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Assignment for Environmental Laws (III yr BA/BBA LL B)

1st Assignment: Project / Article

Total Marks: 20

 Each division will be divided into four groups for the purpose of assigning sub theme.
 The students will have to submit an article with core theme of Sustainability and one of
the four sub themes mentioned (for first assignment).

1.      Urban Planning: Smart City v. Sustainable City, E.g.:

a. Use of technology for smart city
b. Use of traditional means for smart city
2.      How Green is Green Energy, E.g.:
a. Non renewable resources
b. Green bonds for green energy
c. Mitigating climate change through green energy
3. Water bodies, E.g.:
a. Water as a source of dispute
b. Water as environmental justice
c. Use of technology for sustainable use of ground water
4. Climate change and businesses, E.g.:
a. Climate change and IPR
b. Climate change and manufacturing industries
c. Climate change and service industries

 Students will have to do an empirical study on the effect of one of the above mentioned
subtheme by concentrating on one local pertinent issue. The article will be based on the
analysis of the empirical study.

Total Marks: 20

Sr. Criteria Marks

1. Empirical Research (On local pertinent issue with its position in relation 06
to international conventions around 250 and analysis around 50 words)
2. Quality of Compilation & Research 04
3. Originality (Plagiarism test will be conducted) 07
4. Order of arrangement and coherence 03

 The Article to be submitted should be publishable article.

 The abstract should not be more than 200 words, including key words.
 The article should be original and unpublished.
 The Bluebook Method of citation should be followed for reference.
 The article will be tested for Plagiarism (Up-to 15 percent similarity is allowed).
 The students can work on any of the sub-themes provided along the core theme.
 The minimum word limit is 3000 words. However, there is no maximum word limit for
the assignment.
 The deadline for submission of the article is 4p.m, 11th August, 2018.
 A hard copy to be submitted to Amar Jadav Sir in Administrative Office (following the
same deadline).
 Mail the soft copy to:
 The format to be followed is:
1. Theme of Font: Times New Roman
2. Size of letters: 12pt
3. Topic: 14pt Bold
   Sub Topic: 12pt Bold
   Space: 1.5 spacing
   Line Alignment: Justified Alignment
 Note: If you are not adhering to the time limit then 0.5 marks will be cut for each day of
 Please find attached with the mail following annexure:
a. Blue book method of citation: a reference material
b. A research paper for reference

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