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THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this ………… (….) day of ……. Two Thousand
Nineteen (2019) by and between ComeClosely Inc, a Company incorporated under the Company
Laws of United States of America, bearing Registration No: ……………… and having its Registered
Office at No. 16192 Coastal Highway Lewes, Delaware 19958-9776, USA . [hereinafter called and
referred to as “THE PROMOTION COMPANY”]


...............................a Company incorporated under the Company Laws of United States of

America bearing Registration No: ......................... and having its Registered Office at No.
………………………………….. [hereinafter called and referred to as “THE EVENTS COMPANY”]

WHEREAS, The Events Company hereby appoints The Promotion Company as main ticket selling
agents. The Promotion Company hereby accepts such appointment. Promotion Company’s sole
objective shall be to promote ticket sales in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

It is hereby agreed by and between The Promotion Company and The Events Company as follows:

1. Duties

a) The Promotion Company shall use their best efforts to promote the events and maximize
the sales. Promotion Company shall also provide reasonable assistance in Promotion
activities. Promotion Company will assist the company by taking part in Promotion events
and use the marketing inputs judiciously for maximizing business for the company.
b) The Promotion Company shall diligently and faithfully serve the Company and endeavor
to promote / endorse / encourage and advance the interests of the Company and its

2. Term of Agreement

The respective duties and obligations of the contracting parties shall be for a period of three
years commencing from ……………… .

3. Subscriptions Fees and Commissions.

Subscription Fees – Annual subscription fee is $899.99. It is hereby agreed that the Promotion
Company waives their Subscription fees for the first year. Annual
subscription fee of $899.99 will apply to the second and third years.

Commissions on ticket sales- The Promotion Company is to charge a lower commission of 2.5%
per ticket sold through The Promotion Company platform for the first year
contracted. The commission rate for the second and third years will be 3.7%
per ticket sold through The Promotion Company platform.

4. Business Plan

4.1 The initial steps of the business improvement project (hereinafter referred to as “the
Project”) shall be agreed upon and collectively drawn by both parties.

4.2 No modification or amendment of the project shall be valid unless it is reduced to writing
and signed by the Parties.
5. Confidentiality.

The Parties shall each keep the provisions of this Agreement and their dealings pursuant hereto
confidential and each of them shall not, without the prior written consent of the other, disclose
or permit the disclosure to any person of any details of this Agreement save as required by law
or insofar as it is already public knowledge or obtained lawfully than as a result of a breach of
this section from Third Parties.

6. Exclusivity and Non-Competition

Parties agree that from the date hereof they will not engage or be interested whether as
principal, agent, consultant, employee or even otherwise in any trade occupation or business in
the above mentioned territory competing directly or indirectly with the Partnership without prior
consent in writing of the other Partner.

7. Termination.

This Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving Thirty (90) days’ written notice to
the other party at the addresses stated above or at an address chosen subsequent to the
execution of this agreement and duly communicated to the other party.

8. Dispute Resolution.

Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled amicably.

9. Governing Law.

This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of United States of America, for any
matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement.
In witness hereof, the parties have set their hands in ................ on this……. day of ……….. 2019.

Signed for and on behalf of The Promotion Company.


Signed for and on behalf of The Events Company.



1. Signature :
Name :
Address :


2. Signature :
Name :
Address :

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