05 - Ritesh Dbms Assignment 3

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Name: Ritesh Verma

Roll Number: 31401219005
Stream :BCA
Year: 2nd
Semester: 4th
Subject : DBMS Practical (BCAN 491)
College: Techno India College of Technology
Submitted to: Aloke Bera Sir.

Create Table named “SALES”.
Code for table creation:
create table sales1(orderid number(2), orderdate date, orderprice
number(5), orderquantity number(2), customername varchar2(15));
Code for displaying Variable:
desc sales1;

Code for Inserting values to the table:

insert into sales1 values(1,'22-DEC-2005',160,2,'smith');
insert into sales1 values(2,'08-OCT-2005',190,2,'johnson');
insert into sales1 values(3,'13-JULY-2005',500,5,'baldwin');
insert into sales1 values(4,'15-JULY-2005',420,2,'smith');
insert into sales1 values(5,'22-DEC-2005',1000,4,'wood');
insert into sales1 values(6,'10-FEB-2005',820,4,'smith');
insert into sales1 values(7,'11-MAR-2005',2000,2,'baldwin');

Code for displaying table Sales:

select * from sales1;
1. Count how many orders have made a customer with
Customer name Smith.
(Ans) select sum(orderquantity)"Total orders of Smith"
from(select *from sales1 where customername='smith');

2. Find number of unique customers that have ordered

from the store.
(Ans) select count(customername)"Number of Unique
Customer" from (select distinct customername from
3. Find out total numbers of Items ordered by all the
(Ans) select sum(orderquantity)"Total Number of orders
items" from sales1;

4. Find out the average number of items per order.

(Ans) select avg(orderquantity) from sales1;
5. Find out the ways the minimum price paid for any of
the orders.
(Ans) select min(orderprice) from sales1;

6. Find out the highest order price from the given sales
(Ans) select max(orderprice) from sales1;
7. List out unique Customer’s name only from the table.
(Ans) select distinct customername from sales1 order by

8. List out name of the customers who have given order in

the month of DECEMBER.
(Ans) select orderprice, orderquantity,
orderprice*orderquantity, customername from sales1;

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