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Facilitated discussion on the developmentally appropriate practices and

importance of play.
Every child deserves an environment that endorses developmentally appropriate
practices, to promote joy, respect, autonomy, creativity, exploration, responsibility and
choice. Within such environment, one may argue that, catering to young children can be
very demanding. However, all early year’s facilitator, who possess certain qualities and
display positive characteristics, can definitely create an environment where children
individual needs are catered to and they are able to thrive ecstatically. Knowing how
children learn and develop is essential for teachers of young children, as that knowledge
will guide the practices that are implemented within the classroom. The more educators
know and tune in to the way children think and learn the more effective teaching
becomes and the more satisfying their work.
The expression Developmentally Appropriate Practice is widely used by
professionals who take care of children, in order to mention the care that takes into
account such levels of child’s development as: physical, social, emotional, and
intellectual. As there is no one right way to take care of children, so there is different
instruction that focus on the development of a child and offers the care that is
appropriate at different stages. These guidelines help to understand ways to care for
children and help them develop positive self-esteem. Such guidelines have been
developed by professionals and are based on idea of developmental appropriateness
that consists of two parts: age and individual appropriateness.
Developmentally appropriate practice is important, because the healthy
development in the early years is the foundation of child’s future well-being and success.
A child’s healthy development in the physical, cognitive (mental), social, emotional and
language areas depend on care and education that is positive and nurturing. Young
children vary widely in their specific developmental and individual needs or conditions.
With DAP caregivers benefit from a sound and accurate understanding of what children
are generally capable of doing or not doing based on their age and developmental
abilities. Children benefit when the adults around them provide a care environment that
reflects an understanding of child development and developmentally appropriate
2. Writing of personal statement about what children learn through play.
Play is one aspect that is common in every child’s life. The importance of play for
children is huge. It is so much more than a recreational activity for them. Play is essential
for children; it contributes to healthy child development cognitively, socially, and
physically, Because of this, it is vital for parents, caregivers, and educators to recognize
the importance of, and to encourage play. Why is play so important? Recently at the
preschool level, there has been a push to reduce the amount of play time and increase
the amount of time spent on academic work.
With the increased academic work load that is being placed on school-aged
children today, this appears to be a good idea; however, the lack of play time for children
is actually detrimental to healthy child development. Children see play as fun. They do
not engage in playful activities with the thought of learning social or mental skills, but
play benefits these areas of development, as well as several others. When children play,
they learn how to share and be nice. Learning these skills early will enable them to be
able to get along with others in adulthood.
Play is central to the development of children in their early years. It provides a
platform through which children are able to learn about themselves and the world around
them through interacting with it. It allows children to have fun while they are learning, and
to engage with those around them as a part of the process of learning, which not only
deepens their knowledge base but also provides them with life skills such as the ability to
communicate and work effectively with others. Play has been recognized as a central
element within the education system which allows children to blossom through
interacting with and learning from those around them. It is essential for children’s
development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems,
and to relate to others.

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