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You have to prepare the following topics for project viva voce.

1. Modes and mechanisms of Heat Transfer I.e. conduction, convection and radiation.
This is the mode of heat transfer, which occurs in a medium without any relative motion of
particles, though it is impermeable to any other kind of radiation. This mode is dominant in
solids. This is more effective in metals than in non-metals.
This is the mode of heat transfer, which occurs due to the motion of molecules carrying heat
from one zone to another zone.
Radiation is an electromagnetic phenomenon in which heat energy is carried by the waves in
quantum. This can happen between bodies without any presence of medium as earth
receiving heat from sun through space. For conduction and convection to transfer heat we
need temperature difference (driving potential which cause heat flow from high temperature
to low temperature) where as in radiation whenever a body is at a temperature greater than 0
2. Different between forced and natural convection.
If the motion of the fluid is due to density difference generated due to temperature variation
within the fluid causing heat transfer is known as natural convection.
An external agent such as a pump or blower can create the relative motion in the medium
relative to the heat-dissipating surface. Thermal processes related to motion of the medium by
externally impressed pressure gradient by any agent are known as forced convection
3. Definition and significance of Nusselt, Reynolds, Prandtl, Grashoff and Rayleigh
a) Reynold’s number (Re): It is given by ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces
The importance of the Reynold’s number is if the Reynold’s number is low, then viscous
forces are predominant and the flow is laminar. If Reynold’s number is more than inertial
forces are predominant and the flow is turbulent.
b) Nusselt number: It is the ratio of heat flux by convection to that of heat flux by
conduction when the fluid is assumed motionless.
It is represent the enhancement of heat transfer through a fluid layer as a result of convection
relative to conduction across the same fluid layer. Nusselt number 1 represents the heat
transfer is by pure conduction.
c) Grashoff Number: It is the ratio of buoyant force to the viscous force acting on the fluid
denoted by Gr
This number provides main criteria in determining whether the flow is laminar or Turbulent
in natural convection
d) Prandtl Number: The relative thickness of velocity and thermal boundaries is best
described by the dimensionless parameter Prandtl number. It is defined as the molecular
diffusivity of momentum to that of molecular diffusivity of heat.
Low prandtl number indicates the heat diffusion at a faster rate and high Prandl number
significances slow dissipation in oils relative to momentum diffusion. Consequently, thermal
boundary layer in thickness for liquid metals and thinner for oils relative to velocity boundary
4. Critical Reynolds numbers for internal and external flow.

Critical Reynolds Number for Flow in a Pipe

For flow in a pipe of diameter D, experimental observations show that for “fully developed”
flow, the critical Reynolds number is about Red,crit = 2300.
 Laminar flow. For practical purposes, if the Reynolds number is less than
2300, the flow is laminar. The accepted transition Reynolds number for flow
in a circular pipe is Red,crit = 2300.
 Transitional flow. At Reynolds numbers between about 2300 and 4000 the
flow is unstable as a result of the onset of turbulence. These flows are
sometimes referred to as transitional flows.
 Turbulent flow. If the Reynolds number is greater than 4000, the flow is
5. Why the heat transfer increases with addition of nanoparticles.
Due to the addition of nano particles the thermal conductivity of the nano fluid increases so
the heat transfer increases
6. Why heat transfer is more for hybrid nanofluid compared to mono nanofluid.
The intensification in heat dissipation rate for hybrid nanofluid is due to increase in effective
viscosity, thermal conductivity and change in the thermal boundary due to hybridization of
TiO2 with MWCNT and Al2O3 with MWCNT nanoparticles, and also due to change in
Brownian motion
7. Why the pressure drop is less for hybrid nanofluid and what is pressure drop
. Also, the pressure drop for hybrid and mono nanofluids is slightly more due to fracture of
thermal boundary with addition of solid particles and increase in local turbulence with
increase in Re.
8. Equivalence or hydraulic diameter and dimensions of geometry considered.
For a circular tube the hydraulic diameter is simply the diameter of the tube.
9. Assumptions made to do the analysis
The flow conditions are steady.
The specific heats and mass flow rate of both hot and cold fluids are constant over the
entire length of heat exchanger.
There is no loss of heat to surrounding i.e. the heat exchanger is perfectly insulated.
There is no change of phase either of the fluid during the heat transfer.
Axial conduction along the tubes of the heat exchanger is negligible
dimensional heat transfer.
There is no heat transfer by radiation
The flow is incompressible and the flow is turbulent

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