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The Qur’an is the Final Book sent by Allah, it is a great an a noble book. It was revealed in the
Arabic language in a beutiful style. Its rhyme and rhythm are beautiful. The Qur’an is a wonderful
book of guidance. It gives us a good feeling to read it. Its message is full of life. In other words, the
Qur’an tells us how to serve and worship God. It also tells us how to live a life of virtue. The Qur’an
tells us how to be good and give up bad habits. It tells us how to behave at home, how to behave
with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours and strangers. It tells us how to behave
towards other people. It is a book for all men and women in all parts of the world and for all times.
It is the book of complete guidance. It is the true guidance for all mankind. Allah asked us to read the
Qur’an and follow what it says. A Muslim believes in the Qur’an, reads it daily, understands its
meaning and tries to follow it in his life. We will be happy and successful if we obey Allah’s
commands which are written in the Qur’an.

1. Noble = mulia 9. Virtue = kebaikan, kebajikan
2. Great = besar, hebat, baik 10. Give up = berhenti, menyerah
3. Style = model, gaya, corak 11. Bad habit = kebiasaan buruk
4. Rhyme = sajak 12. Behave = berkelakuan
5. Rhythm = irama 13. Stranger = orang asing
6. Message =pesan 14. Toward = terhadap
7. To serve = mengabdi 15. Mankind = ummat manusia
8. To worship = menyembah 16. Command = perintah

1. The Qur’an is the final book sent by Allah. Sent adlh bentuk ke tiga dari send. Book sent
By Allah = kitab yg dikirim oleh Allah. Kata benda (noun) yg diikuti oleh verb 3, terjemahan-
nya adalah ...... yg di ...... the book written by Farhan = buku yang ditulis oleh Farhan
2. it was revealed = kata to be is, am ,are, was, were sebelum verb 3 adalah passive voice.
Jadi terjemahan kalimat di atas = dia ( kitab) diwahyukan.
3. it gives us a good feeling to read it = dia ( kita) memberi kita perasaan yang nyaman mem-
4. how to serve and worship........ = bagaimana mengabdi dan menyembah......
5. how to live a life of virtue = bagaimana menjalanani kehidupan yang baik
6. strangers = maksudnya bukan saja orang asing dari luar negeri tapi siapa saja yg belum kita
7. men and women. Man bisa bermakna orang ( laki), juga woman bermakna orang (perempuan ).
Men = bentuk jamak dari man, women /mbacanya wimin = jamak dari woman.
8, true guidance = bimbingan yang sebenarnya.


1. What is special about the Qur’an?
Answer : The Qur’an is the Final Book sent by Allah, it is a great an a noble book. It was
revealed in the Arabic language in a beutiful style. Its rhyme and rhythm are beautiful.
2. What is special about the language?
Answer : It was revealed in the Arabic language in a beutiful style. Its rhyme and rhythm are
3. What is the main (utama) message of the Qur’an?
Answer : Its message is full of life. In other words, the Qur’an tells us how to serve and
worship God.
4. Do we have to worship God?why?
Answer : because it is contained in the main message of the Qur'an, namely Its message is full
of life. In other words, the Qur’an tells us how to serve and worship God. It also tells us how
to live a life of virtue.
5. Is it necessary ( important) for us to behave well and to stop bad habits? Why?
Answer : yes, because The Quran also tells us how to live a life of virtue. The Qur’an tells us
how to be good and give up bad habits. It tells us how to behave at home, how to behave
with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours and strangers.
6. What must be done by Muslims with the Qur’an?
Answer : Allah asked us to read the Qur’an and follow what it says. A Muslim believes in the
Qur’an, reads it daily, understands its meaning and tries to follow it in his life.
7. Is the Qur’an only for certain nation and a certain period of time
Answer : no isn’t, the quran is a book for all men and women in all parts of the world and for
all times.
8. What will we receive (terima) if we follow what Allah said in the Qur’an?
Answer : We will be happy and successful if we obey Allah’s commands which are written in
the Qur’an.


Fill in blanks with the words taken from the text above.
1. The Qur’an is Noble book o we have to respect and out it in its proper place
2. We need Message from God so God sent the Qur’an to Virtue our life.
3. The Qur’an is written in Arabic language, Its rhyme and rhythm so we have to learn this
language in order to
understand it.
4. As true Command ,we have to follow what Allah has said in the Qur’an
5. The Qur’an was sent to all of us in orer that we can achieve Toward life in this
World and in the life hereafter.

1. Apabila ada dua verb berurutan dalam sebuah kalimaat, maka perlu menempatkan
Kata ‘to’ sebelum verb yang ke dua. ( bisa bermakna ‘me/be..’ atau untuk ‘me.....’)
Examples ; -Father teaches me to drive a car. – John asked us to meet him tomorrow .
Mother asked me to wash our motorcycle.
2. Apabila ada dua verb berurutan dalam sebuah kalimat, kata ‘how to’ bisa ditempatkaan
Sebelum kata kerja (verb) kedua. ( bisa bermakna ‘bagaimaana me......)
Examples : our teacher taught us how to write a letter. – Mr. Brekkelle’ tells Didik how
to drive a truck.... – I don’t know how to write a short story.
3. Dalam kalimat tak langsung ( indirect speech), pada anak kalimat (kalimt kedua) bisa
menggunakan kata ‘that’ ( bahwa) yang diikuti oleh Subject + predikat.
Examples : Ali said that his mother was sick. –Mira suggested that I should stay at home.
The city guvernment insisted that the clerks should work at home.


1. The prophet Muhammad taught us to serve and worship God and life of virtue
2. Mr. Shahrool taught us to ..............................
3. The Qur’an tells us how to serve and worship God
4. Mother teaches me how to be a child who sholeh and sholeha
5. Didik told us that is wife was ...........................................
6. The mayor (wali kota ) insisted ( meminta dgn keras) that the people should stay at
home due to ( karena ) the covid 19.


1. Seorang Muslim yang baik harus membaca Qur’an setiap hari.
2. Ayah menyuruh saya berperilaku baik kepada tetangga kami.
3. ibu mengajari saya bagaimana membuat omelette.
4. Nabi Muhammad mengajarkan kepada kita untuk mengabdi dan menyembah
5, Pemerintah kota meminta agar ( that) orang-orang berdiam di rumah karena
Covid 19.

Translate to English :
1. A good Muslim must read the Qur'an every day.
2. Father told me to behave well to our neighbors.
3. Mother taught me how to make an omelette.
4. The Prophet Muhammad taught us to serve and worship
5. 5, The city government requests that people stay at home because of this
Covid 19

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