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Jollibee Burger

Item        Sodium(mg)  Fat(g)  Calories  Item cost($)

Beef Patty  50          17      220       $0.25
Bun         330         9       260       $0.15
Cheese      310         6       70        $0.10
Onions      1           2       10        $0.09
Pickles     260         0       5         $0.03
Lettuce     3           0       4         $0.04
Ketchup     160         0       20        $0.02
Tomato      3           0       9         $0.04

As the owner of a fast food restaurant with declining sales, your customers are looking for
something new and exciting on the menu.  Your market research indicates that they want a
burger that is loaded with everything as long as it meets certain health requirements.  Money is
no object to them.

The ingredient list in the table shows what is available to include on the burger.  You must
include at least one of each item and no more than five of each item.  You must use whole items
(for example, no half servings of cheese).  The final burger must contain less than 3000 mg of
sodium, less than 150 grams of fat, and less than 3000 calories.

To maintain certain taste quality standards you’ll need to keep the servings of ketchup and
lettuce the same.  Also, you’ll need to keep the servings of pickles and tomatoes the same.

Question:  What is the most expensive burger you can make? - Good Burger - $2.80
2. Toy Kingdom

As a toy builder you enjoy making toys for both fun and profit.  For your latest production batch,
you need to decide how many of each toy to make.  The four types of toys you make are
airplanes, helicopters, bus, and cars.

To build an airplane you need 3 blue blocks, 2 green rods, and 1 red wheel.  To build a helicopter
you need 2 blue blocks, 4 green rods, and 1 red wheel.  To build a bus you need 1 blue blocks, 3
green rods, and 4 red wheel. To build a car you need 1 blue block, 2 green rods, and 4 red

Your profit margins for each toy are as follows: Airplane P7, Helicopter P8, Bus P6, Car P5.

The parts available to you are as follows: 30 blue blocks, 44 green rods, and 50 red wheels.  It is
ok to have leftover parts.

Question:  What is the maximum profit you can achieve?

3. Selecta Ice cream Scheduling

Workforce management is central to efficient operations and good customer service.

Proper scheduling of employees can mean the difference between profitability and business

As the manager of a popsicle stand, you are required to hire and set the weekly work
schedule for your employees. The required staffing levels for the week are as follows.
Total employees required: Monday=5, Tuesday=7, Wednesday=7, Thursday=10,
Friday=16, Saturday=18, Sunday=12. Assume the same staffing requirements continue
week after week.

Full Time employees work 5 consecutive days and earn $100 per day. Part Time employees
work 2 consecutive days and earn $150 per day.

Question: What is the minimal weekly staffing cost you can achieve while meeting the
required staffing levels? 2/2012 - Popsicle Stand - $8200
4. Covid 19 Doctor Decision Tree

With flu season upon us, each of us has important decisions to make if and when we fall ill.
In the interest of discussing decision trees, let’s assume that you’ve picked up an illness but
you’re not sure if it is just a cold virus, a more severe flu virus, or a penicillin treatable
bacterial infection.

There are two alternatives for you to consider:1.) Whether or not to see the doctor and
have the doctor run the test to determine if the illness is a cold, flu, or bacterial.2.) Whether
or not to treat the illness with penicillin (which will only be effective against a bacterial

The cost to go to the doctor and have the test is $200 and the cost of a penicillin
prescription is $50. The chance of the illness being a cold is 50%, flu is 20%, and bacterial
is 30%. The test results also match these ratios. If the test indicates that it is a cold, then
there is a 80% likelihood that it is a cold. If the test indicates a flu virus, then there is a
90% likelihood that it is the flu. If the test indicates that it is bacterial, then there is a 95%
likelihood that it is a bacterial illness. The alternative outcomes are evenly divided among
the likelihood balance. If the illness is a cold then you will miss 5 days of work which is a
cost to you of $500.

If the illness is the flu then you will miss 8 days of work at a cost to you of $800. If the
illness is bacterial and is not treated you will miss 12 days of work at a cost of $1200. If you
correctly treat the bacterial illness you will only miss 2 days of work at a cost of $200.

Question: Should you see the doctor? 2/2008 - Decision Trees - Yes, $252.25
5. Greenwich Pizza Delivery

As the owner of a pizza delivery restaurant, you are constantly looking for ways to keep
costs low while maintaining quality service. Because your profit margins are thin, you’d
like the number of delivery drivers to be as low as possible.

You receive orders from customers at an interarrival time of 6 minutes exponentially

distributed. A driver can pick up one order, deliver it to a customer, and return back to
the restaurant in 20 to 60 minutes, equally distributed.

The corporate office mandates that you must have an average order delivery time of under
60 minutes. Some deliveries can be more than 60 minutes and some can be under 60
minutes, but on average they must be below one hour.

You may hire as many drivers as you like. But hiring too many drivers will cause your
payroll to be unnecessarily high and too few drivers will put you over the 60 minute
delivery requirement. Assume that a driver can only deliver one order per round trip.

Question: How many drivers are needed in order to keep average delivery times under one
hour? 2/2014 - Pizza Delivery - 8 drivers
April 2008 - Restuaruant Scheduling

After faithfully serving the O.R. profession for 50 years, you decide to retire and open a
restaurant. Among the hundreds of details with opening a restaurant, you need to hire and
schedule employees. Based on the foot traffic of other restaurants in the area, you expect that you
will need the following number of employees each day:

Employees Schedule     
Day of week     Employees Needed
Monday     4
Tuesday     5
Wednesday     5
Thursday     10
Friday     12
Saturday     12
Sunday     2

Your employees will work four consecutive days and then have three days off. They will be paid
$100 for each day they work.  In your rush to get the restaurant started, you haphazardly hire 17
employees. Five will start on Monday, five will start on Thursday and seven will start on Friday.
This schedule satisfies the above work requirements, but you have no idea how optimal this is.

Questions: How much money would you save each week from your current schedule if you
optimized your workforce? 4/2008 - Restaurant Scheduling - $800, $1200

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