Section Course Outline

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Sharif College of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Section Course Outline Report

Department: Electrical Engineering (SHCET) Printed Date: November 05, 2019
Section Course Detail
Semester FALL 2019
Department Electrical Engineering (SHCET)
Section A
Subject Title ME-110 Applied Thermodynamics
Subject Domain Engineering
Subject Knowledge Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Breadth (Electives)

Section Content
Week CLO's
Visual presentation to throw light on the importance of thermodynamics in
Electrical Engineering.
week1 Thermodynamics, System, Continuum, Properties, State, State Postulate.

Reversible and Irreversible processes, Entropy and Its application to flow and
week11 non-flow processes, Temperature Entropy and Entropy Enthalpy Diagrams

Carnot Cycle, Otto Cycle, Visit to Automotive Center (Understanding of vehicle

week12 systems mainly thermal), Presentations of improved mechanism concepts or

week13 Dual Combustion Cycle

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Sharif College of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Section Course Outline Report
Department: Electrical Engineering (SHCET) Printed Date: November 05, 2019
Section Content
Week CLO's

week14 Brayton Cycle with and without regeneration,

week15 Vapor Power Cycle with and without reheating

week16 Combined Power Cycle

week2 Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Process, Cycle, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

week3 Forms of Energy, Energy Transfer by Heat and Work, Moving Boundary Work

week4 Forms of Work, Other Forms of Work, Properties of Pure Substances

Phase Change process of Pure Substance, Critical and Triple Point, Property
week5 Diagrams, Use of Property Tables

Ideal Gas Equation, Specific Heats, Joule's Law, Internal Energy, Enthalpy,
week6 Specific Heats of Perfect Gases, Specific Heats of Liquid

First Law of Thermodynamics, First Law Applied to non-flow processes,

week7 Continuity Equation, First Law of Thermodynamics applied to flow processes

Steady Flow energy equation and engineering Devices, Uniform State and
week8 Uniform Flow Processes

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Sharif College of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Section Course Outline Report
Department: Electrical Engineering (SHCET) Printed Date: November 05, 2019
Section Content
Week CLO's

Second Law of Thermodynamics, Statements, Corollaries, Thermodynamic

week9 Temperature Scale, Vapor Compression Cycle.

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