Laaplace Transform Definitions

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Laplace Transformations were introduced by Pierre Simmon Marquis De

Laplace (1749-1827), a French Mathematician known as a Newton of French.

 Laplace Transformations is a powerful Technique; it replaces operations of

calculus by operations of Algebra
Here, L is called Laplace Transform Operator. The function is known as determining
function, depends on t .
The new function which is to be determined (i.e. F ) is called generating function,
depends on s .

NOTE: Here Question will be in t and Answer will be in s.

Sufficient Conditions for The Existence Of The Laplace Transform
(i) f (t ) is continuous or piece-wise continuous in the closed
interval [a, b] ,where a  0 .
(ii) f (t ) is exponential order.

Piecewise (Sectional) Continuity

Definition: A function f (t ) is called piecewise continuous or sectionally

continuous in an interval a, b if the interval can be divided into a finite
number of sub-intervals such that (i). f (t ) is continuous at every point inside
each of sub-intervals and (ii) f (t ) has finite limit as t approaches the end
points of each sub-intervals.
Functions of Exponential Order

Definition: A function f (t ) is said to be of exponential order ‘a’ as

t   , if
lim e a t f (t ) = a finite quantity.
t 
i.e., if given a positive integer T, there exists a real number M and a such
e  a t f (t )  M ,  t  T
f (t )  Me a t ,  t  T
Or, we also write, f (t )  O(ea t ), t   . Which implies that f (t ) is of
exponential order.
1. Find the Laplace transforms of each of the following functions.

a) 3e 4t b) e 2t  3t 3  2 sin 3t  4 cos 3t

c) cosh at  cos at d) t 2  cos t cos 2t  sin 2 2t
e) e 3t cosh 4t f) e 4t sin 5t sin 3t
g) (t  2) 2 e t h) e3t sin 2 t
i) e 2t sinh 2 at j) cos(at  b)

a) L(e  t sin 3t ) b) L(t n e  at ) c) L(t n e  at )
d) L(e 2t 3 sinh 2t  5 cosh 2t ) e) L(cosh at cos at )
f) L(e t sin 2 t ) g) L(e 3t cos 2 t ) h) L(1  te t ) 3
First Shifting Theorem:

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