How To Coach For Improved Performance

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How to Coach for Improved Performance

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Improved Performance"
Make the most of your most valuable resource — people. This innovative approach to solving
performance problems presents a coaching model and creative coaching techniques for managers
to use in developing a supportive environment. It shows how to address individual differences,
including language, culture, age, and value systems.

The goal of this Business Builder is to help managers, supervisors, or co-workers coach employees
to overcome barriers or hurdles and improve performance. This innovative approach to solving
performance problems presents a coaching model and creative coaching techniques for managers
to use in creating a supportive environment and addressing individual differences, including
language, culture, age, and value systems.


Coaching is one of the most critical skills to be mastered by today's entrepreneur. Why is coaching
so important? Today's environment has created more pressure to do more with less. The key to
reducing pressure is to make the most of your most valuable resource — people.

 High performing employees will help you reduce the anxiety and stress of increasing and
multiple responsibilities.
 Coaching is the most effective way of developing your employees.
 Improved employee performance leads to increased productivity and bottom line results.
 Employees experience increased self-esteem and job satisfaction.

Successful coaches in business as in sports are great influencers. They know how to bring out the
best in others. They also know that it is an on-going process and a primary responsibility.

Keep in mind that coaching takes time. It involves real commitment and a desire to participate
actively in the employee's development. Throughout the coaching process, it is important to keep in
mind that the main objective is to improve performance. Managers need to guard against jumping
to early conclusions when they identify a performance problem. As with any problem-solving
process, the first and often the most difficult step is to identify clearly what the problem is.


To understand the coaching process, we will look at the following areas:

 Definition of Coaching
 Qualities, Characteristics, and Skills of Effective Coaches
 Coaching Behaviors
 The Coaching Process
 Feedback
 Rewards
 Measuring Success

Defining Coaching

 …is an on-going process designed to help the employee gain greater competence and
overcome barriers to improving performance.
 …differs from training, which is a structured process to provide employees with the
knowledge and skills to perform job tasks.
 …is appropriate when the person has the ability and knowledge but performance has
dropped, and he or she has not met expectations.
 …involves a change in behavior.

The idea is to move the employee from where he or she is to where you want him or her to be.
Coaching is not the same as counseling. Counseling is problem solving directed at personal issues
that are affecting, or have the potential to affect, performance. Very often counseling involves
personal problems such as marital and family problems, substance abuse, emotional and
psychological barriers. The manager should not try to counsel but should serve as a resource
person, directing the employee to a skilled practitioner for further professional help.

Identifying Qualities, Characteristics, and Skills of Effective Coaches

Studies show that effective coaches share certain personal qualities and characteristics, such as the

 Patience
 Enthusiasm
 Honesty and integrity
 Friendliness
 Genuine concern for others
 Self-confidence
 Fairness
 Consistency
 Flexibility
 Resourcefulness

To be successful, coaches need to develop the following skills and abilities:

 Communicating
 Listening
 Questioning
 Setting goals and objectives
 Establishing appropriate priorities
 Analyzing
 Relating to people at all levels
 Planning and organizing

Modeling Coaching Behavior

In addition to qualities, characteristics and skills, as an effective coach you need to demonstrate
certain behaviors. Using the acronym COACH, we will review the following behaviors. Try to relate
each one to yourself and your situation.

 Collaborate. The coaching relationship is a collaborative one. You need to work with the
employee to identify the performance problem, set standards and performance objectives, and
develop a performance improvement plan. It becomes a matter of how can WE solve the problem.
 Own. You need to examine your own behavior. Ask yourself: "Did I make my expectations
clear?" "Did I provide the proper training?" "Does the employee have the appropriate tools to do
the job?"
 Acknowledge. As we will see later, you need to acknowledge successes through
reinforcement and also acknowledge an employee's problems, feelings and concerns. This last
point is tricky. Acknowledging problems and concerns is not the same as overlooking them or
allowing them to excuse behavior that is not at an acceptable level. For example, you can certainly
understand an employee's difficulty in juggling the multiple responsibilities of home and work.
However, the resulting chronic absenteeism or tardiness cannot be allowed to continue.
 Communicate. This is probably the most important behavior and the one most managers
seem to find the most difficult. As we noted in the above lists, communication skills including
listening, questioning, giving and receiving feedback are critical for success. You need to practice
two-way communication on a daily basis. In particular, you need to clarify your expectations.
 Help. As a manager, you are not only a coach but an advisor, serving as a resource person
and a guide to other resources, both inside and outside the organization. In addition to giving
help, you should also be seeking help from your employees. For example, if you need to increase
sales, ask your employees to help you develop a marketing plan or at least solicit their ideas. You
will be surprised how creative and innovative people can be if you give them a chance.

Following the Coaching Process

Anyone can learn to be a coach. By applying the following step-by-step process, you will improve the
performance of individual team members and get the results you want.

 Step One: Problem Identification.

The coach describes the current undesirable performance-related behavior that is observable,
measurable, non-judgmental and can be changed. Telling someone he/she has a "bad attitude" is
not descriptive — it's judgmental. Try to eliminate the word "attitude" from your thought process
when dealing with employee performance. A simple example is the employee who is frequently
late. In describing this unacceptable behavior to the employee, cite specific documented dates and
time periods that you have observed. Be careful not to rely on hearsay.

Using the employee you identified earlier as a case example, describe the current behavior
including the situation and the person's actions. Remember to be as specific as possible and focus
on behavior not attitude.

 Step Two: Employee Response.

Give the employee an opportunity to explain or question. Use open-ended questions such as
"What do you think is the problem?" " ;What is keeping you from getting to work on time?" In the
tardiness case, the employee may give the standard excuses or may reveal a real problem
preventing him or her from getting to work on time.

Make a list of open-ended questions you could ask your employee to uncover any underlying
problems or extenuating circumstances. Brainstorm some possible reasons your case employee
may give you.

Of course, when you really deal with this individual, be aware that you may hear things you hadn't
anticipated so keep your mind open to other possibilities.

 Step Three: State Expectations.

As a coach you need to state clearly what you expect of the employee. For example, the manager
of the tardy employee restates that he expects the employee to be at her work station and ready
to work by 9 am. The use of empathy is very important at this stage. You might begin by saying, "I
understand that it must be difficult for you to manage all your responsibilities; however, the fact
remains that you are expected to be here on time and you haven't been doing so."

State very specifically what you expect the employee to do or not to do. Include an empathy

 Step Four: Get Agreement.

This step is also tricky because the employee may try various ways to dodge the issue and accept
no responsibility for his or her behavior. Your careful documentation will be invaluable here.
Through two-way communication, you and the employee should agree on the problem and the
impact it has on the organization and others. If the person is frequently late, that action places
additional burden on others. It also creates resentment that affects the entire office environment.

With your case employee, identify the impact of that person's behavior on others or on your

 Step Five: Improvement Plan.

This step is critical. You and your employee must collaborate to identify clearly the desired
behavior. It will be very tempting just to "lay down the law" and tell the employee what he or she
should do. The two of you should establish goals that are specific, realistic, attainable, simple and
time-bound, as well as strategies for overcoming barriers to reach those goals.

Once again, use good questioning techniques to get the employee to state what he or she plans to
do to solve the problem. To the tardy employee you might ask, "What do you think you can do to
make sure you get here on time?" In this manner, you are placing the onus on the employee by
making him or her take appropriate ownership. By the same token, you will want to ask what you
can do to help. The employee may want you to do what is not be appropriate or possible. If that's
the case, it's a good starting point for further discussion and maybe even some negotiation. The
employee may offer a solution you had not considered.

What are some open-ended questions you could use with your case employee?

 Step Six: Gain Commitment.

In this step, the employee commits to changing behavior or improving performance by stating
exactly what he/she is going to do to improve the situation. The tardy employee who has difficulty
juggling the responsibilities of getting her small children to day care with getting herself ready and
to work on time may need to get organized the night before and/or get up earlier. Once you gain
agreement and commitment from the employee, ask the employee to summarize the discussion.

How would you determine if the employee has indeed made a real commitment to improving

 Step Seven: Set a time for the next meeting.

Before concluding the coaching session, you and the employee will need to agree on a time to
meet to discuss progress. The next meeting should give ample time for the individual to practice
the new behavior, yet not so long that he/she assumes the matter is forgotten.

With your case example, how long do you think you should wait before the next meeting?

 Step Eight: Monitor and Follow-up.

It is important to monitor the employee's specific feedback in the form of comments, instructions,
and suggestions. For example, the manager reinforces the behavior of the formerly tardy
employee by saying, "Joyce, I've noticed that you've been to work on time every day, and I really
appreciate the extra effort to make that happen." The coach may suggest how to do something
better by saying, "Next time, John, try asking the customer how he/she is going to use the account
so you can offer the appropriate choices." Another example of reinforcing positive behavior may
be, "Sandy, you handled that customer well. Although you couldn't give her what she wanted, you
gave her a choice and allowed her to make her own decision." Immediate praise is a powerful
reinforcer. If you want the behavior repeated, you need to let the person know.

Using your example, write down some ways you could monitor the employee's progress.
Remember, however, you are doing this in isolation. In the actual situation, the employee would
help determine the appropriate plan of action.

Read the following discussion between the manager, Barry, and employee, Robin. Then identify
the steps Barry follows to coach Robin to improve her performance:
Barry: Robin, come in and have a seat. I would like to talk to you about a problem I have
been noticing with your job performance.
Robin: What are you talking about? I've been doing my job OK.

Barry: Yes, Robin, you perform your job duties very well. However, I want to talk with you
about your interactions with the customers on the telephone. On six different occasions
during the past two weeks, I have noticed that you allowed the telephone to ring at least
six times before you answered it. When you did finally answer it, you told the callers to
wait a minute. Then when you got back to the customers on the phone, you asked them
what they wanted and didn't apologize for keeping them waiting. I have noticed this
behavior on several occasions. What seems to be the problem from your perspective?

Robin: I don't think there is a problem. I get back to them as soon as I can. After all, there's
only one of me, and I had other customers in front of me that I had to take care of. What
do you want me to do — ignore them?

Barry: As we have discussed in our training sessions and staff meetings, we are
committed to providing the highest level of customer service to all our customers both in
person and on the telephone.

Robin: Look, I'm doing the best I can. Maybe if you hired more people we wouldn't have
this problem. I can't do two things at the same time. Besides, if they don't want to hold,
they can call back later. And I'm not the only one who doesn't answer the phone right
away, but I don't notice you giving anybody else grief. Have you talked to John about it? He
never answers the phone unless he has to.

Barry: Let's keep in mind that I expect everyone to provide the best service to our
customers, and right now, we're talking about your performance. I understand that at
times you are pulled in several directions at the same time. I did say that the customer in
front of you should take priority, however, the customer on the telephone can't see that
you have a customer in front of you, and when the telephone rings and rings, the caller
gets frustrated and angry.

Robin: So what do you want me to do?

Barry: Robin, what do you think you could do to keep the customer in front of you happy
while responding to the incoming call?

Robin: I don't know. That's what I'm asking you.

Barry: I suggest that you ask the customer in front of you to excuse you for a moment and
then immediately answer the telephone. Then ask the caller if you can put him or her "on
hold," or if he or she would like you to call back after you're free.
Robin: That's what I do now. I tell 'em to hold.

Barry: Robin, there's a difference between telling someone to &q uot;hold" and asking if
he or she would like to hold.

Robin: What difference does it make? Nobody likes to be put on "hold" so why bother

Barry: People like to be given options. They like to feel they are making the decision.

Robin: OK, fine. I'll do it. Is there anything else?

Barry: Yes, Robin, there is. When you get back to both customers — the one in front of
you and the one on the telephone — be sure to smile and thank them for being so patient.

Robin: I can't go around with a phony smile on my face all day and be one of those gushy-
gooey people.

Barry: Robin, I'm not asking you to be phony. I am asking and expecting you to
demonstrate real concern for the customer by smiling, using the customer's name,
excusing yourself when you need to answer the phone, and thanking the customer for
waiting. I know I'm asking you to modify your behavior, and that isn't easy. But what do
you think you will gain by changing the way you handle the customers?

Robin: I guess I'll get to keep my job.

Barry: I'm not talking about you losing your job, but I am talking about doing everything
you can to communicate that the customer comes first. When the customer believes that,
it will also make it easier for you in dealing with him or her. So what do you think you can
do to improve the situation?

Robin: I don't know. I guess I can concentrate on being a little friendlier, making sure I use
the customer's name more, and answering the phone more promptly.

Barry: Good, that's all I ask. Let's get together again in two weeks at the same time to
discuss how things are going. How does that sound to you?

Robin: OK, I guess. I'll give it a try.

Using Feedback

The importance of feedback in the coaching process cannot be stressed enough. Keep in mind the
following guidelines for effective feedback:
 Be descriptive rather than evaluative. Describe observable behavior not judgments on your
 Be careful not to put the employee on the defensive.
 Be specific rather than general.
 Describe the behavior in the context of the actual situation.
 Discuss only behavior the employee can change. Some people have shortcomings over
which they have no control.
 Be timely and do it frequently.
 Hold the discussion at the earliest opportunity after the behavior has occurred. Take into
account both the employee's and the employer's needs.
 Remember to strive for a win-win situation.
 Communicate clearly. Check for clarity by asking the employee to state his or her
understanding of the discussion. Do it when the receiver is ready to receive it.
 Keep in mind that timing is everything.

Recognizing and Rewarding Positive Behavior

Feedback and reinforcement need to be followed with recognition and rewards. Individual
recognition teamed with incentive programs can be very effective but should be tied to
organizational goals and individual performance and valued by the employee. If, your organization is
committed to responding quickly to customers, then you should reward the employee's efficiency in
returning phone calls or resolving complaints. That reward could be public praise, special privileges,
choices of flex time, schedules, vacations, or tangibles such as gifts, money, plaques or theater
tickets. The reward should depend on the person receiving it. The employee with young children
may appreciate given more scheduling flexibility whereas someone on a limited income would value
the opportunity to work overtime.

List some non-monetary ways you can reward your employees for outstanding performance.

Measuring Success

One of the ways you can measure your coaching success is to solicit feedback from your employees
on how you are doing. One easy and relatively risk-free method is to ask each employee to complete
a brief "agree-disagree" questionnaire — anonymously, of course. Your questions (or statements in
this case) could include, but need not be limited to, the following:

My manager…

 frequently tells me how I'm doing

 gives me both positive and negative feedback
 tells me what he/she expects of me
 asks my opinion and involves me in decisions that affect me
 keeps me informed about changes taking place in the organization
 does not use threats or intimidation
 acknowledges my extra effort with some type of praise or recognition
 takes the time to explain new procedures and makes sure I understand provides the training
and resources I need to do my job
 treats me with respect
 is not afraid to admit his/her mistakes or to say, "I'm sorry."

Respond to the list above as you think your employees would respond. Are there any areas you
would like to improve?

Another approach would be for you to respond to the list according to how you see yourself. Give
the same list to your employees, then compare your self-perception with the perception of others. It
could be a real eye-opener. Regardless of the outcome, you now have valuable data that reinforces
the positive approach you are already using or identifying areas for improvement.



___ How does coaching differ from training and counseling?

___ What is the goal or objective of coaching?

Qualities, Skills, Characteristics

___ What necessary coaching qualities, characteristics, and skills do you already have?
___ What areas would you like to develop further?


___ Why should the coaching process be considered a collaborative effort?

___ Are there any ways in which you could be part of the problem?
___ Do you let people know when they're doing something right?
___ Are your employees clear about what is expected of them?
___ In what ways do you help your employees?
___ When do you ask your employees for help?

Coaching Process

___ To what extent do you document employee performance — good and bad?
___ What are some observable behaviors on which you can focus?
___ Do you tend to ask open-ended questions or questions that can be answered "yes" or "no."
___ How do you ensure two-way communication?
___ Who should develop the improvement plan?
___ What should the improvement plan contain?
___ How do you gain commitment for the behavior change?
___ How will you monitor an employee's performance?

___ When should you give feedback?

___ How often should you give feedback?
___ What is the most important thing to keep in mind when giving feedback?


___ What tangible and intangible ways can you reward positive behavior?
___ What should rewards be tied to?



Coaching for Improved Work Performance, revised ed. by Ferdinand F. Fournies. (McGraw-Hill, 2000).

Effective Coaching by Marshall J. Cook. (McGraw-Hill, 1999).

Coaching for Commitment: Interpersonal Strategies for Obtaining Superior Performance from Individuals
and Teams by Dennis C. Kinlaw. (Jossey-Bass, 1999).

Action Coaching: How to Leverage Individual Performance for Company Success by David L. Dotlich and
Peter C. Cairo. (Jossey-Bass, 1999).

Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service by Ron Zemke and Kristin Anderson. (AMACOM, 1997).

Masterful Coaching Fieldbook: Grow Your Business, Multipl y Your Profits, Win the Talent War! by Robert
A. Hargrove. (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000).

7 Tips for Coaching Employees to Improve Performance

Sep 24, 2019 |
by Krista Brubaker

Managers and leaders are critical to the success of a business, and so are effective
coaching skills. Consistent coaching helps with employee onboarding
and retention, performance improvement, skill improvement, and knowledge
transfer. On top of these benefits, coaching others is an effective method for
reinforcing and transferring learning.

While there are many important leadership skills and competencies, coaching is

central to improving the performance of entire teams.

A coaching leadership style is proving to be much more effective with today’s

employees than the more authoritarian styles that many business leaders operate
under. Leaders who coach employees instead of commanding them are able to
build a much more talented and agile workforce, which leads to a healthy and
growing business.

Check out this free infographic to learn and share quick tips on coaching for managers!
Think back to your peewee soccer days (or any team sport, really). I bet you can
think of three kinds of teams:

1. The directionless group of kids running around aimlessly, taking

frequent breaks for cookies and juice.
2. The organized group who focused, but still had fun.
3. The hyper-focused, aggressive group.

And how do you think these teams got the way they did? The coach, of course! The
first group had a coddling coach, the second had a balanced coach, and the third
had an intense coach living out his failed soccer dreams vicariously through a
group of 6-year-olds.

Which seems like the healthiest group? Hopefully, you said the second one. But
how do you coach in such a way that produces a healthy team?

Good coaching can be easy to spot, but hard to emulate.

First, you need to meet your team members where they’re at. Coaching isn’t a one-
size-fits-all endeavor. Some people will need a lot more handholding than others,
depending on where they’re at in their job role and overall career.

So before we get to our seven coaching tips, here’s a quick look at how you can
align coaching conversations with individual employees’ needs.
How to Coach Employees at Different Levels
The best coaches don’t use the same coaching style for each individual team
member. They’re flexible enough to adapt to the situation at hand.

There are five levels of employee performance, and you’ll have to adapt your
style for each one to coach them effectively:

1. Novices
2. Doers
3. Performers
4. Masters
5. Experts

Level 1: Novice

Novices are in the “telling” stage of learning. They need to receive a lot of

instruction and constructive correction. If you’re confident in the people you’ve
hired, then they probably won’t need to stay in this stage very long. Also, watch out
for your own micromanaging tendencies – you don’t want to hold an employee
back from moving to the next level!

Level 2: Doer

Once Novices begin to understand the task and start to perform, they transition to
the Doer stage. They haven’t yet mastered the job, so there’s still a heavy amount
of “tell” coaching going on. But they’re doing some productive work and
contributing to the team. So, there are now opportunities to encourage new
behaviors, and praise Doers for good results.

Level 3: Performer

As Doers start accomplishing a task to standards, they become Performers. Now

they’re doing real work and carrying their full share of the load. And they’re
doing the task the way it should be done. With Performers, there’s much less “tell”
coaching, if any at all. But there’s still feedback, mostly focused on recognizing good
results and improving the results that don’t meet expectations.

Level 4: Master
Some Performers may continue to grow on the job and reach the Master stage. At
this point, they can not only accomplish tasks to standards, they can do so
efficiently and effectively. Plus, they have a deep enough understanding of what
should be done that they can teach and coach others on the task. And they
know enough to actually help improve standard processes.

Level 5: Expert

Experts are valuable members of the team and may become front-line team leads.
Experts don’t need a lot of direction – they’re highly self-sufficient. If anything,
they can provide direction to others. Experts don’t necessarily require a lot of
recognition and praise to stay motivated, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want

7 Coaching Tips for Managers and Leaders

So, now that we’ve gone over the different performance levels your employees can
be at, let’s get to what you came for – the tips!

These coaching tips will work with any of those five levels and can help you have
more mutually beneficial coaching conversations that will improve overall team

1. Ask guiding questions

Open-ended, guiding questions lead to more detailed and thoughtful answers,

which lead to more productive coaching conversations. As a manager or leader, it is
critical that you develop strong relationships with your employees. This will help
you determine if your employees are curious, have the capacity to perform and
improve, and what kind of attitude they have towards their work.

This is where communication skills and emotional intelligence really come into play.

Managers must guide conversations both by asking questions and listening, not by
giving directives. Employees learn and grow the most when they uncover the
answers themselves.

2. Recognize what’s going well

Coaching well requires a balance of criticism and praise. If your coaching
conversations are completely focused on what’s not working and what the
employee has to do to change, that’s not motivating, it’s demoralizing.

Your recognition of the things your employee is doing well can be a springboard

into how they can build from that to improve. We’re not talking about the
compliment sandwich here, though, because that coaching technique often
devolves into shallow praise that comes off as insincere.

Giving compliments that you don’t actually mean can have a worse effect
than not giving any at all, so take the time to think about specific things that are
going well, and let your employees know that you see and appreciate them!

Another aspect of this is how the employee likes to be recognized. This is a good

question to ask them from the start of your relationship – does frequent
recognition help them stay motivated, or is every once in a while sufficient? Do they
prefer recognition to be given publicly or privately? The last thing you want to do is
embarrass someone when you’re trying to be a good coach!

3. Listen and empower

Coaching requires both encouragement and empowerment. As a manager and a

leader, your job is to build one-on-one relationships with employees that result in
improved performance.

Your employees are likely to have a lot of input, questions, and feedback. It’s
important for them to know you care enough to listen to what they have to
say, so encourage them to share their opinions.

Some employees will have no problem speaking their mind, while others will need a
LOT of encouragement before they share an opinion with you openly. Once they do
open up, be sure to respect those opinions by discussing them, rather than
dismissing them.

4. Understand their perspective

When you’re coaching employees to improve performance and

engagement, approaching things from their perspective, rather than your own, will
help enormously with seeing the changes and results you want.
Everyone has different motivations, preferences, and personalities, so if you ask
questions to help you understand where their “why” comes from and what their
preferred “how” looks like, then you can tailor your coaching conversations to align
the way they work best with the improvements you’re both aiming for.

For example, maybe you recently moved from an office plan that had lots of
individual offices to a much more open plan, and one of the reps on your sales
team has shown a drastic decrease in successful calls. If you start asking questions
and find out that this is someone who is excellent in one-on-one conversations, but
rarely speaks up in a group setting, then you can see how they’d feel like everyone
is listening in on their call, making them less confident than when they had their
own space.

With that perspective in mind, you can work with them more effectively on how to
get their numbers back up.

5. Talk about next steps

Coaching conversations are meant to yield changes and results, so be sure to

clearly define and outline what needs to happen next. This will ensure you and your
employee are on the same page with expectations, and provide them with a clear
understanding of the practical steps they can take to make changes and

Also, these next steps should be mutually agreed upon – talk about what is
reasonable to expect given their workload and the complexity of the changes being

6. Coach in the moment

If an employee comes to you with a question about a process or protocol, use this
opportunity to teach them something new. If you’re not able to stop what you’re
doing right away, schedule time with them as soon as possible to go over it.

Better yet, keep a weekly one-on-one meeting scheduled with each

employee so you can go over questions and issues regularly, while maintaining
productivity. Coaching employees with a goal of improving performance means
making them a priority each week!
7. Commit to continuous learning

Make a commitment to improve your own skills and competencies. If you’re not
continuously learning, why should your employees? Lead by example and your
team will follow.

Show that you are interested in their success (why wouldn’t you be?). Ask questions
about where they see their career going, or how they see their role evolving in the
company. Even if they don’t have a plan laid out yet, these questions will make
them think about their career and what they want to accomplish within the

Show your employees that you don’t just want them to do better so you look
better, but that you’re actively interested in their career, accomplishments,
and professional success.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical aspect of coaching employees in a way that

builds relationships, boosts engagement, and improves performance. Managers
and leaders can see greatly improved coaching skills by taking steps to improve
their EQ – they go hand in ha

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