Arcilla, Zoren - Me Lab1 - Exp4 - M4act5

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University of the East – Caloocan Campus

College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Calibration of Pressure Gauge

Experiment No. 4

Arcilla, Zoren Brian B.

NME 3206 – 1ME
Tuesday; Thursday / 11:00 – 2:00

Engr. Edwin S. Bautista


23 March 2021

Date Submitted
Experiment No. 4

TITLE: Calibration of Pressure Gauge


1. To study the principle of operations of pressure gauges.

2. To learn how to calibrate pressure gauges.

3. To measure gauge pressure and errors using a dead weight gauge tester


Pressure is the force per unit area, the direction of the force must be
perpendicular to the plane area and atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by
the atmosphere in the surfaces when it comes in contact with it.

Our main objective here is to determine the pressure that is either above or
below than the atmospheric pressure. This can be determined by using the pressure

Pressure gauges are instruments used for measuring the condition of a fluid
(liquid or gas) that is specified by the force that the fluid would exert, when at rest, on a
unit area, such as pounds per square inch or newtons per square centimeter. The
reading on a gauge, which is the difference between two pressures, is known as the
gauge pressure. If the lower of the pressures is the pressure of the atmosphere, the
total, or absolute, pressure is the sum of the gauge and atmospheric pressures. The
simplest device for measuring static pressures up to about 90 pounds per square inch
(62 newtons per square cm) is a U-tube manometer (shown in the figure), in which one
column of a liquid in the tube is open to a region of high pressure and the other column
to a region of low pressure. The differential pressure is indicated by the difference in
level between the two columns of liquid, and it is calculated as the difference in level
multiplied by the density of the liquid. The manometer liquids most commonly used are
mercury, oil, alcohol, and water. (Brittanica, 2014)

Pressures above atmospheric are considered positive and pressures below

atmosphere are considered negative and are known as “vacuum”. Absolute pressure is
equal to the algebraic sum of the gauge and atmospheric pressure. Primary gauges are
used from a vacuum to pressure not over 1.0 atmosphere. Secondary gauges are for
higher pressure above atmospheric. Pressure gauges can be calibrated by any of the
following methods:
1. Comparison with a primary gage.

2. Comparison with secondary gage which had been calibrated.

3. Using a dead weight gage tester. A dead weight tester provides a mean of applying
an adjustable weight to read the gage pressure. It primarily consists of a platform, a
piston and a cylinder. The pressure created with weight on the platform is transferred to
the non-compressible oil, thus, giving the pressure gage reading. The plunger can
regulate the float of the piston.

To calibrate the gauge, students add weights to a platform on a dead weight

tester. The weights put a known force on to a piston. The piston has a known area, so
students can calculate the pressure. A flexible tube containing water transfers the
pressure on the piston to the Bourdon tube. Students add the weights in increments,
recording pressure readings from the gauge at each increment. They then remove the
weights and record gauge readings. By working out theoretical results they can work out
gauge error and discuss possible causes. (Techquipment, n.d.)

The gage should indicate a pressure equal to the force set on the platform divided by
the cross-sectional area of piston.

Apparatus: Dead weight gage tester, pressure gauge in psig and set of weights in lbs

Material: Lubricating oil


1. Remove the weight platform assembly by pulling it out gently.

2. Fill the platform cylinder with oil on the return line.

3. Return the platform assembly by letting it slide back into cylinder. Be sure piston is
free of dirt.

4. Fill the reservoir with oil.

5. Pump the reservoir until oil flows out of the test cylinder.

6. Attached the gauge to be tested.

7. Oil charging is completed using the unit per testing.

8. With piston halfway floating, apply the weight necessary to create a desired pressure.
9. Spin the weight carefully so as not to apply downward force tap the gage and record
gage reading of the true pressure acting.

10. Add an increment of weights up to maximum value of each gage is to be calibrated

record corresponding gage reading for each increment. Remove the weights one at a
time and take readings of the gage for each decrement. Be alert to withdraw plunger to
prevent piston from being expelled from cylinder. This is to be done for gauges 0-400,
0-160, 0-300 and 0-60 psig.

The unit uses oil with viscosity and equivalent to SAE 80. The weight platform
assembly weights 5lbs, thus the testing of 5psi gauge do not require weights on the
platform, its accuracy is ±0.05psi.


Standard Increasing Decreasing Increasing Decreasing

10 psi 10 12 0 -2

20 15 22 5 -2

30 20 33 10 -3

40 29 38 11 2

50 39 44 11 6

60 49 52 11 8

70 59 62 11 8

80 70 72 10 8

90 79 80 11 10

100 88 89 12 11

110 97 98 13 12

120 108 110 12 10

130 119 121 11 9

140 128 130 12 10

150 138 138 12 12

Note: Error=Standard−Reading∈Increasing∨Decreasing

1. Provide a typical pressure gauge (picture) and explain the principle of operation.

A pressure gauge is a fluid intensity measurement device. Pressure gauges are

required for the set-up and tuning of fluid power machines and are indispensable in
troubleshooting them. Without pressure gauges, fluid power systems would be both
unpredictable and unreliable. Gauges help to ensure there are no leaks or pressure
changes that could affect the operating condition of the hydraulic system. A common
type is a Bourdon pressure gauge. (Santora, 2015

The Bourdon pressure gauge uses the principle that a flattened tube tends to
straighten or regain its circular form in cross-section when pressurized. Although this
change in cross-section may be hardly noticeable, and thus involving moderate stresses
within the elastic range of easily workable materials, the strain of the material of the
tube is magnified by forming the tube into a C shape or even a helix, such that the entire
tube tends to straighten out or uncoil, elastically, as it is pressurized.
In practice, a flattened thin-wall, closed-end tube is connected at the hollow end
to a fixed pipe containing the fluid pressure to be measured. As the pressure increases,
the closed end moves in an arc, and this motion is converted into the rotation of a
(segment of a) gear by a connecting link that is usually adjustable.
A small-diameter pinion gear is on the pointer shaft, so the motion is magnified
further by the gear ratio. The positioning of the indicator card behind the pointer, the
initial pointer shaft position, the linkage length and initial position, all provide means to
calibrate the pointer to indicate the desired range of pressure for variations in the
behavior of the Bourdon tube itself. (Inst Tools, n.d.)
2. What is a barometer? A manometer? An inverted bell? (pictures required).

Is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure,
allowing weather forecasters and scientists to better
predict extreme weather events.

A device used for measuring the pressure at a point in a
fluid by balancing the column of fluid by same or
another column of liquid It is treated as standards for
pressure and differential pressure measurements
because the device is free from any friction or hysteresis
effect. It is classified into simple and differential

Inverted Bell
Is a reversed Bell Curve or U-Shaped
that incorporates a bimodal
distribution with frequencies that
steadily fall and then steadily rise.
There is a higher chance of a
measurement being found at the
extremes than in the center of
A single and double inverted bell
measures pressure difference
between sides of bell-shaped
compartment. The bell instrument is
used where very low pressures are
to be measured, typically 0 - 250
Pa. They are used to reference to
surrounding conditions where
gauge pressure is measured.

3. How are gauges calibrated?

Pressure gauges can be calibrated by 3 methods. The first two is by

comparing it with the primary and secondary gauges. The third method is by
using a dead weight gage tester. This tester uses the application of weight that
can be regulated to read the gauge pressure. The resulting pressure through the
application of weight on the platform is then conveyed to the non-compressible
oil, which provides us the pressure gage reading.

4. Plot the calibration curve, the standard pressure as ordinate and gage reading as
abscissa (both curves, increasing and decreasing).
5. Plot the correction curve, gage reading as abscissa and error as ordinate (both
increasing and decreasing).

6. It is a standard practice when using dead weight tester to rotate the weights and
piston and tap the gauge lightly while obtaining reading. Explain why.

Rotating the primary piston prevents the static friction from interfering with
the gravitational force that is present on the primary piston. Tapping the gauge
lightly is usually done to read a more accurate value. The secondary piston is
moved in and out by turning a handle on a threaded rod. Its sole purpose is to
displace enough oil to force the primary piston to rise from its resting position, so
that it is entirely suspended by oil pressure.

7. Show relations between absolute and gauge pressure and give the different units
of pressure.

The absolute pressure is the sum of the atmospheric ang gauge pressure
while the gauge pressure is the pressure respective to atmospheric pressure.
Gauge pressures are positive for pressure above atmospheric pressure and are
negative for pressures below it.
Different units of pressure are Pa, psi, mm Hg, , in Hg, bar, and torr.
c m2

Standard Increasing Decreasing Increasing Decreasing

10 psi 10 12 0 -2

20 15 22 5 -2

30 20 33 10 -3

40 29 38 11 2

50 39 44 11 6

60 49 52 11 8

70 59 62 11 8

80 70 72 10 8

90 79 80 11 10

100 88 89 12 11

110 97 98 13 12

120 108 110 12 10

130 119 121 11 9

140 128 130 12 10

150 138 138 12 12

The table above shows the pressure readings in psi. The 1 st column enlists the
standard pressure that is increment by 10 until it reaches 150 psi. The 2 nd and 3rd
columns are the gauge readings that are categorized into increasing and decreasing.
The increasing gauge readings increments by 9 to 11 in value except for the first 3
readings from which it increased by 5. In the decreasing part of the gauge readings, the
values decrease from a value of 5 to 12 (not in order). It is observed that the pressure
readings in the decreasing are much higher than the values in increasing. Additionally,
both of their last readings are at 138 psi.
Moving to the 4th and 5th columns, the data in errors are also recorded. These
errors are computed by getting the difference of standard and gauge readings. In the
increasing, there is no error in the first reading. In its second reading, we have obtained
a value of 5 in its error. This value increased as the standard ang gauge readings also
increases. The obtained values increase and vary from 11 to 12. In the errors in
decreasing part, we have obtained a negative value in the first three readings as it
continues to increase in value. From the table above, it is observed that the errors in the
increasing gauge pressure, in relation to standard pressure, are much higher compared
to the decreasing gauge readings.

Using a dead weight tester requires a careful examination and proper steps to
calibrate a pressure gauge. Ensuring that the test gauge is reading zero when starting is
considered to an important step to be successful in reading the measurements. If not
followed, this can affect the precision of the readings. It was also observed that rotating
the primary piston prevents the static friction from interfering with the gravitational force.


After gathering information about gauge reading using a dead weight tester, the
following remarks were made:

 A dead weight tester is best used for reading accurate pressure gauges

 Necessary steps such as setting the test gauge to zero and rotating the primary
piston are to be followed in order to obtain accurate readings.

 The gauge pressure readings in the decreasing part is higher than the

 The errors obtained is much higher in the increasing compared to the decreasing
in the gauge readings.

 Graphs were made to show the relationships between the standard pressure,
gauge readings, and its errors.

To sum up, the experiment gave us information about the relationship of standard
pressure and gauge pressure. It also provided information about using a dead weight


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