majority
of the respondent are willing to spend Rs.1000-3000 on a single online purchase. The
suggestion orbit made in this research is for the customer awareness that one of the
safety aspect of using credits cards online is quit not safe in case of disputed credit card
payment for online transactions.

5) Sharon Rudansky-kloppers (2014) “Investigating factors influencing customer

online buying satisfaction in south Africa” the primary objective of this study was to
investigate factors that influence customer online buying satisfaction, and the secondary
objective is to determine whether technology factors, such as security, websites ease of
use, and privacy etc. in this research developed a model which encompasses the factor
namely, technology shopping, product and logistic factor. The result found out that
product variety has an influence on referring someone to an online shopping website.
The finding in this study give more valuable insight for online retailer in order to design
effective market which can convert potential customer into real or to retain them.

6) Ashish Bhatt (2014) “Customer attitude towards Online shopping” this research
purely adopted on descriptive research and exploratory and the objective they set is to
study the attitude of consumers toward E-shopping based on consumer behavior, belief
preferences and opinions and the result of this study shows that mode of payment is
dependent upon income of the respondents.

7) Durgesh Agnithotri (2015) “A study on customer preference and attitude toward

major E-floor with special reference to Kanpur”. In this previous research they
developed an objective to find out parameter through which a customer prefer on online
shopping website and also to identify the problem faced by customer in online shopping
and for interpretation he used One way Anova to check the homogeneity of variance
between the assumption made and they found out that E-floors are preferred because of
authenticity or variety, after sales service, better delivery service and reachability and
give suggestion that, if they need to make online shopping more convenient, so they can
increase their customer base.

20 | P a g e
8) Dr.M.Rafiya Meera and other (2017) “Preference of customers towards online
shopping application in the market and the objective of this research study is to study the
factors influence the users to buy through shopping application and they used primary as
well as secondary method for collecting data and they found out that customer are
satisfied by the Flipkart shopping application and most of the respondent prefer online
shopping for the wide choice of goods.

9) Mohammad Jamal uddin (2015) “ Consumer preferences on online purchasing” he

developed to measure the attitude of the Bangladeshi people toward online shopping, he
found out from extensive survey that there is overall positive reaction towards online
shopping and this positive reaction mainly arises due to convenience in terms of less
time consuming and hassle free shopping. and also Age, gender,
professional,occupation,family structure and ICT familiarity are found as the critical
factor for preferring Online shopping.

Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler’s (2008)view, the marketing is not like the

traditional, the marketing is not like the traditional marketing anymore. It has turned into

relationship marketing now which means customers also involve the whole business

process. Who should take their customers into consideration and know what customers

really needs (Wilson et al., 2008). “There has been a shift from a transaction to a

relationship focus in marketing. Customers become partners and the firm must make

long-term commitments to maintaining those relationships with quality, service, and

innovation.” (Webster, 1992). It means that the relationship marketing plays an

important role of doing business, focusing on keeping and improving relationships with

the current customers is more important than attracting new customers. It is a strategic

direction. The fact is much cheaper to keep a current consumer than to attract a new one

in general. It will be much more successful to marketers who working on effective

strategies for retaining customers (Wilson et al., 2008).

21 | P a g e
Oliva, Oliver & MacMillan (1992), primarily proposed the theory of “expectation

inconformity”, that is, when the goods' practical situation is beyond their expectation the

customers will feel satisfied. However, contemporarily come up with that the products

and service quality will also directly affect the customers' Satisfaction.

Lee & Lin (2005) identified the main factors influencing the customer perception of the

e-service quality online shopping: website design (degree of users friendliness),

reliability (reliability and security), responsiveness (responsiveness and helpfulness),

trust (trust and mechanisms provided by a website), and personalization (differentiating

services to satisfy specific individual needs).

Firm’s relationships with their customers just like other social relationships that have

tended to evolve over time. Scholars have suggested that marketing exchange

relationships between providers and customers often have the potential to evolve from

strangers to acquaintances and to friends even to partners (Johnson & Selnes, 2004)

1.Customers as strangers:

The firm makes communication with the potential customers in order to attract them and

acquire their business. The marketing efforts towards could familiar those potential

customers with the firm’s offering, and encourage them to make the firm have a try.

2.Customer as acquaintances:

22 | P a g e
When the customers’ awareness and attempt are achieved, the firm and the customer

could become acquaintances by the familiarity. At this period, the firm should build the

relationship to satisfy the customers. An acquaintance is effective as long as the

customer is relatively satisfied and what is being received in the exchange is perceived

as fair value. (Wilson et al., 2008)

3. Customer as friends:

When the customers continue to create and achieve the value with the firm in the

exchange relationship, the firm should begin to collect specific knowledge of the

customers’ needs. The firm needs to build the relationship to achieve the customer

retention at this period.

4. Customers as partners.

The creation of trust leads to the creation of commitmentand that is the condition

necessary for customers to extend relationship (Siredeshumkh et al., 2002). Therefore, if

the firm wants to build a partner relationship with the customers, the firm must use

customer knowledge and information systems to deliver highly personalized and

customized offerings.

2.2 E- Service quality

E-service quality is a new concept started on 2002 (Ziethaml et al., 2002). Introduced

the concept of electronic service quality (e-SQ) which is defined as the “the extent to

which a website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing and delivery of

23 | P a g e
products and services” (Asuboteng et al., 1996). With the internet and technology

developing fast, the website has replaced the traditional business unit gradually. Both

website and electronic environment are very important parts of the corporate image and

can affect the customers’ shopping behavior. Today the internet has become an essential

channel for selling the goods and services. The traditional service model was not

suitable for use in the internet retailing due to each of them represent the unique service

delivery process. In fact, the online shopping is much more easily to compare the

products’ qualities and prices than the traditional channel, the online customers always

expect equal or higher levels of service quality than traditional channel customers. (Lee

& Lin, 2005) Most of electronic commerce companies realized that the e-service quality

is the critical factor to determine the online business success or failure (Yang & Jun,

2002). Lee & Lin (2005) identified the main factors influencing the customer perception

of the e-service quality online shopping: website design (degree of users friendliness),

reliability (reliability and security), responsiveness (responsiveness and helpfulness),

trust (trust and mechanisms provided by a website), and personalization Customer

Loyalty of Amazon --how to build a long lasting relationship? 11 (differentiating

services to

satisfy specific individual needs). A scale called WEBQUAL with 12 dimensions was

established: informational fit to task, interaction, trust, response time, design,

intuitiveness, visual appeal, innovativeness, flow, integrated communication, business

process, and substitutability. These WEBQUAL dimensions are more pertinent to

interface design than to service quality measurement (Zeithaml et al., 2002). After a

24 | P a g e
mass of literature review, (Zeithaml et al., 2002) developed the e-SEQUAL model to

help the customers how to judge the e-service quality. It includes seven dimensions:

efficiency, reliability, fulfillment, privacy, responsiveness, compensation and contact.

The seven the seven dimensions in two separate scales split: E-S-QUAL and E-RecS-

QUAL. The first four dimensions are classified the cover scale, and the last three

dimensions are ascribed of the recover scale. It will be much prominent when the online

customers have questions and problems. If the companies create things that customers

like, customers will continue to buy products from them. Today’s successful firm finds

out what customers want and makes it –rather than making something the company

wants and hopes that people will buy (Sterne, 2000) . For examples, when a customer

visits, he can easily find the product he wanted, and easily make the

purchase. And how delighted he will be when the item actually shows up on his doorstep

the very next day (Sterne, 2000). This will make customer’s expectation become more

inflated which means our customers can get more than they expected. The customers

just want to see if their questions answered or their problems solved. So being the online

shopping website builder, it should figure out what the customers want to see, want to

know, and want to ask (Sterne, 2000). Thus, The FAQ (frequently asked questions) is

needed. To set out all the usual questions and answers to the customers, so they could

find out the solutions by Customer Loyalty of Amazon --how to build a long lasting

relationship? 12 themselves. FAQ lets the casually curious as well as the intent hunter-

seeker come up to speed as quickly as possible (Sterne, 2000). Another way to offer a

good customer service is to manage E-mail. E-mail is like glue that cements the internet

25 | P a g e
together. Everyone surfing on the internet would have an e-mail account. E-mail is the

common denominator and the most powerful tool (Sterne, 2000). To manage well the e-

mail of every customer will win the customers’ satisfaction. The companies should let

the customers know all of the new information through e-mail. When the customer login

on our website, it needs to have the record

2.3 Customer satisfaction and its theories:

Customer Satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction emerged as a distinct area of inquiry in the 1970s (Churchill &
Surprenant, 1982), and companies both big and small have realised the strategic benefits
of service quality and customer satisfaction as competition become more intense and
global. The achievement of customer satisfaction has become a good business practice
that businesses strive to achieve (Szymanski & Henard, 200 cited in Yu et al, 2005).

Definition of Customer Satisfaction:

Several definitions have been offered for customer satisfaction over the past three
decades. Anderson et al. (1994) suggested two definitions of customer satisfaction, in
accordance with the two broad classes of customer experiences identified by the
literature – transaction specific experiences and cumulative experiences (Mittal et al,
1999 cited in Zeithaml et al, 2009). With a transaction-specific experience, customer
satisfaction is defined as the post-choice evaluative judgement of a specific purchase
occasion. Whereas a cumulative experience, customer satisfaction is determined as a
result of a customer’s evaluation of his or her total purchase and consumption
experience over time. Oliver (1997) cited in (Zeithaml et al, 2009) defined satisfaction

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“…the consumer’s fulfilment response. It is a judgement that a product or service
feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption
related fulfilment”.

It is the ability of the service or product to meet the customer’s needs and expectations.
Fornell et al. (1996) in their CSI model defined customer satisfaction as a function of
customer expectations, perceived quality, and perceived value.

Why is Customer Satisfaction Important to Businesses?

Customer satisfaction helps companies in many ways, some of which include:

Customer satisfaction information helps companies to evaluate their ability in meeting

customers’ needs and expectations effectively (Zeithaml et al, 2009).

It also helps companies to analyse the performance of an offering to customers in order

to identify areas for improvements as well as what areas customers consider to be very
important to them (Zeithaml et al, 2009).


Expectations are beliefs (likelihood or probability) that a product and/or service

(containing certain attributes, features or characteristics) will produce certain outcomes
(benefits or values) given certain anticipated levels of performance based on previous
affective, cognitive, and behavioural experiences. Expectations are often related to
satisfaction and can be measured as follows:

1. Importance: Value of the product/service fulfilling the expectation.

2. Overall Affect-Satisfaction Expectations: Like/dislike of the product/service.

3. Fulfilment of Expectation: The expected level of performance versus the

desired expectations. This is “predictive fulfilment” and is a respondent-specific
index of the performance level necessary to satisfy.

4.Expected Value from Use: Satisfaction is often determined by the frequency of

use. If a product/service is not used as often as expected, the result may not be as

27 | P a g e
satisfying as anticipated. For example, a motorcycle that sits in the garage, an unused
year subscription to the local fitness centre, or a little-used season pass to a ski resort
would produce more dissatisfaction with the decision to purchase, than with the
actual product/service.


In building a customer satisfaction survey, it is also helpful to consider reasons why pre-
purchase expectations or post-purchase satisfaction may not be fulfilled or even

1. Expectations may not reflect unanticipated service attributes.

2. Expectations may have been quite vague, creating wide latitudes of acceptability
in performance and expected satisfaction.

3. Expectation and product performance evaluations may be sensory and not

cognitive, as in taste, style or image.

4. The product use may attract so little attention it produces no conscious affect or
cognition (evaluation) and results in meaningless satisfaction or dissatisfaction

5. There may have been unanticipated benefits or consequences of purchasing or

using the product (such as a use or feature not anticipated with purchase).

6. The original expectations may have been unrealistically high or low.

7. The product purchaser, influencer, and user may have been different individuals,
each having different expectations.

Factors influencing customer satisfaction


You need to ensure that customers are able to find and access your products and services
efficiently, without barriers and friction, on their preferred channel.

28 | P a g e
Also, make sure that they can reach your company and obtain good service whenever
they have a question or need assistance to make a purchase decision.


Navigating and browsing your store should be a straightforward and simple process.
This includes providing users who know what they want with an effective keyword
search or filters but also integrating solutions that guide unsure shoppers to help them
identify suitable products quickly.

A website that’s difficult to navigate will only lead to customer frustration and a loss of
potential customers.

3.Page Load Speed

It’s a simple rule: the faster your website loads, the happier your visitors. If one of your
pages doesn’t appear lightning-fast, your customer will move on to speedier online
stores. In fact, the Aberdeen Group found that,
“A 1-second delay in page load time equals 11% fewer page views, a 16% decrease in
customer satisfaction, and 7% loss in conversions.”

According to a survey by Akamai and, 79% of web shoppers who

experience a slow website say they would not return to the site to buy again and around
44% of them would tell a friend about the poor online shopping experience.


Speaking to your customers in their preferred language is pivotal for your business.
More than 50% of consumers won’t make a purchase if information about a product
isn’t available in their language.

However, language doesn’t only apply to language in terms of geographical

demographics but also how certain phrases or terms resonate with your audience and
reflect back on your business. Use user-friendly language and avoid industry specific

29 | P a g e
jargon that could cause confusion and rob you of an opportunity to connect on a
personal level.
Without great communication, there can be no great customer experience.

5. Memory

According to Harvard Business Review, customers become frustrated if they have to

repeat themselves. Consumers feel comfortable switching from one channel to another
and expect their information and data to follow them along. They don’t want to be asked
for the same details over and over again, regardless of the channel or department, they’re
interacting with.
Memory also means remembering your customer’s needs and wants to avoid trying to
sell products to customers, which they already have or clearly have no interest in.

It’s kind of ironic that shoppers want personalized experiences in a sphere in which so
many business and personal interactions can be anonymous.
By personalizing the experience and sharing the right content, at the right time with the
right people, you can make interactions faster, easier and more efficient for your

This results in increased customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat visits.


Convenience is an essential element of a positive customer experience. It influences how

customers make decisions about what to buy, what services to use, where to go, and with
whom to engage.

It consists of 5 key variables

1. Decision Convenience: How quickly and easily a customer can decide
what to shop at your store?
2. Access Convenience: How easily is your store is accessible?

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3. Benefit Convenience: What core benefits does a customer receive at your
store like receiving great customer service?
4. Transaction Convenience: How quickly can the customer complete the
5. Post-Benefit Convenience: How effectively are you handling post-
purchase issues like replacements or return of products?
If the perceived convenience is low, your customer will see interacting with you as
work. If they struggle to do business with you during any of the areas above, then
they’re more likely to go elsewhere.


Customers value companies that “really get them”. Some companies simply have a good
intuition or “sixth sense”. They are proactive and anticipate the needs and emotions of
customers. Companies who know what their customers want before they want it or solve
a problem before customers even know it exists are able to create better, more
convenient experiences and a trust-based relationship.
For example, Southwest Airlines has a team called Proactive Customer Service that
works with 14 other departments to ensure operational efficiencies, effective
communications, and better customer accommodations. Their job is to evaluate flight
disruptions, determine the customer impact, and reach out to customers proactively so
the customer doesn’t have to reach out to them.

9.Real time
If you want to capture the attention of your audience, think about how you can take
advantage of real-time experiences. It’s about showing up when your customers need
you. Real-time interactions are becoming increasingly important to the modern
consumer. They expect real-time responses and faster resolutions.

For instance, “instant chat” and chatbots have emerged as a highly popular marketing

solution for companies that want to provide their customers immediate access to
information and show the more human and authentic side of their business.

10. Simplicity

31 | P a g e
Simplicity is key. It is one of the easiest ways to improve your chances of getting your
customer’s business is by making the process as simple as possible. You need to take
away the intricacy and complexity related to decision-making by advising and
supporting customers throughout their journey.
“To keep your customers, keep it simple”
Harvard Business Review
A study of the Latin American life insurance market observed that 40% of people who
purchased a life insurance policy and were happy about their experience said it was
because of a simple buying process.

Strategies followed by companies in the to satisfy customers:

Chamhuri and Batt refer that organizations must ensure good targeting and segmentation
strategies in order to achieve customer satisfaction level. Additionally, the authors also
clear that segmentation strategies will help the organization to differentiate their
potential customers into a 22 different group and targeting help the organization to target
their desired customer base in order to achieve financial benefit in the organizational
context. Slamet et al. (2015) also describe that the organizations must need to ensure the
needs of the customers and plan accordingly. Additionally, the study helps to understand
that promotional activities have a huge impact on retaining the customers and it also
helps the organizations to felicitate the repeat purchase behavior of the customers.
According to Grewal and Levy (2007), the pricing of the product retail industry has a
huge impact on the customers. So, the organizations must need to ensure price fairness
strategy where the price of the product is reasonable, acceptable or justifiable. The
author also clarifies that customers will buy those products which enable valuation to
their money and the organizations need to felicitate a good strategy where the first
concern will be the value of customer’s money. According to Hassan and AbuBakar
(2010), reasonable pricing will enable a competitive advantage in the organizational
context. Additionally, it will create a customer satisfaction and loyalty among the
potential customers. Many authors also pointed out the same thing that pricing was a
critical firm characteristic that could not be ignored when discussing customer
satisfaction. The organizations must need to ensure additional free services which will
help the organization to establish their position in the market and as the world become

32 | P a g e
fast the organizations must need to enhance the technological aspect in the
organizational context and it will help the customers to save their time which will create
a customer satisfaction. Customers are considered one of the vital key elements for any
kind of business organization for successfully proceeding in the international as well as
the local marketplace. Therefore, it is to be stated that providing satisfaction to the
consumers of a business organization is approved as a major step for a business
organization in order to be endured.
The companies that are under the industry of retail also embrace some strategies in order
to provide satisfaction to the consumers of those business organizations. Some of the
strategies have been stated below:
• Pricing strategies: One of the vital strategies that have been followed by the business
organization that is under the industry of retail is that pricing strategy. Customers always
scrutinize as well as make the justification that the price of the products that has been
allotted by the company is appropriate for the product or not. Therefore, it is to be stated
that correctly pricing is approved as an important and crucial step for the retail business
organization for achieving as well as maximizing profit by ensuring the loyalty of the
consumers along with repurchase. According to the remark of Marinescuet al. (2010), it
has been analyzed that the companies under the retail industry utilize numerous
strategies for pricing based on special circumstances as well as criteria.
Some of the pricing strategies that are considered more popular are stated below:
The strategy of variable price
 : The regular sale appeal, by which
method is getting promoted with the help of sales, is presumed by the
strategy of variable price so that the price can be changed in a typical
timeframe. This pricing strategy is more popular to the consumers as this
strategy can provide more discount on the products to the consumers.
Therefore, it is to be stated that this strategy is considered more
beneficial to the companies under retail industry as it helps in
intensifying of the flow of the consumers in the in-store of the business
organization as well as strengthening the loyalty of the consumers as
consumers are vulnerable to the prices of the products.
The strategy of fixed price:
 This strategy is for a long time period, by
which long term constant price implementation is presumed. The
strategy of fixed price bets 24 on the economies that are created with the

33 | P a g e
help of product management simplification and tight consumers’
engagement development as well.
 Product quality strategies: Another strategy that is utilized by the business
organization under the retail industry to provide satisfaction to the consumers is
that strategy of product quality. Satisfaction of the customers is dependent upon
the quality of the products and services that are provided by the companies.
From the research work of Hennig- Thurau and Klee, (1997), it has been
analyzed that the perceptions of the consumers on the quality of the products as
well as services of the business organization under retail industry is associated
regularly in with some properties such as durability, stability etc. Therefore, the
organizations under the industry of retail are utilizing the best as well as
effective quality in order to formulate the products as well as services with good
quality. The consumers always have a progressive perception of the quality of
services and products. Therefore, the products, as well as the services of the
retail business organizations, are always evaluated by the consumers positively
for the heightening performance of the services or the products. The consumers
also have the perception of stable quality as well and for that, the consumers
always desire a qualitative continuity of the products. Therefore, this strategy
has been vigorously followed by the organizations under the retail industry so
that those can be able to provide immense satisfaction to the consumers and
stick to the secured place in the competitive market.
Marketing strategies:
 Another strategy endured by the retail companies to
provide ample satisfaction to the consumers is marketing strategy as it is
considered one of the most sustainable ways to provide satisfaction to the
consumers. The companies under the retail industry endure this strategy
consisting of numerous activities that assist the companies in order to maintain a
good relationship with the consumers. As per the comment of Dudzevičiūtė and
Peleckienė, (2010), it is to be stated that the companies become able to identify
the preference of the consumers with the help of marketing strategies. As a
result, the companies also become able to utilize the capabilities as well as
strengths for gratifying the consumers’ impulses along with market
requirements. In addition, it is to be stated that the presentation, as well as
packaging, also influence the engagement as well as the loyalty of the

34 | P a g e
consumers. For that, the companies under the retail industry also spot its light on
the presentation as well as the packaging of their products so that it can
effectively grasp the attention along with loyalty of the consumers. Moreover,
the retail companies also provide proper and correct information of the products
as well as services to the consumers that grab the attention of the consumers
immensely as well.

Retail companies follow many methods to satisfy their customers. They offer discounts

as well as roll out special offers for their loyal customers. One common trend these days

is introducing offer cards. By this, consumers earn points for every penny spent and

these points can be redeemed while shopping further. Using Internet for reaching out to

people like starting Facebook page, Instagram handle for the store and advertising via

social media too. Referral strategy is used by retailers not only to get new customers but

benefitting old customers too with reward points. Another strategy used by retailers to

satisfy their customers is introducing many discounts offers like Black Friday

(Puccinelliet al. 2009). This not only attracts new customer but also the loyal customer

return home happily.

Customer satisfaction models

Customer satisfaction model link People and performance and assesses the impact of
Product and its price as well as promotion.

35 | P a g e
This model states that to achieve Customer Satisfaction, retails should exceed
expectation of customers in terms of product, its value and quality. Further it states to
group the satisfied customer to create a market. And use scale economics and market
clout methods to generate profits by leveraging the market. Kano Model of Customer
Satisfaction – IntroductionNowadays, retail business is focusing to maintain the existing
customer rather than creating the new base since customer loyalty is more beneficial for
the business. And customer loyalty depends on the customer’s impression regarding the
product and its quality. (Krassadaki and Grigoroudis, 2018)27 Kano model was first
published in 1984 in an article by Professor Kano. Kano model provides a method to
understand the customer needs, which in turn can be used to create or alter the product
and thus help in satisfying the customers. Kano model provides answers to questions
like to provide customer satisfaction which services and what kind of products can be
made available to the consumers

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According to Kano’s Model, customer satisfaction is affected by below attributes-
• Basic factors- Basic factors are considered as prerequisites by customers. If these
basic factors are not fulfilled it causes dissatisfaction to the customers but the mere
fulfilment of these does not cause satisfaction in customers. This attribute is taken for
granted by the customers.
• Performance factors- Performance factor varies linearly with level of satisfaction.
Customer is happy and satisfied is the performance is high and customers are unhappy
and dissatisfied if the performance is low.
• Excitement factors- The Excitement factor excites the customers and make them
delightful. This factor generally satisfies the customers by exciting them with offers but
if this factor is unavailable it does not cause any dissatisfaction in the customers. There
are three more attributes to Kano’s Satisfaction model, but customers are unaffected by
those. These attributes are Reverse attribute, Indifferent attribute and questionable

2.4 Concept of online shopping

Online shopping, which is also known as electronic purchasing or internet shopping is
considered the purchasing of services as well as goods utilizing the web browser over
the internet, by the means of a mobile phone, an internet television or a computer.
According to the statement of Hooda and Singh, (2018), it has been examined that
online shopping is ensured by numerous people, who have a hectic schedule and not
having time or energy for spending their precious time in the mall in order to shop their
desired products. It has been examined that nowadays people have been enduring more
confidence in order to embrace online shopping. Online shopping or internet shopping
has been vigorously escalating at a breakneck speed as well as an immense popularity of
it has been fundamentally grownday by day as well. It becomes possible as it is mainly a
convenient way as well as easy for purchasing the desired products as well as services.
The consumers become able to identify the desired products as well as services using the
internet along with web browser from a sales representative when they visit the retailer’s
e-commerce website directly. In addition, the consumers get assisted as they can
compare the products as well as services along with their price as well that have been

37 | P a g e
provided by the different vendors by utilizing a search engine of shopping that helps in
displaying the availability of the same product as well as services.
According to Rowley Jennifer, (1998) online shopping is basically an electronic
commerce which allows the potential customers to buy products from a seller through
the internet. Additionally, the study of Rowley Jennifer, (1998) also clears that
consumers find about their desired product on the internet and when they find the
product in different websites, they compared those similar products and buy that product
which felicitates reasonable pricing with good quality. There are two types of online
shopping one is B2B and another is B2C. B2b basically refers to business- tobusiness
and B2C refers to Business-to- customers. Business- to- business is basically selling a
product to another business and Business-to- customers are basically selling a direction
to the customers. Weiber and Kollmann, (1998) refer that online technologies have
many competitive advantages like individuality, agility, interactivity, and selectivity.
The study of Weiber and Kollmann, (1998) clear that Online shopping becomes the third
popular thing after the email service or instant messaging and internet surfing.
According to Kotler, (2003) customers buy a product from any online store depending
on the review of the other customers, graphic design and extra services. So, the
organizations must need to felicitate these things in term of gaining financial benefit in
the organizational context. The world becomes so fast due to technology enhancement
and as the people become busier day by day, they more depending on online shopping as
it helps the customers to save their time and choose from wide range of products. As per
the report of the Comscore report, (2013) India becomes the third largest internet
population and 73.8 million people use the internet every day from their computers and
the workplace. India has 100 million internet users and among them, 50% of the people
felicitate online shopping. Master Card Worldwide Insights, (2008) revealed that 47% of
internet users shop online globally.

2.5 Preference of customer for online shopping:

The preference of the consumers for online shopping has been upgrading day by day at a
whirlwind speed. It becomes possible for so many reasons and some of those reasons are
stated below:
 Convenience: It is a vital benefit that has been provided by online shopping to
consumers. The consumers become able in order to shop for their desired
products as well as services without going to any mall or supermarket. As the

38 | P a g e
facility of online shopping has provided the facility of services for 24 hours in a
day, it assists the people vigorously as they can purchase their desired products
as per their timetable (Chin and Goh, 2017). In addition, it is to be stated that the
consumers can utilize all the facilities of online shopping from any place or
position with the help of an active connection of the internet. It provides ample
assistance to the people with a hectic schedule in their life.
 Information: Another advantage that has been provided by online shopping to
the consumers is that proper information about products as well as services of
the retail business organization. The consumers are provided with proper,
adequate as well as more information about the products and services of the
companies in the online stores rather than offline stores as the retail companies
want to improvise their sale along with profit with the help of electronic
purchasing. The description of the products consist of manufacturer, details of
size or quantity, details about specific techniques that have been utilized in the
products as well as services and this information assists the consumers in order
to purchase their products as they are being able to analyze as well as research
about the products as well as services of the retail companies (Fagerstrømet al.
 Broader selection: This is one of the vital benefits provided by online shopping
to the consumers is that the consumers can select the best products from the
given alternatives.
Online stores provide more selection rather than offline stores as those stores do not
need for displaying their product attractively in order to grab the attention of the
consumers (Chin and Goh, 2017). As a result, they can keep larger products amount.
Exclusive offers:
 This is one of the major advantages, which has been
provided by online stores to its consumers. The online retail stores provide
the consumers with ample exclusive offers. The consumers can pick the
best offer up as per their need. At first, the consumers can identify the
given alternatives and then choose their desired options as per their
requirements (Fagerstrømet al. 2011).
Facility of shipping:
 Online stores also help in shipping the products to
the consumer. For that, the stores charge a little amount of money, which

39 | P a g e
is acceptable to the consumers as the consumers have no headache to
spend their precious time to the offline stores and carrying those products
to their home and it is tiring and strenuous work as well for those people
with a hectic schedule. In this situation, online shopping provides them
with the facility of shipping charging a little amount of money (Chin and
Goh, 2017). In addition, it is to be stated that some of the online retail
stores charge no money for shipping.
Competitive pricing:
 Another advantage provided by the online retail
stores to the consumers is competitive pricing. It has been analyzed that
online retail stores sell the products to the consumers in a lower amount
than the offline stores. It has become possible no rent is paid by the online
stores and they can endure an effective marketing with the help of social
media with lower cost. It helps in reaching more people at a time. This
helps the online stores in order to grasp the attention of the consumers.
This gradually assists the online stores in order to cut the price of the
products down and provide a value to the economic aspects of the
consumers as well (Fagerstrømet al. 2011).
Rating and review:
 Rating and review are one of the major benefits that
have been analyzed by the consumers and this helps the consumers
immensely. The consumers can examine the rating and reviews of other
consumers about the products. Based on the rating and review of the
products or services the consumers become assisted in order to select the
best products from the given alternatives (Chin and Goh, 2017).

2.6 Strategies followed by the companies under the retail

industry for promoting the product online:
As per Mooradian et al., 2012 companies must need to ensure good online strategies to
promote their product online because now day’s customers are depending on the internet
and promotion of the product on the internet will help the organizations to share their
product information with more customers in short span of time. The study of the author
also clarifies that; the organizations must need to ensure a good marketing plan and
promotional strategy to promote their products. The report of CMO Council clarifies

40 | P a g e
that 71% of the internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are
following on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook. Additionally, this
report also clarifies that online marketing strategy will help the organization to gain
leads 3 times more than the traditional outbound marketing and it cost 62% less than the
traditional marketing format. AS per Mooradian et al., 2012, organizations of retail
industry must need to understand the buying behavior of the customers and analyze it
because if the organizations are not able to understand the motivation of the customers
then it can affect the organization in a negative manner. Additionally, the study also
refers that the organizations need to recruit good graphic designers in term of promotion
of the product on the internet because good pictures or images of the product increase
the rate of sales. Organizations need to promote their product information through social
networking sites as many people depend on the social networking site to get the review
of the product and to share own motivation towards that product or service. Product
promotion is necessary in order to grab the local as well as global market.

For that, some strategies have been followed by the companies under the retail industry
for promoting their products online. Some of those strategies are stated below:
Effect of inter along with cross-category:
 One of the vital strategiesthat
has been followed by online retail stores. The online stores screen the value
of the products that have been provided by them and try to attract the
consumers by showing the good aspects and benefits of their products. They
present their substitute as well as complementary products and try to
convince people to grab their products for enduring benefits (Jiang et al.
Loyalty program
 : Another strategy followed by retail companies to
promote their products online is that loyalty program. In these programs, an
incentive is provided by the retail companies to the consumers, who
repeatedly demonstrate their loyal behavior while buying the products of
the company. Moreover, these programs have been designed by the retail
companies for motivating the existing consumers in the target market of the
business often to return as well as shun the competitors by making frequent
purchases (Lim and Lee, 2015).

41 | P a g e
 Systems of online recommendations: Another strategy followed by the
retail companies for promoting their products is that system of online
recommendations. They provide information about the opportunities of
savings to the consumers and try to grab the attention of the consumers.
They try to screen that their product provides economic value to the
consumers and recommend for purchasing their products as well (Jiang et
al. 2015).
Dynamic preference of consumers:
 This is one of the strategies
implemented by retail companies for promoting the product online. The
consumers sometimes change their preferences of location, purchasing
product types etc. The retail companies always are ready to serve the
customers as per their preferences (Lim and Lee, 2015).
Retail companies are using Internet widely to promote their product. Some

strategies used by retail companies to sell product online are –

Content Marketing-
 This marketing is used to create and post contents like
videos, images, information on the official site to promote the products and
attract the consumers. The content should be carefully picked keeping in
mind about target audience.
 Email marketing- This strategy is used to promote the product via email.
Email should be obtained from person signing into the official site. The
prepared email list then can be used to promote the product or even
upcoming product.
Social Media-
 Social media is so often used by people that companies
have started using social media to advertise their product. Facebook,
Instagram and Pinterest are few examples. Companies can use it to promote
product, offering discount to reward the customers.
 Affiliate Marketing- This strategy is when other people advertise and sell
the product by promoting them into their sites or blog in exchange of a
charge per sale.
 Mobile E-commerce- Many people make purchases through mobile as it’s
easy to place order in middle of work or commute and thus app based
online shopping is a great way to sale the products.

42 | P a g e
Press Release –
 Press release is another way to advertise a product. Before
doing this, company should analyze the product, their target audience and
content of the press release.
 Organizing events or sponsoring events is one of a
great way to promote the store as well as any product.

2.7 Influence of online shopping on industry:

The trend of online shopping is fundamentally escalating nowadays. People nowadays
prefer online shopping more for their busy schedule as it becomes convenient as well as
easy for them to shop without going to any offline store. Moreover, online shopping or
electronic shopping saves their time as well. As a result, it influences the retail industry
as well. The online retailers have realized that an integration of online channel is needed
to be implemented for enriching the value proposition of the consumers as well as
improving the efficiency of the management of the business organization (Cao et al.
2018). For that, the industry has been effectively analyzing the trend of the marketplace
in order to bring improvisation as per the preference of the consumers and the trend of
the market. As per the opinion of Vijayet al. (2019), it is to be stated that this improvises
the selling rate of the company, which gradually helps in reducing the cost of the
products and escalating the productivity level of the company. The management of the
retail companies continuously provide training program to the existing employees of the
organization so that they can bring innovation and improvisation in the products as well
as services of company in order to provide satisfaction to the existing consumers as well
as grab the attention of the new consumers and incur more profit from the marketplace
as well. According to Edwin Gnanadhas, Online shopping is purchasing products on the
Internet. It means connecting to the Internet and using the seller’s website to select and
purchase the product and getting it home delivered. Its increasingly popularity is due to
ease with which consumers are ordering any merchandise while sitting at home. It helps
the consumers to save their time and skip 36 queues. The whole shopping experience
can be called hassle free. Nowadays, nearly everything can be purchased online. Today
retailers have realized the importance of online shopping and nearly every retailer are
providing the experience of online shopping to their customers. Even some companies
have gone total online and they do not have any physical presence like Amazon. But

43 | P a g e
many people do not consider online shopping satisfying. The retail store should
understand that online shopping is future. It is touted that online shopping will overtake
traditional shopping in near future in terms of monetary involvement. So, the retail
industry should work to firm their online presence. Customer worry that they might not
get on par product because of online shopping and retailers should work on this problem
and should always provide same product on online shopping and offline shopping. One
more worrisome aspect of online shopping to consumer is returning the product.
Retailers should look after the option to provide return of product. Cyber Fraud is
another reason for people to ignore online shopping. Online shopping has a huge impact
on retail industry. To sustain in the market, retailers have shifted to e world and have
opened the gate for online shopping. Nearly every retail company have online operations
now. Online shopping has become a major part of their business strategy. Online
shopping has helped the retailers to gain new customers and advertise their brand more.
Their operation from physical store now serves a secondary medium as more and more
people like to purchase items online. Even some stores have benefitted largely from it as
they have emerged as global store because of online shopping and they are catering to
demand from all over the world.

2.8 Impact of online promotion of retail products on

influencing the purchasing decision of customer:
Online promotion is affecting the business fundamentally nowadays. The retail industry
as well endures the strategy of online promotion of the retail products. As a result, this
online promotion of the retail products has imparted several impacts and influenced the
purchasing decision of the consumers as well. The customers can choose their desired
products by scrutinizing the given alternatives. In addition, it is to be stated that in the
strategy of online promotion, the retail companies are utilizing vibrant and colorful
images of their products and this gradually helps in attracting the consumers and
improving their engagement in the business organization as well. Moreover, proper and
adequate information about product helps the customers in selecting the products as
well. According to the remark of Liet al. (2018), it is to be stated that as the methods for
online shopping are easy as well as user-friendly. Therefore, it helps the consumers to
utilize those methods for purchasing the products easily. Furthermore, it is also to be
stated that this helps in improvising the self-efficacy of the consumers as well. If their
experience with online shopping is good, then they inherit to shop their desired products

44 | P a g e
through online further in the future. According to Shultz, et al. it is clear that online
promotion of retail products helps the organization to increase the financial benefit in a
short span of time. Additionally, the author stated that the organizations must need to
understand the expectation of the consumers and plan accordingly. Consumers buying
behavior basically refers to the motivation of the customers and the key elements which
assist the customers to buy any product. So online promotion must need to felicitate the
cultural, social aspects of the customers and need to understand that any of these 38
aspects will not get hampered at the time of promotion any retail product or service.
According to the International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, culture is
one of the major points of any customers buying behavior. Social media plays a major
role to influence the purchasing decision of the customers. Organizations invest their
resources to promote their products on social media platforms and the customers interact
with that service and product and give their review accordingly. At the time of
purchasing any product other customers refers to that reviews and share their motivation
towards that product or service. The online promotion gives the opportunity to the
consumers to criticize any product as well as if the consumers satisfied with the product
description or with the service, they applause the service or the product. Online
promotion helps the consumers to choose from a wide range of similar product and
understand the quality of the product. According to Shultz, et al. most of the consumers
will buy those products which price are reasonable and the quality of the product also
good. There are five points which are part of every purchasing decision of customers
and these are needed recognition & problem awareness, information search, evaluation
of alternatives, purchase, and post-purchase evaluation. The organizations must need to
understand these five elements at the time of promoting any product.

2.9 Impact of online shopping on customer satisfaction in the

retail industry:
In this era of digitalization, the trend of online shopping has been escalating at a
breakneck speed. People more prefer online shopping to purchase their desired products
as it assists them in several ways. As the online store has no physical outlet in the
marketplace, they must provide all the detailed information about the products of the
companies. The customers become satisfied as they have been provided with proper
information about the products. 39 Moreover, the aspect of time-saving has been

45 | P a g e
immensely aiding the people with a busy schedule in their life and not having enough
time for spending their precious time in the mall for purchasing products. According to
the remark of Duarte et al. (2018), it is to be statedthat online shopping has become a
more convenient way for those people with a hectic schedule as it saves their precious
time and they can access their time in their important work. In addition, the system of
rating and review has been given assistance to them as they can go through the feedback
of other persons and therefore, they can grab the best products as per their requirements.
Moreover, the exclusive offers that have been provided by the companies under the
retail industry have been assisting the consumers in order to grab those offers. This
automatically provides satisfaction to them as they are getting those products at a lower
price. According to Paulo, Susana and Margarida, consumer purchases product
depending on how easily and how soon they can contact the retail store. Online
shopping has improved these aspects for customers and they can place order while
sitting at home via online shopping. Retailers should make mobile application friendlier
to increase the footfall of consumers. Since online shopping saves time and effort, it
promotes customer decision to purchase products online. Below are the models which
describe online convenience-
• Access convenience- Seiders defines Access convenience as how soon and how easily
customer can access the retail stores. If the consumer is not able to access the retailers,
they cannot enjoy the shopping. King and Liou states that accessibility of retailer’s
websites and app determines consumer’s views towards customer satisfaction in online
• Search convenience- According to Beauchamp and Ponder, search convenience means
the ease with which customer can search and identify the product they intend to
purchase. 40 Internet has various tools to cater this convenience to users. Retailers can
use the services of other companies or use the tools to facilitate easy searching of
products. If search convenient is made easy, customer feels happy and satisfied.
• Evaluation convenience – Evaluation convenience is used to describe if product
description is explained in detail on website and if it describes the product easily or not.
Generally, the descriptions are created in such a way that it makes it easy to understand
what a product is. Consumer can zoom the image to get exact feature and they also can
interact with other users who are using the product.
• Attentiveness convenience- Due to growing competition, only going to online mode
cannot help the retail industry to survive. They need to personalize the services to their

46 | P a g e
customers. Customers nowadays want to get what they are looking for instantly and
retail industry should use the tools to analyze and identify the customer’s shopping
habits and browsing history. They can even deploy shopping bots to guide the customer
to product to which they are searching for. The personalized service allows user to
perceive ease in shopping process and make them happy and satisfied.
• Transaction convenience – Transaction convenience defines the minimum transaction
time, ease and smoothness with which consumer can place a transaction or modify any
transaction. The faster the transaction, better is the experience. Best quality of online
shopping is that customer do not have to wait in any kind of queues. (Wolfinbarger and
Gilly, 2001). Security and privacy pose as main hindrance to doing transactions online.
Javadi states that risk of losing money and other important details affects the people
attitude towards online shopping. Therefore, retailers should make sure to make their
payment gateway safe and secure for transactions.
• Possession convenience- According to Seiders, Possession convenience is the time,
money and ease with which customer can have a product which they desire. Factors
which can affect these are stocking policy, production planning and delivery time. So,
the consumer must wait until the product is delivered to them for the possession which
can lasts few days whereas in traditional shopping customer gets the product on the
payment only. Retail industries are coming with many offers like one day delivery to
minimize the time of possessions.
Post possession convenience – It is one of the major aspects which determines the
customer satisfaction. Many times, customer do not like the product they received and
want to replace them or return them. The greater the ease in returning or replacing
process, happier the customers are. Providing guarantee, maintenance and services are
also the major factor which affects post possession convenience. Bad services or not
honoring the guarantee can change the consumer prospective towards online shopping.
So, customer will be happy and satisfied if the services are good and guarantee are

2.10 Sum up

47 | P a g e
The purpose of the literature part is to introduce the important models of customer

satisfaction , e-service quality, to classify the customer relationship from strangers to

partners. It aims clear the meaning of customer satisfaction. To give the readers some

background knowledge about the it. In addition, it has been also explained by this

research study that how online shopping helps in improvising the customers' satisfaction.

The questionnaire and the analysis part below are all around thesis theories to research

how to build a long lasting relationship with customers.



 To study the level of Customer Satisfaction towards AMAZON.

 To Study the Customer Preference Towards Online Shopping.
 To study the Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping.


 The aim of the study is to know about the customer satisfaction

48 | P a g e
 This study is to know how much the customer satisfied with the product offered by
 Customer satisfaction towards offers, discount, replacement, interest, and trust will be
the main study of this project.
 The study also covered the quality of service and how they impact on customer
complacency and for instance it come across with what factor that are
accommodate and enhance the satisfaction feeling of customer at amazon.


 To know the customer satisfaction and the services done by the amazon to capture
the customer and to determine the offer and discount issued by the amazon to attrack
the customer and to know the preference level of the customer towards amazon.

 When the research will be completed it will give an insight into practical solution.

 It will also indicate, how to conquered and overcome the problem dealing with the

 It will serve a good source of resource of reference to similar research.

 Finally,it is also intend to facilitate the efforts of amazon to come out with good
quality service customer satisfaction strategies.

49 | P a g e
Research methodology
Research methodology details the various layers of methods and techniques, which
helps in accomplishing the key objectives of a research. Research methodology is
detailed by research onion conceptualized by Saunders al., (2009) which involves layers
such as research philosophy, approach. Strategy, choices, time horizons, technologies
and procedures. The chapter research methodology is highly significant because it
details the means through which samples will be collected and analyzed in order to
achieve results that fulfils the research objectives. For conducting an appropriately
structures and successful research, it is crucial that the researcher decide on the best
methodology for the research. This chapter details the research methodology followed
for this research starting from research philosophy and ending with detailed time horizon
of the research.

Research Philosophy:
Positivism As in the opinion of Mackey, and Gass, (2015) in the very beginning of
conceptualizing a research methodology a researcher must identify a research
philosophy that he or she wants to follow that best suits the research objectives. The
concept of research philosophy can be defined as an elaborate area characterized in four

50 | P a g e
types such as, pragmatism, positivism, realism or Interpretivism. Based on types of data
collection techniques included and data analysis techniques involved, research
philosophies have been characterized in these types. For instance, in the pragmatism
research philosophy, both primary and secondary data collection techniques and
qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques are used and thus it follows mixed
methods of data collection and analysis. On the contrary, under the concept of
positivism philosophy highly structured study is conducted that involves large sets of
samples and analysis techniques usually include both quantitative and qualitative
techniques. Mainly primary data collection is conducted for positivism philosophy.
Lastly, unless the research subject matter fits the chosen method, realism philosophy
cannot be undertaken. In contrast, Interpretivism ensures that smaller sets of samples are
investigated and analyzed qualitatively (Flick, 2015). After considering the theories of
each of these types, positivism research philosophy had been chosen and followed
throughout the research study.
Justification: Positivism has been selected as the most appropriate research philosophy
because it allowed the researcher to work with large sets of primary data samples, which
is necessary to achieve the research objectives for this study. Moreover, positivism
philosophy had allowed to 46 conduct a structured study which has helped in saving
time in data collection and data analysis. Under this philosophy, the researcher also had
the freedom of conducting both quantitative and qualitative data analysis technique. The
information delivered from the positivism philosophy is mainly derived from the
sensory experience and interpreted through the logic and reason. Positivism philosophy
holds gives valid knowledge on the online shopping effectiveness in the retail industry.
Therefore, for all these reasons, this philosophy is thought to be the most appropriate
one for this study.

Research approach:
Appropriate research approach helps in gaining better knowledge on carrying the
research work and this work helps in gathering authentic data. Research approach is
mainly depending on the research variables that has derived from the key research topic.
There are two research approach namely deductive and inductive research approach has
used in the research work to examine and make systematic plan for the research work.
Among two research approaches, deductive approach has been selected that does not
involves any prior formulation of hypothesis.

51 | P a g e
Justification: Deductive research approach mainly starts with the research question,
objectives and aims that are achieved during the research work. In the deductive
research technique known methods and premises are used to generate conclusion (Pierre,
2012). Deductive approach links premises of the online shopping and drags customer’s
satisfaction as a conclusion. This research approach follows specific to the general
research work. Hence it is justified.

Research Design
A research design is a type of blueprint prepared depending on various types of
blueprints available for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. A research
design calls for developing the most efficient plan of gathering the needed information.
The design of the research study is based on the purpose of the study.

“Research means different things to different people” and the intention behind it are to
investigate innumerable data, theories, experiences, concepts and law. “The procedural
framework within which the research is conducted” is the definition of research
methodology. The two broad and distinct approaches to social research cover the
Quantitative and Qualitative methods of enquiry.
The quantitative paradigm on the other hand intends to gain a deeper understanding,
knowledge and insight into a particular situation or phenomenon, by providing answers
to questions of ‘how?’ rather than ‘what?’. Unlike qualitative research which occurs in
natural settings, quantitative research is where hypotheses are established.

Research Strategy:
Quantitative Survey Walter and Andersen (2013) has stated that the research strategy is
a factor that helps the researcher to gather valuable information of different strategies
and research work. Different strategies that are used in the research strategy are of
interview, focus group, case study, interview and survey. These strategies help in
developing secondary data collection. In this research work there is no direct
information gathering has selected in it. Collective information has gathered by the
strategies that involves secondary data analysis. The secondary data collection methods
have involved resources like online library, academic journals, and websites and news

52 | P a g e
Justification: In case of primary data collection method, survey and interview process
has chosen for this research work. In the primary data collection method both closed
ended and open-ended questions were selected that are required for the data collection.
The closed ended questions help in making in depth analysis where effective
communication is established. Interview process has selected for the research work as it
is rich in quality and deliveries reliable information for the research. Quantitative survey
has taken as it derives reliable information from the candidates who are interviewed on
the online shopping effectiveness.

Research Methods
Research method can be termed as a methodology that outlines whole research
methodology into single frame. This research frame provides basic and systematic
structure that drives the research work into right direction.
Justification: Non-probability sampling technique has been followed by the researcher
while taking the respondents for the survey process. The questions were asked randomly
regarding the social media impact, where no discrimination has done on asking
questions to the respondents. The response collected is random in nature. Non-
probability sampling technique takes random selection where subjective judgment of the
individual researcher will be noted down.

Data collection
The data required for understanding will be collected from various online customers. In
order to conduct the study digital survey was conducted through facebook and e-mail.
And those responses are collected in a spreadsheet and further analysis was done.
The data collection method in this particular research comprises of two forms: namely
primary and secondary data. One needs to be careful while using secondary data as
maybe the collected data may be biased as the collector of that original data might have
highlighted only a partial picture or another aspect may be that data may be quite old
and also the data quality could be unknown.

Primary data
“Data collected specifically for the research project undertaken” is the definition of
primary research as provided by Saunders (2003: pp. 486).

53 | P a g e
Primary data is generally originated by any researcher to address any specific problem
or issue at hand, where the only drawback is that it can be expensive and time-
consuming. The various ways of gathering primary data is through surveys, focus group
and observations.

In this study, the primary data is collected through well-formed questionnaire with the
help of a digital survey. The questionnaire consists of quantitative and qualitative
multiple choice questions and the respondents are asked to choose the one choice which
suits them the best amongst the multiple choices.

Secondary Data
Prerequisite to the collection of primary data is a careful scrutiny of the existing
secondary data (Malhotra, 2005). The Data that is collected from existing journals,
reports and statistics from private and public institutions are called Secondary data. For
this specific study the collection of secondary data was done primarily from marketing
journals already available on this topic. Secondary data helps the author to comprehend
the perception of Indian consumers on online shopping.
Thus the study carried out has analyzed the primary data with the rationale and
validation of the present secondary data.

Sample technique
Choosing a study sample is an important step in any research project since it is rarely
efficient, practical, or ethical to study whole populations. In this study the sampling
strategy used is convenient sampling. The sample size is 100. A small part of something
intended as representative of the whole, or a subset of a population. In this research
simple random sampling is being used.

Data collection
The data collection would be:
PRIMARY DATA: Questionnaire
SECONDARY DATA: Journals, Internet, newspaper etc.

54 | P a g e
Sample design
Online customers of Lucknow city are included under this research and tell their
satisfaction level.

Data source
Both Primary and Secondary source of data would be used .The major type of
information is used from primary data.

Research Instruments
The researcher has used various tools for conducting the research. The research
questionnaire has been used for gathering primary information related to the research
topic. In addition, the other tools like MS Excel has been used for gathering and
manipulating primary information as collected through survey. On the other hand, MS
Word has been used to collect the qualitative information from the interview process.

Ethical Considerations
In order to make research successful, the researcher must focus on the ethical values of
the key participants in the research. At data collection time the researcher had taken the
permission from the key respondents who have participated in the research work. There
are no such personnel were harmed and get hurt during the data collection process.
Hantrais and Mangen (2013) has stated that all the respondents must be given an option
to quit the process after registering their names for research. In this way overall
willingness of the respondents are gathered and invited to make further research. In
contrast to this Rossi et al., (2013) has stated that the research outcome must not be used
for any kind of commercial purpose. The data that has collected for both quantitative
and qualitative methods are very sensitive to the organization. Gioia, Corley and
Hamilton (2013) has opined that the researcher must need to comply with the Data
protection Act and all personnel credentials and information must not be leaked or
spread over any medias. Privacy law also need to be followed by the researcher where
none of the user’s privacy should get hurt. The researcher must not ask any questions in
relation to the respondent’s personnel information like living location, income and many
more. The researcher also must not to encourage the respondents to provide the answers

55 | P a g e
as per personnel viewpoint as this encourage biased data collection. In this 52 research
work the researcher has followed ethical consideration that proves that the research has
been conducted in the mush ethical way.

Research Limitations
The time and budget are two possible constraints that are involved in this research
work. It can be stated that selection of the primary data itself has key limitation where
the data has not involved any kind of historical information and this in turn acted as a
limitation while conducting the research work.

In this section the researcher able to construct the tools that are required to conduct the
research work. Primary data selection method has been selected to conduct the research
where the sample size and respondents’ types are decided. The researcher has conducted
the research analysis while 54 considering measurement tools like research design,
research approach, data collection procedures and research purpose. This methodology
section has followed by the researcher to construct the data analysis part through
considering statistical analysis. Overall this section helped the researcher to gain insight
on the overall research procedures and methods that has significant impact on the
research conduction.

56 | P a g e
Data Analysis & Interpretation
The chapter three has explained and described in detail about the purpose and rational of
mixed method research design. In the research design mixed method of research has
applied that acquires an exponential overview of extent on the retail industry in
accordance with its diverse need of online platform usage. In the chapter two it was
clearly outlined that there is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative research
technique was employed to deliver comprehensive responses. This chapter captures the
data from the quantitative and qualitative research method. This chapter also describes,
analyses and interprets the data in a systematic manner that helps in the next research
process. The research results of the study were first presenting an analysis of
quantitative data that are obtained from the survey technique that are recorded by the
questionnaire followed by the qualitative data that are recorded asking questions to
Data analysis is a process of bringing the meaning, structure and order to the mass
collected data. It is one among the fascinating, creative process that is little time
consuming, messy and ambiguous in nature. Data analysis requires sort of logics that are
applied to the research. Interpretation and logic apply to the research analysis includes
inductive and deductive logic to the research. Interpretive approach is a part of
qualitative approach that has involved deductive for of obtained data. This study mainly
relies on the action of participants under study. The researchers are mainly relying on
the information provided in the subject. Mixed method of thesis includes 56 data
collection method that can be named as combination of quantitative and qualitative
method of data collection.

57 | P a g e
The data collected from primary sources through collection of the responses of the
questionnaire was assembled, stored, selected and analyzed. The analysis of the data is
as under here-

1. Gender of Respondents:
Table 4.1: Gender wise respondents
Male Female Total
Responses 58 42 100
Percentage 58 42 100

Graph 4.1: Gender wise respondents


60 58

40 Responses




Male Female

According to demography profile, in this study 70 % male and 30% female respondents
are part of my target population and they help me to fulfill my questionnaire from
different area of Bangalore city. From these groups total respondents are 100. So,
according to the survey result,the male respondents are more and can be told that they
interested to shop online than female, even though both of them shop online.

58 | P a g e
2. Age Group:
Table 4.2: Age wise respondents
15 -25 25 -35 35 - 45 45 & above Total
No of respondents 63 24 12 1 100
Percentage 63 24 12 1 100

Graph 4.2: Age wise respondents

Age Group
63 63

No of respondents
40 Percentage
24 24
12 12
1 1
15 -25 25 -35 35 - 45 45 & above

Overall result shows that between all of them the respondents who has age limit exceeds
above 45 years people are not familiar to shop online on my target population.

59 | P a g e
3. Occupation:
Table 4.3: Occupation wise respondents
Business Housewife Salaried Student Others tota
person l
No. of respondents 8 7 46 29 10 100
Percentage 8 7 46 29 10 100

Graph 4.3: Occupation wise respondents

30% 29%
10% 8% 7%
Business Housewife Salaried Student Others

In this survey, 46% of the respondents are salaried and 39% are students. So they both
together made majority of respondent’s percentage (85%). 8% are business persons and
7% are House wife. Salaried persons and students will always look for new technologies
and new services which make them more comfort.

60 | P a g e
4. Educational Qualification:

Graduate post graduate SSC or Others

Equivalent (PhD)
Number of respondents 63 36 0 1
Percentage 63 36 0 1
Table 4.4: Educational wise respondents

Graph 4.4: Educational wise respondents

Educational Qualifications
70 63 63
40 36 36
30 Number of respondents
20 percentage
0 0 1 1
te te t D
ua ua len Ph
d vi a
Gr tg Eq
po or

All of them in this survey are graduate and above qualified peoples only. Among these
63% are graduates, 36% are post graduates and one person is PhD.

61 | P a g e
5. Annual Income:
Table 4.5: Income wise respondents
0- 3 L 3-6L 6-9L 9 & above
Number of respondents 60 23 13 4
Percentage 60 23 13 4

Graph 4.5: Income wise respondents

Annual Income
13% 4%

0- 3 L
9 & above

Since 39% of this survey is students most of them are of 0-3L income range, ie 60%.
23% of them are in 3-6Lincome range, 13% in 6-9L and 4% is 9 & above.
Behavioural factors:
This survey is conducted on those people who do online shopping and are aware of
Amazon.In. So everyone answered ‘yes’ for those two questions.

62 | P a g e
6) Frequency of purchase from online:

Table 4.6: online shopping usage

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Total
Male 5 21 29 3 0 58
Female 4 14 23 1 0 42
Total 9 35 52 4 0 100

Graph 4.6: online shopping usage


30 29

25 23

15 14

5 4
5 3
1 0 0
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

Male Female

More than half of them use online shopping sometimes, ie 52%. People who always and
mostly shop through online shopping are also good in number, 9 and 35, together 44%.
And who use online shopping rarely is very less in number 4%. Since only 44% are
mostly using this, there is a wide space to fill and to make online shopping a great
success. And there is not much gender difference in online shopping, which means both
males and females enjoying online shopping and its benefits.

63 | P a g e
7)Mode of awareness about Amazon.In:

Word of Mouth

Blog recomme-

Promotional emails
newspapers, TV

Search engines(like

Links from other


No: of 39 22 2 15 5 17 100
Percentage 39 22 2 15 5 17 100

Table 4.7: Modes of awareness about Amazon.In

Graph 4.7: Modes of awareness about Amazon.In

No: of respondents
20 22
10 15 17

5 No: of respondents
0 2s
h V s s )
tio n
site al
M er a b em o
of ap end r we n al eG
d p e o ik
or ws m
h oti es
W , ne com m in
ts re m o g
en og fro pr en
m B l k s ch
se Lin ar
erti Se

Most of them are awareabout Amazon.In through word of mouth (39%) followed by
television and online advertisements (22%). Customers got awared through blog
recommendations (2%) and promotional e-mails (5%) are very less in number.
This means a good communicaton about Amazon. is going on through friends and
families, which proves that word of mouth strategy by them is the most successful

64 | P a g e
means of making people aware about their products. Success can only be gained through
delighted customers who act as advocates for their products and there is a wide scope of
other digital advertisement techniques like search engine marketing, email- marketing,
providing links and blog recommendations inorder to make more customers.

65 | P a g e
8) Frequency of using Amazon.In while online purchasing:
Graph 4.8: Frequency of using Amazon.In
Every Occasionall Most of the Hardly Total
time y time ever
No: of 17 45 32 6 100
Percentage 17 45 32 6 100

Graph 4.8: Frequency of using Amazon.In

No: of respondents
35 32
30 No: of respondents
20 17
Everytime Occasionaly Most of the time Hardly ever

Here on this survey 17% are always choosing Amazon.In for online shopping, while
45% are using it occasionally. Hardly ever using members are very less, and 32% are
using it most of the time. Since more than half of them prefer Amazon.In while thinking
of online shopping, it means branding had done successfully by them either through
advertisements, services or providing good experience to customers.

66 | P a g e
9) Category that mostly prefer to buy from Amazon.In:
Graph 4.9: Category mostly prefer to buy from Amazon.In




Books, Movies &

Apparels &

Home & Kitchen


No: of 39 20 30 3 4 4 100

Percentage 39 20 30 3 4 4 100

Graph 4.9: Category mostly prefer to buy from Amazon.In

No: of respondents
35 39
25 30
15 20
10 No: of respondents
0 3 4 4
cs ies ic ies r e s
oni or us ar lca ite
r s M on a
ct ce
s on en
Ele Ac s& ati rs tch
vie St p e K i
& o
r els s,
a k ca m
pp Bo
o th Ho
A al

Electronic items, Books and Stationery, Apparels& Accessories, cameras, watches and
others (bags, belts, etc.) are purchased more. 39% of respondents are preferred to buy
Electronics items followed by Books and Stationery (30%) and Apparels and
Accessories (20%). Books & stationery and electronics items are more famous among
the students and that may be the reason for large purchase of those items from

67 | P a g e
10) Reason for customer’s preference on Amazon.In than others:
Table 4.10: Customers expecting feature of Amazon.In.

Fast Delivery

Portal Features

Easy Payment
After Sales

Responses 31 29 8 17 10 100
Percentag 31 29 8 17 10 100

Graph 4.10: Customers expecting feature of Amazon.In

y ice 17 es ice
liv bi er
v s ur rv
de il a s on eat se
va t
st ale op
ti lF en
Fa A
ers t rta em
Aft en Po lac
ym p
a Re

One of the most efficient features in Amazon.In is fast delivery when compared to
other online shopping websites. So, most of the customers prefer this website for
shopping with the perception of quick delivery (41%) and availability of product
(29%), followed by easy payment options (17%). And there is a scope of increasing
after sales services and portal features when comparing with other features.

68 | P a g e
11) Rating of services on Amazon.In (in a scale of Excellent, Good, Average,
below average, Poor)
Table 4.12: Rating of Amazon.In services
Excellen Good Averag Below Poor
t e Average
Cash on delivery 46 45 5 2 2
30 days replacement 23 55 20 2 0
EMI options 21 48 25 5 1
Free shipping 35 34 17 12 2
Graph 4.12: Rating of Amazon.In services
Cash on delivery
30 30 days replacement policy
20 EMI options
10 Free shipping
Excellent Good Average Below Poor

46% of respondents are rated excellent for cash on delivery service, while for 30 days
replacement policy 55% rated good and 23% rated excellent. For EMI options 48% rated
good and 21% rated excellent, and for free shipping 35% rated excellent.
While analysing the data, customers have more interest in two services of Amazon.In:
That is,
30 days replacement policy and EMI options.
Since Amazon.In is providing 30 days replacement policy for all the products in the
platform. And this combined mix service increased the customer trust.
In case of EMI options, Amazon.In is the only site which accepts all credit cards and
thus it provides a better payment options to the customers.
Cash on delivery is a compactable service that provided to the customers and they are
much satisfied on that service also. Even some rated less for this service, may be
because of less customised experience on cash on delivery.
In case of free shipping, Amazon.In provide this service for total purchase of rupees 300
and above only. So it may affect some of the customers who purchase less price
products frequently.

69 | P a g e
12) Issues faced by customers while shopping in Amazon.In
Table 4.13: Issues faced when purchased from Amazon.In

Out of stock

Delay in Delivery

No issues
Faulty product

Payment issues

Replacement issues

No of 3 6 6 12 8 3 1 100
Responses 7 0
Percentage 3 6 6 12 8 3 1 100
7 0

70 | P a g e
Graph 4.13: Issues faced when purchased from Flikart





10 8
6 6





















No of Responses

In this survey, 30% of customers didn’t face any of those problems that mentioned,
while 37% of customers faced out of stock issue. This is one of serious issue faced by
most of customers. Since discounts and features are the one feature that most of the
customers looking for and when a good product with high discount is displayed in
Amazon.In platform, customers brought it as soon as they could. Thus the products
will be out of stocked.

71 | P a g e
Amazon.In started notifying the customers about the product when the stock got
Payment issues and replacement issues are less in number (total 12%) since different
payment options like EMI options, card payments, Cash on delivery, Wallet payments
etc… are provided by Amazon.In and customers are satisfied with those.
In case of replacement also only less issues are happened, thus shows most of them are
satisfied with that service.
Delay in delivery happens because of shipping and courier service issues. It is a
problem with supply chain. Mostly it happens in the end part of the supply and in rural
areas where courier services are less active.
Faulty product issue also happened to 8% of the customers and one of the policies to
overcome this issue is 30 days replacement policy of Amazon.In.

72 | P a g e
13) Recommending this website to others:

Table 4.14: Recommending Amazon.In to others

Yes No Total
No: of Responses 95 5 100
Percentage 95 5 100

Graph 4.14: Recommending Amazon.In to others

50 95
0 5
Yes No

No: of Responses

In this survey, most of them (95%) are happy to recommend Amazon.In to others like
friends and family. And this shows word of mouth publicity is successfully running and
this is one of the great advantages for Amazon.In.

73 | P a g e
14) Customer’s rating about services on Amazon.In: (in a scale of 5, 5 as highest
and 1 asleast)
Table 4.15: Rating the experience fromAmazon.In
1 2 3 4 5 Total
No of 7 11 16 49 17 100
Percentage 7 11 16 49 17 100

Graph 4.15: Rating the experience fromAmazon.In





10 17
1 2 3 4 5

No of Responses

While analysing the rating of experiences, Amazon.In provides a good and excellent
experiences to most of the customers.
Mode of given data: 4 & Median of given data: 4
49% of customers rated 4 as the experience and more than half of the population (66%)
rated 4 & 5 as experience.

74 | P a g e
15) Satisfaction of customers while Amazon.In services are used:

Table 4.16: Satisfaction on services of Amazon.In

Yes No Total
No: of responses 81 19 100
Percentage 81 19 100

Graph 4.16: Satisfaction on services of Amazon.In

40 81
10 19
Yes No

No: of responses

81% of the population is satisfied with the service of Amazon.In. This helps Amazon.In
to retain the customers and also shows that the branding and marketing techniques of
Amazon.In also got succeed.

75 | P a g e

The problem faced during the research and after the data collection were
1) Time constraint- since the time span for the thesis was only three months an in
depth study and analysis became a little difficult.

2) Sample size- the sample size of the study is only 100 which do not give a
comprehensive result. The conclusion of the study may not have resulted to an

3) Questions left blank- certain question have been left blank which does not allow
an accurate analysis.

76 | P a g e

 There is not much difference in gender for using online shopping.

 Students and salaried persons are most frequent users of Amazon.
 Frequency of purchase for electronics, books and music, apparels and accessories
are more in Amazon.
 Word of mouth was more influential in promotion as many people were made
aware by their friends and family when customers recommend this website to
 Highly discounted products got out of stock quickly, since customers purchased
it as soon as they could when they see high discount on good featured product.
 The services provided by Amazon are good and even more scope of development
is there for increasing the customer strength.
 Digital marketing techniques like search engine marketing, links providing other
website and advertisement also functioned well for promotion of this website.
 Fast delivery is one of best service Amazon is providing.
 Different payment options available in Amazon made customers more satisfied
and comfort for paying while purchasing product.
 Customers feeling more secured when purchasing through Amazon because of
different policies and services they have.
 In comparison with competitors, Amazon. is charging free shipping for the
purchase of 300 plus rupees, while others free ship the service without any
 Out of stock is the main issue faced by Amazon
 Most of customers have good experience with Amazon while purchasing
 Most of them are satisfied with the services of Amazon and so that they succeed
in retaining the customers.
 Advertising is an important way to have the brand and products familiar to
 Convenience and time saving are two important factors that customer looking for
while purchasing through online.

77 | P a g e
The thorough study is based on the consumer behaviour analysis which serves a great
idea regarding consumer perception when they go for online shopping. In order to
satisfy themselves consumer perceive many things before buying products and they will
be satisfied if the company meet their expectation.
The Overall Brand Value of Amazon is good, but it is facing some tough competition
from its global competitors like Ebay and Amazon. Talking about domestic market i.e
India, it is the most superior E-business portal which is aggressively expanding &
planting its roots deep into the Indian market & at the same time shifting the mind-set of
the people from going & shopping from physical store to online stores, which is
Be very focused on consumers and build amazing experiences for the customers.
This study also helps to understand that customer satisfaction is one of the essential
things for any organization because it helps the organization to enhance their positive
reputation in the market as well as it helps the organization to enable more financial
benefit in the organizational context. From the following’s sections, it can be concluded
that customer satisfaction basically refers to the customer's happiness means if a
customer is happy with the product and the service quality then the customer shows
positive views towards the company which is very important for any organization to
grow their business opportunity in the market. From the study, customer satisfaction is
the customer’s fulfillment response means when a customer happy with the service and
the product quality then the customer shows their loyalty towards the company and used
to buy the products from that company again which enable more financial benefit in the
organizational context. From the concept of customer satisfaction point it can be
concluded that companies are showing their motivation for providing best quality
service to their old customers as well as the companies are providing new offers and
discounts on their products as it will help the organization to attract more new customers
which will enable more satisfactory performance 89 of the employees in the
organizational context. Additionally, customer satisfaction will help the organization to
enhance their brand name in the market as well as it will impact the efficiency level of
the organizations. That section also refers that if any organization will fail to felicitate
customer satisfaction then it can negatively impact the business opportunity of the

78 | P a g e
organization which will lead the company towards absolute loss. Hasemark and
Albinsoon (2004) stated that customer satisfaction basically refers to the relationship
between the expectations of the customers and what the customer gets, and customer
satisfaction become conceptualized by progressing the time, processing the results,
effective evaluation, cognitive evaluation and basic sentiment of fulfilling. When an
organization wants to properly felicitate the customer satisfaction then the company
needs to keep their focus on good targeting and segmentation strategies. Additionally,
the authors also clear that segmentation strategies will help the organization to
differentiate their potential customers into a different group and targeting help the
organization to target their desired customer base in order to achieve financial benefit in
the organizational context. This study helps to understand the importance of the online
shopping on improvising the customer satisfaction in the retail company. The proper
strategies help to understand that how an organization should implement the online
shopping in the organizational context and the key factors which the organization must
need to ensure at the time of implementing strategies for enabling online shopping in the
organizational context. Online shopping is the only one key in the retail sector for
achieving success in the business and for this reason customer satisfaction is also
dependent on the services of online shopping. This study helps to understand that the
crucial points an organization must need to ensure at the time of implementing
electronic commerce business model in the organizational context. Online shopping site
helps the companies to ensure a healthy relationship with the potential customers and it
also helps the customers to save their valuable time 90 as they do not have to visit their
preferable company’s stores physically. As per the literature review it can be concluded
that if an organization able to properly implement the strategies for enhancing online
shopping business model in the organizational context then it will help the organization
to connect with wide range of potential customers and it also helps the organization to
increase the brand value as well as sales of the products. The organizations need to
ensure good pricing strategies, product quality strategies and marketing strategies in
order to enable more sustainability. Kano model of customer satisfaction helps to
understand that customers’ needs, and customer loyalty depend on the customer’s
impression regarding the product and its quality. As the world becomes so fast and
technology has become one of the parts of human’s life the organizations of the retail
industry also keeping their focus to enhance the technological aspect in the
organizational context. 73.8 million people use the internet every day from their

79 | P a g e
computers and the workplace. India has 100 million internet users and among them,
50% of the people felicitate online shopping. Many things influence the customers
online shopping behaviors, and these are broader selection, facility of shipping,
exclusive offers, rating and review, competitive pricing, convincing and information
about the products. The organizations are also promoting their products with the help of
various strategies and these are Content Marketing, email marketing, social media,
affiliate marketing, press release and many more. The researcher also felicitates some
market research and analyzes the data which help the researcher to conduct the research
work properly. The researcher has taken the positivism approach and sampling
techniques in order to get the accurate data from the quantitative and qualitative research
methods. The analysis part helps to understand that online shopping helps the customers
to save their valuable time and it also helps the customers to get various product lists.
Additionally, as per the analysis, it can be concluded that online shopping will help the
organizations to enhance their business opportunity 91 as well as it will help the
organizations to enable more customer satisfaction in the organizational context.

 Amazon has successfully placed itself into the prospects mind making it the
India’s largest online store with huge range of products. But it still needs to work
on their core competence that is books and stationery items.
 Delivery services can be improved mainly in rural areas by selecting appropriate
courier service which has services in customer area for dispatching an item.
 Can make free delivery to all priced products.
 Can include more coupon codes and gift vouchers for increasing the traffic of the
 Out of stock items can made available as soon as possible and intimate the
needed customers.
 Should look for International/ Overseas markets or Neighbouring Countries.
 Critical mass of Internet users – Internet users in India is increasing at increasing
rate, so Amazon can target more & more cities i.e not only tier 1 & 2 but also
tier 3 & 4 cities, which will help generate stronger customer base & more

80 | P a g e
 Should clearing focus on the Growing Online Apparel business & it can diversify
into apparel category either organically or inorganically by acquiring other
 User Experience: Portal should continuously aim to work to improve the user
experience by adding more & more innovative features in the website like
virtually shopping basket, virtual trial rooms. In this competitive world to
differentiate via user experience, the ultimate winner will be the Indian online
 Should comprehensively invest into E-CRM & online reputation management.
 Logistics & Supply Chain: can continuously aim to reduce the delivery time
 Price will still be a factor as amazon being a huge company will use its
economies of scale to remove their competitors from the market; therefore they
need to be more competitive on that aspect.


 Assael, Henry. (1984.) “Behavior and Market Action”. Boston, Massachusetts:
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 Belch, G.E., & Belch, M.A. (2001). Advertising and Promotion: An integrated
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 Cooper, Donald R. and Schindler , Pamela S. (1999), Business Research
Methods, 6 Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India.
 Creswell, J. W. (2003). “Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches”. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
 Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Lowe, A. (2002), Management Research 2nd
edition, London: Sage.
 Remenyi, D., Williams, B., Money, A. and Swartz, E. (1998), “Doing Research
in Business and Management”, Sage Publications, London.


81 | P a g e
 Arnould, E.J. and Wallendorf, M. “Market-oriented Ethnography: Interpretation
Building and Marketing Strategy Formulation,” Journal of Marketing Research,
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Author: DejanPetrovic




Economic Times)

82 | P a g e

TEL. NO. :
MOB. NO. :

1. Gender
 Male
 Female

2 Please tick the age group you belong to.

 16-25
 25-35
 35-50
 50 or above

3. Please tick your occupation

 Salaried Professional
 Housewife
 Business
 Student
 Unskilled
 Others, please specify ________

4. Please tick your education as relevant

 Post graduate
 Graduate
 Higher secondary school certificate

83 | P a g e
 High School certificate
 Less than 12 years in school
 Others (PHD)

5. Please tick your income range

 Less than Rs.3 lakhs per annum
 Rs.3 to Rs.5 lakhs per annum
 Rs.6 to Rs.9 lakhs per annum
 Rs.8 to Rs.10 lakhs per annum
 More than 10 lakhs per annum

6 .How frequently do you shop through e-commerce websites

 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Seldom
 Never
7. In which mode you aware of about Amazon.In?
 Word of mouth
 Advertisement(TV ,Newspaper etc)
 Blogs recommendation
 Links from other website
 Promotional mails
 Serch engine(Google,Yahoo etc)

8 .How much you use Amazon.In?

 Everytime
 Most of the time
 Occasionally
 Veryless

9.Which item you mostly prefer to buy from Amazon.In?

 Electronics

84 | P a g e
 Apparels & accessories
 Books/ Movies & music
 Stationary
 Helthcare
 Kitchen & home items
 Digital products

10. Why you use Amazon.In as compaired to any other online marketing website?
 Fast delivery
 Availability
 After sale service
 Easy payment
 Portal feature
 Replacement service

11. Please rate the service of Amazon.In

0-3 (Poor) 3-5(Below average) 5-7(Average) 7-9(Good) 10(Excellent)
On account of –
 Cash on delivary ( )
 30 days replacement policy ( )
 EMI option ( )
 Free shipping ( )

12. Which type of issue you face in Amazon.In?

 Replacement issue
 Delivary delay
 Faulty product
 No issue
 Other

85 | P a g e
13. Will you recommend Amazon.In to others?
 Yes
 No

14. How much you rate service of Amazon.In between 1 to 5 where-

1 – lowest & 5 – highest
 1
 2
 3
 4
 5

15.Will you satisfied the service of Amazon.In?

 Yes
 No

86 | P a g e

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