CLEANSES (Liquid Diet) : Detoxification

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CLEANSES ( liquid diet)

Detoxification - Detoxification is the physiological or medicinal removal of

toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is
mainly carried out by the liver. 
There are 2 types of toxins which the body needs to deal with:

1. Exotoxins: these are toxins which enter the body through an

external agent such as toxic food, drink, or cosmetics.
2. Endotoxins: these are toxins which are produced in the body by
the body itself during the metabolic process or through the body’s
chemical reactions. Hormonal and metabolic toxins, as well as the
bacteria, fungus, and yeast inside our intestines, just to name a

The main detox organs which deal with the detoxification process are:

1. Liver
2. Kidneys
3. Intestines
4. Skin
5. Respiratory System
6. Immune System
7. Lymphatic System
Liver – some important functions of liver are :
1) production of bile
2) filter toxics substances and drugs from blood
3) conversion of urea to ammonia
4) whisking certain types of bacteria out of the blood stream
The blood delivered to liver is full of oxygen and also nutrients obtained from
air and food. The primary job of the liver is to process this blood to create
nutrients ().

But the blood which is delivered into the liver, most often, contains harmful
toxins and by-products which body cannot use. In this case, the liver must
neutralize or whisk away the toxins so that they can be excreted through
kidneys and intestines.
Nearly all of the toxins and chemicals that enter the body are fat-soluble. It
means that it can only be dissolved in fatty or oily solutions, but not in the
water. This predominant characteristic of toxins makes their elimination
through the aqueous fluids of the body nearly impossible. So, before trying to
excrete those toxins, the body needs to convert them into water-
soluble substances, so that they can be eliminated through watery fluids of the
body such as bile and urine. That’s a task which is done by liver through a two-
phased process called toxin bio-transformation.

Phase-1 : During the phase-1 of liver’s detoxification process (catalysis), the

liver would transform toxic chemicals to less toxic substances using
cytochrome P450 enzyme. Free radicals, which are highly harmful and toxic
molecules, are a by-product of phase-1. Using antioxidant-rich foods can
greatly help liver to neutralize free radicals in this phase.

Phase-2 : During the phase-2 of liver’s detoxification process (conjugation), the

liver would transform fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins by adding
certain compounds to toxins. By using natural foods which contain sulphur
and/or amino acids you can accelerate the phase-2 of detoxification.
Kidneys - The main job of the kidneys is to filter out and channel away all of
the wastes and toxins present in the fluids of the body. Adequate water intake,
limiting daily salt intake, and also following a healthy and balanced diet can
help your kidneys to function optimally.

Intestine - Digesting foods is not the only task which intestine is responsible
for. Intestine supports the immune system and delivers nutrients to
bloodstream as well. Adequate water intake, fiber-rich foods, and fermented
foods can all contribute to the health and wellness of your intestines.

Skin - Skin acts as a cover for our body which protects us against the invasion
of toxic chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. Whether your skin is able to sweat
out toxins or not is a subject of debate and controversy.

Respiratory system - The air begin its journey inside your respiratory system
and lungs through inhalation, the process of air filtration and detoxification
starts just from your nose right off the gate. It’s done by the fine hairs inside
your nose. Those hairs trap small particles, such as dust and dirt, and prevent
them from intruding your lungs and system.

At the next level of filtration, before the air reaches your lung, the mucus
available inside your respiratory system captures those smaller particles which
have been able to escape from the filtration of your nose hairs.

Finally, when the filtered air hits your lung, the lung starts its own
detoxification process. Your lung separates fresh oxygen from carbon dioxide
and other waste gases that are not necessary for your body. Then, the lung
brings the fresh oxygen into your body and lets you to breath out dioxide
carbon and other waste gases from your mouth or nose through exhalation .

Immune system - The immune system’s main job is to monitor all parts of the
body for any foreign invaders (pathogens) and trigger an appropriate response
based on the type of the invader. You can buttress your immune system by
drinking a glass of hot lemon water first thing in the morning or by drinking
immune-system-friendly herbal teas such as nettle, chamomile, burdock, red
clover, dandelion, milk thistle.

Lymphatic system - The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs

which work together to flush away toxic substances and waste materials
through circulating lymph throughout the body. Chronic illness, lack of physical
activity, and dehydration are the main factors which can slow down the flow of
lymphatic system. On the other hand, exercising, rebounding, dry brushing,
hot-cold showers, massage, and adequate water intake are all practices which
can help your lymphatic system to function optimally.

what are cleanses?

It is a liquid detox diet. This type of liquid diet includes drinking juices that help
the body to get rid of impurities and toxins.

How does cleanses work?

By eliminating solid foods or specific food groups you are eliminating toxins.
That supposedly gives your digestive system a break, allowing it to heal and
better absorb nutrients in the future.  Fiber, found in plant-based foods such
as fruits and vegetables, slows digestion, helps with nutrient absorption and
removes toxins via stool. Your digestive tract uses probiotics from fiber to
nourish your intestines with beneficial bacteria, which helps maintain immune


The result, called detox water, is said to help your body get rid of toxins,
improve your energy levels and help you lose weight.

Benefits and Importance

 Rids the Body of Any Excess Waste
 Boosts Your Energy
 Helps with Weight Loss
 Lighter Feeling
 Reduces Bloating


 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) have taken action against several companies selling
detox/cleansing products because they (1) contained illegal, potentially
harmful ingredients; (2) were marketed using false claims that they
could treat serious diseases; or (3) in the case of medical devices used
for colon cleansing, were marketed for unapproved uses.
 Some juices used in “detoxes” and “cleanses” that haven’t been
pasteurized or treated in other ways to kill harmful bacteria can make
people sick. The illnesses can be serious in children, elderly people, and
those with weakened immune systems.
 Some juices are made from foods that are high in oxalate, a naturally
occurring substance. Two examples of high-oxalate foods are spinach
and beets. Drinking large quantities of high-oxalate juice can increase
the risk for kidney problems.
 People with diabetes should follow the eating plan recommended by
their health care team. If you have diabetes, consult your health care
providers before making major changes in your eating habits, such as
going on a “detox” diet or changing your eating patterns.
 Diets that severely restrict calories or the types of food you eat usually
don’t lead to lasting weight loss and may not provide all the nutrients
you need.
 Colon cleansing procedures may have side effects, some of which can be
serious. Harmful effects are more likely in people with a history of
gastrointestinal disease, colon surgery, severe hemorrhoids, kidney
disease, or heart disease.
 “Detoxification” programs may include laxatives, which can cause
diarrhea severe enough to lead to dehydration and electrolyte
 Drinking large quantities of water and herbal tea and not eating any food
for days in a row could lead to dangerous electrolyte imbalances.
Take charge of your health—talk with your health care providers about any
complementary health approaches you use, including any “detoxes” or
“cleanses.” Together, you and your health care providers can make shared,
well-informed decisions.

Brands in market

1) Cleanse juice
Organic juice cleanse for 5 days

a) The beginner organic cleanse

Sweet green, orange, red, yellow

b) The orginal organic cleanse:

Sweet green, orange, yellow, red, green, white

c) The immunity organic cleanse :
green, white, orange, sweet green, pink, cocoa milk
d) the anti-inflamatory organic cleanse :
gold, red, green, yellow, orange, gold
2) Project juice – organic cold-pressed juices
Organic juice cleanses

Ideas : As we known that for detoxification body requires antioxidant foods,

sulphur containing foods, fiber, probiotics and more water.
Foods – antioxidant – turmeric, green tea, lemon, honey, beetroot, blue
berries, spinach, broccoli, straw berries, coccoa
Sulphur containing foods - carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, grapes,
avocado, radishes, tomatoes, onion
Fiber rich – chia seeds, green peas, broccoli, oranges

Best time to take –

Probiotics - Probiotics are most effective when taken at bedtime. This is

because gastrointestinal motility decreases at night and therefore the
probiotics can hang around in the intestines for a longer period of time which
is where their site of action is. If you are taking an antibiotic, make sure you
space your probiotic 2 hours away.

It is best to take antioxidants such as turmeric, resveratrol, glutathione, etc… at
bedtime. The reason in the literature is still not very clear but they seem to be
more effective when taken at night. If twice a day dosing is called for – take
then in the morning and at bedtime.

Fibre supplements should be taken at least 2 hours away from any other
supplement or medication. This is because the fibre can bind to certain
supplements and medications and inhibit their absorption.

Morning – 7:00 – lemon water with honey

9:00 – carrot, beetroot juice
Afternoon - 12:00 – soup – garlic, peas, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
2:00 – orange, berries juice
4:00 – juice
6:00 – tea
8:00 – chiaseeds with lemon water
10:00 – yoghurt ( probiotic)

Signs that your body needs detoxification :

1. Skin problems (rashes, acne, etc.)

2. Food and scent intolerances
3. Constipation, diarrhea and other digestive issues
4. Frequent colds and viruses
5. Unexplained headaches
6. Lower back pain
7. General aches and pains
8. Fatigue and low energy
9. Inability to feel rested after sleep
10.Compromised resistance to infections
11.Inability to lose weight
12.Fuzzy thinking

Symptoms when your body starts detoxification

Headaches, Tiredness, and Irritability

Food Cravings

Bowel Irregularity


Detox drinks can be effective at helping your body clear out excess toxins and may
even assist with cleaning out your bowels, but it is important to be realistic and
not to expect too much from such a drink.

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