Wider World 3 - SB - 2016 - 144p

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Carolyn Barraclough, Suzanne Gaynor See the Wider pict’ The eccentric Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas, USA Three artists built Cadillac Ranch in 1974 beside the famous Route 66. They created the installation by half-burying 10 old Cadillacs nose down in the ground, The cars are placed at the same angle as the face of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. You can add your own graffiti, but make sure you take a photo because it will soon be pointed over by someone else. What would you paint? CONTENTS | ‘STARTER UNIT Welcome to. (0.1 INTRODUCING TOMMO Activities and interests; Likes and ists; Home and furniture; There isfare with somelany, Possessive cosjectives ond postessive pp. 4-5 COUT Use diffrent tenses to tok obout the present 1 Present Simple ‘© Present Continuous © State ves pl {vox rors C3 Use regular and regular vets to talk about the post natural dsasters|@ Past Simple | Woodley Bridge 1 ory [NTT Takabon That's my | everydoy ‘world technology [a>) pp. 10-1 Talk about the vecthor and BE po. 22-23 UMTS Tok about food The lose ond cine tert Talk about films 1nd television [voxrors 46-47 p24 Use the Present Perfect wth ever ‘ewer, just already and yet EE iicoaley Bridge “Comsat ings I Criseeied ondipolates "Find spectc dealin on | aticle and tak ebout | godgets p.i3 Find speciic detain on ‘ortcle and tak cbout culture p28 Find specific detain an ‘ortcle and use make ond doaccurctely Understond the main Points of on article ond talk about entertainment (0.2 INTRODUCING SKYE Jobs; Present Simple with adverbs af Frequency p. CT Use verb constructions wth tovinfritves and -ing forms verb + ing verb + to-infnive Woodley Bree pi Talk about an event inthe past ond what was happening around it « Past Simple and Past Continuous HEE) Woosley sricoe p26 [voxrces | Tak about duration of time, and be general and specie about experiences 1 Present Perfect with forand since «© Present Perfect and Post Semple p.38 Tolk about quantities of countoble and uncountable nouns Quontiiors EEE Woociey sricge 50, UNITS: Tolk about 1 ‘Identify specific detail in Talk cbout possible future situations BO ecard «| crores ametics— enttemet oR thot |s tra control + oie [frock [spars evens The utr: il going fo resent vlteing to pots Corinne ai | | EE loose aidge | pp.se-se__|p.60 6 AEE) 22 Ta obout | Tak cot oigaton, pation | Fd specie detain on” | Speco hou preset (seeece (eey orice ond tak obo © Model vse mst cou migh travelling © Modal verbs: must, have to, travelling may, cant ugh should Woodley i >) sa pp. 70-71 p72 [EEE 75 p74 a Tatkobeut | Tok cbodanoghorystuaions | Fedspechc dealin on | Be speci cboui people Binge tecsoraupe | Second Coneons orick ondtckebout | erdpoces wah tomi ond | ESE nce Bdge fends © Oanng ccd noniing elie fends uses pp.82-83 | p.84 KEEP». p86 Talk obout ie! Use verbs inthe Passe Find specie detain on | Use the Construction havlget andctminos « Present Simple Posse ond Post ortieondtaleobout something done Single Posie _sohing cimes nee eee saith pe a — ‘UNIT? Talk about ‘Make questions with the correct | Find specific detail inan Use o variety of tenses | thine | schoo! ife | word order | article and tok obout | outside ERS ccctey Brie | inteligence = | I pp.106-107 |p. 108 |p.109 pmo IRREGULAR VERES p. 127 STUDENT ACTIVES 144 BN ART: 50 printer sculpture p. 199 SCIENCE: Cooking p. 140 ft) mae (0,3 INTRODUCING DAN Clothes and accessories: Present Continuous; Taking about feelings p.7 Sor Understand the Moke and espondto | | White a description of | WORDLIST p. 18 O.4 INTRODUCING ALISHA Counties ond | CHARACTER QUIZ p. 9 | languages; was/were, there wos wee, | reguar verbs. 8 18 |e ]c Reva Do smartphones make you smarter? WRITING tee | main point and ind suggestions places ond ifstyles REVISION p. 19 ‘Addict to sreons | specie detain o Woodley Bidge ‘GRAMMAR TIME1 | radio programme, p18 | and tlk about using | technology | | |p.te ___pp.20-71 | Citicie and explain when jORDUST p.30 Nice doy innit? detalina things go wong indefinte pronouns REVISION p. 31 EIERA Severe weather convetstion ond Woodley Bridge | GRAMMAR TIME 2 tok about being in png tho wild p27 __|p2e IEEE». pp. 32-33 Idenfy specific | Order food ina cafSor | Write an emailto_WORDLIST p. 42 What doth Bish realy eat? etal in speech ond restaurant e tend REVISION >. 43 Indian food Liverpool style descibe food Woodley ridge GRAMMAR TIME 3 p. 120 o>) EXAM TIME 1 p32 p40 pal PP-130-132__ pp, 44-45 Identify specif | Ask about, express and | Describe Row people WORDUIST p. 54 How do you lke to celebrate? etal in on interview explain roferences do things REVISION 55 London celebrates gre tk about Woodley ridge | @ Adverbs ofmanner GRAMMAR TIME 4 festa p12 p.sl p.82 2.53 pp. 56-57 ‘dently specif | Con ask andtak about | White notes end | WORDUIST p. 68 | Where do they toss the cober? etal ine plans ake requests REVISION p. 67 The Highlond Games conversation and Woodley ridge GRAMMAR TIME 5 talk about sports p. 122 tioning p63 p64 | p-6s pp. 68-69 Identify specie Cosfy what | hove soi and] Use time clauses WORDLIST p. 78 Con oning make holidays exciting? etalina ‘sk or clarification REVISION p. 79, ‘Adventures of iftime conversation ond IBN viccoley sige (GRAMMAR TIME 6 tolk about tps and p.123 ‘excursions EXAM TIME 2 | p75 p16 p17 PISS TSS | pp. 80-81 | Identify specific Expiinwholamtalkng | Witea short story | WORDLIST p. 90 Is moving house good for you? | intormotonine about REVISION 91 (On the move | Feonolagie ond talk Woodly Bridge ‘GRAMMAR TIME 7 | about pets | p.124 | ps7 EEEEAD) ». oe p89 pp. 92-93 | Identity the Persuade and reassure | Formand use| WORDLIST p. 102 Is chewing qum a ema? | main ointsofa someone negative agjectves REVISION p. 103 ‘A omous obbery | monologue and talk Woodley Bdge | | GRAMMAR TIME 8 | about discovering a | | potas | . ro) | _p.99 EXER) p. 100 p.101 pp. 104-105 Identify specie Hove a casual ‘Wit aletiergiiag | WORDUIST p. 114 Can school be fun? information ino comverstion information REVISION p. 115 Two very diferent schools dialague and talk Weadley Bridge GRAMMAR TIME 9 bout awkward p.126 moments EXAM TIME 3 oA 112 p13 PISS | ney DRAMA Ziggr Zagger p. 141 GEOGRAPHI:Intematonal Date Line. 142 SCIENCE Forensics p. 149 BEEBE | pire nao. 163 2: Exporo Now Zeoland 164 Welcome to Woodley Bridge VOCABULARY ‘Activities ond interests | Home ‘ond fiftinwe fb | Chahes and Activities and interests; Likes and dislikes; Home and ‘accessories Counties and languages furniture; There is/are with some/any; Possessive a adjectives and possessive 's There is/are with some/any | Possessive ‘jectves ond possessive 's| Present Read the text. Name the person and objects in the photo. Simple with adverbs of frequency Present Continuous | was/were, there eve was/were | Past Simple: regular verbs ene My name's Alexi Thomas, but my nicknameis Tommo. I'm teen and Im from Woodley ooo Pea otk Bridge, a small town in the UK. My mum s a nurse at the local hospital and my dad is ‘a carpenter. We've got a very unusual home, a canal boat called Cosan Princess. It's ‘smal, but havent got any bothers or sisters, so there's enough space forthe three of us, Ive gota‘cat called Hissy. She's a wild cat and she isnt very friendly! Life ona boats fun and its a great place fr my favourite hobby, kayaking, Ive got my ‘own kayak an | ke going out onthe canal before school, m interested in nature, and love drawing and painting wildlife, oo, so thsi the perfect home for me. Work in pairs. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. 1 [] Tommo's real nome is 4 [1] Tommo's got a younger Alexi brother. 2 [1] Tommo's parents ore 5 [| Hehasn't got any pets. doctors, 6 [-] Tommo often goes 3 [1] Hishome isn’t very big, kayaking before school, Read the text again. What are Tommo's hobbies and interests? Work in pairs. How many activities and interests can you add to the Vocabulary A box in three minutes? Rome doing nathing going tothe cinema _ listening to music Playing computer games reading books or magazines taking photos 5 Use the Speaking box to tell your partner about your favourite activities and interests. eee Hove ../ like ../ He loves .. | don't mind .../ She doesn't mind I cant stand ../ He can't stond .. I ove taking photos. 6 G 1.04 Check that you understand the words in the Vocabulary B box. Listen and tick the words that you hear. Wen ee bath bathroom bed bedroom ceiling cupboard dining room floor gorage garden kitchen mirror toof shower wall window Skye: Can you teach me to kayak some time? Tomme: Sure, but not today. My koyck’s in the garage. Skye: But you haven't got « garage. Tomme: No, we haver't, but my dad's friend has got ‘a garage. My kayak's in there at the moment. Dad makes his furniture there, too. It’s like workshop for him. ‘Skye: What's that noise? Is it something on the roof? Tomme: Thet? Oh, it's probably Hissy in the garden. Skye: What garden? Tommo: Well it's net really a garden. Mum's got some flowers in plant pots up on the roof. She calls it a garden. You know, that's her idea of a joke. ‘Come and see. Oh no! Hissy! Skye: What a mess! Hissy's really dirty! Can we put her in the bath? Tommo: Well, we hoven't got a bath because the bathroom’s too small Skye: Oh yes! But we can wash her in the shower. Come on, Hissy, There's a good girl Tommo: Have you got her? Right. There are some towels in the cupboard there. Oh dear! She can't stand showers. 7 EES Work in pairs. How many items can you add to the Vocabulary B box in three minutes? 8 Study the Grammar A box. Look at the photo and complete the sentences with there is/are or there isn't/aren't. ees Singular Plural + There's (thereis) There are some a bed. clothes. ~ Thereisnttadesk. There aren't any shops. 7 Istherea chair? Are there any books? 1 There's. ared rug onthe floor. z ‘any pictures on the wall. 3 a bed next to the window. 4 curtains. 5 atv. In pairs, make more sentences about the photo, using There is/are and the prep below. ions between in (on opposite near under next to 10 study the Grammar B box. Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives or possessive 's. ea} 's=singular the cats toys s'=plural_ my parents’ boat adjectives my/your/his/her/its/our/their bedroom 1 Whose book is it? It’s Tommo's mum's book. 2 IsitHissy ball? Yes, it's ball. 3 Isthat Tommo room? No, it's mum and dad room, 4 Isthis cat? No, it's my friend ___cat. Tl. Write three sentences about your home. There's a big mirror in my parents’ room. INTRODUCING SKYE Jobs; Present Simple with adverbs of frequency 1 Ge 1.05 Read the text. Find: 1 asurname Winter-Fox 2 three jobs _ 3. two things to eat 4 onanimal 5 two sports 6 twoploces Hil I'm Skye Winter-Fox and I'm 15 tive with my Gran because my parents are scientists and they often work abroad. They are in New Zealand atthe moment. Gran’ really sporty. She's a yoga teacher and she swims every morning. T sometimes go with her but don't ike geting up early! We usually have breakfast together, then I feed imy pet snake. Yes! I've got a beautiful snake called Basil have lunch at school, but it's always boring because I have cheese sandwiches every day. After school, I see my friends Tommo, Dan and Alisha, Dan and I like running together, Sometimes we all meet at the café on the canal In the evenings, | do ‘my homework and Gran makes dinner. Does she cook every day? Yes, she does. She's the best cook in the world, and she makes a brilliant chilli! > 2 G 1.08 study the vocobulary box. Can you add more words? cook/chef farmer hairdresser mechanic nurse scientist i ) Starter Unit 3 In pairs, describe a job from the Vocabulary box. Your Partner has to guess which job itis. This person can make you better when you are ill. A nurse. This person likes working with animals ... 4. Study the Grammar box. Find more examples of the Present Simple in the text. ee eee Affirmative Negative {ive with my Gran, I don't swim every day. My parents travel a lot. They don't ive in this country, Questions Short answers Do you live near the schoof? Yes, Ido. / No, I don't, Does she cook everyday? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. Always, usually, often, sometimes, never go before most verbs, but after the verb to be. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We don't go (nat go) to school on Saturdays. 2 She (often/be) with her friends in the park café. 3 Mum and Dad (never/sleep) after 8 a.m, 4 (youllive) in a big house? 5 Emma (not eat) lunch at school 6 Joke (clways/cook) for my birthday. 6 ECOL study the phrases and underline those that are in the text. Can you add more everyday actions? do homework get dressed gethome get up early/late go to school / go out have a shower have breakfastlunch/dinner see friends 7 In pairs, describe a school doy. | always wake up at six o'clock. Inever get dressed before breakfast. 8 In pairs, describe the people in your house. What do they do? What's their routine? ive with my mum and my dog. Mum gets up early every day. She's a dentist. i 03 INTRODUCING DAN BY clothes and accessories; Present Continuous; Taking about feelings 1 Look at the photo. Do you think the boys are family or friends? 1.07 Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Him Dan. Ths is @ photo of my older brother, Ed, and me. In the photo, we're both wearing sports clothes. 'm wearing my favourte football T-shirt, and Ed's wearing his baseball cop and. his fovourte hoodie. We're smiling in the photo. because Ed's feling a stupid joke! Ed and | were, born in the USA. My dad's family is originally from Mexico and we both speck Spanish. I'm in England now because Mum's working at a schoo! here. Ed's

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