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I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. Ben's wife is a terrible snob. She ______ almost his friends because they have north country accents.
A. looks up to B. looks forward to C. looks out on D. looks down on
2. Their flat is decorated in a ______ combination of color.
A. tasteful B. sweet C. delicious D. tasty
3. ______, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. All together C. To a degree D. Virtually
4. You ______ gone out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught a cold.
A. haven't B. shouldn't have C. hadn't D. mustn't have
5. He was ______from hospital yesterday only a week after his operation.
A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged
6. John's boss doesn't want him to ______ a habit of using the office phone for personal calls.
A. do B. have C. make D. increase
7. She was given the advantage over other applicants because of her attractive______ .
A. look B. vision C. appearance D. sight
8. Be careful with Tony, he can lose his______ more quickly than you may expect him to.
A. attitude B. temper C. personality D. vigour
9. The accused confidently______ that he was innocent.
A. maintained B. conserved C. defended D. preserved
10. I can't do whatever I want because I am still financially ______ on my parents.
A. determined B. subject C. dependable D. reliant
11. Linh was so ______ at maths at school that she became the youngest student ever to be accepted by a university.
A. hopeful B. brilliant C. keen D. proud
12. ______ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. Now that B. For now C. Ever since D. By now
13. After hours of travelling, the hikers reached their final ______ tired and hungry.
A. purpose B. destination C. goal D. target
14. I graduated and took a job with a law firm in Worcester, ______ through family connections.
A. excellently B. additionally C. selectively D. admittedly
15. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of ______.
A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place
16. There is still much to discuss. We shall, ______, return to this item at our next meeting.
A. though B. so C. therefore D. because of
17. Linda gives us some pieces of advice ______ how to use the telephone in the family.
A. on B. with C. at D. for
18. ______, the experiment will be successful.
A. If carefully done B. If carefully doing C. To do it carefully D. Doing it carefully
19. ______ her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her.
A. Giving B. Having given C. Given D. To give
20. He suffered the injustice of ______ for a crime which he did not commit.
A. is punished B. having punished C. being punished D. punishing
21:Peter: “I’m having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join us?”
Linda: “____________.” A. Thanks, but I mustn’t. B. Come on. It’s your turn.
C. Can I take a rain check ? D. I feel interesting to hear that
22: People are advised to___________ smoking because of its harm to their health.
A. go in for B. cut down on C. put up with D. come up to
23: You thought I did wrong, but the results___________ my action.
A. agreed B. corrected C. justified D. approved
24: He gave me his personal___________ that his draft would be ready by Friday.
A. accordance B. endurance C. insurance D. assurance
25: The company is moving its headquarters to a new__________ with better links to the airport.
A. position B. situation C. location D. place
26. Anyone found ____________on the final exam will be given an incomplete grade in the course.
A. stealing B. cheating C. deceiving D. tricking
27. When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his driving license, but he was
____________with a fine.
A. let through B. let off C. let out D. let down
28. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally____________A. intriguing B.
inquisitive C. ingenious D. captivating
29. The rather humid climate in no way____________from the beauty of place.
A. subtracts B. protracts C. detracts D. attracts

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II. Fill in each numbered space with a suitable word. TECHNOLOGY
"Technology" includes any machine, method or system which uses scientific knowledge for practical (1) ______.
Whether in the form of a primitive hand-held tool (2)______ the latest computer, technology gives us greater control over
the world around us and makes our lives easier and happier. Without the ability to invent, discover and improve, we (3)
______ still be living like cavemen, and civilisation as we know it would be impossible.
Throughout history, technological progress has changed the (4) ______ people live. Thousands of years ago, for
instance, people lived (5) ______ hunting animals and gathering wild plants. In order to find food, they had to move (6)
______ place to place. The gradual development of agricultural tools and farming methods meant that people no longer had
to wander in (7) ______ of food, but could settle in villages. Similarly, the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s brought the
invention of the steam engine and machines for manufacturing cloth and other products. (8) ______ produced great social
change, as millions of people moved to the cites to work in factories.
(9)______ most technology benefits people, some inventions, such as weapons of war, have had a harmful effect on
our lives. Others have been (10) ______ beneficial and harmful. The car, for example, is a fast, convenient means of
transport, but has also contributed greatly to the problem of air pollution.
III. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. Mary's skill in playing the piano is quite ______. No other child in this group can play the difficult pieces with similar
mastery. (COMPARE)
2. Due to the clerk's ______, we missed the train. (STUBBORN)
3. I've never had the same opinions as my father. In fact when I was younger we were always having ______. (AGREE)
4. Heavy rain and excessive use have ______ the soil. (POOR)
5. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to ______ between the two. (DIFFERENT)
6. What a terrible shame! She answered the question ______. (IMAGINE)
7. Leeds managed a ______ victory at Anfield last night, beating Liverpool by 3-0. (DECIDE)
8. My friend is a keen amateur ______. (NATURE)
9. Some children are very rude. They just don't speak to adults ______. (RESPECT)
10. This article on the political crisis in the Far East is very informative and ______. (TOPIC)
SECTION C: READINGI. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
Part- time jobs for American students are very popular but usually begin during their high school days. Besides
working in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, a very popular job for a teenager in America is baby-sitting. This has
its greatest appeal among teenage girls and a good baby-sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, responsible and mature.
It is not necessarily an easy job and requires both social skill and general competence. A good baby-sitter should
know how to change diapers and earn the respect of the children she is looking after. She must be able to get the children
ready for bed and keep an eye on them even while they are sleeping. In addition, she should be able to handle any
unexpected emergency with common sense and be calm at all times. She should know the emergency numbers of the
hospital and police for situations which require assistance.
Once the children are asleep, the baby-sitter is free to watch TV or listen to music. If she is really conscientious about
her studies, she may well spend the time doing her homework but should not tie up the phone with personal calls just in case
the parents want to be in contact with her.
Such a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights when many married couples like to spend the night
going to a movie or the theater. On such occasions, they will leave their children in care of a dependable baby-sitter.
Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among young boys are a paper route or mowing the lawns of the
people in one's neighborhood. These jobs also require a sense of maturity and responsibility and can be a sort of good
income for a high school student. Young boys who run paper routes are required to get up early in the morning to deliver the
daily news regardless of the weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be delivered everyday without
exception. In America, there are no newspaper holidays.
If they choose to mow lawns, part of the job responsibilities may require that they also periodically rid it of weeds and
occasionally re-seed areas which have been burned by the sun or thinned out by wear. During the winter, a snowstorm can
become another source of income for the teenagers. The young boys make their rounds through their neighborhood
equipped with a shovel and offer to clean sidewalks or stoops in front of homes or to dig out a car buried in a meter of snow.
These jobs, dependent on the weather, require stamina, diligence, discipline and a spirit of the entrepreneur.
While part-time jobs for high school students may be frowned upon in Japan, in America they are often seen as an
opportunity to teach young people about work responsibility and respect for others. The young people learn how to become
part of the adult world and to share the making of society.
1. When do most American students assume part-time jobs? A. In the early mornings and evenings.
B. During high school. C. During the summer. D. On the weekends.
2. Which of these is probably expected from a baby- sitter? A. She should be a good student at high school.
B. She should be conscientious. C. She should be over eighteen to be an adult. D. She should get impatient
or lose herself.
3. Which is not a responsibility for a baby-sitter? A. To get the children to do their homework.
B. To make sure the children to be safe. C. To be sure children go to bed on time. D. To keep a careful watch
over the children.

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4. When is the most popular time to work part-time?
A. In the evening. B. In the early morning. C. During the holidays. D. On weekends.
5. Which is a popular job for young boys?
A. Baby-sitting. B. Gas station attendant. C. Tutoring. D. Mowing a neighbor's lawn.
6. What is the value of a part-time job besides the chance to get money?
A. It fills in the time. B. It protects against boredom. C. It teaches responsibility. D. It fills up free time.
7. What is the drawback of maintaining a morning paper route? A. Students are often late for school.
B. There are no holidays. C. It often rains in the morning. D. The pay is not very good.
8. Why do young boys enjoy a winter snowstorm? A. They can make money by shoveling snow from driveways.
B. There is no school when it snows. C. They can make snowmen and igloos. D. They can enjoy winter sports such
as skiing.
9. How many newspaper holidays are there in the USA? A. There are two: one in the spring and one in the fall.
B. There are none. C. There are four: one in each season. D. There are twelve: one in every month.
10. What do young people learn on their part-time jobs besides responsibility and respect for others?
A. They learn the value of money to make a better life. B. They learn that all is not study and play.
C. They learn more at work than they learn at school. D. They learn how to become part of the adult world.
II. Read the article. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - I for each part (1 - 8) of the article. There is
one extra heading that you do not need to use.
A. A difficult rescue F. Under arrest
B. Getting ready for take - off G. A lifelong ambition
C. No way down H. An incredible report
D. A bright idea I. Heading for the clouds
E. Free as a bird
Larry Walters was a lorry driver, but he had always wanted to fly. After leaving school, he wanted to become an Air
Force pilot, but unfortunately, he was turned down because of his poor eyesight. So he had to do with watching others fly
the fighter jets that criss- crossed the skies over his backyard. As he sat there in his garden chair, he
dreamed about the magic of flying.
Then one day, Larry came across an advertisement in the local paper and realized there was a
way of making his dreams come true. He went to a specialist store and bought forty - five weather
balloons and several tanks of helium. These were not brightly - coloured party balloons, but large
spheres measuring more than one metre when fully inflated. His plan was to float lazily into the
sky, and spend the afternoon sunning himself 10m above his girlfriend's garden before eventually
coming back down to earth.
When he returned home, he attached the balloons to his garden chair, tied the chair to his
car, and filled the balloons with helium. Then he packed a few sandwiches and drinks and took
his air gun so that he could burst a few balloons when it was time to return to earth.
When his preparations were complete, Larry sat in his chair and cut the cord. But he made a mistake in his
calculations and things did not turn out quite as he had planned. He did not float up as gently as he had expected: within
seconds, he passed the 10m altitude that he had hoped to reach, rising quickly to 30m and then 300m. He climbed and
went on climbing until he finally levelled at 3,000m.
At that height, he did not want to risk shooting any of the balloons because he was afraid it
might unbalance his aircraft and send him, crashing to the ground. So he stayed up there among
the clouds, sailing around for fourteen hours desperately trying to come up with a solution to the
problem of how to get back to earth.
Eventually, many hours later, he drifted into the main approach corridor for Los Angeles International Airport.
Fortunately, a Pan Am flight passed him and air traffic control was alerted. The pilot explained that he had just seen an
armed man floating in a garden chair at 3,000m just outside the plane.
Understandably, the air traffic controller found this difficult to believe, but a few minutes
later a Delta Airlines pilot called with the same message. Radar confirmed the existence of an
unidentified flying object above the airport and the authorities sent for a Navy helicopter to
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As night began to fall, offshore breezes began to blow Larry out to sea, and when the
helicopter arrives, the wind from the propeller kept pushing his home - made aircraft further
away. Eventually, they hovered several hundred metres above him and managed to drop down a
line, with which they were able to pull him gradually back to safety.
As soon as Larry hit the ground, he was taken away by the police charged with invading Los Angeles' International
Airport airspace. But as he was being led away in handcuffs, a television reporter called out, "Why did you do it?" Larry
stopped, looked at the man and explained. "I've been dreaming of flying for years. I just got tired of waiting".
III. You are going to read a newspaper article about a man and his son. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A- G the one which best fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.
A. They are lucky, I could only dream about life in other countries
B. The sound effects, and the sophisticated graphics do most of the work for you
C. I felt the same mixture of insecurity and elation that he feels about the world around him
D. Most of the time was spent within a one or two mile radius of our town
E. I must admit I am also quite attached to some of the new technology like the mobile phone and the satellite
F. When my son's friends come around, they don't seem to talk to each other, they sit in the same room, obvious to the world
around them
G. We certainly had plenty to do even without the electric devices that my young son thinks are so indispensable
The other day my 13- year old son asked me what life was like when I was young. "It must have been really boring
without the computer, the internet and video games", he said. He looked at me incredulously when I told him that life was
fine without those things. In reality we had good times and bad times just like every generation of children.
Although the technology was less advanced, we still, believe it or not, had a lot of fun. (1)________. The toys we
played with sound a little bit pathetic when you describe them to children today. We had plastic robots that could talk if you
pulled a cord, or "action men" that didn't really "act" at all. In fact it was you who did everything. It was the child that
brought that piece of plastic to life.
Admittedly the games that kids play together are very impressive and sophisticated, but maybe it's fair to say that they
require less imagination. (2)________.
There are games that existed during my childhood and exist today that require a child's active participation and
involvement, but they often seem to be discarded for games that dazzle you with special effects, but leave little room for
creativity. As I write, I have no doubt that my son at this moment has his head buried in his computer, fighting a fantasy war
in a far away land, just him and his computer. (3)________. They certainly don't seem to socialize with each other.
My generation had to have more social skills. We spent the majority of our free time outdoors, going to the park,
racing around on our bicycles, creating adventures. There was no time to get bored. I still remember those endless summer
holidays when everything seemed possible, and school, books and studying seemed a distant memory. Our holidays were
mainly spent at home. (4)________.
Nowadays things have changed, for the better in this respect, and many kids have the chance to see something of the
world during the summer break. (5)________. Holidays abroad have become a reality by now and this has opened up the
So, in answer to my son's question, my childhood was not better or worse, it was just different. There were highs and
lows, ups and downs just like his. (6)________. I'll also be curious to know, in the future, how he will respond when his son
asks him the same question that he asked me.
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD IN
1. We discussed the business at length, but came to no decision.
 We had..................................................................................................., but came to no decision.
2. If the government urged you to join the army, would you accept it?
 Were you......................................................................................................,would you accept it?
3. A successful interview means that you will be offered a job.
 Provided............................................................................................., you will be offered a job.
4. Although we respect Brian's expertise in archeology, we're not going to employ him this time.
 Much..........................................................................., we're not going to employ him this time.
5. You may be disqualified if you don't obey the regulations.
 Failure..........................................................................................................your disqualification.
6. In my opinion, this problem has happened for two reasons. (ARE)
 In my opinion, .................................................................................. this problem has happened.
7. Jane was sure there were no mistakes in her homework. (NOTHING)
 Jane was sure her homework.
8. By the beginning of the next century, we will have used up all fossil fuels. (OUT)
 Fossil fuels the beginning of the next century.
9. The novel didn't come up to my expectation. (SHORT)
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 The novel ...................................................................................................................................
10. I offered to help her but she said "No thanks". (TURNED)
 She ...................................................................................................................................of help.
II. Write an essay about 200 words on the following topic:
Some people regard video games as harmless, fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that
video games have a negative effect on the people who play them. To what extent do you agree with this idea?

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(ĐÁP ÁN GỒM 01 TRANG) NĂM HỌC 2015 – 2016

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100/ 5= 20. ( Mỗi ý đúng học sinh được 01 điểm + 14 điểm luận)

I. Listen to the conversation and write T for true and F for false statements.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. T 9. F 10.T
II. Listen and fill in the gaps on the form.

1. Griffin 6. children

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2. 01613512671 7. September
3. tent 8. two/ 2 weeks
4. no 9. (one) dog
5. adults 10. (camper) van

I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.A 10. D 11.B 12.A

II. Fill in each numbered space with a suitable word.

1. purposes 2. or 3. would 4. way 5. by/on
6. from 7. search 8. This 9. Such 10. both
III. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. incomparable 6. unimaginatively
2. stubbornness 7. decisive
3. disagreements 8. naturalist
4. impoverished 9. respectfully
5. differentiate 10. topical

I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D

II. Read the article. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - I
1.G 2. D 3. B 4.I 5. C 6. H 7. A 8. F
III. You are going to read a newspaper article about a man and his son. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A- G
1.G 2. B 3. F 4.D 5. A 6. C


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. We had a long discussion about/on the business, but came to no decision.
2. Were you to be urged to join the army, would you accept it?
3. Provided that your interview is successful/ you have a successful interview, you will be offered the job.
4. Much as we respect Brian's expertise in archeology, we're not going to employ him this time.
5. Failure to obey the regulations may cause/ result in your disqualification.
6. In my opinion, there are two reasons why this problem has happened.
7. Jane was sure (that) nothing was wrong/ there was nothing wrong in her homework.
8. Fossil fuels will have run out by the beginning of the next century.
9. The novel fell short of my expectations.
10. She turned down my offer of help.
II. Write an essay about 200 words....
Length: 25 % Grammar & vocabulary: 25 % Ideas: 25% Cohesion & coherence: 25 %

Model Answer 1:
People have argued about the function of video games. A group of people believe that these digital games are beneficial for
mankind, but others think that they would be a distraction to human's mind. Although video games have some positive sides,
I personally believe that they have more negative effects on our minds, and the following essay will discuss them in details.

For a number of reasons, a lot of people believe that video games are entertaining and educative. It is believed that video
games could help people in releasing their stress. Players could feel the excitement of being a heroic character or a
professional athlete, without having the risk of being injured or hurt. And then, there are some video games which are
considered as educative as well, as they are created to trigger people's imaginative thinking, such as Tetris or chess.

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Despite the positive side, people do not realise that the games have become a serious problem for individuals and societies.
Firstly, many people got addicted to video games, and it has affected to their work or study performance. Many workers are
losing their focus and productivities, and some students have poor performance on their studies due to spending a number of
hours in playing video games. Secondly, some games have shown violence and sadistic scenes and affected to the gamers'
mind. There have been several cases in America, whereas students have done violence acts to their classmates because they
were influenced by the game. And lastly, video games have affected to residents' health condition as well. People who play
video games have the tendency to consume light snacks and do less exercise. Consequently, they have a risk of getting
obesity and diabetic problems.

In conclusion, video games have its own positive and negative sides, but I do believe that video games have more
drawbacks than its benefits.

Sample 2 by Simon
Many people, and children in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I accept that these games can sometimes
have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a harmful impact.

On the one hand, video games can be both entertaining and educational. Users, or gamers, are transported into virtual worlds
which are often more exciting and engaging than real-life pastimes. From an educational perspective, these games
encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which are useful
skills outside the gaming context. Furthermore, it has been shown that computer simulation games can improve users’ motor
skills and help to prepare them for real-world tasks, such as flying a plane.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Gaming can be highly addictive because users
are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each
day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have
effects ranging from lack of sleep to problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer
or console. The rise in obesity in recent years has also been linked in part to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that
often accompany gaming addiction.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of video games are more significant than the possible benefits.

Sample 3
Many people, and children in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I accept that these games
can sometimes have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a harmful
On the one hand, video games can be both entertaining and educational . Users, or gamers, are
transported into virtual worlds  which are often more exciting and engaging than  real-life pastimes.
From an educational perspective, these games encourage imagination and creativity, as well as
concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which are useful skills  outside the gaming
context. Furthermore, it has been shown that  computer simulation games can improve users’ motor skills
and help to prepare them for  real-world tasks, such as flying a plane.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Gaming can  be highly
addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them
playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get
a higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have  effects ranging from lack of sleep to
problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer or console. The
rise in obesity in recent years has also been linked in part to  the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise
that often accompany gaming addiction.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of video games are more significant than the
possible benefits.

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