"The Worthy": THOR #1: What in

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Page 1

Panel 1

Electric Blue eyes open.

Panel 2

The Unworthy Thor, floating in transparent water which covers a white landscape. Everything is pure
white as far as the eye can see and the low levels of transparent water stretch out far and wide. Fog
covers all else, this is a mysterious place. Thor has his metal arm, his beard and short hair. He remains
unarmed, with no Jabrjorn in sight.

Panel 3

Thor sits up, glancing at his arms in surprise.

THOR #1: What in…

Panel 4

Thor standing, looking out at the expansive, fog covered area.

Panel 5

Thor wading through the place, swallowed by fog. A dark shape emerges ahead.

THOR #2: Who goes there?!

Panel 6

Dark shape in the fog becomes a proper silhouette. A humanoid figure, clearly male and massive, a
helmet adorned with horns looks obvious from the shapes, while what looks to be fur is apparent

FIGURE #1: It is I…

Panel 7

The figure emerges from the fog, clear. A golden helm with horns covers his head, a fur coat lies behind
him while additional fur covers his shoulder. Golden armor gleams over the rest of his body as an Axe is
held tight within his grip. An aura of power radiates off the man as he stands there, confident, regal and
mighty. His features are rough and haggard but memorably so. Thick eyebrows, a beard, all crimson like
his locks; slightly twisted nose and a scar upon his chin.
Page 2

Panel 1

Close up on Thor. Shock, surprise, fear, and wonder etch his face. His hand is raised to his head level.

THOR #3: Odin’s beard.

Panel 2

The two men stare at one another. One with confidence and the other with uncertainty.

Panel 3

Same panel, but now Thor takes a knee and bows down in respect.

THOR #4: Grandfather

Panel 4

Vertical panel of Thor still bowing.

BORR #3: You must be Thor.

Panel 5

Vertical panel. From Thor’s perspective, almost his back, we look at Borr. He towers above, tall,
confident, powerful and raggedly handsome. A hint of a smile hangs on his lips.

BORR #4: Odin’s told me much about you.

Panel 6

Borr walking away from Thor, beckoning him to follow. Thor looking at Borr’s back, now standing, still
taking things in.

BORR #5: Come, we must speak.

Page 3

Panel 1

Thor and Borr walking side by side in the fog. Thor continues to examine Borr.

THOR #5: What place is this, grandfather? Have I finally died? And how could father tell you of me? Is
he here?

BORR #6: Slow down, lad. One at a time.

Panel 2

Shot from the back. Borr and Thor walking into the mist.

BORR #7: This is the Odinspace. The inner consciousness one may enter upon contact with the Odinforce.
It is where my son comes to, in his Odinsleep.

Panel 3

Close up on Borr.

BORR #8: He has said much about you on his visits here. Stories of your many adventurers. You seem to
be quite the hero, Thor Odinson.

Panel 4

Thor, with Borr’s arm on his shoulder.

THOR #6: I am honored to have such praise from you, grandfather. To know father would have such a
place and you would be here, it is a pleasure.

Panel 5

Thor and Borr standing in the fog, the water at their shins. They’re clearly not where they were before,
they’ve progressed far.

THOR #7: But I must ask, is this real? Or is this among another among Loki or Amora’s tricks? Both know
of my admiration for you. Forgive me, but after all I’ve been through recently…

Panel 6

Shot of Thor’s hands. They’re raised up as he’s looking at them. One is metal, with a likeness of Thor’s
face reflected on it. An artificial replacement for that which was lost and can never be replaced. His
other arm, empty, lacking that which was once his trusty companion. His heart and soul.

THOR #8: …this is too good to be true.

THOR #9: I am unworthy of such kindness.

Page 4

Panel 1

Borr rubbing his beard.

BORR #9: Unworthy, eh? Are those any words to be said by a Prince of Asgard and King-to-be? This is no
trick, lad. But I wonder, are you one? You sound like a pup afraid of a storm, not a God of Thunder.

Panel 2

Borr walking ahead, Thor following. They’re moving farther.

THOR #10: Perhaps I do. I do not wish to, but it is where the strings of the norns have led me. I have
become unworthy of who I was.

THOR #11: I have lost all, my name, my arm, my birthright and so much more. I have been stripped of all
that I am.

Panel 3

Borr and Thor stand before a cave in the mist.

BORR #10: Have you now?

BORR #11: Then you won’t be of much use in here.

THOR #12: What is this?

Panel 4

Borr inside the cave, we’re facing him and looking at Thor, left outside it. Borr is walking onward,

BORR #12: This is where your father, my son, slumbers. He has told me naught about you in recent times,
we’ll be paying him a visit. Come on in, lad.

Panel 5

Close up on Thor, looking uncertain.

Panel 6

Shot from the back. Thor enters the cave, vanishing into the darkness beyond.
Page 5

Panel 1

Borr walking on inside the cave, torches line the sides, illuminating the way inside. Thor follows behind

THOR #13: Wait.

Panel 2

We see Borr from the distance, we’re looking on at him from Thor’s hip level. Thor’s sides are visible at
the edge of the panel. Borr is looking on at Thor.

THOR #14: I cannot see my father. Not now.

BORR #13: For you consider yourself unworthy?

Panel 3

Thor looking down at the cave floor. Shadows of the cave loom upon his back, like a weight being

THOR #15: Yes.

Panel 4

Thor being slapped by a hand.

Panel 5

Horizontal. Large.

We look up at Borr, from below. Thor is on the ground, we see things from his back. Borr stands above
him, peeved. Yet an image of Odin is cast over Borr himself, reminiscent of events before. And we see a
young thor’s image, that of a boy over Odinson on the floor.

BORR #14: This is unbecoming of a God of Thunder.

Panel 6

Close up on Thor. Hurt and shocked.

Panel 7

Hand being held out to Thor.

BORR #15: Rise.

Panel 8

Thor’s hand gripping Borr’s.

Page 6

Panel 1

Borr and Thor standing face to face, gripping one another’s hands.

BORR #16: If you call yourself unworthy and sob like a child, unworthy is all you will ever be. I do not
know what has made you into…this, but it isn’t you, Odinson.

Panel 2

Close up on gripped hands.

BORR #17: We determine our worth, so do not disgrace yourself. Hold yourself high, remember your

BORR #18: You are Thor, God of Thunder, prince of Asgard, King-to-be, wielder of the mighty Mjolnir, son
of Odin Borrson..

Panel 3

Close up on Borr’s face, confident. The flames of the torches visible in his eyes, there’s a strange
madness and grace to him.

BORR #19: …and my Grandson.

Panel 4

Thor looking down, in pain.

THOR #16: I cannot lift Mjolnir. It denies me. I have lost so much. All that was once mine and dear, is now

Panel 5

Thor’s fist tightening around Borr’s. You can see the nerve thickening.

THOR #17: But you are right. Doing this…being what I am…it yields nothing. It brings nothing but shame
and disgrace.

THOR #18: At some moment along my path, I believed in the words of an enemy. The words I feared
might be true, deep down inside.

Panel 6

Thor looking into Borr’s eyes. Truth visible in his eyes. Fire. His other hand touches the injured part of his
THOR #19: Words I never should have believed. I know that now. Father once said, “We are as worthy as
we choose to be.”

THOR #20: It is hard. To break out of this grave I have dug for myself, but I promise in you in my name, I
will succeed. No matter how long or how arduous it may be.

Panel 7

Borr smiling.

THOR #21: I will not let you or father down.

Panel 8

Both men holding tight, looking at each other. Grinning.

Panel 9

The men embrace one another tightly. Strongly. An embrace between Grandfather and Grandson. Two
generations. Two kings. Two who were, are and will be, ever worthy. Two legends.
Page 7

Panel 1

Borr and Thor walking, light source on the right end.

BORR #20: We’re here.

Panel 2

Back shot of Thor walking straight into the light source, as he follows Borr.

Panel 3

Wide shot of the cave interior, where Borr and Thor have arrived. The walls are lined with strange metal
and glow white, as if enchanted. Mist hangs in the air. An old man lays on a raised platform, sleeping.
Thor looks astonished.

Panel 4

Thor and Borr stand together, near the old man.

THOR #22: Father.

Panel 5

Borr laying a hand on the Old man, fondly.

BORR #21: Your journey is complete.

Panel 6

Borr grips Thor’s shoulder.

BORR #22: I must go now, Thor. My guidance to you is at an end. Speak with your father now.

Panel 7

Borr walking away, back towards the darkness. The entrance, as Thor watches on.
Page 8

Panel 1

Same panel as the last. But Thor raises his arm.

THOR #23: Wait!

Panel 2

Borr turns to look back.

THOR #24: You never did answer my question.

Panel 3

Thor looking at Borr from the higher ground, with Odin by his side.

THOR #25: “How can you be here?”

Panel 4

Close up on Odin, stirring.

BORR #23: Why, that’s obvious, lad.

BORR #24: A father never dies…

Panel 5

Close up on Thor.

BORR #24: …he simply lives on in his son.

Panel 6

Borr vanishes into the darkness.

Panel 7

Odin awakens.

Panel 8

Thor holds Odin, grinning. Odin looks on at Thor, surprised.

ODIN #1: Thor?

THR #26: Father.

Panel 9

Darkness. Dark silhouette of Borr, you can see he’s grinning. He’s proud. Almost fully black panel.

BORR #25: Worthy, indeed.

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