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Constitutional Rights of the Accused 5.

Not apply as long as there is some logical

connection between the fact proved and the
Section 14, Article III ultimate fact presumed and the inference of
one fact from proof of another shall not be so
I. Criminal Due Process unreasonable as to be a purely arbitrary
1. Criminal Due Process mandate- burden shifteed to possessor to
a. Ingredients (Mejia vs Pamaran) explain absence of animus possidendi-
i. Accused has been heard in a court drugs
of competent jurisdiction 6. Dangerous drugs- prove the ff elements
ii. Accused is proceeded against a. Transaction/sale took place
under the ordinary processes of law b. That the corpus delicti or illicit drug
iii. Accused has been given notice and was presented as evidence
opportunity to be heard i. Integrity must be
iv. Judgement rendered was within the preserved through the
authority of a constitutional law chain of custody
2. Unreasonable delay in resolving complaint ii. Non-compliance must be
a. 6 years violates right to due process and attended by justifiable
speedy trial grounds
b. Not violated when despite 3 years, the case iii. Eivdentiary value of the
had a continuing investigation and complex seized items are properly
issues preserved
3. Impartial court or tribunal c. Buyer and seller are identified
a. Movant must prove bias of judge by clear 7. May be overcome by contrary presumptions
and convincing evidence or that she acted based on human conduct i.e unexplained
with malice and bad faith in issuing the flight, inability of accountable officer to
assailed rulings produce funds entrusted to him
b. Cross-examination of the witnesses of the 8. Still rest on the prosecution’s own evidence
accused by the trial court- violates due not on the weakness, deficiency or absence
process of evidence for the defense
i. but if merely clarificatory to clear up 9. After prima facie case, burden shifted to
dubious points and elicit relevant accused to prove not acquired illegaly
evidence- valid 10. Circumstantial evidence
ii. even if 43 % of the questions to a. There is more than one
elicit facts on the issues involved, circumstance
clarify ambiguous remarks by b. Facts from which inferences are
witnesses and address points derived are proven
overlooked by counsel c. Combination of all the
4. Right to a hearing circumstances is such as to
a. No dates set for the purpose of presenting produce a conviction beyond
defense reasonable doubt
b. Not when evidence is merely corroborative, 11. Equipoise rule- applicable only where the
57 witnesses (People vs Hubert Webb) vidence adduced by the parties are evenly
balanced, in which case the constitutional
5. Plea of guilt to a capital offense- MANDATORY presumption of innocence should titl the
a. Trial court must conducy a searching inquiry scales in favor fo the accused
into the voluntariness of the plea and the full 12. Corporate entity has no right to this
comprehension of the consequences thereof presumption
b. The prosecution shall be required to present III. Right to be heard by himself and counsel
evidence to prove the guilt of the accused a. Due process, must be heard before
and the precise degree of his culpability condemned
c. The accused must be asked if he desires to b. Accused is accorded legal assistance
present evidence on his behalf and allow him extended by a counsel who commits himself
to do so if he so desires to the cause of the defense and acts
6. The State and the offended party are entitled to due accordingly
process c. Efficient and truly decisive legal assistance
and not simply a perfunctory representation
II. Presumption of Innocence i. PAO lawyer pwede
1. Every circumstance favoring the innocence d. Right to counsel during trial is not subject to
of the accused must be taken into account waiver
2. Proof must survive the test of reason, the e. Accused manifested that he lost confidence
strongest suspicion not be permitted to sway in counsel de officio pero court still apointed
judgment counsel de officio- denial of this guarantee
3. Capable of two or more explanations, one f. Accused could not understand english or
consistent with innocnce and the other with filipino
guilt, tilt to innocencet- not moral certainty g. Client bound by the mistakes ofg his lawyer
4. Presumption of regularity of duty cannot i. Exc when negligence or
prevail over presumption of iinocence unless incompetence is so gross as to
it is not the sole basis for conviction prejudice the constitutional right of
the accused to be heard
IV. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of vi. Waiver- not the right to be informed
the accusation against him but the right to enter a pleas and let
a. Reason: the court enter a plea of not guilty
i. To furnish the accused with such a 1. Failure to object to multiple
decription of the charge against him offenses in the criminal
as will enable him to prepare for his infor is deemed a waiver
defense 2. Failure to object to
ii. To avail himself of his conviction or sufficiency of information
acquittal for protection against a during trial and deficiency
further prosecution for the same cured by competent
cause evidence
iii. To inform the court of the facts vii. Political offense doctrine- common
alleged so that it may decide crimes perpetrated in furtherance of
whether they are sufficient in law to a political offense assume the
support a conviction political complexion of the main
1. If deaf mute- sign crime of which they are mere
language interpreter ingredients (can’t be punished
2. If insane or an imbecile- separately from the principal
suspend proceedings and offense or complexed with the
commit to a proper place same to justify the imposition of a
of detention until he graver penalty.
recovers his faculties 1. Killing in furtherance of
3. Don’t arraign while insane rebellion is rebelkion
because it violates this 2. Burden of proving political
right motivation must be
iv. 1. Info must state the name of the discharged by the defense
accused, the designation given to
the offense by statute, statements V. Right to speedy, impartial and public trial
of the acts or omission complained a. Speedy trial- free from vexatious, capricious
of as constituting the offense, name and oppressive delays but justice and
of the offended party, approximate fairness not speed are the objectives
time and date of the commission of b. One that can be had as soon after indictment
the offense and the place where the is filed as the prosecution can with
offense had been committed reasonable diligence, prepare for trial
1. Facts and circ which have c. Only when attended by vexatious, capricious
a bearing on culpability and oppressive delays or when unjustified
and liability postponements of the trial are asked for and
a. Cosnpiracy secured or when without justificable motive,
b. Every element of a long period of time is allowed to ellapse
the offense without the partty having his case tried
2. Acts and ommissions d. Protect 1. To prevent oppressive pre tiral
constitutive of the offense incarceration, 2 to minimize anxiety and
3. Description not concern of the accused 3. To limit the
designation of the offense possibility that the defense will be impaired
controls e. Does not preclude right to public justice
4. Cannot convict the f. RA. 8943 (Speedy Trial Act)- arraignment
accused of the complex within 30 days from filing of infor or from the
crime constitutive of date the accused has appeared before the
various crimes in two justice or court in which the charge is
informations- ONLY THE pending, whichever date last occurs
CRIME SLLEGED OR i. After that, 15 days to prepare for
INCLUDED IN THE ii. Trial shall commence within 30
ALLEGATIONS IN THE days from arraignment as fixed by
5. Fundamental test- whether iii. Trial shall not exceed 180 days
the facts alleged, if from the first day of trial except as
hypothetically admitted otherwise authorized by the Chief
would establish the Justice of the Sc
essential elements of the iv. MEANS OF ENFORCING THE
v. Void for Vagueness Rule- where SPEEDY TRIAL- accused must on
statute is couched in such indfeinite record have an attitude demanding
language that It is not possible for a trial or resisting delay
men of ordinary intelligence to v. May be waived
determine therefrom what acts or g. Impartial trial- cold neutrality of an impartial
ommissions are punished judge
i. Also to preserve the integrity of the
judiciary and to gain and maintain
people’s faith in the institutions they iii. During promulgation of sentence,
have erected when they adopted to unless for a light offense wherein
Consti the accused may appear by cousel
ii. Public Trial- to prevent possible or a representative
abuses which may be committed iv. Accused who escapes from
against the accused- not absolute confienment or jumps bail or flees
1. Belongs to him more than to a foreign country loses his right
anyone else to appeal and standing in court and
2. Not synonymouw tih a right to seek relief from the court
publicized trial v. After trial in absentia, court can
3. Only implies that the court render the judgement in the case
doors must be open to and promulgation can be made by
those who wish to come sit simply recording the judgment in
in the available seats, the criminal docket with a copy
conduct themselves with thereof served upon his counsel
decorum and observe the provided that notice requiring him to
trial process be present at the promulgation of
VI. Right to meet witnesses face to face- right to judgment is served through his
cross examine complainant and witnesses bondmsen or warden and counsel
a. This may be waived but generally if not cross
examined testimony is mere hearsay vi. Sec 6, rule 120, If the judgment is
VII. Right to compulsory process to secure the for conviction and the failure of the
attendance of witnesses and the production of accused to appear was without
evidence justifiable cause, he shall lose the
a. Subpoena- process directed to a person remedies available in these rules
requiring him to attend and testify at the against the judgment and the court
hearing or trial of an action or at any shall order his arrest. Within fifteen
investigation conudcted under the laws of (15) days from promulgation of
the Philippines or for the taking of his judgment, however, the accused
deposition may surrender and file a motion for
b. Subpoena ad testificandum- to compel a leave of court to avail of these
person to testify remedies. He shall state the
c. Subpoena duces tecum- to compel the reasons for his absence at the
production of books, records, things or scheduled promulgation and if he
documents therein specified proves that his absence was for a
i. The books, docs or other things justifiable cause, he shall be
requested must appear prima facie allowed to avail of said remedies
relevant to the issue subject of the within fifteen (15) days from notice.
controversy (test of relevancy) and (6a)
ii. Such books must be reasonably
described by the parties to be
readily identified (test of 1. Cant seek relief
iii. People vs Chua HABEAS CORPUS
1. The evidence is really
material Definition: A writ issued by a court directed to a person
2. Accused is not guilty of detaining another, commanding him to produce the body of the
neglect in previously prisoner at a designated time and place, with the day and
obtaining the production of cause of his caption and detention, to do, to submit to and to
such evidence receive whatever the court or judge awarding the write shall
3. The evidnece will be consider in his behalf
available at the time
4. No similar evidence can Available
be obtained
VIII. Trial in absentia- to spped up the disposition of A. When subjected to physical restraint
criminal cases (where accused jumped bail or
B. As a consequence of a judicial proceeding, there has
a. Sec. 6 , Rule 120, ROC authorizes this
been deprivation of a constituional right resulting in
b. Mandatory if accused has been arraigned,
the restraint of the person, the court had no
notified of dates of hearing and his absence
jurisdiction to impose the sentence or an excessive
is unjustified
penalty has been imposed since such sentence is
c. Accused can still be ordered arrested by the
void as to the excess
court for non-appearance upon summons to
appear for purposes of identification
d. Mandatory presence of the accused C. Cases by which rightful custody of any person is
i. Arraignment and plea withheld from the person entitled thereto
ii. During trial for identification
a. Examples
i. Moral restraint sa kasambahay Congress. The Congress, voting jointly, by a
vote of at least a majority of all its Members
ii. Offense of political complexion in regular or special session, may revoke
such proclamation or suspension, which
revocation shall not be set aside by the
iii. Longer penalty than another convict President. Upon the initiative of the
of the same offense President, the Congress may, in the same
manner, extend such proclamation or
iv. Unlawful denial of bail suspension for a period to be determined by
the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion
D. Not where the person alleged to be restrained of shall persist and public safety requires it.
liberty is in the custody of an officer under a process
issued by the courth which has jurisdiction to do so The Congress, if not in session, shall, within twenty-four hours
following such proclamation or suspension, convene in
E. Ultimate purpose is to relieve a person from unlawful accordance with its rules without need of a call
The Supreme Court may review, in an appropriate proceeding
F. Essentially a writ of inquiry and granted to test the filed by any citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis of the
right under which he has been detained proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus or the extension thereof, and must
promulgate its decision thereon within thirty days from its filing.
G. If illegal at the onset may be cured by supervening
events such as the issuance of a judicial processs
A state of martial law does not suspend the operation of the
Constitution, nor supplant the functioning of the civil courts or
H. Not when already released legislative assemblies, nor authorize the conferment of
jurisdiction on military courts and agencies over civilians where
I. Neither can marital rights such as living in a conjugal civil courts are able to function, nor automatically suspend the
dwelling be enforced by the writ privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.

J. If PI invalid and offense prescribed, motion to quash The suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
warrant of arrest or to file a motion to quash shall apply only to persons judicially charged for rebellion or
information based on prescription not habeas corpus offenses inherent in, or directly connected with, invasion.

K. Not those under investigation During the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus, any person thus arrested or detained shall be judicially
charged within three days, otherwise he shall be released.
L. All courts of competent jurisdiction may entertain
petition for dangerous drugs provided they have
served max penalties Q. Suspension of privilege does not suspend the right to
M. Violated conditional pardon- still serve prison term
N. Loss of judicial records- remedy is reconstitution of
judicial records Right of the Accused to Speedy Trial

O. Procedure- disobedience to the writ constitutes SECTION 15. (1) All cases or matters filed after the effectivity
contempt of court of this Constitution must be decided or resolved within twenty-
four months from date of submission for the Supreme Court,
and, unless reduced by the Supreme Court, twelve months for
P. Grounds for suspension
all lower collegiate courts, and three months for all other lower
a. Section 18. The President shall be the
Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of
(2) A case or matter shall be deemed submitted for decision or
the Philippines and whenever it becomes
resolution upon the filing of the last pending, brief, or
necessary, he may call out such armed
memorandum required by the Rules of Court or by the court
forces to prevent or suppress lawless
violence, invasion or rebellion. In case of
invasion or rebellion, when the public safety
requires it, he may, for a period not (3) Upon the expiration of the corresponding period, a
exceeding sixty days, suspend the privilege certification to this effect signed by the Chief Justice or the
of the writ of habeas corpus or place the presiding judge shall forthwith be issued and a copy thereof
Philippines or any part thereof under martial attached to the record of the case or matter, and served upon
law. Within forty-eight hours from the the parties. The certification shall state why a decision or
proclamation of martial law or the resolution has not been rendered or issued within said period.
suspension of the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus, the President shall submit a (4) Despite the expiration of the applicable mandatory period,
report in person or in writing to the the court, without prejudice to such responsibility as may have
been incurred in consequence thereof, shall decide or resolve by Ombudsman Desierto to review the
the case or matter submitted thereto for determination, without recommendation of Deputy Ombudsman
further delay. Gervasio, no explanation was given why it
took almost six years for the latter to resolve
Section 7. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of the Complaints.
all its Members, any case or matter brought before it within
sixty days from the date of its submission for decision or  Guiani vs Sandiganbayan
resolution. A case or matter is deemed submitted for decision
or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, brief, or complaint against regional officials of cotabato and
memorandum required by the rules of the Commission or by dpwh upon assesment of COA of bloating of
the Commission itself. Unless otherwise provided by this accomplishement reports in construction of a road in
Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of each violation of anti graft and corrput practices act
Commission may be brought to the Supreme Court on
certiorari by the aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt
of a copy thereof. motion top quash with ombudsman, motion to defer
arraignment and defer issuance of warrants of arrests
 Not limited to criminal cases but to all parties in civil
and admin cases and in all proceeding inc judicial and delay of almost 6 years to resolve preliminary
quasi judicial investigation by ombudsman

 Violated only when the proceedings are attended by HELD: not violated because they have acquiesced
vexatious, capricious and oppressive delays or when and not really vexatious, 2 page report of coa needed
unjustified postponements of trial are asked for and further studies
secured or when without justifiable motive a long
period of time is allowed to elapse without the party  Extends to all citizens including the military and
having his case tries covers before, during and after the trial

 If not attributable to prosecution, no violation  Failure to assert this may be deemed as waiver- right
to public justice
 Applies even when the case is already submitted for
decision  Admin cases in civil service- failure to submit formal
offer of evidence within the given period- waiver
 Tilendo vs ombudsman
o Not a mere mathematical computation
 Avilability-not only in criminal prosecutions but also in
o Length of the delay all other government proceedings including civil
actions and administrative or lgeislative investigations

o Reasons for the delay

 Not only by the accused but also by any witness to
whom a question calling for an incriminating answer is
o Assertion or failure to assert such right by addressed
the accused
 Rule: may be invoked only when incriminating
o Prejudice caused by the delay question has been asked- in an ordinary witness

 Roque vs ombudsman o Not the accused- he may not be compelled

to take the witness stand, also to respondent
o Roque- division head of decs in koronadal in an admin proceeding where he may be
subject to penal sanctions such as
cancellation of license to practice medicine
o After resolution recommending filing of info,
6 years before info was filed from the filing of
counter –affidavits o Scope:testimonial compulsion only-
extracting from the lips of the accused the
admission of guilt and not object evidence
o Held: Clearly, the delay of almost six years
disregarded the ombudsmans duty, as  Not vomit
mandated by the Constitution[12] and
Republic Act No. 6770,[13] to act promptly
on complaints before him. More important, it  Hair samples
violated the petitioners rights to due process
and to a speedy disposition of the cases filed  Dna
against them. Although respondents
attempted to justify the six months needed  Fingerprint
 Photos o Service iin defense of the state

 Paraffin testing o Naval (merchant marine) enlistment

o Extends to the compulsion for the production o Posse comitatus

of documents, papers and chattels that may
be used as evidence against the witness,
o Return to work order in industries affected
except where the State has a right to inspect
the same such as the books of accounts of with public interest
corporations under police taxing power
o Patria potestas
o Also protects the accused to furnish
handwriting in a falsification case PROHIBITED PUNISHMENTS

o Immunity  Mere severity does not constitute cruel or unusual

 Transactional immunity- that which
may be granted by CHR to any  Penalty must be flagrantly and plainly oppressive ,
person whose testimony or whose wholly disproportionate to the nature of the offense as
possession of docs or other to shock the moral sense of the community
evidence is necessary or
convenient to determine the truth in  Death penalty is not a cruel or unusal punishement. It
any investigation conducted by it or is an exercise of the State’s police power to secure
under its authority, which makes the society against the threatened and actual evil
witness immune from criminal
prosecution for an offense to which
his compelled testimont relates  Di gumana electric chair- not cruel and unusual, no
intent to inflict unnecessary pain
 Use and fruit immunity- prohibits
the use of the witness’s compelled  Pleaa of guilt in capital offense- see stringent
testimony and its fruits in any requirements
manner in connection with the
criminal prosecution of the witness  Automatic review in death penalty cases shall
proceed even in the absence of the accused
 Liberal interpretation considering that nothing less than life is at stake and
any court decision must be error free as possible
o Waiver- may be waived either by directly or
by a failure to invoke it provided the waiver is o Includes an appeal of the less serious crime
certain and unequivocal and intelligently not punished by death but arising out of the
made same occurrence or committed by the
accused on the same occasion
 Taking witness stand – accused
ASPIRATIONS AND INVOLUNTARY SERVITURE  He can be validly punished ina criminal action if he
contracted his debt through fraud
 Not an offense against prop but against public order-
Art. 272. Slavery. — The penalty of prision mayor and a trust receipts law and estafa
fine of not exceeding 10,000 pesos shall be imposed upon
anyone who shall purchase, sell, kidnap or detain a  Bp 22 – faith in financial system
human being for the purpose of enslaving him.chanrobles
virtual law library

If the crime be committed for the purpose of assigning the

offended party to some immoral traffic, the penalty shall be
imposed in its maximum period.chanrobles virtual law libr
A. Valid complaint or information- not in preliminary

B. Filed before a competent court- if accused already

o Punishment for a crime whereof one has arraigned but wrong court double jeopardy does not
been duly convicted attach
C. To which the defendant had pleased- accused not yet vii. When the proceedings have been
arraigned no DJ unreasonably prolonged as to
violate the right of the accused to
a. Grant of a motion to quash before the speedy trial
accused makes his plea may be appealed by
the prosecution because not yet placed in DJ viii. Revival of th criminal cases
provisionally dismissed – sec 8, rule
D. Defendant was previously acquitted or convicted or 117- time bar of 2 years within
the case dismissed or otherwise terminated without which the state may revive criminal
his express consent cases provisionally dismissed with
the express consent of the accused
and with a priori notice to the
a. NOT when sentenced on plea bargaining offended party, if the offense
without the approval of the fiscal but charged is penalized by more than
approved by the court 6 years imprisonment and one year
if the penalty imposable does not
b. Mistakenly dimissed by the court exceed 6 years imprisonment or a
fine in whatever amount- dec 1,
c. Retaking bec transcript incomplete 2000

d. Promulgation of only one part of the decision ix. Appeal by prosecution- bawal if
is not a bar to the promulgation of the other judgment is acquittal on the merits
x. 1. Against a second prosecution for
e. A judgement of acquittal is final, the same offense after acquittal, 2
unappealable and immediately executory against a second prosecution for
the same offense after conviction, 3
against multiple punishments for
f. Dismissal of the action may be the same offense

i. Permanent- termination of the case xi. Acquittal can not be appealed

on the merits resulting to either except where a mistrial resulted in a
acquittal or conviction; to the denial of due process ( capricious
dismissal of the case because of dimissial of an info deprives the
the prosecution’s failure to state opportunity to prosecute and
prosecute; or the dismissal due to convict
unreasonable delay in the
proceedings in violation of the right
of the accused to speedy trial 1. State no fair op

ii. Provisional- dismissal without 2. Simissal is purely

prejudice to the reinstatement capricious of info or
thereof before the order of complaint
dismissal becomes final, or to the
subsequent filing of a new info 3. Lack of proper notice
within the periods allowed under the
RPC OR ROC; dismissal on 4. Accused waived or is
procedural grounds estopped

iii. Dismissal of fiscal because on 5. Dismissal is with GAD

reinvestigation it was shown that
complainants were real agressors
(consent not given by accused) 6. Finding of mistiral
hence this is a bar
7. Or trial is a sham
iv. Consent of the accused to the
dismissal cannot be implied or xii. Appeal from the order of dismissal
presumed; must be expressed by lower court is not foreclosed
where the order was issued before
v. If made at the instance of the arraignment
accused- no double jeopardy
xiii. Discharge of co-accused- as govt
vi. Motion to dismiss- insufficiency of witness must be considered solid
evidence- ACQUITTAL for determining DJ, absent proof
that he refused or failed to testufy, it
is a bar
Crimes Covered Section 9. Failure to move to quash or to allege any
ground therefor. — The failure of the accused to assert any
 Not for an identical offense or any attempt to commit ground of a motion to quash before he pleads to the complaint
the same of frustration thereof or any offense which or information, either because he did not file a motion to quash
necessarily includes or is necessarily included in the or failed to allege the same in said motion, shall be deemed a
offense charged in the original complaint or info waiver of any objections based on the grounds provided for in
paragraphs (a), (b), (g), and (i) of section 3 of this Rule. (8)

 No DJ if subsequent info different offense even if

same act or set of acts

Doctrine of Supervening event- the accused may stillbe
prosecuted for another offense if a subsequent development
changes the character of the first indictment under which he (1) One which makes an action done before the passing of
may have already been charged or convicted (sec 7, rule 117) the law, and which was innocent when done, criminal, and
punishes such action.
(2) One which aggravates the crime or makes it greater than
Section 7. Former conviction or acquittal; double
when it was committed.
jeopardy. — When an accused has been convicted or
(3) One which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or otherwise
punishment than that which the law annexed to the crime when
terminated without his express consent by a court of
it was committed.
competent jurisdiction, upon a valid complaint or information or
(4) One which alters the legal rules of evidence and receives
other formal charge sufficient in form and substance to sustain
less testimony than the law required at the time of the
a conviction and after the accused had pleaded to the charge,
commission of the offense in order to convict the accused.
the conviction or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of
(5) One which assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies
the case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the offense
only BUT, in effect, imposes a penalty or deprivation of a right,
charged, or for any attempt to commit the same or frustration
which, when done, was lawful.
thereof, or for any offense which necessarily includes or is
(6) One which deprives a person accused of a crime of some
necessarily included in the offense charged in the former
lawful protection to which he has become entitled such as the
complaint or information.
protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a proclamation
of amnesty
However, the conviction of the accused shall not be a bar to
another prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes
the offense charged in the former complaint or information
under any of the following instances:
(a) the graver offense developed due to supervening
facts arising from the same act or omission constituting the  IT IS RETROACTIVE IN APPLICATION
former charge;
(b) the facts constituting the graver charge became
known or were discovered only after a plea was entered in the PENAL LAWS- those acts of the legislature which prohibit
former complaint or information; or certain acts and establish penalties for their violations or those
that define crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their
(c) the plea of guilty to the lesser offense was made punishment
without the consent of the prosecutor and of the offended party
except as provided in section 1 (f) of Rule 116.
 Judge can not declare it is an ex post facto law
without any motion to that effect
In any of the foregoing cases, where the accused satisfies or
serves in whole or in part the judgment, he shall be credited
BILL OF ATTAINDER- legislative act that inflicts punishment
with the same in the event of conviction for the graver offense.
without trial

Section 8. Provisional dismissal. — A case shall not be
provisionally dismissed except with the express consent of the
accused and with notice to the offended party.  Substitutes legislative fiat for a judicial determination
of guilt
The provisional dismissal of offenses punishable by
imprisonment not exceeding six (6) years or a fine of any  Only when a statute applies either to named
amount, or both, shall become permanent one (1) year after individuals or easily ascertainable members of a
issuance of the order without the case having been revived. group in such a way as to inflict punishment on them
With respect to offenses punishable by imprisonment of more without judicial trial
than six (6) years, their provisional dismissal shall become
permanent two (2) years after issuance of the order without the People vs Ferrer
case having been revived. (n)
Facts: Hon. Judge Simeon Ferrer is the Tarlac trial court judge element of MEMBERSHIP with KNOWLEDGE that is
that declared RA1700 or the Anti-Subversive Act of 1957 as a punishable. This is the required proof of a member’s direct
bill of attainder. Thus, dismissing the information of subversion participation. Why is membership punished. Membership
against the following: 1.) Feliciano Co for being an renders aid and encouragement to the organization.
officer/leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Membership makes himself party to its unlawful acts.
aggravated by circumstances of contempt and insult to public
officers, subversion by a band and aid of armed men to afford Furthermore, the statute is PROSPECTIVE in nature. Section
impunity. 2.) Nilo Tayag and 5 others, for being 4 prohibits acts committed after approval of the act. The
members/leaders of the NPA, inciting, instigating people to members of the subversive organizations before the passing of
unite and overthrow the Philippine Government. Attended by this Act is given an opportunity to escape liability by
Aggravating Circumstances of Aid or Armed Men, Craft, and renouncing membership in accordance with Section 8. The
Fraud. The trial court is of opinion that 1.) The Congress statute applies the principle of mutatis mutandis or that the
usurped the powers of the judge 2.) Assumed judicial necessary changes having been made.
magistracy by pronouncing the guilt of the CPP without any
forms of safeguard of a judicial trial. 3.) It created a
presumption of organizational guilt by being members of the The declaration of that the CPP is an organized conspiracy to
CPP regardless of voluntariness. overthrow the Philippine Government should not be the basis
of guilt. This declaration is only a basis of Section 4 of the Act.
The Anti Subversive Act of 1957 was approved 20June1957. It limitation to the exercise of “Freedom of Expression and
is an act to outlaw the CPP and similar associations penalizing Association” in this matter. Before the enactment of the statute
membership therein, and for other purposes. It defined the and statements in the preamble, careful investigations by the
Communist Party being although a political party is in fact an Congress were done. The court further stresses that whatever
organized conspiracy to overthrow the Government, not only interest in freedom of speech and association is excluded in
by force and violence but also by deceit, subversion and other the prohibition of membership in the CPP are weak considering
illegal means. It declares that the CPP is a clear and present NATIONAL SECURITY and PRESERVATION of
danger to the security of the Philippines. Section 4 provided DEMOCRACY.
that affiliation with full knowledge of the illegal acts of the CPP
is punishable. Section 5 states that due investigation by a
designated prosecutor by the Secretary of Justice be made The court set basic guidelines to be observed in the
prior to filing of information in court. Section 6 provides for prosecution under RA1700. In addition to proving
penalty for furnishing false evidence. Section 7 provides for 2 circumstances/ evidences of subversion, the following
witnesses in open court for acts penalized by prision mayor to elements must also be established:
death. Section 8 allows the renunciation of membership to the
CCP through writing under oath. Section 9 declares the 1. Subversive Organizations besides the CPP, it must be
constitutionality of the statute and its valid exercise under proven that the organization purpose is to overthrow the
freedom if thought, assembly and association. present Government of the Philippines and establish a
domination of a FOREIGN POWER. Membership is willfully
Issues: and knowingly done by overt acts.
2.. In case of CPP, the continued pursuance of its subversive
purpose. Membership is willfully and knowingly done by overt
(1) Whether or not RA1700 is a bill of attainder/ ex post facto acts.
The court did not make any judgment on the crimes of the
(2) Whether or Not RA1700 violates freedom of expression. accused under the Act. The Supreme Court set aside the
resolution of the TRIAL COURT.
Held: The court holds the VALIDITY Of the Anti-Subversion Act
of 1957.

A bill of attainder is solely a legislative act. It punishes without

the benefit of the trial. It is the substitution of judicial
determination to a legislative determination of guilt. In order for
a statute be measured as a bill of attainder, the following
requisites must be present: 1.) The statute specifies persons,
groups. 2.) the statute is applied retroactively and reach past
conduct. (A bill of attainder relatively is also an ex post facto

In the case at bar, the statute simply declares the CPP as an

organized conspiracy for the overthrow of the Government for
purposes of example of SECTION 4 of the Act. The Act applies
not only to the CPP but also to other organizations having the
same purpose and their successors. The Act’s focus is on the
conduct not person.

Membership to this organizations, to be UNLAWFUL, it must

be shown that membership was acquired with the intent to
further the goals of the organization by overt acts. This is the

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