05-Inner Game of Sales

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05-Inner Game of Sales

 Success starts inside your mind

 Focus on where you want to go & not what you fear

Aligning the forces that create lasting results:

The secret to success:
 To be willing to do today what other people are unwilling to do, to get what
you want tomorrow
 Do whatever it takes to become successful

The beauty is in the struggle.

 When you get there it’s all great, but the beauty is in the struggle

The most destructive words in the English language:

1. Should
 I should have done this
 I should have done that
2. Problem: load of crap. Wipe this out of your dictionary
 CHANGE problem to Challenges,
 Change the word problem to obstacles

You are not the mistakes of your past you are the resources and capabilities you’ve have
gleaned from it
 Make your past your greatest asset
 Remorse is an empowering emotion: that allows you to move forward & do
things right
 Guilt is a loser’s emotions

Importance of focus:
Remember the helicopter story
 You get what you focus on
o We focus on what we are afraid of that’s why it happens to us.
Because we get what we focus on
o What you focus on expands in your life
o What you focus on you attract
o If you focus on crap you become a giant crap magnet

 Set a goal & look at the, and invest yourself in the solution
o Don’t focus on the problem focus on the solution

 We are conditioned to look at problems

o That’s why we focus on fear & attract it
o Condition a new pattern

Creating new pattern:

1. Interrupt the old pattern
2. Condition a new pattern & move forward
 Start looking at your solutions
 Your goals & vision
 Focus on goals
 That is how you become a creator of circumstance & not a creature
of circumstance
 When you are on a call you focus is the close everything else is noise

Power of states:
 The state you are in the moment dictates your success or failure
 the ability to manage your state is the number one reason to success or

Be in empowering states:
 Ambitious
 Love
 Empathy
 confident

Disempowering state:
 Uncertainty
 You can never close in the state of uncertainty
 Where you don’t think they are going to buy

How our brain makes sense of the world:

1. Delete
 All nonsense
 Delete all the things you do not need to focus on
 Out of sight out of mind
2. Distorting
 We distort everything
 Make good really good, and bad very very bad
3. Generalizing
 Look to make patterns
 Learn how to use it close
 Delete: When you get people to see things a certain way you will ignite
their R.I.S & they will delete the problems
 Distort to allow themselves to wash in the positive emotions of your
 Generalize: because you sound good & seem honest you are

3 ways of managing fear:

1. Pretend it doesn’t exist
 They are creatures of circumstances
 They pretend it’s not fear that’s holding them back from acting
 & they say they have a story which is the reason they haven’t acted

2. Act in spite of fear

 Your scared to do it but you do it
 When you live this way, you become very wealthy but sometimes anxiety
 You are afraid but you don’t let it stop you

3. Understand it & accept it

 Best way to manage fear & live an empowered life at a higher level
 You have money & mental peace
 Accept the fact most of the fear you feel are smoke screens for
deeper fears
 Two of the biggest fears:
1. In some way & on some level you are not enough
 The fear that you do not measure up
2. If I don’t measure up, I won’t be loved & accepted in life
 You develop smoke screens to cover it up
 As babies we made a generalization: we equated attention
to love
 Different ways people got this attention: achievers,
pleasers, problem people, breakers
 The heart of it all is that we won’t be loved & we are not
 The truth is that no matter your parents your siblings, your
significant other will Love you regardless

How to Set a goal:

1. Write down your goal.
2. Put a date on it.
3. Identify the people, groups and organizations you need to align with.
4. Take massive action.
5. Identify what’s working, what isn’t, and change your approach accordingly.

Create a 60-day goal: By Feb 1st 2020

 $15,000 a month
1. 15 clients of 1K a month
2. 5 clients of 3K a month
3. 3 clients of 5k a month
Action Plan:
I need to be working 8-10 hours a day

In 60 days from now I want to be giving my mom 8K a month & keeping whatever
rest is needed for myself & business. I will be interacting with all the small
businesses in GTA & H. go on meet up & find clients there by joining those calls as
well create a call & give massive value there. Join linkedin groups & facebook
groups. Create a local alliance. & call local businesses that are running ads.

Constantly on calls with my clients, hopefully will have hired 1 person who will
manage day to day menial tasks & I will be spending 80% of my time acquiring
new clients & scaling my agency. I want to invest in a new wardrobe & buy nice
clothes you know clothes I like wearing & look good in. Buy my mom a very nice
gift, up to $2k something she will really really like. Start looking into an
investments plan. Get a fire place for the living room. A nice big fire place.

Remember the exercise:

1. close you eyes go for blank nothing but blankness
2. open your eyes & look for blue everywhere you can.
3. Close your eyes & imagine red: you can’t you will mostly see blue
4. Open your eyes look for red everywhere
 You will find red where it isn’t even red, you’ll think pink is almost red
Moral of the exercise:
 If you start to look & focus on problems you will start making them up, if
they aint even there
 Conversely if you focus on your goal & vision you will see every opportunity
that will get you to your goal

The vision I have for myself for the next 60 days:

I would like to have 5 clients paying me $2K-5K a month. Make $15,000 a month, give $6,000 to
my mom to run the house. Start focusing on acquiring more & more clients. Spend 80% of my
time acquiring more clients. Start to get akhy involved in this. IN 60 DAYS, I WANT TO HAVE 5
CLIENTS PAYING ME BETWEEN $2000-$5000 monthly.

Now the question is How will I find 5 clients to pay me about $5000 monthly. Start approaching
businesses that are already looking to do online marketing & have the budget for it.
1. Go on meet up & start to offer value in meetings.
2. Create a linkedin & write article on how I can offer value to people.
3. Go on facebook & write posts to people on entrepreneur pages & offer huge huge value
to people for free.
4. Cold call as well as cold emailing.
5. Zoom calls with business owners
6. Create a local alliance with people who are selling services to my potential clients
7. Go on google & find companies who are running google ads & contact them
8. Run a google ad for my self, & create a funnel & an email list
9. Run fb ad
10. Target companies that are running ads in the news paaper & flyers & conctant them

My vision for the company in the next 5 years:

Becoming a millionaire in the next 5 years. Get my brother to join me in this business. The two
of us together running the show & become the biggest marketers in our entire region.
Eventually when my sister graduates from university. Hire her to become our accountant, & pay
her about $200K a year. Take care of my entire family. Buy a Huge detached house, own a black
range rover & a white rolls Royce, 7 series BMW, S class Benz. Buy a German Sheppard. Start
buying land around CPEC interchange in Bajna and build a shopping center, gas stations, nice
restaurants & a truck stop (for them to rest & a hotel for them to stay).

My family: my family inshAllah will be taken care of; my dad n mom will spend time here in
Canada when they want to & go to Pakistan whenever they feel like. And we will go on
vacations to nice countries stay in hotels, beaches, go on yachts.

InshAllah, I will be taking care of my body, eat healthy food exercise & workout on a daily basis.
Learning, read 3 books every month. Practice Islam more learn more about islam, taking
fighting classes. Constantly be upgrading my skills learning new skills.

Anyway, goal is to scale the company to making over $1 million dollars a month.

That is my vision
What Am I moving away from:
Mediocrity & a life where I don’t have money, working a job I don’t like, im unhappy. Where my
parents are not taken care of.. where my friends are more successful than I am, I am struggling
because I wasted time & they utilized their time, were smarter & made the most of their
opportunities. A life where I am struggling 24/7 in terms of money & happiness. I have not
learned about islam I have gone so far from islam, my kids are not learning about islam & they
are far away from it. I CANT even help my self or the people I love let alone those other people.
I am driving a shitty car, old as hell cuz I if I don’t focus on my goals right now I wont be able to
afford a nice one. Cant buy a nice house, contstantly worried if I have enough money to even
pay for my mortgage or do I have enough to buy groceries & can I even afford to buy something
nice for my self or my family? Or my mom or dad?

In Pakistan everyone will be ashamed of Us we will be a laughing stock, left everything & went
to canada for what? That? Everyone will surpass us Bajna will be left behind.

I wont have enough time to pursue my goal in learning about islam & becoming a leader around
the world becuz ill be working so many hours that afterwards I wont even have enough time to
spend with family let alone learn something.

My pledge:
I pledge here today November 30, 2020, That I will not
waste any time. I will not accept mediocrity. I will work
EXTREMELY HARD & FULLFILL all my goals & vision & I
will not rest until I become a millionaire, then a
billionaire, & inshAllah a world leader for muslims
around the world.

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