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Database Management System 2019

Table of Contents
LO1: Analyze different types of database management systems .................................................................... 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Presentation .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................. 12

LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements ............ 13

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Relational Database Management System ................................................................................................. 13

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) .......................................................................................................... 13

Entity Relationship Diagram of Assignment Management System ........................................................... 15

DFD (Data Flow Diagram) ........................................................................................................................ 16

Database Schema........................................................................................................................................ 19

Class Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 20

LO3: Develop a database management system using a suitable platform..................................................... 22

Lab report on Assignment Management System ........................................................................................... 22

Application Design ..................................................................................................................................... 22

Codes .......................................................................................................................................................... 26

Testing application performance and functionalities ................................................................................. 39

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 43

LO4: Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen platform
....................................................................................................................................................................... 44

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 44

System Monitoring and optimizing tools ................................................................................................... 44

Real time performance monitoring tools .................................................................................................... 44

Audit Logs .................................................................................................................................................. 49

Benefits of Audit logs ................................................................................................................................ 50

How to use audit log................................................................................................................................... 50

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Security....................................................................................................................................................... 53

Authorization and authentication ............................................................................................................... 54

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 55

References...................................................................................................................................................... 56

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

LO1: Analyze different types of database management systems.

Compare and contrast the different types of database models.

Database is a structured collection of data stored which can be stored in digital form. An entity
relational model is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. A relational database (RDB) is a
collective set of multiple data sets organized by tables, records and columns.

In this part I am going to provide the presentation slide which will analyze different types of database
management system as well as do the compare and contrast between different types of database models.


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

In this task, I have provided all the slide screenshots with the description in the notes. I evaluated and
compared different database models, such as hierarchical data models, networks, entities and relational
models. The network model is rarely used today and the entity model is sometimes used because the
extended entity relationship diagram gives us more details. I also discovered that the most popular and
used data model is the relational model due to the various reasons I explained on the slides.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

LO2 Design a database management system using a relational model to meet client requirements.
Produce a design for a relational database management system to meet client requirements.

In this task, I am going to produce a design for relational database management system to meet client

Relational Database Management System

“A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a program that allows you to create, update,
and administer a relational database. Most relational database management systems use the SQL
language to access the database. A relational database is a type of database. It uses a structure that
allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data in the database. Often, data in
a relational database is organized into tables.” (Andrew, 2017)

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

The ER Diagram is a semantic data modeling tool that is used to accomplish a goal of abstractly
describing or portraying data. Abstractly described data is called conceptual model. Our conceptual
model leads to “schema”. (Richard Earp, 1964) A relationship connects two or more entities describing
how entities interact. There are three types of relationship notations. They are:

1. One to one
2. One to many
3. Many to many

Figure 1: Relationship notation

One-to-One relationship is defined as the relationship between two tables where both the tables is
associated with each other based on only one matching row. One-to-Many relationship is a relationship
between two tables where a row from one table can have multiple matching rows in another table.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Many-to-many relationship occurs when multiple records in a table are associated with multiple
records in another table.

To complete fully qualified ER diagram, various parts/features are required. It contains entities,
attributes and relationship. Entities are any definable thing or concept within a system. Person, object,
event, etc. Entity in ER models is rectangular shaped with two portion. Name goes to the top portion
whereas attributes on the lower portion. Another feature of the ER model is Attributes. Attributes (also
known as columns) are the property or characteristics of the entity that holds it. An attribute has a name
that describes the characteristics and a datatype that describes the kind of attribute it is (varchar for
names, int for numbers, etc.). Another part that complete ERD is relationship. Relationship between
entities signifies that those entities are associated to each other in some manner. The relationships is
presented as a connector connecting between the entities. Entities in the Assignment management
Teacher Student Subject
Faculty Assignment Session
Assignment Submission Status Activity Log

Attributes in the Assignment Management system

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Entity Relationship Diagram of Assignment Management System

Fig: ERD of Assignment management system

In the above figure, we can see various entity linked to each other in a relationship. The above ERD
diagram show the structural model of Assignment Management System. This Assignment System
contains Student details, Teachers, Department, Assignment submission, Subject, Status, Faculty,
Session, etc.

The relationship is shown between different entities. The rectangular shape is the name of the entity,
ellipses are their attributes and the diamond shape is the entities are various relationship. The

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

relationship shows that one entity is connected to other. Some of the tables has one to many relationship
and some has many to many relationship.

DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

“A data flow diagram, or a DFD, is a visual representation of any process or system’s flow of
information. By mapping out your process or system’s flow of data, DFDs help you better understand
your process or system, uncover its kinks, improve it, and can even help you implement a new process
or system. DFDs can range from simple overviews to complex, granular displays of a process or
system.” (Chi, 2019) The data flow diagrams graphically represents all the methods and functions,
which capture, store, manipulate and distribute data between system and its environment and between
components of system. The visual representation makes it a good communication tool between user
and system designer. The data flow diagram of the assignment management system is often used as an
initial step to create an overview of assignment management without going into details.

Zero level DFD

It is also known as context diagram. It’s designed to be an abstraction view, showing the system as a
single process with its relationship to external entities. It represent the entire system as single bubble
with input and output data indicated by incoming/outgoing arrows. The zero level data flow diagram
of any system should be designed in a way that it gives at a glance view of Teacher, Subject, Student
showing the system as single high level process with its relationship to external entities of assignment,
assignment submission.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: Zero level DFD of Assignment management system

First level DFD

In 1-level DFD, context diagram is decomposed into multiple bubbles/ this level we
highlight the main functions of the system and breakdown the high level process of 0-level DFD into
sub processes.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: First Level DFD of assignment management system

2-level DFD

2-level DFD goes one step deeper into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used to plan or record the
specific/necessary detail about the system’s functioning.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Check Manage Student

Admin Login Roles of details
to Access
Manage Faculty

Forget Manage Teacher

Password Manage details
Credenti Module
als Manage

Manage Session
Change details
rd Manage roles Manage Manage Subject
of staff feedback details

Fig: Second level DFD of Assignment management system

Database Schema
“A database schema represents the logical configuration of all or part of a relational database. It can
exist both as a visual representation and as a set of formulas known as integrity constraints that govern
a database. These formulas are expressed in a data definition language, such as SQL. As part of a data
dictionary, a database schema indicates how the entities that make up the database relate to one another,
including tables, views, stored procedures, and more”. (Inc, 2019) A database schema typically shows
the different tables, their fields and the relationship between them and other tables.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: Database Schema of Assignment management system

Class Diagram
“A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in
the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in
an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity. Class
diagrams are useful in all forms of object-oriented programming (OOP). The concept is several years
old but has been refined as OOP modeling paradigms have evolved.” (Rouse, 2019)

In a class diagram, the classes are arranged in groups that share common characteristics. A class
diagram resembles a flowchart in which classes are portrayed as boxes, each box having three
rectangles inside. The top rectangle contains the name of the class; the middle rectangle contains the
attributes of the class; the lower rectangle contains the methods, also called operations, of the class.
Lines, which may have arrows at one or both ends, connect the boxes. These lines define the
relationships, also called associations, between the classes. Below is the class diagram used in my

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: Class diagram of Assignment management system

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

LO3: Develop a database management system using a suitable platform.

• Develop a fully functional system which meets client and system requirements, using an
open source language (with an application software e.g. MySQL with front end Microsoft
• Test the system for functionality and performance.

In this task, I am going to create project report of the fully function Assignment Management System.

Lab report on Assignment Management System

By Sulav Kadel

The assignment management system for PK college is a desktop application which is going to be
developed using .NET framework and going to use Visual Studio as my IDE. Since our customer
requirement is the desktop application, the design of the application is done using Windows modules.
The database used for this application is MS SQL, where I designed the database as shown below I
have provided the design of assignment management system forms.

Application Design


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Assignment Submission Form

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Faculty Form

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Session Form

Subject Form

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Teacher Form



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Database Management System 2019


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Database Management System 2019


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Database Management System 2019



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Database Management System 2019



Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019


Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Faculty Table

Session Table

Subject Table

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Teacher Table

Testing application performance and functionalities

Test 1: logging in
SN Expected result Actual result

Log in with the username and password Logs in to dashboard.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Test 2: Submitting with blank field

SN Expected result Actual result
Error message about empty field will show Message shown as fill out this field.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Test 3: Add new assignment

SN Expected result Actual result

New assignment will be added New assignment was added

Test 4: Submission of the same assignment

SN Expected result Actual result

Assignment will not be submitted as it New assignment was not added.

already exists.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Test 5: Adding new student

SN Expected Output Actual Output
New student will be added in the record. New student was added.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

In this task, have produced the lab report of the assignment management system. In the report I have
produced the design of the numerous Data flow diagram of different levels, database schema and class
diagram of assignment management system. After that I have shown the design of the said system with
their codes and screenshots.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

LO4: Demonstrate the system administration and management tools available on the chosen
• Demonstrate the tools available in the system to monitor and optimize system performance,
and examine the audit logs.
• Demonstrate the tools available in the system to manage security and authorizations.

In the previous tasks, I have produced the presentation on the types of the database models and used
the model to complete the project. Then I produced the design for a relational database management
system to meet the client requirements. To complete the final part of my assignment I am going to
demonstrate the system administration and management tools available in my database software. I am
also going to assess the effectiveness of the system administration and those tools while identifying
the shortcomings also.

System Monitoring and optimizing tools

“System Monitoring Tools & Software give complete control over your Server Infrastructure and
Network. These tools monitor every aspect such as networks, servers, devices and more, and in the
process, help you stay on top of security and performance.

Windows environments come with a built-in monitoring tool called “Task Manager” that gives a bird’s
eye view of the running processes, CPU usage and memory. But, it doesn’t have advanced features
such as alerting and reporting.”

Real time performance monitoring tools

This resource center on application and infrastructure performance monitoring and management
gathers expert information and advice from peers on ensuring the health of a company's IT portfolio.
Real-time IT dashboards offer feedback for Ops teams to help guide app code updates, plan IT
infrastructure capacity, pinpoint problem areas and improve user experience.

Some of the tools available in the system to monitor and optimize the system performance are:

Task Manager

“The Task Manager is an operating system component found in all versions of Microsoft
Windows since Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000. It allows you to view each of the tasks

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

(processes) and the overall performance of the computer. Using the Task Manager, you can view how
much memory a program is using, stop a frozen program, and view available system resources.” (Hope,

Fig: Task Manager

Windows performance monitor

“The Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor is a tool that administrators can use to examine how
programs running on their computers affect the computer's performance. The tool can be used in real
time and also be used to collect information in a log to analyze the data at a later time.

According to Microsoft, Windows Performance Monitor uses configuration information, performance

counters and event trace data to make a full examination of a computer's performance. All of the
information can be combined into Data Collector Sets. Event trace data is collected with trace provider
components in individual applications or operating system components. Admins can combine multiple
trace providers into something called a trace session. Performance counters take system activity and
system state measurements in individual applications or the whole operating system.” (Rouse, 2019)

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: Windows monitoring tool

Process Monitoring

Program process monitoring is an assessment of the process of a program or intervention. Process

monitoring falls under the overall evaluation of a program. Program evaluation involves answering
questions about a social program in a systematic way.

Apart from measuring the needs, inputs and outcomes of a program, evaluations also monitor the
process of a program. Program process monitoring “is the systematic and continual documentation of
the key aspects of program performance that assesses whether the program is performing as intended
or according to some appropriate standard.” Therefore, program process monitoring involves a
systematic and continuous way of monitoring certain aspects of a program’s process which would
indicate how well the program is performing, if at all. These activities help to facilitate the effective
management of the program because continuous assessment allows for regular feedback about the
program’s performance

Process Explorer

“The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of
the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information
displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle
mode you'll see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded. Process
Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have
particular handles opened or DLLs loaded.” (Russinovich, 2019)

The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems
or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Fig: Process explorer

Microsoft SQL Server provides a comprehensive set of tools for monitoring events in SQL Server and
for tuning the physical database design. The choice of tool depends on the type of monitoring or tuning
to be done and the particular events to be monitored.

Following are the SQL Server monitoring tools:

Built-in functions

Built-in functions display snapshot statistics about SQL Server activity since the server was started;
these statistics are stored in predefined SQL Server counters. For example, @@CPU_BUSY contains
the amount of time the CPU has been executing SQL Server code; @@CONNECTIONS contains the
number of SQL Server connections or attempted connections; and @@PACKET_ERRORS contains
the number of network packets occurring on SQL Server connections.


DBCC (Database Console Command) statements enable you to check performance statistics and the
logical and physical consistency of a database.

Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA)

Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) is a new A/B testing solution for SQL Server. It will assist
in evaluating a targeted version of the SQL Server Database Engine for a given workload. When
upgrading from a previous SQL Server versions (Starting with SQL Server 2005 (9.x)) to any newer
version of SQL Server, DEA will be able to provide comparative analysis metrics.

Error Logs

The Windows application event log provides an overall picture of events occurring on the Windows
Server and Windows operating systems as a whole, as well as events in SQL Server, SQL Server
Agent, and full-text search. It contains information about events in SQL Server that is not available
elsewhere. You can use the information in the error log to troubleshoot SQL Server-related problems.
Extended Events

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Extended Events is a light weight performance monitoring system that uses very few performance
resources. Extended Events provides three graphical user interfaces (New Session Wizard, New
Session and the XE Profiler) to create, modify, display, and analyze your session data.

Monitor Resource usage

System Monitor primarily tracks resource usage, such as the number of buffer manager page requests
in use, enabling you to monitor server performance and activity using predefined objects and counters
or user-defined counters to monitor events. System Monitor (Performance Monitor in Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0) collects counts and rates rather than data about the events (for example, memory
usage, number of active transactions, number of blocked locks, or CPU activity). You can set
thresholds on specific counters to generate alerts that notify operators.

Open Activity monitor

The Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio is useful for ad hoc views of current activity
and graphically displays information about:

1. Processes running on an instance of SQL Server

2. Blocked processes
3. Locks
4. User activity

Audit Logs
Auditing an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine or an individual database involves tracking
and logging events that occur on the Database Engine. SQL Server audit lets you create server audits,
which can contain server audit specifications for server level events, and database audit specifications
for database level events. Audited events can be written to the event logs or to audit files.

There are several levels of auditing for SQL Server, depending on government or standards
requirements for your installation. SQL Server Audit provides the tools and processes you must have
to enable, store, and view audits on various server and database objects.

You can record server audit action groups per-instance, and either database audit action groups or
database audit actions per database. The audit event will occur every time that the auditable action is

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Audit logs vary between applications, devices, systems, and operating systems but are similar in that
they capture events which can show “who” did “what” activity and “how” the system behaved. An
administrator or developer will want to examine all types of log files to get a complete picture of
normal and abnormal events on their network. A log file event will indicate what action was attempted
and if it was successful. This is critical to check during routine activities like updates and patching,
and also to determine when a system component is failing or incorrectly configured.

Benefits of Audit logs

The ability to follow records back to their origin provides numerous benefits, including transparency
and a defense of records for compliance, record integrity and accuracy, system protection from misuse
or harm, and security of sensitive or vital information. These are achieved through these four areas:

1. User Accountability: A user is anyone who has access to the system. Implementing audit trails
promotes appropriate user behavior, which can prevent the introduction of viruses, improper
use of information, and unauthorized use or modifications. In addition, the user knows that
their actions are automatically recorded and tied to their unique identity.
2. Reconstruction of Events: When an investigation is warranted or triggered, the first step to
remediate a problem is knowing the "when,” the “how," and the "what" of the event. Visibility
into this information can aid in problem detection and prevent future occurrences of things such
as hacking, system failures, outages, or corruption of information.
3. Intrusion Detection: Audit trails aid in identifying suspicious behavior or actions. Unauthorized
access is a serious problem for most systems. Many regulations now have mandates for the
security of information and maintaining confidentiality. Protection also extends to intellectual
property, designs, personnel information, and financial records.
4. Other Problem Identification: Through real-time monitoring, you can use automated audit logs
to identify problems that indicate system implementation issues, operational issues, unusual or
suspicious activities, or system and operator errors.

How to use audit log

I have demonstrated the steps to perform audit logs:

Step 1: Open your database software and then in the object explorer then right click on the audit option
and click new audit.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Step 2: After selecting create audit this dialog box will appear. Here provide the audit name and file
path as both are necessary. For other options we can perform as required for our system and then
click ok.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Assignment Management System

Step 3: After filling the desired data in previous dialog box and clicking ok the audit will be

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

“Database security refers to the collective measures used to protect and secure a database or database
management software from illegitimate use and malicious threats and attacks.

It is a broad term that includes a multitude of processes, tools and methodologies that ensure security
within a database environment.” (Techopedia, 2019)

Database security covers and enforces security on all aspects and components of databases. This

1. Data stored in database

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

2. Database server

3. Database management system (DBMS)

4. Other database workflow applications

Database security is generally planned, implemented and maintained by a database administrator and
or other information security professional.

Some of the ways database security is analyzed and implemented include:

1. Restricting unauthorized access and use by implementing strong and multifactor access and
data management controls
2. Load/stress testing and capacity testing of a database to ensure it does not crash in a distributed
denial of service (DDoS) attack or user overload
3. Physical security of the database server and backup equipment from theft and natural disasters
4. Reviewing existing system for any known or unknown vulnerabilities and defining and
implementing a road map/plan to mitigate them

Authorization and authentication

In an SQL database system, the authentication process is initiated by the CONNECT statement. After
successful execution of CONNECT, the resources of the database become potentially available.

Authorization is permission given by the DBMS to use defined database resources and is based on
the authentication identifier and a record of the permissions the owner of that identifier has. The
identifier is recorded with the objects the user is allowed to access and the actions that can be performed
on those objects. These are recorded either as a separate security database or as part of the normal
system tables – accessible only to those with DBA privileges and higher.

Each SQL object has an owner. The owner has privileges on the objects owned. No other user can have
any privileges (or even know the object exists) unless the owner supplies the necessary permission. In
normal development, the DBA or system administrator will be the owner of the major assets. The
scheme is basically discretionary. You need to look at security in SQL more as a toolkit than a solution.

Access control in SQL is implemented by transactions using the GRANT statement. These associate
privileges with users and assets. Assets include data items (tables, views) and the privileges are the
responsibility of the asset owner.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

In this way, I configured and discussed the tools available in the database server to monitor and
optimize the performance of the application and examine audit logs to complete the third and final part
of my assignment. I used various database management tools such as SQL Server Profiler, Audit Logs,
Extended Events etc. to model and protect the database, verify the faults and failures in the database.
Database protection techniques have also been used to defend and protected database or stored
procedures against unauthorized access, intentional or accidental attacks. Such monitoring tools
provide us with real-time tracking and data security by recording, logging, reviewing and advising of
policy violations without interfering with the performance of the applications. I have also addressed
the importance of database security and the ways to make the database more secure i.e. authorization,
authentication and access control.

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Andrew, 2017. codeacademy. [Online]
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[Accessed 02 November 2019].

Anon., 2007. [Online]

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Anon., 2017. [Online]
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Chand, S., n.d. [Online]

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Chi, C., 2019. hubspot. [Online]
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Crocheleau, 2016. [Online]

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Hope, C., 2019. computerhope. [Online]

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Inc, L. S., 2019. lucidchart. [Online]

Available at:

Richard Earp, S. B., 1964. Foundation Of Database Design Series. In: Database Design Using
EntityRelationship Diagrams. USA: Aurbach Publications, pp. 24-25.

Rouse, M., 2019. techtarget. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 04 11 2019].

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)
Database Management System 2019

Rouse, M., 2019. TechTarget. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 04 11 2019].

Russinovich, M., 2019. microsoft. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 04 11 2019].

Techopedia, 2019. Techopedia. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 04 11 2019].

Sulav Kadel (HND / Fourth Semester)

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