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BY: Amrutapratiksha Padhiary

+3 3rd Year Science (Zoology Hons)

College Roll No.- BS13035

University Roll No.- 1302010840020070

Guided by: Dillip Ku. Bhuyan

What is transgenic animal?
Transgenic animal is otherwise known as genetically modified
organism/ animal. Genetically modified organisms are those whose
genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering
techniques. In other words the organism which contains functional
gene experimentally introduced by genetic engineering for another
species is called transgenic organism. The foreign gene attached to
the host cell and alters the host cell genetically and is termed
transgene. The process by which transgenic animal is produced is
known as transgenesis.

Transgenic Fish:
 Transgenic fish or genetically modified fish are used in scientific
research & kept as pets. They are being developed as
environmental pollutant sentinels and for use in aqua culture
food production.
 In 2015 the aqua culture advantage salman which is a G.M. fish
was approved by food & Drug administration of the US for
commercial production sale & consumption. It is the 1 st GM fish
/ animal which is approved for human consumption.
 The 1st transgenic fish were produced in China in 1985. As of
2013 approximately 50 species of fish have been subject to
genetic modification.
 Gene transfer has been successful in case of several fishes like
common carps & salman.
 Gene transfer into fish includes salman growth hormone,
crystalline protein, antifridge protein, E-coli B-galactosiclase
and E. coli hydromycin resistant gene.
 Generally genetic modification entails manipulation of DNA.
When a gene is transferred betn organisms that could be
conventionally bred or transgenesis. When a gene from one
species is added to different species, gene is transferred into
Genome of desired organism.
 Transfection is achieved by micro injection, DNA construction
to egg cytoplasm or by electrophoresis. Micro-injection is
performed with in few hour after fertilization. Transfected ora
are cultured in water closer to hatch.
 Improved growth was sought to be activated by transferring
salman growth hormone gene in cat fish, common carp, gold
fish, rainbow truot etc.
 Some transgenic families shows upto 60% increase in body
growth in combitation of family selection with mass selection
among the transgenic individual has produce the fastest
growing fish.
 Generally the transgene is stradly inherited. Many other genes
are successfully introduced and expressed in fishes.
 This gene includes antifridge protein gene, hydroxygein
resistant gene, recomycin resistant gene L-globulin gene,
bacterial of insect luciferase gene.
 In case of fish it requires a vector like a Lentirirus or mechanical
/ physical insertion of the host by means of a micro syringe or a
gene gun.
 In case of fish only embryo can developed into a wheel fish.
 So far a transgenic fish the egg should be modified by
transferring the whole nucleus whole chromosome or part of
their DNA fragment.
 In first nucleus with some residue plasma membrane of a
developing blastula stage. Embryo of the donor incubated
encicleated. Unfertilized egg of other in presence of PEG (Poly
ethylene glycol)
Then these are transplanted into the uterus of a surrogate
mother of the animal for future development.
 At the beginning of 2oth century that was in 1907 Harrison
Carren and other developed Primary explanation technique by
this they are able to culture animal plant & tissue.
 Towards 1956 spiral gets for effect of metabolic inhibitor on
embryonic development when he used embriyonic culture. In
this way gradual development of new technique comes out. As
a result mammalian embryos are cultured at 2 to 8 cell stage
and replanted to give a healthy animal.
 At that time ringial solution were used as other supplement
with 1% of this egg white or boring albumin likewise antificial
human skin culture technique was developed by Tugen Bell by
developing tissue engineering.
 As a result of IVF (Invitro fertilization) & ET (enzyme
technology) a body named Louise Joy Brown was born on 25 th
July 1970 (1st test tubo baby).
 But the question arises if embryo transplant is possible then
while transfixation is required for present day due to non-
availability of superior eggs in large no. For which transfixation
technique has been developed to short out the demand of
present civilization.
 By this technique the nucleus of an egg of genetically less
desirable female animal is inserted into the superior progeny
are obtained.
 By this technique animal like cow, goat, fish and chicken are
found in transgenic form.

In most cases the aim is to introduce a new trait to the fish
which does not occur naturally for more production of food for pet
and for other purposes.
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