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1. Facilitated discussion on creating a classroom community.

A classroom community is a place where all children feel safe, supported,

accepted, and excited to learn and discover. Children learn better when they sense they
are part of a community in which they feel accepted and allowed to express individuality.
A well-built classroom community is one in which each student feels empowered and
valued, and in turn, allows the children to thrive. In a classroom community, all students
have significant roles to play. Educators are challenged to facilitate a supportive
presence in their classroom where kindness, compassion, generosity, and empathy must
flourish. In the end, a classroom community, not only teaches academics, but also social
and other life skills by encouraging to apply skills of helping, supporting and respecting

2. Writing of own plans and strategies in building classroom community.

During every teaching interview that I had, I was asked how I planned to create a
classroom community. The interviewers used words like create and plan because
building a classroom community takes intentional effort. Teachers need to design
activities into their daily classroom routines so that students feel they belong to the group
of learners in the classroom.

A classroom community is formed when students come together as a class to

work towards the common goal of learning. A classroom community helps students feel
valued and connected to the teacher and other students in the class.

In my own opinion the plans and strategies in building classroom community is

first you have an introductory letter where the teachers can begin the process of building
a community before school even starts. Teachers can send students a letter of
introduction over the summer that lets them know how excited they is to have them in
class. Second is classroom rules, instead of having the classroom rules posted on the
first day when students arrive, teachers can work with students to create a shared list of
classroom rules together. Next is classroom decorations teachers often work really hard
to decorate the entire classroom before students arrive. Consider leaving some areas of
the classroom undecorated so students can help personalize the classroom with their
own decorations. Next is classroom responsibilities in giving students classroom
responsibilities can help them really understand how important they are to the
community and show them that they have something important to offer the class. And
lastly is the classroom meetings because weekly scheduled classroom meetings can
help the teacher and students communicate with each other about important issues. This
time can be used to talk about important class issues or to vote on upcoming activities.

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