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Health Activity Sheet

Quarter 4 – WEEK 4
Health and Self-Monitoring Practices
to Prevent and Control Non-
Communicable Diseases


Health Activity Sheet No.4

First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas, Division of Negros Occidental

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western

Visayas. Division of Negros Occidental.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas,
Division of Negros Occidental.

Development Team of MAPEH Learning Activity Sheets

Writer: George A. Ferrer, Jr.

Editor: Victoria Pido
Lay-out Artist: George A. Ferrer, Jr.
Quality Assured by: Charity C. Hetrosa
Division of Negros Occidental Management Team
SDS Marsette D. Sabbaluca , CESO VI
ASDS Lynee A. Peñaflor, Ph.D.
OIC ASDS Salvacion J. Senayo, CESE
CID Chief Zakly H. Reliquas PhD.
Victoria J. Pido, EPS MAPEH
Raulito D. Dinaga EPS LRMDS
Othelo M. Beating PDO II

To the learners:

Hello, Grade 7 learners!

For the Third Quarter of S.Y. 2020-2021, this Learning Activity Sheet is
prepared to help you study and learn at your own pace while you stay at home. This
LAS provides you discussions, activities, and exercises to enhance your cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective skills. Have fun while you study and answer the activities.

Always remember to take good care of your LAS for this will be used by other
learners like you. Do not write anything on the pages. Return neatly and presentably
if needed.

Should you have difficulties, questions, or concerns regarding your activities

sheet, just contact/consult your facilitators or teachers to help you.

To the facilitators:

Hello, teachers!

Aligned with the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS), this

Learning Activity Sheet will be your partner in delivering quality education to
the distant learners. Through the differentiated activities, you can assess your
students’ knowledge and skills and assist them as they independently learn.

As teachers of the 21st century, you are encouraged to give your time
effort to facilitate learning through varied ways to cater students’ needs.


Health 7 Health and Self-monitoring Practices to

Prevent and Control Non-communicable
Quarter 4 - WEEK 4
 Practices ways to prevent and control non-communicable diseases
 DemonstratesQUARTER
to WEEK 1
prevent non-communicable diseases


Self-monitoring skills are competencies that will help us assess when we are
healthy or sick. It is important that we are familiar with the normal condition
of our bodies so that we can have information, such as our vaccination record,
to ensure the health, safety, and well-being to provide preventive measures.
Changing and adapting a healthful lifestyle considerably enhances peoples’
health. Aside from avoiding bad vices. Filipinos’ should adopt and practice the
following self-monitoring skills that will help prevent and control
communicable diseases.
1. Engage regularly in physical activities or exercise. This will
help a person attain an overall good health condition.
2. Practice healthful eating. Choose healthy food options. Avoid
foods that may increase risks of developing a disease.
3. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Cigarettes contain
toxic substances that damage cells in the body and cause
different kinds of diseases.
4. Manage and maintain a normal weight. Obesity is ne of the
factors that increase risk of developing lifestyle disease. Do
regular exercises and follow a healthful diet.
5. Have a routine medical checkup. This will detect diseases
during the early stages. Early detection will help control and treat
What is a healthful lifestyle?
As they say, “Health is wealth”. Healthful lifestyle is all about making one’s
health and well-being a priority. It is a choice made by an individual, a
commitment made for his own good and that of his loved ones (Pilipinas
Go4Health 2013).

The National Nutrition Council (NNC) recommends everyone to follow the
Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos for good health and proper nutrition.
1. Eat a variety of foods every day.
2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth to six months, and then, give
appropriate foods while continuing breastfeeding.
3. Maintain children’s normal growth through proper diet and monitor
their growth regularly.
4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, or dried beans.
5. Eat more vegetables, fruits and crops.
6. Eat more foods cooked in edible/cooking oil daily.
7. Consume milk, milk products, or other calcium-rich foods such as
small fish and dark green leafy vegetables daily.
8. Use iodized salt, but avoid excessive intake of salty foods.
9. Eat clean and safe foods.
10. For a healthful lifestyle a good nutrition, exercise regularly, do
not smoke, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

D- drink enough amount of water
R- reduce stress
E- eat healthy and exercise regularly
A- avoid smoking
M- manage weight

Department of Education. Physical Education and Health- Grade 7 Learners
Material, First Edition, 2017 (p 387-402).
Lacia, Gerardo C. et al, The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION (Work text in Music,
Arts, Physical Education, and Health) Revised Edition

Activity 1: Monitoring Health Practices

Directions: Do you think your practices help you avoid diseases? Answer the
following personal inventory with a YES or NO based on your health practices.

1. I get enough sleep.

2. I consult a doctor when I observe something unusual in my body.
3. I exercise regularly.
4. I eat fruits and vegetables.
5. I don’t smoke.

Rating: A “Yes” corresponds to one point.
If you get a score of 8 to 10, it means Very Good.
While getting 4 to 7 means Good, and 1 to 3 means Fair.

Answer the questions on your notebook.

1. What can you say anout your healthful practices?
2. Are you happy with your score?Why of Why Not?
3. What are the steps thaat you can do to prevent non-communicable


Activity 2: Photo Collage
Directions. Cut out from old magazines and newspaper, showing healthful
ways to prevent non-communicable diseases. Do it in a short size bond paper.


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