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COVID – 19 Pandemic Impacts on Learning among STS – 10 Students in Mati City,

Davao Oriental


1. interrupted learning 1. Interrupted learning 1. Stress and anxiety

2. Unequal access to digital 2. Unequal access to digital 2. Increased pressure on
learning portals learning portals schools and school
3. Increased pressure on 3. Increased pressures on system that remain open
schools and school schools and school 3. Interrupted learning
system that remain open system that remain open 4. Unequal access to digital
4. Social isolation 4. Social isolation learning portals
5. Concept of online 5. Technological therapy 5. Social isolation
education 6. Challenges of learning 6. Financial problems
6. Technological therapy from home 7. Lack of attention and
for coronavirus school 7. Poor digital skills focus
closure 8. Loss of learning interest 8. Decreased motivation to
7. Challenges of learning among learners attend lessons and study
from home 9. Dropouts/loss of interest 9. The availability of
8. Network issues 10. Stress and anxiety internet to students live
9. Poor digital skills 11. Financial problems in provincial and rural
10. Loss of learning interest 12. Lack of attention and areas
among learners focus 10. The availability of
11. School policies 13. Decreased motivation to learning devices, such as
12. Digital divide attend lessons and study laptops, tablets, and
13. Limited education 14. The availability of smartphones devices to
opportunities internet to students live access the internet and
14. Dropouts/loss of interest in provincial and rural view the online materials
15. Prolong study areas
16. Boredom 15. The availability of
17. Stress and anxiety learning devices, such as
18. Financial problems laptops, tablets, and
19. Attitudes towards online smartphones devices to
learning access the internet and
20. Students life view the online
21. Lack of attention and materials.
22. Decreased motivation
to attend lessons and
23. Limited availability of
space at home
24. Distraction from family
25. Depression
26. Suspended classroom
27. The availability of
internet to students live
in provincial and rural
28. Lack of effective
29. The availability of
learning devices, such as
laptops, tablets, and
smartphones devices to
access the internet and
view the online
30. Less interactive due to
no contact between
students, professors and
animals, these make it
very boring and easily
lose concentration.

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19) pandemic has led to a rise student’s fear,
anxiety, stress, pressure on school, social isolation, financial problems, lack of attention band
focus, decreased motivation to attend lessons and study, the availability of internet is 0,
students live in provincial and rural areas, the availability of learning devices, such as laptops,
tablets, and smartphone devices to access the internet and view the online materials and
depression because of the said virus.

We can say that it was really affect our learning because we really loved the traditional
classes, that’s why as this virus comes the said problem above difficulties because we are not
as fortune as others that we can address easily the said problem. Honestly saying we really
face a lot of difficulties during traditional classes but it makes more difficult when Covid-19
comes, because of the lack of resources that we had. Even how difficulties it is, we will take
this, because as a student who had a dream, we want to achieve it no matter what happen, as
what Lailah Akita says, “difficulties in your life don’t come to destroy you, but no help you to
realize your hidden potential” and we really believe this sayings so that we will face this and
soon hopefully we can overcome it, because in every darkest of our life there will always a light
to guide and give you to shine. Difficulties are not hindrance to our dream so we will fight the



Medelyn Perales

Argielyn Tunong

Jawaher Jose

Russell Padernal



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