Name: Rizky Desiana NRM: 1302618012

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Name : Rizky Desiana

NRM : 1302618012

A. Parts and the whole

 Thermometer
Now complete these:
This thermometer consists of: Glass tube, Glass pipe, Scale lines, Thermometer
filling liquid, indentation, expansion chamber and spherical bulb
 Atom Carbon
Now complete this:
A Carbon atom consist of nucleus and some ring of moving electron around the
It contains nucleus in the center
Nucleus consists of proton and neutron
 Solar System
1. The solar system consists of the sun and planets
2. The planet consists of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune.
3. Solar system includes the satellite of the planet, numerous comets, asteroids,
and meteoroids, and the interplanetary medium.
4. What is the meaning of Proxima Centauri?
Answer: Proxima Centauri is a star that nearest from the sun.
5. What is the meaning of Milky Way?
Answer: Milky way is a spiral disk of 200 billion stars, that consists of the
entire solar system, together with the local stars visible on a clear night and
orbits the center of our home galaxy
6. What is the meaning of asteroids?
Answer: Asteroids are small and rocky object or planet that orbits the sun
7. When looking down from above the Sun's North Pole, where is nthe direction
of the planets orbit?
Answer: When looking down from above the Sun's North Pole, the planets
orbit in a counter-clockwise direction.
8. Why Pluto is not including in Solar System?
Answer: Pluto is not including in Solar System because Pluto’s orbit is the
most highly inclined (18 degrees) and the most highly elliptical of all the
planets. Because of this, for part of its orbit, Pluto is closer to the Sun than is
Neptune. And Pluto sometimes crashing into the orbits of other planets.

B. Composition
 Elements, Mixtures and Compounds
1. What is the difference between an element and a compound? Give some
example of each
 An element is a basic building block of matter and it’s a substance that
can't be reduced to a simpler state by chemical means. Examples of
element are hydrogen, oxygen, sodium, chlorine.
 Compound is the combination of some elements and can be separated
by chemical means. Examples of compounds are water (hydrogen +
oxygen) and salt (sodium + chlorine).
2. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?
 Compound is the combination of some element and can be separated by
chemical means, such as distillation.
 Mixture is some of element or compounds which is mixed but not
combined. To separating mixture into pure substance can use physical
3. How can we separate a compound to become elements?
Answer: To separate a compound to become elements, we can use chemical
means, such as distillation
4. Matter consists of pure substance and mixture
5. What is the meaning of chemical processes and physical processes?
 The Chemical Processes is a process occur when bonds are broken and
reformed. The example of Chemical Processes is separating some
 The Physical Processes is a process occur when intermolecular forces
are broken and reformed. For example is process a mixture become a
pure substance
C. Construction and Parts
1. A micrometer screw gauge consists of Anvil, Spindle, Sleeve, Thimble, Ratchet,
2. Which parts of micrometer screw gauge directly connected to object?
Answer: The parts of micrometer screw gauge directly connected to object is the
anvil and spindle
3. What is dominant color of micrometer screw gauge?
Answer: The dominant color of micrometer screw gauge is silver
4. Describe some properties of micrometer screw gauge?
Answer: Micrometer screw gauge is an instrument used to measure the diameter
of anything less than 1 cm. For example, thin wires, the thickness of small sheets
of glass, plastic, etc. Micrometer screw gauge can measure up-to 1/10 of mm (or
0.01 mm= 0.001 cm) which is usually called the least count of Micrometer.
5. Explain how to use micrometer screw gauge?
Answer: First, place the object between anvil and spindle, and turn the thimble
until the anvil and spindle grip the object. Then turn the ratchet until it starts to
click for careful tightening as shown in the above diagram. Second, read the main
scale reading at the edge of the thimble. Third, Read the thimble scale mark that
coincides with the datum line of the main scale. The last step is sum of main scale
reading and thimble scale reading. The sum is the actual measurement.

D. Connection between parts

1. A Light Bulb
 A light bulb consists of plug, glass bulb, filaments, and wire
 The glass bulb contains wire and filament
 A light bulb looks like a pear shaped
 At the base, they have two metal contacts, which connect to the ends of an
electrical circuit. The metal contacts are attached to two wires, which are
attached to a thin filament.
 the wire is connected to the bottom base of the bulb to connect to a power
2. A Bunsen Burner
 A Bunsen burner consists of vertical metal tube,base,rubber tube,and
horizontal metal tube
 The hot blue flame situated above the air vertical metal tube and
movable collar will ignite when the air inlet is open
 A Bunsen burner looks like a candle shaped with a vertical metal tube and
a light at the top.
 The rubber tube is a short section of tubing attached to the air inlet
 Rubber tube allows the gas to enter the tube connected to the fuel
source and mix with air from the air hole before combustion.
 The majority of bunsen burners are small in size so they fit over your bag
and are easy to carry
 Ensure that the fuel source is securely fixed to the main body of the
Bunsen at the horizontal metal tube

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