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TRY what should | wear? Listen and number the correct three people in the picture. WG the right clothes Listen and match the occasion with the person. 1. C1 school dance 2. C1 Pienie b. 3. C1 Job interview 4. Formal dance 40 Test yourself Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture. 1. (A) B) ©) 2. (A) (B) () Listen and circle the best response. 3. (A) B) (©), 4. (A) (B) (©) Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answer. 5. (A) Striped. 6. (A) Anew dress. (B) Inexpensive. B) A black dress. (©) Green. (© A long dress. TERE) Your turn Sit back to back with your partner. Choose one of the people in the unit and describe them. Can your partner find the person you are describing quickly? Now change roles. Start by saying X is wearing ... short / long-sleeved shirt sunglasses blouse jeans boots ‘Tshirt high heels jacket ring a pair of earrings a a Review 2 WR] where do you want to eat? Listen and put the restaurant names in the right places on the map. Choose from the list: Pyramids, Mabel's Café, River House Restaurant, Windsor Diner, Café Rossi. * Restaurant: © Typeof food [ Opensati Dress Then listen again. Write the time the restaurant opens and the type of food it serves. Choose the food from: Italian, desserts and coffee, seafood, soup, Mexican. Can you remember the dress code for each restaurant? Choose from the list: skirt and a tie, business suit, shorts and shirt, casual pants and T-shirt. 42 19auL$ W13 =) Conversation review Listen and circle the answer that matches the pictures. 1. (A) (B) (©) 3. (A) (B) © Listen and circle the best response. 5. (A) (B) ©), 7. (A) (B) © 6. (A) (B) (©) 8. (A) (B) (©) Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answer. 9. (A) 5:00, 10. (A) A dress and shoes. (B) 5:30 (B) A dress and a jacket, (C) 6:30. (© A dress, a jacket and shoes. 4B q Traffic Jam TW] What's going on? Look at the picture and match the two parts of each sentence. ‘The drivers a 1 e honking a. a helicopter. 2. A police officer is directing ... b. abicyele. 3. Aman is fixing ... c. aflat tire, 4. The passengers are riding d. traffic 5. Someone is flying ... e. their horns. 6. Aman is riding ... f. the bus. ) How are you getting there? Listen and match each person with the way she/he travels. a, motorcycle b. scooter John g. bike 2. Betty) 6 bus (s. Tom 4. Mary pe f. on foot LZ, ae sabway ecar 44 TREE] on't talk to me like that! Listen and number the pictures. mz) Train your ear Sometimes, the only difference between two words is one sound. Listen to the examples: My feet hurt. fil ‘These sandals don't fit. i! Listen to the conversations and pay attention to the word repeated at the end. Check (Vv) the column of the sound you hear. [ a Uhl [2 | (TT 45 TH A better way to go Listen and write W (woman) and M (man). 1 3. | On foot By car By motorcycle | By car more comfortable 1 more comfortable | healthier more expensive faster “more fun drier i faster colder 2. 4. By bus By car | By bicycle | On the subway more comfortable “more comfortable I “more convenient more convenient slower more expensive “cleaner _ =! faster RS What's the problem? Listen and number the picture. 46 Test yourself Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture. 1. (A) B) © 2. (A) (B) (C) Listen and circle the best response. 3. (A) ®) (©) 4A) ® © Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answer. 5. (A) By subway. 6. (A) Acar. (B) By bus. (B) A bieycle. © By car. (©) Abus. WE] Your turn Complete the survey for you and three people. Use: How do you get to school? Why do you use this form of transportation? Transport Why do you use it? a palisneeat—— you ee: tt Person I | Person 2 | = dt Person POL Ph NO 47 Don the Weekend What's going on? Match the activity with the picture. 1. __ have coffee with friends 5. ___go for a bike ride 2. __ reading 6, __ clean the house 3. __ run errands 7. __ go to the movies 4, 8. __ go out of town __ play computer games ws) What do you want to do? Listen and number the activities. a. C1 go toa movie d. C1 play video games b. Chaveacoffee —_e, Celean up c. Ltake a bike ride £. C1 go to the bookstore 48 TRE] Where and when? Listen and write the order of each activity. 1. (J meet at the café [_] ride bikes (go to the movies 2. (1) read a book C1 goto the movies [7] go shopping 8.) clean the house [J drive to the beach [] return the library books 4.([] go tothe grocery []gotothebakery [] goto the library store HHI] things to do today Listen and check (W) what George and Lisa did. BENE L Georye Lisa 1. D bought steaks painted the bathroom CO bought cottee ond vi cleaned the kitchen C) bought cookies LO bought soda i CO returred library booksi CD painted the batircom 1] talked to my sister LD went tor coftee with my sister 2. (1) bought cat food O bought toy for cat 8. C] mailed letters {Ol went +0 the moves L bought stamps 4 D1 watched TV OO rode my bike 4. 1) bought bread 1 Ci made 0 tuna saxlvich DD bought cookies $C painted the batheoom CL bought pair 0 lett town SS eee 49

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