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a) Essay: How does the physical environment affects a child’s environment?

An early childhood environment is many things: It’s a safe place where

children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised, and it’s here the
important activities of the day take place, such as playing, eating, sleeping, washing
hands, and going to the bathroom. Beyond the basics, however, an environment for
young children implements and supports a program’s philosophy and curriculum.
Childhood is the most important phase for overall development throughout the
lifespan. Part of our capacity for change and growth depends on early experiences
and the interrelationships of children and parents.

Children need to explore, experiment, and learn basic knowledge through

direct experience. Indeed, childhood is a time when we earn firsthand about the
physical world the feel of water, the constant pull of gravity, the stink of rotten fruit,
and the abrasive feel of concrete on a bare knee. A young child can learn by
touching, and if denied sources of stimulation, mental growth stagnates. The school
that your child attends has a massive impact on creating and molding fundamental
behavioral aspects. Children at the preschool and elementary level are building an
academic foundation for their future.

Play-based environments emphasize social and emotional development that

enables children to excel academically, communicate effectively with teachers and
peers and develop problem-solving skills. An ideal learning environment for young
children is one where the students can focus on their schoolwork and their teacher
and not be distracted by uncomfortable temperatures, insufficient lighting and poor
classroom design. The physical learning environment should be safe, comfortable,
nurturing and positive. Discipline and academic achievement should be enforced.

Environmental influences can be powerful. Nurturing environments foster

physical and psychological growth. Adequate stimulation and nutrition are essential
for development during the first three years of life. It is during these years that a
child’s brain is most sensitive to the influences of the external environment. Rapid
brain development affects cognitive, social and emotional growth. Such development
helps to ensure that each child reaches his or her attention and is a productive part
of a rapidly changing, global society. The more stimulating the early environment, the
more a child develops and learns.

When children spend their early years in a less stimulating, or less

emotionally and physically supportive environment, brain development is affected
and leads to cognitive, social and behavioral delays. Later in life, these children will
have difficulty dealing with complex situations and environments. High levels of
adversity and stress during early childhood can increase the risk of stress-related
disease and learning problems well into the adult years. A negative physical
environment can have harmful effects on a child’s development mentally and

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