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Name: Apurva Dhar

Enrollment no.: 42925588818
Submitted to: Shivam Sir

SNo. Program Page Teacher
No. Sign
1. Write about HTML language and describe the following
• History of HTML
• Versions of HTML
• Features of HTML
• Steps to create Html document(Illustrate with example)

2. Write a program to use HTML tag and body background tag in html page.
3. Design a webpage for JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus. Illustrate
the use of head tag, title tag, body tag and paragraph tag.

4. Write a program to use H1 to H6 tag in HTML.

5. Create a web page to illustrate font tag
6. Create a web page to illustrate various text formatting tags
7. Create a web page to illustrate unordered list.
8. Create a web page to illustrate ordered list.

9. Create a web page to illustrate the following nested list.

10. Create a web page to illustrate Description list.

11. Design a webpage on your favourite movie by making the use of suitable headings
and horizontal rules. Design it with attractive background color and text color and
incorporate suitable images by making use of Image tag
12. Insert an image and create a link such that clicking on image takes user to other page.
13. Create a web page to illustrate the use of marquee tag

14. Create links on the words e.g. “Wi-Fi” and “LAN” to link them to Wikipedia
pages.(hint: Use anchor tag to create links)
15. Design a web page showing B.COM Department of your college. Create separate
hyperlinks on the home page namely:
• About B.COM Department
• B.COM Faculties
• Scope of B.COM
• Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular activities
• Placements assistance for B.COM students.
Create separate web page for every hyperlink mentioned above and through the
hyperlinks provided on home page, one should be able to navigate to one of the
above mentioned web pages. Also create a link on all the four web pages to
navigate back to the home page. (hint: Total 5 html pages needs to be created,
one is the home page and other 4 are the pages whose links are provided on the
home page).
Make use of all the other suitable tags like font, text formatting, background
color, image, list tag etc. to make it more attractive.
16. Write a program to illustrate the use of cellspacing, cellpadding, rowspan and colspan
attributes of table tag in HTML.
17. Create a webpage to illustrate the following table

Question 1:- Write about HTML language and describe the following
• History of HTML
• Versions of HTML
• Features of HTML
• Steps to create Html document (Illustrate with example).
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It allows the user to create and
structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and block quotes for web pages and
HTML is not a programming language, meaning it doesn’t have the ability to create
dynamic functionality. Instead, it makes it possible to organize and format
documents, similarly to Microsoft Word.
The History of HTML
• HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN research
institute in Switzerland. He came up with the idea of an Internet-based
hypertext system.
• Hypertext means a text that contains references (links) to other texts that
viewers can access immediately.
• He published the first version of HTML in 1991, consisting of 18 HTML tags.
Since then, each new version of the HTML language came with new tags and
attributes (tag modifiers) to the markup.
• According to Mozilla Developer Network’s HTML Element Reference,
currently, there are 140 HTML tags, although some of them are already
obsolete (not supported by modern browsers).
• Due to a quick rise in popularity, HTML is now considered an official web
standard. The HTML specifications are maintained and developed by the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). You can check out the latest state of
the language anytime on W3C’s website.
• The biggest upgrade of the language was the introduction of HTML5 in 2014.
It added several new semantic tags to the markup, that reveal the meaning
of their own content, such as <article>, <header>, and <footer>.

1. HTML 1.0

• The basic version of HTML has support for basic elements like text controls and images.
This was the very basic version of HTML with less support for a wide range of HTML
elements. It does not have rich features like styling and other things that were related to
how content will be rendered in a browser.
• The initial version of HTML does not provide support for tables, font support, etc., as it
provides us in the latest version.
• We would also like to discuss that W3C did not exist before HTML 2.0; hence it does not
show details about HTML 1.

2. HTML 2

• HTML version 2.0 was developed in 1995 with basic intention of improving HTML version
• Now a standard got started to develop so as to maintain common rules and regulations
across different browsers. HTML 2.0 has improved a lot in terms of the markup tags. In
HTML 2.0 version concept of form came into force. Forms were developed, but still, they
had basic tags like text boxes, buttons, etc.
• Also, the table came as an HTML tag. Now, in HTML tag 2.0, browsers also came with the
concept of creating their own layers of tags that were specific to the browser itself. W3C
was also formed. The main intention of W3C is to maintain standard across different web
browsers so that these browsers understand and render HTML tags in a similar manner.

3. HTML 3.2

• It was developed in 1997. After HTML 2.0 was developed, the next version of HTML was
• With version 3.2 of HTML, HTML tags were further improved. It is worth noting that
because of W3C standard maintenance, the newer version of HTML was 3.2 instead of 3.

• Now, HTML 3.2 has better support for new form elements. Another important feature
what HTML 3.2 implemented was support for CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet.
It is CSS that provides features to make HTML tags look better on rendering it on browsers.
CSS helps to style HTML elements.
• With the upgradation of browsers to HTML 3.2, the browser also supported for frame
tags, although HTML specifications still do not support frame markup tags.

4. HTML 4.01

• It was developed in 1999. It extended the support of cascading styling sheets. In version
3.2, CSS were embedded in HTML page itself. Therefore, if the website has various web
pages to apply to the style of each page, we must place CSS on each web page. Hence
there was a repetition of the same block of CSS.
• To overcome this thing, in version 4.01 concept of an external styling sheet emerged.
Under this concept, an external CSS file could be developed, and this external styling file
could be included in HTML itself. HTML 4.01 provided support for further new tags of

5. HTML5

• This is the latest version of HTML. For a developer, it could be used in 2014. It came up
with lots of HTML tags support. HTML5 provided support for new form elements like input
element s of different types; geolocations support tags, etc.
• Let us look at a few of the tags which were added to HTML5
• Email – New HTML5 tag, which was added, is the input element of type email. This is a
form tag, although it could be used outside of a form tag also. This tag checks the
validation of the input value. It checks whether the value inserted is a valid email.
• Password – This is another form tag that was added to receive a password from the user.
Being the password type field, the user types in the field are not visible directly to the
user but are represented by special symbols. These symbols save the password from
getting revealed on the browser.

• Audio tag – This is a new audio tag that was implemented in HTML5. This tag helps to add
audio to our web page. We can use this tag to embed an audio clip into a web page. This
audio tag could be played on a webpage.
• Semantic tags – Semantic tags are also known as structural tags. Structural tags
are the tags that provide structure to the HTML page. It helps it divide the HTML
page into different structures. These structures get combined into an HTML page
itself to form an HTML web page. Few of the important HTML semantic tags are
figcaption, <header>, <footer>
• Section tag – This tag is used to semantic a section in an HTML page. A section
tag represents a section on a web page.

6. W3C HTML Validator

• An HTML validator is a web-based tool that is used to maintain or check whether

a piece of HTML tag or HTML is valid. An HTML validator follows the standard of
W3C to validate an HTML page. It follows the W3C standard.

Features of HTML

• It is easy to learn and easy to use.

• It is platform-independent.
• Images, videos, and audio can be added to a web page.
• Hypertext can be added to text.
• It is a markup language.

Steps to create Html document

Question 2:- Write a program to use HTML tag and body background tag in html

Question 3:- Design a webpage for JIMS Engineering Management Technical
Campus. Illustrate the use of head tag, title tag, body tag and paragraph tag.

Question 4:- Write a program to use H1 to H6 tag in HTML.

Question:-5 Create a web page to illustrate font tag.
To Set Font Size

To Set Font Colour

Question:-6 Create a web page to illustrate various text formatting tags.

Question 7:- Create a web page to illustrate unordered list.

Question :- 8 Create a web page to illustrate ordered list

Question :-9 Create a web page to illustrate the following nested list.

Question 10 :- Create a web page to illustrate Description list

Question 11:- Design a webpage on your favourite movie by making the use of
suitable headings and horizontal rules. Design it with attractive background color
and text color and incorporate suitable images by making use of Image tag.

Question 12:- Insert an image and create a link such that clicking on image takes
user to other page.

Question 13:- Create a web page to illustrate the use of marquee tag.

Question 14:- Create links on the words e.g. “Wi-Fi” and “LAN” to link them to
Wikipedia pages.(hint: Use anchor tag to create links).

Question 15:- Design a web page showing B.COM Department of your college.
Create separate hyperlinks on the home page namely:
• About B.COM Department
• B.COM Faculties
• Scope of B.COM
• Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular activities
• Placements assistance for B.COM students.
Create separate web page for every hyperlink mentioned above and through
the hyperlinks provided on home page, one should be able to navigate to one of
the above mentioned web pages. Also create a link on all the four web pages to
navigate back to the home page.
(hint: Total 5 html pages needs to be created, one is the home page and other 4
are the pages whose links are provided on the home page).
Make use of all the other suitable tags like font, text formatting, background
color, image, list tag etc. to make it more attractive.

Solution: For Homepage

1. Link 1: About Department

2. Link 2: Faculties

3. Link 3: Scope

Link 4 : Activities

Question 16:- Write a program to illustrate the use of cellspacing, cellpadding, rowspan and
colspan attributes of table tag in HTML.

Question 17:- Create a webpage to illustrate the following table.


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