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shresta ic emp als interes ted ib rir riod fee in night pain oh. He z froction fo* et nore of Mn shresro, |_WovId describe “Plagenald and I. Sons’ to be try ae the eae he even discuss Sree p iy of Solve Hom, DUC to Hus character ‘eniplete Hoi tasks . He bape fi angle by betai bringing different oa zs I Mr. chrestia’ a6 on effective Leader. The ehowjovral Hweorex af Leodorship is consistent unit hic dat Style: JO be oe 2 ene of Aeadenship Sub — Ty ier 1C ifferent matches wth Ser Loa ip s rt | Ham farch andes differentiate leader | On the asi ong contered. cund Lpvoduchion eontered Lalo der. l prs per ty, Shrestha fle ig_more Ea lovee. Leader he Wows to. build ve Udon wth rane § His behaviour the empl Sen ond. he shows +e covitenn the ty well beings Scanned with CamScanner Vpace: DATE: / 1 2 | The_other reasons thal. Cmtributed -+-oward& Ane gro the orf Om crganizaton Are: Uy differen emuplifer = benefit frnsqeravnn are bengal} ap motivate” Enyplpoet. ie Ui, Established open peo way a Culfure within organization - | Gmplyeo's dea Ghbich increased Ho lovel lcatisfachon are implomonted- eal ee alia emap layers ond sOWind Hao | (W)| piffeEud inconfives Peck nig Like employee Gf dag yea and_ stave 4 We yaar OLE. | imiplemontea. GS | Yes tue strong weleh of anishvosiiia socberds is em him comp etitie “Ths Wigan se! eg sonpeliR a marke are 7 z > ( OL tence He compel on: find © fess who your competitor ore! wshat are puay.cbfering, ond what Hab bono tts and. weakness are 7 al ona rif i et stm oe foo — patti gt nt fo ene fil Han _@ Va Shep up oor morkeh'ag = Scanned with CamScanner PAGE: DATE: / / chy dak vrur mage Simple Steps S uth as point Hee fe con rnapke nr bit Legs iii rode dé inyitieg cy) \Acok of fe eaiihing tusternens: (un! qorgot nals ra ret Cat). and Your (nig Be fac’ best erploper eer Scanned with CamScanner PAGE : DATE: J / Group - B ma p- 6 ‘| Leaderchip effectiveness requires 4 [it between Ho _bohoviovr of Loader and fre domand of, te situation: “tn boht wit Ho stoternent |envndrofe Lielder trageny rode! of leaded, i i Frelder Contingenty Model of lwodernhip (fatey Haat situa hon Yo termines fee Most apprpriare _Loadeshp Styto. Cielder's dhtingerty mo@el 1 alta called Sriuationad Hoetby, Maint ad ve cated flak Habre igo Bre best Gtyle of leadorthip universally | | the titration Hee applicable 40 all ¢/huavon, rts well agreed Hot, it is Fradler wlo offered Lud iret Comprehontive midel Jor Ldaderhip. fiolder's midel rc tatled a tcontingenty' model because fhe leader/s | Cech vonkls 4° parhoally tomtingen? upon Ato major honors yoritbl. jnlle voriobles axe viewed butes (how byt, precom= | absent) rater Han continuos: are @) loader member relations iy He Falk Stucore vi) tte leaden poor paccer. Scanned with CamScanner ask Shute. It reofert Jo haw routing and preduable pw work grovp! $ task 16+ Te Ireatnes fe owt tp _olich fe fark neriormed by subordingkes (¢ MuUpne or nay | routine » ¢ fi), Leader PosTHon Pacer: TF Fifer fo Hp diye ef indirorte a leader has Crer pacer G1 Ibe, aA hiring fey discipline, premotiord and eum To Jdentify tie Looderhip style Helder if dele called Lpc (“esteem fer Lenat | developed pref eared a winter). Upc ic a set of 16 adjettia d of _the raid ee Waders are cgled fo Haina on sity Wwhomn Ho Larder toa worked | (pag! 1.0L) Pro cure Aen ached to. deale as Sham below, c ) | describe tule perron ona sekles of bipolor +} bjective Eriendy “3 4 6. 4 8 2 4 undaen wHuubiic $2 6 4 2 9 4 a lomporaive 9 F659 S 2 4 unwoperative Scanned with CamScanner | PAGE: DATE: J / u P ochormonve . n---- Task oriented Relationship oriented : (eeaj ~~ = aw : j \ ; - 7 t ; | ‘ X Y \ f ) Z\ | : f poor +— 1 EL t Favorable Mo derate Unfovorable 4 | 4 2058. @ eat og.: 2 1 jloclo-mombér rebolins (pd ood od tod Poor Pour pop pom | Task shuctiye Hig Mg low lao High Hayy leo Ler Seg Wook ie weak, song wok 5 hook Fy. — Conbingenty _ The Lender's effectiveness ig — by Hee 4 ste 4 behauidr and Lieb ness of He sifhahoried clrowcctentst Tho “most favorable Srtuahion fs uskon (@ader — member relahong are good, He +adle 16 highty Struchured and tie lpader hag a sheng poxitton y Sas Fast orkented loaders ave more effective y in hip fa faworable (4,2,4) and et wosoradle | Scanned with CamScanner “eiuahou( 9,8), whereas _rolabenship—orionted Leaders axre_more effective in_situahons of intemnediate fororoblenoss ( 466), Scanned with CamScanner PAGE | DATE : ' | what 1s Orponreation “change 7 whatow he | Couper of change 9 Orplain Organiza ton Develymént as*pre model of Vorange + = -Dfpanization Change U Organizat ovak charge 1§ bot fe process in wlth an organi hor thanges ik Struchre Strategies, optratinal merits, fechnole gl €s , or oreanita tia) wbtere do off chang! wihin izahon and tho’ Certs of Mose sae on te orponreahon: Ci g zation Onterng! Prescures Jénvironment in Pechnoloyy and &puipnont - A vermont if Yochng PL pve vay couse uf change» Each techtolopa! glertitives rel n neoul forme f ecgahmtion fo noo and rath He “neods.© 4 U _\f lay in oaareed hued on include os /S_, needs and see es { ion diteupplor Unfond Lf a4 g ee ad fo_ survive ae Lad fo cme Scanned with CamScanner market siksotiont: git Tiaaga 1 | 1 T i (oct and polihcal Changes: po “TT organisational unit _Uteraly, hove_no confol— lev soo! and polittal changes in tie ~\— | | (00) . Kelaton ‘ mint and \— husinbsc- o~ drive for ¢ eguoU ty are \some factort whch muy aompel fer Ergon sabe, E TL athanpo- a a Tnhternal propsures __ Wl Changes in fae Managerial Parsonmal : f—_ ono the riot frlfivont pog¢an, fax mujper | changes tn feo gradnisathones 15 Ho clade | of eed vee af typ Mie dave raanes err \—— Le Sane Yeo ans Et oe he, ke Or managers iD be frorencies In fue pais ing Ar panizgtin : — icin ies Aro nbfited jn flue _prpanitke— PA uth Scanned with CamScanner PAGE : DATE 1 OtyarieationL Dilag tesd ‘fan overch | ¢ (POWuUser on (proving an poe ae fe 2 Et aie offech vend sr i! gu Ate use ef planned Charge’ offer, Ll Hoey de devvicpment- (oo) 4 a freld la kidy fat addrestes thange and hav it offek Yiraho and wo jndivituals estin fore anizghiong.” ; | ganization chame po. wd FE clare oll be enploined heh. cn Polio on Tl teliet alaiga Trae? —Tt is a ery simple meOe! invented by Kurt lew . ahi inclides free steps: Unpree zing . rg S- QS > JSS ASS : Te |e assomes Hee Tioga i planned and i hosize Hot no mokter hat kind of chowe i bong mode poople ae alwoyg te root f ia (model alo placed f heavy folug 60 cA WO Forces in ton organi ei bl : Qpd restrain» reewl prying forces Astivete | for change ates dauce hesjtonf ; Scanned with CamScanner ! datieezing This ue; ic the o fap | o_oce¥ and tales ener oe hip pod clipe greater son reckoning ported: _ peuple a7 mbre mobvaped fan bbsrrtand 76 f( ‘pbdnge. Doople prepare fo multe the derived Chany, i [Haveber, 40 00 Go "kus point o fot of rei[tfanee ] Loch os eblr He _tinttnam o pregkrng off hobitt_ mud? be crertome. @ g al Chatagang i Tu tage 16 ben fe clargo ; chially olen . Peale learn He pe | behayiors Syston Shuchrer EC. (7) | Refeezing - Thats " Wher fe charge if es ag Oe hangs a Neath eusgrdd fer Yorn fat fhe | dai iP havtor » - Ta ee un Scanned with CamScanner PAGE : Group - C DATE: / 1 5. Define team - pifferenhare fam and brovp » = | Toam.:-. According fo

the Specific appl cahon of percephion 77 a | panna Les an: : - \ ) Employment Inkervieco : A Doajor Input of _orngl hiring Th 2p terview. ThE interviewer mole E — eget ot ipetats Heab axe ta _acerase Fel Lo _tn) ere gonorally drew early inprecllans tap Lecrme vel ouithty OnkoAced, | Lf negative informotion jr ed Carly in hee I inte Mew , if fonds, fo ho mn Aon ly weighted | than if tot fame internation ono out Gp fer f rthides indicate Hal moi inferviewer’s decile Lehonsge Len Uil© objer- He ist poor o Jive | fl oir inderview « [ I _ ; ; FO) Caleoton ploy Cee r ae Fe reds, wshoro monages need li a ; | Normally , employees = ifve celocted He basis Election deste | ' [interviews sand reviews ‘ont | bacitprovnd r — [— £ 2 , t 4 yl gly eT ial Scanned with CamScanner DATE: / 1 sh: = _ Performante _Yapratal (bin Authority m_oroanizationa” Lert up delegating Toution'ty 4b do _vorious ta¢k is AY wly ZR pate Ruta manager dociion wher fe dpeses lor whom to Geleratre is mpny hme ] 1 Hor! US portaphial aim ho i not hu _pereep employer» Var ns ma. are Yt cmecrie Wi ‘| to bert availble ce in fie opp antea Herd fer that job: Tnerporronds weeny hilahonghpp € - 7 t Seppe offer TA oy. oreanizationt, pip lovwel of an 2 ePbort is given high Srportance puct aL ther 4 oontidbr hab hard yw ina tpuree ad poe perporn in Baarnbrltice ‘yo : asfermpent of an chen dom “fadividual's oflelt i a _subsoctive su f ipoment ae aS | toglge to! porceptual disfortiong” Another ad judgomen? Hat manager) mare about employees Ys bhotwr or not TS) (ep wpocrally doe in lave. tp fit “organization. puipite He ¢dherd s aes employ fio al rie ranks openly Sohxparog € flee firm: ASA Scanned with CamScanner [ERG_Theory : srt 7s an anfenron of Herzberg J cipal, do M9slav's ¢onteut! Arpories, pdeceleped bi fon b= fer. 0 _ Alde. He _récatesorived Mailav’ Hierorchy of noodle in to_ Hue cimpler and broader clades “of noodt. Ba fheor a Hempts to overcome te ppblems Maslow’ Lavo uf mofvoton » £, and 60 s18nde for Arco Busse need $— Categories : Ediicknce needs : S Tis include need £; fast Pee uth o psyckoloyical ¢ gatety Ayman beng t ( food, Holler adh safe workng “ondtonc), + Bel edness dods ; I Dvcire fer ‘maintaining ln kr pesenad relationship t i re ervory |. Cort: Lo | ‘Cte’ 4 coon pan, — ‘a ne (oe Scanned with CamScanner Ht Herzherg Two factor Tre, for | zt 7s Wyo callod fue dual fol far ' | mohvoteon or hy oione fareher pico oF mpAvaley, ont hareboep Cntelllt doe work of Milan and : dexelep da peutic tontent she, or motivation - a Fk = A study ov 900 atwntants F¢_ ngineas of lush by acting hase tio owortiena Je, * wwheldid yell pool porte larly geod. abadt your job “phat tutned yeu and utah did ips fool enptbtronaly bad aba ya job - Shot turned ye Md | After fue findings , Horabirg wncluded Hi te job se watt fer are '4otivatn” and tnetoh diesahcfers ore" My gieno facto” oT oo | en dais : are relakd fo fle p job e 5 raves colt _a is performed: They an _ascociated wi; Laegatve feeling, do not holp 70 tnlprove _ynotivdtion . Peatires If hygiene P dre: : vad i 1p Hey a10enternod 40 fob (related 70 he job on Tironmens) Y «) promnt dbtcotitfarhien ()_ Zoro - level mohlaton sf maintamed Scanned with CamScanner i ria ie feeling if ors to Hb ! TOL ty ‘tipy | ft I () | pe ok. ay affect sotitfacton ~ Hol ontiwvrage induiduale ty Cuperror reaty reaict “havin are content Giehone Hoey cre joside | + Charge. AL a monuyp) feels we Evercome Hie Wteteo fo thang | "DoaiiTanas to change it Awe act OL / tbe th usittr anblfcokiont ap Gg or. 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