MGT 400 Reflective Essay

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Management is the coordination and administration of tasks in order to

achieve goals. Administration activities embrace setting the organization’s strategy
and additionally coordinating the works of employees to accomplish these objectives
through the appliance of obtainable insources. Management can also refer to the
seniority structure of employees within corporation. To be a successful manager,
certain skills must be mastered by the person such as planning, organizing, leading
and controlling. These skills need to be developed by the manager to ensure that
everything runs smoothly according to the staff respective parts.

Management is very important in achieving group goals as management

arrange the factors of production, assembles and organize the resources, integrates
the resources in affective manner. In additionally, directs group efforts towards
achievement of pre-determined goals. By defining the objective of organization
clearly, it will avoid the wastage of time, cash and energy. Besides, management is
important for increasing productivity because it ensures that resources like capital,
labour, energy, raw materials are consumed with efficiency at a specific time to
produce as planned by the organisation. The management also ensures that the
increase in productivity can be realistically obtained by motivating labour and even-
handed alignment of supporting resources.

All business experience competition with increase in demand of products or

services. Businesses thereby contend to hunt additional sales, more profit and a
higher market share by offering the products or services at the best prices, quality
and service. Human and physical resources accordingly need to be managed
appropriately with increasing competition thus necessitating the need for

In this essay, student will state the thoughts and opinions based on the topics
that been learned. Opinions and thought that stated will be supported with the
related studies or student experiences.


Based on the subject, student will learn about introduction to management.

Student will tend to know the definition of organization which means a group of
individuals that work together toward common goals. The effort of these people must
be coordinated if the organization want to accomplish its goals. Organization is
important as it is required to accomplish objectives that been prescribed by the
company. It is also important to preserve knowledge as knowledge are needed for
them to make decision making, so it is important to not leak the information and keep
the information in a good term. Besides, organization were required to serve society
as organization produce products that will be used by society and in the existence of
organization, it will provide employment opportunities to the people while preventing
an increase of the unemployment rate in the country.

Management is the process of administering and coordinating resources

effectively, efficiently, and to achieve the goals of the organization. Management
according to Mary Parker Follet is the art of getting thing done through people. In
order to make the organization success, management should be based on these two
things namely effectiveness and efficiently. Effectiveness can be achieved when the
organization pursues appropriate goals which means “doing the right thing” while
efficiently is achieved by using the fewest information to generate the given output
and this means “doing things right”. Functions of management are planning,
organizing, leading and controlling which is borne by the managers that responsible
to plan, organize, lead and control the activities of the organization so that the goals
can be achieved.

Management is not easy as it seems to, this is because management must

consider what is good for company and make decision by taking account of all the
aspect so that there is no big risk happen that can be detrimental to the company.
Management is discipline that once it has been mastered it will help you to navigate
the external of the business environment and internal of the organization itself. (Joan
Magretta, 2012)


One of the management functions is planning which is the process that

determine action that are necessary to achieve the goals of organization. It is also
can be defined as a blueprint for action that set the activities needed for an
organization to make their goals achieved. This function was made to ensure that the
organization is both effective and efficient in its activities. It also helps to determine
more opportunities available to advance the company and identify the course of
actions so that it will reduce mistakes. The purpose of planning is to avoid risk and
utilise the resource as best as can.

Planning is important as it will be used as a guide for company so that the

company is prepared if applicable changing economic environment which can be a
good thing or bad thing for the company. It is essential to plan because with plan the
company will have better coordination that shows company have a good and quality
input whether staff or product. Great planning that made by management for
company will attracted more participatory work environment. This is because, a
successful planning will require the participation of wide range of organizational
members. It will lead to more access to a broad base of knowledge and experience
in the planning process and more ‘buy in’ which organizational members tend to
accept the plan that they helped to develop. So, in other way it helps to expand the
range of business that made by the company. A proper plan provides a foundation
for control of the progresses and processes of the company. The implementation of
the plan can be evaluated and progress toward the achievement of performance
objectives can be monitored. Controls provide tools for ensuring that the organization
is following the right direction and making progress towards achieve its target.

For example, Air Asia Berhad is a good company, especially in management.

In order to accomplish their mission and vision which are to be the largest low-cost
airline in Asia and serve 3 billion people who are having poor connectivity and high
fares also one of the missions is to attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly.
They are a good example in decision making as they have great management that
going through the process. They identify the problems, making analysis, collecting
and sharing data or information, handing the job to the workers to ensure that the

progress working. They also use SWOT analysis to make sure that they have the
final choice for the company. SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunities
and threat. Using the SWOT analysis will help them to solve problem and be
prepared as these things are included in the planning.


Organising is the function of management that involves developing and

organizational structure and allocate human resources to make sure that objectives
that created by company accomplished. The structure of the organization is the
framework within which effort is coordinated. The structure is mostly depicted by an
organization chart, that has a graphic representation of the chain of instruction within
an organization. Decisions made about the structures of the organization are
basically referred to as organizational designs decisions.

Organizing conjointly embody the planning of individual jobs within the

organization. Decisions must be made about the responsibilities of individual jobs,
same goes to the way the duties should be carried out. Decisions created regarding
the nature of jobs within the organization are typically known as “job design”
decisions. Organizing at the extent of the organization involves on deciding the
method to departmentalize in the best way, or cluster, jobs into department to
coordinate effort effectively. There are many different manners to departmentalize,
as well as organizing according to function, product, geography, or customer.
Organizing at the level of a specific job that involves a way to design individual jobs
in most effectively use of human resource. Technically, job design was supported on
principles of allotment of labour and specialization.

Organising in AirAsia shows that the top management must distribute the task
properly to the workers, as well as giving motivations to the workers and staff so that
they can come to the objective were made, finish their task more effectively in order
to achieve the goals. AirAsia conjointly shows delegations of responsibilities through
Tony Fernandes itself as the chairman of AirAsia, he gets to join forces with different
management team in his company in deciding to get the best result. He also
responsible to give motivation to the workers so the workers manage to get their task
done in time. The organisational structure of AirAsia included corporation of the top
management from different department in AirAsia Berhad which led by Tony
Fernandes with a promise of ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’ and the mission to provide
low-cost flight, just to make AirAsia easier to control and work successfully.


Leading in management is concerning the social and informal sources of

influence that you use to inspire action taken by others. If manager are effective
leaders, their subordinate additionally will be enthusiastic about effort to realize
objective of the organisation. The activity sciences have created several
contributions to understanding this function of management.

Personality analysis and studies of job attitudes offer necessary knowledge as

how manages can most effectively lead subordinates and to become effective at
leading, managers should first understand their subordinates’ personalities, values,
attitudes and emotion. But also, to be a decent leader, assertiveness is needed by a
leader so that subordinates do not look down on or act rudely towards the leader.
However, respect between employees to employers must be maintained, as well as
employers to employees. Employers need to give appropriate rewards to employees,
while employees need to work honestly and diligently so that employee performance
can be improved. Studies of motivation and motivation theory offer essential
knowledge about the ways in which workers can be energized to place forth
productive effort. Studies of communication provide direction as to how managers
can effectively communicate. Experience on the field also help on how to be good
leader as they had to meet different people in different years or months that give new
environment, and they have a chance to work in different management.

As a leader in AirAsia, Tony Fernandes believes with the hard work of his
employees. To maintain the effectiveness of his workers in getting their task done,
he gives the motivation to his workers with bonuses. Thus, he also communicates
with the workers and give positive energy as motivation for the workers. He will
always communicate with them friendly and treat them more like friends or family. He
also encourages his workers to be brave and confident in giving ideas or speak out
their opinions during meeting so that they have chance to learn, gain more
experience, test the extent of their abilities and do not always being in a comfort
zone. Like he said, a leader must have experiences, believe the workers and must
clearly know everything going on with the workers and the company to ensure that
nothing goes wrong.


Controlling is the functions that guaranteeing the performance does not

deviate from standards. Controlling consist of three steps, that embrace establishing
performance standards, comparing the actual performance against standards and
taking corrective action once it is necessary. Performance standards are usually
stated in financial terms such as revenue, costs or profits but may also be stated in
other terms such as units produced, number of defective products, or levels of
quality or customer service. The measurement of performance can be done in
several manner, depending on the performance standards, including financial
statements, sales reports, production results, customer satisfaction, and formal
performance appraisals. Managers at all levels engage within the managerial
function of controlling to some extent.

The managerial function of controlling should not be confused with control

within the behavioural or artful sense. This function does not imply that managers
ought to commit to management or to manipulate the personalities, values, attitudes,
or emotions of their subordinates. Instead, this function of management issues the
manager’s role in taking necessary actions to confirm that the work-related activities
of subordinate are consistent with and contributively toward the accomplishment
structure and division objectives. Effective controlling requires the presence of plans
since planning provides the necessary performance standards or target.

Controlling also need a clear understanding of where responsibility for

deviations from customary lies. Two ancient management techniques are budget
and performances audits. An audit involves an examination and verification of
records and supporting documents. A budget audit provides information concerning
wherever the organization is with relation to what was planned or budgeted for,
where as a performance audit would possibly attempt to determine whether the
figures reported reflect actual performance. Although controlling is commonly
thought of in terms of economic criteria, managers should control production and
operations processes, procedures for delivery of services, compliance with company
policies and lots of activities.

In AirAsia, Tony Fernandes likes operating along his workers using ‘walk-
around’ management style as it might help him to improve his knowledge about
airlines. Every time after working with his workers, he will learn new things from his
workers. This strategy also allows him to make sure that every task can be done by
the workers smoothly without any big problem. He recently communicates with the
workers to understand what they are doing and come into a solution if any problem
occurs during finishing the tasks. With that, company can be controlled as they
correct the mistake from time to time.


In my opinion, organizing is very important where managers must be very

thorough in dividing the inputs to achieve output target. Student once have worked
as an operator in factory, and this is the first-time student worked as an operator and
it was tiring process where student must follow the targeted output that made by
factory. Student also get to experience of being scolded by leader for not produce
the output as instructed. In my thoughts, it is not fair to do that to new workers as
they just learn to adapt with the task and the workplace. If they want to achieve the
target, they must have enough workers. That is why student state that having good
organizing on how much inputs they want to use is very required to achieve the

Next, having a good leader is a bonus so that a good approach can be done
to the workers. Then, it will motivate workers to do better. But sometimes strict
leader is needed too in order to get the work done in time limit. Besides, having
knowledge on leading very essential as you are not being in the same person
forever, you got to meet new person. So that, you know how to make people
comfortable working with you and respect you as a leader. Students get to
experience both but not to the level that student comfortable to work with. If you have
problems regarding to yourself or work, then seek for solution also manage it in a
professional way and do not make the environment uncomfortable for the workers.

As for planning and controlling, it must be tough for the management to keep
the company survive so that it can help workers who in need for cash and provide
more to society. They must aware and consider in any aspects so that there is no big
mistake that can bring company down. According to the studies, management
control as a function that links strategic planning with operational control.
Management control was basically conceived as a solution to the management
problems of large, decentralized corporations in develop industrial countries.
Managers usually had the problems how to coordinate and control the work of
subordinate organizational units within the corporation. The task was to comply the
activities of such units with the objective of top management. In addition, it was

necessary to provide information to help managers to be able to correct any
deviations from the approved plans.


In conclusion, the management functions namely planning, organizing,

leading and controlling are widely considered as the best means of describe the
manager’s job also the best way to classify accumulated information about the study
of management. Although there have been extraordinary changes in the
environment that faced by the managers and the tools that managers use to carry
out their roles, managers still perform this important function.

SWOT analysis really help management to make sure company in a good

state as showed by AirAsia Berhad. This organization doing its best to maintain in
airline industry for being the low-cost airline in Asia based on the analysis. Within
that, they make improvement and solution in order to compete with others airline.
They can benefit all the opportunities that possible to advance their company and
always be on lookout for threats that can bring down their company’s reputation.


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