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Role of IT in Infrastructure



Submitted by: Submitted To

Zabihullah Mohammadi Dr. Naveen Kumar
Roll no: 22149
Stream: infrastructural management


P A N J A B U N I V E R S I T Y, C H A N D I G A R H
IT role in infrastructure projects

Compiling data
Organizing and distributing data has typically been a laborious process for
construction professionals. With simple technology this can be streamlined. Project
teams benefit from accurate data on past and current projects to help give an accurate
idea of costs, equipment, and staff requirements, allowing you to improve

Keep your project on time

Having organized, digital processes can keep your project on time with everyone
having access to all the latest plans and documents. Scheduling delays can have a
domino effect on sequenced trades, and pushes back the timeline for projects to be

Communication is key
Having a more collaborative communication strategy can enable your team to get
the job done without having to request or manually leaf through folders of
information. With the many parties on a job site, communication is important to
avoid rework, errors, or delays.

Future of the industry

Technology can help propel the industry to be more efficient and collaborative.
Cloud technology keeps all your data secure and accessible, and forms a best practice
approach to any construction project. Technology will help you increase
productivity, efficiency, and can improve the data you collect on every project. This
can give you insight into areas that need optimisation.
So we can say that IT can be use in any infrastructure sector projects and for better
understanding we can look at each sector individually:
1. Education Sector:
1. Access to learning the material
The internet is full of a lot of learning material that the learner can access and use to
supplement whatever is provided for in the classroom. There are e-books, revision
guides and past examination papers that are available on the world wide web and
students can take advantage of these to improve their knowledge base. Learning
institutions provide computers and internet that the students can use to this end.

2. Continuous learning
In the modern world, you don’t have to be in the classroom to learn. Using
information technology in education has made it possible for students to keep on
learning, irrespective of where they are. Teachers and professors can send
assignments to students and they can complete and submit them even without
physically stepping into the classrooms and so learning never has to stop. Students
can keep on learning even when they are at home. This has greatly enhanced
efficiency in the education sector.

3. Sharing of knowledge
Through online discussion forums, students can share knowledge, engage in
intellectual debates and generally learn from one another. Using information
technology in education has basically made it possible for students from all over the
world to come together and share experiences, the geographical distances
notwithstanding. Information technology in education has also made students
develop an appreciation for cultural diversity and in turn, create a more tolerant and
unified world.

4. Using audio and visual material as learning aids

The use of information technology in education has made it possible for tutors to
teach students much more easily. By using audio and visual materials, students can
develop a better understanding of the topics being taught. It is now much easier to
perform demonstrations and put some practical aspect to the theory taught in class.
Slow learners, therefore, have an opportunity to catch up with those who had grasped
whatever was initially taught in class.
5. Distance learning
To adapt to a changing population with unique demands, learning institutions have
employed the use of information technology in education to cater to this new
demographic. Online courses have enabled most of the employed and young
population to go back to class and get second degrees or additional certifications. It
is possible to attend a college overseas without even getting out of your home
country and at your own convenience.

6. Proper record keeping

It is possible to keep student records in a more systematic and secure manner using
technology. Unlike in the past when records used to be kept manually and there were
many cases of lost files, the incorporation of information technology in education
has made it possible for safe and proper record keeping. Retrieving of information
has, therefore, become much easier.

7. Video Conferencing Tool

With video conferencing technology, teachers can easily conduct virtual classes and
deliver high quality learning experience to students from anywhere at anytime. Apart
from this, it improve the communication among parents, teachers & other staff
member as PTA meeting, conferences, training session and more can be easily
conduct without the requisition of the physical presence of the attendees.

2. Construction sector:

Software programs:
Task management software’s are designed to keep everything on schedule and to
increase productivity, bringing everything in real time. These technologies focus on
designing, budgeting, billing and time managing to streamline project from start to
finish. Most common techniques used in construction projects are:
BIM (Building Information Management): BIM offers the ability to create a 3D
building plan to bring construction schedule in-line. It is quite versatile thereby
helping architects, contractors , nd engineers to work on fine details to design and
construct everything using a computer model and professional databases.

This technology also allows all project stakeholders and managers to work on the
detailed 3D model including functional systems of building like HVAC, aesthetics
of windows, roofs and walls as well as other electrical installations unanimously. It
also let them visualize designs, pinpoint interferences and find errors while working
on a project.
Collaboratively working also reduces time, save resources and minimizes clashes to
rectify the plan before executing on the ground. BIM design standards:
4D- BIM will add visual clarity to a building plan
5D- BIM will add high-end features to 3D BIM for cost and maintenance
6D- BIM includes everything from lifecycle management and offers a lot of value
to the large projects.

Computer-aided design (CAD):

CAD will provide all constructional details before the execution of the design.
Engineers use this software to create a database for production, to increase
productivity and to showcase design through proper documentation. It will improve
the procurement and performance system, allowing issues to be handled before the
physical work begins. As an example, executing a two-dimensional plan and section
drawings were previously difficult for architects and builders.
Further, the CAD will reduce the chance of errors and the architects will not go off
budget. Different types of CAD software architects use are:
2D systems for technical drawings
21/2 D system for CNC- controlled machines
3D system for wire system, volume and solid models

Blueprint apps:
Gone were the days when architects used to stack files and documents to showcase
design of every single room with parameters and dimensions. However, today, main
players are application-loaded screens!
These devices pack planning apps that allow client and builder’s to make and change
plan digitally. These apps also let parties use the same information source so that no
one is out of the loop of construction. There is now real-time analytics so that people
can keep track of performance, work conditions and cost of production to report to
the authorities. Also, there are no reports, no paperwork, making the project
managers keep things on-budget and straightforward.

Off-site fabrication:
Assembling all work-related components piece-by-piece on site is cumbersome and
affects the efficiency of the project. However, the off-site fabrication has made
things smooth and efficient. For instance, a pump unit constructor which was
fabricated away from the location of the project will benefit the site to improve
productivity and efficiency.
Off-site fabrication also save cost and time by assembling things like pump units,
compressors and instrument panels away from the site which otherwise was difficult
to assemble due to tools, space restrictions and cost.

RTS (Robotic Total Stations):

RTS allow contractors and project associates to perform layout tasks remotely and
more efficiently than the traditional conventional mechanical system. In this, you
only need one operator to perform everything from calculations to installations and
other things. Further, with RTS and tablet equipped software, you can remotely
control everything from a distance. It will offer benefits like faster and accurate
layouts, improved quality checks, greater accuracy, increased number of
inspection, reduced rework, real-time data accessibility, and quicker work

On-site protective equipment:

On-site safety now has become one of the paramount things, which is also backed
by legal regulations. While the Personal protective equipment is not a huge
advancement in the technological construction industry, it has contributed massively
to safety and health as compared to previous years.
3. transportation sector:
4. healthcare sector:

I. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) :

The EMR provides a clinician with real-time access to patient information, such as
patients medical condition, visits to health providers, images and reports of
diagnostic procedures, schedule of services ,allergies and contact information to
caregivers and a complete longitudinal record of care evidence based on decision
tools that can be used to aid clinicians in decision making. A fully integrated EMR
enables a physician to update clinical and other information about a patient on a
continuous basis. The EMR can automate and streamline a clinician's workflow,
ensuring that all clinical information is communicated. The EMR can support the
collection of data for uses such as billing, quality management, outcome reporting,
public health disease surveillance and reporting. Electronic document has
tremendous advantages over the paper document such as it does not require a
warehouse for storage and is readily accessible from anywhere.

II. Clinical Decision Support (CDS) :

CDS encompasses computerized alerts and reminders to care providers and patients,
clinical guidelines, condition-focused order sets, patient data reports and summaries,
diagnostic support, and other tools that enhance decision making in clinical
workflow. CDS provide clinicians, staff and patients with knowledge and person-
specific information, presented at appropriate times to enhance health and health
care. CDS has the potential to increase adherence to clinical guidelines, protocols
and best practices which helps to avoid medication errors, and to prevent
complications. CDS requires computable biomedical knowledge, person-specific
data, and a reasoning or inferencing mechanism that combines knowledge and data
to generate “advice” to clinicians.
III. Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) :
CPOE is used by physicians for ordering medications, orders for x-rays and other
diagnostic procedures, referrals, discharges, and transfers. One important higher-
level application in CPOE is that providers write orders including prescriptions using
computers. Computerization of ordering is important because most actions in health
care follows an order.

IV. Electronic Prescribing (E-prescribing):

E-prescribing is the transmission, using electronic media of prescription
between a prescriber, dispenser, pharmacy manager, either directly or through an
intermediary, including an e-prescribing network. E-prescribing includes, two-way
transmissions between the point of care and the dispenser. It is recommended that
electronic prescription applications should be robust enough to include safety checks
for allergies, drug-drug interaction warning, dose appropriateness, drug-clinical
condition warning, and drug-laboratory alerts.

V. Health Information Exchange :

It is the electronic connectivity via internet and other networks that enables health
care providers to exchange patient health information. It is necessary that the
networks that permit electronic communication among providers must be secure in
order to safeguard the information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. It
requires to develop data and messaging standards to establish the critical goal of
interoperability to communicate with one another.

VI. Personal Health Record (PHR) :

PHR is an electronic application through which individuals can maintainand
manage their health information in a private, secure, and confidential environment.
The most salient feature of PHR, and the one that distinguishes it from the EMR
and EHR, is that information it contains is under the control of individual.
The individual is distinctively the guardian of information stored who can decide
what volume of information to include, how it is maintained and ordered, and who
to read them or “check them out.” It is necessary to decide standards and policy to
determine how individuals can delete or modify information in a PHR that
originated from an EHR and how these
modifications are communicated to other providers with whom the data in the PHR
are shared. Significant sources may include health care providers, medical devices,
individuals, health insurers, research institutes etc.

VIII. Telehealth/Telemedicine :
Telehealth is the use of telecommunication technologies to deliver health-related
services and information that support patient care, administrative activities, health
education, health services and information overdistances. It is a new method of
delivering health care by sharing/exchanging the patient related data and medical
opinion between medical specialist and a doctor in a remote location through
telecommunication networks. The
technology is a means to improve access to care, while reducing cost of
transportation and increasing convenience to patients care. Tele-homecare, video-
conferencing and electronic health records are all components of telehealth and use
information technology in delivering their service. It can source expertise within
seconds any where and effectively mediates the diagnostic shortages and surplus.

IX. Home monitoring of Patients :

Due to the institutional healthcare costs escalating worldwide, IT can be applied to
home monitoring of patients particularly the chronic sick aged
patients. In one project, a system which is linked to the home telephone can measure
,collect and record information aboutECG, blood pressure and body temperature of
the patient with cardiovascular problems at home.

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