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Perioperative Venous Thromboembolism

Matthew A. Bartlett, MB, BCh, BAO; Karen F. Mauck, MD, MS;
Christopher R. Stephenson, MD; Ravindra Ganesh, MBBS, MD;
and Paul R. Daniels, MD


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a preventable cause of postoperative morbidity and mortality;

however, audits suggest that the use of thromboprophylaxis is underused. In this review, we describe
our approach to prevention of postoperative VTE and provide guidance on how to formulate an
optimal VTE prophylaxis plan. We recommend that all patients undergo thrombosis- and bleeding-
risk assessment as part of their preoperative evaluation. The risk of thrombosis can be estimated
based on patient- and procedure-specific factors, using validated risk-assessment models such as the
Caprini score. There are no validated models to predict perioperative bleeding; however, several risk
factors have been proposed. Patients should ambulate early and frequently after surgery. We
recommend no additional prophylaxis in patients at very low risk of VTE (Caprini score 0). Patients at
low risk of VTE (Caprini 1 to 2) are recommended to receive either mechanical or pharmacological
prophylaxis. Patients at moderate (Caprini 3 to 4) to high risk of VTE (Caprini 5) are recommended
pharmacological prophylaxis either alone or combined with mechanical prophylaxis. Patients at high
risk of bleeding should receive mechanical prophylaxis until their risk of bleeding is reduced and
pharmacological prophylaxis can be reconsidered. Populations for which the Caprini score has not
been validated (such as orthopedic surgery) are recommended prophylaxis based on individual and
procedure-specific risk factors. Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or
until hospital dismissal; however, longer durations can be considered in certain circumstances (high-
risk patients undergoing malignant abdominopelvic operations, bariatric operations, and certain or-
thopedic operations).
ª 2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2020;95(12):2775-2798

From the Division of

enous thromboembolism (VTE), prophylaxis in postoperative patients is safe
General Internal Medicine,
defined as deep vein thrombosis and effective.3-6 However, the overall Department of Medicine,
(DVT) and pulmonary embolism incidence of VTE is still high.7,8 Although Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
(PE), is a serious and potentially fatal this may be in part due to the increased use
postoperative complication. The annual of objective imaging and improved image res-
incidence VTE following operations in the olution,9 the case fatality of VTE continues to
United States following surgery is estimated be high and, in some instances, failed to show
to 70,000 to 600,000,1 incurring an significant decline.7,10,11 Multiple audits from
additional cost of approximately $12,000 around the world have demonstrated that
per case.2 Pulmonary emboli can be fatal primary VTE prophylaxis is underused.6 As
and post-thrombotic syndrome, pulmonary a result, postoperative VTE prevention has
hypertension, and heart failure are known become a major focus of multiple policymak-
consequences of VTE. ing organizations including Centers for
Clinical practice guidelines have, through Medicare and Medicaid Services, National
the last 3 decades, systematically reviewed Quality Forum, and the Joint Commission
evidence from numerous clinical trials and on Accreditation of Health Care Organiza-
concluded that appropriate use of VTE tions, resulting in several legislative measures

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2775 n ª 2020 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

coagulopathy.15,16 Modifiable risk factors

ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS should be addressed before surgery and
communicated among medical, anesthesia,
d Venous thromboembolism is a serious and potentially fatal
and surgery teams so that the risks are well
complication of surgery. However, preventing VTE with
understood. The VTE prophylaxis strategy
antithrombotic therapy may come at the cost of excess post- should be reassessed at various stages
operative bleeding risk. including immediately after the operation,
d Knowing a patient's risk of postoperative VTE and bleeding is at discharge, and upon posthospitalization
crucial to determining an ideal postoperative VTE prevention follow-up to ensure that the risks and bene-
plan. We discuss the use of risk assessment models to estimate fits of the current prophylaxis strategy are
the patient's risk of VTE as well as patient- and operation-spe- still balanced.
cific risk factors for postoperative bleeding.
d Several guidelines on postoperative VTE prevention are avail- Postoperative VTE can be reduced by the use
able; however they are either outdated or do not address of early ambulation, mechanical methods,
certain population groups or surgical specialties. This article and pharmacoprophylaxis (ie, the use of
updates available guideline recommendations based on recent antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents).
studies across multiple surgical specialties. These interventions, particularly pharmaco-
prophylaxis, carry the potential risk of
harm (eg, bleeding). Thrombosis and
bleeding risk assessments are therefore
such as making hospital reimbursement crucial for developing an appropriate
contingent on demonstration of satisfactory prophylaxis strategy.
VTE prophylaxis metrics.12
In this review, we describe our approach Thrombosis Risk Assessment
to postoperative VTE prevention, discussing Several patient- and operation-specific risk
how to assess a patient’s risk for postopera- factors of perioperative VTE have been
tive VTE and bleeding, and how to balance identified.3,13,17-23 However, consideration
these risks to formulate an optimal VTE of individual risk factors and the level of
prophylaxis plan. Owing to the scope of risk that each factor contributes to overall
this paper and the availability of current VTE risk can be difficult. It is therefore
data, we will limit these recommendations preferred to follow a standardized, uniform
to adult, nonpregnant patients. approach to each patient.
Several risk-assessment models (RAMs)
have been developed to estimate the risk of
OUR APPROACH postoperative VTE.24-28 These have
Our approach to determining the most identified over a 20-fold variation in risk of
appropriate VTE prophylaxis is outlined in postoperative VTE and can explain more
Table 1. Overall, this philosophy is consis- than 70% of the variation in risk of postoper-
tent with most recommendations in the 9th ative VTE.24 The advantage of RAMs is that
edition of the American College of Chest they not only can separate patients at a
Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice high risk of VTE who will likely benefit
Guidelines for Prevention of VTE in ortho- from prophylactic measures but that they
pedic and nonorthopedic surgery patients also identify patients at very low risk of
(AT9),13,14 with iterations based on more thrombosis who could avoid unnecessary
recent data and specialty society guidelines. pharmacoprophylaxis.
A preoperative clinical assessment is the
first step in the perioperative risk assess- Caprini Score. The 2005 Caprini risk
ment. Coagulation studies should only be score25 is the most extensively used and
performed if there is a high clinical suspicion validated RAM in predicting postoperative
of an inherited or acquired VTE. It was initially developed in a 150-bed
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TABLE 1. Approach to Perioperative VTE Prophylaxis

Before hospital admission Full history and physical examination
- Assess baseline VTE risk, using Caprini score (see Figure), operation-specific risk,
and other unaccounted risk factors
- Assess patients bleeding risk (see Table 3), procedure-specific bleeding risk, and
other unaccounted risk factors
Address modifiable risk factors
Thrombosis risk
- Encourage ambulation and healthy weight
- Avoid dehydration
- Smoking cessation
- Stop/hold medications associated with increased thrombosis risk, ideally 4 half-
lives before surgery
- Remove central lines, if not clinically indicated (PICC lines, port, etc)
Bleeding risk
- Control blood pressure
- Stop/hold medications associated with increased bleeding risk, including over-
the-counter supplements
Select appropriate VTE prophylaxis strategy in collaboration with the surgical team
and patient
Reevaluate VTE and bleeding risk within 24 to 48 hours of admission, and adjust
strategy if needed
Hospital admission Preoperative
Initiate prophylaxis strategy (mechanical, pharmacological, or combined)
preoperatively, if indicated
Address modifiable risk factors
- Regional anesthesia vs general anesthesia
- Limit operative time
- Consider less invasive surgery (laparoscopic vs open) with a smaller impact on
postoperative mobility
Regular reassessments of VTE and bleeding risk, ensuring a transition to a more/less
aggressive prophylaxis as indicated.
Address modifiable risk factors
- Early ambulation or physical therapy if nonambulatory
- Avoid dehydration
- Avoid severe hypertension
- Ensure prophylaxis compliance (eg, IPCD compliance; see Table 5)
Hospital discharge Consider extended duration prophylaxis, if indicated (See Table 4 and section on
extended prophylaxis)
Patient/family education
o Signs, symptoms of VTE and bleeding
o Importance of seeking help if symptoms develop
o Conservative measures to prevent VTE (ambulation, avoid dehydration)
IPCD ¼ intermittent pneumatic compression device; PICC ¼ peripherally inserted central line; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2777

community hospital29 but has since been Other RAMs. Several other RAMs have been
validated in multiple surgical specialties, developed by using large administrative
including otolaryngologic surgery,30 plastic datasets.24,27,28 These RAMs are designed
and reconstructive surgery,31 gynecologic for either patients undergoing any operation
surgery,32 general surgery,33 vascular or operation-specific groups. A common
surgery,33 and urology.33 A patient’s risk of limiting factor for these RAMs is the lack of
postoperative VTE is estimated by obtaining external validation.
a score after assessing 37 to 40 patient- and Although the benefits of RAMs include
operation-specific risk factors (Figure).25 their standardized approach to each patient,
Each risk factor is weighted differently, there are potential drawbacks. They require
based on perceived variations in risk. The a health-literate patient for accuracy.
AT9 guidelines stratify patients into 4 risk Although comprehensive, the RAM used
groups including very low risk (score 0), low may not account for additional risk factors
risk (1 to 2), moderate risk (score 3 to 4), excluded from the model, such as the
and high risk (score 5). Table 2 summa- complexity of the operation or postoperative
rizes published rates of VTE stratified by the complications, potentially underestimating a
Caprini risk groups.13,30,31,33-35 patient’s risk. We recommended exercising
The Caprini RAM has undergone several caution in relying on RAMs to determine
revisions since its original publication.36 the optimal prophylaxis strategy outside
These revisions include adding new risk the surgical populations for which they
factors or making adjustments to the weight have been studied (such as after orthopedic
of previously included risk factors. For operations), as their ability to predict post-
example, in an attempt to account for an operative VTE in these settings is unknown.
increased risk of thrombosis following However, as many of the components in the
operations of longer duration, a previously Caprini RAM pertain to individual risk
published modified version assigns 5 points factors rather than operation-specific risk
to operations lasting more than 6 hours, factors, some clinicians still prefer to use
automatically stratifying patients undergoing this RAM as a reminder of common individ-
these operations as high risk.37 Although it ual VTE risk factors to aid in their VTE risk
may be reasonable to incorporate longer assessment for these populations
duration operations into the VTE risk assess- RAMs have been implemented successfully
ment, we prefer to use the 2005 Caprini and result in higher compliance with
RAM,25 as updated versions of the Caprini guideline-directed prophylaxis strategies.40
RAM have not been as extensively validated, The performance of existing RAMs has not
and previous iterations have been shown to been compared directly. Thus, the 2005 Cap-
underperform compared with the original rini and 2007 Rogers scores are currently
in some surgery populations.38 endorsed in AT9.13 Our preferred approach is
to use the 2005 Caprini risk score, given its
Rogers Score. The 2007 Rogers score26 was ease of use and extensive external validation.
derived from a large administrative database,
which included more than 180,000 patients Bleeding-Risk Assessment
undergoing general, vascular, and thoracic Postoperative bleeding is an important
surgery. It was validated using the same complication of pharmacoprophylaxis and
database and externally in a gynecology- increases the risk of reoperation,
oncology population.39 The Rogers score transfusion-related complications, surgical-
includes fewer variables than the Caprini site infection, flap failure, and death.
score and addresses the type of operation. Few studies have evaluated the risk of
Although endorsed by the AT9 guideline,13 postoperative bleeding with or without phar-
the Rogers score has not been as exten- macoprophylaxis. These are limited by their
sively validated as the Caprini score. small sample size, lack of standardized

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2778 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

Thrombosis risk factor assessment

Patient’s name:____________________Age:___Sex:___Wgt:____Ibs
Choose all that apply

Each risk factor represents 1 point Each risk factor represents 2 points

• Age 41-60 years • Age 60-74 years

• Minor surgery planned • Arthroscopic surgery
• History of prior major surgery (<1 month) • Malignancy (present or previous)
• Varicose veins • Major surgery (>45 minutes)
• History of inflammatory bowel disease • Laparoscopic surgery (>45 minutes)
• Swollen legs (current) • Patient confined to bed (>72 hours)
• Obesity (BMI >25) • Immobilizing plaster cast (<1 month)
• Acute myocardial infarction • Central venous access
• Congestive heart failure (<1 month)
• Sepsis (<1 month)
• Serious lung disease incl. pneumonia Each risk factor represents 5 points
(<1 month)
• Elective major lower extremity arthroplasty
• Abnormal pulmonary function (COPD)
• Hip, pelvis or leg fracture (<1 month)
• Medical patient currently at bed rest
• Stroke (<1 month)
• Other risk
• Multiple trauma (<1 month)
factors __________________________
• Acute spinal cord injury (paralysis)
(<1 month)
Each risk factor represents 3 points
For women only (each represents 1 points)
• Age over 75 years
• History of DVT/PE
• Oral contraceptives or hormone
• Family history of thrombosis*
replacement therapy
• Positive Factor V Leiden
• Positive Prothrombin 20210A • Pregnancy or postpartum (<1 month)
• Elevated serum homocysteine • History of unexplained stillborn infant,
• Positive lupus anticoagulant recurrent spontaneous abortion (≥3),
• Elevated anticardiolipin antibodies premature birth with toxemia or growth-
• Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) restricted infant
• Other congenital or acquired thrombophilia
if yes:
Type ___________________________
*most frequently missed risk factor
Total risk factor score

FIGURE. Thrombosis risk factor assessment. From Disease-a-month,25 with permission.

bleeding definitions, and significant changes Patient-Specific Bleeding Risks. The AT9
in surgical technique since their original guidelines provide patient-specific bleeding
study. In addition, studies of VTE prophylaxis risk factors that are believed to be shared
excluded patients with high bleeding risk. among those undergoing operations
Most bleeding-risk assessments are therefore (Table 3).13,14 The weight of each risk factor
based on expert opinion. Bleeding-risk assess- is unknown, and the presence of 1 risk factor
ment is often divided into patient-specific and should not necessarily be an absolute
surgery-specific risks. contraindication for pharmacoprophylaxis.

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2779

TABLE 2. Estimated Risk of Thrombosis Without Prophylaxis by Surgery Type Stratified by Caprini Score*
Very low Low Moderate High Highest
Caprini Caprini 1-2 Caprini 3-4 Caprini 5-6 Caprini 7-8 Caprini 9
0 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
General surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, ENT NA NA 0.7 1.8 4.0 10.7
surgery, gynecology, lumbar spine surgery, vascular surgery,
surgical ICU35
General surgery13 0.5 1.5 3.0 6.0
General surgery, urology, vascular surgeryy33 <0.7 <0.7 1.0 1.3 2.6 6.5-17.3
Plastic surgery31 NA NA 0.6 1.3 2.7 11.3
Gynecology (oncology)34 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 4.4 6.5
ENT surgery30 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.9 2.4 18.3
*Caprini 2005 version
Percentages in patients with prophylaxis
ENT ¼ ear, nose, and throat; ICU ¼ intensive care unit

Operation-Specific Bleeding Risk. Opera- Models to assess bleeding in other circum-

tion-specific risk factors for bleeding are stances (such as the HAS-BLED score43 for
typically classified into low and high risk. patients with atrial fibrillation) have not
Some operations have a low risk of bleeding been studied for this purpose and should
overall, but because a small amount of therefore not be used in this setting.
bleeding into the surgical field could have
dire consequences, they are considered to OPERATION-SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS
be of high risk. Examples of this include There is significant variability in the VTE
intracranial, spine, intraocular, reconstruc- and bleeding risk among some surgical spe-
tive, and cardiac surgery. Patients who cialties. These require special considerations
have received neuraxial anesthesia are at when applying VTE prophylaxis. The
increased risk of spinal or epidural following sections provide an overview of
hematoma and should delay initiation of the available data on prevention of VTE,
pharmacoprophylaxis by 1 to 12 hours, separated by surgical specialty.
depending on the anticoagulant used.41
The supplemental online appendix of the General Surgery
2017 ACC Expert Consensus Decision The incidence of VTE following operations
Pathway for Periprocedural Management of in general surgery varies with patient and
Anticoagulation in Patients With Nonvalvu- surgery-specific characteristics. For example,
lar Atrial Fibrillation42 summarizes the the presence of malignancy or inflammatory
bleeding-risk classification of several opera- bowel disease and emergent surgery are
tions based on expert opinion from multiple associated with increased risk. As an illustra-
professional medical and surgical societies. tion, the incidence of symptomatic VTE
This document serves as an excellent following a simple elective laparoscopic ap-
resource for estimated bleeding risk and pendectomy in a healthy patient is 0.5%
classifies operations into 4 separate risk compared with 6% in a patient who requires
categories (no clinically significant risk, emergent appendectomy or one who is
low risk, intermediate/high risk, and uncer- having an operation for inflammatory bowel
tain risk). As the complexity of any given disease.13 The Caprini RAM was developed
operation may vary, the surgeon’s perceived in a general surgery population and has
risk of bleeding should always be performed well in discriminating among
considered. patients being at low, moderate, high, or
There are no validated RAMs for highest risk of 30-day postoperative VTE.33
estimating the risk of postoperative bleeding. Other VTE risk factors not included in the
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2780 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

TABLE 3. Risk Factors for Major Postoperative Bleeding

General risk factors Procedure specific risk factors
Active bleeding Abdominal surgery
Previous major bleeding - Male sex
- Gastrointestinal bleed: 7 days - Preoperative hemoglobin level <13 g/dL
- Intracranial bleed: 12 months - Malignancy
- Recent intraocular surgery: 2 weeks - Complex surgery (2 procedures, difficult dissection, more than 1
- Other: 3 months Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Previous bleeding from similar procedure - Sepsis
Untreated bleeding disorder - Pancreatic leak
Severe renal or hepatic failure - Sentinel bleed
Thrombocytopenia (<50,000/<100,000 and declining) Hepatic resection
Acute stroke - Number of segments
Uncontrolled hypertension (>180/120 mm Hg) - Concomitant extrahepatic organ resection
Lumbar puncture, epidural, or spinal anesthesia within previous 4 hours or - Primary liver malignancy
next 12 hours
Use of anticoagulants, antiplatelets, NSAIDs or thrombolytic drugs - Lower preoperative hemoglobin level platelet counts (Preoperative
Epistaxis and menstrual bleeding are NOT contraindications to Cardiac surgery
pharmacological thromboprophylaxis
Procedures in which complications may have especially severe - Older age
Craniotomy - BMI >25 kg/m2
Spinal surgery - Concomitant antiplatelet therapy
Spinal trauma - Nonelective surgery
Reconstructive procedures involving free flap - Longer bypass time
- Placement 5 grafts
- Operation other than CABG
Thoracic surgery
- Pneumonectomy
- Extended resection
- Primary or metastatic malignancy
Orthopedic surgery
- Difficult to control surgical bleeding
- Extensive surgical dissection
- Revision surgery
Trauma surgery
- Severe head injuries
- Conservatively managed liver or spleen injuries
- Spinal column fracture with epidural hematoma
- Pelvic fractures
BMI ¼ body mass index; CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass grafting; NSAID ¼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Adapted from Chest;13,14 with permission.

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2781

Caprini RAM include hospital stay >2 days sufficient protection against VTE in the
and postoperative complications.13 obese patient. Studies have indicated that
Risk estimates for major postoperative the use of higher doses of low-molecular-
bleeding in general surgery range between weight heparin (LMWH) or low-dose
0.7% and 1.2%.13 In a systematic review of unfractionated heparin (LDUH) are associ-
randomized trials, the overall rate of ated with modestly improved efficacy
bleeding related to pharmacoprophylaxis without a significant increase in bleeding in
requiring a change of care occurred in less patients with significant obesity
than 3% of patients.44 Additional risk factors (Table 5).13,14,50,55,56,58,59,60-74 The AT9
for bleeding are included in Table 3. guideline does not endorse a specific dose
Prophylaxis for VTE in general surgery in the obese patient;13 however, the Euro-
(nonecancer-related) is based on patient- pean Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA)
and surgery-specific risks with consideration guidelines suggest adjusting the dose based
of the estimated bleeding risk. The AT9 on the indication for operation (bariatric vs
guideline recommendations for VTE nonbariatric) and perceived risk of VTE.75
prophylaxis in general surgery patients are We suggest increased doses of postoperative
summarized in Table 4.13,14,19-21,23,45-56 heparin in obese patients (Table 5), espe-
cially following low bleeding-risk proced-
Bariatric Surgery and VTE Prophylaxis in the ures; however, further study would be
Obese Patient Undergoing Nonbariatric helpful to evaluate the benefits and risks of
Surgery this strategy.
Reported rates of VTE following bariatric The risk of postoperative VTE following
surgery range between 0.3% and 2.2%,17 weight-loss surgery is known to extend
although less invasive operations may be beyond the length of the patient’s hospital
associated with lower risk.49 Postoperative stay.49 Two observational studies demon-
VTE has been found to account for 30% of strated that extending the duration of phar-
postoperative mortality.13 Risk factors for macoprophylaxis was associated with a
VTE include open operations, bypass sur- lower risk of VTE, with no difference in
gery (compared with adjustable band), bleeding; however, it is unclear whether
longer operative duration (>3 hours), revi- these were symptomatic or asymptomatic
sion surgery, and postoperative anastomotic VTE events.77,78 The ESA guidelines endorse
leak.17 Although the Caprini RAM is not a 10- to 15-day postdischarge course of phar-
validated in bariatric surgery, its use is macoprophylaxis for bariatric surgery pa-
generally considered acceptable by most ex- tients at high risk of VTE.75
perts.13 Models specific to bariatric surgery Recommendations for VTE prophylaxis
are available but have yet to be externally following bariatric surgery are summarized
validated.27 Reported rates of major postop- in Table 4.
erative bleeding following bariatric surgery
range between 0.4% and 6.7%.17 Urologic Surgery
The AT9 recommendations for VTE Urologists perform a diverse group of opera-
prophylaxis following weight-loss surgery tions resulting in variable risk of VTE, with
are similar to those for a patient undergoing rates ranging between 0.3% and 15.7%.79
other operations in general surgery.13 The Most nonmalignant urologic surgery is asso-
majority of patients undergoing weight-loss ciated with a low risk of VTE, even in the
operations are considered to be moderate setting of patient-related risk factors.79
to high risk for VTE using the Caprini RAM. Conversely, cancer operations are generally
Optimal heparin dosing in obese patients associated with higher rates of VTE, espe-
is unclear. Although therapeutic heparin cially if performed via an open approach or
dosing is calculated from the patient’s total associated with associated with lymph-node
body weight, it is less clear whether standard dissection.79 Urology operations were
prophylactic doses of heparins provide included in the Caprini RAM validation
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2782 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

TABLE 4. VTE Prophylaxis Recommendations, Stratified by Surgical Specialty and Estimated VTE Risk
Surgery type Strategy
General abdominopelvic and Very low/low risk No prophylaxis (Caprini score 0)
Caprini 0-2 Mechanical prophylaxis (Caprini score 1-2)
Moderate risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 3-4 LMWH/ LDUH or mechanical prophylaxis
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 5 LMWH/ LDUH and mechanical prophylaxis
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Consider extended prophylaxis (4 weeks) in the setting of intra-abdominal malignancy13,48-50
d Fondaparinux and aspirin should only be considered if heparin is contraindicated13
Bariatric Moderate risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini <4 Mechanical prophylaxis with/without LMWH/LDUH
(depending on patient’s VTE risk)
Most bariatric surgery High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 5 LMWH/LDUH AND Mechanical prophylaxis
Additional VTE risk factors: age >55 years, BMI >55 High bleeding risk:
kg m2, sleep apnea, pulmonary hypertension, Mechanical prophylaxis
revision surgery, postoperative anastomotic

d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Consider extended duration (10-15 days) prophylaxis if very high risk
d DOACs should not be used following bariatric surgery as absorption may be impaired51
d Consider weight-adjusting pharmacoprophylaxis in obese patients (see Table 5).
Urology Very low risk No prophylaxis
Caprini 013
Minor day surgery (for example, circumcision,
hydrocelectomy, and vasectomy)
0 patient risk factors*: prostatectomy without PLND,
donor nephrectomy
One patient risk factor*: TURP, prolapse surgery or
reconstructive pelvic surgery, percutaneous
Low/moderate risk
Caprini 1-213 Mechanical prophylaxis

0 patient risk factors*: laparoscopic/robotic

prostatectomy w/PLND (standard/extensive),
Continued on next page

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TABLE 4. Continued
Surgery type Strategy
laparoscopic nephrectomy (radical/partial) Robotic
partial nephrectomy
1 patient risk factor*: open donor nephrectomy,
prostatectomy w/o PLND
2 patient risk factors* or personal history of VTE:
TURP, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, open
prolapse surgery or reconstructive pelvic surgery52
High risk
Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 313
LMWH/ LDUH and mechanical prophylaxis
Radical cystectomy, open prostatectomy, open
High bleeding risk:
nephrectomy, nephrectomy with thrombectomy or
ureterectomy, primary nerve-sparing RPLND
1 patient risk factor*: laparoscopic/robotic Mechanical prophylaxis
prostatectomy w/extensive PLND, robotic partial
2 patient risk factors* or personal history of VTE:
laparoscopic/robotic prostatectomy with standard
PLND, laparoscopic/robotic nephrectomy, open
donor nephrectomy52
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Consider extended prophylaxis (4 weeks) in the setting of intra-abdominal malignancy13,48,50
d *Patient risk factors: previous VTE, VTE in first-degree relative, age 75 years, BMI 35 kg/m252
Plastic and Reconstructive Low risk: Mechanical prophylaxis or LDUH/LMWH: surgeon
Caprini <7 discretion, based on individualized patient assessment

Facial cosmetic procedures

High risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 7: extensive or combined surgical procedures, LDUH/ LMWH and mechanical prophylaxis
body contouring, abdominoplasty, head/neck cancer
free-flap surgery, breast reconstruction, body-
contouring procedures, major lower-extremity
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Consider extended duration (up to 4 weeks) in patients with Caprini score >7
d LMWH is associated with an increased risk of reoperative hematoma compared with LDUH when used in non
erisk-stratified patients19,53
d High bleeding risk procedures include head and neck free flap surgery, large areas of surgical dissection such as
postbariatric body contouring, procedures involving highly vascular areas such as the face19,53
ENT Low risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Caprini <7:oral cavity or oropharynx excision, neck
dissection, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, thyroid
or parathyroid, salivary gland surgery, otologic
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Caprini 7 or Caprini  5+ major surgery: LMWH/LDUH and mechanical prophylaxis
Continued on next page

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2784 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

TABLE 4. Continued
Surgery type Strategy
(Major head and neck surgical procedures, free or High bleeding risk:
regional tissue transfer, laryngectomy, oral cavity Mechanical prophylaxis
composite resection or skull-base surgery)20,54

d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Reported bleeding associated with chemoprophylaxis in ENT surgery is 2% to 8%; for this reason, anticoagulant
prophylaxis is avoided by many surgeons unless the patient is thought to be very high risk20
Cardiac Moderate risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Uncomplicated CABG
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Nonhemorrhagic complications, prolonged LDUH/LMWH and mechanical prophylaxis
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Aspirin may reduce VTE but should not be used as monotherapy21
Vascular Low risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Caprini <4
High risk Mechanical prophylaxis or LMWH/LDUH (preferred in
Caprini 5 very high risk)

d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Mechanical prophylaxis may be contraindicated (lower-limb bypass procedures). If so, consider LMWH/LDUH.
Thoracic Low risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Diagnostic thoracoscopy, video-assisted biopsy21
Moderate risk Mechanical prophylaxis or LDUH/LMWH
Most nonmalignant thoracic operations
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Cancer surgery, extended pulmonary resection, Mechanical prophylaxis and LMWH/LDUH
pneumonectomy, extrapleural pneumonectomy,
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d There are emerging data suggesting the Caprini RAM (2010 version) can predict risk of VTE following lung cancer
operations and esophagectomy45-47
Orthopedic Low risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Arthroscopy, upper-extremity surgery, extremity Average bleeding risk:
casting, foot/ankle fractures, tibia surgery14,55
Moderate risk
Continued on next page

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TABLE 4. Continued
Surgery type Strategy
Elective, low-risk THA/TKA (unilateral, ambulatory Rivaroxaban 10 mg daily for 5 days followed by an
within 24 hours) in a low-risk patient (no other VTE extended course of aspirin (9 to 30 days for TKA and
risk factors, including previous VTE, active cancer, THA, respectively)56
known thrombophilia, lower-limb or hip fracture in
the previous 3 months or expected major surgery in
the oncoming 3 months)56
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
Average bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis and
d DOAC (excluding HFS)
d Second line: LDUH, aspirin, fondaparinux, VKA
High risk High bleeding risk:
THA, TKA, HFS14 Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued for at least 10-14 days after major orthopedic surgery (THA, TKA, HFS);
however, some recommend extending the duration to 35 days14
Trauma High risk Average bleeding risk:
Most trauma operations13 LMWH/LDUH or mechanical prophylaxis
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
Very high risk Average bleeding risk:
Spinal cord injury, spinal trauma, traumatic brain injury, LMWH/LDUH and mechanical prophylaxis
multiple fractures, pelvic fractures13
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
d Considering extended duration (up to 3 months) prophylaxis while hospitalized for rehabilitation in patients with
limited mobility following spinal cord injury57
Neurologic Low risk Mechanical prophylaxis
Spine surgery (low risk, elective)23
Moderate risk Average bleeding risk:
Craniotomy (no malignancy)23 Mechanical prophylaxis, consider adding delayed
High risk Average bleeding risk:
Craniotomy (malignancy), high-risk spine surgery Mechanical prophylaxis, LDUH/LMWH when bleeding
(malignancy, anterior-posterior approach, multiple risk is acceptable
operative levels), nontraumatic intracranial
High bleeding risk:
Mechanical prophylaxis
d Pharmacoprophylaxis is typically delayed for at least 24-48 hours after surgery
d Prophylaxis is typically continued until the patient is ambulatory or until hospital dismissal
BMI ¼ body mass index; CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass grafting; DOAC ¼ direct oral anticoagulant; ENT ¼ear, nose, throat; HFS ¼ hip-fracture surgery; LDUH ¼ low-
dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH ¼ low-molecular-weight heparin; PLND ¼ pelvic lymph-node dissection; RAM ¼ risk-assessment model; RPLND ¼ retroperitoneal
lymph-node dissection; THA ¼ total hip arthroplasty; TKA ¼ total knee arthroplasty; TURP ¼ transurethral resection of the prostate; VKA ¼ vitamin K antagonist; VTE ¼
venous thromboembolism

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2786 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

cohort.13,25 Major bleeding, generally demonstrated a reduction in VTE in patients

defined as fatal bleeding or reoperation, undergoing abdominal or pelvic cancer oper-
occur infrequently after most urology opera- ations with the administration of extended
tions, with reported rates less than 1%.79 duration LMWH compared with placebo,
There is a lack of rigorous clinical trials without increases in bleeding.50,85-87 The
comparing different prophylaxis approaches majority of VTE events prevented were
in patients undergoing urology operations. asymptomatic DVT. Although the clinical
Although AT9 recommends stratifying pa- significance of asymptomatic VTE is contro-
tients based on their Caprini RAM scores,13 versial, asymptomatic DVT has been associ-
the more recently published European Asso- ated with higher rates of late post-
ciation of Urology (EAU) guidelines incor- thrombotic syndrome in surgical patients88
porate both patient- and procedure-specific and higher 90-day mortality in medical
risk factors.52 Recommendations are similar patients.83,85,88,89
between AT9 and EAU for high-risk patients; Both the AT913 and more recent Amer-
however, the EAU guidelines allow for less ican Society for Clinical Oncology90 guide-
aggressive prophylaxis in lower risk patients. lines endorse extended duration
Recommendations for VTE prophylaxis thromboprophylaxis for patients undergoing
following urologic surgery are summarized operations for abdominal or pelvic malig-
in Table 4. nancies at high risk of VTE (defined as hav-
ing restricted mobility, obesity, history of
Gynecology Surgery VTE, or with additional VTE risk factors).13
Contemporary VTE rates following gynecol- Recognition that both other cancer (eg, lung,
ogy operations range from 0.4% to 6.5%.80-82 esophagus, endocrine) and non-cancer oper-
Risk factors for VTE among patients under- ations (eg, bariatric) carry a significant risk
going gynecology operations include open of postdischarge VTE will likely lead to
operations (vs laparoscopic or vaginal), un- more interest in the application of extended
derlying cancer (especially ovarian or duration prophylaxis to other surgical popu-
disseminated cancer), perioperative blood lations, although additional studies would be
transfusion, and previous pelvic radiation.3 helpful to support this practice.91-93
Validation studies of the Caprini RAM for
gynecology oncology operations have been Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
published;32,34,39 however, because most pa- The rate of VTE in patients undergoing plastic
tients fall into the highest-risk group, the and reconstructive operations range between
RAM’s ability to discriminate patients of 0.5% and 7.7% in observational studies.31
low to moderate risk of VTE is limited (See Factors such as the type of operation and
Table 2). anesthesia as well as the patient’s baseline
The AT9 recommendations for the pre- VTE risk have significant impact on the risk
vention of VTE among patients undergoing of postoperative VTE. Higher-risk operations
gynecology operations are presented in include breast reconstruction, body contour-
Table 4. Earlier iterations of AT9 have also ing, abdominoplasty, major operations of
provided the basis for the American College the lower extremity, head and neck cancer op-
of Obstetrics and Gynecology practice erations, and operations lasting >60 mi-
recommendations.48 nutes.18,19,94 Patients who undergo general
anesthesia are also at increased risk for VTE
Extended-Duration Prophylaxis Following compared with those who have nongeneral
Abdominal or Pelvic Cancer Surgery anesthesia.53,94 The Caprini RAM has been
Extended duration thromboprophylaxis re- validated in plastic surgery.31 Observed risks
fers to the administration of pharmacologic of symptomatic VTE stratified by Caprini
prophylaxis for several days or weeks after score are given in Table 2.
hospital dismissal.83,84 Systematic review Bleeding risk associated with the use of
and meta-analysis of randomized trials have chemoprophylaxis is a significant concern
Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2787

for plastic surgeons, especially in patients There are no ENT-specific VTE prophy-
with large areas of tissue dissection, such as laxis guidelines in the United States. Routine
postbariatric body contouring or highly pharmacoprophylaxis is often omitted owing
vascular areas such as the face. However, it to low baseline risk of VTE and increased
is estimated that chemoprophylaxis increases risk of bleeding.97 Based on a comprehensive
the rates of hematoma requiring reoperation review of the available literature, Cramer
in less than 1% of plastic surgery operations.95 et al outlined an approach using the 2005
Neither AT913 nor ESA96 provide recom- Caprini RAM to risk stratify patients.20 Intra-
mendations specific to plastic surgery pa- operative intermittent pneumatic compres-
tients. The American Society of Plastic sion devices (IPCDs), nongeneral
Surgeons recommends that patients be anesthesia, and limiting the time of the oper-
considered for nongeneral anesthesia tech- ative procedure are recommended. Postoper-
niques and suggests that patients be risk strat- ative VTE recommendations for ENT
ified using the 2005 Caprini RAM.19 operations are summarized in Table 4.
Universal pneumatic compression is recom-
mended; however, pharmacoprophylaxis is Cardiac Surgery
limited to patients with elevated risks of The risk of VTE following cardiac surgery is
thrombosis, such as patients with Caprini highly variable, given substantial differences
scores >8. No specific recommendations are in surgical techniques and use of cardiopul-
made for those patients with Caprini scores monary bypass. In addition, the use of intra-
<8. Although pharmacoprophylaxis de- operative antiplatelet and antithrombotic
creases the risk of VTE following head and medications is thought to reduce risk of
neck free-flap surgery, it is also associated VTE following cardiac operations. Published
with an increased risk of hematoma. It is rates of symptomatic thrombosis range be-
therefore recommended to individualize the tween 0.5% and 3.0%;98 however, others
decision about pharmacoprophylaxis in these have found rates 3 times higher than that
patients.31,38,53 Recommendations for VTE of the general surgery population.99 The
prophylaxis following plastic and reconstruc- Caprini RAM has not been studied in the
tive surgery are summarized in Table 4. cardiac surgery population. Identified risk
factors of VTE include patient age greater
than 70 years, the use of blood products,
Otolaryngology and postoperative complications.21 Approxi-
The overall incidence of VTE following mately 3% to 6% of patients undergoing cor-
otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat onary artery bypass grafting (CABG) require
[ENT]) operations is low; however, the avail- reoperation secondary to bleeding.13 Risk
able data are sparse,20 and the wide variety of factors for postoperative bleeding are pro-
operations performed are associated with as vided in Table 3.
much as a 10-fold variation in VTE risk. Given the high risk of major bleeding, the
Although the overall incidence of VTE is routine use of pharmacoprophylaxis is often
approximately 0.4%, subgroups associated scrutinized because of its unknown benefit.
with increased risk of VTE include major Unfortunately, the available studies comparing
head and neck operations, free or regional tis- preventive strategies after cardiac surgery use
sue transfer, laryngectomy, oral cavity com- pharmacological agents, surgical techniques,
posite resection, skull-base surgery, and and postoperative care that are no longer stan-
abscess incision and drainage.20 The Caprini dard of care, making them difficult to incorpo-
RAM has been found to discriminate patients rate into current practice. Recently, a large
at high and low risk of VTE following ENT observational study found no appreciable dif-
operations (Table 2). Reported bleeding asso- ference in the rate of VTE or major bleeding
ciated with chemoprophylaxis in ENT sur- in patients receiving no prophylaxis, mechani-
gery is high, with estimates ranging between cal prophylaxis, or subcutaneous heparin
2% and 8%.20 following a CABG operation.100
n n
2788 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

Pharmacoprophylaxis is therefore reserved for a heterogeneous group of operations (thora-

only the highest-risk patients. The AT913 and cotomy vs minimally invasive procedure),
ESA21 recommendations for VTE prophylaxis underlying indication (malignant vs nonma-
in cardiac surgery patients are summarized in lignant disease), type of VTE prophylaxis
Table 4. used, and the type postoperative surveillance
performed within each study. Risk factors
Vascular Surgery for postoperative VTE include high ASA
Rates of VTE following vascular surgery classification and patients undergoing
range from 0.2% to 4.2%.21,101 As with certain operations such as cancer operations,
cardiac surgery, the intraoperative use of an- extended pulmonary resections, pneumo-
tiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy is nectomy, and esophagectomies.
believed to reduce the risk of postoperative Although the Caprini RAM has not been
VTE. Vascular surgery accounted for 16% extensively studied in patients undergoing
and 18% of the patients in the Caprini and chest operations, 3 recent studies found it
Rogers risk-assessment models, respectively, was able to identify patients at low, moderate,
suggesting that these tools are reliable in this or high risk of postoperative VTE following
population.13 Additional risk factors include lung cancer operations and esophagec-
preoperative steroid use, low-serum tomy.45-47 These studies used the 2010 Cap-
albumin, poor preoperative functional sta- rini RAM, and it is unclear whether the
tus, postoperative complications (prolonged more commonly used 2005 Caprini would
mechanical ventilation, perioperative trans- perform similarly. Shah et al used a large
fusion, postoperative pneumonia, or wound administrative database to derive and
infection).21 Operations complicated by validate a risk-assessment tool to estimate
postoperative VTE are associated with a 4- the risk of in-hospital and postdischarge
fold increase in overall mortality.101 Re- VTE specifically for the thoracic surgery
ported rates of major postoperative bleeding population.28
vary depending on the type of operation, Few studies have evaluated the optimal
with ranges between 0.3% and 1.8%.13 VTE prophylaxis strategy following thoracic
Few high-quality studies evaluate the surgery, leading most guidelines to be based
optimal prophylaxis strategy following on expert consensus.13,21 Recommendations
vascular surgery. As such, the AT9 consensus from AT913 and the current ESA guidelines21
extrapolates its recommendations based on are summarized in Table 4.
data from general surgery.13 Mechanical pro-
phylaxis is often contraindicated following Orthopedic Surgery
peripheral vascular operations. Pharmaco- The risk of postoperative VTE following
prophylaxis could, therefore, be considered orthopedic operations is highly variable with
in patients at both moderate and high risk of arthroscopy and upper-extremity procedures
VTE based on the Caprini RAM. Recommen- considered to be low risk, compared with
dations from the AT913 and ESA guidelines21 knee and hip joint arthroplasty (TKA and
are summarized in Table 4. THA), considered to be high risk.14,103
Although older studies report VTE rates as
Thoracic Surgery high as 50% after TKA and THA, advances
Reported rates of VTE following thoracic in surgical techniques and postsurgical care
surgery vary between 0.4% and 51%. Postop- has resulted in significantly reduced rates of
erative VTE is associated with an 8-fold in- VTE, ranging between 1% and 5% in observa-
crease in mortality after lung cancer tional studies when pharmacoprophylaxis is
resection.98,102 The rate of major bleeding omitted.3,4 Given the varying degree of VTE
following thoracic surgery range from <1% rates after orthopedic operations, more
and 5%.13 The uncertainty about both emphasis is placed on procedure-specific fac-
thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications tors than patient-specific factors. Patient-
appears to be secondary to the inclusion of specific risk factors of VTE after orthopedic
Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2789

TABLE 5. VTE prophylaxis options

Medication Dose by operation type Considerations
Antiplatelet therapy
Aspirin THA, TKA, HFS Patient with a contraindication (eg, peptic
Studies have used variable doses (75 to 1300 ulcer) or preceding indication for aspirin (eg,
mg) and treatment durations (2 days to 6 PCI or prior stroke) were excluded from the
weeks)63 trials using aspirin for VTE prophylaxis63
A highly cited study used 160 mg daily, with May be associated with increased risk of
the first dose chewed upon admission to myocardial infarction.14
the hospital to complete a 35-day course59
THA, TKA (low-risk patients)
Aspirin 81 mg, starting after a 5-day course of
rivaroxaban 10 mg every 24 hours.56
Other surgery
The benefit of aspirin after non-orthopedic
operations is unknown as available trials are
small and dated.63
Heparins General considerations
d All heparins carry a risk of HIT64
d Patients should undergo platelet count monitoring at day 5,7,9
d LMWH is the preferred pharmacoprophylactic agent following most operations13
LDUH Most operations Considerations
5,000 IU SQ every 8 to 12 hours, starting 2 Preferred agent in the setting of renal
hours before surgery,65 most commonly impairment (CrCl <30 mL/minute)
administered every 8 hours Activity rapidly reversed with protamine sulfate
Orthopedic surgery Dose adjustment
5,000 IU SQ every 12 hours, starting no Obesity
sooner than 12 hours before/after The optimal dose is unknown. Some experts
surgery14,65 use 7500 units twice daily61,62
High risk populations, eg, cancer surgery
5,000 IU SQ every 8 hours, starting 2 hours
before surgery, then every 8 hours
Enoxaparin Abdominal surgery Dose adjustments
40 mg every 24 hours, starting 2 to 12 hours Renal impairment
before surgery66 CrCl <30 mL/minute: Avoid use.
TKA, THA Some experts recommend enoxaparin 20 to
30 mg every 12 hours with initial dose 30 mg every 24 hours67
administered 12 hours preoperatively or Obesity
12 hours postoperatively once hemostasis BMI >40 kg/m2: 40 mg every 12 hours60-62
is achieved14,66 We do not recommend adjusting dose based
HFS, THA on anti-Xa levels as trials have not shown a
40mg SQ, every 24 hours, with the initial dose clear link between anti-Xa levels and
administered 12 hours preoperatively or bleeding or thrombotic events62
12 hours postoperatively once hemostasis
is achieved14,66
40 mg every 24 hours, starting 10 to 12 hours
before surgery13,66
Dalteparin Abdominal surgery Dose adjustments
Average risk: 2,500 IU starting 1 to 2 hours Renal impairment
prior to surgery and repeated once daily CrCl <30 mL/min: Avoid use
Continued on next page

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2790 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

TABLE 5. Continued
Medication Dose by operation type Considerations
postoperatively. High risk: 5,000 IU every 24 Obesity BMI 40 kg/m2: Some experts
hours, starting the evening before surgery recommend either increasing dose by 30%
OR 2,500 IU started 1 to 2 hours before or give
surgery followed by 2,500 IU 12 hours later, 7,500 units once daily when patient weight
and then 5,000 IU every 24 hours >150 kg68
TKA (off-label), THA
a) 5,000 IU, every 24 hours, starting 12 hours
preoperatively and/or 12 hours
postoperatively once hemostasis is
Fondaparinux Abdominal surgery, THA/TKA, HFS, Abdominal Dose adjustments
cancer (off-label) Renal impairment
2.5 mg, starting 6-12 hours after surgery69 CrCL <30 mL/min: Avoid use69
Some experts favor administering first dose 8 Low body weight
to 12 hours postoperatively to reduce the Weight < 50 kg: Avoid use69
risk of postoperative bleeding
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)
General considerations - Can be used in the setting of HIT64
- Have not been studied in outside of orthopedic operations
- There are concerns about efficacy and safety in patients weighing >120 kg
- All are associated with a rapid onset of action and should not be started until hemostasis is assured
- Renal disease (CrCl <30 mL/min)
- Moderate-severe hepatic impairment
- Significant medication interactions
Factor Xa inhibitors Experience is greater with apixaban and
Apixaban THA/TKA
2.5 mg every 12 hours, starting 12 to 24 hours
after surgery70
Edoxaban TKA (off-label use)
30 mg, every 24 hours, starting 6 to 24 hours
after surgery73
Rivaroxaban TKA/THA
10 mg, starting 6 to 10 hours after surgery,
then every 24 hours71
Direct thrombin inhibitors
Dabigatran THA The capsule cannot be broken or chewed (ie,
110 mg, starting 1 to 4 hours after surgery and cannot be administered by nasogastric
hemostasis is assured, then 220 mg every 24 tube)72
hours72 Renal dose adjustment
If not started on the day of surgery, initiate CrCl: <50 ml/min: Do not use with
treatment with 220 mg every 24 hours74 concomitant P-glycoprotein inhibitors72
CrCl <30 ml/min: Avoid use72
Vitamin K antagonists (VKA)
Warfarin TKA, THA, HFS Can be used if DOAC/LMWH not available
Started 8-24 hours after surgery, usually Associated with higher rates of bleeding,
continued for 4 weeks14 particularly when used for extended
Most experts recommend a therapeutic target prophylaxis14
Continued on next page

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2791

TABLE 5. Continued
Medication Dose by operation type Considerations
international normalized ratio (INR) of 2.5
(range 2-3)14 though some advocate a
lower range (1.5 to 2.5)74
Mechanical prophylaxis
General considerations - Frequently used in the setting of high bleeding risk or in combination with pharmacological prophylaxis
in patients at very high risk of thrombosis.
- Its impact on symptomatic VTE (especially PE) is uncertain and varies in different clinical settings
- Suspected or proven peripheral arterial disease
- Peripheral arterial bypass grafting
- Severe peripheral neuropathy or other sensory impairment
- Skin disease: Fragile skin, dermatitis, gangrene or recent skin graft, Steven Johnson syndrome
- Known allergy to material
- Severe leg edema
- Major limb deformity or unusual leg shape preventing correct fit
- Lower extremity trauma with a plaster cast
Some advocate using mechanical means on the unaffected contralateral leg, however ideally this should
not be used as the sole means of prophylaxis
Intermittent pneumatic Typically started before surgery and used IPCDs are generally preferred over graduated
compression devices (IPCDs) continuously postoperatively until hospital compression stockings13
discharge or ambulation Skin breakdown is a known complication.
Guidelines recommend portable, battery- Some clinicians use loose stockinettes
powered IPCDs, with a goal towards 18 h of underneath the device to counteract this in
daily compliance13 high-risk patients (frail, underlying skin
May be removed while ambulating, but should disease)55
be put back on when returning to a seated
or supine position13
Graduated compression Pressure: 18-23 mm Hg pressure at the ankle Studies have found a 4-fold increase in skin
stockings (GCS) level13 complications, including breaks, ulcers,
Thigh-high stockings preferred over calf-high blisters, and necrosis58
stockings, however, knee-high stocking can
be used if there is a need to access the groin
vessels during surgery (eg, AAA surgery)13
Not recommended for primary VTE prophylaxis
Vena Cava Filters Not recommended due to lack of evidence demonstrating benefit and considerable risk of
Surveillance ultrasonography Not recommended due to lack of evidence demonstrating a benefit13
Abbreviations: BMI ¼ Body Mass Index; CrCl ¼ Creatinine Clearance; HFS ¼ Hip fracture surgery; HIT ¼ Heparin induced thrombocytopenia; IU ¼ International units;
Kg/M2 ¼ kilogram/meter2; LDUH ¼ Low dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH ¼ Low molecular weight heparin; Mg ¼ milligrams; PCI ¼ Percutaneous intervention; SQ ¼
Subcutaneous; THA ¼ Total hip arthroplasty; TKA ¼ Total knee arthroplasty.

operations include a previous history or Bleeding risk is an essential consider-

strong family history of VTE, known throm- ation in orthopedic procedures, as a
bophilia; advanced cancer; morbid obesity; prosthetic joint hematoma significantly in-
lower limb or hip fracture in the previous 3 creases the risk of prosthetic joint infec-
months; or expected major surgery in the tions.105 The AT9 authors found that, in
oncoming 3 months. The Caprini RAM is general, pharmacoprophylaxis did not have
not validated in the orthopedic population25 a substantial impact on major bleeding.14 A
and is not useful for risk stratifying patients median rate of 1.5% for major bleeding has
undergoing total joint arthroplasties.104 been reported, regardless of whether or not

n n
2792 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

patients receive pharmacoprophylaxis.14,106 limb operations or arthroscopic knee

Risk factors for bleeding unique to orthope- surgery.55
dic surgery are given in Table 3. All patients undergoing THA, TKA, and
Interpreting the data for VTE prophy- HFS are recommended VTE prophylaxis,
laxis following orthopedic surgery is given their high risk of VTE. For patients at
challenging. Earlier trials were performed average risk of bleeding, AT9 gives preference
when surgical techniques and postoperative to LMWH with lower-extremity compression
rehabilitation were dramatically different therapy over other options.14 For patients
and most likely associated with a higher with increased risk of bleeding, both AT9
risk of VTE and bleeding. Furthermore, the and NICE guidelines recommend using me-
use of asymptomatic DVT by screening chanical prophylaxis rather than pharmaco-
venography or ultrasound as a surrogate prophylaxis. The risk of VTE following
marker of symptomatic DVT is frequently orthopedic surgery is known to extend well
debated and had led to different interpreta- beyond the patient’s hospital stay and has
tions of the literature. This is particularly been reported to last up to 3 months after sur-
true of the use of aspirin for monotherapy. gery.14,108,109 A Cochrane review noted a
Although aspirin is likely effective in pre- reduction in symptomatic VTE when using
venting VTE following orthopedic surgery, DOACs in an extended duration following
it is unclear how it compares with other knee and hip arthroplasties;110 however, this
commonly used agents such as LMWH or was primarily supported by 2 trials that only
direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). assessed extended-duration anticoagulation
Recently, a study of low-risk patients under- after hip arthroplasty.111,112 Consequently,
going elective THA and TKA treated with 5 there is less evidence to support the use of
days of rivaroxaban followed by an extended extended-duration anticoagulation following
course of aspirin had similar rates of VTE TKA. For major orthopedic surgery (THA,
and bleeding when compared with patients TKA, HFS), AT9 guidelines recommend that
who remained on rivaroxaban for the entire patients receive pharmacoprophylaxis and/or
duration of their pharmacoprophylaxis.56 IPCDs for a minimum of 10 to 14 days, with
This suggests that aspirin may be safely a suggestion of extending
used in combination with a short course of pharmacoprophylaxis for up to 35 days post-
an antithrombotic agent. It is not known operatively.14 In contrast, the NICE guidelines
whether these results apply to high-risk recommend LMWH for 10 days, followed by
patients. When pharmacoprophylaxis was aspirin for an additional 28 days following
used, warfarin, fondaparinux, and rivaroxa- elective THR and aspirin for 14 days after elec-
ban all appeared to have higher rates of tive TKR.55 The NICE guidelines recommend
bleeding compared with LMWH.14 LMWH or fondaparinux for 1 month
Guidelines for VTE prophylaxis following following fragility fracture of the pelvis, hip,
orthopedic surgery are generally tailored to and proximal femur.55 Recommendations for
the highest-risk orthopedic operations VTE prophylaxis following orthopedic surgery
including THA, TKA, and hip fracture surgery are summarized in Table 4.
(HFS).14,55,107 Anticoagulation recommenda-
tions for other procedures are individualized, Trauma Surgery
given the paucity of data for these procedures. Patients undergoing operations for trauma are
For example, patients with multiple risk fac- considered at high risk for both postoperative
tors for VTE would likely benefit from more VTE and bleeding. A recent review estimated
intensive VTE prophylaxis despite undergo- an 8.7% rate of VTE without prophylaxis.113
ing “low-risk” operations. The National Insti- Risk factors for VTE in this population include
tute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) significant vascular injury,22 soft-tissue leg
guidelines do not recommend routine injury,22 spinal cord injury,13 vertebral frac-
pharmacoprophylaxis following most upper- ture,13 and surgery requiring general

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2020;95(12):2775-2798 n 2793

anesthesia.22 The Caprini RAM has not been 6.7% with prophylaxis), whereas most elec-
studied in the trauma surgery population. tive operations of the spine are considered
The risk of bleeding following trauma surgery to be low risk (<1%).23 Risk factors of post-
is estimated to be 3.4% to 4.7%.13 operative VTE unique to neurosurgery
Several randomized controlled trials have include perioperative immobility and paresis
evaluated the role of VTE prophylaxis in as well as complicated or prolonged proced-
trauma surgery. Although mechanical pro- ures.23 Intracranial bleeding is thought to
phylaxis reduces the risk of VTE, rates of occur in 1% to 1.5% of patients following
asymptomatic VTE were lower following the craniotomy without pharmacoprophylaxis.
use of pharmacoprophylaxis without an The risk of epidural hematoma is very low
increased risk of bleeding.114-116 As such, (0.2%) and does not appear to be associated
pharmacoprophylaxis is recommended for with the use of thromboprophylaxis.23
all trauma patients, with consideration Mechanical and pharmacological pro-
toward combined mechanical and pharmaco- phylaxis is effective in preventing VTE
logical prophylaxis in patients at high risk for following operations of the spine and
VTE.13 Some groups recommend extending brain; however, the studies are old and
the duration of VTE prophylaxis up to 3 are limited by methodological flaws.120-122
months or until purposeful movements of Many surgeons are hesitant to use
the lower extremities are regained in patients pharmacoprophylaxis, given the potential
who are at elevated risk for thrombosis with increased risk of bleeding and catastrophic
significantly impaired mobility (eg, patients consequences. The AT9 authors found the
with spinal cord injuries).13,57 This recom- harm of pharmacoprophylaxis outweighs
mendation is based on expert opinion, as clin- the benefits.13 Conversely, the ESA guide-
ical trials have not evaluated the efficacy and line did not find strong evidence that phar-
safety of this strategy. macoprophylaxis increases the risk of
Some groups recommend prophylactic adverse outcomes.23 Rather, the timing of
inferior vena cava filter placement in patients initiation of pharmacoprophylaxis appeared
deemed at elevated risk of VTE or when to influence the risk of postoperative
operative management is delayed by more thrombosis and bleeding. In a recent
than 72 hours.117,118 This strategy has not meta-analysis, Lu et al described a reduced
been found more effective over mechanical rate of VTE but no difference in hemor-
or pharmacological prophylaxis in prospec- rhagic progression or mortality when phar-
tive randomized controlled trials. A recent macoprophylaxis was initiated within 72
multicenter randomized controlled trial hours. However, the risk of VTE increased
found no benefit from prophylactic vena if pharmacoprophylaxis was delayed longer
cava filter placement in severely injured than 72 hours.123
patients who have contraindications to pro- Current guidelines recommend mechan-
phylactic anticoagulation within the first 7 ical prophylaxis for most patients, with the
days of hospitalization.119 We agree with possibility of adding pharmacoprophylaxis
the AT9 guidelines recommending against in patients at high risk of thrombosis
the use of prophylactic inferior vena cava usually, 24 to 48 hours after surgery, if it is
filter placement. Recommendations for VTE thought safe to do so from a bleeding
prophylaxis following trauma surgery are perspective.13,23 Recommendations for VTE
summarized in Table 4. prophylaxis following neurologic surgery
are summarized in Table 4.
Neurologic Surgery
The rate of VTE following neurosurgery CONCLUSION
depends on the type of operation and associ- Postoperative VTE can be a devastating and
ated comorbidities. Craniotomy and non- costly complication. Current strategies are
traumatic intracranial hemorrhage are both unable to eliminate the risk of VTE; hence,
considered high risk for VTE (1.7% to calling it a “never event” is unreasonable.
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2794 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2020;95(12):2775-2798

Prudent use of mechanical or pharmacolog- 4. Bozzato S, Galli L, Ageno W. Thromboprophylaxis in sur-

gical and medical patients. Semin Resp Crit Care. 2012;
ical prophylaxis, however, can significantly 33(2):163-175.
reduce this risk, particularly in high-risk 5. Hansrani V, Khanbhai M, McCollum C. The prevention of
patients or with high-risk operations. This venous thromboembolism in surgical patients. Adv Exp Med
Biol. 2017;906:1-8.
benefit needs to be carefully balanced with 6. Kahn SR, Morrison DR, Diendere G, et al. Interventions for
the potential harm of prophylaxis. Thought- implementation of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized pa-
tients at risk for venous thromboembolism. Cochrane Data-
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