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and the 4 February 2021

From £1.75 for subscribers
 The long read

Coughing History woman

risks to NHS King among
three female

staff ‘greater’ directors vying

for top award

than feared
News Page 17 

someone with Covid-19, or suspected

Exclusive Covid-19, should be provided with the
Linda Geddes most protective equipment – including
Science correspondent FFP3 respirator masks – and that hos-
pital ventilation should be improved.
The NHS has been urged to rethink Health workers are up to four times
safety for thousands of frontline staff more likely to contract the virus than
after new research suggested that the general population, with infection
Covid-19 patients’ coughing was put- rates among those on general wards
ting them at far greater risk of catching approximately double those of inten-
the virus than previously thought. sive care unit (ICU) staff – who do have
The study found that coughing access to the most protective PPE.
generated at least 10 times more infec- This access to higher PPE protection
tious “aerosol” particles than speaking was based on the assumption that ICU
or breathing – which could explain why wards are more dangerous because
so many NHS staff have fallen ill. treatments such as continuous
The research has led to fresh positive airway pressure (CPAP),
demands that anyone caring for used to support patients’ breathing,
generated large amounts of aerosols
– which linger in the air and can be
‘A cough really is a breathed into the lungs.
Staff working in other hospital
potent generator of areas, GP surgeries and care homes
aerosols. The risk are issued with looser-fitting surgical
masks, which afford little protection
appears far greater against these tiny particles, but block
than we assumed’ larger virus-carrying droplets.
The new research , which has
not yet been peer-reviewed, turns
Dr James Dodd these assumptions on
2 
Study lead their head. “CPAP is not

UK gives 10m people

the UK will be on track to have given The latest figures also showed that
a dose to the 15 million people in the
top four priority groups by mid Feb-
1,322 were recorded in the previous 24
hours, taking the overall number of
CBI calls for
first dose of vaccine ruary. At this rate it should also have
given jabs to those in the remaining
Covid-19 related deaths in the UK to
109,335. There were 19,202 more cases
reboot on the
five priority groups, another 17 mil-
lion people, by early April, just after
reported yesterday and a total of 32,851
people were still in hospital. scale of 1945
where the disease is threatening to run Easter, at the point where the need for The chief medical officer for Eng-
Dan Sabbagh and Josh Halliday out of control. second jabs begins. land, Chris Whitty, who joined Johnson Leader says huge
Official figures from across the UK’s Boris Johnson praised NHS staff at the briefing, said said it was too early
four nations showed that 374,756 peo- for delivering the vaccine, describing to see any positive impact from the investment needed to
Britain has given a first dose of a
coronavirus vaccine to more than
ple received a jab on Tuesday, taking
the headline total to just over the mile-
the programme as “the most colossal
in the history of our National Health
vaccinations because so many had
taken place so recently.
cope with Brexit, Covid
10 million people, with public health stone at 10.02m, less than two months Service”. Nearly 90% of all over-75s in The prime minister also promised and climate change
experts now calling on ministers to after the programme began. England had already received a jab, the he would say “a bit more”
target future vaccinations in hotspots If the current rate continues, then prime minister added. about future phases of the
4  Financial Page 27 

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:2 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 21:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

Inside 4/2/21 News

Four sections every weekday

Call for PPE rethink in NHS

According to data from the Office
News and Sport for National Statistics, at least 883
health and care workers died of Covid

Great escape after coughing risks found between March and December in Eng-
land and Wales. Comparable data is
not currently available for Scotland
British-Iranian tells how he
smuggled himself out of to be ‘greater’ than feared and Northern Ireland.
“We know that staff are still getting
Iran to avoid a jail term sick and having to take time off work to
isolate and recover, depriving the NHS
Page 18
Continued from page 1 healthy volunteers to receive CPAP or and its patients of their expertise at a
a related treatment called high flow time when all efforts are being put into
Cycling aerosol-generating – in fact, the aer- nasal oxygen (HFNO) in a highly ven- defeating Covid-19,” said Dr Chaand
osols are reduced compared to just tilated operating theatre. Nagpaul, the British Medical Associ-
Geraint Thomas to lead the normal breathing and speaking,” said This enabled them to precisely ation (BMA) council chair. “Current
Ineos Grenadiers at this Dr James Dodd, a consultant senior measure the aerosols emitted in the surgical masks are insufficient to pre-
year’s Tour de France lecturer in respiratory medicine at absence of any background particles. vent aerosol spread, which is why the
North Bristol Lung Centre and the Uni- They also took measurements when BMA is calling for greater provision
Page 35
versity of Bristol, who led the study. the volunteers breathed, talked and of enhanced FFP2 and FFP3 masks.”
“However, cough really is a potent gen- coughed normally, and separately The research may also boost efforts
erator of aerosols.” He added: “[The measured aerosol emissions from to force a public inquiry into NHS and

Phoney flag-waving won’t win Labour’s red wall back Clive Lewis, page 3
At-risk people are still missing out on immunisation Frances Ryan, page 4
life &
Journal Outside G2 risk] appears to be far greater than Covid-19 patients – the first time such care worker deaths. In December, Doc-
Opinions and ideas
Jeff Bezos and the world Amazon made The long read, page 5
The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021
what we would have assumed.” measurements have been taken. tors Association UK (DAUK), which
Rose Gallagher, the Royal College Coughing generated at least 10 represents frontline medics, escalated
It’s not fair, but the vaccine
and ideas

of Nursing’s professional lead for times more aerosols than speaking or its threat of judicial review against the
infection prevention and control, said: breathing, and all of these activities government. “Inquiries must be ini-
is giving Boris Johnson a “This research adds yet more weight generated more airborne particles tiated to investigate any factors that
political boost to our calls for greater protection for than CPAP – even when the volun- may have led to healthcare workers’
Martin Kettle all health and care workers.” teers wore a surgical mask. deaths,” a spokesperson said.
Dr Eilir Hughes, a GP and leader of Aerosol emissions were similar “We feel there would be fewer infec-
Page 1
the Fresh Air NHS campaign, which is between Covid patients and healthy tions among healthcare workers, and
calling for FFP3 masks to be available individuals. HFNO generated the most fewer deaths, if people had proper
For all the celebrations, to anyone caring for Covid-patients, aerosols of all, but further investiga- masks,” said Dr Katie Sanderson, a jun-
It’s not fair, but
e made a great effort not to crow, after months in the doldrums – a dramatic contrast with ILLUSTRATION:
but the Conservative minister could expectations elsewhere. It is no surprise that talk of a BILL BRAGG

not contain his mix of pleasure and vaccine bounce is easy to find among Tory MPs, though

or suspected patients, added: “It goes tions revealed that these were coming ior doctor and committee member of
slight surprise this week. “If there few are foolish enough to talk about it too publicly.

the vaccine is
is one thing that the Labour party The real credit for the vaccine extends far beyond

at-risk people are still missing

absolutely does not want right Johnson. It belongs to the scientists who made the
now,” the minister told me, “it is a vaccines possible; to the biotech businesses that were
sudden and sustained display of mobilised to produce them; to the vaccine taskforce,

giving Johnson
competence on the part of this government. Yet that’s which made an impressively robust set of contracts

along with a growing body of evidence, from the machine, and were unlikely DAUK. “Acute medical wards and A&E,
exactly what they’re now facing.” to ensure supply; and, in particular, to the NHS at all
The UK’s coronavirus vaccine rollout is the most levels, which is delivering a fair, secure, efficient and
significant achievement over which Boris Johnson has nationwide rollout. Only the NHS, with its public service

a political boost
presided since the pandemic began. Ten million of us ethos and its reach, could have done this. The mind

out on vaccinations
have now had our first jabs, 15% of the population and boggles at how a private sector body like Capita or Serco
rising, way above the rate for most other European might have approached the task. Politically, though,

which is telling us that activities such to be carrying virus from the patients’ which is where most Covid patients are
countries. It is a public health success story that looks there is no doubt about the beneficiary: it is Johnson.
set to continue well into the year. It is also an undeniable It is also true that the political dividend might not
Martin political boost for Johnson. Whether it is the proverbial have been so clear if the European commission had

Kettle gamechanger is harder to say.

Recent opinion polls definitely suggest a shift in the
not reacted so intemperately to its own vaccine supply
problems last week. But Ursula von der Leyen has given
public mood. After long months of generally negative Tory confidence a shot in the arm. The commission

Frances Ryan as talking, and coughing in particular, airways. The results have been pre- cared for, have much lower standards
ratings for Johnson’s handling of Covid, approval for president’s disastrous attempt to divert AstraZeneca
the vaccine rollout soared to over 60% in late January vaccines from UK plants into the EU, and
and looks set to continue. British optimism that the
coronavirus situation is improving is also now rising fast
her threat to brush aside the Northern
Ireland protocol, were a political windfall, 
are aerosol-generating. sented to the National Institute for of ventilation than intensive care, and
Page 4
“If we as a country had taken the Health Research’s aerosols group, generally people are coughing all the
precautionary approach from the which feeds directly into Sage. time. This issue affects GPs as well.”
beginning of the pandemic, this paper “We hope that they will look at A Department of Health and Social
G2 Centre pullout “
would only have justified that it was the policies they currently have and Care spokesperson said: “The safety
I just
Features and arts broke the right approach, but unfortunately, whether they need to be updated,” said of NHS and social care staff has always
every we didn’t. We have to now look at the Prof Nick Maskell at the University of been our top priority … we continue
Black Lives rule! policy and change it, to ensure that Bristol, who co-led the study. to work tirelessly to deliver PPE to
Toyah we are adequately protecting our those people … on the frontline. In
Academic Kehinde

Willcox healthcare workers. response to the new variants that have
Andrews on radicalism, and on childhood,
stardom and “The evidence is now so clear on emerged the UK Infection Prevention
taking on Nigel Farage a lockdown
this matter, that people are asking why Control Cell conducted a comprehen-
isn’t the PPE coming. The suspicion is Coughing was found to generate sive review of evidence and concluded
Page 4
that it isn’t there for us to have.” at least 10 times more infectious that the current guidance and PPE rec-
Dodd and his colleagues recruited ‘aerosol’ particles than speaking ommendations remain appropriate.”
TV review Thursday 04/02/21
Adrian Chiles
What makes
the perfect pub?

In Bulletproof: South Africa, page 3

a beautiful bromance ‘It’s an experiment’

Kehinde Andrews
on life as a professor
‘Godfather of
balances out the bombast of Black studies

climate crisis’
page 4

Page 10

Become a Guardian and Observer er

attacks plan for
subscriber from £21.99 a month Cumbria mine

Cartoon Fiona Harvey

Weather Environment correspondent
Page 31 Journal, page 4
Boris Johnson’s decision to press
Quick crossword Cryptic crossword ahead with a new coalmine in Cumbria
shows “contemptuous disregard for
Back of G2 Back of Journal the future of young people”, one of world. It would be easy to achieve this ▲ James Hansen’s 1988 testimony to
the world’s foremost climate voices latter ignominy and humiliation. Just Congress on the climate helped pave
has warned, in a stark message ahead continue with the plan to open a new
Contact Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way,
London N1 9GU. 020-3353 2000. Fax 020-7837 2114.
of the UN Cop26 climate summit later coalmine in Cumbria and continue to
the way to the 2015 Paris accord
In Manchester: Centurion House, 129 Deansgate,
For missing sections call 0800 839 100. Manchester M3 3WR. Telephone Sales: 020-7611 9000. this year in Glasgow. invest funds of the British public in
For individual departments, call the Guardian The Guardian lists links to third-party websites, but James Hansen, the former Nasa fossil fuel projects overseas.” secretary, told MPs who questioned
switchboard: 020 3353 2000. does not endorse them or guarantee their authenticity
For the Readers’ editor (corrections or accuracy. Back issues from Historic Newspapers: scientist who has been called the Hansen is one of the most respected the Cumbrian decision that the mine
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020 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm UK time Published by Guardian News & Media, Kings Place,
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ten to the prime minister calling on an expert at Nasa, he testified to the provide coking coal, which was
email 129 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WR. Printed at Reach him to stop all support for fossil fuels US Congress in 1988 – which included needed for industrial processes, such
Letters for publication should be sent to Watford Limited, St Albans Road, Watford, Herts and “earn a special place in history” the then-senators Joe Biden and John as making steel, rather than coal for or the WD24 7RG; Reach Oldham Limited, Hollinwood Avenue,
address on the letters page. Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP; Reach Saltire Ltd, for tackling the climate crisis. Kerry – of the dangers of the climate power generation.
110 Fifty Pitches Place, Glasgow G51 4EA; and by He wrote: “In leading the UK, as host crisis. Hansen rejected this argument. “We
Irish Times Print Facility, 4080 Kingswood Road, to the Cop, you have a chance to change Hansen’s letter to Johnson was cop- have to replace the old ways of doing
NEWSPAPERS Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. No. 54,260,
SUPPORT Thursday 4 February 2021. Registered as a newspaper at the course of our climate trajectory – or ied to Kerry, now the special climate things – there are alternatives,” he
RECYCLING the Post Office ISSN 0261-3077. you can stick with business-almost- envoy to Biden, who has made climate said. “This is possible and we have to
The recycled paper
  of UK newspapers
in 2017 was 64.6% as-usual and be vilified in the streets action a top priority for his presidency. do it, because science tells us we can’t
of Glasgow, London and around the Kwasi Kwarteng , the business continue business as usual.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:3 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:26 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

News 3

Rihanna cast as hero and villain as she ‘Why aren’t we

talking about this?!
deploys Twitter in Indian farm dispute
Hannah Ellis-Petersen Rihanna’s
Aakash Hassan Delhi tweet.
The pop star Rihanna provoked the ire was by Greta
of the Indian government and a clutch Thunberg,
of Bollywood stars yesterday by wad- below
ing into the debate over protests by
farmers in the country.
In an illustration of the power of
celebrity and social media, the star’s
tweet to her more than 101 million
followers, referencing a news report
about heavy-handed measures being
used against the farmers, commented:
“Why aren’t we talking about this?!”
and triggered an official response from
Narendra Modi’s government.
Several hours later, the environ-
mental activist Greta Thunberg, who
has 4.7 million followers, got involved,
tweeting: “We stand in solidarity with
the #FarmersProtest in India.” The
interventions, occurred as the Indian the family would relieve my stress but
authorities deployed heavy police the internet shutdown is choking us,”
security and “war-like” barricades said 25-year-old Harneet Singh, as his
close to protest sites around Delhi. eyes welled with tears.
Without naming Rihanna or Thun- With the once busy Meerut-Delhi
berg, a government spokesm an highway now resembling a fortress,
criticised foreigners for “rushing to those at the protest sites said the
comment on such matters” without a new fortifications were a sign that
“proper understanding of the issues”, the government regarded farmers as
adding: “The temptation of sensa- ▲ Security forces push back people suspend the 250 accounts – includ- “criminals”. “The government treats
tionalist social media hashtags and at a rally in Delhi yesterday. Below, ing those of the Indian independent Rihanna’s record us like thieves but we are fighting for
comments, especially when resorted Narendra Modi, whose government news magazine Caravan, the farmers’ our rights,” said Harbachan Singh, 60, a
to by celebrities and others, is neither says the changes will benefit farmers union Kisan Ekta Morcha and the polit- farmer from Tarn Taran, Punjab.
accurate nor responsible.” PHOTOGRAPH: MANISH SWARUP/AP ical commentator Sanjukta Basu – had Rihanna has deployed her global The farmers are demanding the
The home minister, Amit Shah, led to accusations that the firm was celebrity and 101 million Twitter repeal of three new agricultural laws
tweeted that “no propaganda can silencing dissenting voices. After the followers to intervene in a number they say were passed by the govern-
deter India’s unity”, while the Indian accounts were restored, a government of issues. The singer has been ment without consulting them and
cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar statement accused Twitter of violating involved in campaigns relating leave them at the mercy of big corpo-
wrote: “India’s sovereignty cannot its authority. to the climate emergency, Aids, rations. They say the changes, which
be compromised. External forces can This week the authorities began poverty in Africa, leukaemia and will allow big retailers to buy directly
be spectators but not participants,” cracking down on the hundreds of the provision of clean water in from growers, will mean the end of
with the hashtag #IndiaAgainstProp- thousands of farmers camped out developing countries. guaranteed prices for their crops and
aganda. A number of Bollywood stars on the Delhi border since November. Her Clara Lionel Foundation, leave them vulnerable to big business.
also weighed in. Around three camps in Ghazipur, Tikri which was founded in 2012 and Modi’s government, which has
But Rihanna’s intervention also and Singhu, police erected layers of named after her grandparents, offered some concessions but ruled
drew support. The Sikh Coalition, a concrete barriers, dug trenches, put Clara and Lionel Braithwaite, out abandoning the laws, says they
New York-based rights group, thanked up barbed-wire fences and cemented finances education and health will benefit farmers and draw invest-
the star. “For over a week, the Indian iron nails into the roads, in effect cut- programmes around the world. ment to a sector that makes up nearly
government has been suspending ting off entry and exit to the sites. In March 2020, the fund 15% of India’s £2.1tn economy and
internet services around #FarmersPro- Water and food supplies have been donated $5m (£3.7m) towards the employs about half its workforce.
test sites in a clear affront to the disrupted and paramilitary troops and Covid-19 response efforts in the The draconian shift in tactics against
freedom of speech,” it said on Twitter. police in riot gear have been deployed. US, the Caribbean and Africa. the protests followed a march by the
While there is obvious annoyance Access to mobile internet was sus- In 2018, after a series of tweets farmers last week on India’s Republic
towards the deployment of celebrity electronics and information technol- pended at the sites until Tuesday addressing leaders of Britain, Day that turned violent when thou-
Twitter, there has also been anger ogy ministry had reported for using the evening after a government order. France, Australia and Norway sands of protesters, many on tractors
from the authorities at social media hashtag #ModiPlanningFarmerGeno- Farmers said they had been hit hard before an international education and horseback, burst through police
companies. The government threat- cide and for tweeting allegedly “fake, by the internet shutdown. “I work conference in Senegal, a string barriers and entered the city centre.
ened Twitter itself with legal action intimidatory and provocative tweets” tirelessly in the day, helping with the of national leaders responded, Many stormed the historic Red Fort.
yesterday after the firm unblocked connected to the farmer protests. arrangements at the protest site. Nor- pledging a total of $2bn. One farmer died in the violence and
most of the 250 accounts that the The original decision by Twitter to mally, a video call in the evening with Hannah Ellis-Petersen 500 police officers were injured.

Podcasts drive Mark Sweney

A quarter of all users engaged with
podcast content in the final three
months of 2020 in what Spotify sees
has more than tripled in a year, from
700,000 in the final quarter of 2019
to 2.2m at the end of 2020. There are
special, released in December, and was
looking forward to a “full-scale launch
of shows coming in 2021”.
24% growth in Spotify has recorded a doubling in
as validation of its decision to spend
millions on a roster of new talent in a
deals now in place with a huge range
of presenters.
Obama’s interviews with family and
friends have been pulling in listen-
subscribers as podcast listening hours in the fourth
quarter, as locked-down listeners
strategic shift beyond music.
“We are confident that podcast
In December, Spotify announced
a multi-year partnership with the
ers, while the Joe Rogan Experience,
which has controversially featured the

Spotify shifts hunting for entertainment tuned in

to Michelle Obama and the Duke and
usage has been a factor in the accel-
erated net additions,” said Daniel Ek,
Sussexes’ company, Archewell Audio.
The company said it was “pleased”
conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, is Spot-
ify’s No 1 podcast in 17 territories since
Duchess of Sussex, driving a 24% year- founder and chief executive of Spotify, with the performance of its holiday becoming exclusive late last year.
beyond music on-year increase in paying subscribers. in a letter to shareholders. Spotify’s podcasting strategy

The audio streaming company, “We have increasing conviction helped it outperform expectations of
which now has 155 million paying in the causal relationship between advertising income, which grew 29%
customers, saw its monthly user base, growth in podcast consumption year on year to €281m (£248m). The
including those on its free, advertis- driving higher [value] and retention Spotify’s total user base, 155 million main driver of business continues to be
ing-supported tier, grow 27% year on among our user base.” of whom are now paying customers. subscriptions, up 15% year on year to
year to 345 million. The number of podcasts offered Total revenues grew 17% to €2.17bn 1.89bn. Revenues grew 17% to €2.17bn.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:4 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 21:04 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

4 News

Oxford trial to test efficacy

of mixing first and second
dose of alternative vaccines
the recent more infectious variants to measure the build-up of antibodies
Sarah Boseley that have emerged in the UK, South after vaccination. Some will have their
Health editor Africa and Brazil. second dose at four weeks and some
“If we do show that these vac- at 12 weeks, which will provide more
Volunteers are being sought for a cines can be used interchangeably in data on the government policy of wid-
world-first trial to establish the effi- the same schedule this will greatly ening the dosage gap.
cacy of giving people a first dose of one increase the flexibility of vaccine “Given the inevitable challenges of
vaccine and a second dose of another. delivery, and could provide clues as immunising large numbers of the pop-
The trial, which is being run by to how to increase the breadth of pro- ulation against Covid-19 and potential
Oxford University and funded by the tection against new virus strains,” said global supply constraints, there are
government’s Vaccine Taskforce, has Matthew Snape, associate professor definite advantages to having data that
been hailed by ministers as “hugely in paediatrics and vaccinology at the could support a more flexible immu-
important”. University of Oxford, and chief inves- nisation programme, if needed and
It will recruit 820 people over the tigator on the trial. if approved by the medicines regula-
age of 50 who have not yet had a vac- At a briefing, he said there was tor,” said Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, the
cine to receive a first dose of either the evidence from mice studies that com- deputy chief medical officer for Eng-
Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine or the bining an adenoviral vector vaccine, land and senior responsible officer for
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Some will like the Oxford one, with an mRNA the study.
get the same vaccine for their second vaccine like Pfizer/BioNTech’s, could “It is also even possible that by com-
dose, within 12 weeks, while others generate a better response. bining vaccines, the immune response
will get the alternative. Both vaccines – and the Novo- could be enhanced giving even higher
Public Health England’s “Green vax and Janssen vaccines which are antibody levels that last longer; unless
Book” on vaccinations already guides likely to be added to the trial if they are this is evaluated in a clinical trial we
the NHS that in exceptional circum- approved – target the spike protein of just won’t know.
stances, if somebody comes for their the virus. “For that reason, we antici- “This study will give us greater
second dose and the vaccine they orig- pate that will generate a good immune insight into how we can use vaccines
inally had is not available, they can be response with these combinations, but to stay on top of this nasty disease.”
given a different one. we have to test it first,” he said. Nadhim Zahawi, the minister for
But scientists want to know whether Volunteers, who will be recruited Covid-19 vaccine deployment, called
the protection from mixing vaccines through the NHS vaccine research vol- it “a hugely important clinical trial
is the same, reduced or even better. unteer website, will have blood taken that will provide us with more vital
With the steady supply of vaccines evidence on the safety of these vac-

always in question, the researchers cines when used in different ways”.
said the information will be useful not He said that mixing vaccines would
only for the UK but globally. not take place or be approved outside
There is also the possibility that Number of volunteers over the age of of the study “until researchers and the
using two different vaccines might 50, who have not yet had a vaccine, regulator are absolutely confident the
give people greater protection against who are to be recruited for the trial approach is safe and effective”.

Continued from page 1 NHS experience in delivering flu jabs those eligible can book appointments Prof Dominic Harrison, the direc-
for older people every winter. online. ‘No silver bullet’ tor of public health at Blackburn with
Ten million people Some of those involved in the
national effort voiced concern whether
The UK has offered a first dose of a
Covid-19 vaccine to about 15% of its
MPs quiz Dido Harding Darwen council, said jabs should now
be used to prevent spread of the dis-
in UK have now had nurses, doctors and administrative
staff could continue at the current pace
population, the highest rate of any
major economy, putting the country MPs have called on Dido Harding,
ease, not just to halt serious illness and
death. The effect on transmission was
first inoculation for many months at a time, when many
are already working seven days a week.
in third place worldwide behind Israel
(58%) and the United Arab Emirates
the head of NHS test and trace, to
prove that the system substantially
“undoubtedly the best news we have
had”, he added.
“I worry how sustainable it is,” one (38%). Those involved in the pro- reduces the spread of Covid, as Sir Richard Leese, the deputy mayor
vaccination programme in mid Feb- London GP told the Guardian. “It’s not gramme say refusal rates in the UK efforts continued to contain more of Greater Manchester, added that his
ruary, including the second wave just the doctors, it’s the pharmacists, have been relatively low. transmissible variants that she region wanted to speed up the vaccine
covering 18- to 49-year-olds without the administrators who are making Public health experts said there was claimed no one had seen coming. rollout in more deprived commu-
serious medical conditions. this happen.” now a case for the AstraZeneca vaccine Harding told the Commons nities, including among black and
Police, teachers and other key NHS insiders said they expected to be rolled out faster in hotspot areas science and technology committee ethnic minority groups. “We should
workers have been pressing for pri- to open “a cohort” of new vaccina- after research released on Tuesday yesterday that NHS test and be prioritising those people who are
ority in the next wave, although the tion centres in the coming days to suggested that it could cut transmis- trace was on track to reduce the most at risk and all the evidence says
government has refused to give any relieve the pressure on GPs, where sion of the virus by two-thirds. reproduction number of the that people in more economically
assurances or timetables. When asked epidemic by 0.6 to 0.8 at the end of deprived communities, people from
at the Downing St press conference if next month. some minority ethnic communities,
People getting a Covid-19 first dose vaccination in the UK has passed 10m
the whole adult population could have But in a sometimes testy are more at risk than the general pop-
• First dose • Second dose
received a first jab by May and a sec- exchange, Greg Clark, the chair of ulation,” Leese said.
ond by August, Whitty described that 500,000 the committee, pressed Harding Britain has also been helped by
idea as “very optimistic”. Weekly average - on why she had failed to publish the fact it has more available vaccine
Earlier Matt Hancock, the health 400,000 first dose evidence for the claim. Harding than many other countries, because
secretary, warned there was not defended the delay, saying of a deal with AstraZeneca last May to
enough Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine the information needed to be ensure its own supply. A lack of sup-
available to open vaccination centres 02 February “properly quality assured”, but ply in continental Europe, caused by a
for 24 hours a day despite promises First doses 374,756 said it would appear in weeks. shortfall in production from the same
from Johnson to go “to 24/7 as soon Second doses 2,166 Harding told MPs that everyone manufacturer, has meant that the EU
as we can” last month. “The rate limit- wanted a “straightforward route is lagging behind, with Germany hav-
ing factor is supply,” the minister said. out of the Covid crisis”, but ing vaccinated 3.1% of its population
GPs said that the pace of the pro- test and trace was “not a single and France 2.4%.
gramme, which has seen nearly 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31 Jan silver bullet … We’ve seen the England has completed 8.663m
600,000 people receive a first dose on Source:, updated 3 February, 2021. Note: The number of people given a first dose or second dose
new variants emerge, which was initial immunisations, with Scotland
the busiest day so far, had been pos- of the Covid-19 vaccine each day. Daily data only available from 11 Jan 2020, weekly averages used for dates something none of us were able to completing 649,262, Wales 462,497
sible because it built on the existing before this. Line chart based on the average number of first dose vaccinations each day in a given week predict,” she said. Ian Sample and Northern Ireland 246,671.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:5 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:56 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

John Crace

Now we have prime

minister’s questions for
a prime minister who
doesn’t do questions

ittingly enough, the Speaker began prime
minister’s questions with a one-minute
silence for Captain Sir Tom Moore and all
those who have died of Covid 19. If only the
silence had been extended for a further 43
minutes. PMQs feels increasingly redundant.
Even as a piece of weekly political theatre it is failing.
There was a time when Keir Starmer regularly managed
to get under Boris Johnson’s skin, but the prime minister
has long since worked out that he can get by quite easily
without answering any questions and the Labour leader
has yet to find a strategy for forcing him to do so.
Starmer began with three questions that came
nowhere close to resolving whether or not Sage had
recommended mandatory quarantine for everyone
arriving in the UK. The answer appeared to depend on
your definitions; Sage might have said it would be a good
idea, but did that count as a proper recommendation?
Johnson rather thought not as the variant virus much
preferred travelling business class on direct flights but,
just to be safe, he chose to muddy the waters first by
talking about incoming freight and then implying that
almost no one would have been vaccinated if the Labour
leader had been in charge. It wasn’t true, but then the
truth and the shape-shifting “world king” have never
been particularly close acquaintances.
Starmer moved on to all those still living in buildings
with dangerous cladding. Here Boris had equally
little to say other than that no one should be left with
unaffordable costs. He didn’t specify at what level
affordable became unaffordable: nor could he explain
why his government had done so little, more than three
and a half years after the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Rather,
he just waffled on, before concluding with a general

Starmer’s leader for a misunderstanding, though

reiterating that the prime minister had
previously been misleading.
who was with Starmer, said the
description was untrue. “It’s absolute
bollocks,” he said. “There was a brief
▲ The House
of Commons
observing a
tirade against Keir that the Speaker had to cut short.
The SNP leader, Ian Blackford, momentarily thought
he had Boris on the ropes by quoting a story that No 10
apology “On a number of occasions the
prime minister has wrongly claimed
chat and then Keir and I left together.
Nothing more to it than that.”
minute’s silence
in honour of
had known there had been a coronavirus outbreak at
the vaccine plant in Livingston before he had visited
Labour leader that Labour wanted to join the EU’s
vaccine programme,” Starmer’s
A Labour source: “They had a per-
fectly reasonable conversation, as they
Captain Sir
Tom Moore
it last week. But Johnson merely ignored him and said
he was prime minister of the UK and he would go to

‘misheard’ spokesperson said. “That is inaccurate

and the claim has been found to be
often do after PMQs.”
During PMQs Johnson also faced
places where and when he chose. So there. The most
interesting exchange came with the DUP’s Ian Paisley.
untrue. an awkward moment where he Although Johnson affects to be deeply troubled by the
Johnson “This afternoon during prime min-
ister’s questions, Keir misheard the
defended visiting a Scottish vaccine
plant despite a coronavirus outbreak
EU having briefly invoked article 16 last week, you get
the feeling that secretly he’s thrilled because now he
prime minister and assumed he was at the site, saying “no one is going to has carte blanche to do whatever he
making the same false accusation stop me” visiting all parts of the UK. likes. To the extent that he sounded
Jessica Elgot again. Keir accepts that on this occa- The prime minister was criticised Johnson affects to be as if he couldn’t wait for an excuse
Deputy political editor sion the prime minister was referring
to old comments about the European
by Scottish leaders including the first
minister, Nicola Sturgeon, for his trip
deeply troubled by the to abandon the Northern Ireland
protocol he himself had negotiated
Keir Starmer has admitted he “made a Medicines Agency, and Keir admits he to Scotland last week at a time when EU having invoked little more than a year ago.
mistake” in a response to Boris John- was wrong and made a mistake in his only essential travel was permitted. article 16 last week, The Downing Street press
son at prime minister’s questions response.” The Daily Record reported that conference started with Johnson
during a tense clash over Starmer’s She added: “It’s not Labour policy Johnson’s visit to the Valneva factory but you get the feeling again paying tribute to Moore.
previous comments on the European to join either the European Medicines took place 24 hours after a pub- Almost as he were trying to create
Medicines Agency. Agency or the EU vaccine programme. lic health investigation that found
he’s secretly thrilled an association between himself and
Labour rubbished claims from a We have never called for the UK to be in 14 coronavirus cases – about one in the late soldier in people’s minds.
Tory MP that Starmer had challenged the EU vaccine programme. We remain eight of the workforce. Valneva’s chief Perhaps the prime minister has yet
Johnson in the corridor after their committed to working with the gov- financial officer, David Lawrence, said to learn the difference between
debate in the House of Commons. ernment to ensure we can be the first Downing Street had been informed selflessness and selfishness. Otherwise, this was a
Johnson has previously accused in the world to roll out the vaccine.” before the trip. briefing at its most meta. One that existed only as dead
Starmer of wanting to take part in The Conservative MP Mark Fran- Responding to the SNP’s West- air to be filled, rather than because there was anything
the EU’s vaccine procurement pro- cois, who made a point of order after minster leader, Ian Blackford, in much new to impart. What was most remarkable,
gramme, a charge the Labour leader PMQs reading out some pre-pre- the Commons, Johnson denied any though, was that – for almost the first time – Boris’s
has fiercely denied, accusing the prime pared comments quoting Starmer on knowledge of the issue. Blackford said natural gung-ho optimism had given way to something
minister of being misleading. the EMA, later claimed he had seen it was an “absolutely shocking error rather more pragmatic. That he had discovered the hard
However, after a clash at PMQs yes- Starmer angrily confront Johnson in of judgment. Anyone can see that his way that the coronavirus couldn’t be pushed around and
terday, Starmer’s spokesperson issued the lobbies after their exchange. campaign trip to Scotland was utterly, forced to fit with his government’s timetable. Better late
an unusual apology from the Labour The Labour MP Chris Matheson, utterly reckless.” than never, I suppose.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:6 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:56 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

6 News

the variant
Testing of
thousands of
people in eight
postal regions
of the country
▲A volunteer hands out a test in Maidstone, Kent to find and
eradicate cases
of the South
African variant
of Covid-19.
Volunteers and
members of
the fire service
delivered kits
to households
as the health
Matt Hancock,
▲ Mike Wallace is tested by his wife, Natasha, in Woking urged people
living there to
stay at home.
Some vaccines
are thought
to have less
effect against
the variant.

▲ Ealing, west London, has been included in the tests ▲ Kim Taylor uses a test brought to her home in Woking as part of the ‘surge’ against the variant PHOTOGRAPH: ADAM GERRARD

Care homes still breaking Covid rules

Act. The home’s operator, Care Con-
cern Group, declined to comment.
The shadow care minister, Liz Ken-
dall, said: “It is unacceptable that some

despite fatal outbreaks, inspectors say

care companies are failing to put even
basic infection control measures in
place and even turning down offers of
training and other support. Ministers
must look at these reports as a matter
of urgency and spell out what action
coincides with a tripling of fatalities Talbot House, in Rugely, Stafford- without wearing gloves, aprons, or they and the CQC will take.”
Robert Booth linked to the virus among care resi- shire, owned by a company with washing hands,” the inspectors said. Analysis of the latest reports reveal
Social affairs correspondent dents in England and Wales. nearly £800,000 profit on its balance They found that when one person repeated concerns about shortages of
In the week ending 22 January, 2,364 sheet, “had not kept people safe dur- returned from hospital, a common staff and leadership in some homes,
Care homes in England operated by care residents died with Covid-19 on ing the pandemic, and a high number route for virus spread, there was no exacerbated by high levels of absence
profitable chains have been branded their death certificate, the highest of people and staff had been adversely infection control prevention plan. resulting from routine Covid testing
unsafe by inspectors, who found seri- level since last May, according to the affected”. Inspectors said the out- Where people were isolating in their requiring more workers to self-isolate.
ous failures with control of the latest Office for National Statistics. break, which the director, Om Gupta, room, doors were left open and they At the Firs in Budleigh Salterton,
wave of the coronavirus. At Curtis Weston House, a home for confirmed, had caused a small num- saw a staff member walk into a isolat- Devon, which endured a large out-
In the last month 40% of care homes 27 people in Wigston, Leicestershire, ber of deaths, and was linked to the ing person’s room and provide support break in November and December that
inspected by the Care Quality Com- which is part of a chain that made admission of two people to the home. without wearing any PPE. resulted in deaths, inspectors discov-
mission in England were judged to be £2.2m in annual post-tax profits, The provider had not been using PPE CQC said the home was not safe and ered a lack of mask wearing and social
inadequate or in need of improvement. inspectors found “no deep cleaning properly, the inspectors said. breached the Health and Social Care distancing. Liana Birkett, whose fam-
Several handling fatal coronavirus of bedrooms of Covid-19 positive Gupta said there was “no evidence ily operate the home, said: “The day of

outbreaks were revealed to have bro- people”, ineffective alcohol-free hand of that” and that there was no lack of the Covid inspection our manager was
ken laws meant to keep residents safe. sanitiser in use, and staff not always financing for the home. “It was just off sick with the virus and we didn’t
Some of the worst failings uncov- having ready access to PPE. unfortunate my manager and deputy have all our own staff in due to many
ered in reports filed in the last month Another home in the same chain, manager went off sick with Covid,” Deaths with Covid-19 among care of them being struck down by the virus
include CCTV showing PPE being used Huntington Court, in Loughborough, he said. home residents recorded in England or having to self isolate.”
wrongly on 63 occasions in one home, was also branded inadequate; inspec- Scrutiny of CCTV footage from the in the week ending 22 January She accepted mistakes had been
infected residents mixing in commu- tors found infection prevention and Ashton care home, in Hinckley, uncov- made on the day of inspection, but

nal areas with Covid-free residents, control procedures were not in line ered dozens of occasions when staff said they had since been fixed.
chronic staff shortages, and a care with government guidance, which did not wear the right PPE, includ- Staff problems at the Woodheyes
home manager continuing to work meant “people were put at increased ing working with face masks around care home in Leicester meant resi-
after showing Covid symptoms. risk of infection”. The firm, Leices- their necks. “On three occasions we The number of times CCTV footage dents who needed oxygen weren’t
The spate of problems relates to tershire County Care Limited, did not observed staff administering medi- revealed PPE had been misused at supported safely. “Staff did not have
a small minority of care homes but respond to request for comment. cines directly into people’s mouths one care home inspected by the CQC all the skills and knowledge needed
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:7 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:57 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Analysis Severe shortage of ICU beds

Robert Booth
sees patient transfers double
Better pay is only part of Denis Campbell
month. The sharp rise in patient trans-
fers between ICUs is revealed in data
Sarah Marsh
the answer to improving Dozens of Covid patients a day are
that the Intensive Care National Audit
and Research Centre (ICNARC) has col-
lected from hospitals and shared with

the situation for both being moved from one hospital to

another because of a severe shortage
the Guardian.
It does not publish data on where
of critical care beds across the NHS. the transfers were from and to, but

staff and residents The NHS transferred 1,079 peo-

ple needing critical care in England,
many in the last two months are
known to have started in London, the
Wales and Northern Ireland to ICUs south-east and the east of England.
in different areas in the four weeks to ICNARC’s figures cover transfers

28 January – an average of 38.5 a day. for “comparable critical care” – that
oanna Lumley revived her turn from Absolutely That is far more than the 547 patients is, because of hospital bed shortages
Fabulous yesterday to front a trade union – 18.2 a day – who were taken from one – while longer-distance moves are
call for a pay rise for care staff. Describing the hospital to another during the whole known as “outside clinical care group”
1.5 million workers as “the invisible part of our of last April, at the height of the first transfers. Each group is made up of
nation’s health system … the forgotten ones”, wave of the pandemic. hospitals in an area that collaborate
the actor slipped into Patsy’s drawl to show a The second wave has also seen on ICU care.
nation’s gratitude: “Cheers, sweeties.” a  surge in the number of very sick Last month NHS England’s chief
Many agree this group is hard done by. Last year half Covid patients being moved signifi- executive, Sir Simon Stevens, said
of care staff earned less than £8.72 an hour. Now they cant distances from their home area the health service was in the most pre-
are exhausted by Covid, which has played a part in the to get an ICU bed. That now happens carious situation in its 72-year history.
deaths of more than 36,000 UK care home residents. But dozens of times a week. The UK’s four chief medical officers
a pay rise is only part of the solution. In the second wave The Guardian disclosed last month warned on 4 January that parts of the
of Covid, care home deaths have returned to levels last that critical care patients were being NHS were in danger of falling over
seen in May and failings that might have been attributed moved from London as far afield as because of the increase in numbers
to operators being caught off guard appear systemic. Newcastle and Sheffield because of of people with Covid.
Care Quality Commission visits behind the closed a lack of capacity in the capital. A total Prof Kathy Rowan, director of
doors of homes with recent Covid outbreaks show us of 250 people needing critical care in ICNARC, said the number of trans-
how some operators have left staff untrained in basics England, Wales and Northern Ire- fers recently was unusual.
of infection control. They have not provided the right land had to be transferred to an ICU “There’s been extraordinary pres-
PPE and have failed to provide enough in another area in the four weeks to 28 sure on critical care services during
staff. Where managers have gone off In July 2019, in his January – 43 a week. These are trans- the second wave. Hospitals have been
sick, homes have been left rudderless fers that in normal times NHS medical coping with unprecedented numbers,
with agency workers coming and going, first speech as prime teams try to avoid as they can put which has necessitated the increased
risking infection spread. Several don’t minister, Boris Johnson patients at risk: for example, if their numbers of patients being transferred
have enough cleaners. condition worsens during the journey. for comparable critical care,” she said.
These are the worst cases and promised to ‘fix the Those 250 longer-distance trans- “We would normally try to trans-
thousands of other homes have done crisis in social care fers up until 28 January are more than fer patients within transfer groups.
far better, but they are instructive. four times the 60 cases transferred Being transferred between units
Consider one home in the east once and for all’ because of ICU bed shortages during for comparable critical care is best
Midlands. On two different days when all of last April. The rate has risen from avoided because you want to avoid
inspectors showed up people who two a day in April to nine a day last any increased risk that it might pose.”
were known to have Covid were mixing
in communal areas with people who were known not
to provide safe care,” inspectors con-
cluded. “We observed people with
to have Covid. And this was in November – seven full
months after the crisis began. Travel Shapps: nationals, as well as those with UK res-
idency rights – are to be required to

we can’t be
Covid-19 in communal areas, mixing Staff are not comfortable working like this. “We work quarantine in hotels for 10 days upon
with people that did not have Covid-19 on different wings each day, it’s not right,” said a care arrival. But the government has yet to
… we observed staff entering and exit- worker at another home that inspectors concluded was provide a date for when the new meas-
ing bedrooms [of infected residents]
without changing their PPE … The reg-
breaching the Care Act. “Yesterday I was on a Covid-19
wing, today I’m on another unit.”
like Australia ures will be enforced.
Australia introduced quarantine
istered manager had declined Covid-19 At another home, a worker said incontinence pads hotels in March 2020, the same month
training offered by partner agencies.” were so full they were leaking because there were not it closed its borders.
The home’s manager did not enough staff to change them. The same home became Simon Murphy Speaking at the Commons transport
respond to request for comment. a carousel of agency staff – 26 different people, mostly Political correspondent select committee yesterday, Shapps
At Swan House in Winslow, Buck- working just a single shift, over less than a month. said: “What tends to happen is people
inghamshire, a home where two No one is happy with this – not the staff, the residents An Australia-style closure of borders say, well, why don’t we just close down
people died in a Covid outbreak, staff or their loved ones. In July 2019, in his first speech as would not help the UK combat the and then we’ll be safe? But, of course,
records indicated the registered man- prime minister, Boris Johnson promised to “fix the crisis Covid-19 crisis, the transport secre- we wouldn’t be safe, because we are an
ager had continued to work on site in social care once and for all”. tary, Grant Shapps, indicated, as the island nation... and that means that we
after developing potential symptoms Some in the sector think a good place to start is with government continued to come under need to get medicines in, food in, raw
of Covid-19, that staff worked in differ- the staff. A national workforce plan that identifies the pressure to implement tougher travel materials in, sometimes move people
ent units risking cross-infection, and roles that need to be filled, the level of training required restrictions. around, scientists and others”.
fans were in use, which increased the and the right pay levels hasn’t been drawn up for Amid concern over Covid-19 vari- A start-date for the quarantine
risk of spreading the infection. years. Once in place, it could be easier to work out how ants spreading from abroad, Shapps hotels has been earmarked for 15 Feb-
The operator, Ambient Support, a much more the taxpayer will need to pay to improve sought to make the case against ruary, according to reports. Pressed on
£38m-a-year turnover charity oper- standards. The Tory former health secretary Jeremy blanket curbs by highlighting the whether that was correct, Hancock
ating care homes across England, Hunt has said at least £7bn a year more is needed. importance of importing food and said: “Well, let’s see where we get to.”
said it “fully accepts the findings of How to better regulate the companies that operate medicines, as well as allowing the
the report and is delivering an action the homes is another issue. Some chains use different flow of some people such as scientists.
plan to address the issues raised”. companies for each home, with the result that the parent Separately, the health secretary,
Kate Terroni, CQC’s chief inspector company is not held responsible when things go wrong. Matt Hancock, failed to confirm that
of adult social care, said: “Where there Councils could also be given a stronger role in steering quarantine hotels scheduled to accom-
has been poor care or inadequate infec- care standards in their areas. And some observers modate international arrivals from 33
tion control procedures we have taken suggest all care should be delivered by not-for-profit high-risk locations on the UK travel
immediate action, however, in most entities, although that would be a huge shift from ban list would be ready to open by the
cases care providers … have shown the 82% of places in care homes of all kinds currently end of February.
they are responding well to the chal- provided by private firms. Under measures announced at the
lenges of infection prevention control Whatever solutions emerge, the widening cracks in end of last month, people who are
during the pandemic and doing every- UK social care emerging under the persistent pressure of still able to return from countries on ▲ Grant Shapps highlighted the need
thing they can to keep people safe.” Covid have made doing nothing politically impossible. the travel ban list – British and Irish to import food and medicines
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:8 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 21:04 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

8 News

Early schools return

again and once they are, we will make
sure that teachers and students are
equipped with the resources and the
time they need to make up for lost

in England would be learning.”

When Scotland’s schools reopening
plans were announced on Tuesday,

a disaster, scientists
some Conservative MPs, including
the chair of the Covid recovery group,
Mark Harper, called for the return
of pupils in England to be brought

caution Johnson forward.

Robert Halfon, a Conservative
who chairs the Commons education
committee, is among those pushing
for schools to open sooner.
He tweeted: “Given that Scotland
Sally Weale ‘We don’t want to be is likely to open some schools in the
Heather Stewart next couple of weeks, and given Pub-
forced into reverse. lic Health England say primary schools
Scientists have cautioned against We think this is are ‘safe to open soon’, surely England
bringing forward the reopening of can lead by example and at least open
schools in England, saying it would
the prudent and primary schools before 8 March.”
be “a recipe for disaster” while prev- cautious approach. However Prof Devi Sridhar, chair of
alence of coronavirus remains high. global public health at the University
The warnings came as Boris John-
Let’s stick with that’ of Edinburgh, said that, according to
son faced pressure from his own MPs the latest Office for National Statis-
to follow Scotland’s lead after the first tics data, the overall prevalence of
minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced Boris Johnson Covid in Scotland is currently half that
a phased return to the classroom later in England.
this month. “The issue with schools is not
Scotland’s youngest children, However, one senior Tory with opening them, it’s keeping them
including nurseries and primary pupils knowledge of the prime minister’s open,” she said. “If you keep having
in years 1, 2 and 3, are expected to be thinking suggested there were hopes cases, you will be having bubbles of 50 
back in the classroom full-time from 22  of a “big bang” reopening, rather than kids going home repeatedly and that is
February, along with small numbers of the phased return that had previously not sustainable education. You are bet-
secondary school children who need been envisaged. ter off keeping them closed for longer
to complete practical work in class for Me a nw h i l e , Jo h n s o n h a s to get your numbers down and then
national qualifications. announced the appointment of an opening in a more sustainable way.”
In England, by contrast, Boris John- education recovery commissioner to Dr Deepti Gurdasani, a senior
son has said schools, which are open oversee the government’s plans to help lecturer in epidemiology at Queen
to only 15% of children who are either children to catch up. Mary University of London, urged
regarded as vulnerable or whose par- Kevan Collins, who worked at the the prime minister to resist pressure
ents are critical workers, will not open Education Endowment Foundation to reopen schools any earlier, saying
more fully until 8 March at the earliest. and has been active in education for even 8 March looked unrealistic.
Johnson told a Downing Street press more than three decades, will advise She said levels of community trans-
conference yesterday: “What we don’t the government on how to spend the mission were still high and cases were
want to do now that we are making £300m recently allocated to plugging not declining sufficiently rapidly.
progress with the vaccine rollout and the teaching shortfall created by the “We are in a very, very precari-
we have got a timetable for the way Covid crisis. ous position. Parents and children
ahead, we don’t want to be forced into Johnson said: “I am absolutely have made huge sacrifices because of
reverse. We think this is the prudent determined that no child will be left schools being closed to most children.
and cautious approach. I think it is behind as a result of the pandemic. It’s very important we don’t squan-
much better to stick to that.” Our top priority is to get schools open der this.”

Q&A Clap for Tom hospital in Bedford where Moore

was treated to pay tribute, and junior
soldiers at the Army Foundation Col-
The plan for reopening
Tributes paid lege in Harrogate joined the national
applause for Moore, whom they made
When will UK schools reopen?
The Scottish government plans to
was one in 110. To put it another
way: case rates in England are nearly
priority groups would have
acquired immunity after their to veteran an honorary colonel last year.
MPs observed a minute’s silence in
reopen primary schools after its
mid-term on 22 February, but only
282 per 100,000 people, compared
with close to 142 per 100,000 in
first vaccination at least three
weeks earlier. who inspired memory of him and of others who have
died as a result of the pandemic before
for pupils in the three youngest Scotland. Asked if schools could open prime minister’s questions.
year groups, and some older
children taking qualifications. What about in Wales and
before then, Johnson said data on
the impact of vaccinations would
the nation The Commons Speaker, Sir Lindsay
Hoyle, said: “His dignity and deter-
England is instead waiting until Northern Ireland? not be ready until 15 February, mination in raising money to support
at least 8 March, two weeks later, Wales has said it may reopen schools and that he wanted to be “prudent the NHS charities caught the nation’s
for schools to fully reopen. along the same lines as Scotland and cautious”. Jessica Murray mood at the most difficult time. He
from 22 February, but only if its exemplified the best of our values.”
How can Scotland reopen schools Covid-19 infection rates continue to Is 8 March a definitive date Earlier, the health secretary, Matt
while those in England can’t? fall. The latest figures show Wales for reopening? People across the UK paid tribute Hancock, told the BBC: “I will ensure
Education policy is devolved to with one in 70 of the population No: some scientists and officials to the late Captain Sir Tom Moore we mark his contribution properly and
national administrations – so the infected as of last week. insist a further delay may be by applauding on their doorsteps appropriately at the right moment.”
government in Westminster has Northern Ireland has a higher rate needed. Calum Semple, a member yesterday. He suggested a statue could be
no say over schools outside of of infection, with one in every 50 of Sage, has said there are still Boris Johnson clapped out- erected to honour Moore.
England. people estimated by the ONS to have “very high levels” of community side No 10  with his partner, Carrie “Yes, I do think that we should find
Infection rates for Covid-19 been infected. As a result Northern transmission that could require Symonds, while the Labour leader, a way, at the right time, to honour the
among the general population Ireland, as with England, is waiting schools to continue to allow only Keir Starmer, joined in from his home. contribution that he made to the NHS
are twice as high in England as in until 8 March at the earliest for the children of critical workers and Earlier Johnson had urged people to as he was an inspiration to so many
Scotland, meaning that there is far schools to return. those in care or needing support to join the “Clap For Captain Tom” at 6pm people,” Hancock told LBC radio.
greater community transmission attend in person, as they have since to show appreciation for Moore and for There have been a number of calls for
of the virus. The Office for Why has the government in the start of term. the NHS staff he had raised money for. official recognition of Moore’s life, with
National Statistics (ONS) last week England picked 8 March? Others say reopening may need Moore’s family said they were
estimated that one in 55 people in At yesterday’s press conference to be delayed so the spread of the “incredibly touched” by the gesture  Local people view floral tributes at
England had Covid-19 infections, Boris Johnson explained the worrying South African variant can and joined in outside their home in a mural depicting Captain Sir Tom
including one in 35 in London choice of 8 March as when those be kept in check. Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire. Moore in Two Gates, Tamworth
alone, while in Scotland the rate in the government’s top four Richard Adams NHS staff gathered outside the PHOTOGRAPH: JASON CAIRNDUFF/REUTERS
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:9 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 21:05 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

▼ Residents of Brentford, London,
join the clap last night; below, Boris
Johnson and Carrie Symonds join in

Exercise Call for plan to

get children moving again
gardens, and that parents and carers
Paul MacInnes feel confident they can do this safely.
“It is particularly important that
vulnerable children and young peo-
The government needs to give parents ple, and those from disadvantaged
a helping hand in providing children backgrounds, are supported to be
with the exercise they need during the physically active so that our health
lockdown half-term, the UK’s leisure inequalities do not deepen further.”
industry body has said, after guidance A call for greater clarity was echoed
on reintroducing sports clubs failed to by the charity the Youth Sports Trust,
materialise. whose chief executive, Ali Oliver, said
With most schools across England guidance must be forthcoming soon.
set to break up at the end of next week, “Sadly, we know that some schools
a period without traditional learning felt they had no choice but to reduce
for many children will be followed by provision of PE and after-school sport
one without recourse to sports clubs when they returned in September due
or activities, as research continues to a lack of clarity around what they
to show a decline in physical activity could and couldn’t do. This cannot
amongst the young. happen again,” she said.
Ukactive, which represents the Brit- A recent study by Sport England
ish leisure sector, has been calling for into the effect of the pandemic on
government to provide a “recovery activity among young people saw a fall
plan” to ensure physical activity can in the number of children completing a
be safely reintroduced into schools recommended 60 minutes of physical
both during term time and holidays. activity each day in 2020 from 53.4%
This follows Boris Johnson claiming to 51.1%. But while children were able
he was “hopeful” schools could reopen to walk and cycle more during lock-
in England from 8 March. down, participation in team sports,
But with guidance yet to be pub- swimming and running all recorded
lished, it is now thought too late to substantial falls.
safely operate clubs this February The impact on the ability to exer-
half-term. Now Ukactive is calling for cise was experienced most strongly
guidance for parents on how best to by black and minority ethnic children.
make use of open spaces.

“Physical activity is vital for chil-
dren’s physical, social and emotional
wellbeing, so we must ensure they are
encouraged to keep playing and mov- Number of minutes recommended
ing,” said Jack Shakespeare, Ukactive’s for children to exercise each day by
director of children, young people, organisations such as Sport England
families and research.

“Children have as much right to
exercise outside each day as adults, but
they exercise in very different ways to
adults. The government must ensure Percentage point fall in the number
all children have access to safe pub- of children in 2020 doing that daily
lic spaces for play, such as parks and exercise, from 53.4% to 51.1%

Carol Vorderman, the host of the Pride

of Britain awards – which honoured
Moore set out to raise £1,000 for
NHS Charities Together by walking Universal credit within the government about the top-
up, and no decision had been made.
Moore last year – saying he “deserves 100 laps of his garden before his 100th “I’m conscious the committee may
a stone in Westminster Abbey”. birthday last April. Coffey against want some kind of revelation – there
The flag above 10 Downing Street His efforts struck a chord with the isn’t a revelation to make,” she said.
was flown at half-mast on Tuesday
evening, while landmarks including
nation and donations flooded in, with
almost £33m raised.
one-off payout As well as a broad consensus among
opposition parties, charities and cam-
the London Eye, Wembley Stadium In acknowledgement, he was paigners that retaining the £20 top-up
and Blackpool Tower were lit up and a knighted by the Queen during a unique is essential to prevent a rise in poverty
tribute was broadcast on the billboard open-air ceremony at Windsor Castle Patrick Butler levels, increasing numbers of back-
lights at Piccadilly Circus. last summer. Social policy editor bench Tory MPs have called for it to
A number of floral tributes were His story travelled all over the be made permanent.
left outside the gate of Moore’s fam- world, with the White House paying The work and pensions secretary, Coffey sidestepped a question by
ily home in Bedfordshire, with one tribute following his death. “We join Thérèse Coffey, has said she is opposed Tory MP Nigel Mills on whether she
message saying: “Rest in peace Cap- the United Kingdom and the world in to making one-off £500 or £1,000 personally thought keeping the £20
tain Tom. We love you.” honouring the memory of Captain Sir universal credit payments in April in uplift was the right decision, although
Tom Moore, who inspired millions lieu of retaining the £20-a-week Covid she said an internal government
through his life and his actions,” the top-up, in case it discouraged claim- analysis had shown that retaining it
official White House account tweeted. ants from taking a job. would not provide a disincentive for
Ellie Orton, chief executive of NHS The one-off payments have been people to work. Mills replied: “If the
Charities Together, said Moore “lifted considered by the Treasury as it seeks money was there you would like to
the spirits of an entire nation” and to find a way of ending the temporary keep this – that was the sound of what
demonstrated that “you’re never too benefit uplift, due to end by April, you said.”
old, you’re never too anything to care while keeping in place a level of sup- Mills suggested that if a £1,000 pay-
for people and to make a difference”. port for struggling families during the ment was on offer in April, universal
She said: “He really was a beacon of pandemic. credit claimants would not be “rush-
hope – the optimism that he brought Appearing before the work and pen- ing out to take a job or increase their
… in a really dark and difficult time for sions select committee, Coffey refused hours”. Coffey agreed. The prospect of
this nation, and particularly for the to say whether the Department for such a payment might attract fraudu-
NHS, is just incredible. Work and Pensions’ budget sub- lent applications.
“He is held in such amazing high missions to the Treasury included “There’s a number of reasons why
regard, he is a national hero and his retaining the uplift, which would cost there’s a simplicity to the one-off [pay-
legacy will live on in the NHS for years an estimated £6bn a year. ment] but actually there’s quite a lot
and years to come.” She said discussions were ongoing of complexity,” she said.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:10 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:20 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

10 News

MPs and campaigners

support schemes, according to the
Association of Independent Profes-
sionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE),
including about 700,000 limited com-

urge chancellor to fix pany directors and 200,000 people

who had recently set out working for
themselves and lacked documentation

furlough scheme gaps to receive wage subsidies.

As many as one-in-five small-
company bosses surveyed by the
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
“The chancellor must now accept have said they received no finan-
Richard Partington that there are genuine and problem- cial support from the government.
atic gaps in the schemes he designed, Mike Cherry, national chairman of
and make support for excluded groups the FSB, said this meant as many as
The government is under mounting a centrepiece of his budget announce- one million small business owners had
pressure to plug gaps in its emergency ment next month.” been “left out in the cold”.
coronavirus wage subsidy schemes at The government’s flagship furlough The number of self-employed
the March budget to support millions scheme has topped up the wages of workers on universal credit benefits
of self-employed people and other almost 10m jobs since its launch in ▲ Critics of the chancellor have called the British economy grapples with the has risen by more than 300% since
workers excluded from furlough. March last year, while as many as on him to help those excluded from worst recession for 300 years. Sunak is the start of the crisis to reach more
MPs and campaign groups said the 2.7m claims have been made to SEISS, the government’s furlough schemes. also coming under pressure to extend than 200,000. IPSE said the chan-
chancellor, Rishi Sunak, had repeat- the Treasury’s similar provision for PHOTOGRAPH: REX the furlough scheme, amid warnings cellor urgently needed to reform the
edly ducked opportunities to fix gaps the self-employed. However, experts from business and unions of wide- SEISS to extend it to people who could
in furlough and the self-employment have warned millions of people have spread unemployment without it. now prove their income using 2019-20

income support scheme (SEISS) since missed out because they fail to meet Official figures show full-time tax returns.
the pandemic began. Caroline Lucas, eligibility criteria. work has risen during the pandemic Rachel Flower, a spokesperson for
the Green party co-chair of the all- Anneliese Dodds, the shadow chan- to the highest levels on record, despite the ExcludedUK campaign group,
party parliamentary group Gaps in cellor, said the government needed Number of self-employed people in the impact of Covid on the market. which represents workers who have
Support, said it was “completely to take action at the budget. “Self- the UK. At the start of the pandemic However, part-time jobs and self- missed out on support, said: “A year
unacceptable” that more than 3 mil- employed people are the backbone this figure stood at 5.1 million employment has fallen, as freelancers on from the start of the pandemic the
lion people had been left out. of the British economy, which is why and those in precarious work bear the government is well aware the exclu-

“While it was understandable at the Labour has called repeatedly for the brunt of the crisis. At the start of the sions exist, but has not been minded to
beginning of the pandemic that some chancellor to plug the gaps in his sup- pandemic there were 5.1 million self- fix them. And that is a social injustice.”
new support schemes didn’t work as port schemes.” employed in the UK. This has fallen to A spokeswoman for the Treasury
well as they should, it’s a scandal that The interventions come as the The increase in the number of self- below 4.6 million. said the government had done all it
over 10 months later, so many are still Guardian profiles the impact of the employed workers on universal About 3 million people have been can to help as many people as possi-
falling through the gaps,” said Lucas. Covid-19 pandemic on employment as credit benefits since pandemic began excluded from the government’s ble during the pandemic.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:11 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:57 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

▼ Kerel Babb, 20, works in music but
earned only £10 from it this year. His
main income is now universal credit
“If I retire earlier than the
state pension age and then my
husband loses his job, it would be
a catastrophe,” she added. “I know
there are things like universal credit
but we’ve never had to lean on
government support before and I’m
not sure that my husband would
even entertain the idea.”
Since the Equality Act of 2010
made it illegal to discriminate on
the basis of age, employment rates
among people over 50 have steadily
risen. Pre-Covid, rates had reached
a historic high, with 10.7 million
people aged 50 and over in work –
nearly a third of the UK workforce.
But the pandemic has been
disastrous. There are now 91,000
more unemployed older people than
there were 12 months ago: a rise of a
third in a single year – significantly
more than any other age group.
That third is significantly more
than both the national average
increase of 24% and the 25% increase
in unemployed people aged 18-24.
For those aged 25-34, the increase
was 28%, and for those aged 35-49,
the increase was 19%.
This represents 407,000
individual stories of later life
joblessness, a group that now makes
up one in four of all unemployed
people in the UK.
This matters because despite
the advances of the past decade,
redundancy is a particularly age-
related problem: workers over 50
who lose their jobs are more than
twice as likely as other age groups
to remian unemployed for at least

Lives in limbo Britons young and old

another two years.
Dr Anna Dixon from the Centre
for Ageing Better said the official
figures also masked the number of
older people who were on furlough,

hit by Covid-19 unemployment crisis

or had had their hours cut, but still
registered in the data as “employed”.
“Over the summer, furlough rates
showed a u-shape, with younger and
older workers the most likely to be
such as hospitality – struggle to find graduate programme had seen about her career easily moving from one away from work,” said Dixon.
Sarah Marsh and Amelia Hill employment after being furloughed a 50% increase in applications in the contract to the next. But when her By September, however,
or as they enter the jobs market. first three months for the 2021 intake five-year contract ended recently, furloughed 55-64s were the least

Unemployment for those aged 16 to compared with last year. she was shocked to find new likely to be fully back at work. “So,
he Covid joblessness 24 increased by 124,000 to 597,000. The situation is also hard for those employment opportunities far more while it superficially looks like older
crisis has affected This compares with 407,000 people not in education or training. limited than she had expected. workers will be ‘second-hardest’
Britons both young over the age of 50. Kerel Babb, 20, left school after Then, while she was considering hit by job losses in this recession,
and old. When Rima The Graduate Market in 2020 his GCSEs and is working in music. her options, the pandemic hit and once we factor in the fact that it is
Begum, a law student, report shows that the number of He usually takes shifts at Winter work dried up altogether: “It’s been older workers who are at greatest
graduated on a Zoom entry-level graduate jobs has taken a Wonderland, an annual event in a real shock for me, and my fear is risk of long-term unemployment,
call this summer, she felt a sense big hit – down nearly 11% in 2020 – as London’s Hyde Park, but it was that if this enforced unemployment it is clear that after this pandemic
of pride as one of the first in her a result of the pandemic. That is the cancelled this winter. is not only to do with the pandemic there could be a lost generation of
family to go to university. Despite largest annual decrease since the “I cashed out £10 this whole but my age as well – I have no unemployed over-50s forced into an
the economic uncertainty amid financial crisis in 2009. Recruitment year from music. My main income evidence that it is ageism but I have a early retirement they neither want
the pandemic, she was confident levels are down at more than is universal credit. It’s not enough strong feeling that it is – then things nor can afford,” said Dixon.
that she would find work to fund a half of the UK’s leading graduate to sustain me but it’s what got me are going to get worse and not better. This, said Stuart Lewis, founder
master’s degree. employers. studio equipment,” he added. of Rest Less, the jobs site for over-
Now, she is less hopeful. “I Experts warn of the long-term The creative industries, which 50s, was catastrophic for hundreds
have applied for 35 to 40 jobs but impacts of this, including lower employ a lot of young people, have ‘It’s very depressing of thousands of older people.
I imagine 40% of my applications future pay and employment also been hard hit. Throughout her Contrary to popular belief, he said,
have not even been read,” she said, prospects. They say it may also university degree in professional
knowing I could be most fifty- and sixtysomethings
adding that she spends the whole influence the mental and physical musicianship, Ellie Levy Pepper achieving my dream were not revelling in their gold-
day on her laptop in her parents’ health of young people in later years. was working towards becoming plated, final salary pensions – a
home, where she lives. “A lot of Employers in all sectors are a jazz residency singer. She said:
if it weren’t for long-lost preserve of their parents’
these jobs are basic administration cutting back. John Lewis, for “It’s very depressing knowing I the pandemic’ generation. Instead, many faced
roles in law and I get a notification instance, has paused its graduate could be achieving my dream by a significantly underfunded
that 300 to 400 people have applied. scheme this year, as have the working in an industry I love at Ellie Levy Pepper retirement and were seeing what
I think: is there any point?” Sanctuary Group and Danske bank. this very moment if it weren’t for Jazz singer savings they did have decimated.
The 22-year-old relied on her For those still running, the number the pandemic. It also affects my This in turn will lead to a significant
retail job in Oxford Circus, London, of applicants has shot up. songwriting and creativity, which in long-term drop in their future
to buy food and supplies while an KPMG, one of the big four turn worsens my mood as I’m stuck retirement income, which risks
undergraduate but, after a period of accounting organisations, said its indoors all day.” stalling the UK’s economic recovery
furlough, the store is now shutting, For people over 50 who lose their for years. He said: “It’s tragic to think
leaving her future uncertain.
And her story is mirrored across
Can Britain stage a jobs, prospects seem just as bleak.
They are more likely to suffer long-
that over 626,000 over-50s are now
claiming universal credit, meaning
the country, as thousands of people green jobs recovery? term unemployment than other age that after three decades in the
aged between 18 and 24 – many who groups. Lisa Griffiths, a 61-year-old workplace, they have less than £16K
usually work in hard-hit sectors  In tomorrow’s Guardian special-needs nanny, has spent of savings to qualify for UC.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:12 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 16:42 cYanmaGentaYellowbl



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Section:GDN 1N PaGe:13 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:34 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

National 13

Christian Color
Purple actor
sues after her
dismissal over
anti-gay posts
PA Media

A Christian actor sacked from her role

as a lesbian character in a musical after
allegedly posting anti-gay opinions on
Facebook has denied “misusing” an
employment tribunal to claim money
she had already been offered.
Seyi Omooba, 26, is bringing a case
for about £128,000 against a theatre
trust and her former agents for
religious discrimination and breach
of contract after she was dropped as
the lead in a stage production of The
Color Purple in 2019.
The devoutly religious performer
had been offered “unconditionally”
£4,309, the full pay of her contract for
the stage production by the Curve The-
atre in Leicester, the Central London
employment tribunal heard. But she
has refused to invoice for the sum and
says she has suffered extensive career
damage for her religious beliefs.
Omooba is seeking the £4,309 plus
Head for the chills A couple carrying a sledge climb a slope near Spittal of Glenshee in eastern Perth and Kinross, another £25,000 from the Leicester
Theatre Trust for injury to feelings and
at the southern end of the Cairngorms national park. Met Office forecasters said that wintry conditions, possibly reputational damage. She is also claim-
causing travel disruption, would continue for the next few days. They gave an amber warning of snow in Scotland ing against her former agents Michael
ANDREW MILLIGAN/PA tomorrow and Saturday, as cold air from Scandinavia continues to blast across much of the north of Britain. Garrett Associates for £98,752 for loss
of earnings, future losses, injury to
feelings and reputational damage.

Johnson swoops on
He also sought the current tem- were not acceptable. “What is required Tom Coghlin QC, for the trust, said
porary arrangements for parcel post is political, not technical solutions,” claiming the £4,309 amounted to
from Britain to Northern Ireland to be Gove said, noting how disastrous a an “abuse of process”, saying: “The
extended for the same period to allow technical solution to the vaccine wars offer remains open, it’s still there but

EU blunder to call for time for a “light touch permanent

solution to be codified”. This would
address consumer dismay that they
had been for the EU when a bureau-
crat invoked article 16 without regard
to the political ramifications.
you’ve not engaged at all. Instead
you’ve chosen to bring a breach of
contract claim. It’s to misuse a tribunal

easing of NI protocol
could no longer get goods from high He implicitly warned that the UK procedure, isn’t it, to bring a claim for
street chains such as John Lewis or could invoke article 16 unless its money that’s always been offered to
Currys delivered to Northern Ireland. demands were met: “If it is not possi- you?” Omooba said: “No … you just
The UK also sought a common travel ble to agree a way forward in the way wanted to get away from it. You just
area for pets, changes on steel quotas we propose, then the UK will consider wanted to give me money knowing
for the region and medicine supplies using all instruments at its disposal.” full well they fired me based on my
in a dispute over vaccine supplies to to continue as normal. It is understood that a new special- beliefs.”
Heather Stewart the EU sparked widespread criticism Although considered big asks, Gove ised committee, mandated under the Omooba was sacked from her role
Lisa O’Carroll and was quickly rescinded. noted in the letter that the protocol Brexit deal, will be quickly set up and as Celie in the stage adaptation of Alice
Daniel Boffey Johnson told MPs: “We will work to was not designed to disrupt life in will convene in the next two weeks Walker’s 1982 Pulitzer Prize-winning
ensure that there are no such borders, Northern Ireland, but to protect the to thrash out a solution with a signoff novel over a 2014 Facebook post that
Boris Johnson has accused the EU of we will respect the peace process and, single market. He said the UK wanted expected at meeting of the UK-EU joint read: “I do not believe you can be born
appearing to “cast doubt” on the Good indeed, no barriers down the Irish Sea “urgent resolution” of the problems committee which Gove and Šefčovič gay and I do not believe homosexuality
Friday agreement, with last week’s and the principle of unfettered access and lengthy technical discussions, pencilled in for mid-March. is right, though the law of this land has
decision to invoke article 16 of the across all parts of our United Kingdom the hallmark of Brexit negotiations, Under a protocol in the Brexit with- made it legal, it doesn’t make it right.”
Northern Ireland protocol. is upheld.” drawal agreement designed to avoid a It caused a social media storm after
Speaking at prime minister’s Gove met the commission’s vice- hard border on the island of Ireland, being unearthed and tweeted by the
questions after a call with Northern president, Maroš Šefčovič, via video Northern Ireland effectively remains Hamilton actor Aaron Lee Lambert,
Ireland’s first minister, Arlene Foster, conference yesterday, when they in the EU’s single market. The full EU who attacked Omooba as a “hypocrite”
Johnson said: “It was most regretta- discussed ambitious demands for six customs code is also to be enforced for acting in The Color Purple.
ble that the EU should seem to cast major concessions on the protocol. across the Irish Sea on goods coming Omooba is supported by the
doubt on the Good Friday agreement, Talks were described as “constructive” from the rest of the UK, but its appli- campaigning group Christian Con-
the principles of the peace process, by but no agreement was made. cation has caused cross-community cern, co-founded by her father, Ade
seeming to call for a border across the In his strongly worded letter, he dismay in Northern Ireland. Omooba. The group said the case “will
island of Ireland.” warned Šefčovič that the solution In the Commons, the DUP’s Ian expose the mechanisms of censorship
In a choreographed move capitalis- must be “political, not technical” Paisley urged Johnson to “be the at the heart of the theatre industry”,
ing on the article 16 debacle, Michael and the EU’s “grave error” on Friday unionist we need you to be” by legis- adding that “any dissenting views
Gove has also written to the EU ask- demonstrated the dangers of taking a lating if necessary to make sure goods against LGBT ideology, especially
ing for a two-year extension on the full “primarily technical approach”. can flow freely. Paisley said the North- Christian beliefs, are currently incom-
implementation of the protocol. The six demands included exten- ern Ireland protocol had “betrayed us, patible with a theatrical career”.
The extraordinary move comes sions on the current three-month and has made us feel like foreigners in Omooba has told the proceed-
after widespread upset in Northern grace period for checks on supermar- our own country”. ings she had not read the full script
Ireland over the implementation of the ket food supplies from Great Britain Johnson promised to do everything for the production, adding she was
protocol, which has led to disruption to Northern Ireland to be extended to he could to ensure trade flowed freely, never explicitly informed it would
of food supplies and online shopping. January 2023, and a “permanent solu- ▲ Supplies to Northern Irish shops “whether legislatively or indeed by be a lesbian role and that was not her
Friday’s decision to invoke article 16 tion” on chilled meats from Britain. are disrupted by post-Brexit controls invoking article 16 of the protocol”. understanding of the part.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:14 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/2/2021 19:34 cYanmaGentaYellowb

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

14 National

Police force asylum seeker

and feet back through the gate into the physically return him safely back There is a legal duty to self-isolate
barracks, before dropping him to the inside and no enforcement action was for those who test positive or are con-
floor. The man is understood to have taken. The same male was then later tacted by test and trace workers. Fines

back into Kent barracks site jumped the fence twice again, and was
arrested after his third attempt.
seen again outside of the barracks and,
when officers engaged with him, he
for breaking the rule start at £1,000.
Adam Wagner, a human rights
Kent police said he was returned to assaulted an officer and was arrested barrister, said: “This is very troubling
in at Napier barracks, near Folkestone, the barracks for a “Covid breach”, but and taken into custody.” footage. These are not detainees. I am
Jamie Grierson following a coronavirus outbreak, legal experts have questioned their The barracks is meant to hold men dubious that there is a legal basis for
Home affairs correspondent despite the government saying that authority to do this. A police spokes- for a short time while they await a deci- the police using force.”
the site was not a detention centre. person said: “Officers attended and sion on their asylum claims before There has been an increased police
Police officers have been filmed The Guardian understands that the engaged with a man to explain and they are moved on. They were pre- presence at the site since Friday, when
carrying an asylum seeker into a man in the video tried to leave the bar- encourage him to follow government viously free to come and go, but the a fire broke out in one of the blocks.
former army barracks in Kent against racks yesterday morning by jumping regulations and return to the site. gates have been locked for two weeks Kent police have arrested 14 men in
his will after he attempted to leave. the perimeter fence. The video shows “He refused and officers were after at least 120 men tested positive connection with the incident, one of
Hundreds of men have been locked two officers carrying him by his hands required to use reasonable force to for Covid-19 in mid-January. whom was charged with assault.

Communities ‘being
stigmatised’ by FGM
safeguarding policies
Nazia Parveen ‘When children are
Aamna Mohdin
going on summer
Safeguarding policies introduced holiday, mothers
to protect women and girls against
female genital mutilation (FGM) are
face fear … The
instead eroding trust and alienating assumption is you
African diaspora communities, a study
has found.
are doing FGM’
The measures are undermining the
welfare and safety of the women and
young girls they seek to protect, with Asha
families feeling racially profiled, crim- From Somali community
inalised and stigmatised, according to
the report, published by the African who participated in the study, said:
women’s rights organisation Forward, “When children are going on sum-
and the University of Huddersfield. mer holiday, mothers face fear … The
Based on interviews with commu- assumption is that you are doing FGM
nities and professionals, including to your daughter.’’
serving police officers, it found Abdelshahid said participants
that health and social care workers, spoke of having to endure repetitive
teachers and the police are concerned and uncomfortable conversations in
about the growing mistrust in their healthcare settings about their own
communities, and are sceptical of FGM and their intentions regarding
the need to single out FGM from other their daughters. “What we’re seeing is
forms of child abuse. that in different touch points of their
Key findings included that safe- lives, they are getting that constant
guarding policies enacted since 2014 scrutiny by different types of profes-
may have inadvertently harmed fam- sionals across many areas,” she said.
ilies, communities and young girls. In another interview, with a police
They have increased the scrutiny, sus- detective, she said singling out FGM
picion and stigmatisation experienced as an issue could stigmatise a com-
by families in areas from school, to munity. “We should be looking at all
healthcare and overseas travel, it said. forms of abuse within every commu-
These experiences had taken affected nity,” she said.
the mental health of parents, who said The report recommends address-
they had no intention of carrying out ing FGM in a more compassionate
FGM on their daughters, and in some and inclusive way, including holistic
cases even campaigned against it. training for professionals, re-examin-
Professionals participating in the ing the current policies, and policies
study warned of a growing discon- that recognise the role of communi-
nect between them and the diaspora ties in eliminating FGM.
communities. However, the feminist campaigner
Amy Abdelshahid, lead author Nimco Ali, a key figure in the fight to
and head of evidence at Forward, end FGM, said the practice would be
said: “The current FGM safeguarding eradicated only through legislation.
policies are causing quite a lot of harm. Ali, a FGM survivor who was
Communities are feeling targeted and appointed by the home secretary,
racially profiled. There is a general Priti Patel, to help draw up a strategy
sense of assumption that many of to tackle violence against women
these African diaspora communities and girls, said: “FGM is an organ-
intend subjecting their daughters to ised crime. The idea that we need to
FGM, even if in some of the cases that’s return to talking and negotiating with
not actually true.” communities is a non-starter. I abso-
She said there was an “excessive lutely understand for the state to take
focus” on families from certain com- control of this issue, and it is the reason
munities when they travelled abroad. FGM was added to the Children’s Act.
“They may receive home visits from We are going to ask uncomfortable
social services and police interrogating questions. Why are we offended that
before they are able to travel.” these questions are being asked? We
Asha, from the Somali community, need these safety nets.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:15 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:59 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

National 15

pandemic. The 41 acts eventually recorded. Organisers described it as the pandemic but … it is regrettably
PA Media featured in a non-competitive virtual “a determined yet realistic approach impossible to hold the event in the way
show on the weekend the final would in the final phase of preparations”, but we are used to. The security, health

contest will The Eurovision song contest will

have taken place.
To ensure the show goes ahead in
said downscaling was still an option.
In scenario C the hosts and interval
and safety of all participants, from
the crew to the artists, is our top pri-
be held in Rotterdam in May, but 2021, with the final on 22 May, the EBU acts would be live in Rotterdam but the ority. We very much hope to be able to
go ahead organisers say the usual format is
created four scenarios, from the usual
format to an entirely remote one.
delegations and artists would submit
recorded performances, while sce-
gather in Rotterdam in May and will
do all we can in the coming weeks to

in May, say The European Broadcasting Union,

which produces the annual compe-
tition, said it was looking at a “scenario
They are focused on “scenario B” in
which everyone attending Rotterdam’s
Ahoy Arena would need to socially
nario D would be entirely remote and
would be likely in the event of a new
lockdown in the Netherlands.
achieve this.”
The UK has yet to announce who
will be competing but James Newman,
organisers B” featuring in-person performances
and socially distanced audiences.
distance and have frequent Covid
tests. Acts who could travel to Rot-
The contest’s executive supervisor,
Martin Österdahl, said: “The Eurovi-
last year’s pick, has said he hopes to
have a second chance. In 2019 the UK
The 2020 contest was one of the terdam would perform live on stage, sion song contest will definitely make came last with Michael Rice’s Bigger
first high-profile cancellations of the while other performances would be its welcome return this May despite Than Us.

Not all
▲ Protesters face police at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in 2009. Convictions
are created
relating to the protest were overturned PHOTOGRAPH: DARREN STAPLES/REUTERS

Starmer urged to testify equal

at inquiry into ‘spy cops’ Try the Healthspan difference
for yourself, with over 50 vitamins
and supplements on sale, plus £5
launch, he promoted a video that told
Rob Evans and Dan Sabbagh of how he had defended striking min- off when you spend £20.
ers, environmental campaigners and Simply enter code GUARD-JFE.
peace protesters in myriad cases.
A group of environmental campaigners Starmer’s role in the undercover
want Keir Starmer to give evidence to policing scandal dates back to an epi-
the public inquiry into undercover sode where 20 activists were unjustly
policing amid questions over whether convicted of plotting in 2009 to occupy
he was involved in a cover-up while he the Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station.
was director of public prosecutions for Prosecutors were forced to aban-
England and Wales. don the prosecutions of another six
The campaigners are demanding to activists in January 2011 after it was
know if Starmer, now Labour leader, revealed that the campaigners had
helped to conceal how the actions of been infiltrated by an undercover
undercover officers had caused them officer, Mark Kennedy, who spied on
and other activists to face wrongful leftwing activists for seven years.
prosecutions. Eighteen activists have The initial convictions were also
asked Starmer and others to give evi- overturned by judges who ruled that
dence to the inquiry to “get to the
truth about non-disclosure, prosecu-
crucial evidence gathered by Kennedy
had been unfairly concealed from their
tions and miscarriages of justice that
involved undercover police officers”.
The inquiry is examining how police
original trial.
Starmer then commissioned a
retired judge to conduct an inquiry.
£5 off* *
Quote code:
sent at least 139 undercover officers The judge, Sir Christopher Rose, pri- GUARD-JFE
to spy on more than 1,000 political marily blamed a junior, regional
groups after the inception of a secret prosecutor, while also concluding
operation in 1968. that other prosecutors and police were
The Labour leader did not com- responsible for “failures over many
ment, but party sources said Starmer months”.
had not been called to give evidence Rose’s report was silent on the exact was £11.95 was £15.95
so far. It is understood he considers role played by Starmer, making no ref- now £9.95 now £13.95
his response to the case involving the erence to whether, for example, the
activists to be widely documented and chief prosecutor knew about Kennedy
a matter of public record. and the withholding of evidence, or
But the demand by the environ- took part in decisions about abandon-
mental campaigners could challenge ing what was a major prosecution.
Starmer’s political credentials as a rad- The power station case is a key part
ical lawyer. Before he became an MP, of the undercover policing scandal
he built his reputation defending pro- as it triggered a chain of events that
gressive activists and trade unionists exposed the long-running infiltra- *T&Cs. £5 off when you spend £20 at or freephone 0800 73 123 77. Not valid in conjunction
with any other offer code or subscription. This can only be used once and cannot be redeemed in store.
in the 1980s and 1990s as a barrister. tion of political groups by undercover
Discount applied at checkout. Valid until 28th February 2021.
The lawyer turned politician used officers. Starmer headed the Crown
this past when he stood for the Labour Prosecution Service (CPS) in England
leadership last year. At his campaign and Wales between 2008 and 2013.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:16 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

16 National

Burgeoning Lanre Bakare

Arts and culture correspondent
were identified as the hotspots for
treasure, with more than 80 pieces
found in each of the areas during 2019.
of precious metals or if they are more
than 300 years old. The rule changes
are supposed to protect ancient
comedy The Detectorists, starring Mac-
kenzie Crook, was identified as being
behind a boom in the hobby. “The

detectorism More than 1,300 pieces of treasure

There are an estimated 20,000
detectorists in England and Wales, and
items, including Roman finds that do
not meet the definition of treasure
show’s representation of the detec-
torists is wistful; their search is not
were found in England, Wales and 348 of their discoveries made during because they are made of copper. just for treasure but for companion-
brings record Northern Ireland in 2019, the most
since records began, thanks in part to a
2019 ended up in British museums. Of
the finds, 16% involved coins.
“The search for buried treasures by
budding detectorists has become more
ship and masculine identity,” it said.
There have been cases of detector-

number of growing number of metal detectorists.

The figures are given in the annual
Proposed law changes will mean all
artefacts found in England and Wales
popular than ever,” said the culture
minister Caroline Dinenage. “However
ists breaking the law. In 2019, two were
jailed after not declaring a Viking hoard
treasure report from the Department will be defined as treasure if they are it is important that we pursue plans to worth £12m. Among coins in the haul
treasure finds for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
Of the reported finds, 96% were dis-
of historical or cultural significance.
Under current rules, objects become
protect more of our precious history
and make it easier for everyone to fol-
were two thought to depict King Alfred
the Great of Wessex and Ceolwulf II
covered by metal detecting. Essex, treasure if they are made of gold or low the treasure process.” of Mercia, which changed historians’
Hampshire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk silver, are found with artefacts made In a New Yorker article, the BBC knowledge of the 9th century.

Mystery shipwrecks
gain protected status
on UK’s heritage list
a sail-powered collier, or coal ship, and
Esther Addley was carrying a large consignment of
the fuel when it sank, possibly after
a collision. Hamilton said that while
The wrecks of two sailing ships that as many as 5,000 wrecked sail-pow-
sank off the coast of south-east Eng- ered colliers are recorded the location
land in the mid-to-late 19th century of only about 25 are known. Only one
have been granted legal protection by other such example is listed.
the government, despite their identity The other wreck, WA08, lies on the
remaining a mystery. West Barrow sandbank in the Thames
The ships, both wooden sail-pow- estuary, and was discovered during
ered cargo vessels, were used in the a survey by the Port of London author-
transport of goods, and were carrying ity in 2016. According to Hamilton,
slate and coal on their final voyages. the mystery ship was carrying a con-
While ships of this kind would have signment of Cornish slate roof tiles,
been a frequent sight during the at a time when the slate industry was
period, few survive, according to dominated by slate from north Wales.
Ken Hamilton, national listing adviser “The fact this is carrying Cornish
for Historic England. slate is odd. And it makes me won-
“Compared to some of the ship- der whether this was an order for
wrecks on the list, these are quite a particular building: had somebody
mundane,” said Hamilton. “But that specified Cornish slate? I don’t know.
is part of their interest. Almost like But that would be one of the [rea-
a vernacular maritime architecture, sons] we would like to identify it,”
these would have been common in the said Hamilton.
late–19th century. And there are few of Research into GAD23 has identified
them surviving today. three potential candidates that would
“They’re both part of one of the fit with the wreck’s tonnage, location
largest industries in the UK – mari- and cargo, including the Archimedes,
time transportation – and there’s not sunk in 1876, the Zia Catherina, sunk
much surviving of that fleet. So these in 1878, or the Superior, sunk in 1868,
are rare examples.” although this was a larger ship making
Apart from losing their masts, both it less likely. All were sunk in colli-
are well-preserved, according to Ham- sions – damage to the starboard side
ilton, even retaining their bowsprits of GAD23 would support this theory.
– the long wooden spar at the front of The addition of both wrecks by
the vessel to which the foremast ropes the UK government to the National
would have been tied. Heritage List for England means they
One wreck, known as GAD23, which and their contents are protected in
lies on the notorious Goodwin Sands law, and cannot be removed by sal-
sandbank off Sandwich in Kent, is vage operations.

▲ A three-masted ship similar to that of the wreck, known as WA08, that lies
on a sandbank in the Thames estuary PHOTOGRAPH: THE HISTORIC ENGLAND ARCHIVE
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:17 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:11 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

News 17

Film and TV awards

Chloé Zhao,
left, has been
nominated in
the best director
category of the
Golden Globes,
for Nomadland.
She is joined
by Regina
King, centre,
(One Night in
Miami) and
Emerald Fennell
Young Woman)

Female directors
play about a man beset by dementia been mushrooming even before the mother in Pieces of a Woman. Also in
– and Promising Young Woman and pandemic, now dominates, and is the running are Anthony Hopkins
Nomadland, which all have four. responsible for 42 nominations across for The Father, Riz Ahmed in Sound
Nomadland, an elegiac look at film and TV. Meanwhile, Amazon took of Metal and Dev Patel for The Personal

dominate Golden the life of disenfranchised Ameri- 10, for Borat and Small Axe, and Hulu
cans who live on the road, starring received nine, for Palm Springs and
Frances McDormand, is widely tipped Normal People.
History of David Copperfield.
James Corden was a surprise inclu-
sion in the comedy category for his

Globe nominations
to dominate this year’s awards, hav- Britons accounted for a sizeable role in The Prom, Ryan Murphy’s star-
ing won best picture at almost all the proportion of the acting nominations, studded Netflix musical; Corden’s role
smaller prizegivings already held. including Carey Mulligan for Promis- as a gay Broadway performer was met
One Night in Miami took three nom- ing Young Woman, Rosamund Pike, for with a considerable backlash.

for first time ever inations, as did Borat Subsequent the healthcare satire I Care a Lot, and
Moviefilm, Sacha Baron Cohen’s barn- Vanessa Kirby for her role as a grieving
storming comedy released just before
last autumn’s US presidential election
British actors up for TV prizes
include John Boyega for Small
Axe, Hugh Grant for The Undoing,
Daisy Edgar-Jones for Normal People
Baron Cohen is up for leading actor for and the British-American actor Lily
for One Night in Miami, Chloé Zhao that film, as well as for his support-
rt- Collins for Emily in Paris.
Catherine Shoard for Nomadland and Emerald Fen- ing role in The Trial of the Chicago 7.
7. The nominees were announced by
Film editor nell, the British film-maker, for her Maria Bakalova, the Bulgarian actor or previous winners Sarah Jessica Parker
rape revenge comic thriller Promis- who played his daughter in Borat, at, and Taraji P Henson. They were joined
Three female directors will com- ing Young Woman. They will compete is nominated in the leading actress in by Spike Lee’s children, Satchel, 26,
pete for the first time at this year’s against two men who are no strangers a comedy or musical category. and Jackson, 23, who are this year’s
Golden Globes, following decades in to Globe nominations: Aaron Sorkin, The nominations are the first off Golden Globe ambassadors.
which it was rare for a woman to be for The Trial of the Chicago 7, and the major prizes to be unveiled sincece However Lee’s latest acclaimed
mentioned in the category. David Fincher, for Mank. the Covid pandemic capsized the film m film, Da 5 Bloods, was ignored by vot-
Only five female directors have ever Mank, a black-and-white ode to industry. While closely monitored ed ers, despite assumptions that it would
been nominated in the Globes’ 77-year Hollywood’s golden age, leads the field production has resumed, most US cin- n- have been nominated in multiple cat-
history: Sofia Coppola, Jane Campion with six nominations, including one emas have been closed for the past 10 egories, including director and for the
and Ava DuVernay, while Kathryn for leading actor Gary Oldman, who months. Eligibility for the Globes hasas performances of Delroy Lindo and
Bigelow and Barbra Streisand have plays Herman J Mankiewicz, hammer- al-
been relaxed to include major digital- Chadwick Boseman.
both been nominated twice. Only Stre- ing out the script for Citizen Kane. only premieres up until the date of the
he Carey Mulligan stars in Boseman, who died of cancer last
isand has won: for Yentl in 1983. Sorkin’s courtroom drama comes in ceremony itself on 28 February. Promising Young Woman August, aged 43, was nominated for
Yet women are in the majority on next with five, followed by The Father Netflix, the streaming service ce his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,
this year’s shortlist: Regina King, – an adaptation by Florian Zeller of his whose presence in the sector had ad alongside his co-star Viola Davis.

Commentary it deserved best film musical or frontrunner movies go, I have a hackwork, found himself sharing
comedy? hunch that it is Nomadland that will the screenplay Oscar with Orson
Peter Bradshaw In terms of diversity, the Globes wind up with the bragging rights – Welles for Citizen Kane. (The movie
have not disgraced themselves, its nominations for drama, director was scripted by Fincher’s late
with three out of the five director and actress (Frances McDormand) father Jack, who gets a posthumous
nominees being women: Emerald might very well be in tune with this screenplay nomination.)
Awards panel gets it right in Fennell for the brilliant rape-
revenge satire Promising Young
year’s zeitgeist.
It is not about Covid but rather
Florian Zeller’s The Father
also has four nods, with Anthony
Woman, Regina King for the true-life the social consequences of the Hopkins as the ageing dementia
terms of diversity and a new 60s encounter One Night in Miami,
and Chloé Zhao for the docudrama
2008 financial crash, with newly
penniless retirees forced to move
sufferer and Olivia Colman as his
daughter; it has devastated all who
Nomadland – although some will into Winnebagos and roam the have seen it. This too is a serious
thoughtfulness in the air be disappointed to see the relative
failure in the best film categories
country looking for seasonal work in
Amazon warehouses and the like. It
and heartfelt film and may also be
a Globe winner that addresses our

of the big black-ensemble pictures is a wonderful film, that speaks to a sober new mood.
his year’s Golden thriller Tenet was lauded by many such as One Night in Miami, Spike new thoughtfulness in the air. Fennell is a brilliant young film-
Globes will be the first in the business, but was sent away Lee’s Da 5 Bloods and Shaka King’s Nomadland’s four nods is maker who has scored a dazzling
film awards season almost empty-handed (one nod for Judas and the Black Messiah. outclassed by David Fincher’s triumph with her debut Promising
event to unfold in the Ludwig Göransson’s score). Of course, the streaming giants Mank, the league leader with six. Young Woman, with Carey Mulligan
globally buzzkilled It is also disappointing that are crowding out the rest. Netflix This is the dreamlike alt-reality as a mysterious avenger taking
new world of Covid the overwhelmingly moving has 22 film nominations in total, riff on Herman J Mankiewicz on predatory men, getting nods
restrictions, but some traditions and mysterious Pixar animation way ahead of Amazon Studios, (charismatically played by Gary for director, drama, actress and
are sacrosanct: the world of snubs. Soul gets only two nominations with seven. Disney must content Oldman), the screenwriter who, screenplay. But my feeling is this is
Christopher Nolan’s metaphysical – animation and score. Surely itself with a mere five. As far as after a career viewed as Tinseltown Nomadland and The Father’s year.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:18 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:23 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

18 National
▼ Kameel Ahmady back in Britain.
He was sentenced to nine years’ jail
for ‘conspiring with hostile powers’

‘I could escape or
not see my family’
Academic facing
jail fled Iran using
smugglers’ paths
Iraq and Turkey. But the routes are
Patrick Wintour hazardous: one smuggler carrying
Diplomatic editor four tyres on his back was recently

shot by border guards, while several
British-Iranian dual others have frozen to death.
national sentenced He said he feared if he had been
to nine years and caught he would have faced more
three months in jail in years in jail, but he had to take the
Iran for cooperating risk. “I smuggled myself out of Iran
with “a hostile state out of despair,” he said. “I felt I had
power” has smuggled himself out no other choice or option to leave.
of Iran, escaping over the country’s I was banned from travelling. I had
treacherous mountainous border, this bounty and this sentence.”
and is now living in London. Others claim that his story is even
In an interview with the Guardian, more complex, and days before the
Kameel Ahmady explained he court trial allegations of serious
felt had no option but to flee after sexual misconduct by Ahmady
spending nearly 100 days in Evin surfaced on an Instagram account.
prison, near Tehran, including a A #MeToo movement had started
brutal spell in solitary confinement in Iran at the time, and some of the
while he was being interrogated. stories were anonymous.
“Once I had been sentenced I had The allegations eventually led
a choice of whether I would stay and to his being removed as chair of the
not see my family and four-year- Iranian sociological society, and his
old child until he was 14, or to risk critics say the revelations may have
fleeing,” he said. contributed to his decision to flee
Ahmady, a social anthropologist while on bail.
whose research revealed the He said the allegations are
extent of female genital mutilation untrue. “As I said at the time, I take
(FGM) in Iran, was found guilty full responsibility for my actions,
of conspiring with hostile foreign but I do not accept any of these
powers in November 2020, among allegations. They are not related to to secure socio-cultural changes in “I said, ‘So what’s that got to do or seminars being cancelled at the
other charges, but was released on the charges brought against me by the Islamic Republic by lobbying with me?’ He said, ‘Wow, come on. last minute, especially after he gave
bail pending his appeal. He was also the court which led me to escape to raise the age of child marriage, You are British, you are worth a lot. media interviews and was invited
fined more than £500,000. to restart my life in safety with promoting homosexuality and Britain is the cradle of human rights, to give a presentation to a group of
He said given how Iranian my family.” maintaining contact with foreign so you are worth a lot to them.’ ” Iranian MPs to raise the age of child
courts normally confirmed the Ahmady is one of a small number powers. Ahmady said he had been marriage from 13 to 15.
first judgment and because of the of British-Iranian dual nationals, “By the first week of the harassed for long time before his A bill raising the age was passed
political motivation for the trial, he including Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, interrogation, the ship was released, arrest after he became a target of the by a majority in the parliament
had not held much hope his appeal who have been arrested in Iran and but I had no access to media. I was Revolutionary Guards, which started but soon after was blocked by the
would succeed – a view that was held, apparently for bargaining in solitary confinement. So the only to object to his research into FGM, legal commission. The age of child
confirmed when it was rejected in purposes. source of information I had was the child marriage, temporary marriage, marriage can fall to nine with the
absentia on Monday. Born in the multicultural town interrogators. And one day, this guy ethnicity, and lesbian, bisexual and permission of parents and the court.
Ahmady said he did not yet know of Naghadeh, populated by Kurds just came and he was so happy. He gay relationships. He said since the spring of 2019,
whether Iranian officials realised he and Turks, in Iran’s West Azerbaijan said, ‘Thank you. Thank you very He said his phone was snatched and the start of the harassment
had escaped the country. province, Ahmady left Iran for the much. We got our ship back. And I on the street and soon after all his against him, he had been preparing
He escaped carrying only his UK when he was 18, but returned in think you made a difference here. So accounts, including his emails, were for arrest. But when it happened
laptop and copies of the books and 2010 to look after his elderly father. thank you for this, but we still really hacked. He found himself being the reality was still a shock. “It is
articles he had published, crossing He was first arrested on 11 have a long way to go with you.’ banned from speaking engagements, like they have been ready for you
the border through snow 1.5 metres August 2019 after returning from for months or weeks. They are very
deep and fog, evading Iranian a UN human rights conference in  Ahmady with good at it, they are trained as to what
border patrols. Border security has Ethiopia, which he attended in his his wife, Shafaq to do at different stages. They know
been heightened ever since the role as an expert on FGM and child Rahmani. ‘I had what to do, how long to interrogate
assassination of the Iranian nuclear marriage. His family made his arrest a choice to stay you and exactly when to do it.
scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in known two days later. and not see my “They started on me in a very,
Tehran last year. He believes he was taken by family and child very small room, it’s almost like a
“I am Kurdish by ethnicity and I Revolutionary Guards partly owing or to risk fleeing,’ grave. You have three army blankets,
know some of the routes, but it was to his research and also because he said one as a cover, one to sleep on
very dangerous. I had to try several Iran was looking for British assets to PHOTOGRAPH: and one as a pillow. For 24 hours
times,” he said. seize as a reprisal for British marines FACEBOOK there is a bright shining light on
Ahmady followed the paths helping to seize an Iranian ship, top of your head, a Qur’an, a mohr
used by mountain porters evading Grace 1, off Gibraltar on 4 July 2019. on which Shias pray, and a phone
US-imposed sanctions to carry The ship was suspected of breaching to contact the guards to take you
alcohol, car parts, medicine, EU sanctions by taking oil to Syria. to the toilet. There is no natural
cigarettes and contraband from He was formally accused of trying light, and a window in the prison
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:19 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:23 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •


‘It is so sad you want

to be interrogated
more because that is
the only way you can Labour defends focus on
patriotism and union flag
Kameel Ahmady
British-Iranian academic
clear and distinct difference between
Jessica Elgot patriotism and nationalism,” he said.
Deputy political editor “Clement Attlee and Denis Healey both
wore uniforms and took pride in their
from his questioning that he had Labour has defended its renewed country and no one would consider
made up his mind. focus on British values and the union them nationalists.”
“Although he had my books and flag, saying Keir Starmer sees patriot- The former MP for Sedgefield Phil
research he took no interest in them. ism as wanting to improve the country, Wilson tweeted that a Labour leader’s
In fact he had no knowledge of social after a leaked strategy document was patriotism should be “a given, not a
science and no experts were present criticised by some within the party. strategy”.
or allowed to provide professional The document, seen by the Guard- A Labour spokesperson said
opinion. The only things that ian, advised Labour to make “use of Starmer was proud to be patriotic.
concerned him were my dual the [union] flag, veterans [and] dress- “Keir wants to be prime minister of this
nationality, the years I had been in ing smartly” as part of a rebranding country, because he wants to believe
the UK, the universities I attended. to help it win back the trust of disillu- that a better future is possible for this
“The whole purpose of the sioned voters. It also says that many country, where we can spread oppor-
questioning was to link me to the voters could not describe what or who tunities for everybody, we can rebuild
west and my infiltration as part of a Labour stands for. our public services, we can create best
bid to change the Islamic way of life. The presentation suggests dis- businesses in the world, which are the
“At one level I knew I was in plays of patriotism are needed to envy of the world.
trouble. There was a time in prison reinforce that the party has changed. “You can call it whatever you want,
when my chief interrogator came One slide says: “Belonging needs to be patriotism or whatever, but that’s what
down the corridor – I knew it was reinforced through all messengers,” he stands for. The union flag repre-
him from the sound of his steps – while another is headed “communicat- sents a country that Labour wants
and he was smacking his lips. ing Labour’s respect and commitment to govern.”
“He said, ‘Kameel you are for the country can represent a change
delicious. First you are a Kurd, in the party’s body language”.
second thing you come from Sunni The document has been criticised
background, most importantly you by a number of leftwing MPs, including
are British and researching sensitive the former shadow cabinet ministers
subjects. We can bargain with you. Clive Lewis and Richard Burgon, who
You know how it works.’” said it risked alienating young voters
But he said he still thought he and those of black, Asian and minor-
would get away with a warning ity ethnic backgrounds, and lacked
or some sort of suspended ambition and authenticity. But some
imprisonment. But Salavati found of the party’s former MPs defended the
him guilty and his judgment, strategy, saying it showed the party
released by Ahmady, shows quite wanted to rebuild trust.
how ideologically the regime was Gareth Snell, the former MP for
opposed to his work on FGM and Stoke-on-Trent Central, said critics
early child marriage, and how should realise how important some
convinced they were that he was of the issues were for certain voters,
working for hostile powers. and that patriotism should not be con-
Salavati said Ahmady had taken flated with xenophobia.
courses at universities where “I don’t think some of the criticism
“subversive institutes and centres that came out last night that suggested ▲ Labour says Keir Starmer is proud
relevant to spying services organised that this is just a move towards nation- to be patriotic and ‘wants to believe a
these courses”. It was possible, alism is fair at all, because there is a better future is possible’ for the UK
Salavati said, “the spying services
door opens through which they invested in people like Kameel
put your food. That is your only
communication with the outside
Ahmady, educating and training
them to penetrate in the Islamic Plant-based diet The report, supported by the UN
environment programme (Unep),
world. It is incredibly quiet, and you Republic of Iran many years later”. focused on three solutions. First a shift
just become crazy. You don’t know By holding campaign meetings essential to save to plant-based diets, because cattle,
what time it is, and you don’t know with Iranian MPs trying to raise sheep and other livestock have the big-
what will happen next.
“When you are taken out to
the age of child marriage, Salavati
found that Ahmady had sought to
wildlife – report gest impact on the environment.
More than 80% of global farmland
go to the toilet, or half an hour’s undermine Iran. is used to raise animals, which provide
fresh air, or to be interrogated you Salavati said in his judgment: only 18% of calories eaten. Reversing
are blindfolded. And then your “Generally, it can be said that Damian Carrington the rising trend of meat consumption
interrogation becomes your lifeline, increasing the age of marriage for Environment editor removes the pressure to clear new land
it’s so sad that you want to be children is one of the strategies and further damage wildlife. It also
interrogated more because that is of the enemy for weakening and The global food system is the biggest frees up existing land for the second
the only way you can communicate ruining the family system; and that driver of destruction of the natural solution: restoring native ecosystems
with a fellow human being. Mr Kameel Ahmady is one of the world and a shift to predominantly to increase biodiversity.
“They were trying very hard to leaders in the implementation of this plant-based diets is crucial to halting The availability of land also under-
portray me as someone sent off to strategy in Iran.” the damage, according to a report. pins the third solution, the report said,
Iran by the British, recruited by the Ahmady said: “When I was told Agriculture was the main threat to which is farming in a less intensive and
foreign powers to try to influence the length of the sentence I thought 86% of the 28,000 species known to damaging way but accepting lower
certain people in the government.” it was a joke. I never thought they be at risk of extinction, the report by yields. Organic yields are on average
Ahmady said that after about a were going to hand out 10 years. the Chatham House thinktank said. about 75% of those of conventional
month they moved him to a slightly Everybody was shocked. Without change, the loss of biodiver- intensive farming, it said.
larger room where he could walk in “At first I was adamant I was not sity would continue to accelerate and Fixing the global food system would
a circle. “It had a toilet and it felt like going to leave. I have been a fighter threaten the world’s ability to sustain tackle the climate crisis, the report
▲ Ahmady fled Buckingham Palace.” all my life, but now I must change humanity. said. The food system causes about
Iran across its His case was delayed owing to my battleground. I just thought what The root cause was a vicious circle 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions,
treacherous the Covid outbreak. Just before am I going to do? of cheap food, the report said, where with more than half coming from
mountain border his trial, accusations about his “I knew if I was caught trying to low costs drive greater demand for animals. Changes to food production
after spending professionalism emerged. escape it would be open to all sorts food and more waste, with more could also reduce the ill health suf-
100 days in Evin “In the trial Abolqasem Salavati, of interpretation that I was who they competition then driving costs even fered by 3 billion people, who either
prison the judge in many controversial said I was, I was being rescued by lower through more clearing of land have too little to eat or are overweight
PHOTOGRAPH: human rights cases, was very a foreign power, I was transferring and the use of polluting fertilisers and or obese, and which costs trillions of
KAMEEL AHMADY condescending, and you could tell data abroad.” pesticides. dollars a year in healthcare.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:20 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:26 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:21 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:26 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

▼ Bangkok, Thailand 21
A shopping mall roof is festooned with
decorations for the lunar new year on
12 February; 2021 is the year of the ox
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:22 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021


Kremlin shrugs off
His wife, who had waved goodbye Further accusations of brutal treat- ▲ Police detaining Alexei Navalny
to Navalny in court, yesterday broke ment and torture also began emerging supporters in St Petersburg on
her silence on the case. yesterday as protesters held in police Tuesday following his jail sentence
“You write to me that I’m strong. stations overnight were released. PHOTOGRAPH: ANATOLY MALTSEV/EPA

Navalny protests as I’m not strong, I’m normal,” she said

in a post on Instagram addressed to
her supporters. “I read your messages
An activist told Russian media that
officers in a Moscow police station had
put a plastic bag over her head and
jail that was being used to help process
the thousands of detainees.

his supporters crowd

and understand that there are so many threatened her with a Taser in order “For the last nine hours we’ve been
good, strong, correct people support- to force her to give up her telephone held in a bus where we’re being forced
ing Alexei and me that we should not password, which she eventually did. to remain standing,” one man said in
retreat or be afraid. We will win.” A total of 1,438 people were arrested a video posted to the internet. “We

jails across Russia Peskov did address Tuesday’s

protests against the Navalny ruling,
defending a brutal crackdown by
armoured riot police wielding batons
across the country on Tuesday, the
OVD-Info monitor reported, with
many sent to jails already overcrowded
with protesters detained over the past
don’t have water. We aren’t taken to
the toilets. There are dozens of other
[buses] with detainees being held here
as well.”
that led to more than 1,150 arrests in two weeks. The crackdown on protests con-
said Vladimir Putin had been too busy Moscow alone after the judge handed In one case, protesters detained at tinued as a judge yesterday jailed
Andrew Roth to follow the case and had not reacted down the prison sentence. a rally on Sunday released a video two the editor-in-chief of the MediaZona
Moscow to Navalny’s courtroom speech on the Videos from the protests on Tues- days later saying they were being held website, which covers the Russian
day of his sentencing. Navalny had day showed police beating unarmed by police in a bus in –11C temperatures court and prison systems, for 25 days
The Kremlin has attempted to play said the Russian president would go protesters who had their hands up and because there was no space at a local for retweeting a joke on Twitter that
down the jailing of the opposition down in history as “Vladimir Putin, journalists, including a camera oper- included details of a 23 January rally.
leader Alexei Navalny, saying that the poisoner of underpants”. ator in a yellow press bib struck twice The editor, Sergei Smirnov, did not
his 32-month imprisonment will not “I don’t think that the convict in the head by a helmeted riot police attend the protest.
have “significant influence” on Rus- you’ve mentioned can speak about the officer. Police said they had opened an Tatiana Stanovaya, a political ana-
sian politics or lead to a mass protest place Putin will occupy in history,” said investigation into the incident. lyst and founder of R.Politik, said that
movement similar to the one in neigh- Dmitri Peskov. “Absolutely not. This is Peskov said that cases of excessive the harsh sentence against Navalny
bouring Belarus. for the people of the country to say.” violence by police should be investi- was part of a campaign to “demon-
As protesters detained at recent ral- The hearing came to a dramatic gated, but also that the harsh measures strate that no move aimed against
lies in support of Navalny complained conclusion on Tuesday evening as employed by the police at the rallies the security services would remain
of inhumane conditions and police the opposition leader was jailed for were justified. “There should be no unpunished”.
beatings as they were held in over- allegedly violating his parole from an unsanctioned protest activity,” he “Make no mistake, the Kremlin is
crowded jails or on buses in subzero earlier case, becoming Russia’s most said. “Obviously, this kind of activity ▲ Alexei Navalny gesturing to his wife not terribly afraid of protests,” she
temperatures, the Kremlin spokesman prominent political prisoner. should be put a stop to quite firmly.” before being handed 32 months in jail said.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:23 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

EU under pressure Republican reckoning 23

Leaders feel the heat Calls to punish
nish two
on vaccination rate Trump loyalists
Page 24 Page 25

Aung San ‘We won’t obey orders

from the illegitimate
Suu Kyi is military regime’

charged Organisers of a strike

by health workers

with having profile pictures to signal their loyalty

to Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent nearly
illegal radios 15 years in detention as she cam-
paigned against military rule before
being released in 2010.
Within Myanmar, she is widely
revered as a heroine of democracy,
Rebecca Ratcliffe and despite international condemnation
Guardian reporter Yangon over the treatment of the Rohingya.
The NLD has called for Aung San
Myanmar police have charged the Suu Kyi’s release and urged the mil-
ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, itary to acknowledge the results of
with possession of illegally imported November’s election, which it won
walkie-talkies, which could result in by a landslide.
a two-year prison sentence, as a civil The military detained Aung San
disobedience campaign grew against Suu Kyi in early morning raids on
the military’s coup. Monday, hours before the opening of
A document from a police station in parliament. It has accused the NLD of
the capital, Naypyidaw, said military election fraud, a claim observers have
officers who searched Aung San Suu dismissed as fabricated. She report-
Kyi’s residence had found handheld ▲ People clatter tins and other objects “We refuse to obey any order from until the elected government is edly remains under house arrest.
radios that were imported illegally on the streets of Yangon in a symbolic the illegitimate military regime who restored,” said Kyaw, a surgeon at West The US, which has formally declared
and used without permission by her protest against the military coup demonstrated they do not have any Yangon general hospital who has the military’s takeover a coup, has
bodyguards. The charges, confirmed PHOTOGRAPH: STR/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES regards for our poor patients,” the resigned from the government hos- threatened to reimpose sanctions,
by her party, appear to carry a max- organisers said. pital where he worked. Doctors are while countries around the world have
imum prison sentence of two years. The moves are likely to fuel already Teachers’ groups, including the instead treating patients in their demanded the release of detainees and
A state newspaper also reported that simmering anger towards the mili- Myanmar Teachers’ Federation , homes and at charity health clinics. for the army to relinquish power.
the new military government would tary. In one of the first organised acts announced they would join the civil There have been no reports of street The G7 group of the world’s larg-
investigate what it has described as of defiance against the army since disobedience campaign, while a demonstrations against the army, but est developed economies yesterday
fraud in November’s election, in which Monday’s coup, health workers in 70 Facebook page that was set up to coor- there is palpable anger among the pub- condemned the coup and said it was
its proxy party was heavily defeated by hospitals and medical departments in dinate such action accumulated more lic, who have lived under repressive deeply concerned about the fate of
Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League Naypyidaw, Yangon and other towns than 180,000 followers by yesterday military regimes for five decades. detained political leaders.
for Democracy (NLD). and cities said they would not work evening. Last night, the clanging of pots At a meeting of the UN security
The ousted president, Win Myint, under the military regime, accusing The All Burma Federation of and pans echoed through Yangon, as council on Tuesday China and Russia
is meanwhile to be charged for alleg- the generals of placing their own pri- Student Unions has urged other gov- people took to their balconies in a sym- blocked a statement condemning the
edly breaching coronavirus laws by orities above those of ordinary people ernment workers to strike. bolic protest against the military. coup and calling for its reversal, while
meeting people on the campaign trail. during the pandemic. “They will not stop this movement On social media, many adopted red India and Vietnam were equivocal.

Former ECB chief Draghi agrees Renzi, whose party did not sup-
port the formation of a new majority
under Conte, has repeatedly suggested
‘Super Mario’ Can he triumph again?

to be Italy’s new prime minister Draghi as the ideal person to lead a

new government. “Now is the time for “Whatever it takes.” Three words if they wanted to carry on selling
sobriety,” Renzi wrote on Facebook. that tamed the financial markets, Italian and Spanish bonds they
the needs of citizens and relaunching “No more polemics. Long live Italy.” saved the euro from possible would have to take on the ECB and
Angela Giuffrida the country are our challenges. We Draghi said he was confident “unity collapse and turned Mario Draghi its considerable firepower.
Rome have extraordinary resources com- will emerge” from dialogue with vari- from an Italian technocrat into the Few were prepared to take that
ing from the EU and we can do a lot ous parliamentary groups. However, central banker of his generation risk, and even before the Frankfurt-
Mario Draghi, the former European for the future of the country.” it is unclear if he will win the broad – and an obvious choice to head a based bank had bought a single bond
Central Bank chief, has accepted a Italy is poised to receive more than support needed from political forces. new coalition government in Rome the pressure on the governments in
mandate to try to form a new Italian €200bn (£175bn) from the EU’s recov- The Five Star Movement (M5S), as Italy is facing the triple whammy Rome and Madrid had eased.
government as the country seeks to ery fund – the largest share among the biggest party in parliament, said of Covid-19, economic collapse and Draghi, born in the postwar Italy
end the political crisis triggered by the member states. The crisis was trig- it would not back a technical admin- political chaos. of the 1940s, has had a long and
collapse of its most recent coalition. gered when the former prime minister istration led by Draghi. The populist The country’s president, Sergio varied career. He was an academic,
Draghi, 73, nicknamed “Super Matteo Renzi withdrew his small Italia party emerged as a powerful force in Mattarella, was desperate to appoint and worked for the World Bank and
Mario” for his role in saving the Euro- Viva party from the ruling majority in part as a reaction to Italy’s last techno- someone with the authority to lead the Italian treasury before leaving
pean single currency, will have to January amid clashes over the govern- cratic government. Nicola Zingaretti, the country out of deep recession for a job in the private sector with
galvanise support in parliament to ment’s handling of the pandemic and the leader of the centre-left Dem- and counter the Euroscepticism of Goldman Sachs in 2001. After four
quickly build a technical administra- the recovery spending plan. ocratic party, said he would meet parties of the right, and who better years, he became governor of the
tion needed to manage the pandemic leaders of M5S and Free and Equal, a than “Super Mario”, the man who Bank of Italy and was appointed to
and revive Italy’s battered economy. small leftwing group in the alliance. dug the single currency out of a run the ECB in 2011.
Draghi was summoned yesterday Matteo Salvini, leader of the oppo- deep hole in 2012? Those who thought he would be
to meet Italy’s president, Sergio Mat- sition far-right League, and Giorgia Having told the speculators that only a figurehead at the ECB, with
tarella, after ruling coalition partners Meloni, who heads the smaller far- they underestimated the political the real decisions being made by
failed to form a majority following right Brothers of Italy, both repeated capital that had been invested in Germany and its allies in northern
Giuseppe Conte’s resignation as prime calls for early elections. Speaking for monetary union, Draghi continued: Europe, were quickly proved wrong.
minister last week. both parties and the conservative “Within our mandate, the ECB Draghi now has to use his
“I thank the president of the repub- Forza Italia, Salvini said the three [European Central Bank] is ready experience and credibility to sort
lic for the trust he has placed in me,” would, however, have no prejudices in to do whatever it takes to preserve out the problems of an economy
Draghi said after the meeting. “Over- their meetings with Draghi and would the euro. And believe me, it will be that – after a disastrous 2020 – is
coming the pandemic, completing the ▲ Mario Draghi accepted a mandate present policy proposals before decid- enough.” barely bigger than it was in 1999.
vaccination campaign, responding to to try to form a new government ing what to do in parliament. The markets got the message: Larry Elliott
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:24 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:34 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

24 News

 French police lost out, the Finnish former prime

officers pass a minister Alexander Stubb stressed
closed cafe as this week.
they patrol the “Small EU states would have had
streets of Paris virtually no negotiating power,” Stubb
to enforce Covid tweeted. “Big states would have swept
restrictions. the doses.” Playing a national card
The country when “the virus does not respect bor-
hopes that a ders” would necessarily be “a race to
third national the bottom … The key is to coordinate.”
lockdown can be But the commission – which had no
avoided experience in a public procurement
PHOTOGRAPH: exercise on this scale – handled nego-
STEPHANE DE tiations with manufacturers more
like the trade talks with which it is
more familiar, focusing on price and
questions of liability than securing a
maximum of doses fast.
That led, inevitably, to late orders
and supply shortfalls. Delays have
since been compounded by the Euro-
pean drug regulator’s longer approval
process, and by several states seem-
ingly being ill-prepared for the doses
that have arrived.
‘All in all, I The EU’s top performers include
don’t think Denmark, Ireland, Spain and Italy, all
that anything of which have delivered at least one
has gone dose to more than 3.5% of their popu-
wrong’ lation. Under-performers include the
Netherlands, Austria and France, on
less than 2.5%.
Angela Merkel Many EU countries, however, are
German leader focusing on delivering two doses
within the interval recommended by
vaccine manufacturers and the World
Health Organization. By that measure,

Merkel and Macron

with Germany, with the EU.” Both reit- at Merkel and her ally, the commis- both Germany and Italy are outper-
erated their pledge that a jab would be sion president, Ursula von der Leyen. forming the UK.
offered to all adults who wanted it by The EU’s decision to collectively Merkel, Macron and Von der Leyen
the end of the summer. purchase and distribute vaccines have all stressed the importance of

lead defence of EU’s EU member states have so far

administered at least one dose to just
3% of their populations, against 59% in
enjoyed broad support in principle,
mainly because of the bloc’s experi-
ence in the first wave of the virus when
public trust in the vaccination pro-
cess, highlighting among reasons for
the EU’s slow progress its decision not

vaccination strategy
Israel, 15% in the UK and 10% in the US. several member states blocked exports to follow Britain in seeking emergency
The states are at different stages of protective equipment. approval for Covid shots.
in their struggle with the virus, with A similar approach to vaccines Emmanuel Rivière, the director of
some, such as Italy and Poland, lift- would have led to wealthy countries international polling at Kantar, said
ing lockdown restrictions and others, such as Germany, France and the Neth- many Europeans were “torn between
as vaccination numbers continued to such as Germany and the Netherlands, erlands doing well, while the likes of a desire to be vaccinated and a need to
Jon Henley lag behind countries such as Israel, the retaining them, mainly over concerns Croatia and Slovakia would have had be convinced it’s safe”.
Europe correspondent UK and the US. about new variants. He cited a survey for the EU com-
The German chancellor said on France, meanwhile, hopes to avoid mission showing that while a majority
Europe’s national leaders are starting Tuesday night that it “rankled” that a third national lockdown as case num- of those polled said they wanted a jab,
to feel the heat over the EU’s Covid vac- others were vaccinating faster, but bers remain stable but comparatively only 23% wanted it immediately, with
cines programme, increasingly seen as insisted the EU’s slower but collec- high, while Portugal has suffered a 29% preferring “sometime in 2021”
having been over-cautious, marred by tive strategy had been the right one. devastating surge and has accepted and 18% later still.
mistakes and, above all, achingly slow “All in all, I don’t think anything has doctors, nurses, ventilators and hos- Although the EU’s drug regulator
to progress. gone wrong,” Merkel said. pital beds from Germany. had yet to approve a single vaccine at
Shaken by the weekend’s blunder France’s president also said on Nonetheless, criticism of the EU’s the time of the poll in late December,
over exports to Northern Ireland, Tuesday that progress “may seem slow vaccine rollout has been build- 62% – including majorities in 19 coun-
both Angela Merkel and Emmanuel slow” compared with countries that ing, not least in Germany where media tries – felt Covid vaccines were “being
Macron felt the need to explicitly “made other bets”. But Macron added: and politicians jostling in the run-up ▲ A medical worker at a Covid testing developed, tested and authorised too
defend the bloc’s approach this week, “I defend the strategy we have adopted to September elections have taken aim centre in Les Sables d’Olonne, France quickly” to be safe.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:25 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:51 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

World 25

US party Olympics
body plans
divided Covid-safe
on calls ‘silent Games’
to punish in Tokyo
Cheney Justin McCurry

and The organisers of the 2020 Olympics

are planning a silent Games in Tokyo,

with bans on singing and chanting
among a list of restrictions officials
say will protect athletes, staff and the
public from coronavirus.
The International Olympic Com-
mittee’s first “Covid playbook”,
published yesterday, is aimed at sports
Lauren Gambino federations and technical officials, but
Washington similar measures designed to prevent
the Games from becoming a super-
Republicans faced a reckoning spreader event are expected to apply
yesterday as leaders in the US House to athletes – and possibly spectators –
of Representatives confronted calls ▲ Trump loyalists are demanding when the Olympics open on 23 July.
to punish two prominent congress- Liz Cheney be stripped of her post for The playbook says visitors should
women who represent clashing voting to impeach the then president “support athletes by clapping and not
futures for a party with no dominant PHOTOGRAPH: SAMUEL CORUM/GETTY singing or chanting”, while athletes
leader since Donald Trump left the will be subject to testing a minimum
White House. The only president in American of once every four days while they are
Those loyal to the former president history to be impeached twice, Trump in Tokyo. All visitors will be required
are demanding that Republicans strip maintains strong support among the to present proof of a recent negative
Liz Cheney, the No 3 Republican, of her faithful, even after being expelled Covid test upon arrival in Japan, but
leadership post as punishment for her from social media for whipping up vaccination will not be a condition
vote last month to impeach Trump. his supporters into the deadly riot at of participating in the Games, which
At the same time, the party is facing the Capitol. were postponed for a year last March as
mounting calls from Democrats and Greene, meanwhile, has, become the pandemic began its global spread.
some moderate Republicans to a serious liability for the Republican Athletes and officials will not be
remove the newly elected congress- party. Democrats are seizing on the permitted to use public transport
woman Marjorie Taylor Greene of turmoil, and this week launched a half- without permission, must wear face
Georgia from her powerful committee a-million dollar advertising campaign masks when appropriate, and practise
assignments because of her social to make her the face of the Republi- social distancing. Serious or repeated
media history of bigoted and violent can party. violations could result in ejection.
comments. The adverts link eight Republicans, Despite speculation the postponed
On Tuesday Kevin McCarthy, the including McCarthy, to Greene and Games could be called off as a result
Republican House minority leader, ▲ Democrats and some moderate 17 people were murdered, was a “false the QAnon conspiracy theory. “He of the pandemic, the IOC’s executive
met Greene, a devotee of the anti- Republicans want to remove Marjorie flag” event – a hoax staged by those stood with ‘Q’, not you,” a narrator director, Christophe Dubi, said he was
semitic conspiracy theory QAnon, Taylor Greene for her extreme views opposing lax gun rights. She has also says ominously in an advert target- confident the guidelines would ensure
who has in the past indicated her PHOTOGRAPH: ERIN SCOTT/REUTERS publicly harassed a survivor of that ing the Republican congressman Don the safety of everyone involved.
support on social media for executing massacre. Bacon of Nebraska, and referring to Craig Spence, of the International
Democratic politicians, to discuss her conduct”, a reference to her social Greene also serves on the House the shadowy and probably fake anony- Paralympic Committee, said the world
committee assignments. However, the media posts supporting an array of budget committee. mous government operative character knew much more about the virus – and
congresswoman apparently refused to conspiracy theories. McCarthy, a staunch ally of Trump at the centre of that conspiracy move- how to contain it – than it did when the
resign her positions. Other Democrats have introduced who voted to overturn the election ment, known to followers as “Q”. Games were postponed.
Yesterday, the House majority measures to censure Greene on the results in two states, based on spurious Some conservative lawmakers, Japan has been hit less severely
leader and Democrat, Steny Hoyer, House floor or expel her from the allegations of voter fraud, in the hours in response to the Democrats’ cam- by Covid than many comparable
said that left the Democrats with no chamber, an extraordinary step that after the 6 January insurrection at paign to hold Greene accountable, are countries, with fewer than 6,000
choice but to proceed with a resolution would require support from dozens the US Capitol, also faced pressure attempting to turn the tables by push- deaths recorded. But a recent surge
to strip Greene of her assignments. of Republicans. from members of his own party to ing a long-short resolution that would in cases forced the government to
After a discussion with McCarthy, Greene has defended herself on reprimand Cheney during a closed- instead strip the Democratic congress- declare a state of emergency in Tokyo
he said it was “clear there is no alter- Twitter, claiming that Democrats’ door meeting later yesterday. woman Ilhan Omar of her committee until early March and to close its bor-
native” to holding a vote on the floor efforts to remove her from the House Cheney, the daughter of the former assignments because of comments she ders to non-resident foreigners.
of the House – an indication that the labour and education committee were vice-president Dick Cheney and now made in 2019 that members in both There is growing concern that an
Republican leadership was not willing an attack on her identity as a “White, a Republican representative for the parties condemned as antisemitic. influx of 15,400 Olympic and Para-
to take away Greene’s positions. The Woman, Wife, Mother, Christian, family’s home state of Wyoming, has “If the Democrat majority wants to lympic athletes, as well as sponsors,
vote is scheduled for today. Conservative, Business Owner”. received support from Republican go down this road, they should start officials and staff, will spread the virus.
This week, the Senate minority Her appointment to the education leaders, including McConnell, who by dealing with their own members Opinion polls show most Japanese do
leader, Mitch McConnell, condemned committee was particularly problem- called her “a leader with deep convic- who have been at this before and after not want the Games to go ahead.
Greene’s embrace of what he called atic after it was revealed that she had tions and the courage to act on them”. their election to Congress,” said Brian
“loony lies and conspiracy theories”, wrongly claimed that the 2018 school The Republican senator Lindsey Babin, the Texas congressman who
saying her views were a “cancer for the shooting in Parkland, Florida, in which Graham , a frequent defender of introduced the resolution.
Republican party”. Trump, said Cheney was “one of the But Dean Phillips, a Democrat from
But McCarthy and other leaders strongest and most reliable conserv- Minnesota, responded by telling
have been more circumspect, aware ‘White, Woman, Wife, ative voices in the Republican party” Republicans to “get a grip on reality”.
of Greene’s support among the party’s
grassroots and with Trump, whom she
Mother, Christian, and called her leadership in the party
“Omar didn’t belittle a school
shooting survivor, claim that no
met this week at his Mar-a-Lago resort Conservative’ The fates of the two congress- airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11,
in Florida, where he has been since women underscores the deep internal insist lasers started the CA wildfires,
leaving Washington on 20 January. tensions in the Republicans as the or endorse the assassination of the
The resolution, introduced by the Marjorie Taylor Greene party grapples with the aftershocks Speaker of the US House of Represent- ▲ Visitors to the Tokyo Games will be
Democrats, cites Greene’s “recent On her identity of Trump’s presidency. atives,” he said. banned from singing or chanting
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:26 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 16:31 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

26 Classified
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:27 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:57 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •


FTSE 100 All share Dow Indl Nikkei 225 £/€ £/$
-8.83 - 0.84 +3.37 +284.33 1.1359 1.3645
6507.82 3706.36 30690.85 28646.50 +0.0028 +0.0016

UK needs 1945-style reboot CureVac and

when “real shifts for the better” had
taken place, he added: “Let’s be clear.
The scale of the shocks we’re facing
today – Brexit, Covid, and the climate
GSK in deal to
of economy, says CBI chief
imperative – demands a similarly dra-
matic moment of unity and foresight.
“So, what will we take from this cri-
sis? Where, in our darkest times, have
develop jab
come together to forge a better dec-
we made real shifts for the better? Most
notably, of course, in the aftermath of
the second world war, when postwar
aimed at new
Richard Partington
Economics correspondent
ade. More 1945 than 2008,” he said.
Danker, head of the country’s
reconstruction gave birth to the NHS
and creation of the welfare state.”
Covid strains
most powerful business lobby group, Danker’s speech came as Boris
Britain needs an economic strat- replaced Dame Carolyn Fairbairn in Johnson’s government drew up plans
egy for the next decade to match the the role late last year. Previously he for easing coronavirus restrictions this
ambition of the 1945 postwar recov- was chief executive of Be the Business, spring and rebooting the economy Mark Sweney and Julia Kollewe
ery as the country emerges from the a government and industry funded from the deepest recession in more
Covid pandemic, the new head of the organisation launched by George than 300 years.
Confederation of British Industry Osborne with the aim of boosting Brit- Business leaders and unions have GlaxoSmithKline and the German firm
said yesterday. ish companies’ productivity. Formerly called for the furlough scheme to be CureVac have reached a €150m (£132m)
In his first keynote speech as direc- he had been chief strategy officer at extended until at least the summer. agreement to develop the next genera-
tor general of the CBI, Tony Danker said Guardian News and Media, the pub- Danker, warning against a full tion of Covid-19 vaccines, designed to
the “triple shocks” of Brexit, corona- lisher of the Guardian and Observer. embrace of free-market ideology, target new emerging variants.
virus and climate change highlighted Saying the UK had failed to “build said a middle ground between big The two companies said they
the need for business and government back better” from the 2008 banking cri- ‘The scale of the government and neoliberalism could planned to develop a shot next year
to work together on a long-term plan. sis, Danker warned that productivity be forged. that could address “multiple emerg-
Invoking the work of the 1945 and economic growth had flatlined,
shocks we’re facing Urging the government to invest in a ing variants in one vaccine”.
Labour government to reboot Britain’s while Britain had become a more demands a similarly green recovery, he said a national eco- GSK, the UK’s second biggest
economy from the devastation of the divided nation. This time around, he nomic vision for overcoming political pharmaceutical firm and the world’s
second world war, and contrasting it said, “vision, a plan and a consensus dramatic moment of cycles could be created. “We have been biggest vaccine maker, will also sup-
with the response to the 2008 finan- as a nation to pursue it” were needed unity and foresight’ short term, both sides, and failed to port making up to 100m doses of
cial crisis, he said the government, to rebuild a fairer, greener economy. unite around a shared plan to realise CureVac’s first-generation Covid-19
businesses and trade unions needed Highlighting the creation of the wel- Tony Danker our potential. History will judge how vaccine candidate, CVnCoV, this year.
to work together on a fightback plan. fare state and the birth of the NHS after CBI director general we used this moment to map the path CureVac is already working with
“I believe we must, and we will, the second world war as a moment to get to 2030.” Bayer in Germany to speed up devel-
opment and production of up to 300m
doses of CVnCov this year. The vac-

De Beers sales cine, which unlike other mRNA shots

can be kept at fridge temperature, is
being tested on thousands of volun-
surge thanks to teers in late-stage trials, and initial
results are expected in March or April.
festive rush for The new GSK/CureVac project will
also develop mRNA vaccines, this time

jewellery in US designed to address multiple variants

of the virus. The mRNA process injects
genetic material into the body that
contains the instructions to make the
spike protein of the coronavirus. In
Jillian Ambrose response to these proteins, the body’s
immune system is activated, offering
De Beers has revealed its strong- The companies said the increase
est diamond sales in three years in emerging variants that are more
after a Christmas surge in jewellery resistant to the current vaccines being
purchases, with sales 10% above the administered, such as the variant first
group’s 20-year average. identified in South Africa, meant sci-
The world’s biggest diamond miner entists needed to “accelerate efforts”
made $650m (£475m) from its rough to develop new vaccines.
stones last month, well above sales of “The race is on for a variety of differ-
$551m in early 2020, amounting to the ent technologies to get as many people
highest sales since January 2018. protected around the world as possi-
Sales were propelled thanks to a ble,” said GSK’s chief executive, Emma
busy Christmas season for jewellery Walmsley.
buying in the US, and the company The aim is for the next generation of
hopes for a diamond rush over the vaccines to either protect people who
Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day. have not been vaccinated or to serve as
The Covid-19 pandemic had initially De Beers reportedly called for one by up to 5% in the January sales round, ▲ A model shows off a diamond a booster “in the event that Covid-19
led to a collapse in demand for stones of the steepest increases in diamond according to a report by Bloomberg, ring and necklace at the Hong immunity gained from an initial vac-
as many jewellery makers and stores prices in almost 10 years last month, which cited unnamed sources. Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair cination reduces over time”.
were obliged to shut down. when it raised the price for stones This increase, which is under- PHOTOGRAPH: ALEX HOFFORD/EPA-EFE It is an attempt by GSK to get back
Bruce Cleaver, the chief executive larger than one carat. stood to apply to stones bigger than in the game after major setbacks to a
at De Beers Group, said midstream The company does not reveal what one carat, would be one of the steep- off global demand for diamonds and Covid-19 vaccine it is developing with
diamond buyers – who transform the it charges buyers, but is understood to est hikes since the early part of the last gems. The company said it had provi- its French partner, Sanofi.
rough stones into polished diamonds – have increased the price of its stones decade, according to the report. sionally sold $2.7bn (£1.9bn) of rough The partners said last month that
had begun to restock so were prepared The stronger sales and higher prices diamonds last year, down sharply from their shot would be delayed until

to fulfil new orders from retailers. could signal a change in fortune for sales of more than $4bn in 2019. the end of this year after it failed to
Although the diamond industry the business, part of the Anglo Amer- There was a glimmer of recovery produce a strong enough immunity
still faced “risks to recovery”, due to ican mining conglomerate since 2012. in the final diamond sales cycle of response in older people. GSK is sup-
Covid-19 rules restricting movement Sales of rough diamonds in January, Sales slumped by a third in 2020 last year, when earnings climbed to plying an adjuvant, a booster added to
of people and goods, Cleaver said he up from $551m in early 2020, and to hit their lowest level in almost 10 a provisional $440m in December, up a vaccine to create stronger and longer-
was encouraged by the rise in demand. the highest since January 2018 years as the pandemic took the shine slightly on the same period last year. lasting immunity.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:28 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:49 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

28 Financial

Amazon under fire

structures designed solely for the pur-
pose of avoiding tax” and that it was
“about time Amazon buck up its ideas
and starts contributing fairly”.

over tax after 51%

Critics accuse Amazon of “aggres-
sively avoiding” tens of billions of tax
due to governments across the world
by shifting its profits through low-tax

surge in UK sales
jurisdictions, such as Luxembourg.
“Their tax contribution continues
to be miserly,” Monaghan said. “In
2020, their corporation tax contri-
bution across the world was just 7%,
which is down even on the 11% they
announced he was stepping down paid through the preceding decade.”
Rupert Neate from the day-to-day running of the Amazon is not alone in creating
Wealth correspondent company and handing the reins to complex corporate structures to avoid
one of his key lieutenants, Andy Jassy. tax. The big six US tech firms – Ama-
Amazon’s UK sales soared by 51% last The £19.5bn that UK customers zon, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Apple
year to a record $26.5bn (£19.4bn) as spent at Amazon in 2020 is roughly and Microsoft – have been accused of
people trapped at home because of double the takings at Marks & Spen- avoiding $100bn (£75bn) of global tax
coronavirus lockdowns turned to the cer and underlines how the pandemic over the past decade.
internet retailer to buy items unavail- is changing the way we shop. The UK government has tried to
able in closed high street stores and to Paul Monaghan, the chief execu- clamp down on the multinationals
keep themselves entertained. tive of Fair Tax Mark, said it was very with a 2% digital services tax, but
While Amazon celebrated the rise in unlikely the 50% jump in UK sales Amazon will not have to pay the tax on
revenue collected from UK customers, would lead to any sizeable increase products it sells directly to consumers.
the company did not state how much in UK tax paid because “a good pro- Amazon said in 2015 it would
tax it paid in the UK last year. The com- portion of [Amazon’s UK sales] will be stop using corporate structures that
pany, which has made its founder and booked in Luxembourg, where they diverted sales and profits away from
outgoing chief executive, Jeff Bezos, engineered a near €1bn loss last year”. the UK.
a $200bn fortune, paid just £293m in He said the result of this financial A spokesperson for Amazon said:
tax in 2019 despite the company col- engineering would lead to Amazon “We are investing heavily in jobs and
lecting UK sales of $17.5bn that year. “racking up hundreds of millions of infrastructure across the UK – more
Details of the leap in UK sales were tax credits that will be used to offset than £23bn since 2010. Last year we
contained in a filing with the Securi- future profits that might have other- announced plans for 10,000 new jobs
ties and Exchange Commission in the wise generated tax contributions”. in the country by the end of 2020, tak-
US after the tech company unveiled its Last year, it emerged that Amazon ing our total workforce to over 40,000.
latest global financial results yester- received €294m (£258m) in tax cred- “This continued investment helped
day. They revealed Amazon’s global its across Europe in 2019. contribute to a total tax contribution
revenue soared past $100bn in the The Labour MP Margaret Hodge of £1.1bn during 2019 – £293m in direct
most recent three months. Bezos also said Amazon used “complex corporate taxes and £854m in indirect taxes.”

What next for the billionaire? After Bezos Jasper Jolly

As Jeff Bezos passes the reins of
Amazon to Andy Jassy, what could
travel cheaper and more accessible
with reusable launch vehicles. The
Wildlife Fund, which will each
receive $100m. New chief pain-free departure of
a visionary founder is
he do next with his interests? company is testing a moon lander a difficult trick to pull

Day One Fund

In 2018 Bezos gave $2bn, just over
called Blue Moon and hopes to
launch its first mission in 2024.
The Washington Post
Bezos bought the newspaper in 2013
for $250m and has been credited
Jassy to face off for any business.
The stakes are even
higher for a company
1% of his wealth, to the Bezos
Day One Fund to help address
homelessness and improve
Bezos Earth Fund
Last year, Bezos announced the
creation of his new project, the
with bringing it into the digital era
after decades of decline. He has
focused on the tech side and not
significant the size of Amazon, as Jeff Bezos
steps back from his day-to-day role.
The decision by Bezos, 57, to quit
education for children in low- Bezos Earth Fund, a $10bn initiative used it to promote his own agenda. as chief executive later this year took
income families.However, the
charity has been criticised for only
to support scientists, activists
and charities working to tackle … And still at Amazon
challenges analysts by surprise, but the first
step has already gone smoothly, with
slowly ramping up its donations. the climate crisis. In November Amazon’s chief financial officer, Andy Jassy appointed as successor
he announced 16 initial recipients Brian Olsavsky, told reporters that: without any public power struggle.
Blue Origin of the fund, who will receive a “Jeff is really not going anywhere. It is an auspicious time for a new
Bezos owns Blue Origin, a space collective $791m. They include the It’s more of a restructuring of who’s chief executive, on the face of it.
company that aims to make space Nature Conservancy and the World doing what.” Rupert Neate Amazon also reported another round
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:29 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:49 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Financial 29

 Jeff Bezos with investors for other reasons. You’ve

his girlfriend, the Business view more than doubled your money
US TV anchor if you bought AstraZeneca shares
Lauren Sánchez, Nils Pratley when Pascal Soriot became chief
in Mumbai, executive in 2012. GSK, by contrast,
India, last year has been a tale of false dawns. The
shares reached £18.50 in January
All change? The founder may
HINDUSTAN TIMES/ 2020 on hopes that chief executive
Emma Walmsley’s revitalisation
plan marked a turning point; now
avoid some irksome tasks but they’ve dipped below £13.
Nothing has obviously gone
wrong under Walmsley, but nor is
he’s not really going anywhere there much to get excited about.
The dividend will be cut when the

big corporate rejig - the demerger
eff Bezos is stepping of the consumer products div-
aside at Amazon – sort ision – happens next year, but the
of. In fact, he is merely distribution has looked unsus-
dropping one of his tainable for ages. Until Walmsley
three job titles. He gives the full divi details in June,
will no longer be chief though, investors are in the dark.
executive but will still be executive In the meantime, this year’s
chairman. And, since he didn’t earnings will fall by a “mid to high
mention his status as “president” single digit percentage”, slightly
(whatever that involves), one worse than feared.
assumes he is keeping the bauble. Better days are still promised for
This “transition”, including the ▲ An employee at GSK’s factory in the long-term, which is perhaps the
promotion of web services boss Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in France main point. There are 10 potential
Andy Jassy to be chief executive “blockbusters” in the late-stage
from the autumn, has been greeted GSK looks to future pharma pipeline, said Walmsley.
as a very big deal. Let’s see. Its The Covid vaccine tortoise, as Citi- Investors might feel more bullish
significance depends on how group’s analyst described Glaxo- when a few appear, which is
Bezos plays things. He formally SmithKline, is stirring. The group always the challenge with pharma
gets to spend more time on other has signed a deal with CureVac turnarounds.
interests – everything from the to produce 100m doses of the US AstraZeneca, remember, spent
Washington Post to rockets – biotech firm’s current vaccine years in hibernation until Soriot’s
but he was probably doing so candidate. Then the pair will work back-the-scientists strategy came
informally anyway. Real change on tackling virus variants, with good. For a little while yet, Walmsley
may be hard to detect. results promised for 2022. deserves the benefit of the doubt.
As chair, Bezos will still run Good stuff – and about time too,
the board. And as the most senior some might say. The tortoise jibe is Piling it high at Asda
executive (still), he has freedom not wholly fair since it is not GSK’s “We are putting in place a robust
of record results, with profits of also become more difficult, forcing to roam wherever he wishes. If fault that its Covid efforts with capital structure,” say the Issa
$24bn (£17.6bn) during 2020. Yet the Amazon to spend more to retain he and Jassy disagree, everybody Sanofi of France hit delays; that can brothers about the financing of their
company’s scale and reach means customer loyalty, such as going knows who will prevail. happen. But it is certainly true that £6.8bn purchase of Asda. Really?
Jassy will face several significant up against Netflix and Apple on By not being chief executive, GSK has been eclipsed by Astra- Compared to what?
challenges. expensive film and TV production to it becomes easier for Bezos to Zeneca on Covid. This is a private equity-backed
In its core retail business Amazon feed its Prime Video service. avoid the next grilling in front That will feel familiar for GSK deal and it shows. Asda’s petrol
has a dominant position, but Jassy There are other, more contro- of US lawmakers over Amazon’s stations are being sold (to the Issas’
will now oversee its push into versial issues that Jassy must grasp, treatment of small businesses or EG Group inevitably), a chunk of the
businesses with stricter regulation, including the firm’s continued workers (note this week’s $61.7m It looks like Asda will warehouses will be offloaded via
such as prescription medicines. opposition to unionisation. settlement of claims the company sale-and-leaseback and £3.5bn of
Amazon is also targeting fresh food, Amazon has already faced scrutiny pocketed delivery drivers’ tips) be approximately four debt is being injected into the mix.
where deep-pocketed incumbents from regulators in Europe and the US, or anti-trust issues. He usually times leveraged … call The financial plan should find
will not willingly give up customers. particularly focused on the potential performs awkwardly on such financiers, but this is an old-
And the upheaval in retail is by no conflict between its role as a platform occasions, so it’ll suit both him and that robust if you fashioned leveraged buyout. It looks
means over. Amazon’s investments for smaller retailers and as a retailer Amazon if he’s not on parade. wish. Others would like Asda will be approximately
in technologies such as drone itself. The European commission But that doesn’t mean Bezos four times leveraged as a ratio of
delivery and shops without tills has found evidence that Amazon won’t be making the big decisions. describe it as racy top-line earnings. Call that robust
show it is alert to threats, but new used non-public data from its sellers “Jeff is really not going anywhere,” if you wish. Others would describe
business models could pop up that to its advantage. Further evidence conceded Brian Olsavsky, it as racy in a supermarket sector
could dent growth. of abuses could cause serious Amazon’s chief financial officer. with three strong, and more con-
Growth in its main markets could headaches for Jassy. Quite. servatively-financed, competitors.

Asda buyers selling off petrol forecourts

its earnings of £1.2bn – giving it more will tell whether they will look back
than double the burden of its major and think that was a good thing to do.”
supermarket rivals. The level of debt is TDR and the Issas are putting up

to fund £6.8bn takeover of supermarket likely to raise concerns, particularly as

EG Group has funded its rapid expan-
sion by loans. Last year’s accounts
£780m of cash, while Walmart, Asda’s
current owner, will contribute £500m
of equity to retain a minority stake.
showed a debt of about £7bn. Mohsin and Zuber Issa said they
Clive Black, a retail analyst at the were putting in place a “robust capi-
first petrol station in 1999 and today city broker Shore Capital, said: “The tal structure” to support their growth
Sarah Butler have more than 6,000 across 10 coun- risk profile of Asda has undoubtedly strategy for Asda and were “confident
tries. It is not clear if EG will pay Asda gone up.” He said the need to service that external investors will share our
for use of its name on forecourts. additional debt and pay rents on the belief in Asda’s strong fundamentals
The buyers of Asda have announced Financing for the Asda takeover, distribution centres alongside the sale and exciting future prospects”.
plans to sell off its petrol forecourts which is awaiting approval from of petrol forecourts, which are benefi- The Competition and Markets
and distribution centres to help fund the competition watchdog, will also cial to cashflow, would all place extra Authority is considering whether the
a £6.8bn takeover. include £3.5bn of new debt, made up pressure on Asda’s finances. acquisition will lead to a “substantial
The private equity firm TDR Capital of bonds and an €850m (£749m) loan. “They have bought Asda when lessening of competition” in Britain.
and the billionaire Issa brothers aim to The expected proceeds from the sale supermarkets have got elevated It must make a decision by 18 Feb-
raise £950m from the sale of Asda’s dis- of the petrol stations and distribution sales and brighter general prospects ruary on whether the deal should be
tribution centres, which will then be centres will be used to pay off two addi- as working from home and online subject to a more in-depth inquiry.
leased back, while the group’s petrol tional bridging loans being taken on to groceries are probably here to stay. Last year the CMA blocked an auda-
stations will be bought by the brothers’ finance the takeover. There is lots of money around and it cious attempt to merge Asda with its
own EG Group for £750m. The plan will saddle Asda with ▲ The EG Group, founded by Mohsin is very cheap for risk-taking entrepre- larger rival Sainsbury’s, which would
Mohsin and Zuber Issa leased their debts equivalent to about four times and Zuber Issa, will buy the forecourts neurs and private equity, but only time have created a new market leader.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:30 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 16:40 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

30 Classified
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:31 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/2/2021 16:12 cYanmaGentaYellowb

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •


Thursday 4 February 2021
UK and Ireland Noon today Forecast Around the UK
Sunny Mist Fog
Low 4 High 8 Lows and highs Precipitation Air pollution
2 6 9 60% Low
Sunny intervals Hazy

Mostly cloudy
19 Inverness Shetland 4 9 25% Low
3 1
1008 31
3 4 70% Low
Sunny showers Slight
1004 Edinburgh 1012
31 Low 3 High 6
Sunny and heavy showers Glasgow 4 7 65% Low
Light showers Newcastle
5 8 15% Low
Rain Sleet Light Belfast Rough
snow 9

Snow showers 9 11 60% Low

Dublin Liverpool
ol 9
Heavy snow Ice
Nott m
10 3 9 65% Low
ming count
Thundery rain Cardiff
25 Daily atmospheric CO2
readings from Mauna Loa,
20 10 9 Hawaii (ppm):
Thundery showers 15
Ca L
London 5 9 25% Low
10 10 02 Feb 2021 415.55 Newcastle
Dover Weekly average
Temperature, 0 24 Jan 2021 415.77
10 4 6 65% Low
Plymouth 03 Feb 2020 413.73
-10 10
03 Feb 2011 391.49 Penzance
Slight 16 Pre-industrial base 280
Wind speed, Windy
mph -20 Safe level 350
The Channel Islands 7 11 60% Low

Atlantic front 1008 L 1016 H

Weatherwatch Around the world
1016 1008
1024 1024
L When you think of California, Algiers 27 Lisbon 12
1024 you usually conjure up images of Ams’dam 9 Madrid 16
1000 1016 1016
a pleasant, comfortable climate. Athens 18 Malaga 19
However, last Thursday, it was Auckland 25 Melb’rne 28
L anything but comfortable. B Aires 26 Mexico C 24
A storm system brought flooding Bangkok 32 Miami 21
to parts of the Golden State, with Barcelona 15 Milan 11
Cold front 1008 1016
some areas having in excess of Basra 26 Mombasa 32
300mm of rain in three days. As a Beijing 6 Moscow 0

Warm front 1032 result, Highway 1, along the Pacific Berlin 2 Mumbai 31
H coast, was washed away in places, Bermuda 17 N Orleans 22
with one person killed in floods. Brussels 9 Nairobi 28
Occluded front 1024 In the Sierra Nevada mountains, Budapest 13 New Delhi 20
this fell as snow, bringing depths C’hagen 0 New York 4

Trough of 2 metres at some ski resorts. A Cairo 20 Oslo -9

14-year-old boy was rescued after Cape Town 26 Paris 11
being buried in snow that fell off Chicago 2 Perth 28

High tides
Source: © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Times are local UK times
Sun & Lighting the roof of his home. Corfu 17 Prague 8
On the other side of the US, severe Dakar 23 Reykjavik 3
Moon up thunderstorms have brought some Dhaka 28 Rio de J 32
of the first tornadoes of the year to Dublin 8 Rome 17
Aberdeen 0601 3.8m 1812 4.0m London Bridge 0604 6.7m 1839 6.5m Belfast 1710 to 0807 Florida. A tornado touched down Florence 16 Shanghai 12
Avonmouth -- -- 1141 12.0m Lossiemouth 0415 3.6m 1626 3.8m Birm’ham 1659 to 0742 in the state capital of Tallahassee, Gibraltar 17 Singapore 30
Barrow 0349 8.4m 1613 8.5m Milford Haven 1049 6.3m 2319 5.9m Brighton 1658 to 0730 flipping a light aircraft at the city’s H Kong 22 Stockh’m -5
Belfast 0330 3.1m 1555 3.5m Newquay 0945 6.4m 2216 6.0m Bristol 1707 to 0742 airport, as well as causing damage Harare 26 Strasb’g 12
Cobh 1005 3.8m 2226 3.7m North Shields 0806 4.5m 2018 4.7m Carlisle 1655 to 0754 to a hangar. Helsinki -10 Sydney 27
Cromer 1121 4.4m 2319 4.7m Oban 1006 3.5m 2238 3.1m Cork 1728 to 0807 Fortunately, no injuries or Istanbul 13 Tel Aviv 19
Dover 0315 6.4m 1539 6.0m Penzance 0913 5.1m 2142 4.8m Dublin 1714 to 0803 fatalities were reported. Jo’burg 20 Tenerife 20
Sun rises 0733
Dublin 0407 3.7m 1629 3.9m Plymouth 1017 5.1m 2244 4.8m Sun sets 1655 Glasgow 1658 to 0804 Finally, Cyclone Ana brought K Lumpur 33 Tokyo 12
Galway 0948 4.6m 2224 4.4m Portsmouth 0408 4.4m 1624 4.2m Moon rises 0015 Harlech 1708 to 0752 fatal consequences as it hit Fiji on K’mandu 20 Toronto 2
Greenock 0449 3.2m 1655 3.6m Southport 0247 8.2m 1508 8.3m Moon sets 1037 Inverness 1650 to 0809 Sunday. One man was killed as the Kabul 12 Vancouv’r 7
Last Quarter 4 Feb Kingston 30 Vienna 12
Harwich 0350 3.8m 1634 3.6m Stornoway -- -- 1134 4.4m London 1655 to 0731 category 2 storm brought winds
Holyhead 0242 5.0m 1503 5.3m Weymouth 1119 1.2m 2354 0.9m M’chester 1659 to 0747 of 87mph (140km/h), with 7,600 Kolkata 26 Warsaw 2
L Angeles 20 Wash’ton 7
Hull 1057 6.8m 2303 7.0m Whitby 0839 4.9m 2050 5.2m Newcastle 1650 to 0750 people evacuated from flooded
Forecasts and Lagos 32 Well’ton 17
Leith 0712 5.0m 1928 5.1m Wick 0349 3.0m 1603 3.3m
graphics provided by
Norwich 1647 to 0730 villages.
Lima 23 Zurich 11
Liverpool 0327 8.5m 1548 8.6m Workington 0352 7.5m 1612 7.7m AccuWeather ©2021 Penzance 1722 to 0750 Nicholas Lee
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:32 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:17 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

32 Football Golf

Fowlerball: McIlroy hits out

from Brisbane over plans to limit
to Bengal driving distance
Interview, page 36  Page 35 

watches rugby. “But I watch it differently now,” he says.

“Do I enjoy it? I don’t know.” How much do you need to
know about the damage the sport can do before your
enjoyment of it sours? How much do you need to know
before you stop wanting to watch it altogether? “Maybe
now with the latest about the litigation, people are

realising how dangerous this all is,” Robinson says.

ike a lot of the people I’ve spoken to

lately, Peter is convinced that the culture
of the game needs to change, so that
everyone involved is more aware of the
risks. He gets frustrated that the coverage
of the issue is still so intermittent,
that “when you get an incident on TV
everybody talks about it for a week, and
then it all goes away again”.
Truth is, there are times when I’ve switched on and
off that way myself. I suspect almost everyone who
watches the game has, because it’s so hard to reconcile
our day-to-day enjoyment of it with the growing body
of evidence about the long-term damage it can do to
the men and women who play it. Too often, the easiest
way is to ignore it, until you can’t. Peter isn’t the only
one making this argument, I’ve heard similar from
plenty of other people, too. Like Dr Bennet Omalu, the
neuropathologist who first diagnosed CTE in the brain
of the retired American football player Mike Webster.
“What we need to do is engage with the culture,” Omalu
told me. He compares it to an oil tanker – “it will take time
to turn it around, it may take one generation, or two”, but
it will happen, even if it’s “one person at a time”.
And Dr Judith Gates, who is, along with Popham, one
of the founders of the new charity Head For Change.
“This is an epidemic,” Gates says. “This must stop now.
We must all acknowledge the fragility of the brain,
alongside its centrality in defining the person.” This
isn’t just about changing the attitudes of the people who
play the game, or who run it or referee it, but everyone
▲ Five former rugby who talks about it, writes about it and watches it, at
professionals have elite and amateur levels. One group trying to help the
early onset dementia sport navigate this change is the Concussion Legacy
and probable CTE, and Foundation, founded in 2007 by Chris Nowinski and
more and more are Dr Robert Cantu.
reporting symptoms They have been working in the United States for
MIRA/ALAMY most of that time, and now they’re expanding into the

UK. Among other things, the CLF is running a media
engagement programme to help

Raising awareness
he bleak, unlovely month of February ‘What we educate journalists about how best
has two things to recommend it, and to report on these issues. Their idea
one of those is that it’s all over quickly. need to do is is that children learn most of what
The other is that it brings the Six Nations engage with they know about these issues from

Can you still enjoy

with it. Since the championship starts
in winter and ends in spring, it always the culture. watching sport on TV. So if you
want to change the culture, then
feels like the harbinger of better things, It will take commentators are a good place
and there’s the welcome prospect of
time to turn to start.

Six Nations when

long weekend afternoons spent watching games at the The CLF held its first UK concussion
pub or at home in front of the TV, or, if you’re lucky, a trip it around, reporting workshop on Monday, in
out to one of the grounds, maybe even a weekend away it may partnership with Oxford Brookes
in Paris or Rome. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to be. University (they have a useful toolkit
take one
you know about the
This year the championship already feels diminished, on their website, too, offering a free
fraught and perilous, just like everything else. generation course in responsible reporting).
It’s not just the lack of fans, the empty grounds, the It puts a lot of emphasis on the
shuttered pubs, bars and restaurants. These will be the or two’ need to use honest, accurate and

risk of brain injury?

first Test matches since Steve Thompson, Alix Popham, unvarnished language, which is
Michael Lipman, and two other former professionals something Robinson spoke about too. He mentioned
revealed that they have been diagnosed with either early how glad he was when he heard a commentator describe
onset dementia and probable CTE (chronic traumatic a concussion as a “traumatic brain injury” on TV, even if
encephalopathy), or other post-concussion symptoms. “it made a lot of people fall off their seats because it was
It gets worse. Popham tells me that behind the scenes such a shock”. It is a small but significant change, one
more and more players have been coming forward to that puts more emphasis on the seriousness of the injury.
report symptoms, men and women, amateurs and “If you ask me what could improve,” Robinson says,
professionals, in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. “The “it would be getting that message out, consistently and
scary thing is that the numbers are growing every day.” clearly: that this is a traumatic brain injury, and you have
I was talking about it all with Peter Robinson last to take it seriously because it can be fatal.”
week. In the run-up to this year’s championship I It still feels like there are too many people in the game
Andy Bull have spent more time chatting to doctors, patients who are reluctant to acknowledge the risks, who would
and activists than I have players and coaches. Peter’s rather step around them, or pretend they’re not there at
14-year-old son, Ben, died of Second Impact Syndrome all. This Six Nations, hopefully we’ll see signs that the
during a school rugby game in 2011, because he was change the game needs is coming, even if it’s being done
allowed to play on after he was hit in the head. Peter still one word at a time.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:33 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:33 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Sport 33

Rugby union Six Nations countdown

Adams banned by Wales for

to cast his eye over his prime tour

Ball is in Jones’ court candidates. If Johnny Sexton, Conor

Murray, Jonathan Davies and Alun

but French able to

Wyn Jones cannot impose their
wills as reliably as in the past, it will breaching Covid protocols
complicate tour selection no end.
Which is why Gatland will be

return with interest among those hoping for a rip-snorting

game at Twickenham on Saturday.
Scotland’s poor away record – aside
Paul Rees
had done, apologetic and remorseful.
He was at a family member’s home not
far from where he lives for a quiet cel-
from Rome, they have won just three ebration and there was no alcohol. He
elsewhere since the Six Nations Josh Adams has been banned by Wales made an error of judgment and can do
began in 2000 – is the reason they from the opening two matches of the no more than apologise. He will remain
England do not always add up have had so few recent Lions and Six Nations after breaching Covid-19 at home until Monday when he will
to the sum of their parts but the mental barrier still confronting protocols and lockdown regulations rejoin us to help prepare the side for
form and depth suggest they Gregor Townsend’s squad. Scottish by attending a family gathering on Scotland, if he tests negative again.
and France have most to offer self-belief, however, is on the rise: in Sunday. “We called a team meeting last night
addition to the 38-38 draw in 2019, The Cardiff Blues wing, a regular in and reinforced the protocols further.
they also let England off the hook the side for the last three seasons and We will not be calling up anyone to
Robert Kitson at Murrayfield last year. When Tom the top try scorer at the 2019 World replace Josh because, with Covid, we
Curry warned about the major threat Cup, will miss the matches against do not want to be bringing people in

▲ The return of flanker Dan Lydiate awaiting the hosts at the breakdown Ireland in Cardiff on Sunday and and out.”
one are the days when offers Wales’ squad a significant boost on Saturday he was spot on. Scotland at Murrayfield the following Wales are without the suspended
the Six Nations was The ball, consequently, sits in weekend with Wales’s head coach, Liam Williams for Ireland so the
purely an annual treat. Twickenham, for example, or France England’s court. They know what is Wayne Pivac, expressing his “extreme Gloucester wing Louis Rees-Zammit,
It is eight weeks since to Dublin in round two when the coming and three of their five games disappointment” at the breach. who started three matches in the
the leading European time-honoured 16th man is absent? are at Twickenham where they have Wales’s players were given three autumn, is in line to replace Adams.
sides were last at each Italy look set to struggle regardless been beaten once in the Six Nations days off on Saturday and told to “He will be expecting a call and I would
other’s throats and England’s two without the injured Jake Polledri since 2012. Even without Joe Marler, remain at home. The players had been be very surprised if he did not get it,”
autumnal trophies are still warm in but the five other teams will feel Mako Vunipola, Joe Launchbury, Kyle briefed about the Covid protocols at said Pivac.
the cabinet as the players prepare to anything is possible. Sinckler and Sam Underhill for the a time when the French government
renew acquaintances this weekend. It was interesting this week to Scotland game they have a talented is still considering whether to allow
The tournament’s familiar old hear the former Wales scrum-half squad with some fresh twinkling its national side to play against teams Women’s event in April
rhythms have morphed into an Mike Phillips estimate the Cardiff talent. If Scotland regard Beno from Britain and Ireland because of its
increasingly frenzied DJ set. In roar to be worth around 10 points Obano and Will Stuart as potential concern over the spread of variants.
theory these recent form lines should to the hosts. Ireland might fancy scrummaging weak links they are The squad returned to camp on The Women’s Six Nations will start
remove some of the uncertainty sticking that quote on their dressing likely to be disappointed; the same Tuesday when Adams’s family trip on 3-4 April as a condensed three-
and diminish the chances of a room wall on Sunday. With Ken applies to Ben Earl, Mark Wilson and became known and, after admitting week format featuring two pools
leftfield winner. Within the past two Owens and Dan Lydiate back, Jack Willis in the back row. breaching the rules, he was sent home. of three teams. Each side will play
months Wales were looking well however, this is a sturdier-looking The caveat, however, is a familiar All the players were tested when they home and away pool fixtures, with
below par in the Autumn Nations Welsh squad while Caelan Doris’s one: England do not always add up came back and the results were all the winners of each group meeting
Cup and Scotland were losing 31-16 absence from the back row is a to the sum of their parts. No one negative. A further round will be con- in a grand final on 24 April. The
to Ireland in Dublin. How many of blow for the visitors as they seek to disputes Eddie Jones’s coaching ducted today. competition was postponed from
November’s lowly Cinderellas can recapture former glories. record but the sudden-death win “Josh embarrassed himself and will this month due to problems arising
realistically expect their fortunes to It adds up to a highly significant over France in December was a do his penance at home,” said Pivac. from the coronavirus pandemic.
be radically transformed? weekend for the head coaches strictly limited triumph in all senses. “What he did came to my attention Second- and third-placed teams
The counter-argument is that Wayne Pivac and Andy Farrell, both His side are at their best when they on our first day back and we dealt will also meet on the final
nothing is absolutely as it seems. of whom could do with an uplifting play at a quick tempo; to complement with it swiftly. It was a breach of team weekend. Fixture dates, venues
Every squad is locked away in a couple of months. There are also the gifted Henry Slade, Elliot Daly and Six  Nations protocols and the and kick-off times have yet to be
biosecure bubble that will challenge potential implications for the British and Max Malins they also need lockdown. It put others at risk and confirmed. PA Media
everyone’s mental resilience. Even & Irish Lions, whose ringmaster dynamic ball carriers to pierce the was worthy of suspension. Pool A England, Italy, Scotland.
“Josh was up front about what he Pool B France, Ireland, Wales.
a confident-sounding England are Warren Gatland is back in the UK gainline and panic defences. With the
without five forwards through injury, 2023 World Cup on the horizon, Earl,
suspension or unavailability and their Paolo Odogwu, Ollie Lawrence and
Saracens contingent have not played
in two months. Nailed-on champions?
Only those wearing red rose-tinted
Harry Randall will all hopefully enjoy
more than bit-part bench roles.
There is a good chance the title
May warns of but acknowledged England cannot
let their minds wander.
“It’s always a strange day when we
glasses would say so unhesitatingly.
It might also be that history plays
Sat 6 Feb Italy v
France (2.15pm);
Sun 28 Feb
France v Scotland
will come down to England v France
at Twickenham next month. Les
danger in Lions come in and do our photos with the
Lions kit on,” said May. “That feels a bit
England v Scotland (3pm)
less of a part this year than it has
ever done. The absence of fans helps
Sun 7 Feb Wales v
Sat 13 Mar Italy v
Wales (2.15pm);
Bleus will miss the injured Virimi
Vakatawa but gone are the days when distractions weird. I don’t really like doing that. It
does feel a bit strange putting on a shirt
nobody but it is a definite leveller. Ireland (3pm) England v France they lacked an obvious uniformity that you haven’t earned yet. But you
Why should Scotland fear going to Sat 13 Feb (4.45pm) of purpose. Shaun Edwards, their get it done and try to get back to what
England v Italy Sun 14 Mar
(2.15pm); Scotland v Scotland v defence coach, says: “I’m not judging you’re doing, which at the moment is
Every squad is Wales (4.45pm)
Sun 14 Feb
Ireland (3pm)
Sat 20 Mar
anyone on what happened before but Gerard Meagher trying to play for England and prepare
the players look forward to coming for a Test match at the weekend.”
locked away in a Ireland v France (3pm)
Sat 27 Feb Italy v
Scotland v Italy
(2.15pm); Ireland v
in to the training camp. For them to Eddie Jones will announce his
be really looking forward to France Jonny May has warned of the dangers starting XV to face Scotland today
biosecure bubble Ireland (2.15pm); Wales
v England (4.45pm)
England (4.45pm);
France v Wales (8pm) games is a big thing.” of being distracted by the looming with a back-row replacement for the
that will challenge This could just be the year, British & Irish Lions tour as England injured Sam Underhill among his key
then, that France collect a first title begin the defence of their Six Nations decisions. Jack Willis was thought to
their resilience since 2010 and – despite its empty title against Scotland in front of be under strong consideration while
stadiums – that rugby as a whole Warren Gatland on Saturday. the loosehead prop Beno Obano
rediscovers some of its joie de vivre. May and his England teammates looks in line for a place in the 23 for
Edwards, for one, believes the were given a glimpse of life in the Lions the first time. Jones may also opt to
sport would be instantly improved squad last week when they had their sacrifice George Ford for the running
if referees were to clamp down on picture taken in the famous red jersey threat of either Paolo Odogwu or
double-latching before contact. – as all four teams do every four years. Ollie Lawrence in midfield.
“You’re only supposed to latch on May was overlooked four years ago but
after contact. If that was enforced as one of the world’s leading wings he
people would probably pass the ball is a strong contender for the summer’s
more in the 22, wouldn’t they?” tour of South Africa.
Further Covid disruption Questions marks still remain over
permitting, the next seven weeks whether the tour will go ahead, and
would be the ideal time for rugby to in what format, but Gatland will begin
banish its winter blues. his scouting mission at Twickenham
this weekend, after returning to the UK
 Despite only one start, Jack Willis is from his native New Zealand.
unlikely to be a weak link for England May has admitted that it would be a ▲ England wing Jonny May was
DAN MULLAN/THE RFU COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES dream come true to face the Springboks overlooked for the last Lions tour
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:34 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:36 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

34 Sport
Cricket First Test

Root happy to
stay selfish and
banish unhappy
in India
England captain goes into
100th Test knowing his side
face tough series against
team boosted by Kohli return

Ali Martin

wo teams coming off the
back of fine series wins,
free-to-air coverage in
the UK on Channel 4,
Joe Root’s 100th cap
for England, the return
of Virat Kohli to captain India – it
makes for an intoxicating cocktail
when pondering a blockbuster first
Test in Chennai tomorrow.
The Chepauk Stadium, scene
of the first half of this four-match
series, is not exactly flush with
recent happy memories for England.
Neil Foster’s 11-wicket haul prevailed
there in 1985 but there have been
three defeats since and two by an
innings. In 2016, after a cyclone blew
in from the Bay of Bengal during the ‘I had displeasure
buildup, Karun Nair’s whirlwind of facing Jofra today Though 99 caps to the good already, why has it taken you 99 games to all right-handed. Ravichandran
triple-century and a fifth-day the 30-year-old has revealed the figure it out? But I’m just desperate Ashwin, returning after injury, will
meltdown with the bat completed a bowling at the speed gluttony shown when making scores for us to do well collectively.” welcome this, so, too, the suggestion
4-0 win for India that led to Alastair of 228 and 186 during the 2-0 win in Root is aware that a more that Moeen Ali, another left-hander,
Cook quitting as Test captain.
of light – he looked Sri Lanka is part of a new mindset. daunting challenge lies ahead of his may replace Dom Bess. Root would
India were ranked No 1 back then in great rhythm’ Root said: “At times I do overthink team. They are also due to bring in not be drawn on this particular issue,
but despite sitting second to New certain periods of play. In the a number of players without recent however, preferring to speak of the
Zealand, they are arguably stronger. last two games, in the nicest way cricket behind them due to rest, pair and Jack Leach, who is more
Certainly they showed immense possible, I’ve tried to be a bit more injury in the case of Ollie Pope and certain to play, as a collective.
fortitude in Australia, demonstrated selfish with my batting and single- the six-day quarantine period upon A possible wrist injury to Zak
by the series-sealing win in Brisbane minded, knowing if I bat for a long arrival that ruled out a tour game. Crawley, originally due to drop to No
while Kohli was watching the final period of time I make big runs. It’s Rory Burns and Ben Stokes 3 to accommodate Burns, opens up
three games from home after the obviously going to benefit the team. coming back means two left-handers other ways to include Moeen if Jos
birth of his first child. It sounds simple and you might ask enter a top six that was previously Buttler remains at No 6. Stuart Broad
Can England catch India is likely to replace Jimmy Anderson
off guard? Perhaps prey on as the pair rotate, while Root was
complacency or overconfidence? Crawley blow keen to talk up the return of Jofra
With a proud home record of Archer as a game-breaking quick
one defeat in their past 35 Tests, bowler on flat pitches overseas.
Kohli’s return probably acts as a England’s plans for tomorrow’s first It may be that Stokes slots in at “I had the displeasure of facing
safeguard. As well as 27 centuries of Test against India have suffered a No 3 or Joe Root, playing his 100th Jofra today and he bowled at the
experience dropping back into a top setback with Zak Crawley having to Test, has to move up despite his speed of light,” he said. “He looked
six anchored by Cheteshwar Pujara, undergo scans on a possible broken preference for No 4 and glowing in great rhythm. If he can harness
Kohli is a more fiery leader than his wrist after slipping over at training. recent form. Dan Lawrence, who that he’s going to have great success.
replacement in Australia, Ajinkya The return of Rory Burns from recently made his debut in Galle Albeit in Twenty20 cricket, he has
Rahane, and he will probably ensure paternity leave meant Crawley ( ) and might otherwise have been proven to India he is a force to be
that minds are refocused. was expected to drop down to No 3. squeezed out by Pope at No 6, is reckoned with out here.”
Rahane appears happy to return But the 23-year-old is now waiting another possibility.
to the ranks. “Virat being back to discover the extent of an injury A further option would be to
is really positive for us,” he said to his hand and wrist suffered when and will know more tomorrow, retain wicketkeeper Jos Buttler at No
yesterday. “And he is batting well. He falling over at the Chepauk Stadium ahead of our final practice.” 6 in his final Test appearance before
is the captain, I am the vice-captain. on Tuesday. If Crawley is ruled out, it would a scheduled break and draft in an
My job is to take a backseat and to An England statement said: prompt a rethink of England’s additional all-rounder at No 7 in
help Virat. There are too many things “Zak Crawley did not train today batting order. Ollie Pope has been either Chris Woakes or Moeen Ali.
on a captain’s mind.” at England’s practice session in added to the main squad after The latter may be vying for a
Kohli’s batting four years ago Chennai. He slipped outside the proving his fitness, while Ben Stokes place in the XI either way, with the
– 655 runs at an average of 109 – dressing room yesterday [Tuesday] is due to return to the middle order England management believed to be
certainly bent the script to his will and has injured his right wrist. We after being rested during the Sri considering him or Dom Bess as the ▲ Ajinkya Rahane reverts to being
in a manner Root is keen to emulate. are waiting on the results of scans Lanka tour. second spinner. Ali Martin vice-captain as Virat Kohli returns
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:35 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:47 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •


Golf sort of bifurcation but we are such a

First Test details tiny portion of golf. Golf is way bigger
McIlroy deems efforts to rein in than the professional game. We’re
such a tiny part of it. It’s the other stuff
Rohit Sharma
Shubman Gill
Cheteshwar Pujara
Rory Burns
Dom Sibley
Joe Root (c)
big drives ‘a huge waste of time’ that really matters and that’s the stuff
they need to concentrate on.”
Virat Kohli (c) Ben Stokes In a lively pre-tournament press
Ajinkya Rahane Dan Lawrence
Rishabh Pant (wk) Ollie Pope conference at the Phoenix Open,
Washington Sundar Jos Buttler (wk) “I heard [USGA executive director] McIlroy also shed further light on the
Ravichandran Ashwin Moeen Ali
Kuldeep Yadav Jack Leach
▲ How we broke the news yesterday that Ewan Murray Mike Davis say something about trying rules affair that dominated discussion
Ishant Sharma Jofra Archer a deal with Channel 4 had been done to protect the game for the next hundred last weekend at Torrey Pines. After
Jasprit Bumrah Stuart Broad years. This isn’t how you do it. This is so Patrick Reed took a drop from an
Rory McIlroy has delivered a small and inconsequential compared embedded lie in rough despite video
Umpires Nitin Menon, Anil Chaudhary
TV C Shamshuddin Referee Javagal Srinath (all India)
Venue MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai, 4am GMT
Captain Root withering critique of efforts by golfing to the other things happening in the footage showing his ball had bounced,
officialdom to limit how far drives game. It’s the grassroots, it’s getting the PGA Tour issued film which
Weather Series win in can be hit, with the four-times major more people engaged in golf – that’s showed McIlroy in an apparently
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday champion branding the campaign “a where they should be spending their identical scenario. Reed’s Twitter
India would huge waste of time and money”.
McIlroy’s comments will be highly
money, not spending it on the distance
insight report.”
account drew the same comparison.
“It wasn’t apparent at the time,
be best yet embarrassing to the R&A and USGA,
who issued “topics of interest” to
McIlroy did concede a difference in
regulations between professionals and
but an email was sent to the Tour on
Monday saying my ball was stepped
Max 31C Max 30C Max 30C Max 30C Max 30C
manufacturers this week as part of a amateurs might be sensible. “I would on to be found,” McIlroy explained.
Over-by-over Follow our lengthy process. be all for that,” he added. “If they want “But the volunteer didn’t tell me
coverage live on the web Continued from back page “The authorities, the R&A and USGA, to try to make the game more difficult that on Saturday. So that’s why I took are looking at the game through such for us or try to incorporate more skill embedded ball relief, because it was
also to have shared a dressing room a tiny little lens,” McIlroy said. “What to the game, I would be all for that an embedded ball but I didn’t know
with a number of them as well. I hope they’re trying to do is change something because I think it only benefits the it had been stepped on at the time.
it’s not near the end. I still feel like that pertains to 0.1% of the golfing better player, which I feel like I am. So obviously the video came out on
there’s a lot left in me at the moment community: 99.9% of the people that “I think maybe they said that in Sunday with my ball bouncing and
and there’s certainly a burning desire play this game play for enjoyment, for terms of local rules and maybe some then going in, and at that point I’m like:
to keep going and play as long as I can. entertainment. They don’t need to be ‘Well, it must have went into its own
“I look back over the last nine years told what ball or clubs to use. pitch mark or something, because the
and I’m in a very different place now to “We have to make the game as ball was obviously plugged.
when I first came into the team so who easy and approachable as possible. “I went to bed Sunday night sort of
knows what the future holds. For now Honestly, I think this distance insight questioning whether I had done the
I’m just very excited about playing as report has been a huge waste of time right thing after seeing the video. I
much as I can and giving as much to and money, because that money that at least felt better about my actions
the team as possible.” it’s cost to do this report could have knowing I did the right thing, that I did
This is a defining year for Root’s side been way better distributed to getting take relief for a ball that was embedded
and one that culminates in an attempt people into the game, introducing or stepped on. So it sort of was nice that
to reclaim the Ashes from Australia. young kids to the game, introducing ▲ Rory McIlroy says authorities view [it] came to light. It’s funny how these
Four Tests against India in India argua- minorities to the game. golf ‘through such a tiny little lens’ things all work out at the end.”
bly represents a far tougher challenge,
however, given the unfamiliar condi-
tions and the hosts’ record of having
lost one Test at home since that defeat
Cycling to his skills and attributes. On paper
it’s a great Tour for Geraint.” Yastremska out
to England just over eight years ago.
Asked if victory here would repre-
‘Motivated’ The 2019 Tour champion, Egan
Bernal, who has spent much of this after appeal fails
sent the greatest achievement of his
career, Root replied: “As a captain I Thomas to lead winter in rehabilitation for the back
injury that forced him out of his title

India are none too shabby in this

think it would be. When I came into the
team in 2012 I played a very small part Grenadiers in defence, returned to racing in France
yesterday, and Brailsford said the Giro
Continued from back page
regard either. While Ishant Sharma in that amazing series. I don’t think at will be the Colombian’s first target. no disruptions to the Australian Open
is the most seasoned member of
their bulging pace stable, Jasprit
the time I appreciated how hard it is to
win in these conditions.
this year’s Tour “He spent time in Italy as a young
rider, he was in an Italian team, he
itself. He said of the players: “They will
be isolating until they get a negative
Bumrah is the spearhead. Curiously “To get the opportunity to play has strong connections in Italy and he test and that work will be done tomor-
the 27-year-old with the bull-whip India off the back of them beating Aus- really wants to compete for all three row so it might have an impact on
action will make his first Test tralia in Australia – what a scalp that Grand Tours and not just fall into the tomorrow’s play in the lead-up event,
appearance in India after 17 caps would be for us. There will be more Jeremy Whittle trap of doing the Tour every year. I but at this stage there’s no impact to
won on the road. pressure on them than us – they have wouldn’t rule out Egan doubling up the tournament proper.
The remainder of India’s expected an expectation to uphold that record into the Tour, that’s very possible. But “That’s important to us, but the
five-man attack will tell us much in their conditions. Geraint Thomas will lead the Ineos we’ll assess that one as we get closer.” issue we’re most focused on is much
about the surface at the Chepauk. “It’s a big one, we’re all aware of Grenadiers lineup at this year’s Tour de Geoghegan Hart will focus on the broader. That’s about public health
It has been prepared by V Ramesh that because it’s a very difficult place France, supported by the Giro d’Italia Tour. “He could have gone back to Italy and public safety and that’s why we’ve
Kumar, a businessman from the to come and win. But that doesn’t scare champion, Tao Geoghegan Hart, and and there was a lot of chat about him really pounced on this.”
textile industry with a Masters us and it shouldn’t. We certainly have the 2019 Giro champion, Richard Cara- going back to defend his Giro title,” Yesterday, the court of arbitration
in psychology who built his own the tools to win these four games. It paz, according to the team principal, Brailsford said. “On the other hand, for sport ruled on one of the unresolved
cricket academy but still admitted should be really good fun.” Dave Brailsford. he could step up and focus on trying incidents from the Australian Open as
to being surprised when the Tamil The Channel 4 deal, worth a This year’s Tour route is “really to ride the Tour. In terms of his pro- Dayana Yastremska lost her appeal to
Nadu Cricket Association asked him reported £5m, is just for the Tests but suited to Geraint’s attributes,” Brails- gression and development, it felt like lift her provisional suspension after
to take charge of pitch preparation talks are ongoing as regards the eight ford said, of the 2018 Tour winner, who riding the Tour was the next step.” her positive doping test.
last month. white-ball fixtures that follow, with will be 35 this year and is in discussions “It is a great opportunity for him. It Ukraine’s Yastremska, ranked No 29
At least two spinners are the non-exclusive terms allowing a with the team over a new contract. feels like he can carry on that adven- in the world and considered one of the
expected, with talk that Ashwin possible partnership with BT Sport or “He is very motivated for it. Given ture, step up while he is in such a great most promising young players, tested
will be joined by the left-arm wrist- Sky. Both Channel 4 and the digital All the time-trialling, the nature of the place. Go and take on a new challenge, positive for a metabolite of mesterolone,
spinner Kuldeep Yadav. Thereafter 4 channel will show the live action, climbing, the first week and the cross a different challenge, and see how we a synthetic testosterone, in a urine
it appears a choice between two with highlights on the latter, and Talk- winds, that element lends itself well can get on.” sample from an out-of-competition
bowling all-rounders in off-spinner Sport is the official radio broadcaster. doping test on 24 November.
Washington Sundar and seamer Despite the positive test, Yastremska
Shardul Thakur. Chris Cook’s racing tips travelled to Melbourne on one of
Axar Patel is a slow left-arm ‘We have the tools the charter flights funded by Tennis
option if India want to exploit some Australia, where she appealed
of the chinks in English armour to win these four Wincanton 12.30 Lucky Lara 1.00 Numitor 1.35 Lilly against  her suspension to the
Pedlar 2.10 Shantou Flyer (nap) 2.45 Stormy Flight
opened up recently by Sri Lanka’s
Lasith Embuldeniya.
games. It should be 3.20 Porlock Bay 3.50 My Keepsake (nb) Southwell
1.10 Cheat 1.45 Harworth 2.20 Na Blianta Beo
independent tribunal. The 20-year-
old was on a contaminated flight from
Ravi Jadeja’s absence due to a really good fun’ 2.55 Lion’s Vigil 3.30 Silent Queen 4.00 Onebaba
4.30 Lord Oberon Ffos Las 1.25 Aki Bomaye 2.00
Abu Dhabi, meaning she was confined
broken thumb might normally be Anightinlambourn 2.35 Le Tueur 3.10 Lieutenant Rocco to her room for two weeks, but is now
viewed as a blow. But as their tour of 3.42 Astra Via 4.15 Gallic Geordie 4.45 All Good Things forbidden from competing in the
Chelmsford 5.00 Velvet Vista 5.30 Huraiz 6.00 Fly The
Australia proved, this India side just Joe Root Nest 6.30 Electric Blue 7.00 Dawn Treader 7.30 Pearl ▲ Geraint Thomas is well suited to Australian Open or even entering the
keep coming. England captain Spectre 8.00 Rovaniemi this year’s Tour, says Dave Brailsford Melbourne Park grounds.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:36 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 20:48 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

36 Sport Harder
to find
in India, to take charge of SC East
‘Over here Bengal, one of Asia’s biggest and
oldest clubs.

a lot of the Fowler, like everyone else in the

Indian Super League (ISL), has been
stuck in Goa, on the opposite side
after scoring
the first goal
of her hat-
players still of the subcontinent to East Bengal’s
usual home of Kolkata, since
October. “I use this term loosely but
trick to give

want to essentially we are in an open prison.

People may say ‘You are in a five-
star hotel’ but it’s a lockdown that
the lead

have curry’ we’ve been in for four or five months

and we leave just to train and play
Just as in Australia, he started
slowly, with one point from the
Robbie Fowler on adapting to opening five games. There are signs
life under lockdown in India, of recovery with two defeats in the
where he has been managing following 10 but not yet a Brisbane-
SC East Bengal since October style bounce. It is a big job at a big
club (derbies with Mohun Bagan can
attract more than 100,000 fans) that
John Duerden last year left the I-League to join the
ISL which, in 2019, became the top

obbie Fowler the “For us to suddenly click our
player will always be fingers and to get this team that was Women’s League Cup slow back pass from the West Ham
associated with his built for the I-league into the ISL was captain, Gilly Flaherty, and Harder
home town of Liverpool
but Robbie Fowler the
manager has already
tough,” Fowler says. “We released
12, 13 players so I am getting my own
squad in place.”
Harder fires rampant pounced to poke the ball back through
Arnold’s legs. Chelsea were 4-0 up by
half-time after Fran Kirby’s low cross
moved from Bangkok to Brisbane
to Bengal. This road less travelled
may help the 45-year-old forge an
Although the standard in India
does not match the big European
leagues, that does not make the job
Chelsea into final from the right was met by England at
the near post.
The visiting team began the second
identity as a coach strong enough easier and it can be underestimated half brightly. Two saves in two minutes
to emerge from the shadow of that just how different Asian football as the relentless Chelsea attack weaved for Arnold settled the goalkeeper’s
Chelsea 6
stellar playing career. culture is. Fowler has upset some through their lines time and again. nerves and then West Ham had three
Harder 4 25 86, Ingle 15, England 27, Kirby 70
The journey started in late people and made headlines by It took just four minutes for Harder, chances to reduce the gap in quick suc-
2011 with a four-month acting questioning the quality of local the European player of the year, to cession, with Maz Pacheco, the new
West Ham 0
player-manager spell in charge of coaching and refereeing and is still assert the home team’s superiority. A midfielder Lois Joel and the Australian
Muangthong United in Thailand. It finding his way. mazy run then an eye-of-the-needle Emily van Egmond all going close.
was not long enough to get a sense of “The players have been getting pass from the South Korean Ji So-yun However, they were left ruing their
Fowler the manager but then there used to my habits as a coach and Suzanne Wrack found Harder to the right of the goal wastefulness after Arnold got a hand to
came a move to Brisbane Roar in manager and I have been getting and the Danish forward coolly side- Hannah Blundell’s cross but it clipped
April 2019. used to their habits too.” footed past Mackenzie Arnold. off the upright and came down for
In Australia, he started slowly. Some things take a little getting A first Chelsea hat-trick for Pernille There were glimpses of Olli Harder’s Kirby to poke over the line at the far
Brisbane had won four games the used to. “In the UK we are brought Harder helped the WSL leaders cruise vision for West Ham in the opening post to make it 5-0. Harder wrapped
previous season and despite the new up eating plenty of the pastas and into the Continental League Cup final, exchanges. The new manager would up her hat-trick at the close, dancing
manager and a number of imports the chickens and protein dishes but with the 6-0 scoreline a record for a like to see his side press high and with through defenders before firing in her
brought from the English leagues over here a lot of the players still semi-final win. urgency. However, there is a dogged- side’s sixth.
continued where they had left off. want to have the curry dishes. You It took Emma Hayes eight years to ness to Hayes’s team that means they
Two victories from the first 10 games have to adapt to whatever is thrown reach her first League Cup final with will not allow opponents to play keep- Chelsea West Ham
4-3-3 5-4-1
had the Queensland club languishing in front of you.” Chelsea. She took no chances, then, ball against them. Berger; Mjelde, Bright, Arnold; Redisch,
near the bottom as 2019 ended with He is keen to craft a coaching for West Ham’s trip to Kingsmeadow. Chelsea doubled their lead 15 min- Eriksson (Spence 77), Flaherty, Fisk, Vetterlein,
Andersson (Blundell Pacheco (Barker 87);
dour performances bringing barbs identity and being a Liverpool There were only two changes to the utes in when a poor clearance landed 61); Leupolz (Cuthbert Longhurst, Joel, Van
61), Ingle, Ji (Fleming Egmond, Svitkova
of ‘Fowlerball’ in a country that has legend has benefits in getting players Chelsea starting XI that put four past at Ingle’s feet and the Welsh midfielder 61); Kirby (Reiten 77), (Thomas 73); Leon
long held mixed opinions, at best, of to listen. “It helps to a degree but Tottenham on Sunday, Sophie Ingle whipped a trademark long-range effort England, Harder
Subs not used
British coaching. once you are on a training pitch, and Beth England returning in place that embarrassingly squirmed past Subs not used Brosnan, Cissoko, Dali,
It is a label he now welcomes. “I I don’t think it matters because of Sam Kerr and Guro Reiten. Arnold. Telford, Carter, Kerr Mustafa
never made the phrase but that’s not people can see what you are about. I Hayes need not have worried too The goalkeeper was at fault again
a bad thing,” Fowler says. “It is about am extremely normal, though I don’t much, though, with West Ham wilting for Chelsea’s third. She swiped at a Referee Stacey Pearson
having an identity and if people mean to delve into the Jürgen Klopp
coin this phrase then I am happy, side of things. I am me.”
regardless of whether it is right or
One day perhaps he will cross
coaching swords with the Liverpool Kane’s recovery the Everton match comes too soon.
There is a chance Dele Alli could also
him yesterday. We spoke around
[what Alli must do in order to play]
“I want to have a team that passes, manager in England. But not yet. “I make a comeback in the near future, and we found very common ground.”
keeps the ball and works extremely am not sitting here complaining that offers Mourinho with Mourinho explaining the pair Meanwhile, Thomas Tuchel says
hard. I am not saying that I am I haven’t had a chance in the UK; have found “common ground”. that he wants to make Chelsea play
anything like Jürgen Klopp but the
mentality that all good managers
far from it, this is an opportunity.
And I’m here to be the very best I
welcome boost Mourinho’s relief about Kane’s
prognosis was clear. “We were a bit
like an orchestra, explaining that he
occasionally places a higher value on
have, they have an identity and if can. I want to be successful and I am scared when everything happened performances than results if every-
people keep using the Fowlerball ambitious. I am exactly the same as but now we’re much more positive. thing is working in perfect harmony.
thing, I’m more than happy.” a manager as I was as a player: I want Nick Ames I believe for one of those matches Although Tuchel said he would
Whatever the meaning behind to be better than anyone else.” Jacob Steinberg [Everton and City] he should be back.” rather have a lucky win than an
the term, fortunes changed as 2020 Alli had been slated for a loan undeserved defeat when Chelsea visit
dawned and there were eight wins Tottenham’s flagging season has been move to Paris Saint-Germain during Tottenham tonight, the German often
from the next 12. Had coronavirus given a major boost by the news that the transfer window but that was looks beyond the final score to see
not caused a suspension of the Harry Kane should be able to return shelved.  “He needs to be back in whether things are moving in the right
A-League in March with the team from his ankle injury next week and training and have a fresh start,” he direction. The former PSG manager
fourth, Fowler could have picked up could even feature in next Wednesday’s said. “I had a good conversation with spoke about “guided discovery”, a
a third successive manager of the FA Cup fifth-round tie at Everton. training method that puts players in
month award. Instead, he returned Kane sustained knocks to both difficult tactical situations and asks
to England as the pandemic picked ankles in last Thursday’s defeat by ‘We were scared them to find answers.
up speed. Liverpool and there were initial “For that we need a good relationship
When the action finally resumed Robbie Fowler began concerns that he could be out for a
but we’re much between the players and me,” Tuchel
in July Brisbane had terminated his his managerial career number of weeks. However, the issue more positive ’ said. “The results will hopefully follow.
contract. Fowler said it was wrongful in Thailand in 2011 is not serious and José Mourinho In the Premier League you cannot
dismissal and Fifa agreed last expects him to be ready for the visit José Mourinho control the result. But we can take care
November but by that time he was to Manchester City on 13 February if On Kane’s ankle injury of our performance.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:37 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 22:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •


Dominant Maddison Olsen keeps Leeds

breath away; it was just a shame Har-
vey Barnes fired over.
Maddison was undeterred,
demanding the ball again in the 17th

leaves Fulham adrift minute, pulling to the right to create.

Fulham stood off the midfielder, who
made them pay with a fizzing cross
at bay to propel
Everton into top six
that demanded an emphatic finish.
stem from a lack of decisiveness in Iheanacho obliged, darting away
Fulham 0 both boxes and it was hard not to won- from his markers to head home his
der if Fulham would be more effective first league goal of the season.
if they had a more mobile striker than It was a timely strike from Ihea-
Leicester 2
Aleksandar Mitrovic. nacho, who had a penalty saved in
Iheanacho 17, Justin 44
The frustration was that Fulham his side’s recent draw with Crystal
Leeds United 1
made a promising start. Antonee Rob- Palace. Leicester grew in confidence
Raphinha 48
Jacob Steinberg inson raided from left wing-back and and a second goal duly arrived before
Craven Cottage Ademola Lookman’s footwork was joy- half-time, although not before Kasper
Everton 2
ful. With the game still goalless a gor- Schmeichel had denied Tosin Adara-
Sigurdsson 9, Calvert-Lewin 41
For once Jamie Vardy’s absence made geous combination between Lookman bioyo. It was a pivotal save from
no difference. This was a game defined and André-Frank Zambo Anguissa Schmeichel: moments later Maddison
by James Maddison, whose cocki- deserved better than a heavy-leg- was dancing into space before releas- Aaron Bower
ness and eye for a killer pass ensured ged finish from Mitrovic. “The key ing Justin, who skipped round Areola Elland Road
Leicester remembered how to win moments were in both boxes,” Parker before tapping home. “We scored two
without their main goalscorer. Fulham said. “There is one clear objective and goals of great quality,” Rodgers said. Everton’s attacking prowess has
could not live with Maddison, who was that’s to win games.” The game was over as a contest, played a major role in placing Carlo
at the heart of an improved Leicester Although Leicester were without even though Ivan Cavaleiro went close Ancelotti’s side firmly in the hunt for
performance, producing two bewitch- Vardy, who is recovering from a hernia for Fulham after replacing Kenny Tete. European football next season, but it
ing assists to settle the game before operation, the visitors were improved Leicester cruised. They had two goals was their defensive resilience which
half-time and strengthen the visitors’ after losing to Leeds. Rodgers made disallowed for offside during a quiet proved decisive as they held on to inflict
position in the top four. changes to spark his attack, where second half and although Fulham kept another home defeat on Leeds.
It was a wonderfully imagina- Iheanacho’s return through the mid- trying, they have not won since beat- First-half goals from Gylfi Sigur-
tive performance from the 24-year- dle allowed Ayoze Pérez to drop to the ing Leicester on 30 November. dsson and Dominic Calvert-Lewin ▲ Dominic Calvert-Lewin (front)
old midfielder who thrived on the right and combine with Maddison, put Everton 2-0 ahead at half-time, celebrates scoring Everton’s second
responsibility of stepping up with who was a delight in the No 10 role. Fulham Leicester but after Raphinha pulled a goal back
3-4-3 4-2-3-1
Vardy injured, shaping the contest in Maddison was by far the best player Areola; Aina•, Schmeichel; Pereira, for Leeds, who missed the chance to Leeds’ undoing this year, and when
his image by creating goals for Kelechi on the pitch, demonstrating again Andersen, Adarabioyo; Soyuncu, Evans, Justin; move into the top half here, shortly Ben Godfrey’s flick from Sigurdsson’s
Tete (Cavaleiro• 45), Tielemans, Choudhury
Iheanacho and James Justin. There he has risen to new heights. He had Reed•, Anguissa (Mendy• 61); Pérez after the restart, Ancelotti’s side had corner was met by Calvert-Lewin at
(Lemina 45), Robinson; (Albrighton 61),
was no way of containing Maddison, Leicester’s first effort, a powerful drive Loftus-Cheek Maddison, Barnes
to survive wave after wave of attack the far post, their achilles heel was
even though Harrison Reed tried to that stung Alphonse Areola’s palms, (Decordova-Reid 71), (Amartey 76); Iheanacho from the hosts to head back across the exposed yet again.
Mitrovic, Lookman Subs not used
rattle him with a thumping challenge and he created their first proper oppor- Subs not used Ward, Thomas, Fuchs, Pennines with three points. You could argue that scoreline was
in the first half. No bother: Maddison tunity, carving Fulham open with a Rodak, Hector, Odoi, Leshabela, Daley- They were grateful for a string harsh on Leeds, who had enjoyed their
Ream, Bryan, Onomah Campbell, Under
simply got back to work, allowing his sublime backheel to Ricardo Pereira of crucial saves from Robin Olsen fair share of possession and opportu-
class to do the talking. on the right. The chutzpah took the Referee Robert Jones though, who deputised for the injured nities. But, in truth, they had been
Not that the positives for Brendan Jordan Pickford with aplomb. Leeds, punished for their profligacy by the
Rodgers ended with Maddison, who who continue to entertain aplenty in visitors, who were far less wasteful at
has six goals and six assists in his last their first season back in the Premier the other end. However, clearly invig-
12 appearances. Youri Tielemans was League, would argue they deserved orated by whatever Marcelo Bielsa
outstanding in midfield, excelling at least a point here given the domi- had drummed into them at the break,
alongside Hamza Choudhury, who nance they enjoyed throughout the Leeds halved the deficit within three
impressed after seeing a move to New- second half. minutes of the restart.
castle fall through. Justin was superb But they would rue not convert- Everton’s back four had been fairly
again at left-back, breaking forward to ing any of their second-half chances resolute in their own area throughout
polish off a flowing team move. into an equaliser. The result was also the first half, but when they failed
Rodgers’ side had floundered of perhaps a vindication of Ancelotti’s to clear their lines for the first time,
late, picking up one point from their two big gambles in terms of his team Bamford’s pass teed up Raphinha, who
previous two games but they were far selection, with James Rodríguez and curled his shot past Olsen.
too strong for Fulham, who remain in Michael Keane dropping to the bench. From there, the pressure would
18th place. There is something sad In their place, the likes of Sigurdsson only intensify on the visitors, who
about watching Fulham, an engaging and Ben Godfrey – who continues to didn’t force Illan Meslier into another
team with a smart manager and a lot impress as an Everton player since his save until the final moments. All the
of likable players. They are a cohesive move from Norwich – excelled. action was intensified on Olsen’s goal,
unit under Scott Parker and there were Sigurdsson, Everton’s captain for who made a string of crucial stops to
times when they looked to be Leices- the night, took only nine minutes to keep Everton ahead. Whether they will
ter’s equals. But their weaknesses are ▲ Leicester’s James Maddison tries to get past Fulham’s Antonee Robinson break the deadlock. The buildup play go any way towards edging him ahead
too easy to identify. Their problems PLUMB IMAGES/LEICESTER CITY FC VIA GETTY from the visitors, starting with André of Pickford in the quest to become
Gomes’ pass to find Lucas Digne before Everton’s No 1 remains to be seen.
the full-back steered across goal for But there can be no doubting the
Woodgate, who joined the coaching subjected to sickening abuse online, Sigurdsson to finish, was superb. How- importance of Olsen’s performance
Football staff this week, will be the caretaker with monkey emojis and racist terms ever, the manner of Leeds’ defending to his side here. From the quick-fire
manager but is not thought to directed at him on social media. The in response was anything but, with Sig- double save to deny Mateusz Klich and
In brief be in the club’s thinking for the club stated: “We pride ourselves urdsson gifted the easiest of finishes. then Raphinha, before the smart reac-
permanent role. Guardian sport on our inclusive nature. Abuse of To Leeds’ credit, they responded tionary stop to thwart Jack Harrison,
any form will never be tolerated at well from that early setback, but Olsen was perhaps the most pivotal
Bournemouth Southampton Southampton.” PA Media were unable to properly craft any real player on the pitch. The fact his team-
openings in response to Sigurdsson’s mates rushed to him en masse at full
Woodgate stands in Saints condemn racist Chelsea opener. The best chance came from time here as he fell to his knees and
after Tindall’s sacking abuse of Jankewitz Blues’ first black player a set-piece, as Raphinha’s precisely- punched the air underlined that point
driven corner found Ezgjan Alioski, perfectly.
Bournemouth sacked Jason Tindall Southampton have condemned the critically ill in hospital whose volley from the edge of the box
yesterday after less than six months “abhorrent” racist abuse aimed at struck the base of the post.
Leeds Everton
as manager. The decision was taken Swiss midfielder Alex Jankewitz Chelsea’s first black player Paul Further half-chances came and 4-1-4-1 4-2-3-1
after four straight Championship on social media after the loss to Canoville is critically ill in hospital went for Leeds, and four minutes Meslier; Ayling•, Olsen•; Holgate•,
Struijk, Cooper, Alioski Mina, Godfrey•, Digne;
defeats damaged the club’s hopes Manchester United and are liaising after emergency surgery. The before half-time, they were eventually (Hernández 78); Doucouré, Gomes;
of automatic promotion back with police. The 19-year-old was sent 58-year-old graced the Blues with punished for their failure to convert Phillips; Raphinha, Klich Iwobi (King 87),
(Roberts 69), Dallas, Sigurdsson (Davies 89),
to the Premier League. Tindall off inside 90 seconds of his first start distinction between 1981 and 1986, any of them. Calvert-Lewin had infuri- Harrison• (Costa 87); Richarlison (Keane 80);
Bamford Calvert-Lewin
was appointed as manager last on Tuesday evening, with Saints battling racism while acting as a ated Ancelotti when he failed to pass Subs not used Subs not used
August on a three-year contract going on to fall to a record-equalling trailblazer for his community. The to Richarlison while bearing down on Casilla, Davis, Virgínia, Delph, Nkounkou,
Cresswell, Shackleton, Rodríguez, Bernard,
after Eddie Howe left following 9-0 Premier League defeat to United. Southall-born winger has more goal, instead firing wide, but there was Jenkins, Huggins Coleman
relegation – Tindall had been Howe’s Jankewitz subsequently became recently contended with drug no such anger a few moments later.
long-serving assistant. Jonathan the latest in a string of players to be addiction and cancer. PA Media Set-pieces have so often been Referee Michael Oliver
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:38 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 22:14 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

38 Sport Alzate
Football Premier League
the title
Steven Alzate
Aston Villa (0) 1 West Ham (0) 3 deflects
Watkins 81 Soucek 51, Lingard 56 83 Brighton’s
Burnley (0) 0 Manchester City (2) 2 winner past
Jesus 3, Sterling 38
Fulham (0) 0 Leicester (2) 2
Iheanacho 17, Justin 44 Kelleher in
Leeds (0) 1 Everton (2) 2 the Liverpool
Raphinha 48 Sigurdsson 9
Calvert-Lewin 41
Liverpool (0) 0 Brighton (0) 1
Alzate 56
P W D L F A GD Pts
Norwich 27 16 7 4 35 21 +14 55
Brentford 26 14 9 3 48 26 +22 51
Swansea 26 14 8 4 33 15 +18 50
Reading 26 14 5 7 40 29 +11 47
Watford 27 13 8 6 31 20 +11 47
Bournemouth 27 11 9 7 40 26 +14 42
Middlesbrough 27 11 7 9 30 24 +6 40
Blackburn 26 11 6 9 41 28 +13 39
Bristol City 27 12 3 12 29 31 -2 39
Stoke 27 9 11 7 32 29 +3 38
Preston 27 11 3 13 31 34 -3 36
Barnsley 27 10 6 11 29 34 -5 36
Luton 26 9 6 11 21 28 -7 33
Millwall 27 6 14 7 22 25 -3 32
Huddersfield 27 9 5 13 30 38 -8 32
Cardiff 26 8 7 11 33 31 +2 31
QPR 26 7 9 10 25 32 -7 30
Coventry 27 7 9 11 26 37 -11 30
Nottm Forest 27 7 8 12 22 30 -8 29
Derby 27 7 7 13 17 28 -11 28
Birmingham 27 6 10 11 19 31 -12 28
Rotherham 25 7 5 13 30 35 -5 26
Sheff Wed 26 8 7 11 18 26 -8 25
Wycombe 25 3 7 15 18 42 -24 16
Brentford (1) 3 Bristol City (1) 2
Canós 27, Toney 50 Vyner 3
Ghoddos 65 Wells 90
Rotherham (0) 3 Derby (0) 0
Ihiekwe 76, Smith 81, Giles 88
P W D L F A GD Pts
Rangers 27 24 3 0 67 7 +60 75
Celtic 25 15 7 3 55 20 +35 52
Hibernian 27 13 7 7 37 26 +11 46
Aberdeen 26 12 8 6 31 26 +5 44
Livingston 26 11 6 9 34 29 +5 39

Alzate’s lucky break strikes new

St Mirren 24 8 5 11 24 28 -4 29 An excellent interception from Dunk
Dundee Utd 27 6 10 11 21 38 -17 28 prevented Robertson’s cut-back reach-
St Johnstone 27 6 9 12 25 36 -11 27
Motherwell 25 6 7 12 23 37 -14 25
ing Salah in front of goal but fell to Fir-
Kilmarnock 26 7 3 16 26 37 -11 24 mino, whose low shot was blocked by
Ross County
Kelly 16og
5 16 21 51 -30 23
4 16 22 51 -29 19
(1) 1 Ross County
White 81, McKay 85
(0) 2 blow to Liverpool title defence another lunging intervention by the
Brighton captain.
The pressure was growing on the
visitors yet not only were they unper-
Motherwell (2) 2 Dundee United (0) 1
Cole 23, Long 28 Edwards 80 turbed, they took the lead with a goal
to the team that defeated Tottenham Despite Liverpool’s dominance of that combined flowing football with
Rangers (0) 1 St Johnstone (0) 0
Hagi 52 Liverpool
on Sunday with Dan Burn and Steven the ball it was Brighton who went clos- outrageous fortune.
P W D L F A GD Pts Alzate replacing Joel Veltman and est again before the break when Pascal Bissouma was central to a polished
Alexis Mac Allister. Gross whipped a first time cross into switch of play from left to right that
14 11
14 6
3 40 17 +23 33
2 24 15 +9 24 Brighton 1 The visitors run of clean sheets the heart of the home box. Maupay, ended with a superb cross into the pen-
Raith 13 6 3 4 28 22 +6 21 Alzate 56
Dundee 13 5 5 3 24 24 0 20 could have ended inside three minutes arriving in space in front of Roberto alty area for Burn, lurking unmarked
Ayr 13 4 5 4 20 17 +3 17 when Mohamed Salah was presented Firmino,met the delivery with a pow- at the far post. The defender’s header
Morton 14 4 5 5 13 18 -5 17 Andy Hunter with a glorious chance to score his fifth erful header but could not find the back across goal forced Phillips to
Inverness CT 11 3 5 3 18 15 +3 14
Queen of the South 13 4 2 7 19 30 -11 14
goal in four games by Jordan Hender- accuracy to test Kelleher. throw himself into a clearance that
Arbroath 14 2 5 7 10 19 -9 11 son. Liverpool’s captain, floated a per- Firmino had been anonymous in the struck Leandro Trossard on the
Alloa 13 2 2 9 13 32 -19 8 The need to defeat Manchester City at fect pass from the halfway line into first half, so too Xherdan Shaqiri,but thigh, rebounded against Alzate and
Arbroath 1 Inverness CT 1; Dunfermline 4 Raith Rovers 1 Anfield on Sunday has become more Salah’s run behind Adam Webster. The the Brazil international almost pros- then looped beyond Kelleher off the
FA WOMEN’S CONTINENTAL LEAGUE CUP pressing for Liverpool. Just when it Egypt international controlled well but pered when Liverpool finally managed Brighton midfielder.
Semi-finals: Bristol City 1 Leicester 0; Chelsea 6 West Ham 0
seemed the Premier League cham- scuffed his second touch high over to find space between the Brighton Brighton continued to defend
Quarter-finals Granada L Barcelona L; pions had reinvigorated their title the bar with only goalkeeper Robert defence and midfield after the restart. superbly, Webster pinching the ball
Levante 1 Villarreal 0 (aet; 0-0 after 90 mins) defence with successive away wins at Sánchez to beat. It was a rare opening off Firmino’s toes as he shaped to con-
COPPA ITALIA Tottenham and West Ham, they suc- for Liverpool, and lapse in concentra- vert Thiago’s chipped free-kick into
Semi-final: First leg Napoli 0 Atalanta 0
cumbed to a second consecutive home tion by Brighton. How they stand the area.
Third round RB Leipzig 4 Bochum 0; SSV Jahn Regensburg L defeat as Brighton executed a perfect Sánchez did not have a save to make Salah was close to capitalising on
Köln L; Stuttgart 1 B M’gladbach 2; Wolfsburg 1 Schalke 0 game-plan to record their first league before half-time as Solly March, Lewis defensive disruption when Milner
Cricket victory at Anfield since 1982. Dunk and Webster, Brighton’s three P W D L F A GD Pts released Trent Alexander-Arnold
FIRST TEST MATCH (first day of five) Steven Alzate, with a huge slice of central defenders, provided com- Man City 21 14 5 2 39 13+26 47 down the right and the full-back picked
Chittagong Bangladesh 242-5 (Shadman Islam 59). fortune, delivered a memorable win manding protection against Liverpool Man Utd 22 13 5 4 46 27+19 44 out the forward with a low, hard cross.
Bangladesh scored 242 runs for for the loss of five first-
innings wickets against West Indies. for Graham Potter’s side who defended crosses and eight, sometimes nine out- Leicester 22 13 3 6 39 25+14 42 Salah’s first time effort sailed inches
Tennis superbly all night and possessed the field players dropped deep whenever Liverpool 22 11 7 4 43 25+18 40 wide of the top corner, however. Gross
ATP CUP (Melbourne, Australia) quality to trouble Liverpool on the few the home side had possession. West Ham 22 11 5 6 34 28 +6 38 was even closer to extending the visi-
Group A: Germany v Canada: J-L Struff (Ger) bt M Raonic occasions they broke forward. Crea- That hindered their efforts to hurt Everton 20 11 3 6 31 25 +6 36 tors lead from a corner but Kelleher
(Can) 7-6 (7-4) 7-6 (7-2); A Zverev (Ger) bt D Shapovalov
(Can) 6-7 (5-7) 6-3 7-6 (7-4); S Diez & P Polansky (Can) bt tively and clinically, Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool with sharp, intelligent Tottenham 20 9 6 5 34 21+13 33 produced a fine save low to his left to
K Krawietz & J-L Struff (Ger) 7-6 (7-4) 6-7 (6-8) 10-3. team were found wanting again and passing of their own, although it Chelsea 21 9 6 6 35 23+12 33 tip away the midfielder’s curling shot.
Germany bt Canada 2-1. Group B: Greece v Australia: J
Millman (Aus) bt M Pervolarakis (Gre) 6-2 6-3; S Tsitsipas find themselves seven points behind was evident and almost produced a Aston Villa 20 10 2 8 35 24+11 32
(Gre) bt A de Minaur (Aus) 6-3 7-5; J Peers & L Saville
the league leaders ahead of Sunday’s breakthrough against the run of play Arsenal 22 9 4 9 27 22 +5 31 Liverpool Brighton
(Aus) bt M Pervolarakis & S Tsitsipas (Gre) 6-3 4-6 10-5. 4-3-3 3-5-2
Australia bt Greece 2-1. Group C: Italy v France: F Fognini encounter. for Dan Burn. A flowing Brighton Leeds 21 9 2 10 36 38 -2 29 Sánchez; March (Lallana
Kelleher; Alexander-
(It) bt B Paire (Fr) 6-1 7-6 (7-2); M Berrettini (It) bt G Southampton 21 8 5 8 27 34 -7 29 Arnold, Phillips, 67), Dunk, Webster;
Monfils (Fr) 6-4 6-2; N Mahut & E Roger-Vasselin (Fr) bt Deadline day signing Ben Davies move resulted in Neal Maupay break- White, Gross, Bissouma,
Henderson, Robertson;
S Bolelli & A Vavassori (It) 6-3 6-4. Italy bt France 2-1. started his Liverpool career on the ing clear behind the home defence. Crystal Palace 22 8 5 9 27 37 -10 29 Thiago, Wijnaldum• Alzate, Burn; Maupay
Group D: Russia v Japan: A Rublev (Rus) bt Y Nishioka Wolves 22 7 5 10 23 31 -8 26 (Oxlade-Chamberlain (Connolly 83), Trossard
(Jpn) 6-1 6-3; D Medvedev (Rus) bt K Nishikori (Jpn) 6-2 bench. First choice goalkeeper Alisson Having cut back inside Henderson and 64), Milner; Salah, (Zeqiri 87)
6-4; B McLachlan & Y Nishioka bt E Donskoy & A Karatsev was also absent through illness – not James Milner, the striker’s eventual Brighton 22 5 9 8 24 29 -5 24 Firmino (Jones 79), Subs not used
(Rus) 4-6 6-3 12-10. Russia bt Japan 2-1 Newcastle 22 6 4 12 22 36 -14 22 Shaqiri (Origi 64) Walton, McGill,
Covid-19, Klopp said – resulting in a shot deflected off Andy Robertson
Fixtures Burnley 21 6 4 11 13 28 -15 22
Subs not used Karbownik, Moder, Tau,
fifth start of the season for Caoimhin into the path of Burn. The defender Adrián, Tsimikas, Weir
Football Davies, Cain, R
Premier League Tottenham v Chelsea (8pm) Kelleher. Brighton, who had not con- demonstrated he is far more suited to Fulham 21 2 8 11 17 31 -14 14
Williams, N Willias
Cricket ceded in their previous three Premier his own penalty area by skying a volley West Brom 22 2 6 14 18 52 -34 12
Second Test Match (first day of five) Sheffield Utd 22 3 2 17 14 35 -21 11
Rawalpindi Pakistan v South Africa (5am) League outings, made two changes over Kelleher’s goal. Referee Kevin Friend
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:39 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 22:15 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Raheem 39
the value
of Sterling

Jesus and Sterling The England

scores from

ensure City retain

close range
to seal

swagger for Anfield deserved win


we had to do our best,” Guardiola said.

Burnley 0 “Now we have different teams, who
have different type of play: Liverpool,
Tottenham, West Ham, Manchester
Manchester City 2 United and the Champions League
Jesus 3, Sterling 38
[restarting]. A tough group of games
but we enjoy this [win] have some
Jamie Jackson good food, and start to think about
Turf Moor Liverpool.”
Burnley were rocked almost
Manchester City have a swagger about instantly after kick-off. Raheem Ster-
them that their rivals will be wary of. ling received the ball and relayed it to
They pulled three points clear at the Bernardo Silva, who advanced and
top via a 13th consecutive victory shot. Nick Pope’s parry was weak, and
achieved with minimal effort against the ball popped up at head height for
a Burnley side who had no answer. Gabriel Jesus to nod home.
Pep Guardiola’s team also have a “Sometimes you get caught in two
game in hand over Manchester United, minds as a keeper whether to parry or
who are second, and appear in prime not,” Sean Dyche said of Pope’s error.
control of their destiny despite the “But we could’ve stopped the ball City are masters of possession, Now, City struck again. Riyad Mah- Describing Dyche’s men as
absence of their record goalscorer, before then.” able to go from relaxed to breathless rez pinged the ball to Gündogan who becalmed was an understatement. As
Sergio Agüero, and finest player, Kevin This was a second goal in two games pace in an instant. One Sterling run had popped up on the right wing. His the contest passed the hour mark they
De Bruyne. for Jesus, to the delight of his man- in behind that panicked Pope was an cross zipped over the surface, Pope had yet to register a shot until Matej
City go to Liverpool next for what ager. “Strikers need goals for their illustration. The keeper rushed out was helpless, and Sterling’s was a Vydra chest-controlled then blasted
will be a fascinating clash between the confidence,” Guardiola said. “Gabriel and barely cleared his lines. The more sniffer’s finish. Moments later Cancelo wide, but City continued to squeeze
current champions and those of the Jesus played really good.” measured stuff came when Sterling, shot straight at Pope – again from close their opponents.
two previous seasons. If they leave From here it was a stroll for City. Yet Aymeric Laporte, Rodri, and Rúben range – as City continued to operate The truth is this was a canter. If it
Merseyside on Sunday with victory of interest was how Guardiola arranged Dias knocked the ball between them. like a superior five-a-side team whose seems unlikely Sunday’s game will
it may prove a significant blow in this his team. João Cancelo, supposedly a And when this broke down Cancelo ambition is to accumulate goals by be the same, Guardiola struck an omi-
year’s title race. defender, was part of a four-man mid- rushed over to tackle Jay Rodriguez: walking the ball in. nous note. “We lost simple balls and
Guardiola said: “Now is the time field, the Portuguese operating ahead here was the embodiment of Guardi- They began the second half with a I’m concerned and talked with them
to enjoy this and tomorrow we start and to the right of the holding player, ola’s dictum that his players have to flowing move that went from Dias to – we can do a lot better.”
to think about that. They are a con- Rodri, with Ilkay Gündogan the central “run and run” when losing possession. Ederson to Silva who moved the ball
tender to be champion but it’s only playmaker. Burnley – surprisingly – hardly to Sterling. From here play switched Burnley Manchester City
4-4-2 3-1-3-3
three points.” made life awkward for City. Sterling to Cancelo and his 20-yard shot was Pope; Lowton, Ederson•; Dias,
The manager pointed to how Burn- was allowed to wander infield and tap goal-bound but for a block. Gündogan Tarkowski, Mee, Pieters; Stones, Laporte; Rodri;

ley completes a sequence of victories ‘Strikers need to Jesus in space in the area: his effort followed this up by firing off a shot
Westwood (Benson 81),
Cancelo (Zinchenko 64),
Gündogan, Sterling;
Cork (Stephens• 71), Mahrez, Jesus, Silva
over similar opponents that has also took a deflection off Ben Mee that Pope from distance a few seconds later: it
included Brighton, Crystal Palace,
goals. Jesus played gathered in what was a warning. If this went wide but then the same player
McNeil; Vydra, Rodriguez
(Mumbongo• 77)
Aston Villa, West Brom, and Sheffield really good’ was as close as the visitors had come sent Sterling racing on to a delightful Subs not used
Peacock-Farrell, Bardsley,
Subs not used
Steffen, Walker, Torres,
United. “We’ve won six games in a row to doubling the lead they had Burnley ball and the England forward should Long, Dunne, Driscoll- Mendy, Fernandinho,
Glennon, Nartey Foden, García, Gomes
against teams in low positions and we Pep Guardiola precisely where they wished: chasing have scored a second. Instead he dal-
know how tough it was to win these – Manchester City manager the ball around the pitch. lied and Burnley escaped. Referee Martin Atkinson

Lingard debut double maintains

Martínez made decent saves from guided his right-footed shot low into
Antonio, who controlled Soucek’s pass the far bottom corner.
and volleyed almost in one movement, That ended Villa’s chances of equal-

West Ham’s drive for top four and Lingard at one end before Villa
threatened at the other end.
Matty Cash centred superbly for
ling their Premier League record of
four successive clean sheets at home
established 20 years ago. But worse
Ollie Watkins to head over before the was to come.
latter cut back on to Grealish’s clever Despite having more than half an
time, the clinching third. Lingard had West Ham had prevailed in six succes- return pass down the left and wrapped hour to chase an equaliser, Villa com-
Aston Villa 1 not started a Premier Legaue game for sive games in all competitions before his right foot around a shot that kissed mitted men forward in kamikaze fash-
Watkins 81
more than a year but his second goal, Sunday and have already equalled last the outside of the far post. ion. Grealish got away with it initially
as he rifled home after Michail Anto- season’s total of 10 league wins. West Ham are nothing if not well with a remarkable turn away from
West Ham 3 nio’s pass out wide, showed that with These are relatively heady days organised under Moyes, however, and three players but within moments
Soucek 51, Lingard 56 83
confidence he can still be a threat at for both these claret and blue teams their compact shape and well co-ordi- West Ham were breaking over the
this level. and West Ham balanced their sense of nated lateral transition prevented Villa halfway line with three players against
Peter Lansley Tomas Soucek had given West Ham adventure by playing a second right- gaining a head of steam. They pressed Cash and Douglas Luiz. Benrahma led
Villa Park the lead just after half-time but Villa back, recalling Ryan Fredericks to offer again only for Martínez to tip aside the charge down the middle before
looked to be pushing for a draw after extra security against Jack Grealish. Aaron Cresswell’s free-kick. passing out to the right from where
Jesse Lingard rewarded David Moyes’s Watkins gathered Jack Grealish’s pass There was little to choose between West Ham converted this edge into Antonio clipped a fine pass over for
faith in rescuing him from his Man- to make it 1-2. But Lingard’s confident the teams in the first half: Emiliano a concrete advantage with two goals Lingard to control with his first touch
chester United doldrums with a goal- third took West Ham to within two early in the second half as Villa were before shooting home with his second.
scoring contribution to the win that points of the top four. cut open down the channels. To be
means West Ham have achieved their Despite having only 179 minutes done once could have been consid- Aston Villa West Ham
4-2-3-1 4-2-3-1
highest top-flight points tally after 22 of cup action for Manchester United ered unfortunate but for it to happen Martínez; Cash, Konsa, Fabianski; Coufal, Dawson,
games since 1985-86. under his belt this season, the new twice inside five minutes speaks of Mings, Targett; Ogbanna, Cresswell•;
Douglas Luiz• (Sanson Rice, Soucek; Frederiks
The former England winger, having loan signing was thrown into the fray carelessness. 80), McGinn; El Ghazi (Fornals 84), Lingard
(Traoré h–t), Barkley (Bowen 90), Benrahma
signed on loan on Monday, provided from the off as West Ham sought to Antonio and Saïd Benrahma were (Trezeguet 69), (Johnson 88); Antonio
signs of the spark that marked out his stay on the coattails of the top four. pivotal in both goals. First the target Grealish; Watkins. Subs not used
Subs not used Martin, Balbuena,
early-career promise before scoring Lingard was offered the privilege man held the ball up and laid it off for Heaton, Nakamba, Yarmolenko, Lanzini, Diop,
West Ham’s second goal at the start of of playing in the hole off Antonio as the former Brentford winger to play Engels, El Mohamady, Odubeko
Davis, Ramsey
the second half and, after Ollie Watkins Moyes planned to return to winning ▲ Jesse Lingard is congratulated an astute ball down the inside-right
had pulled one back nine minutes from ways after the defeat by Liverpool. after West Ham’s second goal channel where Soucek took aim and Referee Andrew Madley
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:40 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 22:11 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

The Guardi
Leicester joy Wing slung g Thursday 4 F
February 2021

Foxes stay on Adams dropped

tail of leaders for two Wales
with smooth games following
away success virus breach
Page 37  Six Nations, page 33 

Tennis faces
more turmoil
after Covid hits
players’ hotel
Tumaini Carayol

The Australian Open has been clouded

with further uncertainty after up to
600 tennis players, officials and
support staff were required to isolate
until they return a negative test for
Covid-19 following the news that a
worker at a quarantine hotel had tested
positive for the virus.
Tennis Australia consequently
announced that all matches scheduled
for today at the warm-up tournaments
have been postponed until tomorrow.
Liverpool lose The infected person, a 26-year-old
man, had been working at Melbourne’s
ground with Grand Hyatt Hotel during the players’
time there and his most recent shift
City up next was on 29 January. After testing nega-
tive on a test administered that day, he
developed symptoms and returned a
positive test on Tuesday.
Players who stayed at the Grand
Hyatt, which includes highly ranked


Liverpool Brighton players, are considered casual con-
tacts and must quarantine until their
test results are known. Although the

0 1
full extent of the situation will not be
known until all results are back, the
effect on warm-up tournaments is
 Steven Alzate turns to celebrate already notable.
his winning goal at Anfield, sealing There are six tournaments in
a brilliant victory for Brighton progress during a manic lead-up week
Match report Page 38  at Melbourne Park and 62 matches
were scheduled to be played today.
With the Australian Open due to start
on Monday, the tournaments were

‘Inspire a generation’
“You look at the stuff Sky do and the already tightly scheduled. Tennis
reach they get, they do a wonderful job Australia will now have to assess how
and they give great content for all the to safely complete those events and
viewers. [But] this is a great opportu- allow players sufficient rest before

Root thrilled by Test cricket’s nity to reach out to a new audience,

to grow the game as we keep talking
about and for it to be more accessible
the major begins. More complications
may also further affect public opinion
over the first grand slam of the year,

free-to-air return for 100th cap

for everyone else. which had already suffered following
“So it’s a great thing for the sport criticism some players received upon
and hopefully people will tune in and arrival in Australia.
watch us and have something to smile Daniel Andrews, Victoria’s premier,
about at the end of it.” held a news conference yesterday to
Root, who made his debut in 2012 announce the case and urged those
predominantly to Sky after the 2005 becoming the 15th cricketer to play when England completed a historic with symptoms in Melbourne to get
Ali Martin Ashes, with Channel 4 confirming yes- 100 Test matches for England. “We 2-1 win in India, spoke of his pride at tested. Andrews noted that,
35 
terday it had secured the rights. want to inspire a generation, the next reaching his personal milestone. Of at that moment, there were
A combination of the national generation. the 14 players to reach three-figures
Joe Root hopes Test cricket’s return lockdown and a day-night third Test previously – a list that includes Alastair
to terrestrial television captures the in Ahmedabad that starts at 9am UK Crawley Cook, Kevin Pietersen and Graham
imagination of a new audience as the time – the other three games begin Gooch – none did so with more than
England captain gears up to win his five hours earlier – brings with it the
awaits scan Root’s current tally of 8,249 runs.
100th cap with a vow there are plenty prospect of bumper viewing figures for on possible The 30-year-old, whose side will
more runs still to come from his bat. the sport, with a previous record peak broken wrist wear black armbands to honour the
The four-match series against of 8.7m viewers when Sky shared the late Captain Sir Tom Moore, said:
after slip in
India that begins in Chennai tomor- 2019 World Cup final with Channel 4. “There are some fantastic players
row will be the first Test cricket shown “It is brilliant for the game,” said training among those and many I’ve looked
live on free-to-air television in the Root, who follows his teammates up to and admired for many ▲ Daniel Andrews, premier of
Page 34  35 
UK since England matches moved Stuart Broad and Jimmy Anderson in years. It’s been amazing Victoria, announced the positive test
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:1 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:49 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

I just
on childhood,
stardom and
a lockdown

Thursday 04/02/21
Adrian Chiles
What makes
the perfect pub?
page 3

‘It’s an experiment’
Kehinde Andrews
on life as a professor
of Black studies
page 4
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:2 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 12:44 cYanmaGentaYellowblac
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:3 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:39 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Pass notes 3
The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021

It takes two minutes What makes a
perfect pub?
to brush your teeth. It’s different
Why don’t I have time? for everyone

dentist suggested I see a hygienist. She tried her I’ve been considering what
best to make it sound as if this advice didn’t amount
to me being sent to the naughty step. Her tone was
kinder than that, more like a teacher saying:
makes the perfect pub. This is in
preparation for an appearance on
a podcast by the comedian John
№ 4,240
“You’ve obviously tried very hard with this work
and it’s very good, but why don’t you take it away
and have another look at it?”
Robins, called The Moon Under
Water. The title is a reference to
something George Orwell wrote in
The hygienist was very thorough. She, too, trod a line of floss-like 1946 about his idea of a perfect pub – Age: About 2,000 years old, originating, it is
fineness between praising my efforts, saying there wasn’t too much which, sadly, he had to admit didn’t said, in Persia.
to worry about, and yet also implying that if I didn’t sharpen up a bit, exist. This might be the perfect time AKA: Spinacia oleracea.
the consequences would be grave. I very clearly heard my entirely to think about your perfect pub. Appearance: Leafy, green, connected.
toothless grandad’s words when I was newly baby-toothless: “This With all of them closed, you can take Connected how? Wirelessly.
set of teeth have got to last you a lifetime now; look after them.” I took a step back and give this weighty Wirelessly connected to what? To email.
this on board but then he disappointed me greatly by giving me an question the attention it deserves. How can this be happening? Through
electric toothbrush for Christmas. I wanted a bike. To simply say you like pubs nanotechnology, infrared detectors and the
The hygienist gave me three sizes of those little pokey brushy generally is like saying you like mobile network, if that makes sense.
things, explaining they work better than flossing. She also showed books, or food. What kind of books? You know what doesn’t make sense? The
me how to use an electric toothbrush correctly. I was astonished to What kind of food? Judging by spinach part. Why would spinach need to
learn that waggling it around the inside of your mouth for 20 seconds Orwell’s interest, even in 1946 all receive emails? Don’t be silly – it doesn’t
or so is suboptimal. I was even more pubs weren’t the same; now they receive emails.
astounded to be advised that the head come in all shapes and sizes. Of course not, sorry. It sends them.
should be changed every two months. What, I wonder, would George Spinach is sending emails? To whom?
Hmm. I hadn’t changed mine once in have made of Wetherspoons or At this stage, mostly to scientists at the
the three years I’d had it. your average gastropub? Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
She told me to take 30 seconds In my teens I was no aficionado; The spinach plants have been engineered to
to move the brush slowly along the all I cared about was getting served. act as self-powered auto-samplers in ambient
front of the top teeth, then 30 seconds When I was 20 I travelled across the groundwater.
along the back of them and then the US by Greyhound bus with a couple What does that mean? It means the spinach
same procedure for the bottom ones. of mates. Being underage there, it has embedded within its leaf mesophyll
Two minutes, then: a short amount was only about getting a bartender single-walled carbon nanotubes capable of
of time in the scheme of things, well to believe I was 21. But the night I fluorescing with an intensity relative to the
spent. That evening, with my armoury got back I went to my then local, level of nitroaromatics taken up by the roots.
of new gear ready to go, I strode up to an unlovely place called the And then it sends an email.
the sink full of purpose. Gloucester, and I realised what I’d So far, I’m with you not one step of the way.
The poking bit is tricky enough. been taking for granted. A British Basically, the plant is constantly monitoring
Three weeks on, I still haven’t pub can be a beautiful thing, with a the groundwater for traces of certain
‘Lockdown has managed to memorise which of my ripple of chat, a suggestion of music chemicals used in explosives.
slowed my life three brush sizes fit in which gaps. and the clink of glasses. I’d come Did they interview widely for this job before
down, but there But the bigger challenge has been elongating the electric brushing to across nothing close in any bar I’d giving it to spinach? “Plants are very good
is still work to do’ the specified 30 seconds for each sweep. I just can’t go slowly enough. been allowed into between Los analytical chemists,” says the research leader,
I have tried setting the timer on my watch and bringing a clock with Angeles and New York. Prof Michael Strano. “They have an extensive
a second hand into the bathroom. Didn’t help. So I tried dividing the I suppose what you want from root network in the soil, are constantly sampling
30 seconds into two, with 15 seconds to get me from the back of the a pub depends on how old you groundwater and have a way to self-power the
mouth to the front and another 15 seconds continuing around from are. Once upon a time I craved transport of that water up into the leaves.”
the front to the back of the mouth on the other side. I still couldn’t somewhere busy, with noise and How does it get to where the bombs are in
manage it. I moved on to dividing the 30 seconds by the number of craic leaking out of its bursting the first place? This is just one potential
areas to be dealt with (13 gaps plus the outsides of the back ones) seams. Now I want something application. “Plants are very environmentally
and tried to keep the brush in each spot for two seconds. Incredibly, between absolutely packed and responsive,” says Strano. “If we tap into those
I still couldn’t do it. So, after three weeks trying, I finally gave up, completely dead, erring towards chemical signalling pathways, there is a wealth
deciding that it was simply impossible. I decided this in the same way the latter. Somewhere to sit is nice/ of information to access.”
I might have concluded that I simply couldn’t learn Mandarin or how essential. And I definitely want to It’s certainly sounds like cutting-edge stuff.
to ride a unicycle. hear myself think and be able to The MIT study was conducted in 2016, but a
On reflection, this has really shocked me. I conclude that while converse. If I’m on my own someone recent article in Euronews caused the story go
lockdown has, greatly to my benefit, slowed my life down, there is to chat to is great, but not as great as viral, because of the spinach and the emails.
still some work to do; there is more slowing down to be done. Many someone who can judge whether I’m I tell you what: I could believe a lot of the
times, looking into the bathroom mirror, I had told myself I simply did up for talking or not. emails in my inbox were from spinach. Yes,
not have this much time to spare for a new, improved dental hygiene As for the food offering, ironically lots of comments like that.
regime. This much time! How profoundly ridiculous to be quite what I’d prefer not to be available are You just think: who wrote this nonsense?
unable to stand still for even two minutes twice a day; how madly substantial meals. Not what pubs are Some spinach? Don’t underestimate spinach
must the adrenal glands be relentlessly pumping at all hours. What’s about, in my view. Salty snacks are – scientists have also found that spinach
my rush? Until a fire breaks out, the flat starts flooding or the dog has important, though, and I may allow a converted into carbon nanosheets can help
learned how to open the fridge, I most definitely have a minute or bowl of chips with or without a small make fuel cells more efficient.

more to spare twice a day. So now I am renewing my efforts to meet pie or sandwich. Is there anything spinach isn’t good at? It’s
my hygienist’s demands; apart from anything else, I’m seeing her on I wish I hadn’t started writing this quite easy to overcook.
Tuesday and crave approval. If I can get to two minutes’ brushing – it’s made me sad. I want to be in my Do say: “Hi, hope you’re well. Levels of
twice a day, it may not mean I’ve found inner peace, but it would Moon Under Water. Please can this nitroaromatic particles remain steady. If you
surely be a sign I’m inching closer to it. plague ebb away soon? need anything else please let me know. Things
are crazy here!! Take care, spinachX.”
Don’t say: “Spinach, just text me yeah.”
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:4 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:46 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

4 The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021

Black lives
‘The battles, the scars:
I’ve just had to fight’
“I started picking up the books
lying around in my house,” he says,

Kehinde Andrews, the UK’s first Black gesturing to a wall of Black literature
behind him. It was, he says, quoting

studies professor, tells Nesrine Malik Malcolm X’s description of starting to

read in prison, “like snow falling off a

about his childhood identity crisis, roof”. Travel swept off any remaining
snow. A Voluntary Services
the importance of the Black radical Overseas youth exchange took him
to post-apartheid South Africa,
tradition – and his high-profile spats where he realised, despite legal

changes, that an informal system still
oppressed Black people. “Combined
white friends. He would go to the Andrews’ with the reading, coming back, I was
pub to watch England play and sing parents a completely different person.”
“patriotic, anti-Irish chants”. He By the time he was ready to
“fell so far down the rabbit hole” that reclaim this heritage, he realised a
he began to listen to country music, mass erasure of Black British history
he says, in his desire to be someone was under way. The markers of ‘I’ve probably
else. “Garth Brooks, if I remember his childhood were disappearing. done permanent
correctly. It seems sort of trivial, “The biggest contribution of Black
damage to my
hen but it really wasn’t.” families is in education, bookshops,
mental and
Kehinde Andrews was at school, his At his lowest point, this desire to Saturday schools. It’s almost
physical health’
friends would never have imagined be white culminated in him hating completely gone: the Saturday
him growing up to become the his hair. “I started not combing it and schools are gone; the bookshops are
UK’s first Black studies professor wishing it was straight and easy to almost all closed.” Saturday schools
– nor that he would help found manage, like my white friends’,” he were set up in the 70s to counteract
the first Black studies programme says. “I got called a Bounty bar. And, the historical neglect of Black
in Europe, at Birmingham City looking back honestly, that was me.” children in state schools, but also
University. True, he grew up in the Today, he doesn’t judge his to improve self-esteem by teaching
city, the son of two committed Black younger self or those he was trying Black studies. Andrews believes the
activists, who established numerous so hard to copy. “We tend to think disappearance of this supplemental
organisations and promoted the of people who embrace the negative infrastructure has had serious
Black anti-racist intellectual stereotypes of blackness” – such as consequences, undermining the
tradition – but Andrews, 37, didn’t gangster culture – “as completely At primary political education of the current
always embrace their legacy. In fact, different to the ‘Bounty bars’. But school; (below) generation of working-class brown
his path to Black studies took a they’re both saying blackness is teaching at and Black people.
detour when he rebelled against important, blackness is my identity,” Birmingham He believes this is because a
everything it stood for. he says. Both, in other words, believe City University pivot to trying to change existing
“I had an identity crisis in high that blackness determines their path institutions – rather than nurturing
school,” he says. “I look back and in life, whether they are running from separate organisations – has
cringe.” If this sounds like the usual that fact or trying to embrace it. made it hard to foster the sort of
chafing against parental authority,
it was. But there was also a deeper –
Eventually, he found his way
back to the Black radical tradition in
communitarian spirit in which
his parents thrived. “The biggest Our failure as
and sadder – reason. As the result of
a sort of British version of bussing,
which he had been raised. Andrews’
mother was half white English, half
mistake we make in Britain is that
we really do try to integrate into
a community
Andrews travelled every day to a
school with a good reputation in a
Jamaican, a university graduate who
was born in Britain. His father, from
society.” Since the 80s, he says,
there has been a gold rush for jobs
is that we
predominantly white area. Even as
a child, he says, he could see that
rural Jamaica, came to the UK in his
early teens and left school without
and education in mainstream
organisations: “I work as a
Black students were pigeonholed.
“The racial stereotypes were so
qualifications after his experience
in the underfunded school system,
university professor; I’m part of that
moment.” But he says that means
protected our
clear,” he says. “It was so obvious,
from day one, that Black kids don’t
which seemingly had no interest
in the career prospects of Black
“we’ve neglected the alternative
spaces – and then we wonder why
own legacy
do well.” There was, he says, “a very boys. Their marriage represents to everything’s gone wrong”.
clear path” based on students’ race. Andrews the union of “civil rights The absence of those spaces
“There’s me and one, maybe two, and Black power”. the race relations board, which, has led to unrealistic expectations own newspapers. “There were so
other Black kids in the top set – His formative memories are as part of the government, was and demands of equality from many community newspapers in the
everybody else was in the bottom almost all references to nurseries, eyed with suspicion by some Black institutions that are fundamentally 70s and 80s,” he says. They no longer
set. In my 11-year-old head, it was: Saturday schools, bookshops activist groups. His father, jokes opposed to change, he says – for exist “because we have relied on the
‘Well, I’m going to do well in school, and local organisations that his Andrews, “thought my mother was a instance, that the white-dominated schools to change and the media to
so I’m going to go with the white parents – particularly his father spy when they first met. I don’t know media will support racial justice change. Our failure as a community
kids.’ That was how it was set up.” – started. Andrews’ father was a what happened, but she ended up movements such as Black Lives is that we haven’t protected the
For Andrews, this meant not just founding member of the Harambee giving him three children,” he says. Matter when historically they have legacy of our own.”
ignoring the values and culture Organisation of Black Unity – which With parents so focused on often been hostile to or suspicious The theme of a fractured Black
he had been brought up with, but ran a hostel, the Marcus Garvey improving education, maybe it was of Black political expression. solidarity is central to his new book,
“falling into whiteness” – emulating nursery and the Harriet Tubman inevitable that he would return In the past, Black communities The New Age of Empire. “Black
the behaviour and interests of his bookshop. His mother worked for to their values through reading. countered this by setting up their consciousness is something we
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:5 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:46 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021 5

Black studies
is new in
it’s not new
in the United

were 600 Black professors, would it

change anything? No.” Real change,
he believes, cannot come from
elite, conservative white spaces,
no matter how well populated with
Black people, because such spaces
are fundamentally antagonistic
to change.
This also means that, no matter
how high you climb, little changes.
“You get into these places and
it’s terrible. I’m a Black professor.
Great. I’m still Black. The last three
years of my career, outwardly, have
been amazing. Internally, it’s been
the worst three years of my life.
Universities are some of the whitest
institutions that exist and, the further
up the hierarchy you go, the worse it
gets.” He describes constant battles
with management to effect change.
Yet he stresses that it is not just
individuals or managers who are to
blame. “The nature of these spaces
means they can change us, creating
toxic environments of competition
that leads to the ‘barrel of crabs’
scenario, where we are struggling
over each other to get to the top.”
His breath quickens. “The battles,
the scars. I’ve just had to fight. I’m
always fighting. I’ve probably done
permanent damage to my mental
and physical health establishing this
Black studies course. Honestly, since
launching the degree, learning to
navigate through extreme levels of
stress and bouts of depression has
have never really achieved,” he says. he says. “I’ve spent two decades in Garvey Education Centre on the site what they want. They want spectacle become part of the job description.”
Instead, he argues, individualism universities; they’re not changing.” where the Marcus Garvey nursery and I’m a good spectacle.” He believes it is not sustainable or, in
and self-interest have allowed Instead, he sees this “experiment” stood five decades ago. He has also Black people, he believes, are the long run, useful. “I would think
exploitative forces – from white as taking the radical Black helped launch the website Make It relieved to have a representative in of it as a failure if, in the next five
slave traders in west Africa to education that he grew up with – Plain – a Garvey quote, naturally these debates – and to be given facts years, I haven’t left the university,”
Chinese corporations – to co-opt a heritage that is not academic, – “as a space to get Black radical and tools with which to argue when he says. “In five years, if you find me
local Black elites and enablers to do but nevertheless intellectual – and thought out in our words”. these debates come up in their own still here, tell me I’ve sold out.”
their dirty work and profit from it. incorporating it into the university, His academic position offers lives. In other words, he gets to talk He wants to focus his energy

His Black studies course to pull levers outside the “bubble”. him the profile to do the work he about ideas such as “the psychosis on the grassroots, providing “an
is an attempt to create such In the second year of his course, needs to do. He leverages this as of whiteness” for clickbait, but this account of society from a Black
a consciousness, but he is students have to apply their often as he can – sometimes in what generates another conversation on radical perspective” – and to include
circumspect in his hopes. “It’s an knowledge via a placement, usually can look like bear-baiting public social media, and in people’s social his four children in his work. The
experiment.” Despite his pioneering within an organisation that works arguments. Among other topics, and professional circles, that is first “celebrity” they could name
position in academia (he calls it in Black communities. Grassroots Andrews has debated with Nigel useful. You could say it is his version was Malcom X; he takes them to his
collectively “the university”), he and mainstream ones – such as Farage whether the English flag is of “colonising the media”. talks and is working with them on a
seems sceptical – scornful, even state schools – qualify. He believes racist and whether portraits of the Andrews speaks with passion, but “Choose Your Liberation” children’s
– that it is a place from which to the course is the resurrection of an Queen are offensive. He has also also exasperation at the false promise book, a choose-your-own-adventure
struggle for racial justice. existing legacy, not the creation of been in several spats with Piers of change in a world that he believes story that explains Black politics.
“I would never endorse a a new one: “Black studies is new Morgan, including one around the is structurally hostile to Black He laughs, remembering himself at
university as a place to do any in the university; it’s not new in legacy of Winston Churchill. emancipation. Changes that come that age. “I need to be careful that
of these things,” he says. “The the United Kingdom.” Why does he do it? His after moments of raising awareness, they don’t rebel against their father
metaphor I use a lot of the time is He blames himself and his peers justification is pragmatic. “People such as Black Lives Matter, are too and end up joining the Tories!”
that we’re trying to colonise the for not raising awareness of Black say to me: it’s demeaning. But the often hollow diversity, he believes. The New Age of Empire by Kehinde
university.” He says universities history and activism in the UK. reason I keep doing it is, randomly, They may make “the number of Andrews is published today (Allen
are fundamentally conservative “I came up at a time when I had I would walk down the street and Black people in an institution Lane, £20). To order a copy, go to
spaces that need to be dragged into access to all this stuff. So, one of the a Black person would come up rise”, but do nothing to make those Delivery
handing their rich resources – their things that we’re trying to do quite to me and say: ‘Go on, Prof!’ The organisations operate more equally. charges may apply. Kehinde Andrews
buildings and funding – to Black heavily is bring back this education.” mainstream discourse is Good “People ask me: is it terrible that will be talking to Nesrine Malik in
studies. It is a high-friction process. Andrews has revived the Harambee Morning Britain. I’m not trying to I’m one of just 140 Black professors a livestreamed Guardian Live event
“The university ain’t gonna change,” Organisation and is opening the convince white people; that’s not in the UK? Certainly. But if there tonight at 7pm
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:6 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:41 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

6 The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021

‘I am deliberately,
relentlessly happy’

Scenes from the

Sunday Lockdown
Lunch videos,
with husband
Robert Fripp

Toyah Willcox
has had an
pandemic – going
viral from her
kitchen. She
O f all the celebrity
offerings that have come out of the
pandemic, the gloriously weird
videos made by Toyah Willcox
and her husband, Robert Fripp,
are surely the most compelling.
needed to be reminded of the beauty
of human laughter.” Since then,
she adds: “I’ve not put him in such
desperate situations.”
Instead, it is Willcox who
throws herself in, with zero self-
consciousness. She will wear an
animal-print onesie, or dance
tells Emine It is possible, within each short
clip, to cycle through every feeling
around with ribbons, or pretend to
be in a dungeon in their cellar, or
Saner how she from wanting to cover your eyes
while being unable to look away,
jump on a trampoline while dressed
as a cheerleader (Fripp, usually, is
persuaded her to the dawning realisation you
may be watching a profound piece
seated, playing guitar and dressed
in a suit). One of the funniest, and
rock-star husband of performance art. Mostly, it is
impossible not to laugh. There they
since April last year; they also do
a weekly agony aunt session, and
I’ve never experienced the power of
that connection.’”
most popular videos (4.3m views
on YouTube), is Willcox performing
to dress in a tutu are in their cosy Worcestershire
kitchen, perhaps with the
Willcox does her own Q&A, talking
about her life and long career as
She comes up with it all, giggling
to herself late at night in bed. “I
Metallica’s Enter Sandman on an
exercise bike, though it’s fair to say
dishwasher open in the background, an actor, pop star and general do the lighting, the filming, the her breasts are the highlight. “We did
with Willcox, accessorised with cultural fixture for the past 40 conceptual side and the persuading the exercise bike in a rehearsal, and
mouse ears, tap-dancing, bouncing years. It started, she says, as a Robert to take part,” she says. Getting my top was completely see-through,
off the Aga. Both dressed in black way to occupy Fripp, the musician Fripp – famously self-contained which was a surprise,” she says. “I
tutus at the end of their garden, the and founder of the prog rock and serious – to dance in tights and have a mentor, who’s basically my
pair dance across the screen to music band King Crimson. “Here I am in a tutu, she says, made him “fucking personal trainer and teaches me
from Swan Lake. Fripp lies on the this house with this 74-year-old furious. He felt he was being guitar, and he was born in 1980, he
floor of the hallway, while Willcox – husband who I really don’t want mocked. But the response was so doesn’t know who the hell I am. I
dressed in red PVC and devil horns to live without,” she says. “He was overwhelmingly positive, and now, said: ‘Can I get away with this as a
– performs the Kinks’ You Really Got withdrawing, so I thought: ‘I’m six months down the line, he can see 62-year-old?’ And he said: ‘Do it.’
Me on the stairs. It’s joyous. going to teach him to dance.’ And it that it was quite an important thing And I trusted that response.” I praise
Willcox has been uploading their became a challenge.” They posted a to do, in that it became a shared Fripp for admirably maintaining eye
Sunday Lockdown Lunch videos video, and it took off. “It was: ‘Wow, experience with an audience that contact with Willcox, despite her
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:7 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:41 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021 7

album, Sheep Farming in Barnet, relentlessly tried to stop me being

late last year, made a film, made a TV happy,” she says, smiling. “So for
programme about her mother, and me, it’s actually passive-aggression.
wrote and recorded a solo album, I am a very positive person and I
which will be released in the spring. only like to deal with positivity, but
“I’ve been phenomenally creative sometimes, it’s passive-aggressive.”
and I’ve been trying to understand What was it like to become
why,” she says. “I can only put my so famous so quickly? “It was
finger on the fact that at 62, you fabulous!” she shouts. “It was
know time is finite. And I thought: everything I ever wanted. I had five
‘I cannot let 2020 be a year that utterly magical years where I felt
destroys my career’, so I’ve just been the universe was placing everything
furiously creative.” She has also Performing in my hand.” She had been spotted
written some “little nonsense books, on the streets of Birmingham by
at a drive-in
with a bee painted like Robert, that a casting director, who put her in
is always questioning who and a TV play; from that, she was cast
in 2020
what he is” and is learning to play in Tales from the Vienna Woods at
the guitar. “There’s definitely that the National Theatre. “And at the
thread pulling me towards … I don’t National I found musicians I could
call it the end, but the end of Toyah. work with,” says Willcox. “People
Time is so precious and I think that’s were absolutely gorgeous to me. Ian
why I’ve become ultra-creative. again. None of us understood Charleson [the stage actor] took me
I remember when Derek Jarman why she was the way she was. It to meet Derek Jarman, and I ended
was diagnosed with HIV, he said it shattered me, because my mother up in Jubilee. Everything fell into
focused him so much that he did his went through something where she place. Looking back, I must have
greatest artwork in that time. I don’t needed love, support and therapy. been so obnoxiously self-centred,
have anything to face like that, but And she got a daughter like me.” but people saw me as some new
I learned more from that lesson of By which she means wilful and generational spark, and doors
Derek’s than from anyone else.” nonconformist and with a body that opened for me.” She makes it sound
If you know Willcox only from disappointed her mother, who had so passive, but this underplays her
her TV presenting in the 90s or the been a professional dancer. “She was own determination and charisma.
reality shows she has popped up in always kind of covering me up, and It must have been tough to be a
over the past two decades, you are always wanted me altered in some young woman in the music industry
glossing over her incredible career. way. I was never right.” in the early 80s. “I was terribly
Her first film was Jarman’s 1978 punk Willcox was an “obedient child” naive,” she says. “I was being called
classic Jubilee, and she worked with in this claustrophobic house until to record meetings in people’s flats
the director again in The Tempest; she was about 12. Then, she says: and I realised, if you’re called to
she was also in Quadrophenia. Her “I completely rebelled, ran away a meeting at 8pm, you ain’t there
first stage work was at the National from home, I started making my because you’re an artist. I realised
Theatre. She was marketed as a own clothes, I became a hair model that this was sex for jobs – and
punk pop star in the 80s, though where my hair was dyed at the age of no.” It was more explicit in the
this ended up turning her pretty 14, and I was touring in hair shows. I film business, she says. She went
much into “a parody of myself”, as just broke every rule.” for an audition with Russ Meyer,
she once put it, and she remained In 1982, at the height of her fame, the director of Faster, Pussycat!
underrated, despite albums such as she won an award for best female Kill! Kill!, for “one of his big booby
the highly experimental Prostitute. singer, and phoned her mother. “Her films”, at a flat in Chelsea. “He said:
She once said she refused to be reaction was: ‘Don’t boast about it – ‘Can I see your breasts?’ and I went:
“a rock’n’roll wife”. What did that it won’t happen again.’” Her mother ‘No.’ He said: ‘Well, you won’t be in
mean? “Robert would never ever lived near Willcox and Fripp near the this film.’ I said: ‘That’s fine’, even
let me live off him or his reputation. end of her life and they managed to though Jubilee had nudity and the
He just wouldn’t. We have separate build a relationship. She has tears National Theatre had nudity. I just
bank accounts. He was so guarded in her eyes when she talks about it. didn’t like the attitude.” It helped
when I first met him and I think why “We had two rather fabulous years her survive, she thinks, that she
he liked me so much is I was fiercely with her; I still fought with her, but was quite androgynous. “I think my
independent and passionate about she became the woman that she boyishness protected me.”
my work – he saw someone that could have been. She destroyed her Would she have been seen as
nipples being dangerously within wouldn’t cling. I knew I’d never have life, because she could not talk about more of an artist, and less of a
his line of vision, and she laughs. children, and Robert and I didn’t want one event that happened to her novelty act, if she had been a man? (I
“Robert loves his wife. And when I a family. I have been very passionate when she was 16.” think so.) “I think partly it’s gender,”
do these things …” about remaining an artist.” But it didn’t destroy Willcox’s she says. “I think the sexual appeal
This is not showing off for the As a child, growing up in life. Even talking over Zoom, of someone is huge. It really helps
camera; this is how the couple My mother Birmingham, Willcox was “a show- I can almost feel her bristling to have a sexual awareness and I
normally behave. “I’m doing this
to him all the time to make him always wanted off. I realised I could entertain
people, and it made people like me.
energy, and she seems fearless and
deliberately, relentlessly happy. “I
fought that.” Willcox zigzagged from
music to theatre to film and pitched
laugh, because he needs to laugh.
If people saw what we got up to, me altered in I was probably seven when I realised
it was the only thing I could do, in
am deliberately, relentlessly happy
because my mother deliberately,
up presenting TV programmes such
as Songs of Praise and Watchdog,
they’d wonder if we were nine years
old.” She likes to hide in his shower some way. I was that I would not be able to suffer this
life unless I was a performer.” Her
then appeared in reality shows such
as I’m a Celebrity. In recent years,
room, for instance. “And he turns
the light on and I’m in the corner like never right early years were defined by medical
problems – she had been born with
she has endlessly toured. What
more does she want to achieve?
a demented child and it just freaks a twisted spine and developmental “Everything,” she shouts. “I’m a
him out. We have had moments problems with her feet and hip megalomaniac!” She is preparing a
where he says: ‘Can this just stop?’” sockets, requiring surgery and Jimi Hendrix song for this weekend’s
The past year has been a test for physiotherapy. There were other Willcox video. I dread to think what she has
the couple. It has been the longest we love it so much we’re going to crises – she was bullied at school in 1980 got planned for her husband in the
stretch they have spent together have to really start to embrace the for her disabilities and her lisp; weeks ahead, but he will play guitar,
in 35 years of marriage – in normal outside world again.” Faced with the her father, a factory owner, went smile at her indulgently, and Willcox
years, both are touring or working prospect of spending too long in the bankrupt; and her relationship with will continue to look as if she is

away, and they lived in separate kitchen, she taught Fripp to cook. her mother was difficult. having the time of her life.
houses until 2001. “We really had “I knew I was not going to survive “My mother was very complex. An expanded edition of Toyah’s
to start again, to navigate being if the kitchen became a mainstay of She never told the truth of her album The Blue Meaning, released
together in a confined space, this experience, which is why Robert history to us.” Willcox recently on 28 May, can be ordered from
because we have never had that. We and I are very 50/50 in what we do, made a TV show about this, so won’t from 6 February.
had a very romantic relationship and we even do our own laundry. go into detail, but says she found A new album, Posh Pop, will be
where we’ve always met in hotels I’m not domesticated.” out that “my mother experienced released in July. Toyah & Robert’s
around the world and this new She has also been incredibly something in her life which meant Sunday Lunch videos are published at
life was challenging. I now think busy; Willcox rereleased her first she never experienced happiness 12pm each Sunday on YouTube.
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:8 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/2/2021 18:39 cYanmaGentaYellowbla
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:9 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/2/2021 18:39 cYanmaGentaYellowbla
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:10 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:55 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

10 The Guardian

TV and radio Thursday 4 February 2021

9pm, Sky Atlantic

Chemistry …
Ashley Walters
and Noel Clarke

A dramatisation of Roberto Saviano’s 2013

eponymous exposé of the international
drug trade, this Italian crime thriller
tells the story of the New Orleans-based
Lynwood family and their brokering of
drug deals between the Mexican cartels
and the Italian mafia. In tonight’s opening
episode, Don Minu La Piana (Adriano
Chiaramida) gathers his clan to decide
Review Bulletproof: South finale has little more to do than tidy up any loose ends.
The child Kayla has been rescued and the bent copper the future of their criminal organisation,
Africa, Sky One Dewald has taken credit for solving the case, with a
nod to Pike and Bishop, who should, rightfully, get the while in Mexico the Leyra drug cartel is
chance to enjoy their holiday at last. being tracked down by soldier Manuel
If that were the case, though, it would be a dud of
Contreras (Harold Torres).
Beautiful bromance
a finale and despite starting out a little slowly, it soon
ramps up to more high-octane thrills, as they try to take Ammar Kalia
down Dewald. Kayla is back with her mother and father,

balances out the though Arjana suspects that the family dynamic leaves
a lot to be desired. Kayla, meanwhile, is traumatised, as
you might imagine, from being blindfolded and watched
Inside Culture With
Mary Beard
should be available on
prescription. This week,

big bangs and by armed guards. Soon, suspicion falls on Dewald,

mostly because of his fondness for apple-flavoured
7pm, BBC Two
Beard is joined by the
the groomers reach the
quarter-finals and battle

vapes. It’s an indication of the kind of plot points that artistic director of the the clock to hand-strip a
this show can turn on, which is no bad thing: huge Young Vic theatre Kwame Welsh terrier. If that isn’t
clouds of apple-scented vapour are a criminal offence to Kwei-Armah and comic enough to lure you in,
my mind. Kiri Pritchard-McLean join the contestants in a
This is a glossy spectacle of a show that is indebted to to discuss the changing guess-the-breed game.
★★★☆☆ Hollywood. It barely bothers to dip below the surface, nature of audiences Hannah Verdier

though it handles a domestic abuse storyline with throughout history and
sensitivity, and there is a brief discussion about parental in the current era of Rob & Romesh Vs
10pm, Sky One
responsibilities that adds a touch of depth. But that is Covid. The musician
not really what Bulletproof is here for. It’s a triumph of Tim Burgess joins the Romesh Ranganathan
small-screen action, popcorn-worthy and overblown. It conversation to talk about and Rob Beckett return
drags you along for the ride, even if you are best advised the success of his Twitter for a new series of
not to look too closely for the cracks. listening parties during competitive shenanigans,

ulletproof: South Africa is only a three- It’s also largely funny, due to the chemistry lockdown. AK beginning in the world
part series, but does not skimp on the between Walters and Clarke, who riff off each other of art. Beckett visits his
action. There have been shoot-outs, with companionable ease and are worth the price of Ken Burns: first art gallery, then joins
violent chases, huge car explosions and the ticket alone. They rock-paper-scissors their way Here & There Ranganathan for lessons
a stint in prison for its two leads, Pike through who is going to take which role in a violent
And 7.15pm, PBS America at an art school. Finally,
and Bishop (Ashley Walters and Noel confrontation. They talk about their lives. They tease
another As the creator of The each of them has to create
Clarke), that was only marginally more ridiculous than each other relentlessly, but always have each other’s Vietnam War and a an exhibition of their
Bridget Jones ending up on the wrong side of the law in backs. It is a lovely bromance, and a treat to watch. plethora of other films work at London’s Saatchi
Thailand. And that was just the first two episodes. After It is also worth pointing out that when the duo The first post- and miniseries, Burns gallery. AK
expending all that energy in such a short period of time, becomes a trio, thanks to Tanner (Lindsey Coulson) Trump Saturday is synonymous with
it was hard to see where the finale would take them next. turning up to get them out of jail, they are a triple act to Night Live accomplished historical Those Who Kill
Out to sea? Into space? reckon with. suggests an documentaries. This 10pm, Fox
Perhaps mercifully, Bulletproof seems to have burned When the action hits, it does so with as much improvement one-off sees family, A sporadically gripping
itself out, at least until the last 15 minutes or so, when it dedication to spectacle as you would expect. There are in form. contemporaries and crime series in which
all goes happily gaga again. After two enjoyable series, kidnappings, double-crosses and a massive, expensive- friends – as well as angsty homicide detective
this likable action show deserved a holiday: Pike and his looking car chase through the South African countryside Burns himself – offer a Catherine Jensen (Chloë
wife Arjana head to Cape Town to laze on the beach. But that wouldn’t be out of place on the big screen. It is all window into his “labour- Sevigny) joins forces with
it wouldn’t be a buddy show if the buddies were divided brazenly designed to elicit an adrenaline rush, but it intensive” craft. James D’Arcy’s college
– so Bishop tags along as a third wheel. It takes all of five does so pretty effectively, and there are enough twists Hannah J Davies professor Dr Thomas
minutes until there’s some crime-fighting on the mean and turns so you don’t feel short-changed. Schaeffer to investigate
streets of Cape Town and the pair get caught up in a child “What did I tell you? Distraction,” says Bishop, when Pooch Perfect serial killers and discover
kidnapping that is tacked on to a plot to steal rubies, a potentially fatal situation is defused by an unlikely 8pm, BBC One the truth about Jensen’s
which leads them on a wild goose chase through the city object, one even more ridiculous than a vape, when Sheridan Smith and her missing brother. Tonight,
and beyond. it comes to thwarting dastardly plots. You could say canine co-host Stanley a body is found at a
By this third and final episode, most of the mystery the same about Bulletproof. It’s a big, daft, bombastic present the dog show construction site.
has been solved, or so it seems, which suggests that the distraction, but it is certainly up to the job. that is so soothing it Phil Harrison
Section:GDN 12 PaGe:11 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:20 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021 11

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Morning 6.15 Wanted: A Simple Life (R) 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.30 Mike & Molly (T) (R) 7.10 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy
Live (T) 10.0 Homes Under 7.0 Escape to the Country (R) 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This Cheers (T) (R) 8.0 The King Vine (T) 11.15 Can’t Pay?
the Hammer (T) 11.0 Wanted: 7.45 Pooch Perfect (R) 8.45 Morning (T) 12.30 Loose of Queens (T) (R) 8.55 Frasier We’ll Take It Away! (T)
A Simple Life (T) 11.45 Workout the Wright Way Women (T) 1.30 News (T) (T) (R) 9.25 Frasier (T) (R) (R) 12.15 News (T) 12.20
Caught Red Handed (T) 9.0 News at 9 10.0 News 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 9.55 Come Dine With Me Nightmare Tenants, Slum
12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) (T) 12.15 Politics Live Judge Rinder (T) 3.0 Lingo (T) (R) 10.25 Come Dine Landlords (T) (R) 1.15 7.0 Coast (T) (R) A network of
1.0 News (T) 1.30 Regional (T) 1.0 Bitesize Daily for (T) 3.59 Local News (T) With Me (T) (R) 10.55 Come Home and Away (T) 1.45 worm tunnels found near
News (T) 1.45 The Mallorca Secondary (T) (R) 2.0 Black 4.0 Tipping Point (T) 5.0 Dine With Me (T) (R) 11.25 Neighbours (T) 2.15 Cruising Loch Creran. 7.05 Fred
Files (T) 2.30 The Hairy and British: A Forgotten The Chase (T) 6.0 Local Come Dine With Me (T) (R) With Jane McDonald Dibnah’s Made in Britain (T)
Bikers’ Asian Adventure History (T) (R) 3.0 Put Your News (T) 6.30 News (T) 7.0 11.55 News (T) 12.0 Come (T) (R) 3.15 A Bride’s (R) (12/12) The steeplejack
(T) (R) 3.0 Escape to the Money Where Your Mouth Emmerdale (T) Dawn tries to Dine With Me (T) (R) 12.30 Revenge (Robert Malenfant, goes to Buckingham Palace
Country (T) (R) 3.45 The Is (T) (R) 3.45 Life (T) (R) stop Jamie seeking revenge. Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) 2019) (T) 5.0 News (T) 5.30 to collect his MBE. Along the
Farmers’ Country Showdown 4.50 Meerkat Manor (T) David makes a suggestion to 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home way, he visits the Crossness
(T) 4.30 The Bidding Room (R) 5.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 6.0 Pollard. 7.30 Tonight: Covid A Place in the Sun (T) (R) and Away (T) (R) 6.30 News pumping station to view its
(T) 5.15 Pointless (T) 6.0 Richard Osman’s House of Testing – What’s the Truth? 4.0 A New Life in the Sun (T) 7.0 Paul Merton in China great beam engines. 7.35 The
News (T) 6.30 Regional Games (T) 6.30 Lightning (T) Adam Shaw looks at (T) 5.0 Mend It for Money (T) (R) (2/4) The comedian Joy of Painting (T) (R) Bob
News (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.0 Inside Culture (T) 7.30 the plan to conduct instant (T) 6.0 Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 takes kung fu classes at the Ross paints a creek flowing
(T) 7.35 EastEnders (T) Nigella: At My Table (T) (R) mass tests for Covid-19. Hollyoaks (T) 7.0 News (T) Shaolin Temple. through a meadow forest.

8.0 Pooch Perfect (T) The first 8.0 Your Garden Made Perfect 8.0 Emmerdale (T) Jamie fears 8.0 George Clarke’s Amazing 8.0 Adrian Dunbar’s Coastal 8.05 All Creatures Great and
set of quarter-finalists (T) New series. Angela for Kyle. Matty is conflicted. Spaces (T) The architect Ireland (T) The actor travels Small (T) (R) Drama with
groom a Welsh terrier. Scanlon hosts the show in 8.30 The Martin Lewis looks back at arguably his along the rugged west and Christopher Timothy.
9.0 Death in Paradise (T) which couples have their Money Show: Live (T) most ambitious project, north coasts of Ireland. 9.0 Quartet (Dustin
Part one of a two-part story. gardens transformed. 9.0 The Chasers Road when he and Will Hardie 9.0 The Drowning (T) With Hoffman, 2012) (T) (R)
A renowned concert pianist is 9.0 QI (T) Best “R” moments. Trip: Trains, Brains and built a rotating home. the confusion around Three former singers’ plans
shot dead during an apparent 9.30 Mock the Week (T) Dara Automobiles (T) Anne 9.0 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Daniel’s identity increasing, for a fundraising concert
burglary, but Neville is quick Ó Briain hosts. With Maisie Hegerty, Shaun Wallace Countdown (T) Harry it seems that someone are disrupted by the arrival
to conclude that the victim Adam, Angela Barnes, Ed and Mark Labbett’s road Hill, Rosie Jones and Nick close will stop at nothing of a famous diva. Comedy
was murdered. Part two is Gamble, Glenn Moore and trip brings them to Japan. Mohammed join Sean Lock to protect themselves. drama with Maggie Smith
tomorrow at 9pm. Ahir Shah. Last in the series. Last in the series. and Jon Richardson. Last in the series. and Billy Connolly.

10.0 News (T) 10.0 Top of the Pops: The Story 10.0 News (T) 10.0 Back (T) Stephen continues 10.0 Gypsy Eviction: The Battle 10.30 Face to Face With Billy
10.30 Regional News (T) Weather of 1989 (T) (R) The year of 10.30 Local News (T) his health kick. for Dale Farm (T) (R) The 2011 Connolly (T) (R) Archive
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11.45 Supermarket Secrets (T) (R) With Simon Reeve (T) (R) Charlotte decides that she is (T) (R) 1.20 The Simpsons Under Attack (T) (R) Museum.
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12.45 Weather for the Week 1.30 Winterwatch (T) (R) Nightscreen 5.05 Tipping Marbs (T) (R) 5.30 Fill Your World’s Most Expensive (R) 1.40 The Great Mountain
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The Guardian
Thursday 4 February 2021

Yesterday’s Quick crossword no 15,833

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Wordsearch Across Down

1 At last! (3,6,4) 2 A few (3,2,3)
8 Marijuana (slang) (4) 3 46th president of the United States 8 9
9 Cause for serious concern (8) (5)
10 Overall sum (5,5) 4 Ate lavishly (7)
12 Influenced (6) 5 Sunday meal, perhaps (5)
14 Seek to persuade, repeatedly and 6 Fell (7)
annoyingly (6) 7 In pristine condition (4)
15 Aggravate (10) 11 Period of unusually warm weather
19 Significant feature (or event) (8) (4,4) 11
20 Gone (4) 13 Gave way (7)
21 Thoroughly (4,3,6) 14 Separate (5,2) 12 13 14
16 For the second time (5)
17 Longest-running British children’s
comic (5)
18 Salad dressing (abbr) (4)
Solution no 15,832 15 16 17

A E Y R T A S 18
R E L I C R E L I E V E 19 20
T E A V L O 21
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Sudoku no 5,116

Sudoku no 5,117 Word wheel Suguru Wordsearch

Hard. Fill the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 Find as many words as Fill the grid so that each square in Can you find 13 words associated
box contains the numbers 1-9. Printable version at possible using the letters an outlined block contains a digit. with deep-sea diving in the grid? in the wheel. Each must A block of 2 squares contains the Words can run forwards, backwards,
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words or proper nouns. not even diagonally.
Word wheel There is at least one nine-
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TARGET: Excellent-32.
Good-27. Average-20.


Steve Bell Pet corner

If… Which actor
said: “Men come
and go, but
there really is no
relationship like
the one you have
with a dog”?
a Reese
b Angelina Jolie
c Nicole Kidman
d Jennifer
Answer top right
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:1 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:48 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Phoney flag-waving won’t win Labour’s red wall back Clive Lewis, page 3 Daily
life &
At-risk people are still missing out on immunisation Frances Ryan, page 4 arts
Jeff Bezos and the world Amazon made The long read, page 5 Inside

The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

and ideas

It’s not fair, but

e made a great effort not to crow, after months in the doldrums – a dramatic contrast with ILLUSTRATION:
but the Conservative minister could expectations elsewhere. It is no surprise that talk of a BILL BRAGG

not contain his mix of pleasure and vaccine bounce is easy to find among Tory MPs, though
slight surprise this week. “If there few are foolish enough to talk about it too publicly.

the vaccine is
is one thing that the Labour party The real credit for the vaccine extends far beyond
absolutely does not want right Johnson. It belongs to the scientists who made the
now,” the minister told me, “it is a vaccines possible; to the biotech businesses that were
sudden and sustained display of mobilised to produce them; to the vaccine taskforce,

giving Johnson
competence on the part of this government. Yet that’s which made an impressively robust set of contracts
exactly what they’re now facing.” to ensure supply; and, in particular, to the NHS at all
The UK’s coronavirus vaccine rollout is the most levels, which is delivering a fair, secure, efficient and
significant achievement over which Boris Johnson has nationwide rollout. Only the NHS, with its public service

a political boost
presided since the pandemic began. Ten million of us ethos and its reach, could have done this. The mind
have now had our first jabs, 15% of the population and boggles at how a private sector body like Capita or Serco
rising, way above the rate for most other European might have approached the task. Politically, though,
countries. It is a public health success story that looks there is no doubt about the beneficiary: it is Johnson.
set to continue well into the year. It is also an undeniable It is also true that the political dividend might not
Martin political boost for Johnson. Whether it is the proverbial have been so clear if the European commission had

Kettle gamechanger is harder to say.

Recent opinion polls definitely suggest a shift in the
not reacted so intemperately to its own vaccine supply
problems last week. But Ursula von der Leyen has given
public mood. After long months of generally negative Tory confidence a shot in the arm. The commission
ratings for Johnson’s handling of Covid, approval for president’s disastrous attempt to divert AstraZeneca
the vaccine rollout soared to over 60% in late January vaccines from UK plants into the EU, and
and looks set to continue. British optimism that the
coronavirus situation is improving is also now rising fast
her threat to brush aside the Northern
Ireland protocol, were a political windfall, 
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:2 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:54 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

It’s not fair, but the vaccine is
giving Johnson a political boost
Martin Kettle Founded 1821 Independently owned by the Scott Trust № 54,260
‘Comment is free… but facts are sacred’ CP Scott
 Continued from front

though it could all go horribly wrong if the Coronavirus negative test. The Department for Transport and the

 Irish situation deteriorates – which it might.

The vaccine bounce is not easy for
Johnson’s critics and opponents to accept. Many will
Treasury have been squeamish about the cost of such
a regime. Passengers would get a bill, but the whole
system would still be expensive and inflict another
be in denial. They will point, with justice, to appalling Quarantine is still a weak wound on an already injured aviation sector.
ministerial failures, inconsistencies and delays that
have contributed to the UK’s truly terrible Covid death link in the safety chain But, as has been demonstrated many times in
the pandemic, resisting tighter restrictions to avoid
toll of more than 100,000. The mishandlings have
included shortages of equipment, neglect of care protecting Britain an immediate financial burden is a false economy.
Delay allows the disease to spread. The onerous
homes, refusal to quarantine arrivals from abroad and measures are still required and have to be in place
a litany of stupid and counterproductive attempts, The greatest advances in the battle against the coronavirus for longer. That remains true even as the vaccination
cravenly undertaken to appease libertarian Tories and have been made by modern science, but before there programme is rolled out. Not enough is yet known
the tabloid press, to have the “best of both worlds” were vaccines, countries had to rely on older techniques: about vaccine resilience in the face of recently
in managing the pandemic rather than intervening stopping people mingling; preventing new cases of the discovered coronavirus variants, let alone any future
decisively and toughly to control it. disease arriving from overseas. Britain’s record with mutations. The risk is not negligible.
For those who know almost no one who has ever lockdowns is not great (late to implement, premature in Countries with the strongest records against disease
had a good word to say for Johnson, or his ministers, lifting), but with quarantine at the border there is barely have applied the full range of containment measures
or the Tory party in general, or the UK’s handling even a record to defend. For much of last year there was a quickly and thoroughly, including efficient testing,
of coronavirus, or Brexit, Johnson’s successes are notional obligation on travellers from various countries to contact tracing, and a presumption that all new arrivals
especially hard to stomach. By what system of reason self-isolate on arrival in the UK, but with a shifting roster of face quarantine (with some flexibility for humanitarian
or justice can such a person be rewarded by the public places that qualified for “safe” travel corridors. exceptions, naturally). That principle should be the
for his successes but go unpunished for his failures? There were many categories of exemption. The basis for the UK’s regime. A speedy vaccination roll-
Several things combine to explain why. One is regulations were unclear and poorly implemented. out has given Boris Johnson cause to celebrate his
simply that most of the failures came at the start of the Efforts at enforcement have been patchy. Essentially, government’s accomplishments relative to other
pandemic, when Britain, like everywhere else, was self-isolation has been self-policed. Only towards the end countries. Ministerial relief at having something
struggling to come to terms with the scale of the threat of last year, as it became clear that mutant strains of the to cheer is palpable, but it must not lead to neglect
Covid-19 presented. A successful vaccine rollout, by virus were spreading – and that Britain’s approach was of other fronts in the battle or feed the culture of
contrast, comes at the end. It is the equivalent of the persistently failing – did the government start focusing impatience and denial that causes many Conservative
last-minute winning goal that used to send the crowd on quarantine as part of the anti-virus arsenal. More MPs to demand unwarranted easing of restrictions.
home happy. No one said politics was fair. travellers are now required to show proof of a negative No one should belittle the social, economic
A second is that a lot of people have always liked Covid test and there are tighter restrictions on arrivals and psychological cost of anti-Covid restrictions.
Johnson, in spite and even because of his disreputable from certain “hotspot” countries. That approach is still Quarantine, like lockdown, is a harsh instrument to be
qualities. This offends his enemies and chimes with flawed. People, and the virus they might carry, do not used only as an emergency resort. But we are now a year
the support so many Americans offer to Donald Trump. always travel straight from the heart of an outbreak to the into such an emergency. The government’s haphazard
Johnson’s support is a reality, as Trump’s is. To say this UK. Mutations are dispersed along multiple paths. approach, justified by a pursuit of short-term economic
may seem a bit like the exchange in Shakespeare in Love Ministers have said further border measures are relief, has only prolonged the ordeal. The vaccine
in which the Elizabethan impresario, played by Geoffrey required, but cannot say when they will be applied. programme illuminates a way out. It would be a tragic
Rush, explains that in the theatre, by some mystery, The new regime is expected to involve diverting large squandering of that success if overreliance on new
“strangely enough, it all turns out well”. To some in the numbers of arrivals to government-approved hotels for technology were to breed complacency regarding older

Tory party, Johnson leads a similarly charmed life. up to 10 days, with an option of getting out sooner with a but no less vital methods of protecting the public.

evertheless, the most important

reason is that politics in a
pandemic is different. Normal Myanmar The Biden administration was quick to condemn
rules do not apply in this enforced the detentions and the coup. Predictably, China and
and extraordinary intermission Russia blocked a British-led attempt to deliver a UN
between more predictable times. In security council statement condemning it, with India
some ways this has been a national The army slams the door and Vietnam also voicing reservations. Aung San
emergency, like wartime. Like it or
not, Johnson was the national leader and Britain had on Aung San Suu Kyi and a Suu Kyi and the other detainees should be released
only recently elected him when the pandemic started.
The public wanted him to get the country through it, partial democratic opening The west has been criticised for hobbling her
from the first by rushing to reward the generals for
and was prepared to cut him unusual slack for unusual their very modest democratic opening; but also for
times. It still is. A successful vaccine rollout reinforces Myanmar’s people chose democracy. But the generals investing too much hope in one highly idealised
support for him because he is the man in charge. who had hogged power for decades never gave it up; individual. The Nobel peace laureate’s decision to
This helps explain why – the other side of the same they only ceded a portion of it to civilian authorities, personally defend Myanmar in the genocide case
coin – Labour struggles to make the impact its impatient holding on to a chunk of seats and key ministries. at the international court of justice destroyed what
supporters so crave. This is not Keir Starmer’s fault. The Now, after another landslide victory for the National remaining vestiges of moral authority she retained
fault lies with the situation. Few are paying attention to League for Democracy in November’s election, they in the face of the horrific crimes committed by the
party politics. There is no all-powerful policy that the have decided even that was too much. Following military against the Rohingya in Rakhine state. She has
Labour leader can dream up to make the pandemic go Monday’s coup, the detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi been criticised for her intolerance of critics, including
away. At such a time, Starmer also faces other inbuilt has been charged, absurdly, with the possession of within her own party, and the failure to allow a new
disadvantages. Attacking Johnson runs the risk of illegally imported walkie-talkies, while the president, generation of leaders to rise. The lives of the poor
putting party before country. And, like Nicola Sturgeon Win Myint, is accused of breaching coronavirus laws saw little improvement. Violent ethnic conflict has
in Scotland, Johnson will always command the by meeting people on the campaign trail. intensified – and 1.5 million ethnic minority citizens
airwaves, a crucial advantage in a lockdown. A courageous campaign of civil disobedience has were excluded from November’s elections, ostensibly
Labour’s problems are more deep-seated. The already begun. People are sad, furious and frustrated. The due to safety issues, in addition to the disenfranchised,
party is internally conflicted about what it seeks to be military has claimed widespread fraud at last year’s polls, stateless Rohingya. While the restrictions imposed
and whom it seeks to represent. It is clinging on by its though international observers were satisfied. The true upon Aung San Suu Kyi have played the greatest part in
fingertips to its historic claim to be a national party. It is problem was that the result expressed public sentiment her failures, her own limitations have been evident too.
decimated in Scotland and badly damaged in the north all too well, sealing the fate of the 10-year experiment in Myanmar’s challenges are legion and complex. But
of England. Labour may simply be broken. Like the power sharing. The generals have presumably realised this situation is clear. The people made their choice;
Liberals a century ago, its time may be up. that their aspirations to launder military power into and the Tatmadaw has stolen it. This is not about one
We shall learn the answer to that in the years to come. political authority via a proxy party, as the army in woman, nor even the far wider circle of activists who
But it is not going to be decided during the pandemic. neighbouring Thailand has, are doomed to keep failing. are likely to suffer if the crackdown intensifies. It is
It may change, possibly, after the pandemic is beaten. They may also have feared that the 80% of seats claimed about the millions who are sick of military power,
Britain may well decide then that Johnson saw us by the NLD would mean renewed efforts to rein in with its corruption, abuses and indifference to their
through the crisis but that he is not the leader the their enduring power, though previous attempts have welfare. Inequality is more glaring than ever. The
country needs in its aftermath. At that point, rather as in been unsuccessful. Another factor may lie within the pandemic has deepened the country’s desperate
1945, the country may be open to a different approach. Tatmadaw; Min Aung Hlaing, commander of the armed poverty, with around 30% of households reporting no
Starmer may find he can claim his Attlee moment. But forces since 2011 and now the country’s de facto leader, income at all in September and October last year. The
that’s all in the future. Right now, the hour belongs to was due to retire shortly. Extending his tenure would have resounding victory which they handed the NLD was in
Johnson. Don’t get mad about that – get even. required the assent of the woman he has now removed. large part a rebuff to the military. They deserve better.
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:3 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:46 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Opinion 3

At school
a boy told me
I couldn’t be in his
team. ‘Why?’ I asked.
‘Because this is
blackies versus
whities,’ he said
by simply standing in front of a flag or wearing a tie to
a remembrance service. It’s a complex and beautiful
thing, which Labour as a party should have the
imagination and courage to embrace. Because it’s just
like all of us, contradictory and sometimes messy.
So why opt for a faux, flag-waving brand that’s
a cheapened version of patriotism? Perhaps the
glaring lack of any kind of political project, as some
expressed in the party’s focus groups, is one reason.
There’s little vision and even less analysis of why
we are where we are as a country: gripped by one of
the world’s worst Covid death tolls; a disintegrating
polity; and attacks from an increasingly authoritarian
government on our democratic institutions. No one
expects fully formed policies at this stage of the
electoral cycle. But a pencil sketch of the house you
want to build would be a start.
Yet rather than addressing this, it seems we’ve opted
to treat voters like Lego bricks that can be built up to
form an electoral alliance. An approach that ignores the
fact that “foundation-seat” voters, just like any other

voters, are not homogeneous pieces in a game. They
have widely differing feelings about our country, its

Phoney flag
his week, the Guardian revealed that the Keir Starmer history and their place in it.
Labour leadership is preparing to back a in London But perhaps the single biggest reason for the
flag-waving strategy to connect with the last month flag-waving is also the most unpalatable for me: my
party’s former “red wall” voters. The PHOTOGRAPH: party’s refusal to unpack our country’s relationship

waving won’t
news has generated a disappointment with patriotism, identity and racism. Whether
among members and beyond that it’s Jim Callaghan’s racist Immigration Act, New Labour’s
difficult to overestimate. Politics is the “war on immigrants” or Gordon Brown’s dog-whistle
art of many things. But persuasion and “British jobs for British workers”, it’s a spectre that has

win Labour’s
emotional connection to the electorate is ultimately haunted our party for decades and arguably contributed

the difference between power and opposition. It’s why to our contradictory approach to Brexit.
“authenticity” in politics is so highly prized.
It’s also why attempting to distil the complexity of lack Lives Matter and the public

red wall back

national identity and patriotism into a “brand values” outrage it generated was a chance
shorthand is not only dangerous but self-defeating. for us to begin to address this issue;
Dangerous because patriotism has a side that touches to unpack difficult conversations
on the darkest aspects of our humanity (one need surrounding 400 years of slavery,
only look at its relationship to the brutality of empire brutal subjugation and exploitation in
Clive to understand this). Self-defeating, because it simply the name of race superiority; to begin

Lewis doesn’t speak to the multifaceted reality of our lives.

My own experience of growing up in Northampton
to reconcile that past so we can think
about a better future. It’s a sore that will never be healed
during the 1970s is testament to that complexity. with the union jack sticking plaster now being offered.
My dad was from the former British colony of Grenada I went with the army to Afghanistan in 2009. Despite
in the Caribbean. My mum was English, born and being on the left, and despite being told in the cadets
bred in London. The council estate I grew up on was that “there ain’t no black in the union jack”, I still opted
overwhelmingly white. One day in the primary school to serve. The army is a complex organism, much like
playground, my group of friends was called over by some wider society. And yet in many ways, in the crucible of
older boys to join their wrestling team. I tagged along combat, that complexity is distilled down to its basic
and stood with them, ready to face down our opponents. components. One day, eating my lunch while on patrol,
At which point, one of the older boys came up to me I overheard an officer give one of the biggest bollockings
and told me I couldn’t be on their team. “Why?” I asked I’ve ever heard. When I asked what had happened,
innocently. “Because this is blackies versus whities,” he it transpired that a soldier had been overheard by a
told me. “You need to go on their side.” platoon sergeant calling a Fijian comrade “a fucking
When I think back to that story it elicits a mixture black bastard”. The corporal explaining this to me said:
of emotions. Sadness, because in so many ways it “Out here we have each other’s backs. If you can’t trust
foreshadowed many of the experiences that I and the person next to you, then it degrades the entire
thousands of others were to face growing up in this effectiveness of the platoon.”
country, and still do to this day. Happiness, because it If our country is to prosper in an increasingly
reminds me of all the friendships I forged and the sense hostile century, we must face it together – as a unit.
of belonging I found with kids on both sides of those But before we can do that we must confront our past,
wrestling teams. in all its goodness – and, yes, all its darkness. Whether
This story of our country isn’t pro-English or  controversial statues, the teaching of our history or how
anti-English. Because I’m part of England and my Clive Lewis we relate to one another, the common theme is one of
experiences, like those of thousands of other black is the Labour complexity. We can’t shy away from that. Trying to stuff
Britons then and now, is part of this island story. It’s a MP for patriotism and identity into a cheapened caricature
story still in progress. One that cannot be expressed Norwich South from the 1950s is not the answer.
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:4 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:26 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

4 Opinion

At-risk people
resulted in a marathon-running 65-year-old being given conditions will be reviewed after the initial rollout
priority for the vaccine over a 20-year-old with lung phase. This is clearly the right course of action, but there
disease who needed oxygen support. The government needs to be much greater communication with worried
U-turned after pressure, moving CEV people up to families in the meantime, as well as practical support

are still missing

fourth, behind healthy over-75s. These are complex for disabled pupils missing school.
calculations, but there are still fears some will miss While social care workers are given priority for the
out. Young disabled people who don’t meet the narrow vaccine, there are concerns that personal assistants –
criteria are worried they won’t be prioritised at all. care workers hired directly by a disabled person – are

out on vaccines
Shielders – many of whom are of working age and live being left out. I’ve heard from several disabled people
with children – have extra risk factors compared with who have had to lobby their GPs to give the jab “at
older people. As the British Medical Association says, their discretion”; some have been granted it, some
we need a more sophisticated vaccine delivery that takes refused. Meanwhile, unpaid family carers have been
into account circumstantial factors such as race, health put on the priority list only after yet another U-turn
Frances inequality and employment. I’ve had many messages by the government. The charity Carers UK tells me the

Ryan from shielders terrified of being forced out to work, or

of schools reopening before they get their vaccine.
Department of Health and Social Care has yet to update
its list, meaning carers and those administering the
There are also those with learning disabilities to vaccine won’t know they’re now eligible.
consider. Currently, only older people with a learning Finally, we must ensure everyone can physically
disability, those who have Down’s syndrome or people access vaccinations. Early reports of 92-year-olds

who are judged as having a severe learning disability queueing in the cold or people sent 100 miles for a
are on the priority list. This means people with a mild vaccine are worrying, not least for the young disabled
ith the first phase of the UK’s or moderate learning disability aren’t prioritised. This people watching, who also struggle to stand in queues
vaccination programme is despite the fact that people with learning disabilities or use steps. Disabled and older people must be given
now fully under way, have a death rate six times higher than the general a nearby appointment in an accessible centre and,
the government’s self- population. Young adults with a learning disability are 30 crucially, must not miss out on the vaccine if they have
congratulatory tone suggests times more likely to die of Covid than young adults in the to turn it down at a location they can’t get to. Similarly,
all clinically vulnerable general population, and there is no evidence that people anyone who can’t leave their home owing to health
groups will soon be in line with mild learning disabilities are in any less danger. problems must be able swiftly to access the jab, and be
for protection. There’s Children with disabilities are also being shut out of the given clarity on whom they communicate their needs
certainly reason to be positive: millions of people are conversation. The priority list excludes anyone under to. The goal must be that no one falls through the cracks.
on their way to safety. But look a little closer and many the age of 16, meaning even children who are clinically It can feel uncomfortable to speak of vaccine priority
high-risk people are struggling to access the vaccine. extremely vulnerable are not eligible for protection. The status, as if different groups must compete for their
When the vaccine was first introduced last year, danger from Covid for healthy infants is low, but that’s lives. And yet these are vital questions, not least for a
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation little reassurance to a parent of a disabled child. government that has done little to gain the trust of the
(JCVI) put shielders – or the “clinically extremely The government guidance says there is limited public or to display its ability to protect them. As the
vulnerable” (CEV) – sixth on the priority list, behind data on the safety of the vaccine for children, and that vaccine distribution continues, those people who are
older people with no underlying health conditions. It recommendations for under-16s with underlying health most at risk deserve the highest level of care.
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:5 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:18 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Jeff Bezos
and the world
Amazon made

The long read

By Mark
Illustration by Stephen Collins
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:6 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:19 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

6 The long read

Amazon does not abide by the recommended retail price and highly critical – documentary, put out last year by
on the back cover. Because of its overwhelming market the US non-profit public broadcaster PBS, which itself
power, it sets its own retail price, and demands lower relies on Amazon’s cloud platform.
cost prices from publishers, whose lower margins are Jeff Bezos’s achievement has been to make it less and
reflected in the writer’s royalties. It doesn’t make sense less possible, or at least less and less practical, to avoid
for me to be as loyal a customer as I am. Amazon. It’s not an especially large overstatement to say
But here is where I encounter the problem of my own that his ambition is to dominate the entire economy.
moral inertia. If a thing is available for purchase, and I When Amazon acquired Whole Foods in 2017, for $13.7bn,
want to buy it, I know for a near certainty that I will be the market value of the US’s largest grocery companies
able to get it there, and that I will in all likelihood be able plummeted by billions. The following year, when Amazon
to get it quicker and cheaper than I would elsewhere. bought a small online pharmacy called PillPack for
Amazon has established itself as the great path of least $753m, the potential effects on the traditional pharmacy
resistance, encircling the globe, along which in one sector spooked investors badly enough to cause a sudden
direction goods flow, and in the other money. Almost and steep decline in the value of retail giants such as
40% of all online purchases in the US are made on Walgreens, CVS and RiteAid. And when Amazon
he first thing I ever bought Amazon. In the UK, it’s about 30%. There are many announced a healthcare partnership with Berkshire
on Amazon was an edutainment DVD for babies. I don’t criticisms to be made about Amazon’s corporate Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase, aimed solely at providing
recall making the purchase, but the data is unequivocal practices, its insidious effects on multiple levels of the coverage for these companies’ own employees,
on this point: on 14 November 2004, I bought Baby economy, but you can’t say that it is not efficient, or that the major American health insurance providers
Einstein: Baby Noah – Animal Expedition for the sum its efficiency is not in your interest as a consumer. instantaneously lost billions. How did Amazon come to
of £7.85. My nearest guess is that I got it as a Christmas But I am not merely a consumer. There are times, in occupy such an unprecedented role in contemporary
present for my nephew, who would at that point have fact, when I can flatter myself into believing that I am not life, and who is this extraordinary man who put it there?
been one year old, and at the very peak of his interest even primarily a consumer. I am also a person with
in finger-puppet animals who cavort to xylophone political beliefs, and moral principles. There is a One way to answer these questions would be to read that
arrangements of Beethoven. This was swiftly followed distinction between having those beliefs and acting in a man’s collected writings. Last November, to very little
by three more DVD purchases I have no memory of way that is consistent with them – and this is, I think, fanfare, Harvard Business Review Press published a
making. Strangely, I bought nothing at all from Amazon crucial to understanding the meaning of Amazon. book called Invent & Wander: The Collected Writings of
the following year, and then, in 2006, I embarked on a Jeff Bezos. Presumably by design, the title suggests an
PhD and started ramp ing up my acquisition of the sort What would it mean to resolve this contradiction – anthology of essays and intellectual interventions by a
of books that were not easily to be found in brick-and- between my conception of myself as a person, and significant thinker, though in fact the first two-thirds of
mortar establishments. Dry treatises on psychoanalysis. my Amazon purchase history? In one sense, it would be it is composed of Bezos’s annual letters to Amazon’s
Obscure narrative theory texts. The occasional poetry easy. I could just stop arranging with for shareholders, with the final third, entitled My Life and
collection. Everything ever published by the American things to be sent to my house. It’s not like there aren’t Work, drawn from public talks and interview transcripts.
novelist Nicholson Baker. plenty of other, less objectionable, places to buy books It’s true that the book is not exactly the collected essays
I know these things because I recently spent a and other miscellaneous items online. I am, to be fair, of Montaigne, but if you want to understand Amazon’s
desultory morning clicking through all 16 years of my struggling to think of another single retailer that dominance, it might be useful to first try to understand
Amazon purchase history. Seeing all those hundreds of would get me squared away with both the Adorno the man who started it, and his thinking about it,
items bought and delivered, many long since forgotten, biography and the non-stick crepe pan, but the point however banal that thinking might be.
was a vaguely melancholy experience. I experienced an is that I would likely manage my consumer affairs just One thing I learned was that before Bezos settled on
estranged recognition, as if reading an avant-garde fine without Amazon. Amazon as the name of his online store, he wanted to call
biography of myself, ghost-written by an algorithm. But the idea of “boycotting Amazon” arises out of a it “Relentless”. Although friends convinced him that he
My Amazon ordering peaked in 2018, a year in which misreading of what Amazon actually is, and of its was erring on the side of the sinister, he did register the
I bought 92 books from the site. What strikes me as position in the contemporary marketplace. Amazon is domain. Even now, if you type into
somewhat ironic now is how many of those books – not, and has not been for many years, merely a gigantic a browser, it will take you to Amazon. Despite those
bought from a company owned by a man who was, at online shop that you can chose either to patronise or not. vaguely menacing associations – or, let’s be honest
that point, the richest person on Earth, and which is It is also, increasingly, the infrastructure undergirding here, largely because of them – the name does capture
responsible for roughly the same annual carbon the internet itself. Even if my task here was to convince some essential quality of the enterprise. Amazon is
emissions as Norway – could be categorised under two you, the reader, that Amazon was bad and that you nothing if not relentless.
major headings: anti-capitalism and climate change. should boycott it – which we both know it is, and that It’s certainly a word Bezos himself likes. It occurs a
There’s a reason for this: I was at that point in the middle Jeff Bezos with you should – we would both of us still, in a strictly total of 17 times in the book. And relentlessness is not
of researching a book about climate change, capitalism the Blue Origin technical sense, be using Amazon. merely a corporate value Bezos aims to instil in his
and apocalyptic anxieties. My point here is that my crew capsule and Amazon Web Services (AWS), which launched in 2006 own business; he also wants to empower others to be
relationship with this company is an extremely vexed New Shepard and is now the largest cloud computing platform in the relentless in their own right. In his 2010 address to
one. I think of myself as a socialist, but my purchase rocket booster world, provides hosting for the Guardian, and for tech Princeton’s graduates, Bezos puts the following question
history leaves me no choice but to also think of myself in Colorado mainstays such as Netflix and Twitter, as well as for to the emerging members of the US ruling class: “When
as a loyal customer of Springs, industrial giants such as General Electric and Unilever. it’s tough, will you give up, or will you be relentless?”
The way that Amazon does business – its pressuring April 2017 While researching this piece, I watched Amazon Empire: Relentlessness, in other words, transcends the
of suppliers, its systematic annihilation of retail CHUCK BIGGER/ALAMY the Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos, a highly informative – category of mere corporate value, to become a kind of
competitors, its incessant harvesting of its customers’ moral imperative. And if relentlessness is a good in itself,
data, its treatment of its own workers as little better what might the evil of relenting look like? It might take
than machines – is, of course, inseparable from the the form of stasis, which, as we will see, is the great
personal wealth of its founder, Jeff Bezos, who earlier future nightmare that Bezos wants humanity to avoid
this week stepped down as CEO. But even if the means at all costs. Amazon has never paid its shareholders a
by which that wealth had been amassed were somehow dividend. For most of its history, it never turned a profit,
unobjectionable, it would still stand as a moral its practice being to plough everything into growth.
obscenity. It’s impossible to even conceive of the scale The company is, in this sense, a rarified example of
of this man’s wealth. It’s like trying to think about deep capitalism in its ideal form: not merely premised on the
time: the mind’s eye glazes over. This is a man who notion of endless growth, but apparently achieving it.
makes about $149,000 with every passing minute. This And what is it all for, this personal empire whose
is a man who, last July, in the midst of a global pandemic vastness and multifariousness is unprecedented in the
and a devastating economic crisis, increased his history of capitalism? Is it just wealth, just power, just
personal wealth by $13bn in the course of a single day. control? No, of course not. If you know anything about
This is a man who, despite living on a planet where one Silicon Valley techno-capitalism, the first thing you
third of human beings don’t have access to safe drinking know is that it’s never about mere wealth, mere market
water, told Business Insider magazine that “the only domination. Such things are always a means to an end –
way I can see to deploy this much financial resource is and the end, more often than not, is saving the world.
by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel”.
Some further perversities: I make my living mostly Every year, Bezos liquidates a billion dollars’ worth of
through my books. Amazon has, by and large, been bad his own Amazon stock, and puts it into a company he
for people like me, because it has been bad for founded in 2000 called Blue Origin, which develops tech-
publishing and retail bookselling. If you buy my book nologies aimed at facilitating travel to, and settlement of,
from Amazon, I receive a lower royalty than I would if manmade colonies in outer space. “We want to go to
you bought it from the bookshop around the corner. space to protect this planet,” as he put it in a 2019 speech.
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:7 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:19 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

and their grandchildren having worse lives than you.

That’s a bad path.”
A world in which consumer goods are rationed is not
a world in which Amazon could continue its endless
growth. We must follow, in other words, the path of
relentlessness, and we must follow it off the face of the
Earth. It’s here that “relentlessness” is revealed as an
ideological term. Bezos seems less interested in
protecting the future of the planet than protecting
the future of capitalism.

What are we to make of these celestial aspirations, this

vision of the good life as one of endless consumption,
limitless growth? And what, more to the point, are we to
make of Bezos himself? In one sense, it’s hard to make
anything of him at all. Despite his vertiginous wealth,
and despite the extent to which his business interests
have been skilfully woven into the fabric of our
everyday lives, it’s weirdly hard to form any strong
opinions about the man. He repels curiosity. The
mind skitters off the beige gleam of his surfaces; the
imagination scrabbles in vain for some purchase on
the frictionless dome of his head.
Bezos, like seemingly all wealthy entrepreneurs,
claims not to be motivated by wealth, or its mundane
trappings. As he puts it in Invent & Wander, he never
sought the title of “world’s richest man”. (Bezos is now,
in fact, the world’s second richest person, having been
overtaken just last month by Elon Musk.) He would
much rather be known, he says, as “inventor Jeff Bezos”
(my emphasis). In the statement he made to investors
earlier this week on stepping down as chief executive,
Bezos returned to the idea of himself as an inventor:
“Amazon is what it is,” he said, “because of invention …
When you look at our financial results, what you’re
seeing are the long-run cumulative results of invention.”
The book, and in particular its introduction, by the
biographer Walter Isaacson, who is best known for his
book about Steve Jobs, is intent on framing Bezos as
a contemporary renaissance man, a figure on the
revolutionary order of your Leonardos, your Einsteins,
your Ben Franklins (all of whom Isaacson has written
books about). After running through the qualities
he considers peculiar to such “true innovators” –
The big problem the Earth faces, according to Bezos, is passionate curiosity, an equal love of both the arts and
not environmental destruction per se; it’s the prospect the sciences, a Jobs-like “reality distortion field” that
of running out of energy resources. But if we move into inspires people to pursue apparently impossible ends,
outer space, he argues, we will have access to unlimited and a childlike sense of wonder – Isaacson concludes
resources, and there will be no limits to growth, or to It’s as if Bezos is surveying the that Bezos embodies all of them, and that he belongs in
the consumption of energy. “In a nutshell,” as Brian the pantheon of truly revolutionary thinkers.
Dumaine puts it in his book Bezonomics, “he wants to
make Earth a residential and light industrial zone and
prospect of mass extinction and If you believe that capitalism is an inherently just and
meritocratic system, whereby the most worthy people –
move all the mining and heavy industry to space.”
“We could have a trillion humans in the solar system,”
thinking of the problems it could the hardest-working, the cleverest, the most innovative
– amass the greatest wealth, then it stands to reason that
says Bezos, “which means we’d have a thousand Mozarts
and a thousand Einsteins. This would be an incredible
present for online shopping you would have to make some kind of argument for a
man who had amassed more than $180bn as a presiding
civilisation.” It’s worth wondering whether there might genius of our time. And just as Hegel looked at Napoleon
not already be thousands of Einsteins and Mozarts on and saw the world-soul on horseback, Isaacson views
this planet right now, and how many of them, due to Bezos in similarly heroic light: the world-soul dispatched
accidents of birth and economic circumstance, are An Amazon – are a kind of techno-capitalist Eden, then Bezos himself by delivery drone. The effort to portray him as such is,
forced to expend their time and potential working as warehouse in must be a benevolent god. But he’s not proposing that he though, inevitably beset by bathos. “An example of
Amazon delivery drivers, further enriching Jeff Bezos – Peterborough construct these colonies himself: that will be the work of how Bezos innovates,” he writes, “was the launch of
who would, if he were really interested in cultivating in 2013 today’s children, and their children, and their grand- Amazon Prime, which transformed the way Americans
human potential, probably pay people more, and let OLI SCARFF/GETTY children after them. What he is intending, with Blue think about how quickly and cheaply they can be
them take toilet breaks whenever they needed to. Origin, is to provide the basic infrastructure for that gratified by ordering online.” There is no question
What Bezos is proposing is a system of off-world building, in much the same way as pre-existing structures that the introduction of Amazon Prime marked a
colonies, close to Earth, on which millions of people will – state postal services, credit cards, the internet itself – major moment in the history of buying stuff off
be able to live out lives of pleasure and comfort. There’s allowed him to build Amazon. What he wants to do, he the internet, but to present it as the work of an
a video of him giving this speech, complemented by a says, is not to build but “inspire” this future. ingenious inventor seems a stretch. For all the
series of lavish illustrations of manufactured worlds Last year, Bezos announced a combined donation of vastness  of Bezos’s wealth and power, the banality
rotating in space to create centrifugal gravity. Some of nearly $800m to various organisations working to fight of its foundation is undeniable.
these colonies, Bezos says, could replicate existing Earth climate change. But if the writings in Invent & Wander Bezos has not been personally responsible for the
cities – and here we see an illustration of Florence, are any guide, he seems less interested in climate change introduction of any new technology into the world. He
complete with geo-engineered Arne and Tuscan hills, per se than he is in the extent to which it would present a was not the inventor of online shopping. The year
entubed and adrift in space. These worlds, says Bezos, threat to resource consumption, and economic growth. before was founded, the first consumer
would not all have to have the same level of gravity. “You It is, in other words, as though Bezos is surveying the purchase was made on the world wide web: a copy of
could have a recreational colony,” he says, “that kept prospect of a dying planet – of mass extinction, burning Sting’s album Ten Summoner’s Tales, purchased for
zero G so you could go flying with your own wings.” And forests, drowning cities – and seeing the problems it $12.48 plus shipping, from an online store called
there would be ideal climates. “This is Maui on its best could present for online shopping. “What happens,” NetMarket. Neither did he, or any of his employees,
day all year long – no rain, no storms, no earthquakes.” Bezos asks, “when unlimited demand meets finite invent the e-reader: a company called Rocket was
If these slowly rotating promised lands – with their resources? The answer is incredibly simple: rationing. selling e-readers through Barnes and Noble in the

perpetual shirt-sleeve climates, their low-gravity That’s the path we would find ourselves on, and that late 90s, back when Bezos was still packing
environments, their multitudinous Einsteins and Mozarts path would lead, for the first time, to your grandchildren boxes with his own hands.
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:8 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:19 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

8 The long read

But it would be wrong to claim that there is nothing Under Capitalism”, because the entire system within
radical about Bezos’s achievement. Amazon’s logistical which we live is so morally bankrupt that no kind of
innovations have made the consumer experience as decent accommodation with it can be reached – which
frictionless as possible, and in so doing have changed would not be untrue, but also unquestionably something
the nature of consumerism. It’s not that Bezos is doing of a cop-out. It’s precisely because it works so well, as a
any one thing that no one had thought to do before: it’s consumer experience, that Amazon’s customers are
that he’s doing it faster, more efficiently, and at unprece- inclined to keep using it, even though many of us
dented scale. His achievement can be seen as one not understand the social evils it represents.
one of quality but of quantity. But the sheer scale of the And here we come to the core of the problem: Amazon
quantity, the unprecedented mass and velocity of works too well. Its success and ubiquity makes a mockery
Amazon’s power, becomes qualitative – in the way that of my ethical objections. Amazon thrusts my identity as
getting stung by two bees is quantitatively different a consumer into open conflict with my other identities –
from getting stung by one, but getting stung by a billion writer of books, holder of vaguely socialist ideals – in
would be qualitatively different. such a way that my consumer identity too often prevails.
We live in a world where the satisfaction of quotidian
In his first ever annual shareholder letter, in 1997, Bezos desires is the work of mere moments. Whatever you
laid out the principles that he felt defined the company want (and can afford) can be brought to you, cheaply
he had taken public earlier that year. First and foremost and with minimal effort on your part. We know this
among these was “Obsess over customers”. doesn’t make us any happier, and in fact only damages
The expression used to denote the company’s drive the world we live in, but even so we continue pursuing it
to perfect the consumer experience at every stage was – perhaps because it’s in our nature, or perhaps because
“customer ecstasy”. The phrase sounds a bizarre note, almost every element of the culture we exist in is
and even a vaguely obscene one, but there is no calibrated to make us do so.
question that there is a joy in ordering something online And so the problem is one of desire. It’s not that
and having it arrive the very next day. It feels as though Amazon gives me what I want; it’s that it gives me what
you have been granted a kind of magical power, to I don’t want to want. I want the convenience and speed
summon the objects of your desires out of thin air. This
is the precise feeling, no doubt, that Bezos wanted to
The problem is one of desire. It’s and efficiency Amazon offers, but I’d rather not want it
if it entails all the bad things that go with it. To put it in
invoke with the first name he had in mind for his
company. Before he registered, he
not that Amazon gives me what Freudian terms, we are talking about the triumph of the
consumerist id over the ethical superego. Bezos is a kind
intended to go with Cadabra, which he favoured for its
magical associations. He eventually cooled on the idea,
I want – it’s that it gives me what of managerial Mephistopheles who will guarantee you a
life of worldly customer ecstasy as long as you avert your
though, when his lawyer pointed out that, spoken
aloud, the name sounded too much like the word I don’t want to want eyes from the iniquities being carried out in your name.
It is hard to recognise the Faustian nature of this
“cadaver”. Let us pause here to appreciate the comic bargain, just as it is hard to see clearly what Jeff Bezos is.
symbolism of Bezos’s inability to come up with a name In Isaacson’s introduction to Invent & Wander, he
for his company that doesn’t immediately suggest some mentions a detail from Bezos’s childhood – no more or
dark unconscious content to its openly stated our buildings”.) Since the pandemic, there have been Bezos in 1998 less banal than any other story I’ve encountered about
proposition. It’s as though the magical power Amazon numerous reports, and video recordings, of Amazon REX RYSTEDT/TIME the man – by way of explaining the origin of Amazon’s
grants to you, the customer, entails a kind of Faustian drivers relieving themselves in public. LIFE PICTURES/GETTY Echo. He loved Star Trek, and played a lot of Star Trek
bargain whereby you must implicitly consent to all The cage suggests a way of thinking about what games with his friends as a kid. And the role he himself
kinds of iniquities being carried out in your name. distinguishes Amazon as a business, and Bezos as an tended to play was not Kirk, or Scotty, or even Spock. It
When I think about this, I often think about an object innovator: the use of technology to push harder and was the Enterprise’s talking computer. In this detail of
that never came to exist. In 2016, Amazon was granted a farther than any previous company toward removing the the childhood play of a man who would go on to change
patent for a “Human Transport Device”. The drawings human limitations to capital’s efficiency. Amazon reveals the world, we can glimpse something of the meaning of
that accompany the patent depict a cage just large a world where capital is not something to be acquired in his presence in our lives. Bezos’s genius, such as it is, is
enough to contain one worker. The cage is mounted on a service of human ends, but as an end in itself. If other that of an artificial intelligence, trained on the goals of
set of robotically controlled wheels, and features a long worlds must be constructed, slowly rotating in space, in endless wealth, and endless growth. And if he is, as
robotic arm with which the worker can carry out stock- order to serve these post-human ends, so be it. The Isaacson – and presumably Bezos himself – would like
picking tasks; the intention was to permit workers to problem with the cage patent was not just that it was us to believe, a Leonardo or an Einstein of our time,
enter areas of warehouses where they would otherwise dehumanising, but that it illustrated too explicitly the what does that say about our time?
be endangered by the presence of the stock-picking patterns of dehumanisation that had already long been In his second shareholder letter, in 1998, included in
robots by which they will, eventually, be replaced. central to Amazon’s operations in the first place. the book as “Obsessions”, Bezos laid out the fundamental
The patent went unremarked for two years until the It’s tempting to argue that Amazon’s true innovation idea that underpinned Amazon’s drive to build the
academics Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler discovered has been the ruthless exploitation of human labour in world’s most “customer-centric company.” “We hold as
it, and wrote about it in a document that accompanied service of speed and efficiency, but that’s really only part axiomatic,” he wrote, “that customers are perceptive
a work entitled Anatomy of an AI System – a sprawling of the picture: the aim is removing humans as much as and smart, and that brand image follows reality and not
diagram, two metres high and five metres across, possible from the equation; the grim specifics of the the other way around.” Intentionally or otherwise, the
mapping the complex nexus of extractive and labour conditions are only ever a byproduct of that aim. grandiloquence of the language here recalls the US
exploitative processes involved in the functioning of an This has been an aim of capitalism since at least as far Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to
Amazon Echo. The patent, they write, “represents an back as Henry Ford, and in an obvious sense it’s precisely be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
extraordinary illustration of worker alienation, a stark the dynamic you experience every time you wind up are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
moment in the relationship between humans and with unexpected items in the bagging area at Tesco. As Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit
machines … Here, the worker becomes a part of a usual with Amazon, it’s not that something new is of Happiness.” The bathos of Bezos’s allusion here – the
machinic ballet, held upright in a cage which dictates happening – it’s that an old thing is happening with vertiginous swoop from the rhetorical heights of “We
and constrains their movement.” unprecedented force, speed and efficiency. hold as axiomatic” to the mundane invocation of savvy
Amazon never put the cage into production; when To look at Crawford and Joler’s sprawling infographic is customers – tells us, I think, something profound about
the patent was uncovered, the public reaction was one to experience a peculiar moral disorientation. They map the world over which he now presides.
of horror, and the company acknowledged the whole a system that is, ultimately, too vast for comprehension, Hypocrites and slave-owners though most of the
thing as a terrible idea. But in its ghostly absence, this and within which your own position, as a consumer, is Declaration’s signatories were, their language invokes
structure exemplifies the deal with the devil that you, endlessly ambiguous. You are both the reason for its an Enlightenment ideal of human beings as free and
the customer, enter into every time you click the “Buy existence, and just another resource to be extracted for  equal, and life itself as inherently meaningful. There is,
Now” button. The true source of your magical power, value, along with the the minerals being mined by Mark O’Connell by contrast, an almost comical smallness to Bezos’s
its true cost, is the life of a worker labouring under people suffering under terrible labour conditions. Every is a regular echoing of that language, and the worldview it reveals.
deepening conditions of exploitation and control. time you interact with your Echo you are training the AI contributor to There is no “humanity” being invoked here, no “all
Stockpickers at Amazon’s warehouses are surveilled to work better, and to understand more about you, which the long read. men”; there is only “the customer”. There is no grander
and controlled to an extraordinary degree. At a extracted data it uses to more efficiently sell you things. His books include ideal to be glimpsed behind his words than that of being
warehouse in Staffordshire, workers were reported to Notes from an able to get stuff quickly and cheaply. There is no question
be urinating in bottles because walking to the toilet The problem here is the same sort of problem we are Apocalypse: that Amazon serves us. The fact that it serves us so well
and back could have led to them missing productivity confronted with when attempting to think about the A Personal is the reason for its incredible success. But what it serves
targets, and ultimately losing their jobs. (In response to scale of Bezos’s wealth, or indeed Bezos himself: the Journey to in us is something very small: the customer, who for all
these reports, Amazon said that “we don’t recognize mind struggles to gain purchase. One approach would the End of the that smartness and perceptiveness Bezos invokes, is
these allegations as an accurate portrayal of activities in be to just tap the sign that says “No Ethical Consumption World and Back a mere husk of a human being. •
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:9 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 18:01 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

Letters 
 @guardianletters 9

Corrections and
Problems with putting a
Established 1906 the report. Such an approach is
unacceptable and will lead to a
Country diary one-eyed view of the problems of
Tyrella Beach, our planet and their solutions.

County Down value on natural capital Prof Murray Gray

School of geography, Queen Mary
University of London
• The former chancellor
George Osborne receives £650,000
a year for working one day a week
for BlackRock, not £65,000 as
Those dots of waders will be kettled Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta says we are The Amazon rainforest might be • Good to see that your editorial we had it (New job for Osborne
up the beach as the tide rises, but all economic “asset managers” in our granted that non-negotiably high “irony antennae” are in full working as a full-time City bank partner,
my time is short. So I hoist the scope relationship with the environment value, but what about your local order with the placement on page 1 2 February, page 2).
and set off into an early morning (Exhausting ecosystems ‘puts world woodland? The suspicion must be of your article on Prof Dasgupta’s
sun that’s gauzed by a membrane at high risk’, 2 February) and that that if it is worth £1m or even £10m, concerns for radical global changes • In later editions, a panel listing the
of cloud. In front of me, the ribbed the “natural capital” of forests, seas it won’t be long before developers to production, consumption, finance Premier League’s biggest victories
sand stretches into a haze of silver and so on should be ascribed a value, find a project of greater value. If and education, followed on page 2 omitted Southampton’s 8-0 win
and taupe. The sea is so far out and that their annual regeneration this system of valuation is the way by your report on former chancellor over Sunderland in 2014. Also, the
that it could be a mirage. To the should be viewed as equivalent to forward, then communities should George Osborne’s latest career move, accompanying match report wrongly
south-east, the Mournes rear like the yield on a government bond. be able to ensure that infinite values to join the investment bank Robey said the Southampton manager
a desert range in the austere light. If that is the way economists are also placed on their local natural Warshaw, an organisation with 13 was German; Ralph Hasenhüttl is
Oystercatchers stipple the would like to measure nature, fine. capital, granting them genuine employees, whose highest-paid Austrian (3 February, page 40).
foreshore. At the flock’s far edge, a But beware the implications for protection, beyond the dreamy partner has been paid £37m-plus
cloud shimmers into the air. Dunlin? conservation: is your new road rates of return of even the most over the last two years and which, Editorial complaints and corrections can be sent to
Knot? Too quick and deft for me to going to be more valuable than optimistic investment prospectus. because of its partnership structure,
tell. I plod on, veering away from the the woodland it displaces? Will it Dominic Rayner is apparently not required to
tide’s creep to mitigate any further generate a higher annual return on Leeds pay tax on profits. It is rare for
alarm. Then I see a huddle running
with zippy calls over the sweeping
investment than the value of the
woodland’s performance in making • Your article on the Dasgupta review
the contents of one article to be
so emphatically justified by the Covid variants don’t
cambers of sand. Their plumage
segues from soft grey to gleaming
leaf litter, harbouring biodiversity,
absorbing carbon and providing
quite rightly states that natural
capital includes geology, soil, air,
contents of another unrelated piece.
Phil Murray
have nationalities
white, intensifying the jet black of a green space for people and their water and all living things. A major Linlithgow, West Lothian
eyes, bills and those whirring legs, dogs to walk? If yes, goodbye problem with the report is that it is It is sad indeed to hear of the death
which keep such synchronous pace woodland, hello tarmac. only concerned with the economics • I was staggered to read that of Tom Moore (Report, 2 February).
that the birds are a single flow. They However, perhaps Prof Dasgupta of biodiversity, and as a result fails economists think we have been His fundraising on behalf of the
bob into a depression. When they has hit on the solution to this to present an integrated approach using the wrong metric to measure NHS has been incredible. Let us not
emerge – a little jolt of surprise – problem of valuing everything. He to sustainable environmental wealth. Perhaps they have also forget, however, that the NHS is
they’re coming straight for me. I refers to regions rich in biodiversity management incorporating all the discovered that the Earth is not flat. not a charity. It should not need to
lower the binoculars. No. They’re as having a “non-negotiably high non-living elements of nature. Worse Have they finally read The Limits to rely on fundraising by the public,
avoiding those surly-looking herring value”. This would mean that still, chapter 1 is entitled Nature As Growth, published 50 years ago? and the fact that it does is entirely
gulls. Suddenly, like flitters of foil, however clean, quiet, pleasant and an Asset and admits that terms such Ian Foster due to consistent underfunding by
the sanderlings dazzle into flight. productive an airport might be, it as “nature” and “the biosphere” are Emeritus professor of geomorphology, successive Tory governments.
I arrive at the rocky cut-off of could never be built there. used interchangeably throughout University of Coventry Tim Barker
Rathmullan Point, where there are Eastington, Gloucestershire
redshank shrilling, and turnstone
shuffling and tossing among the
wracks. But I’m drawn back to the Altruism would • Could I ask all those older readers
offering to donate their vaccines to Asylum seekers • Please stop referring to a “South
African variant” of Covid-19 (Report,
long view. There they are again, the think again? Even if you think you
deserve humanity 2 February), or indeed, attributing
sanderlings, dancing to the waves,
fleeing each swash to chase its
undermine UK are not a valued member of your
community, your loved ones may
national identities to any variants
of the virus. Putting organisms into
backwash. Their switching looks like
perfect slapstick, and I am smiling, vaccine strategy disagree. And if you do acquire
the virus, the cost to the NHS
If you or your family had to uproot
yourselves to flee war, persecution
national categories – whether they
are viruses or human beings – allows
but the apparent vacillation ensures and society is likely to be higher and torture, and you managed to people to dismiss them as “other”,
that any transient disturbance of than if you were younger. make it to a safe country, only to with the sort of consequences we
sand is assiduously probed for It would be noble to give your Ruth Eversley be put in a former army barracks or have seen all too much of recently.
freshly exposed invertebrates. vaccine slot to others (Letters, Paulton, Somerset rundown hotel room with little access Jim Grozier
As adaptation to this cursorial 2 February), but it would to support beyond the bare minimum Brighton, East Sussex
(running) feeding strategy, undermine the rationale behind the • It is worrying that the government’s of provisions, how would you feel
sanderling feet are tridactyl, having prioritisation scheme. The elderly messaging about vaccines is giving (Fit for purpose? ‘We have a roof • It is not “Suffolk’s Stour valley”
lost even the vestigial hallux (hind and vulnerable are hugely more rise to such misunderstanding that over our heads but need safety and (Quiet please: 10 UK places to find
toe) common to other small waders. likely to get seriously ill if they catch 81-year-old Anne O’Brien’s son thinks reassurance’, 2 January)? Distressed? peace and solitude, 30 January). As a
I stop smiling. There is a grandeur Covid and require hospitalisation. that, once she has had it, she will Terrified? Anxious? Traumatised? county boundary, the Stour belongs
to their obsessive tide-combing. The chief aim of the strategy is to think about starting to see her friends Probably all of those things. equally to Essex and Suffolk – and
Like the sandpiper of Elizabeth prevent the NHS being even more again (‘Postcode lottery’: Elderly That’s the reality for thousands Manningtree and Dedham, both
Bishop’s eponymous poem, this overwhelmed. So your morally people cared for at home missed by of people in the UK. They are forced mentioned in the piece, are in Essex.
species alternates between scales responsible readers would, as well vaccine teams, 2 February). to live in limbo due to delays in Trevor Aldous
“minute and vast”. From its Arctic as forgoing vaccination, also need to We should probably not be their asylum claims, while living in Shaftesbury, Dorset
breeding grounds, it disperses to refuse hospitalisation should they changing our behaviour until almost accommodation where they struggle
winter on beaches like this one the catch Covid. all of us have had both doses of the to access basics such as clothing, • Classical rock renditions are
length and breadth of the planet. Incidentally, that is also vaccine and the prevalence of Covid healthcare and education. Our even older than 1986 (Letters,
And something has shifted in my the unstated corollary of any is much lower. We will need to keep government presents people seeking 2 February). Fritz Spiegl made Eine
perspective because, watching “libertarian” strategy that argues some elements of social distancing asylum as a threat, rather than Kleine Beatlemusic with the Barock
these, my short time has turned that the toll of shutdown will long term, as well as adjusting our humans with great potential to offer and Roll Ensemble back in 1965.
into all the time in the world. outweigh the toll of unrestricted expectations. our communities. We must do better. Beatles tunes on one side and My
Mary Montagu Covid. That argument might even Previous pandemics have Global Britain should be a beacon of Old Man’s a Dutchman on the other.
be true, but only if you think it resurfaced for years, so we should not compassion and humanity. There are Ed Marshall
is acceptable for every hospital expect things to change once we have Conservative MPs who believe this Scrooby, Nottinghamshire
We do not publish letters where only bed in the country to be filled received a first dose. The government (Former minister: ‘We can do better’
an email address is supplied; include with a Covid sufferer. Or, more needs to address the issue of public than barracks for asylum seekers, • A cute picture of a groundhog
a postal address, a reference to the probably, think it would be OK understanding to build on the success 2 February). The prime minister and a rude placename in the
article and a daytime phone number. to refuse hospital admission to of the vaccine programme, rather should speak out and move quickly caption (Best photographs of the
We may edit letters. Submission and Covid sufferers deemed to have than trying to score short-term points to house people seeking asylum in day,, 3 February);
publication of all letters is subject had their good innings. in the presentation of statistics. decent living conditions. thanks for a good start to my day!
to our terms and conditions: see John Main Linda Murgatroyd Enver Solomon Marion Neville Great Ayton, North Yorkshire London Chief executive, Refugee Council Brighton
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:10 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:35 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

10 Obituaries

to one of them; and in GoldenEye

(1995), for a scene set in Monaco but
filmed in the south of France, he
pitched Pierce Brosnan’s Bond in his
Aston Martin DB5 against a Ferrari
F355 on hairpin bends.
Julienne was born in Cepoy, near
the town of Montargis in north-
central France, to Lucienne (nee
Pavas) and Paul Julienne, a haulage
contractor who also ran a cafe. At
the age of 12, when the country was
under Nazi occupation, he rode
a motorcycle, his father’s 100cc
Peugeot, for the first time. He also
became passionate about the silent
film era’s greats such as Charlie
Chaplin, and Laurel and Hardy.
On leaving school, he became
a lorry driver, gaining an interest
in mechanics, and he was a tank
instructor during military service in
Germany. A successful motocross
career followed, resulting in the
stunt arranger Gil Delamare hiring
Julienne to double for the French
actor Jean Marais riding a bike in the
1964 film Fantômas.
When Delamare died in a horrific
filming accident in 1966, Julienne
was given the chance to become
a stunt coordinator himself and
in a yellow Citroën 2CV through established his own team of drivers
Rémy Julienne Spanish olive groves (actually shot in
Corfu), with several rolls and a jump
over his pursuers’ car.
and mechanics (L’Equipe Rémy
Julienne). He worked on more
than a dozen films with Jean-Paul
I explained
Stunt driver who was the Julienne, who doubled for
Moore at the wheel, also chose the
vehicle’s make and colour. “They
that, as the
roof was
Belmondo – including Le Guignolo
(1980), when Belmondo dangled from
a helicopter’s rope ladder over the

mastermind behind car asked me what the most ridiculous

car would be for James Bond to
drive and still cause panic with the
very wide,
we could
Venice lagoon – and with other French
stars such as Yves Montand and Alain
Delon, as well as doubling for Charles

chases in The Italian Job villains,” he told the 007 historians

Matthew Field and Ajay Chowdhury.
Impressed with the result, Glen also
make the
three Minis
Bronson in several movies.
Internationally, Julienne arranged
stunts for directors such as Sydney

and several Bond films had him draw on his motocross skills
– Julienne was French champion
in 1957 – to arrange a stunt with
jump all
It looked
Pollack on Bobby Deerfield (1977),
Roman Polanski on Frantic (1988),
John Woo on Once a Thief (1991),

Moore on skis escaping down a Jackie Chan on Operation Condor
bobsleigh run from a Yamaha XT500 much (1991), James Ivory on Surviving
émy Julienne, and used test runs on flat ground to Julienne’s motorcycle. better as Picasso (1996) and Ron Howard on
who has died show that the cars could make the suggestion of Julienne returned for five more a shot The Da Vinci Code (2006).
aged 90 after distance required. This was typical a large jump Bond films. He beefed up auto- His work on Fiat commercials
contracting of his precision in planning stunts – between rooftops rickshaws in India with Honda included driving over a waterfall in
Covid-19, was and there was more to come. in The Italian 250 engines for a 70mph chase in one and through the open doors of a
one of the world’s “It was decided I had to do three Job, 1969, Octopussy (1983); took his Italian Job moving freight train in another.
greatest film separate jumps in each Mini,” was initially experience to A View to a Kill (1985), Tragedy struck during the filming
stunt drivers and recalled Julienne. “I explained rejected because with Moore commandeering a of the French movie Taxi 2 (2000),
coordinators. He was behind the that, as the roof was very wide, we it seemed so Renault 11 taxi on the streets of Paris when a car that missed its landing
unforgettable sequence in The could make the three Minis jump all dangerous. that loses its roof, then back half, as spot following a jump fatally hit a
Italian Job featuring red, white and together. It looked much better as a Julienne, below, well as a fire engine in San Francisco; camera operator. Julienne was found
blue Mini Coopers speeding away shot. It was more complicated, but at the film and devised the pre-title sequence guilty of involuntary manslaughter
from a daring heist in Turin and went really amazing.” library in Balma, for The Living Daylights (1987), with and given a suspended prison
on to mastermind vehicle theatrics The 20-minute sequence was near Toulouse, Timothy Dalton’s 007 clinging on to sentence for 18 months, reduced to
in several James Bond movies. completed with the cars crossing southern France, the roof of a Land Rover zig-zagging six on appeal.
The 1969 British-flag-flying crime a weir on the Po river, navigating in 2017 down the Rock of Gibraltar. He wrote two autobiographies,
caper’s most memorable scenes a sewer (the interior shot near PARAMOUNT/ALLSTAR; For Licence to Kill (1989), he Silence … On Casse! (“Silence …
began with the getaway cars driving Coventry), and, in a manoeuvre that ERIC CABANIS/AFP/ prepared huge Kenworth lorries for we break”, 1978) and Ma Vie en
through shopping arcades, then Julienne considered his biggest feat, a race – including wheelies – across Cascades (My Life in Stunts, 2009).
down the steps of the Gran Madre di dispatching the Minis, in red, white Mexican mountain roads, with Julienne is survived by his partner
Dio church while avoiding a wedding and blue order – as throughout all the Dalton performing a plane jump on of 10 years, Justine Poulin, and
party. Later, as the Mini drivers scenes – up a ramp and into the back Michel and Dominique, the sons –
– with stunt doubles – continued of a stripped-out coach at speed. both stunt performers themselves
to outwit police in cars and on The Italian Job was the first – of his 1956 marriage to Antonie
motorcycles, Julienne went beyond English-language production for Pedrocchi, from whom he separated
his brief and Troy Kennedy Martin’s Julienne and it catapulted him to the in 1987, as well as a daughter, Diane,
script during the location shooting. top of the list for arranging vehicle from another relationship.
A large jump between two acrobatics on screen. Regarding Anthony Hayward
rooftops was his suggestion, his exploits as “science rather than
initially rejected by the director, stunts”, the director John Glen hired Rémy Julienne (Rémi Lucien Ernest
Peter Collinson, and the producer, him for the 1981 Bond film For Your Julienne), stunt performer and
Michael Deeley, because it sounded Eyes Only to coordinate a sequence coordinator, born 17 April 1930; died
so dangerous; but he persisted in which Roger Moore’s 007 careers 21 January 2021
Section:GDN 1J PaGe:11 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 17:36 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Thursday 4 February 2021 The Guardian •

 @guardianobits 11

Company in Trafford Park. He Birthdays hold this 350-year-old office

Sir Arnold Wolfendale won a scholarship to Stretford
grammar school for boys and in 1945
entered the physics department of Prof Edward
who had not been educated at
the universities of Oxford or
Cambridge and, with Lancastrian

Astronomer royal and Manchester University. PMS Blackett

(later Lord Blackett), his head of
department there, sparked his
Acton, historian,
72; Jerry Adler,
theatre director
directness, used his position
to harangue government on
science funding very effectively.

physicist admired for his interest in cosmic rays. Arnold had

approached him with a request to
research on oxide-coated cathodes,
and actor, 92;
Nickie Aiken,
Conservative MP,
Perhaps because of this tenacity,
the traditional knighthood did
not come until the day of his

research into cosmic rays only to be told: “You will research

on cosmic rays.” He obeyed and a
distinguished career was launched.
52; Peter Allen,
75; Prof Robert
retirement from the role.
He was elected to fellowship
of the Royal Society in 1977 (and

In 1951 Arnold married Audrey Allison, awarded its Bakerian medal in
Darby. Blackett sent him, still a geographer and 2002), to foreign fellowships of
ir Arnold Wolfendale, achievements was to collaborate Wolfendale, graduate student and without vice-chancellor, the Indian and Polish academies
the 14th astronomer with scientists from India and below left, with Audrey, who was then pregnant with Loughborough of science; and to a foreign
royal, who has Japan in searching for the related fellow physicists their twin sons, to work in Colombo, university, 60; associateship of the Royal Society of
died aged 93, did particles known as muon neutrinos, GD Rochester and Sri Lanka, with Arumugam Patrick Bergin, South Africa. At the Royal Institution
much to advance produced within the atmosphere John Cockcroft. Mailvaganam, one of Blackett’s actor, 70; Tim he was professor of experimental
understanding of simultaneously with the muons, Wolfendale former students and the first non- Booth, singer, physics (1996-2002), and he served
cosmic rays, the using Conversi tubes located in developed many white professor of physics there. dancer and actor, as president of the European
stream of charged the Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, international This visit led to Arnold’s lifelong 61; Jeanette Physical Society (1999-2001).
particles from outer space that southern India, at depths of links, particularly desire to help science prosper in Brakewell, He chaired the Cabinet
continuously bombard the Earth’s 2,300 metres. The rock above the with scientists places out of the mainstream and Olympic Office committee on the public
atmosphere. For this purpose he laboratory, in which the detectors from the eastern also gave him a love of travel. equestrian, 47; understanding of science,
assembled a strong team at Durham operated with great difficulty bloc, Japan, He developed many international Alice Cooper, engineering and technology
University, making it one of Britain’s because of the high temperatures in China and India links, in particular with scientists singer and leading to the Wolfendale Report
leading centres for research in this the mine, acted as a shield against from the eastern bloc, Japan, China songwriter, 73; (1995), which urged that more
field. In 1956 he joined the physics the ubiquitous muons. Data on the and India, many of whom worked Oscar De La Hoya, attention be given to the shortage
department as a lecturer, and muon background measured in the for short periods in Durham. In boxer, 48; Natalie of science teachers and to the
during his time as professor (1965- mine was later used in the analysis the 60s George Wdowczyk (from Imbruglia, popular dissemination of the
92) established a highly regarded of results from the famous solar- Poland) and Hannis de Beer (from pop singer, 46; results of scientific research,
astronomy division. neutrino experiment of the Nobel South Africa) spent time in Durham Pauline Latham, a forerunner of today’s move
Secondary cosmic rays result laureate Ray Davis in the Homestake developing methods to interpret Conservative towards outreach.
from primary rays impacting on Mine in South Dakota. information about the highest- MP, 73; Stephen Arnold remained emeritus
the Earth’s atmosphere. Among About this time, a near-fatal energy cosmic rays, including some Lillie, diplomat, professor at Durham and the 40th
the secondary particles found at accident with a power supply turned obtained at the British project at 55; Dara Ó Briain, anniversary of the astronomy
ground level are muons, one of Arnold’s interests to the more Haverah Park in North Yorkshire. broadcaster, division in 2015 saw the foundation
the fundamental particles of the phenomenological aspects of cosmic After his collaborators returned 49; Dame of a Centre for Extragalactic
standard model of particle physics. rays, testing theory – particularly home, the fact that the notes on the Philippa Russell, Astronomy. He continued his
In the 1960s and 70s Arnold the particle-physics connections work were in a mixture of Polish and former chair, researches in cosmic rays into his
spearheaded measurements of and origin theories – against Afrikaans created some problems. the standing late 80s, working with a Russian
the number of these particles as experimental data. From then on he With the Polish scientist commission on colleague, Anatole Erlykin. With
a function of their energy, using mainly used data gathered by the Włodzimierz Zawadksi, Arnold carers, 83; Lord Terry Sloan (of the University of
an electromagnet and an array large international collaborations founded the European Cosmic Ray (Richard) Ryder Lancaster) he did definitive work
of Conversi neon-tubes, the then emerging. Symposiums, a series of biennial of Wensum, to debunk overstated claims that
performance of which he greatly Arnold was born in Rugby, meetings that in pre-glasnost years chair, Child low-energy cosmic rays might
improved. His measurements Warwickshire, to where his were excellent occasions for east to Bereavement affect cloud formation and thus
gave information on the energy Lancastrian parents, Arnold and meet west. The inaugural meeting UK, 72; Dame enhance global warming.
spectrum of primary cosmic rays at Doris (nee Hoyle), had moved in Łódź, in 1968, of fewer than two Jenny Shipley, Beyond science, Arnold had
what were then extreme energies, for work. Soon afterwards the dozen scientists, was one of the former prime many interests. As president of the
with the data also of importance family returned to the Manchester most productive I ever attended. minister of New Antiquarian Horological Society
for testing theories then current in area, where his father worked as With collaborators, Arnold also Zealand, 69; The (1993-2014) he arranged for a
particle physics. an engineering draughtsman at made significant contributions to Right Rev Rachel plaque to John Harrison, solver
One of Arnold’s outstanding Metropolitan Vickers Electrical the astrophysical implications of Treweek, bishop of the “longitude problem”, to
cosmic rays, exploiting particularly of Gloucester, 58. be placed in Westminster Abbey.
the gamma-ray data from the He was a man of ready wit and a
European Space Agency’s COS-B good after-dinner speaker. The
satellite, showing, among other Wolfendale home, where he and
He used his things, the important result that Audrey entertained frequently,
there was a gradient of cosmic rays was a welcoming place and,
position to across the galaxy. even after Audrey’s death in
harangue Arnold could be a fierce critic and 2007, Arnold thought nothing of
government I recall, as a young man, trembling preparing lunch for 30 people.
when he raised his hand after I In 2015 he married the
on science had given a talk. But his bark was anthropologist Dorothy Middleton.
funding much worse than his bite. As his She survives him, along with his
interests in astrophysics grew, so sons, Colin and David, and five
did his recognition that the Durham grandchildren.
department was too small to Alan Watson
sustain experimental activities in
particle physics, and he persuaded Arnold Whittaker Wolfendale,
colleagues to transfer their skills physicist, born 25 June 1927;
to observational astronomy and died 22 December 2020
astronomical instrumentation. His
success in doing so was a factor in
his appointment as astronomer Reread our obituaries of
royal in 1991. Captain Sir Tom Moore, the
The appointment surprised actor Cloris Leachman and
many – including Arnold – since he the writer Godfrey Hodgson
was not a mainstream astronomer.
Furthermore, he was the first to obituaries

Section:GDN 1J PaGe:12 Edition Date:210204 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/2/2021 19:47 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Thursday 4 February 2021

12 Puzzles

Yesterday’s Killer sudoku Codeword

Easy Each letter of the alphabet makes at least one appearance in the grid,
and is represented by the same number wherever it appears. The letters
Killer sudoku The normal rules of decoded should help you to identify other letters and words in the grid.
Easy Sudoku apply: fill each
row, column and 3x3 box
with all the numbers from
1 to 9. In addition, the
digits in each inner shape
(marked by dots) must
add up to the number in
the top corner of that box.
No digit can be repeated
within an inner shape.




Cryptic crossword Guardian cryptic crossword No 28,360 set by Anto

Solution No. 28,359
T O R E A E R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across Down
SH I NTO CORS E L E T 1 Brie melted in air? That’s serious 1 Charges about having lost good
U S U K R E rifle (6)
MU L T I T A S K F E A S T (8)
R R E S S U 5 Papers returned with date 2 Called out plot to capture animal
B O R E A L H AWS E R 9 10 inserted in agreement (2,4) shelter (6)
N I CKER HAS S L E 9 Drama not composed willy-nilly 3 Note on black French artist (6)
L O D G M O (2,6) 4 English not crazy for flashy
G T M T N I 10 Outside link accommodating displays (4,6)
F EVER I SH DROP S Y 11 12 short study (6) 6 Outstanding former PM is
ADORED CURTA I N S 11 Apparently true conservative straight up (3,5)
13 Republican can be taken in (8) 7 Quickly pass on insult (4,4)
12 Think about returning wine 8 Bring down average speed (8)
14 present (6) 13 City replaces masthead in general
14 Encourage cook, perhaps, to correspondence (10)
15 16 17 provide snack (3,2,5) 15 Record second thoughts about
18 It requires perfect vision to get recent requirement for country
18 this score on board (6,4) reps (2,6)
22 Two flats? That sounds rich (6) 16 Philosopher irritated when
19 20 21 23 With constant coverage, novel declared to be like everyone else
can’t get contract (8) (8)
22 23
24 Extremely ticklish open garments 17 Whole green bananas can cause a
made of leather? (6) bad reaction (8)
25 Independent small spacecraft, 19 Food for new recruits (6)
one based in Sicily? (8) 20 Get to chaps minding tot (6)
24 25
26 Second-hand vehicles lacking 21 Deplore being endlessly cruel (6)
leads had to be carried (6)
27 Place trap underground with
modern technology (8)
26 27
Stuck? For help call 0906 200 83 83.
Calls cost £1.10 per minute, plus your
phone company’s access charge.
Service supplied by ATS.
Call 0330 333 6946 for customer
service (charged at standard rate).
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