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Metropolitan School

Summer assignment-2021
Note : Solve all the questions in lab manual.
Q1. A rectangular piece of land measures 0.7 km by 0.5 km. Each side is to be fenced with 4
rows of wires. Write a program to determine the length of the wire needed.

Q2. Write a program that inputs, calculates and displays the sum and average of five numbers.

Q3. Write a program that reads a distance in yard, feet, inches and converts to metres.

Q4. Write a program that displays an amount in rupees in terms of notes of different
denominations e.g., amount 1782 is displayed as:
Rs 1000 notes:1
Rs 500 notes:1
Rs 100 notes:2
Rs 50 notes:1
Rs 20 notes:1
Rs 10 notes:1
Rs 5 notes:0
Rs 2 notes:1
Rs 1 notes:0

Q5. Write a program to read a time in minutes and split it into days, hours and minutes.

Q6. Write a program that inputs principal amount, rate of interest and time and calculates
compound interest.

Q7. Write a program to calculate area and perimeter of circle after obtaining radius r from the
Note: Area of the circle A=π r 2
Circumference of the circle C=2 π r ❑
Q8. Write a program to calculate volume and surface area of a sphere after obtaining its
radius from the user.

Note: Volume of the sphere V =4 /3 π r 3

Surface Area of the sphere SA¿ 4 /3 π r 2

Q9. Write a program to calculate and print Bowling Average after obtaining runs and wickets
from the user.
Note: Bowling Average is number of runs given per wickets. i.e. , Runs/Wickets.

Q10. Write a program in java accepts two numbers to swap and print their values without using
third variable.

Q11. Write a program to take time in hours and minutes to the equivalent total minutes.
For example- 3 hours and 30 minutes would be 210 total minutes.

Q12. Write a java program that converts the hours in military time (0…..23) to hours in
standard time (1…12).
For example: 13.30 would be converted to 1: 30 PM
15:10 would be converted to 3: 10 PM
A formula to perform the conversion is h=((hh+11) %12)+1
Where hh is military time hours.

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