Schizophrenics Handling Scripture

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Schizophrenics Handling Scripture

By, Apostle John Eckhardt,

8 cd teaching to order visit:

2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are UNLEARNED and UNSTABLE WREST, as they do also the other SCRIPTURES, unto their own destruction.

James 1:8 A DOUBLE MINDED man is UNSTABLE in all his ways.

Those involved in DELIVERANCE know this is the scriptural definition of a SHIZOPHRENIC. Those who minister the word cannot be SCHIZOPHRENIC. Schizophrenics cannot be trusted in leadership positions to teach the WORD. They are simply too UNSTABLE. We cannot have IGNORANT and UNSTABLE people in positions of authority teaching and being authoritative with SCRIPTURE.

The TWO DEMONS controlling a SCHIZOPHRENIC are REJECTION and REBELLION. These TWO PERSONALITIES make up the SHIZOPHRENIC. I see to many people who are controlled by these demons trying to operate in ministry, and many are clamoring for ordination without any DELIVERANCE. Other controlling demons in the SHIZOPHRENIC PERSONALITY are PRIDE, BITTERNESS, and DECEPTION. UNSTABLE people very easily walk in decpetion and can be open to all kinds of deceiving teachings.

Are your LEADERS STABLE? Do they that TEACH and PREACH to you have STABILITY? Are those who are handling the WORD UNSTABLE in their personal lives and relationships? These are things we need to CONSIDER in allowing someone to teach us the SCRIPTURE.

There are many people calling themselves APOSTLES and PROPHETS who are TOO UNSTABLE to be trusted with any leadership position, much less ORDINATION. Some have started their own ministries and identified themselves as APOSTLES without any CONFIRMATION by someone who is STABLE.


Paranoid - Schizophrenia - Double-Mindedness - Two Souls Rejection: (Beginning of Schizophrenia.)

Pre-natal rejection, Rejection in the womb, Rejection after birth, Self-rejection, Fear of rejection, Inability to give or receive love, Starved for love Rebellion: (Rejection and Rebellion are the core, the two main personalities.) Self-Will, Selfishness, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness, Aggression, Unteachable Root of Bitterness: (Three main areas are Rejection, Rebellion and Bitterness.) Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Hatred, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder, Memory Recall Double Mindedness: (Schizophrenia or Double Mindedness are Controls.) Hesitating, Dubious, Irresolute, Unstable, Unreliable, Uncertain, Unrealistic Paranoia: (Strong area - Paranoid Schizophrenic - rooted in fear.) Jealousy, Envy, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears, Confrontation, Many Voices, Insensitive, Confrontation with honesty at all costs, Delusions, False Grandeur, Omnipotence, False Beliefs

Mental Illness: (Schizophrenia - Paranoia - Mental Illness.) Insanity, Madness, Mania, Retardation, Senility, Hallucinations Self: (The schizophrenic is constantly looking at self.) Self Pity: Fear of Judgement, Insecurity, inferiority Self-Accusation: Compulsive Confession, Self-Hatred, Self-Unforgiveness,

Self-Condemnation, Attention Seeking Self-Will: Self-Deception: Self-Awareness: Selfishness, Stubbornness Self-Delusion, Self-Seduction, Pride, Unteachableness Timidity, Shyness, Loneliness, Sensitiveness

Lust: (Weds a person to the world for love.) Fantasy Lust, Harlotry, Perverseness, Sexual Impurity, False Compassion, False Love Depression: (The Devil's D's: Rejection to Depression to Suicide.) Despondency, Despair, Discouragement, Defeatism, Defective, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Suicide, Death, Insomnia, Morbidity, False spirits Fears: (Paranoia - Phobias - Fears.) People, Mental Insanity, Germs, Hysteria, Phobias Control: (Demonic control of others: parents, mates, pastors, etc.) Domination, Witchcraft, Possessiveness, Conniving, Manipulation Indecision: (Double Mindedness - Indecision.) Procrastination, Compromise, Confusion, Forgetfulness, Indifference, Apathy Unfairness: (No one treats them fairly.) Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming, Unreality, Vivid Imagination, Pouting, Pretension Talkativeness: (Cannot let others talk.) Nervousness, Tension

Accusation towards Others: (Keeps one from looking at self.) Projection, Criticism, Faultfinding, Judgementalism False Compassion: (False concern for others - false spiritual gifts.) False Responsibility, False Burden, False Love, Inordinate Affection for Animals Guilt: (Demonic prolonged false emotions.) Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame, Embarrassment Perfection: (An effort to earn respect and acceptance of others.)

For a more in-depth teachings you may purchase the books listed below, please visit or call: 708-922-0983

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