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University of the East – Caloocan Campus

College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Temperature Measuring Devices

Experiment No. 1

Arcilla, Zoren Brian B.

NME 3206 – 1ME
Tuesday; Thursday / 11:00 – 2:00

Engr. Edwin S. Bautista


6 February 2020
Date Submitted
Experiment No. 1

TITLE: Temperature Measuring Devices


1. To study the various temperature measuring devices and their uses

2. To observe and measure the time span until water boils
3. To observe the effect of heat in the temperature of an ice


Temperature and heat are related to each other. However, they are not
the same. Temperature is a measure of the ability of the body to give up heat to
other bodies or to absorb heat from other bodies. Heat, however is thermal
energy that is being absorbed by one body, which is given up by another body,
due to temperature difference. Note that it is possible for a body to have a high
temperature and give off a small amount of heat, or a low temperature and give
large amount of heat. Therefore, to determine the heat given off by a system is to
have knowledge in temperature changes that have occurred, heat absorbed with
such changes in temperature is known as possible or sensible heat.

Basically however, heat may be transferred with the temperature

remaining constant, heat absorbed in this condition is called latent heat. Latent
heat is the heat which produces a change in phase on a substance as it is
added, but without showing any changes in temperature. The phase of the
material refers to solid, liquid or gas. The heat added has caused to molecules to
break away from each other but at no increased in speed, thus registering no
change in temperature.

The device temperature scales are Celsius C, Fahrenheit F, Kelvin and
the degree Rankine R scales:
F = 1.8 C + 32
R = F + 460
K = C + 273
The equality of heat produces by a change of temperature of a body is:
Q = mc (T - T)
c = specific heat of medium, kJ/kg.K
Q = produce heat, kJ
m = the mass of substance or body, kg
T1 = initial temperature, K
T2 = final temperature, K
Temperature can be measured in different ways, through changes of
some properties of a substance, medium or body used, these are:
1. Change in volume of fluid while its pressure remains constant, the change
in volume is correlated with changes of temperature.
2. Change in electrical resistivity.
Eq. 1.0, R = a + bt + ct²
t = temperature in °C
R = resistivity in metals (Ω)
a, b, c = constants
3. Change in electrical potential when two different metals of different
temperatures are to be joined together, electromotive force is generated.
This force can be generated with the change in temperature.
4. Optical changes within the instrument, the source of light with brightness
adjusted with some brightness of hot body, where temperature is desire.
The adjustment made to the same brightness is correlated with the
temperature of hot body.

Calibration of the temperature measuring devices can be done by the

following methods:
1. Comparison of a standard temperature measuring devices.
2. Using fixed and acceptable temperature point such as the ice and the
steam point of water at standard atmospheric pressure.


Mercury filled glass thermometers (low, medium, high range and

standard), water bath and electric heater, barometer.


Clean the apparatus/equipment/tools to be used and examine them of

possible breakage. Check the room temperature and get the thermometer
reading against the ice point of water then apply heat. Check the thermometer
reading every 3 min until it reaches the boiling point. Tabulate all data generated.


1. What are the different types of temperature measuring devices? Give the
recommended type to be used for power plant testing.
2. Give different ways of rejoining the mercury of a liquid filled thermometer,
which has separated already.
3. One kg of gas (R = 0.112 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.7) receives 75 000 calories of
heat during a reversible constant pressure change of state. The initial
temperature is 29.7°C, determine the final temperature.
4. Two kg of gas (R = 0.209 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.25) undergo a non-flow,
V= C process from 5.36 kPa and 60°C to a 16 kPa. Determine the final
temperature and the heat transferred.

5. A certain metal has a resistance of 60Ω at 0°C, 64.8Ω at 100°C and 75.6Ω
at 200°C. Determine the constant a, b and c using eq. 1.0.
Tabulated Data:

Temperature, 0C
Room Temperature 29.8
Melting of Ice 0
(Ice Point)
Boiling Point 99.4
(100 0C)

Trials Time Temperature,

1 3 min after 30.9
2 6 45.4
3 9 63.6
4 12 83.5
5 15 91.9
6 16.04 99.4

Room Temperature at 29.8 ℃

Melting of Ice ( Ice Point) at 0 ℃

Temperature at 30.9 ℃ for the first 3 minutesafter applying high heat

Temperature at 45.4 ℃ after 6 minutes while under highheat

Temperature at 63.6 ℃ after 9 minuteswhile under high heat

Temperature at 83.5 ℃ after 12 minutes while under high heat

Temperature at 91.9 ℃ after 15 minutes while under high heat

Temperature at 99.4 ℃ after 16 minutes whileunder high heat


1. What are the different types of temperature measuring devices? Give

the recommended type to be used for power plant testing.

 Sealed Bellows (measure the temperature of fuel and air)

 Bulb and Capillary Sensor (measure temperature inducts, pipe and
 Silicon Diode (to measure cryogenic temperature)
 Radiation Thermometry (based upon the radiation emitted by the
 Liquid in Glass Thermometer (most common type of temperature
 device)
 Constant volume Gas Thermometer (gas works as thermometric
 Bimetallic Devices (portability and independence from a power
 Thermocouple (indicate temperature measurement with a change
in voltage)
 Electric Resistance Thermometer (indicate temperature
measurement with resistance)
 The most recommended type of temperature measuring devices
that are widely used in power plant testing are RTDs and
Thermocouples. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
measures temperature using the principle that the resistance of a
metal changes with temperature wherein it is not suitable for high
temperatures or vibrations. On the other hand, thermocouples are
used in steam generators and pump monitoring.

2. Give different ways of rejoining the mercury of a liquid filled

thermometer, which has separated already.

a) Dry-ice Method
- Hold the thermometer in an upright position and gradually immerse the
bulb in a solution of dry-ice and alcohol so that the mercury column
retreats slowly into the bulb. Do not cool the stem or mercury column.
- Keep the bulb in the solution until the main column as well as the
separated portion retreats into the bulb.
- Remove and swing thermometer in a short arc, forcing all the mercury
into the bulb.
b) Warming
- Place the thermometer in the sink.
- Gradually heat the bulb with a hair dryer on warm. The mercury will
rise to the top of the thermometer and join.
- Allow the thermometer to gradually cool down to room temperature.
c) Shaking
- Firmly grasp the thermometer near the top, so that the bulb containing
the mercury (or other indicating fluid) is pointed downward
- Rapidly move the thermometer down and sharply reverse direction
(and snap the wrist upward). When the thermometer reaches the
lowest point of the stroke several times.
- Recheck the indicated temperature. If the indicated temperature has
been reduced from the last time checked, continue shaking the
thermometer downward. It will likely require repeating many times
before the void in the column has disappeared.
d) Dropping on a soft surface (risks breakage)
- Hold the thermometer vertically - with the bulb directed downward.
- Drop the thermometer on a bed, pillow, or even a towel folded so that it
is 8 (or more) times the non-folded thickness. Not more than a one- or
two-foot drop is recommended.

3. One kg of gas (R = 0.112 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.7) receives 75 000

calories of heat during a reversible constant pressure change of
state. The initial temperature is 29.7°C, determine the final

𝑄 = 𝑀𝐶𝑝 ሺ𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ሻ ሺ1ሻ
𝑀 = 1 𝑘𝑔
𝑇1 = 29.7 ℃ = 302.85 𝐾
𝑘 = 1.7
𝑅 = 0.112
𝑘𝑔 − 𝐾
𝑘𝑅 1.7 ൬0.112 ൰
𝑘𝑔 − 𝐾
𝐶𝑝 = =
𝑘−1 1.7 − 1
𝐶𝑝 = 0.272
𝑘𝑔 − 𝐾
4.187 𝑘𝐽
𝑄 = 75 𝑘𝐶𝑎𝑙 ×
𝑄 = 314.025 𝑘𝐽
𝑄 = 𝑀𝐶𝑝 ሺ𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ሻ ሺ1ሻ
314.025 𝑘𝐽 = ሺ1 𝑘𝑔ሻ൬ 0.272 ൰ሺ𝑇2 − 302.85 𝐾ሻ
𝑘𝑔 − 𝐾
𝑻𝟐 = 1457.35 𝐾 𝑜𝑟 1184.2 ℃

4. Two kg of gas (R = 0.209 KJ/kg-K and k = 1.25) undergo a non-flow,

V= C process from 5.36 kPa and 60°C to a 16 kPa. Determine the final
temperature and the heat transferred.

P 2 P1
= ( 1)Q=M C v ( T 2−T 1 ) ( 2 ) M =2 kg
T2 T 1
R=0.209 k =1.25 P1=5.36 kPa P2=16 kPaT 1=60 ℃∨333.15 K
C v=
(0.209 )
kg−K C v =0.836
kJ P 2 P1 16 kPa = 5.36 kPa
= ( 1)
kg−K T 2 T 1 T2 60 ℃
k−1 1.25−1
T 2=179.1℃ ∨452.25 KQ=M C v ( T 2−T 1 ) ( 2 ) Q= (2 kg ) 0.836
kg−K ) ( 452.25−333.15 ) K
Q=199.14 kJ

5. A certain metal has a resistance of 60Ω at 0°C, 64.8Ω at 100°C and

75.6Ω at 200°C. Determine the constant a, b and c using eq. 1.0.
𝑅 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑡 + 𝑐𝑡 2
60 = 𝑎 + 𝑏ሺ0ሻ+ 𝑐ሺ0ሻ2 ሺ1ሻ
𝑎 = 60
64.8 = 60 + 𝑏ሺ100ሻ+ 𝑐ሺ100ሻ2 ሺ2ሻ
75.6 = 60 + 𝑏ሺ200ሻ+ 𝑐ሺ200ሻ2 ሺ3ሻ

ሾ64.8 = 60 + 100𝑏 + 10 000𝑐ሿሺ−2ሻ

−129.6 = −120 − 200𝑏 − 20 000𝑐

75.6 = 60 + 200𝑏 + 40 000𝑐
−54 = −60 + 20 000𝑐
𝑐 = 0.0003
64.8 = 60 + 𝑏ሺ100ሻ+ 𝑐ሺ100ሻ2 ሺ2ሻ
64.8 = 60 + 𝑏ሺ100ሻ+ ሺ0.0003ሻሺ100ሻ2
𝑏 = 0.018


The observed room temperature is at 29.8 degree Celsius. This temperature was
taken in the living room. It can vary in other rooms as I have an air conditioner in
the bedroom. The ice point taken was at exact 0 degree Celsius. In terms of
measuring the temperature up to the boiling point pf the water, the following
observations were made:
 In the first three minutes, half of the ice already melted after applying high
heat on the stove. The recorded temperature was at 30.9 degree Celsius
 After six minutes, there is only a small amount of ice that can be traced in
the casserole. The water also started to get warmer as the time passes.
 After nine minutes, some bubbles start to appear as the evaporation
commences. The recorded temperature was at 63.6 degree Celsius.
 After twelve minutes, the bubbles in the water can be seen throughout the
water as some of the water vapor starts to come out. The recorded
temperature was at 83.5 degree Celsius.
 After fifteen minutes, large amount of water vapor starts to come out from
the water as the recorded temperature is at 91.9 degree Celsius.
 After sixteen minutes, the boiling continues as the final recorded
temperature was at 99.4 degree Celsius. After reaching this temperature,
the temperature became static and at some point, it started to slowly
decrease as the thermometer is moved around the water.
The boiling point of water is at 100 degree Celsius at a pressure of 1 atm. The
highest amount of temperature recorded was at 99.4 degree Celsius. As an
observation, the boiling point of water depends on the atmospheric pressure and
vapor pressure on the liquid.


After gathering information about the room temperature, ice point, and boiling
point, the following remarks were made:
 The room temperature depends on what area are being examined.
 The ice point where the ice and liquid are in equilibrium is taken at 0
degree Celsius. It was observed that at this point, the ice starts to melt.
 The transition of ice to water through application of high heat was
observed for 16 minutes and arrived at a boiling point of 99.4 degree
 The pressure widely affects the boiling point of water.
To sum up, the experiment gave us information about the factors that affect the
temperature of a certain substance, in this case, the ice and water. It also
provided information about the usage of different temperature measuring



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