Uribe-Mogollón, C. and Maher, K. (2018)

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©2018 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 113, no. 6, pp. 1269–1295

White Mica Geochemistry of the Copper Cliff Porphyry Cu Deposit:

Insights from a Vectoring Tool Applied to Exploration
Camilo Uribe-Mogollon† and Kierran Maher
The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA

The Copper Cliff porphyry copper prospect, located 48 km east-southeast from Missoula, Montana, presents
two distinct phyllic alteration events: an early green-colored expression, locally texturally destructive and associ-
ated with specular hematite and hypogene copper mineralization, and a later white variety generally structurally
controlled and associated with pyrite. Variations in the mineral chemistry of white micas were evaluated by
short-wave infrared spectroscopy, electron microprobe analysis, and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-
mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The analytical results allow the identification of a systematic compositional
variation of the white micas, possibly controlled by redox changes in the system. The early green phyllic expres-
sion consists of Fe-bearing white micas characterized by longer Al-OH absorption wavelength (2,206–2,210 nm)
and formed by oxidized magmatic fluids, whereas the late white phyllic phase contains white micas enriched in
V and Sc with shorter Al-OH absorption wavelengths (2,197–2,206 nm) formed under less oxidizing conditions.
Based on LA-ICP-MS trace element analyses of white micas, Cu concentrations decrease exponentially with
distance from the porphyry center, in contrast to Zn, which tends to increase. The application of the Cu/Zn ratio
of white micas in a manner analogous to the chlorite proximitor equation of Wilkinson et al. (2015) allows the
estimation to the center of the hydrothermal system within a radial distance of approximately 710 m in samples
of the early green phyllic alteration phase and within approximately 1,300 m in samples of the late white phyllic
alteration style. Therefore, the Cu/Zn ratio in white micas at Copper Cliff deposit may provide a useful tool for
targeting the hydrothermal center.

Introduction late quartz-sulfide veins, and it is not clear whether they per-
As major ore deposit discoveries at the earth’s surface are sist or are present in other phyllic events, such as early green
becoming increasingly uncommon, the development of geo- phyllic alteration documented in several porphyry hydrother-
chemical tools will become increasingly important to improve mal systems (Sillitoe, 2010). For these reasons, the purpose of
the understanding of hydrothermal footprints and the effi- this study is to describe the abundance and distribution of the
cient identification of mineralization zones. Hydrothermal different phyllic alteration styles in the Copper Cliff system,
footprints include a variety of mineralogical and geochemical the compositional variations in major and trace elements, and
features related to the formation of ore deposits, with signa- the infrared spectral absorption features to determine geo-
tures that indicate proximity to the center of the mineralized chemical changes at different distances from the porphyry
system (Kelley et al., 2006). The variation of these signatures center that could be used as proximitors to the center of the
is what can be referred to as geochemical vectors. Chemical mineralized system.
analyses in epidote and chlorite from propylitic halos around The differentiation of multiple alteration events associated
porphyry copper systems suggest the existence of patterns with white mica represents a special challenge, principally due
and/or trends in trace element concentrations that may indi- to superposition of alteration or to enigmatic textural features
cate proximity to hydrothermal centers (Cooke et al., 2014; of the mineral assemblages, which are usually light colored,
Wilkinson et al., 2015). In this study, we show that the compo- fine grained, and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye
sitional variations in major and trace element concentrations or hand lens. The Copper Cliff hydrothermal system clearly
in white mica from different phyllic alteration styles exist and shows two distinct phyllic alteration events, thereby provid-
can be used to vector toward the center of the system. This ing an ideal setting for this study. Analytical techniques used
study focuses on the two white mica-bearing hydrothermal in this study include X-ray diffraction, 40Ar/39Ar geochronol-
alteration events at the Copper Cliff porphyry system: an early ogy, short-wave infrared spectroscopy, electron microprobe
and pervasive green to gray phyllic alteration typically associ- analyses, and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass
ated with specular hematite and hypogene copper mineraliza- spectrometry. The results suggest that white mica geochem-
tion and a late white phyllic alteration assemblage structurally istry can be used to estimate distance from the Copper Cliff
controlled and associated with pyrite. orebody, and such knowledge may improve the efficiency of
Variations in major and trace element concentrations of the exploration program.
white micas, correlated with short-wave infrared signatures, Phyllic Alteration
have indicated the potential for developing geochemical vec-
tors within phyllic alteration zones in porphyry copper sys- Phyllic alteration in porphyry Cu deposits is usually produced
tems (Alva Jimenez, 2011; Cohen, 2011); however, the vectors by the hydrolytic reactions in which feldspar alters to white
have only been documented in white micas associated with micas at temperatures between 300° and 550°C (Seedorff
et al., 2005). At least two different subfacies are recognized
† Corresponding author: e-mail, camilo.uribe@student.nmt.edu from a number of porphyry deposits and include an early
ISSN 0361-0128; doi: 10.5382/econgeo.2018.4591; 27 p. Submitted: December 22, 2017
Supplementary files available online. 1269 Accepted: July 27, 2018

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phase characterized by greenish to gray-color phyllosilicates systems has been proposed to be controlled by a number of
and a later phase characterized by white phyllosilicates (Sil- factors, including temperature, chemistry of the protoliths,
litoe, 2010). The early phyllic alteration comprises the min- and the oxidation state and pH of the fluids (Shikazono and
eral assemblage of green mica and/or illite, quartz, iron oxides Kawahata, 1987). Published compositional data of white mica
(usually hematite), and locally chlorite, anhydrite, and/or from the Ann-Mason porphyry Cu deposit in Nevada and the
calcite. It has been reported in deposits such as Chuquica- Highland Valley porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in Canada show a
mata (northern Chile; Ossadón et al., 2001), Escondida Este relationship with the increased content of sodium associated
(northern Chile; Pizarro et al., 2015), and Taca Taca (north- with late D veins occurring in the inferred center of the heat
western Argentina; Sim et al., 2013) and from the authors’ source, in contrast with higher iron content observed at the
personal experience in Resolution (Arizona, USA), the Cop- low-temperature margins of the systems (Alva Jimenez, 2011;
per Cliff prospect (Montana, USA), and several other smaller Cohen, 2011). In addition, some trace elements, such as Li,
porphyry-related hydrothermal systems. It is usually observed Sc, Ti, V, Rb, Cs, and Sn, show variations depending upon
as pervasive, texturally destructive, proximally located mica- the composition of the original mineral replaced by white
ceous alteration locally with associated copper mineraliza- mica (Alva Jimenez, 2011). Other studies of alteration miner-
tion comprising mainly chalcopyrite and bornite (Sillitoe, als such as chlorite, biotite, and epidote have proposed the
2010). The late phyllic alteration is characterized by the min- enrichment of iron relative to aluminum under oxidizing con-
eral assemblage of white mica, quartz, and pyrite. It is more ditions in porphyry-derived fluids close to the mineralized sys-
commonly structurally controlled, forming halos of different tem (Cooke and Simmons, 2000; Frikken et al., 2005; Cooke
scales along fractures (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975). An exam- et al., 2014; Wilkinson et al., 2015).
ple of the most common expression of late phyllic alteration Compositional variations due to the substitution of octa-
includes D veins, which (per Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) are hedral Al3+ by other cations such as Fe2+ and Mg2+ have been
quartz-sulfide veins with selvages of white mica and/or illites. recognized in micas using short-wave infrared spectroscopy.
In general, micas have a deep and diagnostic spectral absorp-
White mica compositions and spectral variations tion feature between 2,185 and 2,230 nm (the 2,200-nm
White micas are considered the most characteristic alteration absorption feature), which is related to the combination of
mineral within phyllic alteration assemblages. Structurally, Al-OH bending and OH stretching vibration modes (Clark et
they fall in the group of dioctahedral sheet silicates where each al., 1990). The wavelength position of this absorption feature
O or OH ion is surrounded by two trivalent cations, commonly varies as a function of the Al3+ content in the octahedral sheets
Al3+. The simplified general formula is XY2Z4O10(OH,F)2, and has been used to define the different mineralogical spe-
where X includes large cations K+, Na+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Rb+, Cs+, cies (Swayze et al., 1992; Duke, 1994). Micas with high con-
and Sr2+; Y represents octahedral coordinated cations such as tent of octahedral Al3+ and interlayer Na+ (e.g., paragonites)
Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Ti4+, Mg2+, Cr3+, Li+, Mn2+, V3+, and Ni2+; and are characterized by shorter-wavelength Al-OH absorptions,
Z represents tetrahedral coordinated cations like Al3+ and Si4+ generally between 2,185 and 2,196 nm. Conversely, micas
(Rieder et al., 1998; Deer et al., 2003). with relatively lower octahedral Al3+ and higher Si4+, Fe2+, or
In this work, the term “white mica” refers to minerals Mg2+ (e.g., celadonites) produce Al-OH absorptions in longer
constituting the phengite solid-solution series with composi- wavelengths, typically between 2,211 and 2,225 nm (Post and
tions varying between three end members: muscovite (K[Al2] Noble, 1993). White micas such as aluminoceladonites and
[AlSi3]O10[OH]2), Mg celadonite (K[Mg2][Si4]O10[OH]2), and muscovites are characterized by the Al-OH wavelength from
Fe celadonite (K[Fe2][Si4]O10[OH]2) (Rieder et al., 1998). 2,196 to 2,211 nm (Graham et al., 2018).
The muscovite-celadonite solid series can be explained by the
Tschermak coupled substitution where Fe2+ and Mg2+ sub- Mining and Exploration History
stitutes for Al3+ in the octahedral site, with the substitution The Copper Cliff deposit is an intermediate-stage explora-
of Si4+ in the tetrahedral site at an excess to what is typically tion project of Kennecott Exploration Company located 48
present in muscovite (Velde, 1965; Wang et al., 2017). Octahe- km east-southeast from Missoula, Montana, at the approxi-
dral site substitution requires the incorporation of silicon into mate coordinates of 46°48.1’N, 113°27.2’W (Fig. 1). Initial
the tetrahedral site, producing white micas with transitional entry into the area was in 1891 as part of the discovery of
compositions ranging from muscovite to celadonite, which are placer gold at Bearmouth, with subsequent identification of
normally referred to with the name “aluminoceladonite” (Rie- oxidized replacement ore associated with fault zones at Cop-
der et al., 1998). Other important substitutions may occur in per Cliff (Fairbanks, 2009). Small-scale underground mining
the interlayer position, where Na+ or Ca2+ substitutes for K+, is documented as early as 1900, with an estimated production
forming paragonite (Na[Al2][AlSi3]O10[OH]2) and margarite of 100,898 lbs Cu, 259 oz Au, and 567 oz Ag (Sahinen, 1957;
(Ca[Al2][Al2Si2]O10[OH]2), respectively; however, these are Kauffman, 1963) from at least four mines (e.g., Copper Cliff,
not phengites (Rieder et al., 1998). White micas with inter- Crescent, Tiger, and Leonard). Modern exploration started
layer cation deficiency (e.g., K + Na + Ca of 0.6–0.8 atoms intermittently in 1980, when Anaconda Minerals outlined a
per formula unit) are referred to with the series name “illite” deep, high-grade copper-gold porphyry target with potential
(Bailey, 1984; Rieder et al., 1998). Illites are compositionally resources of 340 Mt of 1.0% Cu and 0.28 g/t Au (C.A. Bran-
similar in other ways to the white micas, therefore they are non, unpub. report, 1982). Most recently, Kennecott Explora-
included in this group for the purposes of this report. tion initiated an exploration program in 2006 to the present
The distribution and mode of occurrence of these substitu- with approximately 32,000 m of diamond drilling comprising
tions into the structural formula of phyllosilicates in porphyry 25 holes to depths between 880 and 2,020 m.

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Fig. 1. Detailed geology map of the Copper Cliff deposit (modified from Lonn, 2007; Fairbanks, 2009). Points represent the loca-
tion of Kennecott Exploration drill holes, and the solid line represents the geology cross section in Figure 2. Coordinate system
WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12N. Inset shows the location of the Copper Cliff deposit in western Montana, United States. Abbrevia-
tions: ID = Idaho, MT = Montana, OR = Oregon, WA = Washington, WY = Wyoming.

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Regional Geology and Tectonic Setting oriented along an east-northeast trend, consistent with the
The Copper Cliff prospect is situated within the Montana regional deformation style (Fig. 1; Ellsworth, 1993; Cox et
thrust belt province along the Lewis and Clark line (Fig. 1). al., 1998; Mann and Sears, 2004; Fairbanks, 2009). The larger
The area was defined by Billingsley and Locke (1941) as a igneous bodies are recognized in a district-scale air magnetic
wide region in western Montana characterized by a series survey by high magnetic intensity features, which overlap a
of WNW- to ENE-striking thrust faults that transect the broad and moderate-intensity feature interpreted to reflect
Middle Proterozoic Belt basin (Wallace et al., 1990). The a deeper batholithic body (Kennecott Exploration, unpub.
Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup is an intracratonic rift report, 2013). Whole-rock geochemical analyses reported
basin composed of a thick (~18 km) sequence of siliciclastic by Ellsworth (1993) indicate quartz latite composition for
rocks, mainly mudstones, siltstones, quartz sandstones, and the majority of the intrusions. Textural features and cross-
limestones (Ross and Villeneuve, 2003). These rocks were cutting relationships of the intrusive rocks indicate at least
deposited from 1470 to 1401 Ma (Link et al., 1993) over the three main age groups: (1) porphyry 1A, corresponding to
Archean and Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement as a result intrusive dikes and small stocks emplaced during the main
of hinterland rifting inboard of a compressional orogenic belt alteration and mineralization event. They are characterized
precursor of Rodinia (Winston and Link, 1993). During the by medium-grained, subequigranular textures with a phe-
East Kootenay orogeny at 1370 Ma, the Belt Supergroup in nocryst to groundmass ratio of 70:30, where the phenocrysts
the study area was affected by burial diagenesis and green- are mainly composed of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and
schist metamorphic facies, with metamorphic peak condi- quartz; (2) porphyry 1B, which corresponds to a later intrusive
tions estimated at 690°C and 6.5 kbar, corresponding to ~20 stage texturally undistinguishable from that of porphyry 1A,
km of burial (Ernst, 1992; Lydon, 2004; Zirakparvar et al., with fine- to medium-grained phenocrysts composed mainly
2010; Nadoll et al., 2012). A change in the extensional tec- of plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite with no quartz; and (3)
tonic regime to a more compressional environment during the porphyry 2, corresponding to postmineral dike(s), emplaced
Mesozoic to early Tertiary produced the emplacement of a after the main alteration and mineralization event, charac-
number of batholiths, including the Pioneer and Philipsburg terized by a sparse porphyritic texture with a phenocryst to
batholiths of southwestern Montana, the Boulder batholith groundmass ratio of 30:70 and similar mineralogy to porphyry
near Butte, the Garnet stock, and the Copper Cliff compos- 1B (Fig. 2). Geochemical distinctions between the major
ite pluton (Reynolds, 1991; Ellsworth, 1993; Fairbanks, 2009; intrusive types indicate that rocks from porphyry 1A are the
Nadoll et al., 2012). Several important hydrothermal ore most petrochemically evolved rocks with relative low Cr, Ni,
districts occur along the Lewis and Clark line, including the and V content (Kennecott Exploration, unpub. report, 2013).
Philipsburg polymetallic/skarn and Butte porphyry Cu-Mo They are observed generally in the deeper portions of the drill
districts, which are spatially and genetically related to associ- holes and at the center of the intrusive system, associated with
ated intrusive bodies. potassic alteration and widespread early green phyllic altera-
tion. Locally, they are overprinted by the late white phyllic
Copper Cliff Geology alteration associated with quartz-sulfide veins, as well as struc-
turally controlled advanced argillic alteration. Intrusive rocks
Wall rocks-sedimentary units from porphyry 1B are petrogenetically similar to porphyry
The Copper Cliff system is hosted within the metasedi- 1A, but with higher content of Cr, Ni, and V. This rock type
ments of the Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, mainly occurs as an elongated steeply dipping dike-like body with an
the McNamara and the Garnet Range Formations, which unknown east and west extent. Potassic and early green phyl-
are unconformably overlain by Cambrian shales of the Silver lic alteration styles are also associated with this rock type at
Hill Formation and limestones from the Hasmark Forma- the center of the system, but it is mostly affected to the west
tion (Fig. 1; Fairbanks, 2009). Surface expressions of the by late white phyllic alteration and advanced argillic alteration
­McNamara Formation consist of interbedded light-green overprinting propylitic alteration (Fig. 2). Porphyry 2 intru-
and red siltite and argillite, with laminated to crossbedded sive rocks are scarce and present as small dikes with higher
quartzite (Vuke et al., 2007). The Garnet Range Formation is content of Cr, Ni, and V relative to porphyry 1A and 1B, and
primarily composed of dark-green, micaceous, fine-grained with variable degrees of late-stage alteration (e.g., late white
quartzite interbedded with minor argillite (McGroder, phyllic, advanced argillic, and propylitic).
1984). These formations have been grouped by exploration
geologists into a single wall-rock unit as quartzite, with a Copper Cliff breccia
minimum thickness of 1,765 m, as observed in drill core. A large mass of hydrothermal/intrusive breccia surrounds
The Silver Hill Formation comprises brown to a very light porphyry 1A. The breccia is interpreted to have formed syn-
gray banded calcareous shale interbedded with laminated chronously with the intrusion of porphyry 1A, but the major-
limestone, whereas the Hasmark Formation is mostly light- ity of it predates porphyry 1B. It contains clasts of porphyry
gray or bluish-gray limestone and dark-gray calcareous shale 1A along with fragments of the Belt Supergroup sediments
(Vuke et al., 2007). Total thickness of the shale and lime- within a matrix of magmatic material. This material appar-
stone units in the district is up to 140 m. ently grades outward into a sediment clast-dominated breccia,
with minor igneous content. Clasts of porphyry 1A observed
The Copper Cliff intrusive complex within the Copper Cliff breccia are generally highly altered
The Copper Cliff intrusive complex comprises several small with potassic, phyllic, and advanced argillic alteration mineral
and elongated 0.45- to 0.72-km-diameter igneous bodies, assemblages.

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Porphyry 1A
Porphyry 1B
Copper Cliff Breccia
Belt Supergroup
Union Creek Fault
>0.5% Cu
Drill trace

Advanced Argillic
Early Green Phyllic
Late White Phyllic

Fig. 2. Interpretive and simplified Copper Cliff deposit cross section shown as A-A' line in Figure 1. Lithology and hydrothermal
alteration showing the mineralized center. Geology and alteration are based on drill holes, some of which (CC11, CC10, and
CC5) are projected onto the section from up to 200 m (see Fig. 1). Porphyry 2 cannot be shown on the section at this scale. Verti-
cal datum is sea level. The coordinate system in the horizontal scale is WGS 1984 UTM Zone 12N.

Structural Geology is associated with higher-grade hypogene copper mineraliza-

The most significant structural feature affecting the Cop- tion. Propylitic alteration occurs in distal zones, and advance
per Cliff system is the Union Creek fault (Figs. 1, 2), which argillic alteration is typically observed in structurally higher
displays right-lateral oblique slip (Ellsworth, 1993). Total settings, superimposed over earlier alteration types. A late
normal displacement along this W-dipping fault is approxi- phase of phyllic alteration associated with quartz-pyrite vein-
mately 460 m, juxtaposing deep-level hydrothermal altera- ing is observed crosscutting potassic, early green phyllic, and
tion zones (e.g., potassic and green phyllic alteration styles) propylitic alteration assemblages and either predates or is syn-
in the footwall on the east side, with shallow parts of the chronous with advanced argillic alteration (Fig. 2). Supergene
system (e.g., late white phyllic alteration and advanced argil- alteration characterized by low-temperature clays and oxida-
lic alteration) in the hanging wall on the west at the surface tion of sulfides extends up to 300 m below the surface.
(Ellsworth, 1993). The juxtaposition of different levels of Hypogene alteration
hydrothermal zones is especially evident on the east side of
the Union Creek fault, affecting mostly the intrusive body Potassic alteration: Potassic alteration has been observed
of porphyry 1B. Other structural features include numerous mainly at depth within the core of both porphyry 1A and 1B,
NE-striking faults of lesser offset, which are connected to typically overprinted by other types of alteration, in particu-
the Union Creek fault and probably related with dilational lar by the early phase of the phyllic alteration and locally by
jogs (Fig. 1; Ellsworth, 1993). advanced argillic alteration. Thin-section petrography shows
K-feldspar and plagioclase phenocrysts altered to secondary
feldspar, locally associated with patches of anhydrite and/or
Hydrothermal Alteration calcite. Hydrothermal biotite has nearly completely replaced
Hydrothermal alteration associated with the Copper Cliff hornblende phenocrysts, whereas it only rims magmatic bio-
intrusive complex includes hypogene and supergene altera- tite. Anhydrite also occurs as disseminated grains or within
tion assemblages (Fig. 2). The oldest alteration styles early dark micaceous bands (EDM veinlets as per Meyer et
observed are potassic alteration and early-phase phyllic altera- al., 1968) and quartz ± K-feldspar veinlets. Minor magnetite
tion characterized by pervasive to mottled green mica, which generally is found within altered mafic phenocrysts and within

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early quartz veinlets. Copper minerals chalcopyrite and born- commonly pervasive and locally texturally destructive, result-
ite are found locally in hairline fractures. ing in a mottled appearance composed of mixed fine-grained
Phyllic alteration: Based on drilling to date, the two stages gray- to green-colored mica ± quartz ± specular hematite ±
of phyllic alteration are the most common and widely dis- rutile (Figs. 3A-C, 4A). Where relic textures can still be dis-
tributed alteration assemblages (Figs. 2, 3). The early green cerned, plagioclase phenocrysts are strongly altered to white
alteration is observed locally overprinting the potassic alter- mica, locally associated with patches of calcite ± anhydrite;
ation at the margins and above the porphyry 1A but also mafic phenocrysts are replaced by white mica ± specular
appears locally as an assemblage of white mica ± K-feldspar hematite ± rutile, and in some cases chlorite is present; and
± hydrothermal biotite ± anhydrite. This alteration style is groundmass is composed of fine-grained quartz. Samples with


2 cm 2 cm


2 cm 2 cm

Fig. 3. Drill core photos showing the two styles of phyllic alteration at Copper Cliff. A) Sample with strong pervasive and textur-
ally destructive early green phyllic alteration. Note the green-gray-colored mica associated with fine-grained specular hematite
and disseminated chalcopyrite. B) Sample from the early green phyllic alteration style showing mottled texture. C) Strongly
silicified sample associated with the early green phyllic alteration. D) Sample with late white phyllic alteration associated with
a quartz-pyrite vein. Note the white-colored mica replacing plagioclase phenocrysts and yellow-colored mica associated with
mafic phenocrysts with a generally preserved igneous texture.

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cpy and


anh hem
0.5 mm 0.5 mm

bt rt



0.5 mm 0.5 mm

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of phyllic alteration in cross-polarized light. A) Mottles of mica from the early phyllic alteration style
with patches of anhydrite (anh), specular hematite (hem), and disseminated fine-grained chalcopyrite (cpy). B) Hydrothermal
andalusite (and) with specular hematite and fine-grained chalcopyrite in a silicified sample from the early green phyllic alteration
style. C) Pseudomorphs of plagioclase (pl) and biotite (bt) phenocrysts completely replaced by white mica (±rutile in biotite) in
the late phyllic alteration, with minor disseminated fine-grained pyrite (py). D) Biotite phenocryst fully replaced by white mica
and rutile (rt) in the late phyllic alteration. The yellowish color of mafic phenocrysts observed in hand samples from the late
phyllic alteration style is attributed to secondary fine-grained rutile.

intense alteration are strongly silicified with clots of andalusite the original rock texture. Alteration of this type shows pla-
and specular hematite associated with white mica and kaolin- gioclase phenocrysts replaced by white-colored mica and
ite (Fig. 4B). The early green alteration is generally related mafic silicates altered to yellow-colored mica ± pyrite ±
with the highest hypogene copper grades (>0.5% Cu), con- rutile (Figs. 3D, 4C). The overall yellowish color is appar-
stituting the assemblage of chalcopyrite ± bornite with lesser ently produced by residual fine-grained Ti oxides such as
pyrite. Expressions of this alteration are observed locally in rutile, which is usually associated with relics of mafic phe-
porphyry 1B and characterized by the assemblage of white nocrysts (Fig. 4D). Disseminated fine-grained pyrite (up to
mica ± K-feldspar ± hydrothermal biotite ± anhydrite, sug- 5 vol %) is present, usually as subhedral grains. Copper con-
gesting contemporaneity with the potassic alteration. The centrations in this alteration assemblage are typically low;
early phyllic alteration in porphyry 1B only contains subeco- only trace amounts of chalcopyrite (and locally molybdenite)
nomic grades of copper mineralization. The distal expression are present in the quartz-pyrite veins. In zones where the
of the early phyllic alteration consists of the assemblage of late phyllic alteration is superimposed on mineralized early
white mica ± quartz ± specular hematite ± rutile but is not green phyllic alteration, Cu sulfide destruction occurred.
texturally destructive and is effectively unmineralized. Expressions of the late phyllic alteration are also present in
The late phyllic alteration is observed in both porphyry rocks of the Belt Supergroup, usually as 2-cm-thick halos
1A and 1B, overprinting potassic, early green phyllic, and associated with faint quartz-pyrite veins.
propylitic alteration phases. It is locally present as up to Advanced argillic alteration: Advanced argillic alteration
10-cm-thick halos about quartz-pyrite veins (D veins as per occurs at the surface above the highest-grade mineralized
Gustafson and Hunt, 1975), typically with preservation of zone and extends along structures to depth in the system.

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It overprints the early green phyllic and potassic alteration represent the deposition of copper remobilized from else-
zones and reaches up to 1,448 m below ground surface in the where in the system.
western parts of the system. The mineral assemblage consists
of alunite ± quartz ± kaolinite ± dickite ± pyrophyllite, asso- Age Dates
ciated with variable amounts of disseminated pyrite (up to All geochronological data available from Copper Cliff deposit
1  vol %) (Fairbanks, 2009). Massive pyrite veins over 10 to is shown in Fig. 5. Nine U-Pb dates obtained on zircons con-
15 cm thick are observed locally, usually associated with minor strain the crystallization age of the Copper Cliff intrusive com-
hypogene chalcopyrite, bornite, or enargite (Pardee, 1918). plex from 48.66 to 47.14 Ma (Kennecott Exploration, unpub.
Microscopic electrum inclusions occur within pyrite grains in report, 2014). Intrusive phases of porphyry 1A range in age
advanced argillic alteration (Fairbanks, 2009). from 48.6 ± 0.73 to 48.4 ± 0.71 Ma. Porphyry 1B is later than
Propylitic alteration: Propylitic alteration at Copper Cliff is porphyry 1A and ranges in age from 48.03 ± 0.72 to 47.9 ±
most abundant at the peripheral margins of the main porphyry 0.61 Ma. One intrusive phase from porphyry 2 was dated at
1B. Rocks with propylitic alteration have a yellowish-green 47.1 ± 0.65 Ma. The age of the late white phyllic event was
appearance. The alteration assemblage includes chlorite ± defined by two identical Re-Os ages of 49.6 ± 0.2 Ma obtained
montmorillonite ± calcite ± pyrite. Chlorite replaced mafic from associated molybdenite (Kennecott Exploration, unpub.
phenocrysts, and montmorillonite and minor calcite replaced report, 2014). Two samples of alunite from the advanced
plagioclase. Fine-grained pyrite (<1 vol %) may be present. argillic alteration halo around the mineralized zone yielded
40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 49.8 ± 0.27 and 42.64  ± 0.37  Ma
Supergene alteration (Kennecott Exploration, unpub. report, 2014). A similar age
A leached cap probably produced by supergene weather- of 48.4 ± 1.3 Ma for the acid-sulfate epithermal alteration was
ing and/or hydrothermal acid alteration extends up to 300 m reported by Ellsworth (1993) based on K-Ar in alunite. There-
below the surface. It is characterized by abundant kaolinite ± fore, the older alunite 40Ar/39Ar age is considered acceptable
montmorillonite in addition to iron oxides that replace pre- and suggests a genetic relationship between the late white
existing sulfides along fractures. Appreciable amounts of Cu phyllic alteration event and the advanced argillic alteration.
oxides along with residual enargite, luzonite, and famatinite The younger alunite 40Ar/39Ar age is not consistent with the
have been recognized in the leached cap near the surface rest of the geochronological data of the system, and it is inter-
(Pardee, 1918; Sahinen, 1957). preted to be the product of apparent 40Ar loss. Considering
the inherent problems, particularly when comparing different
Mineralization isotopic systems for geochronology, the data presented here
Chalcopyrite and bornite occur mostly as very fine grained and in Figure 5 indicate that emplacement of the Copper
(<1 mm) disseminations within the porphyry 1A and 1B but Cliff intrusive complex and alteration/mineralization events
also within the hydrothermal/intrusive breccia. Chalcopyrite are coeval within analytical error, suggesting that all occurred
is present as disseminated anhedral grains, typically asso- at about the same time.
ciated with specular hematite and only locally with minor
pyrite. Bornite partially replaced chalcopyrite but in some Samples and Analytical Methods
cases appears to have coprecipitated with chalcopyrite in the Detailed core logging of the lithology, alteration, and mineral-
presence of specular hematite. Minor hypogene chalcocite ization at Copper Cliff was conducted on 16 drill holes across
replaced bornite (Fairbanks, 2009). the district (Fig. 1). Samples of the different phyllic altera-
Copper sulfides in porphyry 1A are typically associated with tion styles were taken from drill core at a minimum interval
early green phyllic alteration. Copper assays for the freshest of 100 m within each drill hole based on prior geologic infor-
(unaltered) versions of this porphyry average approximately mation gathered from drill logs. A total of 100 core samples
1,000 ppm, with the higher grades (>0.5% Cu) mainly distrib- corresponding to the most representative phyllic alteration
uted in the eastern central portion of the system below 950 m were collected from porphyries 1A and 1B. Hyperspectral
depth intercepted by drill holes CC10 and CC13. In the early mineral maps were acquired on-site from few drill core sam-
green phyllic alteration phase, fine-grained specular hematite ples using Corescan’s Hyperspectral Core Imager Mark  III
is commonly present, except where it is influenced by sul- (HCI-3) system. The Corescan imaging spectrometer col-
fidation related to the late phyllic alteration. In the potassic lects spectral data in reflectance in the wavelength range of
alteration, minor chalcopyrite and bornite are present as fine- 350 to 2,500  nm at a spatial resolution of 0.5 mm. Mineral
grained disseminations within biotite-replaced mafic pheno- maps produced by the Corescan imaging spectrometer were
crysts and anhydrite clots. Granular and non-throughgoing used to evaluate qualitatively the distribution and wavelength
quartz veinlets with chalcopyrite and bornite are also pres- positions for white mica. Thin-section petrography of all core
ent locally. Mineralization of porphyry 1B was weaker than in samples was undertaken using transmitted and reflected light.
porphyry 1A. Copper assays for freshest examples of 1B rock In order to evaluate the presence of clay minerals, a set of
average approximately 600 ppm, with low-grade mineraliza- four samples was analyzed by X-ray diffraction. In addition,
tion present below 1,200 m depth intersected in hole CC8. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology was conducted on handpicked white

Mineralization of porphyry 1B is spatially associated with mica from two samples corresponding to the early green phyl-
potassic alteration and early green phyllic alteration, which lic alteration phase and two from the late white phyllic style.
appear to be contemporaneous in that rock type. Copper min- 40Ar/39Ar dates were obtained using conventional double-vac-

eralization occurred in late structures with advanced argillic uum furnace step-heating methods (Heizler et al., 1999). The
alteration, such as chalcopyrite, bornite, or enargite, and may X-ray diffraction and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology analyses were

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EGPA LWPA (40Ar-39Ar)
Porphyry 1A (Re-Os)
50 (Zircon U-Pb) (40Ar-39Ar)

Porphyry 1B (40Ar-39Ar)
(Zircon U-Pb)



Porphyry 2
(Zircon U-Pb)
Fig. 5. Summarized geochronological data for the Copper Cliff deposit. Crystallization U-Pb zircon ages for the intrusive rocks
fall into three age groups. Intrusive phases of porphyry 1A range in age from 48.6 to 48.4 Ma. Intrusive phases of porphyry 1B
range in age from 48.03 to 47.9 Ma. Porphyry 2 was dated at 47.1 ± 0.65 Ma. Alteration and mineralization events are coeval
within analytical error to the emplacement of porphyry 1A. The gray boxes represent the measurement uncertainty. Abbrevia-
tions: AA = advanced argillic alteration, EGPA = early green phyllic alteration, LWPA = late white phyllic alteration.

carried out at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Min- inspection and using the Lolite software package for Igor Pro
eral Resources. 6.37 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute facilities (Paton
Using thin-section billets, 43 samples were prepared as pol- et al., 2011).
ished resin mounts for electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) Point-based visible to near-infrared (VNIR) and short-wave
and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spec- infrared (SWIR) reflectance spectra between 350 and 2,500
trometry (LA-ICP-MS). Major element analyses of individual nm were collected from the billets of the thin sections using
crystals of white mica were obtained using a Cameca SX100 Spectral Evolution’s OreXpress™ field portable spectrometer
electron microprobe at the facilities of the New Mexico Bureau located at the New Mexico Institute for Mining and Technol-
of Geology and Mineral Resources. The analyses were per- ogy. In total, 336 4-mm-diameter spot analyses were obtained,
formed on five crystals per sample with a beam size of 10 µm, consisting of five to seven spots per billet on a transect, to
an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, and a beam current of 20 nA. identify compositional variations of white mica over the alter-
Since the early phyllic alteration style is commonly texturally ation system and on the scale of an individual sample. The
destructive where most intense, recognition of a precursor white reference measurement and optimization of the instru-
mineral phase to the white mica could not be ascertained, ment were conducted every ~15 min. In addition, the repro-
and so sample locations were taken at random. In the late ducibility of the instrument was evaluated by measuring 10
phyllic alteration it is generally possible to determine the times the same spot in a standard under identical conditions
mineral phase replaced by mica due to textural preservation, every ~90 min. To obtain a 4-mm-diameter spot analyses,
and so in this case the focus of analysis was on white mica an opaque mask was attached to the mineral contact probe.
that replaced plagioclase phenocrysts. Trace element concen- The opaque mask allows a reduction of the standard 20-mm-
trations in the same grains were determined using a 193-nm diameter analytical spot size, though still preserving sufficient
ultrashort pulse excimer laser ablation workstation coupled to reflectance intensity to permit the identification of minerals
a Bruker 820-MS inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrom- using SWIR absorption spectra features. The 4-mm-diame-
eter, located in the Corman Center for Mass Spectrometry ter spot analyses are useful to discriminate different styles of
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York. In total, 167 phyllic alteration overprinting a single sample and to allow for
LA-ICP-MS spot analyses were acquired using typically three the clear identification of absorption feature shifts over small
to five spot analyses from each sample, with a 100-µm beam spatial scales (Maher and Wallace, 2017). The spectrometer is
size and a laser pulse frequency of 10 Hz. The NIST-612 glass factory calibrated. Interpretation of each spectrum was con-
standard was used for external calibration, and Si was used as ducted using The Spectral Geologist Software™ (TSG; ver-
the internal standard. Data reduction was conducted by visual sion after performing the Hull quotient calculation.

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The wavelength positions of the white mica absorption fea- with band centers between 2,201 and 2,210 nm, with the
ture at ~2,200 nm were extracted using a graphic extrapola- median absorption feature located at 2,208 nm. Reproduc-
tion approach in Microsoft Excel®. ibility of the measured band center is approximately ±2 nm,
shown by the (1σ) standard deviation of 10 repeated analyses
Results on the same spot.
Samples from the early green phyllic alteration style with
Characterization of the white mica SWIR spectra white mica band centers shorter than 2,207 nm show late
The reflectance spectra of both styles of phyllic alteration in white phyllic alteration overprint and/or IR absorption evi-
the Copper Cliff system show well-expressed absorption fea- dence for the presence of kaolinite. Mixed reflectance spectra
tures in the VNIR-SWIR region. The statistical data in Figure of white mica with kaolinite is identified by the shape of the
6 show two populations of white micas based on the wave- Al-OH absorption feature, which tends to be relatively broad
length variation of the 2,200-nm Al-OH absorption feature. and asymmetrical with a weak inflection toward 2,162  nm
The first population is related to the late white phyllic altera- compared with the single sharp and symmetric feature of
tion style and is characterized by band centers ranging from samples with white mica with no kaolinite (S. Halley, unpub.
2,197 to 2,207 nm. The histogram shows a normal distribution report, 2016). Furthermore, the position of the Al-OH absorp-
with mean value at 2,201 nm and the most common absorp- tion feature of white micas mixed with kaolinite is shifted to
tion feature located at 2,202 nm, with 25 counts out of 130. shorter wavelengths, which explains the negatively skewed
The second population is related to the early green phyllic distribution of the early green phyllic alteration. Kaolinite was
alteration style, which shows a negatively skewed distribution also identified by petrographic analyses as pale brown-colored
replacement patches within the white mica mottles, typically
with low to moderate relief. The presence of kaolinite was
confirmed in the X-ray diffraction analyses.
60 LW PA Differences in the apparent white mica band centers
between the two distinctive phyllic alteration styles at Cop-
n=130 per Cliff are observed in the mineral maps produced by the
Mean=2201 Corescan™ system (Fig. 7A) and the Hull quotient spectra
40 Median=2201 collected by the OreExpress™ (Fig. 7B, C). The reflectance

Mode=2202 spectra of mica from the early green phyllic alteration is com-
δ=2.39 monly characterized by the Al-OH spectral absorption feature
centered around the 2,208-nm region and three broad intense
20 absorption features located around 715, 890, and 1,100 nm,
with a steep slope toward longer wavelengths (Fig. 7B). A
weak absorption feature is also noted near 2,250 nm, usually
displayed in the form of a faint inflection or shoulder. Another
0 important characteristic of the reflectance spectra of mica
from the early green phyllic alteration is that approximately
60 EGPA half of the analyzed samples present a deep-water absorption
component near 1,900 nm. The depth of this water absorption
n=206 feature is almost the same as the main Al-OH absorption fea-
Mean=2208 ture, implying an important illitic component in the spectra.
40 Median=2208 Unlike spectra from the early green phyllic alteration, white
Mode=2209 micas from the late phyllic alteration style are characterized
δ=2.15 Mixed with by the Al-OH spectral absorption feature centered around the
kaolinite 2,201-nm region and weak electronic absorptions in the VNIR
20 and/or LWPA region between 715 and 1,100 nm (Fig. 7C). In addition, the
overprint water absorption feature near 1,900 nm is only observed in
one-third of the analyzed samples and presents variable inten-
sities but is generally less deep than samples from the early
green phyllic style.
The SWIR data collected with the OreExpress™ from a
billet sample show the transition of the spectra from the late
21 6

21 8
22 9
22 0
22 1

22 3

22 5
22 6
22 7
22 8

22 0








white phyllic alteration to the early green phyllic alteration

Wavelength (nm) styles (Fig. 8). Spectra A to D correspond to the late white
Fig. 6. Histogram plot of the early and late phyllic alteration events based on phyllic style, and spectra E to G are associated to the early
the wavelength position of the Al-OH band centers collected with the OreEx- green phyllic alteration. The Al-OH band centers from the
pressTM spectrometer. The late white phyllic alteration (LWPA) samples have late phyllic alteration show a progressive increase in wave-
Al-OH band centers with wavelengths from 2,197 to 2,207 nm. Band centers of length from 2,200 nm at the border of the billet to 2,202 nm
the early green phyllic alteration (EGPA) range between 2,201 and 2,210 nm.
Samples from the early green phyllic alteration style with band centers shorter
in proximity to the quartz-pyrite veinlet. In contrast, spectra
than 2,207 nm show evidence of kaolinite and/or late phyllic alteration over- from the early green phyllic style in the sample have Al-OH
print according to petrographic and X-ray diffraction analyses. band centers with wavelengths from 2,208 to 2,209 nm.

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0.85 2250 nm
MgFe 3+
0.8 MgAl

2209 nm
0.75 Electronic processes Al-OH
Fe 2+, Fe 3+

500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength (nm)




1 cm 0.85

0.8 1410 nm
OH 2201 nm
White Mica: 2200 nm Wavelength Position
0.75 Al-OH

2197nm 2212nm
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 7. A) Mineral map produced from Corescan imaging spectrometer scan of a sample from Copper Cliff with early green
phyllic alteration in the upper part of the sample and late white phyllic alteration in the lower part. Note the differences of the
positions of the white mica band centers between the two styles of phyllic alteration. The black circles represent the points ana-
lyzed by the OreExpressTM spectrometer. B) Hull quotient spectra of white mica from the early green phyllic alteration (EGPA).
The three intense absorption features located around 715, 890, and 1,100 nm are probably associated with crystal field effects
(Burns, 1993) and the absorption feature near 2,250 nm to MgFe3+ and MgAl cation pairs bonded to OH groups in the structure
of white micas (Swayze et al., 2018). C) Hull quotient spectra of white mica from the late white phyllic alteration (LWPA). SWIR
= short-wave infrared.

Hydrothermal geochronology complexity caused principally by excess argon, as the oldest

New 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained from white micas correspond- apparent ages are inversely correlated with the radiogenic
ing to the early green (CC13-1078, CC10-1074) and late yield—that is, as apparent ages decrease across the spec-
white phyllic (CC18-1881, CC17-1093) alteration styles tra while the radiogenic yield increases. The isotope corre-
show relatively complex patterns characterized by initial lation arrays have high mean square of weighted deviates
young ages that climb steeply to maximum values of about (MSWD) values owing to probable mixing between atmo-
57 to 55 Ma over the first few percent of 39Ar released and spheric and excess argon trapped components, but project
then steadily decline in age until the final 10 to 15% of the to ages between 51and 48 Ma (Fig. 10). These isochron ages
spectrum where the ages become constant at about 50 to are similar to the final heating steps of the age spectra and
49 Ma (Fig. 9; Digital App. 1). The age spectrum complex- support the general validity of the isochron ages.
ity likely has several causes, where the initially young ages
could result from 39Ar recoil implantation into nonreten- Geochemical composition of white micas
tive low-K phases (e.g., clay) or record argon loss follow- Major elements variation: The chemical composition of white
ing initial crystallization. The ages that approach 55 Ma or micas was analyzed by electron microprobe wavelength dis-
greater are older than the intrusive rocks and could result persive analysis (EMPA). Representative analytical results
from 39Ar recoil ejection during irradiation and/or excess are summarized in Table 1, and reproducibility and detection
40Ar. Isochron analysis (Fig. 10) supports the age spectrum limit can be found in Table A1 of the Digital Appendix. In this

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A Point 1 E Point 5

Norm. HullQ

Norm. HullQ

2200 nm 2208 nm

800 1200 1600 2000 2400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Wavelength in nm Wavelength in nm

B Point 2 F Point 6


Norm. HullQ
Norm. HullQ


2200 nm 2209 nm

800 1200 1600 2000 2400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Wavelength in nm Wavelength in nm

C Point 3 G Point 7

Norm. HullQ

Norm. HullQ


2202 nm 2209 nm

800 1200 1600 2000 2400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Wavelength in nm Wavelength in nm

D Point 4
Norm. HullQ

2202 nm

800 1200 1600 2000 2400 1 cm

Wavelength in nm

Fig. 8. Short-wave infrared cross section illustrating the variation in wavelength of the Al-OH band center of white micas from
the early green and the late phyllic alteration styles. Points 1 to 4 correspond to spectra A to D from the late white phyllic altera-
tion. Points 5 to 7 correspond to spectra E to G from the early green phyllic style. The photograph references the sample locations
along the transect on the billet.

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Fig. 9. 40Ar/39Ar age spectra plots for white mica from the early green phyllic alteration and the late white phyllic alteration.
Samples CC13-1078 (A) and CC10-1074 (B) correspond to white mica from the early green phyllic alteration, and samples
CC18-1881 (C) and CC17-1093 (D) correspond to white mica from the late white phyllic alteration. Graphics show complex
age spectra caused by potential 39Ar recoil and/or argon loss. The final heating steps for spectra and weighted mean ages for the
two styles of phyllic alteration are analytically indistinguishable from the 40Ar/39Ar alunite age and the Re-Os ages. All errors are
±2σ. MSWD = mean squarae of weighted deviates.

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Fig. 10. Inverse isochron plots for white mica from the early green phyllic alteration and the late white phyllic alteration. Samples
CC13-1078 (A) and CC10-1074 (B) correspond to white mica from the early green phyllic alteration, and samples CC18-1881
(C) and CC17-1093 (D) correspond to white mica from the late white phyllic alteration. Isochron ages support the mean weighted
ages and provide the timing for the phyllic alteration events. All errors are ±2σ. MSWD = mean square of weighted deviates.

study, the structural formula of white micas was normalized site occupancy ranges between 0.71 and 0.98 apfu (Fig. 11)
to atoms per formula unit (apfu) on the basis of 11 anhydrous and is predominantly potassic, with K varying from 0.63 to
oxygens, and all iron expressed as formula units was assumed 0.91 apfu. The sodium content is relatively low, mostly under
to be Fe2+ (Newman, 1987). This assumption will be dis- 0.07 apfu. Calcium values are mostly below detection limit,
cussed later. Occupancy of the tetrahedral site is assumed to with a few outliers up to 0.065 apfu. In the octahedral site,
be complete when calculating atom formula units. Fe + Mg + Mn contents range between 0.16 and 0.60 apfu,
Microprobe analyses of representative white micas from with one outlier at 0.71 apfu. Magnesium content varies from
the early phyllic alteration style have the compositional range 0.04 to 0.40 apfu, with one outlier at 0.55 apfu. Iron values are
of (K0.63–0.91Na0.02–0.07)(Fe0.1–0.21Mg0.04–0.55Al1.52–1.87)(Si3.06–3.36 relatively lower than magnesium, with concentrations rang-
Al0.64–0.94)O10(OH)2. The interlayer cation (K + Na + Ca) ing from 0.1 to 0.21 apfu. Manganese is generally below the

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Table 1. Representative Microprobe Analyses of White Micas at Copper Cliff Expressed on an Anhydrous Basis

CC10- CC10- CC13- CC13- CC7- CC2- CC8- CC13- CC9- CC11- CC5- CC13- CC8- CC4- CC17-
Sample 955-2 1231-1 1078-1 361-1 332-3 72-1 1487-3 1985-1 1063-2 1156-1 355-3 1514-5 1545-1 94-1 610-1

Distance to
deposit center (m) 0 273 351 565 580 841 942 1,170 495 527 665 715 974 986 1,358


Wt %
SiO2 44.03 45.34 46.89 51.68 47.83 49.45 47.4 48.74 48.49 46.56 47.53 47.93 45.44 46.05 50.96
TiO2 0.66 0.38 0.34 0.02 0.1 0.13 0.14 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.22 0.15
Al2O3 33.26 34.47 30.85 32.32 30.84 30.91 31.1 30.31 34.18 34.01 33.65 34.49 35.01 32.64 32.85
FeO 3.07 2.79 2.22 2.05 2.37 3.45 1.98 3.72 0.39 1.52 1.7 1.31 0.47 0.95 1.43
MnO 0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01
MgO 0.54 0.38 2.88 1.53 2.03 4.15 2.27 2.86 0.34 0.98 1.51 1.33 0.56 2.92 2.04
CaO 0.03 <0.01 0.07 0.22 0.2 0.94 0.08 0.11 0.38 0.07 0.06 0.21 0.16 0.26 0.24
Na2O 0.47 0.5 0.36 0.34 0.2 0.42 0.19 0.22 0.44 0.54 0.43 0.53 0.38 0.53 0.24
K2O 10.29 10.52 10.56 8.84 8.67 7.93 10.24 10.26 8.73 10.33 10.13 10.49 10.63 10.03 8.99
F 0.18 0.09 0.38 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.34 0.17 0.07 0.32 0.53 0.34 0.32 0.58 0.26
Cl 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.08 <0.01 0.01 0.11 0.08 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 <0.01
O = F,Cl 0.08 0.04 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.15 0.23 0.15 0.14 0.25 0.11
Total 92.65 94.53 94.72 97.27 92.49 97.68 93.88 96.54 93.21 94.68 95.98 96.96 93.26 94.45 97.05

Structural formulas
Si 3.06 3.07 3.18 3.33 3.26 3.21 3.22 3.24 3.24 3.14 3.16 3.15 3.09 3.12 3.28
AlIV 0.94 0.93 0.82 0.67 0.74 0.79 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.91 0.88 0.72

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AlVI 1.78 1.83 1.65 1.78 1.74 1.58 1.71 1.62 1.93 1.83 1.8 1.81 1.91 1.72 1.78
Ti 0.03 0.02 0.02 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Fe 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.11 0.21 0.02 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.08
Mn <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Mg 0.06 0.04 0.29 0.15 0.21 0.4 0.23 0.28 0.03 0.1 0.15 0.13 0.06 0.29 0.2
Σ Oct. 2.05 2.04 2.08 2.04 2.09 2.18 2.06 2.11 1.99 2.02 2.05 2.02 2 2.08 2.06

Ca <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Na 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.03
K 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.73 0.75 0.66 0.89 0.87 0.74 0.89 0.86 0.88 0.92 0.87 0.74
Σ Int. 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.78 0.8 0.78 0.92 0.91 0.83 0.96 0.92 0.96 0.99 0.95 0.79

F 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.05
Cl <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

SWIR (nm) 2,208 2,209 2,209 2,207 2,206 2,208 2,210 2,209 2,198 2,204 2,200 2,205 2,202 2,204 2,202

Note: Number of ions on the basis of 11 oxygens, and all iron as Fe2+
Abbreviations: Σ Int. = sum of interlayer cations, Σ Oct. = sum of octahedral cations, AlIV = calculated tetrahedral Al, AlVI = calculated octahedral Al, EGPA = early green phyllic alteration, LWPA =
late white phyllic alteration, SWIR = short-wave infrafred (wavelength position of the white mica Al-OH band center determined from billet)

2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Si (apfu ) Al (apfu ) Ti (apfu )

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004

Fe (apfu ) Mg (apfu ) Mn (apfu )

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

K (apfu ) Na (apfu ) Ca ( apfu )

Early Green Phyllic Alteration

Late White Phyllic Alteration

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

K+Na+Ca (apfu ) Fe+Mg+Mn (apfu )

Fig. 11. Compositional variations in major elements for white micas from the early and late phyllic alteration styles. Analysis
of variance (one-way ANOVA) at a 95% confidence level demonstrates significant differences in the content of Al, Fe, Mg,
and Na. The box symbol represents the middle 50% of the data with the mean value (cross), the median (vertical line), and
whiskers are the 5% and 95% values; black dots represent outliers. The numbers of analytical points for the early and late
phyllic alteration are 48 and 31, respectively. apfu = atoms per formula unit.

detection limit. Silicon content ranges from 3.06 to 3.36 apfu, variance (one-way ANOVA) at a 95% confidence level was
and total aluminum varies from 2.25 to 2.75 apfu. conducted to test the significance of the observed differences
White micas from the late phyllic alteration style have in major element concentrations between the two styles of
the compositional range of (K0.63–0.93 Na0.02–0.09)(Fe0.02–0.12 phyllic alteration (see Digital App. Table A2). The number
Mg0.03–0.29 Al1.68–1.93)(Si3.09–3.43Al0.57–0.91)O10(OH)2. Analysis of of interlayer cations (K + Na + Ca) is statistically similar (p >

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0.05) to white micas from the early green phyllic alteration significant, with higher values in white micas from the late
style. No distinct differences were detected between the phyllic alteration in the range of 2.26 to 2.81 apfu.
potassium and calcium contents of the late phyllic altera- The compositional variation of white micas can be explained
tion compared with the values of the early phyllic style. On by four principal substitutions (Cohen, 2011): (1) Tschermak
the other hand, sodium values are slightly higher than white substitution VIAl3+ + IVAl3+ ↔ VIFe2+ + IVSi4+, (2) direct VIFe3+
micas from the early phyllic alteration (p < 0.05), reaching ↔ VIAl3+ substitution, (3) illitic substitution K+ + IVAl3+ ↔ IVSi4+
contents up to 0.09 apfu. In the octahedral site, Fe + Mg + + [ ]interlayer cation site, and (4) direct Na+ ↔ K+ substitution. Com-
Mn shows significantly lower concentrations compared with positionally, 52% of white micas from the early green phyllic
those from the early green phyllic style, with values ranging alteration and 58% from the late phyllic style are aluminocela-
from 0.056 to 0.36 apfu (Fig. 11). The largest differences in donite (Fig. 12A). The term “aluminoceladonite” is defined as
the octahedral site of the late phyllic alteration are observed an intermediate mica with composition between muscovite and
in the magnesium and iron contents, with values ranging from celadonite, characterized by VIR2+/(VIR2+ + VIR3+) ≥ 0.25, VIAl/
0.03 to 0.29 apfu and 0.02 to 0.12 apfu, respectively. Manga- (VIAl + VIFe3+) ≥ 0.5–1.0, and Mg/(Mg + VIFe2+) > 0.5 (Rieder
nese and silicon concentrations are statistically similar in both et al., 1998). In addition, illitic substitution is observed in 48%
alteration styles. In contrast, ANOVA analysis demonstrates of the white micas associated with the early green phyllic style
that differences in the total aluminum values are statistically and 26% of the late white phyllic variety. Illitic substitution in

A Toward Aluminoceladonite B
Celadonite VI
Al + IVAl3+ <-> VIFe2+ + IVSi4+ Muscovite
1.0 0.8
K+ + IVAl3+ <->

EGPA y = -0.7025x
Fe+Mg+Mn (apfu) R2 =0.36
0.9 0.6
K+Na+Ca (apfu)

LWPA y = -0.4957x
R2 =0.33

0.8 0.4
IV 4+
Si + [ ]

Al3+ <-> VIFe3+
0.7 0.2 y = -x
Al3+ + IVAl3+ <-> VIFe2+ + IVSi4+
Illite y = -0.5x
0.6 0.0
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Total Al (apfu) Total Al (apfu)

C D Toward
Celadonite Aluminoceladonite Muscovite
2.0 1.0


K+ <-> Na+
Alvi (apfu)

In c
re a
1.7 s in
s ch 0.8
e rm
1.6 su b
tu t
io n
1.5 0.7
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Fe (apfu) Total Al (apfu)

Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)

Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA)
Fig. 12. Compositional variations in major elements between the early green phyllic alteration and the late white phyllic
alteration from individual microprobe analyses. A) Total Al vs. K + Na + Ca diagram indicating Tschermak and illitic substitu-
tion. B) Total Al vs. Fe + Mg + Mn diagram. White micas from both alteration styles display significant scatter; however, most
of the data points lie between the Tschermak and the VIFe3+ ↔ VIAl3+ substitution lines, suggesting a contribution of Fe2+ and
Fe3+ to measured FeTOT + Mg + Mn contents. C) Fe vs. Alvi diagram marking the main compositional difference between
the two phyllic alteration styles. D) Total Al vs. K/(K + Na + Ca) diagram showing limited K+ ↔ Na+ substitution. Arrows
represent compositional vectors for main substitution mechanism, and dashed lines represent the equations derived by least-
squares linear regression. apfu = atoms per formula unit.

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aluminoceladonites associated with the late white phyllic style and V exist between the early and late phyllic alteration styles.
shows a spatial relationship with distal zones of the Copper Cliff By contrast, ANOVA suggests no significant difference (p >
system (e.g., hole CC17), in contrast to samples of the early 0.05) in the concentrations of Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Li, Mn,
green style where the spatial relationship is not clearly evident. P, Sr, Tl, W, Y, and Zn.
Based on the microprobe analyses, muscovitic composition was
only observed in white micas from the late phyllic style, consti- Discussion
tuting 16% of that population.
In Figure 12B, most of the data points plot between the Timing of the phyllic alteration
dashed lines representing the ideal Tschermak substitution Considering the complexity of the argon age spectra, apparent
line and the VIFe3+ ↔ VIAl3+ substitution line within the total ages recorded by the final heating steps and the isochron ages
aluminum versus octahedral cation diagram. This relationship are very consistent with the other geochronological constraints.
suggests variable amounts of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the structure The weighted mean ages of 49.55 ± 0.17, 49.29 ± 0.18, and
of white micas, as proposed by Cohen (2011). In the absence 49.79 ± 0.11 Ma for the early green and the late white phyllic
of direct measurement, the unequivocal distinction between alteration samples are analytically indistinguishable from the
Fe2+ and Fe3+ is impossible from the EMPA data alone (Bous- 40Ar/39Ar alunite age and the Re-Os ages. Sample CC17-1093

quet et al., 2002). However, an estimate of the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio from the late white phyllic alteration has a very small fraction
can be made according to the relative position of the points of the spectrum that yields a weighted mean age of 50.02 ±
between these two substitution lines. Therefore, points follow- 0.22 Ma and at 2σ uncertainty is equal to the other weighted
ing the Tschermak substitution line will have a slope of –0.5, mean ages (Fig. 9D). The consistency of the weighted mean
and Fe3+/(FeTOT + Mg + Mn) = 0; conversely, points following ages, isochron ages, and other geochronological constraints
the VIFe3+ ↔ VIAl3+ substitution line will have a slope of –1,
and Fe3+/(FeTOT + Mg + Mn) = 1 (Cohen, 2011). White micas 10000
from both alteration styles display significant scatter in these
compositional parameters; however, using a least-squares
regression method, white micas from the early green phyllic
alteration are represented by the equation y = –0.7025x (R2 =
0.36). As a result, if the slope is –0.7025, then Fe3+/(FeTOT  + 100
Mg + Mn) = 0.405, which indicates ~40.5% contribution of

Fe3+ to measured FeTOT + Mg + Mn contents. In the case

of the late phyllic style, white micas are represented by the 10
equation y = –0.4957x (R2 = 0.33), derived by least-squares
linear regression. The slope of this equation is higher than
–0.5, indicating 0% contribution of Fe3+ to measured FeTOT
+ Mg + Mn contents. Evidence for the VIFe3+ ↔ VIAl3+ sub- B V Rb Cl
stitution in white micas is supported by the ANOVA analysis, 0.1
which shows no significant difference in the concentrations
of silicon between both phyllic alteration styles. Therefore, 100
differences in the iron content (Fig. 12C) must be primarily
associated with the contribution of Fe3+. Consequently, white
micas from the early green phyllic alteration are differenti- 10
ated from those of the late phyllic alteration by the relatively
higher iron content, which in turn reflects greater substitu-
tion for aluminum. In Figure 12D, the total aluminum versus

K/(K + Na + Ca) diagram shows no significant difference in
Na+ ↔ K+ substitution in the interlayer cation site for the two
alteration types, except for three samples from the early green
phyllic alteration overprinted by kaolinite.
Trace element variation: Trace element composition of
white micas was determined by LA-ICP-MS. Representative Cd Cs Sc Sn
analytical results are shown in Table 2, and reproducibility and 0.01
detection limits are given in Table A3 of the Digital Appen- Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)
dix. In order to monitor the effect of mineral inclusions on
the analytical signal, Ca, Mg, and Ti were also analyzed, and Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA)
contaminated signals were not used. Compositional variations Fig. 13. Compositional variations in trace elements for white micas from the
of analyzed trace elements for white micas are shown in Fig- early and late phyllic alteration styles. Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA)
ure 13. A one-way ANOVA statistical procedure at 95% con- at a 95% confidence level demonstrates significant differences in the content
of B, V, Rb, Cl, Cd, Cs, Sc, and Sn. Symbols represent the middle 50% of
fidence level was used to test the variations in trace element the data (box), the mean value (cross), and the median (horizontal line), and
concentrations between the two styles of phyllic alteration the whiskers are the 5 and 95% values; black dots represent outliers. The
(see Digital App. Table A4). In general, significant variations numbers of analytical points for the early and late phyllic alteration are 48
(p < 0.05) in the concentrations of B, Cd, Cl, Cs, Rb, Sc, Sn, and 31, respectively.

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Table 2. Representative LA-ICP-MS Analyses of White Micas at Copper Cliff

  CC10- CC10- CC10- CC10- CC13- CC5- CC13- CC13- CC7- CC13- CC13-
Sample 955-1 1074-1 1156-1 1231-1 1078-1 748-1 410-1 361-1 332-1 1412-1 203-1

Distance to
deposit center (m)
0 121 199 273 351 432 522 565 580 620 710


Li 5.2 3.1 2.5 BDL 6.6 5.7 BDL 2.4 6.3 34.4 BDL
B 25.7 10.1 BDL BDL 27.4 12 BDL 54.4 19.8 34 42
P 209 427 194 27 134 49 165 270 355 343 793
Cl 497 277 312 259 505 488 368 747 610 528 490
Sc 7.6 8.9 6.6 0.5 8.1 1.8 0.6 10.6 1.9 7.5 8.9
V 36.6 32.5 48 1.1 52.2 75.6 4.4 62.4 15.9 79 88.3
Cr 48 26.6 16.4 BDL 29.6 107 2.4 48.3 10.3 184.3 95
Mn 30.9 19.2 7.4 11.5 16.4 4.6 12.2 35 83.5 151.8 19
Co 1.25 0.1 0.68 0.07 3.05 1.43 0.37 0.67 6.03 4.25 0.45
Cu 131.9 71.1 11.1 35.8 37.1 50.8 11.7 29.7 40.7 68.9 15.7
Zn 45 26.8 12.6 20.5 25.9 103.6 70.2 122 156 380 126
Rb 166 55 69.8 2.2 183.5 9.5 6.5 195.1 161.6 89.8 271.9
Sr 4 83 5 1 11 2 210 32 174 215 16
Y 2.41 6.3 64 0.06 4.73 2.15 0.75 0.18 0.83 10.46 0.58
Cd 0.67 0.24 1.13 0.16 3 1.64 0.16 1.21 0.29 3.44 2.21
Sn 3.81 1.38 4.84 0.17 8.13 9.6 0.27 6.23 1.51 9.02 5.25
Cs 2.15 0.49 0.39 0.07 3.91 0.07 0.22 4.37 2.59 5.99 3.42
Ba 226 435 205 10 124 7 41 276 980 560 360
La 0.06 149 1.7 0.23 4.45 0.06 1.21 0.64 7.8 40.8 0.57
Ce 0.06 270 4.4 0.52 4.1 0.16 2.31 1.66 12.3 55.1 0.96
W 1.68 0.21 1.7 0.26 4.81 0.29 0.11 5.56 0.68 9.87 1.31
Tl 5.08 1.03 1.58 0.07 3.98 0.38 0.27 7.28 6.56 1.74 12.5

CC2- CC8- CC13- CC9- CC11- CC5- CC13- CC8- CC8- CC4- CC17- CC17-
Sample 72-1 1487-1 1985-1 1063-1 1156-1 355-1 1514-1 758-1 1545-1 94-1 1043-1 610-1

Distance to
center (m) 841 942 1,170 495 527 665 715 830 974 986 1,336 1,358


Li 3.7 8.4 1.3 BDL 2.8 1.6 8.7 3.3 4 BDL 2.1 13.2
B 38.1 42.6 BDL 49 23.4 37.4 20.7 52.6 37 65.4 66.2 60.3
P 227 307 1,020 313 153 312 161 263 93 2,710 45 1,129
Cl 484 479 199 401 937 512 380 481 508 689 440 759
Sc 7.9 7.2 0.6 12.6 9.2 10 11 12.9 9.6 9.3 9.4 15
V 100.4 51.8 BDL 117.3 99.7 111.7 131.3 99.1 91.1 148.7 111.3 144.6
Cr 221.2 15 2.2 108.9 6.3 41 57.8 6.7 46.5 24.2 3.4 22
Mn 29.2 32.8 332 1.9 3.1 5 8.9 45.8 5.5 16.8 12.8 324
Co 2.43 0.77 0.77 1.27 0.28 0.44 2.88 3.74 0.69 0.95 0.22 0.8
Cu 28.8 6.1 3.3 65.7 8.2 21.5 21.9 31.1 11.4 7.4 55.2 36.3
Zn 96 47.8 11.5 75.8 11.1 28.1 44.3 79.5 38.1 27.3 183.2 200
Rb 222.9 167.3 140 134.9 182.1 154.7 183.7 224.2 210.5 167 238.5 191.6
Sr 41 110 333 10 36 10 33 151 591 2,750 29 318
Y 0.16 0.27 2.05 0.42 2.66 0.14 0.13 2.13 4.53 1.62 0.12 4.49
Cd 2.73 2.1 0.28 0.32 3.39 3.09 1.9 0.33 2.48 2.73 1.42 0.38
Sn 15.01 14.52 0.12 1.81 7.82 18.88 11.73 1.95 17.29 18.39 5.08 1.7
Cs 3.36 2.32 0.78 0.62 1.22 1.58 1.15 2.75 1.16 3.16 13.43 6.75
Ba 290 223 2,890 13 2,300 397 1,246 2,892 112 788 226 9,700
La 0.19 0.32 4.72 0.05 1.43 0.04 0.11 34 14 670 0.08 12.7
Ce 0.43 0.51 9.4 0.18 3.62 0.13 0.25 46 36.3 1,380 0.09 21.2
W 2.16 5.14 BDL 0.06 1.23 1.12 5.03 0.3 5.75 0.43 0.05 0.29
Tl 8.2 2.48 1.85 2.35 5.63 12.5 2.06 2.83 3.4 7.94 4.06 1.81

Note: All concentrations reported in parts per million (ppm)

Abbreviations: BDL = below detection limit, EGPA = early green phyllic alteration, LA-ICP-MS = laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spec-
trometry, LWPA = late white phyllic alteration

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may provide important limits for interpretation of this form

of white mica age spectra. The age spectra and assigned A
weighted mean ages by themselves would have ambiguous 2.0
meaning, especially due to potential 39Ar recoil impacts; how-
ever, the consistency between all geochronological methods R2 =0.47
strongly argues that utilizing the final heating steps for spectra 1.9
of this nature can yield accurate alteration ages. Finally, the
white mica argon results indicate that the early green and late

Alvi (apfu)
white phyllic alteration formed within the analytical uncer-
tainty of the argon ages, thus being within no more than a few
hundred thousand years of each other. 1.7 re a s
in g
T sc
Variation in the Al-OH band wavelength with m ak
su b
the major element geochemical data 1.6 stitu
tio n
The compositional variation of micas from the early and late
phyllic alteration styles is reflected in the SWIR data (Fig. 1.5
14). Figure 14A shows an inverse relationship between the 2196 2200 2204 2208 2212
amount of aluminum in the octahedral site and the location of W avelength (nm)
the Al-OH combination band center. The range of the Al-OH B
band center wavelength from 2,198 to 2,206 nm corresponds
to micas with calculated high octahedral aluminum (VIAl), 0.25
generally from 1.7 to 1.9 apfu, associated with the late phyl-
io n
lic alteration. Moreover, the range of the Al-OH band center i tu t
su b st
wavelength from 2,206 to 2,210 nm corresponds to white micas ak
with low VIAl, typically between 1.5 and 1.8 apfu, characteristic s c he
F e (a pfu)

of the early phyllic alteration. Similar ranges for the location of 0.15 in gT
r eas
the Al-OH combination band center and Al content in the octa- Inc
hedral site of white micas in porphyry systems were reported in 0.10
recent studies (Swayze et al., 2014; Graham et al., 2018).
The relationship between the iron content in the octahe-
dral site and the Al-OH band center wavelength is shown 0.05 R = 0.63
in Figure 14B. Long-wavelength white micas in the range
of 2,206 to 2,210 nm have high iron (0.09–0.2 apfu) values,
whereas short-wavelength white micas in the range of 2,198 to 2196 2200 2204 2208 2212
2,206 nm correspond to low iron (0.02–0.09 apfu) values. This W avelength (nm )
variation observed in the Al-OH band center wavelength of
the white micas appears to be mainly attributed to the Tscher-
mak substitution VIAl3+ + IVAl3+ ↔ VIFe2+ + IVSi4+. Therefore, Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)
the Al-OH band center wavelength and related cation com-
Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA)
position (e.g., FeTOT and VIAl) can be used to differentiate the
main phyllic events at the Copper Cliff porphyry Cu system. Fig. 14. Single microprobe analysis and associated position of the Al-OH
It is noteworthy that where magnesium concentrations are combination band center determined from the same sample billet. A) Cal-
culated Alvi and the Al-OH band center with an inverse relationship. B) Iron
higher than iron in both alteration styles, the relationship with content and Al-OH band center showing the positive relationship. Arrows
the Al-OH band center wavelength is not clearly indicated. represent compositional vectors for Tschermak substitution and dashed lines
The SWIR spectral absorption features located around represent least-squares linear regressions. apfu = atoms per formula unit.
715, 890 and 1,100 nm in samples of white micas from the
early green phyllic alteration are interpreted to be the result
of electronic processes, such as the charge transfer between compositions based on the microprobe data (Fig. 12A).
Fe2+ and Fe3+, or crystal field effects by unfilled electron
shells of transitional metals (Burns, 1993). In addition, the Implications of trace element geochemistry
absorption feature near 2,250 nm seems to be related to the The overall difference in trace element content in white micas
presence of Mg2+ and/or Fe3+ in the octahedral site (Scott and of both phyllic alteration styles is shown in Figure 15. Scan-
Yang, 1997). Swayze et al. (2018) noted that the development dium and vanadium concentrations in white micas from the
of a shoulder near 2,250 nm is likely attributed to MgFe3+ late phyllic alteration are notably higher than those from the
and MgAl cation pairs bonded to OH groups in the structure early green phyllic style. Concentrations of scandium in the
of white micas. Likewise, the intensity of the shoulder corre- early green phyllic style range from 0.4 to 12.9 ppm, whereas
lates with the decrease of aluminum in the octahedral site and in the late phyllic alteration concentrations range between 8.2
the shifting to longer wavelengths of the 2,200 nm absorption and 20.7 ppm. Vanadium varies from 0.7 to 100.4 ppm in the
feature (Swayze et al., 2014). The water absorption feature early phyllic style and from 81.7 to 204.2 ppm in the late phyl-
at 1,900 nm correlates well with samples containing illitic lic alteration.

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250 (Mallmann and O’Neill, 2013; S. Halley, unpub. report, 2016),

and both may substitute for Fe3+ into the white mica’s structure.
R2 = 0 .6 8
The above-mentioned hypothesis is supported by the fact
that only plagioclase phenocrysts intensely affected by white
mica were analyzed in the late phyllic alteration, whereas the
150 influence of the precursor mineral phase could not be ascer-
V (ppm)

tained in the early green phyllic alteration due to the pervasive

and destructive style of the event. Presumably at least some of
100 the white micas analyzed from the early green phyllic alteration
replaced mafic mineral phases, therefore vanadium concentra-
tions should be higher in these than in white micas from the
late phyllic style, assuming a protolith control in the metal con-
tent of the white micas; however, only a fraction of the white
0 micas from early alteration presents vanadium concentrations
0 5 10 15 20 that exceed the minimum concentrations measured in late
Sc (ppm) white phyllic alteration micas (Fig. 15). This suggests that the
fluids responsible for alteration during the early event were too
oxidized to preserve vanadium in the relatively reduced 3+ state
Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)
to be incorporated into white micas. Therefore, chemical varia-
Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA) tions in major and trace element concentrations between white
micas from the early green and late white phyllic alterations can
Fig. 15. Plot of scandium versus vanadium concentrations from laser ablation- be explained by different fluid conditions.
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry spot analyses in white micas.
White micas from the late white phyllic alteration show higher concentrations
Previous studies have suggested that the phyllic alteration
of scandium and vanadium than those from the early green phyllic alteration. is the result of the late-stage ingress of oxidized meteoric
Dashed line represents least-squares linear regression of all data. fluids into the magmatic-hydrothermal system (e.g., Taylor,
1974; Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Sheets et al., 1996; Dilles
et al., 2000); however, as has been observed in this study, the
Scandium and vanadium can be easily accommodated into the early green phyllic alteration was formed by oxidized fluids,
octahedral site of white micas. Scandium, as a 3+ cation (Sc3+), and based on the contemporary paragenetic relationship to
has a similar atomic radius in the sixfold coordination (0.75 Å) the potassic alteration, it is a product of magmatic rather than
to Fe2+ (0.78 Å). Likewise, vanadium as a 3+ cation (V3+) has an meteoric fluids. Harris and Golding (2002) have reported iso-
atomic radius (0.64 Å) almost identical to that of Fe3+ (0.65 Å). topic evidence from white micas that supports a magmatic
Previous studies have documented that under strongly oxidized origin for at least some phyllic alteration at the Endeavour 26
magmatic conditions, vanadium is more common as V4+ and V5+ North (E26N) porphyry Cu-Au deposit in Australia.
rather than V3+ (Schuiling and Feenstra, 1980; Loucks, 2014).
Schuiling and Feenstra (1980) also showed that hematite in Spatial variations in white mica composition
magnetite-hematite pairs concentrates more vanadium than Trace element trends in white mica from other deposits: Previ-
magnetite alone (Lund, 2009). In the early green phyllic phase ous studies have documented the compositional variation in
at Copper Cliff, the association of specular hematite and anhy- white micas at different distances from the mineralized center
drite is indicative of oxidized conditions of porphyry-derived in porphyry systems, e.g., Ann-Mason porphyry Cu deposit in
fluids. Therefore, we suggest that in this alteration stage vana- Nevada, United States (Cohen, 2011), and Highland Valley
dium will most likely behave as V4+ and will be concentrated in porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in British Columbia, Canada (Alva
the associated specular hematite rather than the white micas, Jimenez, 2011). At the Ann-Mason system, vertical trans-
where the latter averages an estimated 40.5% contribution of verses show that Tl content in white micas increases with
Fe3+ to measured FeTOT + Mg + Mn contents (Fig. 12B). In the distance out from the porphyry center, whereas W and Sn
same way, the low content of scandium in white micas from the concentrations increase toward the center. At the Highland
early green phyllic phase may be caused by the incorporation Valley system, lateral transverses show that in addition to Tl,
of this element into specular hematite (Schuiling and Feenstra, trace elements in white micas, including B, Co, Cs, Mn, and
1980). At this point, this problem requires detailed studies, Zn, generally increase in concentration with distance from the
including major and trace element geochemistry in associated hydrothermal center. In contrast, other trace elements such
specular hematite and Mossbauer determination of Fe2+/Fe3+ as Li, Sn, Sr, Ti, and V show decreased concentrations with
in the white micas. increasing distance. Cohen (2011) and Alva Jimenez (2011)
The distinctive shift from the presence of specular hematite argued that the observed systematic trace element patterns
and anhydrite in white micas from the early phyllic alteration are mainly temperature controlled, although no thermal gra-
to the absence of these minerals in the late phyllic style sug- dients were constrained in either of those studies to test such
gests a change to more reduced conditions over time. The a hypothesis. The suggested thermal control of element sub-
more reduced conditions during the late phyllic alteration stitution in white mica requires further investigation; how-
event could explain the concomitantly higher concentrations of ever, experimental studies have highlighted similar effects on
vanadium and scandium in these late white micas. Under low the behavior of titanium content in white mica by analogy to
oxygen fugacity, vanadium and scandium behave as a 3+ cation biotite, which tends to increase with temperature (Auzanneau

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et al., 2010; Wu and Chen, 2015). In the same way, thermo- system in order to identify the spatial variations. Point-based
dynamic studies in porphyry systems have found significant element concentrations instead of sample-average data were
concentrations of As, Cu, Sc, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, and Zn in the lattice used in this analysis for a given distance. Suggested trends
of alteration minerals such as chlorite and epidote, which for were evaluated separately in each phyllic alteration style
those minerals can be correlated to variations in temperature using one-way ANOVA, and only elements with significant
of the hydrothermal fluids according to chlorite geothermom- differences (p < 0.05) are discussed below (see Digital App.
etry (Wilkinson et al., 2015; Xiao et al., 2017). Tables A5, A6). In general, white micas from the early and
late phyllic alterations are enriched in Cu proximal to the
White mica proximitor center of the deposit (hole CC10) compared with those at
Following the protocol utilized by Wilkinson et al. (2015), the margin (Fig. 16A). By contrast, in both phyllic altera-
element concentrations in white micas at Copper Cliff were tion styles Zn occurs in higher concentrations at the mar-
plotted as a function of radial distance from the center of the gins than at the deposit center (Fig. 16B). Overall increasing

1000 1000

100 100
Cu (ppm)

Zn (ppm)

10 10

1 1
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Distance to system center (m ) Distance to system center (m )

10000 100

Sr (ppm)

B (ppm)



1 10
0 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500
Distance to system center (m ) Distance to system center (m )

Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)

Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA)
Fig. 16. Trace element concentrations in white micas from both early and late phyllic alteration styles determined by laser
ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry spot analyses as a function of radial distance from the Copper Cliff
center. The limit of the imprint of the early green phyllic alteration (EGPA) is within 710 m, therefore samples located beyond
this distance from the deposit center are noninformative. In a similar way, the limit of the expression of the late white phyllic
alteration (LWPA) is 1,300 m from the deposit center. A) Copper shows relative enrichment proximal to the mineralized cen-
ter. B) Zinc shows depletion proximal to the center and enrichment at the margins. C) Strontium concentrations increase with
distance from the deposit center only in EGPA samples. D) Boron concentrations increase with distance from the deposit
center only in LWPA samples.

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concentrations of Sr from the center to the margins of the early green phyllic alteration, the exponential decay of the Cu/
deposit exist exclusively in the early green phyllic style (Fig. Zn ratio as a function of distance from the deposit center is
16C). Boron shows a similar trend but only for the late white described by the equation y = 4.076e–0.005x. This decay func-
phyllic alteration (Fig. 16D). With the exception of stron- tion is only valid to distances out to 710 m, which is the point
tium, these spatial variations relative to the porphyry center where the Cu/Zn ratio stabilizes, and it is considered the limit
are similar to those displayed at the Highland Valley system of the imprint or preservation of the early phyllic alteration
(Alva Jimenez, 2011), which could imply that temperature is event. In the case of the late phyllic alteration, the exponential
also one of the controlling factors affecting the composition decay has the form of y = 1.7857e–0.002x to distances between
of white micas at Copper Cliff. 500 and 1,300 m.
The spatial variations of trace elements in white mica can be Distance to the porphyry center can be estimated by rear-
amplified for exploration purposes by comparing the ratio of ranging the exponential regression equation to x = (ln [R/a])/b,
elements with decreasing outward patterns to those showing where x is the distance in meters to the porphyry center, R is
increasing outward patterns (Wilkinson et al., 2015). Ratios the element ratio, and a and b are the exponential fit param-
were plotted exponentially as a function of radial distance out eters (Wilkinson et al., 2015). Thus, in the early green phyllic
from the center of the porphyry system (Fig. 17). According alteration the distance to the deposit center can be described
to the data, the Cu/Zn ratio shows the best exponential fit by the following equation for samples located within a 710-m
parameter (R2 = 0.8) in both phyllic alteration styles. In the radius from the center of the porphyry system: distance (x) =

1000 1000

100 100

10 10

1 1
R2 =0.89
0.1 0.1 Y = 4.076e-0.005x
ln {Cu ⁄ 4 .076 Zn }
Distance =
0→710m − 0.005
0.01 0.01
0 500 1000 1500 0 250 500 750
Distance to system center (m) Distance to system center (m)



Early Green Phyllic Alteration (EGPA)


Late White Phyllic Alteration (LWPA)

1 Whole-Rock data
Y = 1.7857e-0.002x
0.1 R2 =0.80
ln {Cu ⁄ 1.7857 Zn}
Distance =
500 →1300m − 0.002
500 750 1000 1250 1500
Distance to system center (m)
Fig. 17. Trace element concentration ratios from individual laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry spot
analyses in white micas from both phyllic alteration styles as a function of radial distance from the Copper Cliff center. A)
Cu/Zn ratio. Note the whole-rock ratio data for comparison. Whole-rock data comes from assay intervals from which the drill
core samples were taken. B) Cu/Zn ratio for samples with early green phyllic alteration. C) Cu/Zn ratio for samples with late
white phyllic alteration. Dashed line represents least-squares linear regression.

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ln (Cu/4.076Zn)/(–0.005). In the same way, the distance equa- One of the implicit assumptions to the application of this
tion for the late phyllic style is as follows for samples located method is that the fluids emanated from a single hydrother-
between 500 and 1,300 m from the deposit center: distance mal center; however, the potential proximity provided by
(x) = ln (Cu/1.7857Zn)/(–0.002). the equation is unclear if multiple fluid centers are present,
To test the equation, estimated distances were calculated and this concern will be treated in a future publication. In
applying the Cu/Zn ratio and compared against the actual dis- the same way, the protolith control over white mica compo-
tances to the center of the system in order to evaluate the sitions needs to be considered, since variations in trace ele-
accuracy of the method (Fig. 18). The plot demonstrates ment concentrations in micas have been reported in some
that the Cu/Zn ratio for samples showing early green phyllic systems, depending upon the original protolith mineral that
alteration within a 710-m radius of the deposit center pre- was replaced and the host rock (Alva Jimenez, 2011; Jin et
dicted the distance to center within ±50 m radius error. Out- al., 2018). However, for the Copper Cliff system there is no
side the 710-m radius, where the gradient of the Cu/Zn ratio evidence of protolith-controlled variation, probably due to the
versus distance relationship stabilizes, distances to the center relative homogeneous composition of the host porphyries 1A
are underestimated within approximately 400 m. In the same and 1B and the volumes of fluids involved.
way, the Cu/Zn ratio for samples showing late phyllic altera-
tion within a radius between 500 and 1,300 m of the deposit Comparison with whole-rock data
center underestimate distances to the center by about 200 m. Comparison of Cu/Zn ratio in white micas to whole-rock data
from the assays indicates that the Cu/Zn ratios for the whole-
rock assays are significantly higher, but they follow the same
A decreasing-outward pattern with distance from the porphyry
center as white mica analyses (Fig. 17A). This suggests that
Dista n ce to system cen ter (m )

the Cu/Zn footprint could be defined by the whole-rock geo-

chemistry; however, since the sample media (mica vs. rock)
1250 differ, contributions from white micas to rock chemistry were
not determined. In a general sense, it is possible that the Cu/
1000 Zn ratio from whole-rock analyses will be modified during
supergene weathering and/or subsequent alteration events
750 and so may not be effective in all systems. For example, in
phyllically altered rocks with advanced argillic alteration over-
500 print, the whole-rock Cu/Zn ratio may not indicate distance to
the center of the system. In contrast, the individual phyllosili-
250 cates may be better preserved through overprinting alteration
events and thus be more diagnostic than the whole-rock ratio.
0 This suggests a potential advantage in using the white mica
proximitor method over whole-rock analyses to estimate dis-
B tances to a hydrothermal center.

1500 Variation in the Al-OH band wavelength with

Distance to system center (m )

the Cu/Zn ratio

1250 The Cu/Zn ratio in white micas from the early and late phyllic
alteration styles was compared with the wavelength position
1000 of the Al-OH band center in order to provide a key guide for
exploration (Fig. 19). In samples from the early green phyl-
750 lic alteration, the relationship between the Cu/Zn ratio and
the wavelength position of the Al-OH band center in white
500 micas is nonexistent or not clearly indicated (Fig. 19A).
However, in samples from the late phyllic alteration within
250 a radius between 500 and 1,300 m, the exponential decay of
the Cu/Zn ratio as a function of distance from the deposit
0 center seems to be associated with a decrease of the location
Real distance of the Al-OH combination band center (Fig. 19B). High Cu/
Zn ratios predominate in white micas with short Al-OH band
Estimated distance centers having wavelengths in the range of 2,198 to 2,202
Fig. 18. Comparison of actual distances versus estimated distances based on nm. By contrast, white micas with long Al-OH band centers
the Cu/Zn proximitor equation. A) The Cu/Zn ratio for samples with early having wavelengths in the range of 2,202 to 2,208 nm pres-
green phyllic alteration located within a 710-m radius of the deposit center ent low Cu/Zn ratios. Therefore, the variation of the white
predicts the distance to center within ±50 m radius error. Beyond the 710-m mica Al-OH band center associated with changes in the Cu/
radius, distances to center are underestimated within approximately 400 m.
B) The Cu/Zn ratio for samples with late white phyllic alteration located Zn ratio represents a powerful tool for exploration that may
within a radius between 500 and 1,300 m of the deposit center underesti- provide a sensitive indicator of distance to the center of the
mates distances to center within ±200 m radius error. system.

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R2 = 0.89

C u/Zn

0 250 500 750
Distance to system center (m )

C u/Zn

500 750 1000 1250 1500
Distance to system center (m )

White mica wavelength position (nm)

2,198 – 2,200 nm 2,202 – 2,204 nm 2,206 – 2,208 nm

2,200 – 2,202 nm 2,204 – 2,206 nm 2,208 – 2,210 nm
Fig. 19. Variation in Cu/Zn from laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry spot analyses relative to dis-
tance, plotted by Al-OH band centers. A) Samples from the early green phyllic alteration show no significant variation in
Al-OH band center. B) Samples from the late phyllic alteration within a radius between 500 and 1,300 m show an exponential
decay of the Cu/Zn ratio as a function of distance from the deposit center and seem to be associated with a decrease of the
position of the Al-OH combination band center. Dashed lines represent least-squares linear regressions.

Conclusions varying between 2,197 and 2,206 nm for the late white phyllic
Variations of the mineral assemblage and the Fe, V, and Sc phase and between 2,206 and 2,210 nm for the early green
phyllic style. Geochemistry of white micas shows clear pat-
content in white micas at the Copper Cliff system suggest dif-
terns in the trace element compositions in relationship with
ferent oxidation conditions prevailed between the formation
distance from the hydrothermal center, which we suggest is at
of the early green phyllic alteration and the late white phyllic least partly a function of crystallization temperature. Copper
alteration. In general, white mica from the early green phyllic concentrations decrease with distance from the deposit cen-
alteration style is Fe rich and V and Sc poor, formed by oxidized ter, in contrast to B, Sr, and Zn that show an exponential con-
magmatic fluids more or less contemporary with the potassic centration increase with distance from the porphyry center.
alteration. In contrast, the Fe-poor, and V- and Sc-rich white In a manner analogous to the chlorite proximitor of Wilkinson
mica from the late phyllic event was formed by more reduced et al. (2015), application of elemental ratios (e.g., Cu/Zn) in
fluids. The two distinctive phyllic alteration styles can also be white mica compositions can provide an indicator of distance
discriminated based on the Al-OH band center wavelength, to the heat/fluid source within approximately 1,300 m radial

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Camilo Uribe-Mogollon is a current geology Kierran Maher completed his Ph.D. degree in
Ph.D. candidate at the New Mexico Institute of geology at Washington State University followed
Mining and Technology, USA, with expectations by a postdoc in copper isotope fractionation at
to graduate in December 2018. He is an economic Macquarie University, Australia. Since 1996, Dr.
geologist with a special interest in the application Maher has periodically worked in mineral explora-
of mineral geochemistry to the study of hydrother- tion on copper porphyry, copper skarn, and Ni-Cu
mal and ore-forming processes at a variety of scales. magmatic sulfide systems for various companies in
His research interest is in far-field expressions and hydrothermal alteration North and South America. He currently teaches mineralogy, mineral depos-
mineral zonation patterns and their application in vectoring toward miner- its, and exploration geochemistry classes in the Earth and Environmental Sci-
alization, with research projects involving a number of analytical methods, ence Department at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New
including multielement inductively coupled plasma geochemistry, electron Mexico, USA, oversees graduate research in mineral deposits, and presents
microprobe analyses, laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spec- short courses on hydrothermal alteration in South America. His research
trometry, short-wave infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and petro- interests lie in hydrothermal alteration mineralogy and geochemistry.
graphic analyses.

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