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DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML.

It is a standard for
how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements.

A web server is a system used to store and to deliver the website content. Basically web server is used to host the web
sites.. types- web sites, gaming, storage, FTP, email etc. Examples are- Google Web Server , Apache HTTP Server,
Apache, Tomcat Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

A client and server networking model is a model in which computers such as servers provide the network services to
the other computers such as clients to perform a user based tasks. This model is known as client-server networking

Basis of comparison                 HTML                HTML5

Hypertext Markup Language – primary is the new version of HTML, which has new
language for developing web pages. functionalities.
doesn’t have support for video and audio in has support for video and audio as they are
Multimedia support
the language integrated into it.
uses browser cache memory as temporary has multiple storage options such as application
storage cache, SQL database, and web storage.
cannot handle inaccurate syntax and any is capable of handling inaccurate syntax and other
Error Handling
other errors. errors.
It is not possible to create shapes like circles, We can draw shapes like circles, rectangles,
rectangles, triangles. triangles.

XML was designed to carry data - with focus on what data is

HTML was designed to display data – with focus on how data looks

is a markup language itself. XML provides a framework to define markup languages.
HTML is not case sensitive. XML is case sensitive.
HTML has its own predefined tags. You can define tags according to your need.
it is not necessary to use a closing tag. XML makes it mandatory to use a closing tag.
is static because it is used to display data. XML is dynamic because it is used to transport data.
HTML does not preserve whitespaces. XML preserve whitespaces.

XML Advantages:

1 Being plain text, XML is technology independent. It can be used by any technology for data storage and data transfer


2 XML uses simple text format. It is human readable and understandable.

3 Its Extensible − In XML, custom tags can be created and used very easily.

4 XML also makes it easier to expand or upgrade to new operating systems, new applications, or new browsers,

without losing data.

HTML is Free

is supported by all Browsers

is Simple to Edit

can Integrate Easily with Other Languages

One of the biggest advantages of HTML is that one can see the changes instantly just by saving it and reload the

previous HTML page. ‘

The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.

Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing applications using the Java programming

language and other programming languages

Steps to connect Oracle database from Eclipse
1. Open Eclipse IDE and Select Database Perspective (Windows >> Open Perspective >> Other
>> Database Development).
2. Create Connection Profile, Chose Oracle.
3. Choose JDBC Driver and specify its location.
4. Specify connection detail e.g. host, port, username, and password.

NetBeans is a free, open source, integrated development environment (IDE) that enables you to develop desktop,

mobile and web applications ..By default, no servers are registered first time when we install and use NetBeans IDE

Click the Services tab.

To create the database connection do the following:

1.Right-click the Databases node and select New Connection to open the New Connection dialog.
2.Under Name, select Java DB (Network).
3.Set User Name to APP.
4.Set Password to APP.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS is the language used to style an HTML document.

CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

Data Types in Java

Primitive data types: boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double. Non-primitive
data types: Classes, Interfaces, and Arrays.

Javascript Data Types

Primitive data type: String, Number, Boolean, Undefined, Null – no value Non-primitive
(reference) data type: Object, Array, RegExp – represents regular expression

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