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Name: Pamela Wu

Resource #1
Name of technological resource: Microsoft Form

Description of how this resource could be I can use MS Form as an electronic way to
used: survey my students. I can ask students to
complete the form so that I may get a sense
of their understanding for a concept. I can
also use the MS Form for student self-

Justification for using this resource: Microsoft Forms links well to MS Teams that
Surrey Schools highly encourages their staff
to use. In addition, MS Forms has a spell and
grammar check feature to assist students
when composing sentences. It also doesn’t
hurt that having students type their responses
eliminates the need to make out their

Resource #2
Name of technological resource: Good Notes 5
Whiteboard App for Apple

Description of how this resource could be Good Notes 5 is one of 3 technology

used: resources I would need to create a flipped
classroom. Flipped classroom are great so
students can watch lessons on their own
time; allowing classroom time to be used for
application of concepts, where a teacher is
available for assistance. With a flipped
classroom, students can also watch lessons
at their own pace by pausing and rewinding.
Students can also re-watch lessons as they
find necessary.

Good Notes 5 is one technology resources

needed in creating a flipped classroom. The
app acts as a whiteboard for me to present
my lessons on.

Justification for using this resource: Good Notes 5 works well with my apple
device. The features that I find particularly
handy for a math lesson are:
- Ability to handwrite: easier than typing
in math equations

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

- Grid paper: helps for creating graphs
and tables
- Straight lines: helps for graphing linear
- Shapes: helps when drawing triangles
for trigonometry, circles for geometry
- Coloured pens and highlighters: to
help associate images with math
- Separate Notebooks: allows me to
organize my different whiteboards for
each class.
- Convert to PDF: allows me to share
lesson notes with students or save as
an electronic copy for future reference

Resource #3
Name of technological resource: iPad Screen Recording Feature

Description of how this resource could be I can use the iPad’s screen recording feature
used: to make my math video lessons. This
technology resource records my screen as I
work on Good Notes 5 along with the audio of
my voice as I verbally deliver my math lesson.

Justification for using this resource: I pick this technology resource out of pure
convenience. It is a build in feature on my
iPad. ScreenCastify and Screen-o-matic is
not available for apple devices.

Resource #4
Name of technological resource: YouTube Videos/Playlist

Description of how this resource could be YouTube provides me a place to upload and
used: share video lessons with my students.

Justification for using this resource: YouTube’s playlist feature allows me to

organize my video lessons into different units.
I can also set the privacy setting so that only
my students who have a link can view the
video lessons. YouTube can be accessed on
different devices. Plus, the majority of the
students are familiar with YouTube.

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

Resource #5
Name of technological resource: Hyperdoc

Description of how this resource could be I would use Hyperdoc to provide the students
used: with an outline of the activities they are
expected to do and the sequence to do them
in over the course of several classes. The
document will include hyperlinks or QR codes
to directly take them to the various video
lessons, activities, and assessment.

Justification for using this resource: By using Hyperdoc, students will become
self-starters and independent learners.
Hyperdoc reduce the need to give instruction
and allow teacher to focus on providing more
targeted intervention.

Evaluation of Your Google Site:

I had not designed my Weebly site with the intention of making it to be an effective teaching or
learning resource for a specific grade level. I had thought the purpose of creating a website for
this course, CONT 933, was purely to provide an opportunity to practice and play around with
web page creation platforms as having a class website is a great method to keep students and
parents informed. I clearly had missed the purpose for the CONT 933 Final webpage.

On my webpage, I have provided some lesson activities that incorporate technology that other
teachers could find useful. For most of the content that is on my webpage, I did communicate
the appropriate course, grade level, and unit it would relate to at the beginning of each post
entry. However, the lesson activity’s connection to big ideas, curricular competencies, and
curricular content was not readily provided. Visitors would have to download and open the files
to find the information. It would have been better, if I had also explicitly stated at the beginning
of each post entry, their specific connections to big ideas, curricular competencies, and
curricular content. By doing so, visitors of the site would be able to quickly draw an idea if the
content/activity met their criteria so they may either move on or read further. I would also slightly
re-organize the site by creating a Lesson Activities page that lump Common Technology,
Financial Literacy and Multiple Forms of Technology together. This way users can easily identify
the resources that provide lesson ideas that incorporate technology.

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

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