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Anglia ESOL International Examinations

Adult Learner Step 4

 Time allowed – ONE hour.
 Make sure you have the correct candidate label in the box
 Answer ALL the questions.
 Use a black or blue PEN in the spaces provided.
 You may use correcting fluid if necessary.

For Examiner’s Use Only

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6
[10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [5] [10] [10] [5] [10] [10]

Reading Section [50] Writing Section [50] Marker’s ID

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Adult Learner Step 4 C17


Section R1 (10 marks)

Read this email from Susie and answer all the questions.

Hi Mary,

Tom and I had a brilliant time in New York last weekend. It was really interesting to
stay in a big city because we live in a very small village here in England. We spent
four days there, so we had three nights in a wonderful hotel. On our first day, we
travelled round the city on a tourist bus. It was really hot and sunny and we saw the
Statue of Liberty. We didn’t climb it because there were a lot of people there.

We had some great food in New York. I loved the seafood pasta and Tom had steak
every day! Can you come to our house next weekend? Then you can see our photos
and I can cook you some seafood.

Call me soon.

Love from


Are these sentences true or false? Tick the correct box. There is one example.

Example: True False

Susie went to New York last weekend. 
1. Susie and Tom live in a city.
2. They stayed in New York for three nights.
3. They climbed up the Statue of Liberty.
4. They enjoyed the food.

Tick the correct answer.

5. Why
Circle the is Susie
correct answer.sending the e-mail to Mary?
A to ask for help B to invite her to stay C to say thank you

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Section R2 (10 marks)

Read the passage and answer the questions. There is one example.

Last week, Danny had a school holiday. On Monday, he went to a holiday club with his friend

Simon. Danny’s brothers, Sammy and Stephen, didn’t go. At the holiday club, all the children

ate breakfast together. After breakfast, they played sports. Danny chose tennis and Simon

played baseball. In the afternoon, everyone rode their bikes to the town centre. They went to

the cinema and watched the new Star Wars movie. It was very exciting. In the evening, they

had pizza and salad. They sat together at a big table and talked about the film. Danny liked

Kylo Ren the best. Simon’s favourite character was Luke Skywalker. Danny really enjoyed his

day at the holiday club.

Example: Which day did Danny go to the holiday club?

A Sunday B  Monday C Tuesday D Wednesday

1. Who went with Danny to the holiday club?

A Sammy B Stephen C Simon D Stanley

2. What sport did Danny play?

A hockey B baseball C football D tennis

3. How did they get to the town centre?

A by bike B by bus C by taxi D they walked

4. When did they go to the cinema?

in the in the in the

A B C D at night
morning afternoon evening
5. In the film, who was Danny’s favourite character?

Luke Poe
A B Han Solo C D Kylo Ren
Skywalker Dameron


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Section R3 (10 marks)

Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

The students finished their lesson at two o’clock last Monday.

B finish C  finished D to finish

1. He didn’t ________ to London yesterday.

A drive B to drive C drove D drives

2. Where’s ________ mobile phone?

A hers B him C me D your

3. Colin is ________ than his sister.

A shorter B as short C D short
4. Anna threw ________ bread to the birds.

A very B some C lots D many

5. She had a holiday in New York three years ________.

A by B for C ago D with

6. They ________ the match at the moment.

A wins B won C winning D
7. I am going to Greece ________ my family.

A of B at C in D with

8. Yesterday was the ________ day of the year.

A hotter B as hot as C hottest D very hot

9. This is Max. He’s ________ cousin from France.

A him B my C mine D us

10. Peter can’t ________ the door.

A open B opened C opening D opens

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Section R4 (10 marks)

Find the opposite word and write it in the box. There is one example.

Example: dry wet old
1. hard fat
2. new finish
3. hot off
4. east soft
5. start cold
6. happy right
7. thin west
8. dirty wet
9. on sad
10. left clean

Section R5 (10 marks)

Read the following passage. Put the verb in brackets into the past tense OR the present tense. There is one example.

On Saturdays, I usually (1) _______________ (clean) the house. My husband sometimes

_______________ (help) me and the children do their homework.

Last weekend, it was hot and sunny and we (example) wanted (want) to be outside so we went

to the park. Our sons (3) _______________ (meet) their friends, Harvey and Jasper, there. The boys

played football. The football (4) _______________ (fall) into some long grass. In the long grass, we
_______________ (find) a tired bird. The boys picked it up and (6) _______________ (run)

home. They (7) _______________ (take) the bird to Harvey’s house because he lives near the park.
They _______________ (give) the bird some water. It (9) _______________ (drink) a lot of

water. After an hour, the bird (10) _______________ (fly) away.


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Section W1 (5 marks)
Write these sentences in the plural.

e.g. That lorry is very noisy.

Those lorries are very noisy.

1. The sheep is eating grass in the field.

The ____________________ are eating grass in the field.

2. That country has a wonderful rainforest.

Those ____________________ have wonderful rainforests.

3. The thief stole all the presents.

The ____________________ stole all the presents.

4. His life was very different in the countryside.

Their ____________________ were very different in the countryside.

5. The factory is near the river.

The ____________________ are near the river.

Section W2 (10 marks)
Write the questions.

e.g. He borrowed your bicycle.

Did he borrow your bicycle ?

1. She is painting a picture of a dog.

Is ?

2. John can speak French.

Can ?

3. He lives in Paris.

Does ?

4. The party started at eight o’clock.

When ?

5. They ride their bikes to school.

Do ? __

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Section W3 (10 marks)

Answer these questions. Use full sentences. There is one example.

What colour are your eyes?
My eyes are brown.

1. What do you like doing on Saturdays?

2. What time did you go to bed last night?

3. Who is your best friend?

4. Where do you live?

5. Who does the cooking in your house?


Section W4 (5 marks)
Write five sentences about My house or My job.







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Section W5 (10 marks)
Put the words in order and make a correct sentence.

Tuesday / every / tennis / afternoon / He / plays
He plays tennis every Tuesday afternoon.

1. never / skiing / They / go


2. party / the / She / yesterday / enjoyed


3. sky / There’s / rainbow / the / a / in


4. the / on / He / the / vase / dropped / floor


5. are / pyjamas / The / their / boys / on / putting

Section W6 (10 marks)
Fill in the form.


First name:
Who is your favourite singer?
What NEW musical instrument do you
want to play?
Which day of the week can you come
to the Music Club?

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