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Energy transfers and physical paradoxes in a thermodynamic press

Article · November 2012


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1 author:

Denys Stephen Moskal

University of West Bohemia


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Energy transfers and physical paradoxes in a
thermodynamic press
Denis Moskal

Published in

Isothermal and adiabatic processes were described as processes for production helpful work in
thermodynamic press. Thermodynamic press is built on three basic parts: cool volume, hot
volume and countercurrent exchanger. The core of this device is recuperation of thermal energy
in the heat exchanger. There are giant values for efficiency for two working regimes of
thermodynamic press. Within the confines of classical thermodynamics two physical paradoxes
were reviewed. Offered principles can be used in energetic as well as for different types of

PACS 05.70.-a – Thermodynamics

PACS 07.20.Pe – Heat engines; heat pumps; heat pipes

I. Introduction

More than one hundred years the fundamental principles of thermodynamics stayed unbreakable [1]. In
this paper were proposed physical processes which are difficult to conform to fundamental principles of
thermodynamics. These processes will be applied for new type of heat engine – thermodynamic press.
This heat engine is built on three basic parts: cool volume, hot volume and countercurrent exchanger
[2]. For this engine we will describe thermodynamic cycles in two cases: isothermal and adiabatic
processes. At the end we will try to find efficiency for both cycles and compare results with classical
physics [3, 4 pp. 29–44, 5 pp. 44-5–44-10].

II. Thermodynamic press

Thermodynamic press is very similar with hydraulic press (Fig. 1) [6 pp. 183–184]. It has only few
simple parts:

- cool volume (cylinder C1 with temperature T1) in the left side with cooled liquid phase of working mass (for example CO 2
or propane);

- hot volume (cylinder C2 with temperature T2>>T1) with warmed gas phase of working mass;

- countercurrent exchanger E;

- taps K1, K2 between C1 and C2.

Cool volume V1 is greatly less then hot volume V2 (like for hydraulic press). There are two pistons
PC1 and PC2 inside of cylinders with same areas. Piston PC1 is using for applying action force FA in
C1 and piston PC2 is using to generate a compressive force FR in C2. Force FA=FR, but movement of
piston PC2 is bigger then movement of PC1, because volume V2 of gas phase is really bigger then
volume of liquid phase V1 [7, 8]:


where φ – rate coefficient between gas and liquid phases.

FIG. 1: Thermodynamic press with action movement of piston PC1 and bigger result movement of piston
PC2 with recuperation of thermal energy in countercurrent exchanger

Basic principle of this heat engine is getting helpful work W2 (in the hot volume) from spent work
W1 (in the cool volume) with additional recuperation of thermal energy ΔU in thermal exchanger E [2].
Arrows on Fig. 1 is showing movement of working mass when both taps K1 and K2 is opened and piston
PC1 moves down with force FA, but piston PC2 is fixed. Under force FA liquid phase is moving to the bottom
part of the right cylinder C2. Pressure and temperature in the top side of the right cylinder C2 is bigger
then pressure and temperature in the top side of the left cylinder C1 and as result gas phase is moving
from the hot volume to the cool volume in countercurrent stream with liquid phase. In countercurrent
exchanger internal energy ΔU from gas phase transfers to the liquid phase and this liquid phase becomes
gas. As result piston PC2 will be moved up higher then piston PC1 moved down and products bigger work
then it was spent in C1.

III. Isothermal process

We assume that cylinder C2 is in thermal equilibrium with environment and all processes inside
have constant temperature:


Both taps is opened, piston PC1 in the top and piston PC2 in the bottom (point 1 for C1 and point
1’ for C2 on Fig. 2). Piston PC2 is fixed, but piston PC1 is moving down with action force FA and
pressure in ?1 instantly will be increased (liquids have little compressibility, process 1→1’ for C1 on
Fig. 2). Under action force FA liquid phase of working mass moves from left cylinder C1 in the right
cylinder C2, but gas phase moves back from top part of C2 (pressure in C2 is bigger then in C1). In
the countercurrent exchanger E working mass from C2 becomes cooled liquid and working mass from
C1 becomes warmed gas. Pressure over piston PC2 decreases down to p1, but under this piston
pressure increases up to (process 1’→2 on Fig. 2)Δ [4 pp. 8–9, 9 pp. 36–37]:


where Δp – additional pressure from action force FA, ν – number of moles under piston PC2 at the
start moment, Δν – number of incoming moles under PC2, V’2 – volume of gas phase under piston
PC2 at the start and R – universal gas constant. After this taps K1 and K2 become closed and piston
PC2 moves up with production helpful work equal for work at isothermal process with temperature
TE [4 pp. 8–9, 10 pp. 42, 11 pp. 121]:


where V’’2 – volume of gas phase under piston PC2 after movement up of it (process 2→3 on Fig. 2).
Work which is spent in cylinder C1 has the same functional view, but decreased at φ times on
abscissa (process 1’→2’ on Fig. 2) [6, 7, 10 pp. 42]:


After full finished movement of pistons in both cylinders (PC1 at the bottom and PC2 at the top on Fig. 1) the
thermodynamic system is ready to start the same process, but with inverse streams of working mass in the exchanger E.
Processes 3→4 on Fig. 2 corresponds to the next free gas flow from bottom part of C2 in the bottom part of C1, when piston
PC1 will move up. Last process 4→1’ is compressing the gas phase in the bottom part of C 1 by movement down the piston
PC2. Whole cycle is finished.

It is need to say that for compressing of the gas phase in process 4→1’ additional work WS will be spent [4 pp. 8–9, 10
pp. 42]:


At the end we can try to find efficiency of these processes by standard equation [4 pp. 8–9, 10 pp. 42]:


From eqs. (1) and (4-7) we then have:

FIG. 2: Work cycles for isothermal case: W1 – work spent in cool volume, W2 – helpful work produced in
hot volume, WS – work spent for compressing ν moles of gas phase in C2.

If we will try to calculate the efficiency for Δν≥ν we will got giant value η~102, that seems impossible (Paradox I) in
terms of second principle of thermodynamic and bigger than efficiency in Carnot cycle [4 pp. 29–44, 5 pp. 44-5–44-10, 10
pp. 77–78].

The process 1’→2 is active in the same time with process 3→4, but in the different parts of cylinder C2.

IV. Adiabatic process

In this case the thermodynamic press hasn’t any energy exchanges with environment and pistons in the both cylinders
have infinitesimal thermal conductivity. When piston PC1 is moves down (but piston PC2 is fixed at the bottom yet) the
liquid phase is flowing through exchanger and gas phase is flowing back from top part of right cylinder C 2 (process
1’→2’ and 3→4 on Fig. 3). Every moment portion of energy ΔU (transferred inside of the exchanger E) will be smaller and
smaller, because gas in the top part of right cylinder C2 will be cooled and cooled, down to T1. But if Δν moles of gas will be
transferred from C2 into C1 with constant pressure (it means with constant temperature of leaving gas and constant moving
up of piston PC2 ) additional work will be spent:

. (9)

As result the liquid phase from cylinder C1 gets additional energy inside countercurrent exchanger E (process 4→1 on
Fig. 3) [10 pp. 74]:

?, (10)

where i is the number of degrees of freedom. If piston PC2 will be fixed, then pressure p2+Δp and temperature T’2 in the
volume V’2 will be like gas adiabatically compressed from volume V”2 down to V’2 (point 2 on Fig.3.). It means, when taps
K1 and K2 will be closed and piston PC2 will be moved up – the same helpful work W2 (like for adiabatic compression) will
be produced (process 2→3 on Fig. 3.) [10 pp. 74]:

where – heat capacity ratio.

FIG. 3: Work cycles for adiabatic case: W1 – work spent in the cool volume, W2 – helpful work produced
in the hot volume, WS – work spent for compressing ν moles of gas phase in C2

It is need to note, that when piston PC2 moves up the additional work will be spent for adiabatic compressing ν moles of
gas in the top part of cylinder C2 in the process 4→1’ [10 pp. 74]. However, the same work was used from this gas for
moving Δν moles of gas phase from C2 into C1.

Calculations by numerical method are showing that work W1, which is spent in C1, has logarithmic view (process
1’→2’ on Fig. 3). For the worst case we assume that this work is:


When we will try to find efficiency with using eqs. (1, 9-12) we will get for the adiabatic case (here we will accept that
V’2~V1 and Δp>>p2):


For biggest gases the eq. (1) is correct [7, 8] and it means that for real case (when we have
V”2>V’2) we will got from eq. (13) the incredible value of efficiency η~2÷3. And again it seems
impossible (Paradox II), especially in the terms of first principle of thermodynamics [4 pp. 11–
19] as well as for law of conservation of energy [5 pp. 13-1].
It will be more correctly to write , where λ – condensation heat. We can
assume (10) because λ is the same in the both streams (or even smaller for higher pressure).

V. Conclusion

In this article we have not strong theoretical proof of the both paradoxes, but it is difficult to challenge with presented
arguments. For example, it is possible to describe processes in thermodynamic press without taps K 1 and K2 or include in
calculations capacity of working mass in depends from pressure. But it is not changing paradoxes generally, because φ has
really great value. Author only has shown the way for developing of new thermodynamic cycles. Described methods can be
used in related areas of physics (mechanics, electricity or optics). Additionally, using these principles in energetics opens
great possibilities for constructions several new types of engines and power plants.


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[2] Moskal D. S., International Publication in WIPO, accepted in November 2011,

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