English: Fourth Quarter - Module 5

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Fourth Quarter – Module 5
Weeks 5 & 6


Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development
and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do
the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

This module was written to introduce you to the fundamentals of research. The
scope of this module is primarily designed to help the Grade 10 students understand the
definition of research and the research parts as well as to develop the basic skills to
compose a research report. The topics follow the standard structure of the Enhanced K to
12 Curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd).
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

1. The Definition, Nature and Characteristics of Research

2. Parts of a Research Paper & Process

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. define a research;
2. give the importance of research in different academic disciplines;
3. identify the characteristics of a research;
4. determine the basic outline of a research paper;
5. identify a research process; and
6. write a research report.

Let’s Try

A. Read each statement below and write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided.

_________1. Research is a scientific investigation of an issue or problem that people

_________2. Systematic procedure is not necessary in the conduct research study.
_________3. Research can lead to a discovery of new information or concepts.
_________4. Research involves a subjective process of analyzing phenomena.
_________5. Research study is only for the professionals.

B. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.

____1. It refers to the specific statement that predicts what you expect will happen in your
research study.
A. hypothesis B. sample C. population D. Instrument
____ 2. It refers to the last part of the research process where data on-hand are being
examined and analyzed.
A. analyzing the data B. literature Review C. research Question D. research problem
____3. It refers to the examination and analysis of existing materials relating to a
particular area of study.
A. analyzing the data B. literature Review C. research Question D. research problem
____ 4. It is a sentence that asks an inquiry to answer a specific issue.
A. analyzing the data B. literature Review C. research Question D. research problem
____ 5. It is a structured conversation where one asks questions while other provides
A. Interview B. population C. sample D. Instrument
____ 6. It is a tool that a researcher uses to gather the information.
A. Interview B. population C. sample D. Instrument
____7. It refers to the entire group of people or objects that are the main focus of scientific
A. Interview B. population C. sample D. Instrument
____8. It is an identified concern in a research study.
A. analyzing the data B. literature review C. research question D. research
____9. It is a research tool that consists of a set of questions.
A. sample B. population C. questionnaire D. Interview
____10. It refers to the smaller or subset of a larger population.
A. sample B. population C. questionnaire D. Interview

Lesson The Definition, Nature, and

5 Characteristics of Research

As a student you always face with challenges. You often have questions about the
things around you and when you are faced with questions, it is normal to seek for
answers. We may learn from others or we may learn through personal experience or
observation. Research plays an important role if you want to search or investigate new
things from the established fact and to reach on new conclusions in order to figure out
answers to different problems that we encounter.

Let’s Recall

Below are the definitions of the following terms. Observe correct grammar by replacing
the underlined words with the correct answers and use punctuation marks correctly.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Research – It are a continuous undertaking of making known the unknown

(Sanchez, 2002). It entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery for
new ideas, methods, or improvements. It is an attempt to widen one’s outlook on
life. It always proceeds from the known to the unknown; therefore, the end of
research is to arrive at new truth.

2. Researcher – It refers to a person which do diligent and systematic inquiry so

investigation to discover facts or give a solution to an issue/ problem

3. A research population – They are generally a large collection of individuals that

are the focus of a scientific query.
Let’s Explore

Think of a certain problem that greatly bothers/ affects you. Write your answer in the
conversation bubble below.
Example: The increase of irresponsible posts and cyberbullying in social media.

Let’s Elaborate

Research is an act of studying something carefully and extensively in order to attain deep
knowledge. (Prieto, Naval, & Carey, 2017)
Research is a very careful investigation of something that purports the contribution of
additional or new knowledge and wisdom. (Bassey, as cited by Cristobal & De La_Cruz-
Cristobal, 2017)
Research follows a step-by-step process of investigation that uses a standardized
approach in answering questions or solving problems. (Polit & Beck, as cited by Cristobal
& De La_Cruz-Cristobal, 2017)
Based on the definitions above, we can say that research refers to a scientific fact-
finding activity to expand your knowledge to a specific area or to find an answer to an
identified problem. Research is a scientific investigation of situation/ event which
includes gathering, presenting, analyzing and interpreting of certain facts. According to
Walker (2010), research is the systematic investigation of materials and sources to
establish facts and reach new conclusions. In various spheres of human life, research has
come up with developing appropriate solutions to improve the individual’s quality of life.
Although, it may take place in different settings and may use different methods, scientific
research is universally a systematic and objective search for reliable knowledge.

Why do we conduct a research?

1. To gather necessary information – It provides you with the necessary information

that can help you in your study or work. It is indeed true that we can collect
information by asking people questions or reading printed materials such as books;
however, research is a systematic and thorough way to become better informed.
2. To make changes – Sometimes, there are built-in project or process that is hard to
discover. Research helps you to find the root cause and associated elements of a
process. The end result is such a research that invokes a demand or change and
sometimes is successful in producing such changes. For example, many scientific
studies conducted by the professionals paved way to new environmental policies to
help save our environment.
3. To improve the standard of living- Because of research, new inventions are
available for the people to use and enjoy. Imagine how communication would have
been if Graham Bell did not invent the telephone. Besides, what could have our life
today if Martin Cooper was not able to discover the concept of mobile phones? The
different gadgets and technologies nowadays are the product of systematic inquiry
done by researchers.
4. For a safer life – Discoveries and development resulting from research have
improved life expectancy and health condition of humankind. Researchers in
medicine have led to the advent of drugs that not only treat patients but also
prevent diseases from spreading.
5. To know the truth – It has been proven time and again, that many established facts
and known truths are mere lies and rumors. Research is needed to investigate and
expose these and bring out the truth.
6. To provide solutions to problems – Some issues like tardiness of students,
sportsmanship among school athletes, and implementation of a “clean and green”
program in school are sufficiently understood in terms of its possible impact
because of research. Through research people are able to be guided on finding
different solutions to different day to day concerns.
Characteristics of Research

The distinguish features of research are the following:

1. Empirical – Research is based on direct experience or observation of a researcher

using verifiable evidence rather than a mere speculation or opinion.
2. Systematic – Research follows orderly and sequential set of procedures which are
based on valid procedures and principles to get the most accurate results.
3. Analytical – It involves the careful interpretation of data gathered through the use
of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns or relationships in a
study. It is required to critical analyze the data used so that there is no error in the
interpretation of findings
4. Objective – It refers to the research which is unbiased and logical. It should be free
from any subjective interpretation or bias. All findings in research are required to
be logically based on empirical data.
5. Critical – Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.

Use this link to access more detailed concepts about the topic:
Let’s Dig In

Directions: Answer the following. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Based on the definition given above, come up with your own definition of research?

2. What is the importance of research in our daily life?


3. What do you think is the essence of having a good research foundation and

4. As a student, what do you want to research on?


Let’s Remember
Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which
includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an
individual’s speculation with reality. Research is conducted to gather necessary
information, to make changes, to improve the standard of living, to make life safer, to
know the truth, and to provide solutions to problems. The characteristics of a research
are empirical, systematic, analytical, objective, and critical.

Complete the following statements below:

1. The key idea that I learn today is ____________________________________________

2. The part of the lesson that I found most difficult is ______________________________
3. Something that I want to learn more __________________________________________

Let’s Apply
Activity 1
Identify five issues in your community that concern the people in your neighborhood.
Write on a separate sheet of paper the five (5) problems that interest you most.
1-5. ______________________________________________________________________
Activity 2

In an illustration, show the importance of research in the advancement of our


Category 5 3 1
Creativity The illustration The illustration There is no evidence
contains many contains a few of creativity. The
creative details. The creative details. The author does not
student really used student tried to use seem to have used
his/her imagination. his imagination. much imagination.
Relevance The illustration is The illustration Not attempt has
to the topic very much related to somehow related to been made to relate
the topic. the topic. the illustration to
the topic.
Originality The drawing shows The drawing shows The student uses
a large amount of some original other people’s ideas.
original ideas. thoughts.

Let’s Evaluate
A. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a feature of a research that refers to eliminating subjectivity upon carrying out
your study.
A. research B. critical C. objectivity D. empirical
2. It is a scientific inquiry which follows an established procedure to establish facts
and reach new conclusion.
A. research B. critical C. objectivity D. empirical
3. It is one of the characteristics of a research which refers to the direct scrutiny and
involvement rather than theory.
A. analytical B. systematic C. objectivity D. empirical
4. It is one of the characteristics of a research which refers to an organized way on
conducting a study which according to methods that are valid to produce accurate
A. analytical B. systematic C. objectivity D. empirical
5. It is one of the characteristics of a research that refers to a diligent explanation of
data gathered through the use of valid and rational reasoning.
A. analytical B. systematic C. objectivity D. empirical
6-10. Write TRUE if the statement tells the benefit of research or FALSE if it does not.
Write your answer on the space provided.

_________6. Researches provide relevant information to people.

_________7. Researchers are fraudulent most of the time.
_________8. Research makes us discover the unknown.
_________9. Through systematic study we make inventions to improve our lives.
_________10. Research can hardly bring solutions to social issues.

Let’s Extend
Conduct a study online on the importance of research in the different
academic disciplines. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper
1. Humanities

2. Social Science

3. Applied Science

Lesson Research Parts and

6 Process

We mentioned earlier in this module that a research follows an organized procedure.

There is a process involved in research that you must be aware of. Following the step by
step process will make you finish systematically. Thus, your study will achieve the quality
that it must possess.
Let’s Recall
Match the definitions of the words in Column A to the words in Column
B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided in each number.
____1. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. A. empirical

____2. Research is based on direct experience or observation of a

researcher using verifiable evidence rather than a mere personal opinion. B. analytical
____3. It refers to the research which is free from bias interpretation. C. research

____4. Research follows orderly and sequential set of

procedures which are based on valid procedures and principles D. systematic
to get the most accurate results.

____5. It involves the careful interpretation of data gathered

through the use of analytical and logical reasoning to determine
patterns or relationships in a study. E. critical
____6. It is an act of diligent study of a particular phenomenon
that aims to gain new knowledge and wisdom. F . objectivity

Let’s Explore
Think of something you want to accomplish this week. Fill in the diagram below
with a series of steps to be taken in order to achieve your goal.

Should following a certain process in doing something important? Why?

Let’s Elaborate
A research paper has essential sections and as a researcher you need to
ensure that you get all of the parts in the right order. It is a must to carefully lay out the
parts of your research paper, so it will be interesting and inviting to your readers. The
following is the conventional outline of an academic research paper:

Title Page – It is the research inquiry in a capsule form. It must clearly reflect the
topic of investigation. It must be original, clear, and specific.
Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background - This chapter includes the issues or
problems that have been identified by the researcher, as well as the specific questions
which are needed to be answered in the study. Also, the purpose of the study is clearly

Chapter 2: Review of the Related Literature and Studies – This segment highlights
the different published material and studies which are related to your topic. It analyzes
the existing knowledge regarding the research topic. It identifies the gaps in
information that may be addressed by the research.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology – This part of your research paper explains the
respondents, design, instrument, and the statistical treatment that you will use in
your study. It describes how the researcher will answer the research questions in a
credible manner.
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data – In this section the
researcher presents the collected data. Then the researcher will analyze and interpret
the information on hand.
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations – This chapter contains
the main points of the research. Then findings are discussed and interpreted. Lastly,
based on the results of your study, you need to provide measures or directions to be

References – This section covers the list of sources you have used. It will provide
information for readers who may want to access the sources you cite in your paper.

Use this link to access more detailed concepts about the topic:

Research follows step by step actions from the beginning up to the end. A scientific
procedure in research will make you sure that you are aligned to standards and practices
which is highly required in a scientific inquiry. A research that does not use a scientific
research process is not adhering with the way he is expected to.
A. Determining the problem
The first step in the research process is to identify an issue or concern. The
problem that you will investigate might be something that exist in your day-to-day
experience. It can also be a problem that you can observe in your community.
Research problems may be derived in almost any kind of setting such as market,
school, homes, or any part of your community. There are many sources of research
problems and they can be commonly based on the following circumstances: feeling
of discomfort/ difficulty towards a particular thing; a pattern or trend in the
society; utilizing an advanced technology or equipment; or something that makes
you curious or interested. For instance, you might consider studying the different
concerns of students in an online learning environment.
B. Write Research Questions
Research questions are interrogative statements that you will ask to determine
what you want to know in your identified topic. The questions define what exactly
the researcher is trying to find out in his study. If you are seeking information
about the impact of online learning among Grade 10 students, you must write
specific questions that will answer specific issue in an online learning.

Example: What are the technical difficulties encountered by the students in using
Google Classroom as an online learning platform?
C. Develop Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a tentative answer to the research questions you formulated before.
The researcher writes the possible answers to the research questions to speculate
answers. It is developed because it provides the focal point for the study, so the
researcher will be guided on the right track along the way. In this step, the
researcher first review similar studies and examine available data in studies.
Example: Online learning environment leads to higher students’ achievement

D. Review the Literature

The review of literature is the process of compiling, classifying, and evaluating what
other authors or researchers have written in the topic that you choose to focus on.
Literature refers to the written works such as books, newspaper, magazines, and
thesis that are published. Research demands a lot of reading which can be very
difficult for the students; however, reviewing literature will provide a good
foundation of knowledge on your topic; hence, it will make you understand better
your topic. Reading will expand your knowledge on what did and didn’t work to
other authors or researchers. You will identify the relationships of different works
and their contributions in your study. For example, you will read printed and
online reading materials that are related to the topic, issues related to online
learning environment.

E. Select the people who will be the participants of your research

When you conduct a research, you will focus on a specific group of people and
technically it is called population. You need to identify a large collection of
individuals or objects that is the main focus of an inquiry. These people have a
common characteristic that distinguish them from others. In other circumstances,
it is impossible for a researcher to include all the individuals in the study; instead,
the researcher needs to select only a representative of the population and it is
called sampling. Sample is a representative group and usually smaller group which
demonstrates the same characteristics of the whole population.
F. Choose how you will collect the data you need
Researcher needs an instrument to get the information that he needs to obtain to
the people who are the participants/respondents in his study. An instrument refers
to the data collection tool used to collect data. The most common data-collecting
instruments in research are questionnaires, interviews, observation, laboratory
experiments, etc. The researcher needs to choose a tool in order for him to gain
insight into the deeper emotions, thoughts, and motivations of research
participants. The two research instruments that you may use to collect your data
are the following:

-Survey Questionnaire – It is a research instrument that consists of series of

questions for the purpose of collecting information from respondents.
-Interview – It is a method where the researcher asks pre-determined questions
while the research participants answer. In this way, the participants are prodded to
talk about their experiences, feelings, beliefs, outlooks, etc.
G. Collect the Data
Once you identified the instrument that you will use to get the information, you
need to start collecting responses from your selected participants. Data can be
collected in the form of words on a survey, with questionnaire, through observation
or interview. When the researcher is done with the data collection, he is ready to
proceed with the next step.

H. Analyzing the Data

Once you get their responses, the next step is you will examine and analyze them,
so that the research questions can be answered. The results of the analysis must
be diligently reviewed and summarized based on the research questions. If your
study focuses on the impact of an online learning environment among students.
Then, you must be able to generally share insights on how online learning
environment influences the learning process of the students.

I. Writing a Research Report

Research report is the final written document where you communicate the problem,
purpose, scope, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, findings, and
recommendations of your research study to your readers.
Preparing your report involves many of the same processes involved in putting
together a report; there is a planning phase, a research phase and a writing phase.
The main objective of the research report is to clearly communicate the objectives,
methods, results and the importance of your research to others.

The outline of your research reports are as follows:

- What is the problem?

- What is your research design/ methodology?
- Present your discussion of results and findings.
- State your conclusion and present your recommendations.
For more details, simply visit this link:
Let’s Dig In

Directions: Identify the following statements. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

_________________1. It refers to the smaller or subset of a larger population.

_________________2. It is a sentence that asks an inquiry to answer a specific issue.
_________________3. It refers to the examination and analysis of existing materials relating to a
particular area of study.
_________________4. It refers to the entire group of people or objects that are the main focus of
scientific probe.
_________________5. . It is a structured conversation where one asks questions while other provides
_________________6. It is a tool that a researcher uses to gather the information.
_________________7. It is a research tool that consists of a set of questions.
_________________8. It is an identified concern in a research study.
_________________9. It refers to the last part of the research process where data on-hand are being
examined and analyzed.
_________________10. It refers to the specific statement that predicts what you expect will happen in
your research study.

Let’s Remember

A research paper has important segments which you need to carefully lay out the parts in
the right order. Besides, research follows a scientific process which consist of series of
actions to undertake to effectively carry out the research study. The process consists of
the following: determining the problem, writing a research questions, reviewing literature,
developing a hypothesis, selecting the participants, choosing how to collect data,
collecting data, analyzing the data on hand, and writing a final research report.

Complete the following statements below:

1. The key idea that I learn today is ______________________________________

2. The part of the lesson that I found most difficult is ________________________
3. Something that I want to learn more ____________________________________
Let’s Apply

Do the following:
1. Make an outline of a research paper. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Cite examples on why processes or procedures are important to the following fields. Use
another sheet of paper if you need.

Business Scientific Healthcare


Let’s Evaluate

A. Identify a problem in your home or community. The issue that you might want to
focus on should be something that interest you. It can be something that bothers
you for a long time since it greatly affects the lives of a particular group of people.
Write your answer on the space below the example.
Example: The prevalent cyber bullying among Grade 10 students.


B. Based on the problem you have stated, write at least two questions you would like
to ask to be guided in your research. The research question states the specific issue
or problem that you will focus on.
1. What are the different forms of cyberbullying that are being experienced by the
Grade 10 students?
2. How does cyberbullying affect the lives of the victims?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________

C. Read at least 5 published written works available which are related to your chosen
topic. Related research studies can be also sources of information, so you can read
and include them. Write a synthesis of what has been written about your identified
topic. Remember that synthesis refers to the bringing together the ideas in the
different written works you have read, thus, making them an integrated whole. The
review includes practically all the information and data which are authoritative and
relevant to your topic.
Example: If my topic is about the widespread cyber bullying, I can start explaining what is
cyberbullying and the different forms of cyberbullying in an online environment. Also, I
need to include the information on how teenagers are affected by cyberbullying and its
implications on the daily lives of the victims based on what I have already read. You can
also cite real life experiences of the victims which were published on the newspaper or
D. Identify the participants of your research study. Specify a group of people whom
you will be asking to fill out the survey questionnaires or whom you will be
interviewing to obtain the data you need in your study. Answer the following
questions below:


a. Who are the target participants of your study? Grade 10 students at WBNHS
b. How many participants will be included? 30 students

1. Who are the target participants of your study? _______________________________

2. How many participants will be included? ___________________________________
E. What research instrument are you going to use to get the information to your
participants? Select only one and check the appropriate box.

Survey Questionnaire


F. After you have distributed and collected the Survey Questionnaire or you were done
in interviewing your participants, the next step is you will analyze the responses.

Remember the steps in analyzing the meaning of your data.

1. You need to identify the data that are meaningful and relevant.
2. Identify the patterns, comparisons or relationships of the responses.
3. Once the themes or patterns are grouped, connect them back to the research
4. Interpret Findings and draw your conclusion
G. Write a report of the meaningful account of your analysis below. Your report must
be brief, logical, and coherent. Use a separate sheet of paper.
H. Write a research report of your study. Read first the scoring guide on the next page
and follow the outline below. Use a clean sheet of paper for this task.

a. Discuss the problem and the primary purpose why you conducted the study.
b. Who were the participants of the study? Include how many you have
c. What was the research instrument you used?
d. Present your discussion of results and findings.
e. State your conclusion and present recommendations.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Developing Beginning
Content and Content is very Content is Content is not Content is not
Details informative and informative and always related relevant or
accurate. Report mostly accurate. to the topic. accurate. No
has many Report has May details
supporting adequate inaccuracies. presented.
details and it is details. Few supporting
interesting to details.
Organization Repot is well Report shows Report is poorly Report has no
organized with adequate organized and organization.
strong organization. It confusing at
beginning, has a beginning, times.
middle and middle, and
ending. ending.
Writing Report has few Report has a Report has Report is
Mechanics and or no errors in few errors in many errors in unreadable.
Readability spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
and/or and/or and/ or
grammar. grammar. grammar.
Report is easy to Report is Report is
read. readable. difficult to read.
Adopted from The Education Center, Inc.


-Cristobal, A.P., and Dela Cruz-Cristobal, M.C. (2017). Practical Research. Quezon City: C&E, Inc.
Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., and Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical Research: Qualitative. Quezon City;
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
-Buensuceso, D.B., et. al. (2016). Practical Research 1. Philippines: Department of Education.
-Faltado III, R.E. (2016). Quantitative Research. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
-Purcell, K., et. al. (2012). Teaching Research Skills in Today’s Digital Environment. Retrieved from
digital-environment/ [Accessed 9 Jun. 2020)
-Editorial Team. (2020). How to Help Middle School Students Develop Research Skills. Retrieved
from https://resilienteducator.com/classroom-resources/how-to-help-middle-school-students-
develop-research-skills/ [Accessed 9 Jun. 2020]
-The Education Center (nd). Research Report Rubric. Retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/original
s/96/25/68/96256862d0a435ed124f3971dbd0f01a.jpg [Accessed 26 Jun. 2020]
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Ronald A. Apillanes
Content Evaluator:
Language Evaluator:
Illustrator: Bernard Marc E. Codillo
Layout Artist: Michael N. Evans
Management Team: Dr. Margarito B. Materum, SDS
Dr. George P. Tizon, SGOD – Chief
Dr. Ellery G. Quintia, CID Chief
Mr. Noel T. Balubal, EPS- English
Dr. Daisy L. Mataac, EPS- LRMS/ALS

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros, Upper Bicutan, Taguig City
Telefax: 838-4251
Email Address: sdo.tapat@deped.gov.ph

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