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Problem Solving Options

Student Name

Instructor Name



Generate options for solving the problem in the scenario.


The employee has three options to solve the problem at hand. At first, he can choose

the new employer based in the current competitive advantage the company has. Additionally,

the new company has a higher salary reward as compared to the current employer. The

second option is remaining with the former employer where he will be promoted immediately

after completing his undergraduate degree (Jäkel & Schreiber, 2013). The promotion also

comes with a full reimbursement for the expense that the employee incurs in pursuing his

undergraduate degree. The third option is to remain with the current employer for job

security. Fir the years he has worked in the company, his work is exceptional and his

performance is well understood by the employer thus the chances of getting promotions and

advantages are higher.


8-Step Problem Solving Process. University Human Resources - The University of Iowa.


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