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UNIX admin L1-set 1 

1.      How would you replace string .abc with xyz in a file?
Sed abc, xyz. File               Sed /s/abc/xyz/g.file
Sed /r/abc/xyz.file                         Sed /s/abc/xyz
2.     What will be the default permission of new directory if umask is 022?
drwxr-xr-x (755)
3.     outcome of command :test ‘wc  -l file’ –ge 100
True if filename has 100 and more words True if filename has 100 and more lines
True if filename has 100 lines Size of file is greater than
4.     delete directory that contain files and subdirectory
rm –r directory
5.     change group owner of a file to dba
Chown dba: user filename Chgrp dba filename
Grmod dba filename Chown dba filename
6.    check total disk usage by current directory
df –h
7.     what describe value I in STAT field indicate in ps command
Running    stopped
sleeping for 20 seconds or less sleeping more than  20 seconds
8.     Command to print file by prefixing each line by no of occurrence
Uniq –c file            Uniq –u file
Cut file| wc            Cut file| uniq -0
9.     In vi:command mode I what happens if you key in character  “k”
H(left)     j(down)       
k(up)                          l(right)
10. How to list hidden files
Ls –a
11.   Where temp files stored
12.  Command to display current working directory
13.  Print last 5 lines of file
Tail -5 file                              less 5filename
More files| tail -5               Cat files | print 5
14. How to set ftp to transfer a text file
Set                 text               
bin     ascii
15.  How to bring background process to foreground
16. Command to find users currently logged in and what they are doing
W         who              
task                 top
17.  Which is not unix shell
Brone            korn              
c           u
18. Command line user interface in Unix
bash shell
19. In vi:command mode I what happens if you key in character  “j”
H(left)      j(down)       
 k(up)                         l(right)
20.Not possible output of LS command
UNIX admin L1-set 2

1.      Meaning of C* on a regular expression zero or move occurance

Match zero or more occurrence of the character c
Match one or more occurrence of the character c
Match string starting with character c
Match all string containing with character c
2.     Find login id
Id      vid          
pwd              user id
3.     find out the users logged in and what they are doing in the unit system
  top   task  
 who         w
4.     R instat in PS command and 1 in stat
Running                              stopped
sleeping for 20 seconds or less sleeping more than  20 seconds
5.     directory where program keep temporary file running execution
tmp    temp 
var swap
6.    !! do in a Cshell
Executes the last command again
7.     current shell you logged onto echo$
8.     '-atime n' signify in find command
invalid option looks for files accessed  n day ago
looks for files modiefied n day ago prints the no of times the file was accessed
9.     In vi:command mode I what happens if you key in character  “h”
H(left)    j(down)       
 k(up)                         l(right)
10. count number of lines
ls |wc
11.   In vi:command mode I what happens if you key in character  “l”
H(left)     j(down)        
k(up)                         l(right)
12.  curent time
13.  How to find out ur login id
id                uid             
pwd                    user
14. kill a SIGKILL signal
kill -1   PID                                       kill -9 PID
kill -15  PID                                     kill -2  PID
15.  How to set ftp to xfer a file
Set                                                   txt
Bin                                                    ascii
16. executable binaries stored in Unix
/bin                                                  /tmp
/usr/exe                                          /home

17.  filename starts with (/)
Absolute path
18. when files are recoverd afetr failure or problem.They are placed under
bakup                                             lost+found
tmp                                                 swap
19. What is '$colour' echo output
20.Command to print a file by prefix exact line by number of occurrence
cat file|wc                                     cat file|uniq -0
uniq -c file                                     uniq -u file
UNIX admin L1-set 3
20.T in STAT command in PS command
21.  Copy a file from current directory to new directory and delete file from current directory
mv  file  ./new dir
22. Minimum permission require to execute shell/script
23. Shell script execute permission denied
24.I want to list files under /var that contains string XYZ
I want to list files f-xarg grep –l XYZ{} Cd /var; egrep –RXYZ;
Find /var –type f –xarg grep –l XYZ Find /var –type f –exec grep –l XYZ{}
25. How will you replace abc with xyz in file
Sed s/abc/xyz/g filename Sed r/abc/xyz filename
Sed  abc, xyz file name Sed s/abc/xyz
26.  Delete 1 to 10 lines using sed
sed '1, 10d' filename
27. list directory recursively
ls -R                                      ls -t
ls -r                                       ls -D disk usage
du -s                                     du -r
du -t                                     df –k
29.No of lines in a file
Wc –l
30.Admistrative, config file stored
/etc                                      /conf
/config                                /adm
31.  how to check your current shell you logged onto
env |egrep $SHELL         echo $SHELL
A or B                                  /etc/staus/
32. how to list the files with sizes you logged onto
ls -s                                      ls -a
ls -b                                      ls -F
33. What will be default permission of newly created directory if the umask value is 022
drwxr-xr-x                        -rwxr-xr-x
----w---w-                            drwxr--r—
34.Which are the hidden files
.                                             ..
Profile                                 a and b
35. which is not a valid shell
Ksh           csh                    
Tcsh      chsh  
36  which is not Unix shell
bourne                               korn
cshell                                   ushell
37. What does value S in stat field indicate in PS command?
Running                              stopped
Sleeping for 20 seconds or less Sleeping more than 20 seconds
38.What does value T in stat field indicate in PS command?
Running                              stopped
Sleeping for 20 seconds or less Sleeping more than 20 seconds

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