Public Speaking Presentation

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• Mahasiswa dapat memahami manfaat Public

• Mahasiswa dapat memahami teknik presentasi
dengan baik
• Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan Presentasi
dengan baik dan benar

- Have you ever done a presentation?

- What skill do we need in doing a presentation?

- What do you know about „Public Speaking”?

- What problems do you have when doing public

speaking in a presentation?
Public Speaking is…….
……delivering messages (idea/opinion) in
spoken or written.

……the way of people doing communication in

front of many people continuously.
The purpose of “Public Speaking”
 Giving information

 Persuading audiences

 Entertaining audiences

 Motivating audiences

 Telling audiences
Speakers’ Factors

3L LAHIR (Skill)


LATIHAN (Practice)
Public Speaking’s Problems

 Nervous
 Public Speaking Technique
 Material Control
Nervous symptoms
 Heart beats fast
 Trembling knees

 Trembling Voice
 Dizzy/Worried
 Watery Eyes
 Forgetting the material
The Causes of Nervous
 First experiences
 New Situation
 Cynosure
 NOT confidence
 Traumatic
 NOT ready
How to Solve the Nervous

 Preparation and More Practice

 Adaptation

 Breathing Control

 Changing the Body Language

 Warming Up
How to Have The Confidence

 No Regretting
 Improving Self-Perception
 Don‟t be Afraid to Fail
 Optimum Performance


Controlling the

Avoiding the
The Tempo of Speaking and Articulation

 It depends on the needs

 Fluently speaking shows ENTHUSIASM and


 Slowly speaking shows EMPHASIS

 Interlude is to show EMPHASIS.

Face Expression
1. When you speak, make sure
not focus on one thing.
2. Avoiding shaking head.
3. Be smile.
Good looking
Telling the purpose and the
Opening the Presentation
1. Praising
2. Powerful Question
3. Quote
4. Visual Impact
5. Story
6. Humor
The Body of Presentation:
1. 5W dan 1H (What-Why-How)
2. Problem Solution
3. Chronological (Past, Present, Future)
4. Optioning atau Versuse
Illustration in Presentation
1. Telling
2. Detailed Product
3. Case Study
4. Statistics
5. Demonstrate
6. Video
Note: Reviews of Main Points to remind your audience.
Closing the Presentation
• Make summary
• Quote
• Give motivation
• Relevant Jokes
• Song/poem
Before delivering Presentation, You should
think about

1. Who are you?

2. What are your study program/ background?
3. Who are your audience?
4. What topic are you going to present?
5. What do you want to achieve in the presentation?
There are 4 parts in Presentation

1. Introduction (Greeting, Introduce yourself, The

Goal of Presentation)
2. Body (the main point/ sign posting)
3. Closing/ Conclusion
4. Question and Answer Session (if any)
Example of Introduction

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, My name is

Bowo Obama, I am the last semester student from
Mechanical Engineering Study Program Politeknik
Harapan Bersama. It is my privilege today to be
present here in this chance to present the parts of
car. I‟d like to emphasize the function of clutch,
brake and carburetor.
Example of Body

Ok, for the first, the function of clutch is to transmit

the torque from the engine to the drivetrain.
Next, the function of brake is to decelerate or
decrease the speed of a vehicle.
Finally, the function of carburetor is to mix air and
gasoline in the correct ratio to ensure proper engine
Example of Closing

Ok. That brings me to the end of my

presentation. I‟d be glad to answer any
questions. Thank you for your attention.

• If you fail to prepare, you

prepare to fail.

• The audience only pays attention as

long as you know where you are going.

• "The human brain starts working

the moment you are born and
never stops... until you stand up to
speak in public.“ (George Jessel)
• Diah Fatma Sjoraida (2008). Public Speaking: Unpad
• Fazar, S (2016). Tip & Trik Public Speaking. Jakarta:
Speak Up
• King, L (2015). Seni Berbicara. Jakarta:Gramedia
• Priyasudirja, Y (2016). English for presentation and
Public Speaking. Bandung: Kaifa
• Thomas D. Zweilfel (2003). Communicate or Die:
• Wakhyudi, Y (2019). Kiat Praktis Kuasai Public
Speaking. Yogyakarta: Checklist

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