Oup 3. Diana Sanitary Napkins-1 Brand Retail

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Oup 3. Diana
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Hanoi.group 3. Diana Sanitary Napkins-1

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18th, 2021

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Nguyen Thuy Thanh S3891914
Dang Ha Linh S3887064

Nguyen Linh Chi
Nguyen Minh Trang

Pham Khanh Ha S3877365

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I. INTRODUCTION (Nguyen Thuy Thanh) ..................................................1

- History of the company................................................................................................. 1
- Mission Statement..........................................................................................................1
- CEO.................................................................................................................................1
- Product Description....................................................................................................... 2
Functions and Feature...................................................................................................3
Product design............................................................................................................... 3
Market share and Brand awareness............................................................................. 3

II. MICROENVIRONMENT (Nguyen Minh Trang).......................................3

- Marketing Intermediaries:..............................................................................................3
Physical distribution firms............................................................................................3
- Customers:.....................................................................................................................4
Consumer markets......................................................................................................... 4
Reseller markets............................................................................................................ 4
- Competitors:...................................................................................................................5
Direct competitors.......................................................................................................... 5
Indirect competitors....................................................................................................... 5

III. MACROENVIRONMENT (Pham Khanh Ha)...........................................5

- Demographic factors.....................................................................................................5
- Economic factors........................................................................................................... 6
- Technological factors.................................................................................................... 6
- Cultural factors...............................................................................................................7
IV. SWOT Analysis (Nguyen Minh Trang and Pham Khanh Ha) ...............7,8
- Strength..........................................................................................................................7
- Weaknesses....................................................................................................................7
- Opportunities..................................................................................................................8
- Threats............................................................................................................................8
V. Customer Driven Marketing Strategy (STDP) (Dang Ha Linh and
Nguyen Linh Chi) ..............................................................................10-15
- Segmentation..........................................................................................................10-11
- Targeting..................................................................................................................11-12
- Differentiation...............................................................................................................12
- Positioning..............................................................................................................13-14

pg. 2

VI. Conclusion (Nguyen Thuy Thanh) ........................................................15

VII. Reference........................................................................................16-18
VIII. Appendices.....................................................................................18-19

1. Company Description
a. History

Diana Company made a debut to the public in 1997 with various products that carried this brand
name. In 1999, they launched products using vacuum pressing technology, which makes the
company popular among the locals for their use of Vietnamese-oriented features. Since then,
they have been one of the most vital and well-known companies that produce feminine care
products in Vietnam. In 2010, a Japan Company, Unicharm, bought all shares worth about
US$128 million of Diana Vietnam Company to expand its market in Asia, and Diana Company
becomes Diana Unicharm Joint Stock Company. Unicharm Corporation is a manufacturer of
consumer products, including feminine care products, baby care products, health care products,
cosmetic products, industrial materials, and food packaging materials. Diana Unicharm Joint
Stock Company (JSC) is one of the foremost manufacturers of hygiene products locally. JSC
produces and distributes different famous products such as Diana sanitary napkins, feminine
products, Bobby baby diapers, Caryn adult diapers, E'mos tissue, and the newest product, 3D

b. Mission Statement

Unicharm Corporation wishes to provide people of all ages with convenient products for their
needs and lifestyles. They include this desire in their philosophy "NOLA & DOLA."
(Necessities of Life with Activities & Dreams of Life with Activities). Unicharm aims not only to
assist customers through business operations but also to improve corporate value by
promoting proper management that offers value to all stakeholders, including shareholders,
business partners, associates, and the general public.

c. CEO:
- Founder/ Director: Keiichiro Takahara
- Representative director: Takashira Takahara
- Vice President of JSC: Do Anh Tu

2. Product Description
a. Functions and Features of Product

pg. 3

Diana SENSI Cool Fresh is a feminine sanitary product line that consists of different sanitary
napkin products for different purposes and needs of the customers. This line has products such
as Panty Liner for everyday use, Ultrathin napkins with or without wings for regular days, Extra
Absorb with or without wings for heavy days. The company designs a blue mix white color on
the package, along with active and energetic advertisements where the company shows women
go beyond their limits and do the sports and activities they love in their "time of the month", with
the support of Diana SENSI Cool Fresh. The packaging and the advertisements bring the
customers a cool, refreshing, and comfortable feeling, which then draws their attention to the
products and buy them.

b. Product Design

Its design is convenient for everyone as it is body-fit that will not be shown through clothes, and
it is very light but still can prevent leaks, making it comfortable for everyone to use. Moreover, it
has a cotton surface and a minty scent that even people with sensitive skin can use without
being worried about their skin conditions

c. Market Share and Brand Awareness

Diana made a massive impression with the local customers by cooling fresh menthol in the
SENSI Cool Fresh product line. The company distributes Diana SENSI Cool Fresh products in
big supermarkets, convenient local stores, and small retailers all across Vietnam. These
products are affordable, easy to access, and safe to use. Comparing to other brands, Diana is
the second famous brand locally, with 41,4%, and Kotex at the first position with 52,6%
(Apendices 1). In 2020, while competing with another well-known brand in Vietnam, Kotex,
Diana remains its popularity and growth, with the investment of Unicharm Company. Diana
"reflects a deep local understanding while its iconic Cool Fresh sanitary pads have become the
best seller across all channels." (Sanitary Protection in Vietnam- Analysis).

1. Marketing intermediaries

a. Resellers

In the domestic market, Diana focuses on distributing products to resellers, so its products
appear in big supermarkets, many local grocery stores and street vendors stretching over the
country where customers trust the most to make a purchase (Appendices 2) (Brands Vietnam
2013). Diana products are sold in convenience stores and supermarket chains like VinMart
Plus, Circle K, Okono, etc, or in the top five of the biggest retailers markets in Vietnam such as
VinMart, Lotte Mart, Big C, Mega Market, etc. This strong coverage helps Diana to have great
sales and can guarantee a stable number of consumers until now because those big
supermarkets always have a high volume of loyal customers. In addition, continuing from 2019,
e-commerce platforms such as Tiki, Lazada became a fast and more convenient choice during

pg. 4

the pandemic in 2020, as consumers tried to evade as many interactions with other people as
possible. Both resellers and customers benefited from promotional offers (Passport 2021).
Moreover, with dense appearance, buyers can easily access the company’s products, and
Diana also can identify its strength and weakness through various retailers by receiving each
total sales to improve products and broaden the scope of consumers.

b. Physical distribution firms

In early June 2015, Diana Unicharm Joint Stock Company has chosen Gemadept Joint Stock
Company as a provider of Logistics services for Diana Unicharm. On June 4, at Gemadept's
headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City, the two sides officially signed a cooperation contract and
started the Southern Distribution Center Project. Gemadept is the leading enterprise in "Top 10
prestigious logistics companies" in Vietnam, owning and operating a chain of integrated and
closed logistics infrastructure (Website Tap Doan 2021). Gemadept provides customers with
competitive, optimal Logistics solutions and helps the Diana company to stock and move goods
from their points of origin to their destinations such as wholesalers or retailers. Speaking at the
ceremony, Mr. Atsushi Iwata- Deputy CEO of Diana Unicharm highly appreciated Gemadept's
capacity and professionalism and believed that the project was successfully deployed to meet
the expectations of both companies (Vacod 2015).

2. Customers:
a. Consumer markets:

The majority of Diana’s profits and marketing strategy is from Vietnamese females. The
customer group that buys Diana’s products is from 8 to 50 years old. To satisfy the demands of
this important group, Diana created numerous products for each region, age, or even lifestyle.
To be more specific, the group of customers that Diana Sensi Cool Fresh is targeting is women
from 18 to 30 years old. This group belongs to the “early adopter group”, they are those who are
willing to try new things such as experiencing new products and improving new technologies
(Brands Vietnam 2020). Diana uses cutting-edge Japanese technology to create good quality
products at reasonable prices, so many consumers want to purchase its products. The
company's distribution system is located in 61 provinces and cities nationwide. Diana sanitary
napkin products have also been present in international markets such as Thailand, Malaysia,
Philippines, Cambodia, etc (Unicharm 2014).

b. Reseller markets:
Diana has three main resellers: convenience stores, supermarkets, and street vendors like
VinMart Plus, Circle K, Big C, etc. Besides, online websites like https://www.yes24.vn/my-pham,
retailers on e-commerce platforms like Shopee or Tiki, and drugstores (Pharmacy, Long
Pharmacy) are also some of Diana’s resellers. At the same time, Diana exports its products to
the retailers of Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines (Unicharm).
Diana always offers great advantages to resellers such as discounts, commissions, or special
gifts to attach more loyal retailers.

pg. 5

3. Competitors:
a. Direct competitors:

In 2016, Diana’s market share in the domestic sanitary napkin market was 47,9%, followed
closely by Kotex - its biggest competitor from Kimberly Clark with 37,1% and Laurier from Kao
company with 15% (Buzzmetrics 2016) (Appendices 3). According to the survey results based
on 302 female subjects at the online survey website www.vinaresearch.net in 2013, in terms of
total awareness, Diana seemed to be slightly more well-known than Kotex (99.3% and 99.0%)
(Appendices 3), but compared to first awareness level, Kotex was higher (52.6% and 41.4%). In
2020, Diana (41,2% market share) and Kotex (39% market share) remained the outright leading
brands (Passport 2021), though some smaller competitors gained ground.

The Diana brand continued to expand impressively thanks to investment from its global brand
owner, Japanese Unicharm, while Kimberly-Clark ramped up its promotional efforts to reclaim
its first-place position. Diana's products represented a deep understanding of the local market,
with its famous Cool Fresh sanitary pads being the best-selling commodity across all platforms
(Passport 2021), However, Kotex and Laurier also launched similar products that compete
directly with Diana Sensi Cool Fresh. They are Kotex Herbal Cool and Laurier Slimguard Cool,
both of which have also become popular in the sanitary napkin market (Passport 2021). These
formidable opponents can have a significant impact on Diana Sensi Cool Fresh’s revenue.

b. Indirect competitors

Other than sanitary napkins, customers still have multiple choices such as tampons and
menstrual cups. These competitors are more favored in Western nations. However, the usage
of these products in Vietnam tends to increase in recent years. In 2018, the Vietnam menstrual
cups market achieved 1,521million dollars and is projected to reach 2,264 million dollars in 2026
(Allied Market Research 2019). Tampons are increasingly popular in Vietnam and widely
available in large supermarkets such as Lotte Mart and Co-op Mart or convenience stores such
as Circle K (Ly 2017).

4. Publics

With the motto "Bringing the world's progress to Vietnamese women" (Unicharm 2014), since its
presence in Vietnam, Diana has always been at the forefront in applying the latest technologies
in this field to domestic production, creating products with the highest quality at prices that are
suitable for Vietnamese consumers.

As a company that is always interested in the development and prosperity of the community,
Diana always makes a positive contribution to social activities such as charity activities to

pg. 6

support floods and disabled children. Sponsorship activities encourage individuals and
collectives to have good achievements, especially for the development of women, to support
individuals in difficult circumstances to rise. From 2002 to 2007, 5 billion VND was sponsored
by the Vietnam Women's Fund, in 2008, 250 million VND per year were sponsored for the
Vietnam Women's Fund. Funding for the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology 100 million
per year. Support for 5 consecutive years for the entire budget of the Vietnam Female Student
Award and so on (Weshare 2020).

1. Demographic factors

Vietnam was densely populated with 97.58 million people in 2020 (An 2020). The female
population was 48,99 million people, accounting for 50,2% of the total population. Among this
woman population, the young age group 15-24, who belong to the early adopter age,
(Appendices 1) accounts for 15.22% (Appendices 2).

The high female population would create a huge and vibrant consumption market for Diana to
operate the marketing operations. Although the figures show that the targeted group was not
high, the targeted customers will be willing to try and experience the product, as they prefer
experiencing new things such as new products and technological innovation (Brands Vietnam

0-14 years 22.61% (male 11,733,704/female 10,590,078)

15-24 years 15.22% (male 7,825,859/female 7,202,716)

25-54 years 45.7% (male 22,852,429/female 22,262,566)

55-64 years 9.55% (male 4,412,111/female 5,016,880)

65 years and over 6.91% (male 2,702,963/female 4,121,969)

pg. 7

Appendices 1: Viet Nam’s age structures

Source: CIA World Factbook (2020)

2. Economics factors

2020 was regarded as a difficult year with many challenges for the world economy in general
and Vietnam in particular due to the Covid-19. However, thanks to the best solutions from the
Government, the national economy still obtained promising outcomes with the maintenance of
growth with GDP increasing by 2.91% (General Statistics Office 2020). However, the rate of
unemployment and underemployment were high (General Statistics Office 2020) so these lead
to shifting consumer purchasing preferences and shopping habits as people tend to save their
money more and buy healthy products such as essential foods, hygiene, and healthy products
(Lam Phuong 2021). As a result, this created Diana more opportunities to promote their
products. Based on Passport (2021), Diana’s tissue and hygiene sales increased to 12.073.5
billion VND (34%) which was higher in 2019 at 10.406.5 billion VND (at approximately 31%).

3. Technological factors

Aside from the epidemic having negative effects on all facets of social life, it has provided much
impetus for growth, especially in terms of speeding up Vietnam’s digital transition process and
the application of science and technology (Bao Lao Dong 2021). Specifically, there is a huge
increase in internet access (Bao Lao Dong 2021). According to Appendices 4 and 5, the number
of Vietnamese smartphone subscriptions, internet users, and social network users have
skyrocketed (Ecommage 2021), which has resulted in altering the marketplace as on e-
commerce websites such as Tiki, Shopee, etc. (Showroomviglacera 2020). Moreover, the
female youngsters from 18 to 24 years old are the second-highest group in terms of social
media usage (Appendices 6).

These factors have given the firm many opportunities to operate its marketing activities. Diana
has approached their targeted customers by promoting its products on social media and
websites (Diana 2021). Moreover, they were successful to organize a campaign: “Diana Sensi
Cool Fresh: Freeze Trouble-Freeze yourself” which gained a large number of contestant’s
submissions, interactions, and shares on micro-website, Facebook, and other online platforms
(Brands Vietnam 2020).

4. Cultural factors.

pg. 8

Vietnam, like other Asian countries, highly values women’s virginity and associates it with a
woman’s dignity - this is a core belief. Many people, especially the older generation, still believe
that using tampons would cause a person to lose virginity, which explains the low sales of
tampons in Asian countries. This has a positive outcome on Diana, as the company focuses on
selling sanitary napkins and wouldn’t be affected by its indirect competitors in the near future.

Using eco-friendly products has increased and will be shifted more in the future - this is a
secondary culture. Based on Kinh Te Nong Thon (2020), in the past, customers were not aware
of protecting the environment and they normally bought non-eco-friendly products. However,
nowadays their awareness has improved, they tend to use eco-friendly products with eco-
friendly materials or ingredients and technology to enhance a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, in the
hygiene industry, the demand for sanitary hygiene products with value-added features such as
cooling, freshening, and antibacterial qualities, natural smell, high absorption levels, and a
friendly style is increasing (Passport 2021). This has created opportunities for Diana to enhance
its products because the firm has already used modern technology. To be more specific, Diana
has successfully performed its products innovatively such as Japanese Ice Cool, Smart-Fit
design, air-through surface, and microfiber core with polymeric particles to help customers feel
comfortable (Diana 2021).


Strength Weakness

- Diana has launched many interesting - Diana’s products are easy to be

marketing campaigns: “Freeze counterfeited in the market. According
trouble-free yourself”, “Là con gái thật to Ms. Ta Thuy Ha, representative of
tuyệt”, etc that grasp the customer’s Kimberly Clark Company, the level of
insights and attract the consumers' mold infection in the fake sanitary
attention. napkin is 48 times higher and the level
- Diana has a wide distribution system of infection is 12.5 times higher than
all around Vietnam and even the other that of the real one (VietNamNet
countries that help customers to buy 2011). This situation creates a
more conveniently and to recognize negative impact on the brand's
the brand better. Therefore, the brand reputation that requires the company
is expanding more and more. to find a solution.
- Diana has a reasonable price with - The brand was affected a lot by
high Japanese quality compared to its negative information about fake
competitors. products and super absorbent
- Diana quickly grasps the ceaseless particles (SAP), due to health
concerns of users, leading to the
and diversified needs of customers so
intention to discontinue use. (Brands
the firm has constantly improved
Vietnam 2016)
technology and produced the most
advanced products, using non-woven - The product can cause allergy and the

pg. 9

fabric technology, absorbent product's deodorizing ability is not

materials, and the most modern good. (Do.K, 2017)
techniques (Diana Unicharm 2019). - The packaging uses non-
The product has been reported to environmentally friendly nylon
have good absorbency and a pleasant material, which would negatively
scent, which are two competitive affect the brand because consumers
characteristics (Brands Vietnam 2016) are becoming more environmentally
- The firm has successfully practiced conscious.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
by organizing charities and
sponsorship activities, creating an
optimistic reputation.

Opportunities Threats

- Diana would be able to promote the - The number of targeted customers

product more because targeted might be decreased in the future due
customers are willing to try and to the aging rate increasing sharply
experience new things such as new (Lan Anh 2020)
products and technological innovation - Direct formidable competitors such as
(Brands Vietnam 2020). Kotex and Laurier also have directly
- During hot weather, the campaign competitive products such as Kotex
“Freeze trouble-free yourself” can Herbal Cool and Laurier Slimguard
have a direct impact on customer’s Cool with high quality. Diana will need
psychology and build relationships to have an effective marketing
with them. strategy and understand the market
- COVID-19 has increased users’ deeply to compete with them.
usage on e-commerce platforms. - Tampon and menstrual cup products
Therefore, Diana has more chances are popular and used widely in foreign
to distribute the products more on e- countries. Moreover, menstrual cups
commerce websites such as Tiki, are favored by postpartum women
Lazada, etc. to help customers buying because they are safer, cheaper, save
the products easily and conveniently. time and eco-friendly: it does not have
- Because the demand for enhancing bleaches or any chemicals that lead to
hygiene products has increased, it is allergy and can be reused from 6 to
an opportunity for Diana to continually 12 months. This trend could be
enhance the products’ quality and imported into Vietnam in the coming
create new products more by using future and adversely affect the
domestic sanitary napkin markets.

pg. 10

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their state-to-the-art technology. - Due to Covid-19’s complicated

occurrences, they cannot forecast the
future economy, which will lead to
changing consumer purchasing
preferences, shopping habits, and
shifting income.


1. Segmentation:

Segment Teenagers Women Women

- Age: 8 – 18 - Age: 18 – 30 - Age: 30 – 50

- Life stage: - Life stage: adult - Income: Low, middle,
adolescent - Income: Low, and high income
- Gender: female middle, and high - Life stage: adult
- Income: Low, income: - Family life cycle:
Demographic middle, and high - Education: maybe older-single, older-
Characteristics income; depend on undergraduates or married with/without
parent postgraduates children
- Education: primary, - Family life cycle:
secondary school, young-single,
and high school young-married
- Family life cycle: with/without
young-teenager children
Psychographic - Lifestyle: - Lifestyle: - Lifestyle:
Characteristics ! Busy with tasks, ! Busy and Busy and stressful

mainly from school, stressful life with life with tasks from
house choirs, and tasks from work, work and home.
part-time jobs. home, and May only engage in

! Active in exercises school. less physically

that required ! Active in required activities
strength (sports, exercises that (yoga)
gym). required strength. Focus on family and

! Focus on social ! Focus on earning earning money.

experience and money. - Concerns: Health,
education. - Concerns: Health, convenience
- Concerns: Health, convenience

pg. 11

- Benefit sought: - Benefit sought: - Benefit sought:
! Comfortable and ! Comfortable and ! Comfortable and
convenient sanitary convenient convenient sanitary
napkins for sanitary napkins napkins for regular
everyday usage for everyday use
! Easy to buy usage ! Easy to buy
! Low price ! Easy to buy ! Quality
! Quality
- User status: heavy - User status: Heavy
users - User status: and light users
Heavy users (because the
consumers can
- Usage rate: High - Usage rate: High experience
menopause during
- Loyalty status: the end of this age
consume many - Loyalty status: group)
different types of consume a
products to find smaller variety of
Behavioral what works best for products (have - Usage rate: High to
Characteristics them (can seek new their own opinion Low
experience and new and knowledge to
products due to choose their
external forces such favorite brand) - Loyalty status: loyal
as society, family, (stick with favorite
and friends) - Occasion: products)
! When the users
- Occasion: are on period, - Occasion:
! When the users typically once a ! When the users are
are on period, month about for 1 on period, typically
typically once a week once a month for
month for about 1 ! Especially during about 1 week (this
week summer, in the rate may decrease
! Especially during morning (when over time)
summer, in the the consumers ! Especially during
morning (when the have to go summer, in the
consumers have to outside in hot morning (when the
go outside in hot weather) consumers have to
weather) go outside in hot
Geographic - Country: Vietnam nationwide
Characteristics - Language: Vietnamese - Climate: Hot
and humid

2. Targeting

Diana has successfully implemented the differentiated marketing strategy by offering a

variety of products for different needs and ages. Diana provides menstrual napkins for different

pg. 12

segments, including for mothers after birth (Diana Mama), those that want full-coverage (Sensi
360 Menstrual diaper), night-usage (Sensi Night and Supernight with more length), morning-
usage (Diana Super Ultra Slim), along with several absorbent and wings selection.

Diana Sensi Cool Fresh is currently targeting the second segment, which is women from 18 to
30 years old. The brand decides to target this segment due to two potential reasons:

Firstly, the main characteristics of the customers in this segment are young, open-minded, and
modern. They are classified as the early adopters of the product and are most exposed to social
media platforms compared to other age groups. Thao and Van Anh (2012, pg 89) argue that
‘the higher the level of involvement in social media, the more positive its influence on user
attitudes to social media advertising’. It is also estimated that in 2012, the majority (58%) of
Vietnamese Internet users are from the age group of 18-to-24 (Racheal 2012). These 2 factors
are proof that this chosen segment – the largest and most easily influenced consumers, would
be the most potential market for Diana to exploit and focus on. Recently, Diana Sensi Cool
Fresh has launched a 4.0 marketing campaign – Freeze Trouble, Free Yourself, with the
involvement of digital marketing and offline activities. Some include advertising on Youtube and
using Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) (Hanh 2020). Compared to its competitor, Kotex Herbal
Cool, it has successfully launched a more recognizable and widespread campaign to this

Secondly, this segment is usually active in work and other physically constrained activities. With
Vietnam’s humid weather and high temperature, it can be unpleasant to use menstrual products
for a long time, which would inevitably interfere with everyday activities. Therefore, the demand
for convenient and comfortable sanitary napkins is high for this age group, if not, higher than
other segments. Diana Sensi Cool Fresh uses Ice Cool technology, as well as a Smart-fit design
to create a fresh feeling for the users and stop blood leakage. It also uses young and feminine
slogans for its marketing campaigns, such as “Being a girl is great” (Là con gái thật tuyệt) and
“Love. Believe. Action” (YÊU.TIN.HÀNH ĐỘNG). Moreover, the mentioned campaign – Freeze
Trouble, Free Yourself was launched during summer, using the image of snowflakes and ice to
show the characteristics of the product: cool, fresh, and dry, which inevitably would attract
consumers who engage in numerous activities in this season. Diana Sensi Cool Fresh takes the
freshness and dynamic of women as its main focus, progressively portraying the image of an
active woman despite being on her period to attract its consumers.
3. Differentiation

a. Product differentiation:
To serve the different needs of the customer, Diana produced a wide range of
products with different features: Diana Super Absorb for heavy days, Diana Sensi for superior
dry feeling, Diana cool fresh for a cool and fresh feeling, Mama for women in postpartum care
and period panties to avoid leakage. Each of these products has different designs for day and
night, with or without wings so that the customer can purchase based on personal needs.

pg. 13

Diana’s products reflect the company’s deep understanding of its market, for example, Diana
Sensi cool fresh was released in Vietnam from 5 th May to 24 th May 2017 (Dantri 2017). Realizing
Vietnam women’s pain points during hot summer days, the company offered their new product
that helps decrease the uncomfortable feeling and this soon become their iconic best-selling
product across several channels: Diana Sensi Cool Fresh.

Diana’s Sanitary pads are the first and only Sanitary protection manufacturing company
in Vietnam to be granted ISO 9001:2000 international certificate and are the first and only
product recommended by the association of obstetrics and gynecology in Viet Nam (Diana
Unicharm 2021). Besides, Diana’s products are manufactured following strict Japanese
standards to ensure safety for consumers.

b. Image differentiation
Diana has been consistently building its image as a brand that embraces and encourages
women’ confidence in themselves, delivering several meaningful messages that support women
such as “Being a girl is awesome”, “Love, Believe, act”, “which era is this? - Girlhood” through
their campaigns and TVC broadcasted on television, social media and Youtube. The company
showed that it can help Vietnamese girls to follow their dream and to do what they love
confidently without having to worry about menstrual problems by offering Diana’s products and
sharing tips about women's care on its website and blog.

The Brand also presents itself as a company that cares about the community and social affairs
by contributing to charitable work, for example during Covid 19, Diana contributed 2 billion VND
to support Viet Nam Government purchasing medical equipment and 40000 gifts to ensure
necessities for isolators in quarantine and medical staff. (Tuoitreonline 2020)

4. Positioning

a. Positioning map
In Viet Nam sanitary protection market, Diana and Kotex are two brands that offer the widest
range of products with several different features: Cool, Anti-bacteria, super absorb, soft, her,
etc., however, Diana’s price is slightly lower than Kotex, Diana’s packages of 8 pads range from
18.000 - 21.000 VND (Diana 2021) whereas those of Kotex range from 19.000-24.000 VND
( Pharmacity 2021). Laurier and Whisper products’ prices range from 20.000 - 43.000 VND
(Pharmacity 2021) per package of 8 to 10 pads while Sunfree offers few types of products and
charge only 9.000 VND (Shopee 2021) for each pack.

pg. 14

In terms of accessibility and choice of package size, Diana and Kotex continue to lead the
market. These products can easily be found in supermarkets (Megamall, Lotte Mart, Big C),
convenience stores (Circle K, 7 Eleven, VinMart), on e-commerce platforms (Shopee,
Lazada, Tiki), in drugstores (Pharmacity, Long Chau pharmacy) and almost every small retailer
store across Viet Nam. However, Diana offers more choice of package size than Kotex and its
customers can choose to buy a package of 3 pads, 4 pads, 5 pads, or even 20 and 40 pads
(Diana 2021). Laurier, whisper, and Always all charge consumers a considerably high price in
comparison with Diana and Kotex so they would not be sold widely in price-sensitive markets
such as the rural areas of Vietnam.

b. Value Proposition: more benefits for the same price

With the same amount of money, Diana's customer can easily reach for the product at almost
every convenience store, street vendors, supermarkets, or drugstores near them thanks to
Diana’s nationwide distribution channels, or they can visit Diana Website and other e-commerce
platforms for even more vouchers and promotion from the brand. This helps the
customer to save a lot of time and to have a convenient and timely buying experience.

pg. 15

Besides, buyers can also choose from a wide range of high-quality products with
different features, designs, and package sizes to best satisfy their needs and wants. The prices
that Diana charges its customers are reasonable and affordable compare to the market while
the benefits that the company can deliver to its customers are greater than those
of its competitors. Thus, it can be said that Diana’s value proposition strategy is more beneficial
for the same price.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, Diana has succeeded in marketing, selling, and growing Diana SENSI Cool Fresh
products to the customers locally, especially women from 18 to 30. With easy access,
reasonable price, and high-grade qualities, the company makes it easy for the products to reach
their maximum potential and commission. Diana SENSI Cool Fresh has high brand awareness
and significant market share, with much supports from customers and resellers. Moreover,
these products are safe and reliable for everyone to use. The price of the products is affordable
compared to other good quality sanitary napkins brands on the market. With its variety of
choices in packaging, the company makes Diana SENSI Cool Fresh diverse to the customer’s
needs. In the future, Diana should make more eco-friendly, value-added to their products to
benefit both the environment and the consumers. They also need to improve the authentication
process as well as make their product harder to counterfeited, so the consumers can have the
authentic and safe products to use. Even though Diana has existing and more competitors from
now onward, they need to improve their drawbacks to reach more customers and improve their

VII. References

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VIII. Appendices

pg. 19

Appendices 1: The most “first come to mind” sanitary napkins brands that are voted by
customers (Source: Brands Vietnam 2013)

Appendices 2: Purchasing sanitary napkins’ positions (Source: Brands Vietnam 2013)

pg. 20

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