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;; Sri Ganeshji : Sri Balaji : Sri Pitreshwarji : Sri Durgaji : Sri Venkateshwara

[#Menu :Gateway of TAlly]
Add: Key Item: Group Vouchers1 :C: Display: Group Vouchers1
[Report: GV GroupName1] ;;Auto

Use : Group Name

Local : Field : GroupName : Delete: Table
Local : Field : GroupName : Add : Table : VGroup Summary1

[Report: Group Vouchers1]

Use : DSP Template

Family : $$Translate:"Group Voucher Details1"

List Name : $$LocaleString:"Voucher Details1"

Delete : Repeat : SVBudget

Delete : Repeat : SVVariance
Delete : Repeat : SVCurrency
Delete : Repeat : SVExchange
Delete : Repeat : SVCurrentCompany
Delete : Repeat : SVFromDate
Delete : Repeat : SVToDate
Delete : Repeat : SVValuationMethod

Add : Repeat : SVColumnType, SVColumnName

Variables : DBBillExplodeFlag, DBCostExplodeFlag, DBInvExplodeFlag,

DBShowAllLedgers, DBBankExplodeFlag
Variable : GroupName, ShowForex, LedShowForex, ShowCreatedBy
Variable : BankRecMode, ShowMarkedVouchers, AllowBackDatedRecon
Variables : ExplodeNarrFlag
Variable : ShowRunBalance
Variables : IsDayBook, DSPWithOpening
Variable : OnlyInVouchers, OnlyOutVouchers, OnlyDrVouchers, OnlyCrVouchers
Variable : OnlyAccVouchers, OnlyInvVouchers
Variable : IsMultiPage, InNewPages, ColumnarDayBook, ExtractMode,
Variable : DBFilterVar

;;Strat Fresh Page for each Balancing Method

Variable : BMInNewPage
Set : BMInNewPage : No
; Set : DBFilterVar : No
Set : IsLedBkup : No
Set : IsGrpBkup : No
Set : SV SortMethod : @@Default
Set : Is Ledger Report : No
Set : Is Grp Report : Yes
Set : DSPWithOpening : Yes
Set : DSPShowMonthly : Yes ;; will allow direct display of
vouchers after having selected 'Group Summary'
Set : DSPHasMultiLevel : No
Set : DSPNotScaleable : Yes
Set : DSPHasColumnTotal : No
Set : BankRecMode : No
Set : IsMultiPage : No
Set : ColumnarDayBook : No
Set : ExtractMode : No
Set : DBShowAllLedgers : No
Set : ShowCreatedBy : No
Set : ShowRunBalance : No

Set : SVFromDate : if $$ParentIsMenu AND NOT $$InPrintMode then

$$MonthStart:@@LastVoucher else ##SVFromDate

PrintSet : Report Title : @@GVReportTitle

PrintSet : ReportSubTitle : @@GVReportSubTitle

Filtered : Yes

Print : GRPVCH Print Configure

Form : Group Vouchers1

; Title : $$LocaleString:"Group Vouchers"

; Local : Field : DSP ItemTitle : Set as : $$LocaleString:

; Local : Line : DSP ItemTitle : Invisible : ($$InPrintMode AND $
; Local : Field : Default : Object : Group : #GroupName

; Local : Line : DSPVchDetail : Empty : @@GrpForexEmpty

; Local : Collection : Register Column Type : With Alias: Yes
; Local : Collection : Vouchers of Group1 : Filter : CBReceipt

Pre Fetch Object: Company : ##SVCurrentCompany : LastVoucherDate

Fetch Object : Group : ##GroupName :
GrpOpeningBalance, TBalOpening, TBalClosing

[System: Formula]

GrpDrCrFilter : (NOT ##OnlyDrVouchers OR NOT $$IsEmpty:@@TotalGrpDrVchAmt)

(NOT ##OnlyCrVouchers OR NOT $$IsEmpty:@@TotalGrpCrVchAmt)

; GrpDrCrExtractFilter : if $$IsVoucher Then (NOT ##OnlyDrVouchers OR

NOT $$IsEmpty:$TotalGrpDrVchAmt) AND +
(NOT ##OnlyCrVouchers OR NOT
$$IsEmpty:$TotalGrpCrVchAmt) Else Yes

[Key: GRP Monthly1]

Key : F6
Title : $$LocaleString:"Monthly"
Action : Display : GrpVch MonthlySummary

[Report: GrpVch Monthly Summary1]

Use : Group Monthly Summary

Title : $$LocaleString:"Group Monthly Summary"
Set : SVFromDate : $$SystemPeriodFrom

[Key: GRP Summary1]

Key : F7
Title : $$LocaleString:"Summary"
Action : Display : GrpVch Summary

[Report: GrpVch Summary1]

Use : Group Summary1

Title : $$LocaleString:"Group Summary1"
Set : DSPShowTrans : Yes

[Form: Group Vouchers1]

Use : Extra VchKeys

; Button : ExplodeFlag, F2ChangePeriod, ChangeCompany,

ChangeItem, GRP Monthly, GRP Summary, DYBK ChgVchType1
; BottomButton : BlankButton, RelReports, InvReports, AcctReports,
ReportOperations, GRPVCH Configure, FilterButton, ValueButton
; Bottom Toolbar Buttons : BottomToolBarBtn1, BottomToolBarBtn2_EditVch,
BottomToolBarBtn3, BottomToolBarBtn4, BottomToolBarBtn5, BottomToolBarBtn6,
BottomToolBarBtn7, BottomToolBarBtn8, BottomToolBarBtn9, BottomToolBarBtn10,
BottomToolBarBtn11, BottomToolBarBtn12

Local : Button : ValueButton : Inactive : Yes

In GroupVouchers Collection, fetches & computes are given based on
options(condensed & detailed). Alt + F8 (Filter) action should work in both the
So, filter button's action is changed as below.

Local : Button : FilterButton : Delete : Action
Local : Button : FilterButton : Add : Action List
: SetFilterVar, OpenFilterWindow

Keys : ChangePeriod
Background : @@SV_UNGREEN
Local : Button: Rel Reports : Action : Related Display :
Local : Button: Direct Columnar : Key : Alt+F8
Option : LinuxAlt2ShiftDirectColumner : NOT $$SysInfo:IsWindows
Local : Button: Direct Columnar : Inactive : No
Local : Button: Explode Flag : Inactive : No
Local : Button: ChangeItem : Action : Execute : GV
Local : Button: DYBK ChgVchType1 : Action : Execute : DYBK

Buttons : PrintButton, ExportButton, UploadButton, MailButton

Space Top : if $$InPrintMode then ##SVSpaceTop else 0.05 inches

Space Bottom: if $$InPrintMode then 0.5 else 0 inches
Space Left : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.5 else 0 inches
Space Right : if $$InPrintMode AND $$InPixelMode then 0.25 else 0 inches
Page Break : DYBK ClPageBreak, DYBK OpPageBreak

Balancing : GV ClosingBalance : @@BalancingBreak

OpeningBal : GV OpeningBalance

Parts : GV Title1, GV Body1 ;DSP VchTitle1,

Option : GV WithScrTotals : NOT $$InPrintMode

[!Form: GV WithScrTotals1]

Bottom Parts: GV Totals1

[Part : DSP VchTitle1]

Line: DSP VchAccTitles1
[Line: DSP VchAccTitles1]

Left Fields : SlNo. ;,DSP VchDateTitle, DSP VchAcctTitle

Local: Field : SlNo. : Info : "SlNo."
;[#Line: GV Body]
;Left Fields : SlNo.,DSP VchDateTitle, DSP VchAcctTitle
[Field: SlNo.]
Set as : $$Line
Width : @@NumberWidth-3
Align : Centre
Border : Thin Left
Style : normal
[Button: DYBK ChgVchType1]

Key : F5
Title : $$LocaleString:"Voucher Type"
Action : Execute : DYBK ChgVchType
Add : Option : DYBK ExtractChgVchType : ##ExtractMode

[!Button : DYBK ExtractChgVchType1]

Action : Execute : DYBK ExtractChgVchType

;******************** Titles ********************;

[Part: GV Title1]
Repeat:Group Ledger Vouchers1: Receptcoll
;; Used in print and export mode. Displays company name, address and report
title on the top
Option : DB PrnTitle : @@InPrintORExcelExportMode

;; Used for screen display

Option : GV ScrTitle : NOT @@InPrintORExcelExportMode

[!Part: GV ScrTitle1]

Line : GV Title11

[Line : GV Title11]

Field : GV Title11
Right Field : DSP MainDateTitle1
Local : Field : DSPMainDateTitle: Width : 40% Screen
Local : Field : DSP MainDateTitle : Cells : If
##ExplodeFlag AND ##ExplodeVNum Then $$Number:6 Else +

If ##ExplodeFlag AND NOT ##ExplodeVNum Then $$Number:5 Else +

If NOT ##ExplodeFlag AND ##ExplodeVNum Then $$Number:4 Else +


[Field: GV Title1]

Fields : Simple Prompt, Name Field

Width : 40% Screen
Local : Field : Simple Prompt : Info : $$SysName:Group
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : #Group:GroupCash
Local : Field : Name Field : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Name Field : Width : 0

;******************** Body ********************;

[Part: GV Body1]

Lines : DSP VchDetail1

Repeat : DSP VchDetail1 : Vouchers of Group1
Total : DSP VchCrAmt, DSP VchDrAmt
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes

Page Break : GV ClPageBreak, GV OpPageBreak

Space Top : if $$InPrintMode then 0.5 else 0

Space Bottom : if $$InPrintMode then 0.5 else 0

Balancing : Yes

Option : GV PrintClBal : $$InPrintMode

Local : Field : DSP VchType : Set as : if NOT $

$IsVoucher then "" else +

if NOT $$InPixelMode then $AdditionalName:VoucherType:$VoucherTypeName else


[!Part: GV PrintClBal1]

Add : Bottom Lines : GV ClosingBalance

Add : Lines : Before : DSP VchDetail : GV OpeningBalance
Local : Line : DSP VchDetail: Add : Field : After : DSP VchDate :

[Line: GV ClPageBreak1]

Use : LV ClPageBreak

[Line: GV OpPageBreak1]

Use : LV OpPageBreak

;******************** Totals ********************;

[Part: GV Totals1]

Lines : DSP VchTotalAmt

[Line: GV OpeningBalance1]

Use : LV OpeningBalance

[Line: GV ClosingBalance1]

Use : LV ClosingBalance

[System: Formula]

GVReportTitle : #GroupName
GVReportSubTitle : ""

;; End-of-file

[Collection: Vouchers of Group1]

; Source Collection : SRC Vouchers of Group1

; Fetch : Date, Narration, VoucherTypeName, VoucherNumber, MasterID

; Fetch : EnteredBy, AlteredBy, AlteredOn

; Compute : TotalGrpDrVchAmt : $
; Compute : TotalGrpCrVchAmt : $
; Compute : GrpName : If NOT $
$IsEmpty:@@FirstGrpAccName then $$FuncDSPAccName:@@FirstGrpAccName else ""
; Compute : TotalGrpVchAmt : $

; Compute : FirstContraAccount : $$FirstContraAcc:$

; Compute : NumLedEntries : $

; Compute : TBSort : 1

; Compute : DSPNameStyle : ##DSPNameStyle

; Sort : @@Default : -$TBSort, $IsForexLine,

; Sort : @@SortAlphaIncr : -$TBSort, $FirstContraAccount,
$IsForexLine, $Date
; Sort : @@SortAlphaDecr : -$TBSort, -$FirstContraAccount,
$IsForexLine, $Date
; Sort : @@AmountWiseIncr : -$TBSort, $$Abs:
$TotalGrpVchAmt, $IsForexLine, $Date
; Sort : @@AmountWiseDecr : -$TBSort, -$$Abs:$TotalGrpVchAmt,
$IsForexLine, $Date
; Sort : @@CurrencyIncr : -$TBSort, $$Currency:
$TotalGrpVchAmt, $IsForexLine, $Date
; Sort : @@CurrencyDecr : -$TBSort, -$$Currency:
$TotalGrpVchAmt, $IsForexLine, $Date
; Option : Group Vouchers ForexOn :
Option : Group Vouchers ExplodeColl : ##CBReceipt OR (##ExplodeFlag) OR
(NOT ##IsMultiPage AND $$InPrintMode)

; Option : Group Vouchers RangeColl : ##DBFilterVar

Filter : CBReceipt
Filter : CBCreditLedgersFilt



;=======Use ok
CBReceipt : $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName

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