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Script for the video of working culture

The three cultural tips for working in your dream country:

1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________

Interviewer: your partner

Interviewee: you

Script Dialogue:

Interviewer: Hello and welcome to our Channel with me, Muhammad alfarezhy
irwan. now we will call a special guest for an interview today, please
welcome mr.muhammad almeyda putra aditama rizal. How are you
Interviewee: I’m great, thank you.
Interviewer: Could you please state your name and your dream job for our
Interviewee: Yes. My name is Muhammad almeyda putra aditama rizal and
my dream job is to be a logistics staff.
I am currently studying at Telkom University majoring in logistics
engineering. I have to say that I’ve been enjoying studying at Telkom

Interviewer: the first question I will ask you is, why did you choose to become a
logistics staff as your dream job?
Interviewee: because this job aligns with the logistics engineering major that I
studied and after graduating it must be easy to become a logistics
Interviewer: the next question is, what are your plans in the future to be able to
realize your dream job?
Interviewee: My future plans are to realize my dream job, the first is earning a
bachelors degree in logistics engineering and the second is gaining
experiences in the management of goods. maybe this is my plan for
the future
Interviewer: what do you know about logistic staff jobs?
Interviewee: In general, the duties of the logistics staff are to import goods or
materials, store and distribute project materials or tools to the field
Interviewer: the next question is a unique one, do you have a dream country to
work in that country, and why would you want to go to that country?
Interviewee: Very good question, my dream country is Japan and why did I choose
this country because Japan has a strong logistical industry and very
strong technical capabilities.

Script Dialogue:

Interviewer: Thank you for coming here and sharing useful cultural tips about your
dream job
Interviewee: My pleasure.
Interviewer: That’s our interview for today. Thank you for watching and see you.

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