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&@amble -; Advanlag-' '

,' Under-rtamcd piles arc b r e d , if; sirh cunaeti piles Judging rrom the experience gained by the constru~tibn
with one or more bulbs formed by enlarging the b;fs~sof.the of seqral buildings and structures i t is cvidcnt tha{ the
b r a h o ! ~by means of an under-reotming @sl. Gnstng ffom under-reamed-pile foundation is an almost fool-proof wl'u tion
the add~pbnalh r i n g capacity and dpcl~pyagederived from in black-cottan soils. Tnen apin it. provides a suitable
b d b & j h piles p r o d d e +nd mdnrnkl foilhdhtions foundation for -a wide variety of stiuchrres in difficliIt soil :
in black-cotionand expadsive d s , in3lIsd-up s o u n d , and in conditions. Under-reamed piles w tqiornical when the '
sther soils of poor capacity owdying fitm strata. traditional $trip Soundations go beyond about 900 nrn or
more in depth: the economy g 5 2 Z y reported in the f o u n b
- -

Buildings, founded on blackcotth and expnsivt types lion cost ranges from.,$) to 50 per cent this is mr b d
3f soils, often crack due mainly to differentid groundimove- above the other advantages, such as, structutal .saf&y, qad
aenh. This results from &emate swelling and shrinkage : speed in piled construction.7

3f the soil d~ to in its moisture. content. With a

view to mect @is movement effectively, the best remedy. is to , Qesigrr p m e h r e , .
n~chorthe str*uCturettt a depth w h e the volumetric : The design praccduro comprises both. the degiga o f
3 f , e soil',flue to W d a l a ~ atber
4n under-reamed P;~W
d, under-ream& piles and mpping barns, , t y p i d struaud
economimll~d i d this details of -@-+
are shown in FF,p f , The loads borne by r&e
rnchorage both in slaUow and dwp hs13of expansive soils. pilw depend en the position of ctlppjhg beams in black- -
' cotton soils the b s are ke t clear of the $1-ouod so that
in j k - u p grounds, and in other poor soils o*erbing the soil from below may not fmv, agaillat them. he piles,
large excavations be 11ded to. provide bowever, b&? the entire load of- the structure. In non-ex-
x)nvm?ionaI fomdzrfions fur buildings and structures. By . pmive soils, the beam.& rcst oh the ground ; this confe~s
wing under-remd lmehb excauatlons are avoided, an added dvmta@in that a part oftbe I d of the stnlcture, A

id the fonndaths mh ,be laid speedily. dl addpion. depending on a e .width o$ the bating rnpaC;w
@W ife ~ f l f 1d0 ~ tbq walls is avoided, no oE-the soil, .may be m r s i d e d as transferred Greetly to the
W-mng.of e t g 51itlv&ecl in this case, ground thus redudn; tlie l d i n g on piles.
To withstand large l a m 1 loads, uj~der-reamed jdes The i~flor~nationr q u h r l for the design and wnstruclioa In

llso &n be laid to a htter, which makes them suitable for of pile foundation briefly -prises: (i) sien\testimtioa 1'
d n i n g - d r , abu-t-; and tower-footing. W hereai in dau; ([i) ex+ive mtum d fomdatim soil o e & frm E
andy-soh WWI -high water-table it is dificult to lay wn- free-s~ll (fii) meral layout of c a l m s a d load-
ry$od h d dcs ~g
i w for visti?g h g e upthrust%it 13 1,'
? d M dfO E ~ Yl x ~ ~ & - m e dP% In
ore, t k me
fe sltuatmns- Them-
t h e . . ~ d ' d ' . fhngmission-li=
m !om
bewing +tails . W h g antjcipated :loads, *ding
and torques at the top aF pile
logical Jato, such as, highest sub-so3 watm-J.evel and ~
and piles; (iv) h y h '


Wl- w h r aside ~ b . d l r e c t load, ancbrorag 1s also variation, Bood- or tide;l[d$ during-the year, wur-d@b, I.

--. . ,.
,,&i :. ,% -
*- ; 2
Gmdr of corterele: UwaIly, $I& and cabpin , h m s -are

~pplica~fWT~; made of ut sifu concrete of grade M 15, je , t d specifidd ,I..

U n d e r - d piles find wide applications in varying charncteristic' wmp- s w d Ooncfete at 21 days is ,-$

ituations in diffemt t y p of mils where f~undaiionshave 15 Nlmm2 (or I50 kgfcd), normally with a high durng,nF .
o be laid at a e
mod moisture &an@
n depth to circumvent thc effqts of 75 m m ta IS0 m m
as b expansive soils; t o w,,.
a Im-water-=men$ ratio. ,

!rm -8trttta; to pro- adequate Eg ty for downward; i - For u n d e e ~ < m ? d n b waele mix
~pwnrd,and l a t d loads; m lay rfoundstiona bqlow have 10 F mt ' W e emW% ' h t t~ u Wfor n ~ l m d
I ,

mur-level; and to withstand byd* mpmenxs resuking . cqnming. The con- ad- shwld be specified in
i o wind,
~ seismic, a ~ j& & d fo- on the structure, I S :4%- 1978, h d d S r d f d C@ of &ti& for Plain ~d
mw haw p r o d fa Factorqr buMings, mchine Reitforced Cmcrete (Third JhtaBon) and ?ke fine and
bundations, tranmissb-line t o w n and poles, and other a g g g a te $bould comply wi* I5:383-1970, Indian Srundard .
f l ~ t ' appa! Ph? dgg-k
awtr fod;tiw Single u n d w - m e d pila b m been cx- S ~ e ~ i f i c n i i ~ Coarse from Ndu.wI
ensivetr used :for one and twesto& liuildiags. The Smrrc.~.fur ?CURCW~P. :
rddition of one more bulb incream the bearing capacity of
hi: pie by about M pcr cent. ? b e e , multi-under-reamed thidelims {of the design at pires .. : .
.. .?
$la provide high bearin'
. .
,&%eyed baildin# and ot a caw#& for suppofiing multi- First, the shctusai load at plinth-leu'el is d c u k k d
heavily-tasded r s t r d . . and marked on the plan. Aside from the distributed load of ;7

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