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TEST – unit 7

1. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letters of these
words have been given.
You don't need a lot of money to stay at a bed & breakfast.
1 Remember that we still need to b_______________ accommodation in Paris.
2 My brother wants to go on a b_______________ holiday this summer. He likes water
3 You can save a lot of money if you m_______________ all the arrangements on your own.
4 One day isn't enough time to v_______________ the sights in Rome.
5 We never t_______________ by train when we go on holiday.
2. Complete the sentences by translating the part in Polish. The first letters of these
words have been given.
Did you remember to take your passport (paszport) with you? You need it to go to Canada.
1 I decided to stay in a g_______________ (pensjonat) in the country.
2 We always b_______________ our f_______________ (rezerwujemy lot) at least two
months before the trip.
3 If you go on a p_______________ t_______________ (zorganizowaną wycieczkę), you
don’t have to worry about meals and accommodation.
4 I never t_______________ by c_______________ (podróżuję autokarem). It is a rather
uncomfortable and long journey.
5 For more information or to m_______________ a r_______________ (zrobić
rezerwację), call 908 777 555.

3 Put the words in capitals in the correct place in the sentences.

Have you been to Rome? EVER
Have you ever been to Rome?
1 We haven’t bought a map. YET
2 I have found my perfect holiday destination. ALREADY
3 We have eaten at the best restaurant in this city. JUST
4 I’m afraid that our bus has left. ALREADY
5 Our holiday has begun! JUST
6 Have we booked the accommodation? YET
7 Your train has arrived. JUST
8 Susan hasn’t checked in at the hotel. YET
4 Choose the correct option.
I haven’t finished already / yet.
A Don’t panic! The concert hasn’t started 1 already / yet!
B ‘Where is your sister?’ ‘She hasn’t come back from her holiday 2 yet / already.’
C I’m not tired. I’ve 3 yet / just had a nap.
D We have 4 already / yet visited the local market. You should go there too.
E They haven't served us any food 5 yet / just. We have to wait.
F Margaret has only 6 just / yet arrived but she has 7 yet / already been to the beach.

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